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Chmura Daniel J. Barzdajn Władysław Kowalkowski Wojciech Guzicka Marzenna Rożkowski Roman 《European Journal of Forest Research》2021,140(6):1457-1467
European Journal of Forest Research - In multisite forest genetic experiments, the presence of genotype?×?environment interaction (GEI) is common. GEI may negatively affect the... 相似文献
The contents of ascorbate, thiols, and phenolic compounds and antioxidative enzyme activity were measured in the apple peel of 56 genotypes after harvest in two vegetation seasons, 2003 and 2004. The main reason of great interest in these bioactive compounds is their well-established physiological role in all living systems. The biggest differences between tested genotypes were noted for ascorbate peroxidase and glutathione reductase (GR) activity, followed by total ascorbate, phenolics, and glutathione concentration; the least difference was observed in the case of catalase. A large cultivar variation was noted in the anthocyanins and flavonols contents. Distinguishing the cultivars with the lowest, highest, relatively stable or those in which antioxidant content greatly differed depending on growing seasons was attempted. The GR activity is proposed as an environmental stress marker of apple fruit. 相似文献
A dispersion of Anisakidae nematodes (particularly Contracaecum osculatum) among marine organisms in the Baltic Sea has been reported over the last decade. This is in line with an increase in the number of grey seal that act as final host for Contracaecum osculatum and Pseudoterranova sp., and are thus indispensable for the completion of their life cycles. Most attention has been paid to zoonotic nematode species, like Pseudoterranova sp., which have been noted in commercially important fish in the area. Little is known about the spread and transmission of Pseudoterranova sp. in the Baltic Sea. The aim of this study was to investigate whether sprat may play a role as a transport host for this Anisakidae. Samples were collected in three areas of the southern Baltic Sea (south and east of Bornholm, Słupsk Farrow and the Gulf of Gdańsk) during a research cruise in August 2019. A visual inspection of the viscera of 556 sprats was conducted. Parasites were identified using anatomomorphological and molecular methods. Nematodes were recorded only in sprat caught southeast of Bornholm (prevalence 2.7%; intensity of infection 1–4; abundance 0.05). Molecular identification revealed the presence of Pseudoterranova decipiens. This is the first report of P. decipiens in sprat from the Baltic Sea. Sprat is likely a transmitter of P. decipiens in the Baltic Sea food web. 相似文献
Daniel J. Chmura Marzenna Guzicka Roman Rożkowski Władysław Chałupka 《Annals of Forest Science》2017,74(2):36
Key message
Slopes and intercepts of allometric equations for organs’ biomass varied among half-sib families of Norway spruce and between age categories in a family-dependent manner. Genetic variation should be accounted for when applying allometric analysis to mixtures of genetic groups.Context
Genetic variation in relationships among plant biomass components was rarely addressed in trees, though depending on deployment strategies in tree improvement programs, variation among genetic groups in plant organs’ growth rates, and thus biomass allocation, would affect forest growth and carbon balance.Aims
We investigated growth and biomass distribution in Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] H. Karst) half-sib families. We assumed invariance among families in allometric relationships, and stability in growth rates of different organs between ages 2 and 8 years in the subset of those families. We also tested for ontogenetic trend in allometry using the independent dataset of biomass at age 21 years.Methods
We analyzed allometric relationships among plant components using standardized major axis regression.Results
Slopes and intercepts of allometric relationships varied among families, indicating variation in both organs’ growth rates and biomass partitioning at a given plant size. Variation in scaling exponents between age categories was also dependent on the family and plant organ considered.Conclusion
Variation in slopes of allometric relationships indicates that a single scaling coefficient should not be applied when different genetic groups are compared. For the interpretation of age effect on biomass partitioning, both slopes and intercepts of allometric relationships should be examined.5.