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AIM: To determine if migratory birds arriving in New Zealand in the Southern Hemisphere spring of 2004 were infected with the highly pathogenic avian influenza (AI) virus, H5N1.

METHODS: Cloacal and faecal samples were collected from migratory red knots following their arrival in New Zealand in October 2004. Two species of resident sympatric birds, wrybill and mallard duck, were sampled prior to, and following, the arrival of migratory birds.

RESULTS: No AI viruses were isolated from migratory or resident shorebirds. Non-pathogenic AI viruses were isolated from six resident mallard ducks, comprising the endemic subtypes H4 (n=2), H7 (non-pathogenic), H10, and H11 (n=2).

CONCLUSIONS: Highly pathogenic AI H5N1 virus was not detected in migratory shorebirds or sympatric water birds in the Firth of Thames, New Zealand, in 2004-2005, despite the possible proximity of migratory birds to outbreaks of the disease in East Asia in 2004.  相似文献   
A multiplicative model of stomatal conductance was developed and tested in two functionally distinct ecotypes of Acer rubrum L. (red maple). The model overcomes the main limitation of the commonly used Ball-Berry model (Ball et al. 1987) by accounting for stomatal behavior under soil drying conditions. We combined the Ball-Berry model with an integrated expression of abscisic acid (ABA)-based stomatal response to ABA concentration ([ABA]) in bulk leaf tissue (gfac), which coupled physiological changes at the leaf level with those in the root. The factor gfac = exp(-beta[ABA]L) incorporated the stomatal response to [ABA] into the Ball-Berry model by down regulating stomatal conductance (gs) in response to physiological changes in the root. The down regulation of gs is pertinent under conditions where soil drying may modify the delivery of chemical signals to leaf stomata. Model testing indicated that the multiplicative model was capable of predicting gs in red maple under wide ranges of soil and atmospheric conditions. Concordance correlation coefficients were high (between 0.59 and 0.94) for the tested ecotypes under three environmental conditions (atmospheric, rhizospheric and minimal stress). The study supported the use of gfac as a gas exchange function that controls water stress effects on gs and aids in the prediction of gs responses.  相似文献   
Daily and seasonal net photosynthesis (Anet), transpiration (E), absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (Qa) and light-use efficiency (epsilonc) in a red maple container nursery were simulated with MAESTRA, a three-dimensional canopy model. Effects of canopy heterogeneity were simulated by imposing changes in crown spacing. The light transfer sub-model, a distribution model of incident, direct, diffuse and scattered radiation within MAESTRA, was validated against field measurements of light interception on an intra-crown scale. In the container nursery, we found that a fiber-optic-based method of integrating photosynthetically active radiation (Q) was more suitable for crown-layer light transfer measurements and adjustments than either orthogonal line or individual quantum sensor measurements. The model underestimated intercepted Q by 9.3, 18 and 11.1% for crown layers 1, 2 and 3, respectively; however, there were linear relationships between model estimates and observations made with each of the three measurement methods. We used the validated and parameterized light transfer model to assess intra-crown and intra-canopy light transfer on a layer, crown and canopy basis, and investigated effects of tree size ratio and tree spacing interactions on Anet, E, Qa and epsilonc in the container nursery. Heterogeneous crown and canopy photosynthesis were predicted to exceed values for a uniform canopy under space-limiting conditions. Tree size ratio had large effects on Anet, E, Qa and epsilonc when light to lower-canopy layers was limited by inadequate space between crowns. Increasing Qa at lower-crown layers had the largest impact on whole-crown and whole-canopy Anet, E, Qa and epsilonc. Increases in canopy productivity led to increased water use. Simulations of heterogeneous stands with adequate soil water indicated that light absorption is maximized under space-limiting conditions as a canopy crown moves toward heterogeneity. Nursery and plantation productivity per unit land area was optimized by tactical placement of trees of several sizes, but this was accompanied by increased canopy water use.  相似文献   
SUMMARY Twenty-five Thoroughbred (TB) and 25 Standardbred (SB) stables were visited to determine their feeding practices. The ingredients of the main feed of the day for a mature gelding of average size in full training were weighed at each stable. Nutrient content of diets was calculated using published data for the individual ingredients. Results are expressed as mean±sd. The estimated body weight of TB horses was 493±34 kg and 437±32 kg for SB horses. There was considerable variation in diet composition and nutrient intake between stables. The TB trainers fed 11.0±2.4 kg and SB trainers 11.8±2.5 kg per day. The concentrate component of the diet weighed 7.8±1.6 and 7.7±2.3 kg for TB and SB stables, respectively, and the roughage component for TB horses 3.3±1.4 and SB horses 4.1±1.4 kg per day. The digestible energy intake of horses at TB stables was 129±29 MJ per day and at SB stables 132±31 MJ per day. Crude protein intake of TB horses was 1452±363 g and SB horses 1442±338 g per day. There were differences in some feeding practices at TB and SB stables. Standardbred trainers fed more roughage than TB trainers. Standardbred trainers fed chaffed lucerne (alfalfa) and cereal hays as the major roughage, whereas TB trainers fed more hay. The major hay type fed by TB trainers was lucerne, whereas many SB trainers preferred clover hay. Both trainers fed oats as the major grain, but TB trainers fed slightly more maize (corn) than SB trainers. The SB trainers fed barley as part of the concentrate component of the diet, whereas TB trainers usually fed boiled barley and linseed oil in winter only. Although many trainers used vitamin and mineral supplements, this appeared unnecessary in many Instances, especially with respect to Iron. Calcium and NaCI supplementation was necessary for some diets. We concluded that while there was a wide range in feed intake and diet composition for both TB and SB horses, average nutrient intakes were similar to National Research Council (1989) recommendations for horses performing intense work.  相似文献   
一.緒言現行的役馬飼養標準,為數甚多。由於工作的計算困難,大都祇對於某種農業情况,加以大約的估計,因此用量的大小極不一致,而又無適當可行的辦法加以比較,以便抉擇。此中情況,林敦氏(1950)有言,"最好的方法是按照下述的辦法來飼養,如感覺馬的體情退化則增加飼量,如馬有長肥的傾向則減少之"。同樣波波夫亦謂,"必須不斷地注意馬的體况,並根據觀察結果,經常調整馬的日糧"(1954)。似此,則役馬的飼養仍處於一種技術修養的狀態,談不到定額矣。本文的目的在提出一衡量工作的尺度,根據此尺度,測驗各家的標準,並從而求出一比較合理的標準,此標準不但要按照飼養乳牛的辦法,計役授糧,而且要應用簡便,易於實行。此外,不同輕重及種類的工作,經測定各種的常數以後,亦可以納入本方法之中,俟一一論及之。  相似文献   
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