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干热河谷区耕作侵蚀作用下坡面水力侵蚀特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究耕作侵蚀对坡面水动力学特性的影响,选择金沙江干热河谷地区的坡耕地作为研究对象,采用放水冲刷的试验方法,探讨耕作侵蚀影响侵蚀区土层厚度和作为侵蚀物源传输纽带这2种耕作侵蚀形式作用下坡面水动力参数的变化与分布规律,并分析坡面水动力参数与坡面产流和土壤剥离速率之间的关系。结果表明:耕作侵蚀区不同耕作侵蚀强度处理中,随着耕作侵蚀强度的增大,坡面产流速率和土壤剥离速率均呈现增大趋势;0~35年耕作侵蚀强度处理下坡面水流流态主要表现为紊状缓流,耕作侵蚀强度达到40年时则为紊状急流;阻力系数呈现随耕作侵蚀强度增大而减小的趋势,剪切力则呈增大的趋势。在耕作沉积区不同耕作位移处理中,随着耕作位移量的增大,坡面产流速率呈减小趋势,而土壤剥离速率呈增大趋势;0,12 kg/m的耕作位移处理下坡面水流流态主要表现为紊状急流,当耕作位移量达到21 kg/m,即下坡部位的细沟因土壤耕作位移被完全填充时,水流流态则为紊状缓流;随着耕作位移量的增大,阻力系数表现为增大趋势,剪切力则呈减小趋势。将坡面产流速率、土壤剥离速率与水动力参数进行相关性分析后,发现雷诺数能够较好的描述耕作侵蚀作用下坡面水力侵蚀状态。研究结果为干热河谷区坡耕地土壤侵蚀机理及治理方法提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

紫色土坡地犁耕方向对耕作侵蚀的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用磁性示踪法测定等高犁耕、向下犁耕和向上犁耕的耕作位移和土壤位移量,定量评价耕作方向对牛拉犁耕作侵蚀的影响,比较四川紫色土区牛拉犁常用的等高犁耕与上下坡交替犁耕的耕作侵蚀强度。结果表明:在研究区土壤和牛拉三角铧式犁耕作条件下,向下犁耕的耕作位移明显大于向上犁耕和等高犁耕,坡度对向下犁耕土壤位移量影响显著,而对向上犁耕和等高犁耕影响较小;等高犁耕和上下坡交替犁耕引起的土壤位移量分别为40.97~70.42kg/m和0.68~34.58kg/m;耕作方向由等高犁耕改为上下坡交替犁耕可显著减小耕作侵蚀,当坡度为10%时,耕作侵蚀可减少98.5%,当坡度为40%时,耕作侵蚀可减少33.3%。对于紫色土区牛拉犁耕作,上下坡交替犁耕是减少耕作侵蚀和防治土壤退化的一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

我国南方丘陵区土壤耕作侵蚀的定量研究   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
通过采用示踪法对四川丘陵区坡耕地的耕作试验研究 ,获得了土壤耕作位移和土壤耕作侵蚀的直接证据 ,确定了耕作侵蚀是四川丘陵区土壤流失的原因之一。试验结果指出 ,四川丘陵区单次耕作的土壤位移量为 43.70~ 6 4.47kg/ m;平均土壤耕作侵蚀速率为 6 5 .0 5~ 97.0 5 t/ hm2 .a。土壤耕作位移受地面坡度的影响十分明显 ,平均位移距离与坡度间呈显著正相关关系。耕作侵蚀速率主要取决于坡体长度 ,只有在坡体长度相同的条件下 ,耕作侵蚀速率才随坡度的增大而增加  相似文献   

在10°,15°,20°坡面上布设磁性示踪剂,通过模拟降雨(60mm/h)研究坡面土壤侵蚀产流、产沙及侵蚀空间分异特征。结果表明,随着坡度增大,坡面产流、产沙量递增;坡面坡度越大,达到稳定产流、产沙的时间点越靠后。10°坡面土壤磁化率降幅以上坡位最大,中坡位其次,下坡位最小;随着坡度增大,坡面土壤磁化率降幅以下坡位最大,中坡位其次,上坡位最小。坡面磁化率变化表明,10°坡面上坡位受到的土壤侵蚀最严重,在15°和20°坡面下坡位土壤侵蚀强度加大。  相似文献   

耕作侵蚀对紫色土坡耕地土壤水分分布的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过短期连续耕作45次,模拟长期耕作对土壤水分分布的影响,利用TDR法按冬小麦5个生长期测定对照区与试验区(实施45次强烈耕作)土壤耕层(0-16.5cm)水分。结果表明,试验区土壤含水量比对照区低8.74%~25.49%,而土壤含水量变异性却比对照区高11.9%~399.8%,表明强烈耕作增大了土壤耕层含水量在坡面的变异性。对照区与试验区土壤含水量分布的差异主要表现在坡顶和肩坡,这种差异可能主要是由耕作侵蚀引起的。耕作侵蚀使上坡土壤发生流失,使土壤贮水性下降,导致试验区上坡土壤耕层含水量显著减小;耕作沉积使下坡土壤发生累积,但对试验区下坡土壤耕层含水量无显著影响。  相似文献   

耕作侵蚀及其对土壤肥力和作物产量的影响研究进展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在坡耕地景观内,由于农耕工具和重力作用而引起的耕作位移使土壤发生向下坡运动或向上坡运动(依赖于耕作方向),导致净余土壤量向下坡传输、堆积,重新分配,从而形成耕作侵蚀。试验研究表明耕作侵蚀是坡耕地的主要侵蚀形式之一,耕作侵蚀发生最严重的区域是坡度较大、坡体短的坡耕地。该文就耕作侵蚀的概念、发生机理、典型的耕作侵蚀模型的发展,以及耕作侵蚀对土壤肥力和作物产量影响的研究现状作了简要论述,特别总结了针对中国的地貌和耕作工具特征而进行的耕作侵蚀的研究成果。指出在一定的景观范围内,耕作侵蚀是十分严重的,甚至其严重程度已经超过了水蚀。但是相对于水蚀而言,耕作侵蚀研究还很少,因此加强耕作侵蚀的研究是十分必要的。只有这样才能正确评价农耕地侵蚀状况,准确制定土壤保持措施和采用减少耕作侵蚀力的耕作工具,从而有效地控制土壤侵蚀。  相似文献   

东北黑土区垄向的分布及其对土壤侵蚀的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
垄作是东北黑土区一种非常普遍而重要的耕作制度,垄作方向(垄向)的分布及其水土保持作用研究,对于了解和改进黑土区的水土保持状况具有非常重要的意义。以典型黑土区东缘的宾县为研究区域,采用分层抽样的方法,提取了168个野外调查单元,通过野外实地调查和室内数据分析,研究了东北黑土区农地的地面坡度分布、垄向分布和垄向坡度分布,在此基础上根据不同坡度条件下的坡度因子公式求出农地的坡度因子和垄向坡度因子,探讨垄向的水土保持作用,得到以下研究成果:黑土区农地平均地面坡度为2.96°;黑土区中占农地75%的坡耕地中,顺坡耕作趋势明显,斜坡耕作非常普遍,随着垄向与等高线之间夹角的增大,坡耕地所占的比例也逐渐增大,垄向角在0°~15°间的坡耕地所占的比例约9.7%,仅为75°~90°间的一半左右;采用垄向坡度后,平均坡度为2.15°,仅为原来地面坡度的72%,坡度明显减小;在目前的垄作情况下,其水土流失量仅为顺坡耕作下的60%。上述研究表明:在东北黑土区,可以通过调整垄作方向而改进目前较严重的水土流失状况。  相似文献   

龙门山地震带坡耕地土壤侵蚀对有机碳迁移的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坡耕地土壤再分布对土壤有机碳(SOC,soil organic carbon)迁移的作用机制研究已成为土壤侵蚀学研究的热点,然而目前极少有研究关注地震后生态脆弱的龙门山地震带坡耕地土壤侵蚀机理及其导致的土壤有机碳再分布规律。该研究选择龙门山地震带内(都江堰市)一块陡坡耕地和一个梯田系列,采用137Cs法和野外调查,对比分析强震导致田埂垮塌和未受损情况下坡耕地土壤侵蚀空间变化特征和有机碳运移变化机理。结果表明,该区黄棕壤有效137Cs背景值为1 473 Bq/m2;坡度较小的坡式梯田内部上坡表现为侵蚀,下坡表现为沉积,同时,上部梯田的侵蚀速率高于下部梯田,但整个梯田系列净侵蚀量非常小,这表明梯田之间由于缺乏田埂的保护,水力也起着侵蚀、搬运上坡梯田土壤的作用,但是整个坡式梯田系列可以起到较好的保土作用,同时,坡式梯田内部主要以耕作侵蚀为主,是造成梯田上部坡位土壤流失严重的主要原因;陡坡耕地的地形为复合坡,由于田埂垮塌导致其土壤侵蚀速率显著高于坡式梯田系列,在整个坡面上,除了坡顶土壤侵蚀速率高之外,下坡坡度变大(曲率较大)的部位土壤侵蚀速率也非常高,同时,土壤沉积也发生在2个坡位(中下坡坡度较缓的部位和坡脚部位);在梯田系列和陡坡耕地上,SOC与土壤137Cs的空间变化规律较为一致。研究结果表明,在龙门山地震带,质量较好的石埂梯田仍然发挥着较好的土壤保持效果,同时,耕作侵蚀是该区坡耕地上一种重要的土壤侵蚀形式,在制定相应的土壤保持措施时,必须充分考虑耕作侵蚀的作用,才能有效地控制土壤侵蚀,此外,该研究结果还表明采用137Cs核素示踪技术可以比较科学地解释该区域的土壤侵蚀速率和SOC的空间变异规律。  相似文献   

岩溶区坡地耕作侵蚀过程中的土壤再分布研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
贾红杰  傅瓦利 《土壤》2008,40(6):986-991
对耕作侵蚀引起的土壤空间再分布进行研究,有利于改革不合理的耕作方式和治理坡耕地水土流失。本文以重庆市中梁山为例用示踪法对坡耕地进行试验研究。结果表明:随着坡度的增大,耕作后示踪剂在示踪区的含量越来越少;它的最大值出现的位置离基线越来越远,值越来越小;沿耕作方向移动的距离越来越远。这种规律性以锄头和铁锹顺坡明显,等高和踩锹顺坡不明显。从本区耕作侵蚀的角度考虑,等高耕作方式明显要优于顺坡耕作;在顺坡耕作中踩锹优于锄头和铁锹。最后还结合岩溶山区特殊的自然环境条件,讨论了耕作侵蚀对石漠化的影响。  相似文献   

重庆中梁山岩溶区耕作侵蚀影响因素研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在重庆市中梁山岩溶区用示踪法对坡耕地进行耕作试验研究。结果表明:锄头和铁锹耕作引起的土壤位移距离、位移量与坡度呈正相关,而踩锹引起的土壤位移距离、位移量则与含水量具有一定的相关性。在顺坡耕作时铁锹引起的土壤位移距离、位移量与锄头相近,但它们远远大于踩锹;等高耕作时铁锹引起的土壤位移距离、位移量是锄头的1.3~3.8倍左右。铁锹顺坡耕作引起的土壤位移距离、位移量是它等高耕作的2~2.4倍;锄头顺坡耕作引起的土壤位移距离、位移量是它等高的3~8.8倍。引起土壤位移量的大小顺序依次是:锄头顺坡>铁锹顺坡>铁锹等高>锄头等高>踩锹顺坡。  相似文献   

Tillage erosion studies have mainly focused on the effect of topography and cultivation practices on soil translocation during tillage. However, the possible effect of initial soil conditions on soil displacement and soil erosion during tillage have not been considered. This study aims at investigating the effect of the initial soil conditions on net soil displacement and the associated erosion rates by a given tillage operation of a stony loam soil. Tillage erosion experiments were carried out with a mouldboard plough on a freshly ploughed (pre-tilled) soil and a soil under grass fallow in the Alentejo region (Southern Portugal).

The experimental results show that both the downslope displacement of soil material and the rate of increase of the downslope displacement with slope gradient are greater when the soil is initially in a loose condition. This was attributed to: (i) a greater tillage depth on the pre-tilled soil and (ii) a reduced internal cohesion of the pre-tilled soil, allowing clods to roll and/or slide down the plough furrow after being overturned by the mouldboard plough.

An analysis of additional available data on soil translocation by mouldboard tillage showed that downslope displacement distances were only significantly related to the slope gradient when tillage is carried out in the downslope direction. When tillage is carried out in the upslope direction, the effect of slope gradient on upslope displacement distances was not significant. This has important implications for the estimation of the tillage transport coefficient, which is a measure for the intensity of tillage erosion, from experimental data. For our experiments, estimated values of the tillage transport coefficient were 70 and 254 kg m−1 per tillage operation for grass fallow and pre-tilled conditions, respectively, corresponding to local maximum erosion rates of ca. 8 and 35 Mg ha−1 per tillage operation and local maximum deposition rates of ca. 33 and 109 Mg ha−1 per tillage operation.  相似文献   

等高犁耕朝向对紫色土坡面土壤再分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择一块坡长15 m、坡度14.16%的坡地,采用磁性示踪法分析等高向下犁耕(向下坡方向翻垈)和等高向上犁耕(向上坡方向翻垈)的土壤再分布特征,利用模拟耕作(15次)检验两种等高犁耕的长期作用下对土壤剖面和微地貌演化的影响。结果表明:等高向下犁耕导致土壤发生向下坡移动,土壤位移量为15.62~28.70 kg/m,坡度对其影响不显著(p=0.93);等高向上犁耕导致土壤同时发生向下坡和向上坡移动,土壤净位移量为-10.91~8.23 kg/m,坡度对其有显著影响(p < 0.001),土壤净位移方向随着坡度的增大由向上坡转为向下坡,本研究条件下临界坡度为14%;等高向下犁耕15次后坡顶侵蚀深度是原土层深度的132%,耕作后土层深度与耕作深度相当,表明等高向下犁耕加速土壤侵蚀和促进母岩成土的双重作用共同维持着坡顶土层深度的稳定;等高向上犁耕15次后坡顶土层深度增加了12.7%,表明等高向上犁耕具有保护坡顶土层深度的作用。等高向上犁耕是一种防治类似紫色土的薄层土壤耕作侵蚀和土壤退化的有效措施。  相似文献   

Tillage translocation and tillage erosion were measured throughout the topographically complex landscapes of two fields in the upland region of southwestern Ontario. Translocation of soil by tillage was measured by labelling plots of soil with chloride and measuring the tracer's forward displacement in response to single passes by four tillage implements (mouldboard plough, chisel plough, tandem disc and field cultivator). The change in translocation within the landscape was used to measure tillage erosion. All four implements were erosive. A relationship between tillage translocation and slope gradient was observed; however, the variability in translocation could not be explained by slope gradient alone. Slope curvature was responsible for some translocation through the planning action of tillage implements. Tillage depth and speed were subject to considerable discontinuous and inconsistent manipulation by the operator in response to changing topographic and soil conditions. Tillage speed decreased by as much as 60% during upslope tillage and increased by as much as 30% during downslope tillage, relative to that on level ground. Tillage depth decreased by as much as 20% and increased by as much as 30%, relative to that on level ground. This manipulation is typical for tillage in complex landscapes and was presumed largely responsible for the variability in the results. The manipulation of tillage depth and speed are affected by the tractor-implement match and the responsiveness of the tillage operator.  相似文献   

Very few studies have investigated the factors affecting soil displacement and tillage erosion by hoeing tillage. This study adopted a magnetic tracer method to investigate the influences of hoe form and tillage depth on soil translocation over steep hillslopes in Southwest China using a new type of magnetic tracer, i.e., ilmenite powder. Ilmenite powder enhanced the magnetic sensitivity of soil at the end position of tracer distribution, and improved the accuracy and efficiency of tillage translocation measurements. Tillage translocation by wide and perforated hoes was found to be significantly correlated with slope gradient (< 0.01), however, no significant correlation was found for narrow and bidentate hoe tillage (> 0.05). Compared with wide hoes, the tillage erosion rates resulting from the use of narrow, perforated and bidentate hoes were reduced by 12.4%, 11.0%, and 16.3%, respectively, indicating that changes in hoe forms resulted in a marked decrease in downslope soil translocation and tillage erosion. Tillage erosion rate decreased by 64% when the tillage depth was reduced from 0.26 to 0.14 m. These results suggest that innovations in hoe form and reductions in tillage depth are important means to manage tillage erosion due to hoeing.  相似文献   

Tillage erosion is increasingly recognised as an important soil erosion process on agricultural land. In view of its potential significance, there is a clear need to broaden the experimental database for the magnitude of tillage erosion to include a range of tillage implements and agricultural environments. The study discussed in this paper sought to address the need for such data by examining tillage erosion by a duckfoot chisel plough in stony soils on steep slopes in a semi-arid environment. Results of the investigation of coarse fraction (rock fragment) translocation by tillage in this environment have been presented elsewhere and the paper focuses on tillage translocation and erosion of the fine earth. Tillage translocation was measured at 10 sites, representing both upslope and downslope tillage by a duckfoot chisel plough on five different slopes, with tangents ranging from 0.02 to 0.41. A fine-earth tracer, comprising fine earth labelled with 134Cs, was introduced into the plough layer before tillage. After a single pass of the plough, incremental samples of plough soil were excavated and sieved to separate the fine earth from the rock fragments. Translocation of the fine-earth tracer was established by analysing the 134Cs content of the samples of fine earth. These data were used to establish translocation distances for each combination of slope and tillage direction. Translocation distances of the fine earth were not significantly different from translocation distances of the coarse fraction. For all sites, except uphill on the 0.41 slope, translocation distances were found to be linearly related to slope tangent. The soil flux due to tillage for each site was calculated using the translocation distance and the mass per unit area of the plough layer. For slopes with tangents <0.25, the relationship between soil flux and tangent was linear and the soil flux coefficient derived was 520–660 kg m−1 per pass. This is much larger than the coefficients found in other studies and this high magnitude is attributed to the non-cohesive nature and high rock fragment content of the soil in this investigation. A second contrast with previous studies was found in non-linearity in the relationship between soil flux and tangent when steeper slopes were included. This was a product of variation in plough depth between the steepest slopes and the remainder of the study area. On the basis of the study it is suggested that an improved understanding of tillage erosion may be obtained by considering the dual processes of tillage detachment (mass per unit area of soil subject to tillage) and tillage displacement (equivalent to translocation distance per pass) in assessing, comparing and modelling tillage translocation. An improved model is proposed that recognises the complexity of soil redistribution by tillage, provides a framework for process-based investigation of the controls on tillage fluxes, and allows identification of potential self-limiting conditions for tillage erosion.  相似文献   

This study was designed to characterise the soil translocation effect induced by mouldboard ploughing with an implement traditionally used in the Tuscany region (Central Italy). We discuss the results of a set of field experiments performed to measure soil displacement along slopes of varying gradient in different directions and at several depths of tillage. Using the Soil Erosion by Tillage (SETi) model, soil translocation patterns for different tillage scenarios were analysed, with special attention paid to the effects of the direction and depth of tillage on the extent and spatial pattern of soil movement. The lateral slope gradient SP and tillage depth D were found to be the dominant controlling factors for total soil displacement. The effect of the slope gradient in a direction parallel to tillage ST was much less pronounced. These findings reveal the importance of the asymmetric nature of the soil movement produced by mouldboard ploughing and the predominant effect of the lateral displacement dP on the actual trajectory of soil motion. Results demonstrate that spatial patterns of soil redistribution due to mouldboard ploughing are highly variable and depend on the particular characteristics of the implement used. This dependence is so strong that maximum downslope soil translocation can occur during both, contour tillage or up–down tillage. For this particular mouldboard plough, maximum downslope soil transport took place at a tillage direction ca. 70° and not when tillage was conducted along the steepest slope direction (0°). These findings highlight the potential of the combined approach applied. The physically based SETi model can be properly calibrated using a relatively limited dataset from field experiments. Once calibrating, the SETi model can then be used to generate synthetic tillage translocation relationships, which can predict the intensity and spatial pattern of soil translocation over a much wider range of tillage scenarios than the particular experimental conditions, in terms of topography complexity (slope gradients and morphology) and the direction and depth of tillage. These synthetic relationships are useful tools for evaluating strategies designed to reduce tillage erosion.  相似文献   

Changing land-use practices in northern Thailand have increased tillage intensity. This study re-assesses the rate of tillage erosion by manual hoeing on steep slopes (17–82%) in northern Thailand. Previously collected soil translocation data during an on-farm tillage erosion experiment and additionally collected data during an on-farm tillage erosion survey have been analysed whereby a new calculation method (i.e. trapezoid tillage step) has been used. A comparison with previously collected data indicates that the trapezoid tillage step method and the tracer method are the most reliable methods to assess downslope translocation by manual tillage. Based on newly acquired understanding of the processes involved, soil fluxes by tillage erosion are quantified by linear functions for different slope gradient classes rather than one single diffusion-type equation for the whole slope range. For slope gradients smaller than 3%, soil fluxes are close to zero as farmers do not have a preferred tillage direction. For slope gradients between 3% and 70%, soil is tilled only in the downslope direction and soil fluxes range between 16 and 67 kg m−1 tillage pass−1. On slopes with gradients in excess of 70%, the angle of repose for soil clods is often exceeded resulting in a sliding down of the complete tilled top layer. These data are used to assess the soil flux for complete cropping cycles for the most dominant cropping systems in the highlands of northern Thailand: i.e. upland rice, maize, (soy) beans, cabbage and ginger. The on-site effects of tillage erosion will be very pronounced if parcels are short with respect to their slope length, cultivated for upland rice or cabbage, or when weed pressure is high. Tillage erosion results in a tillage step with low soil fertility and low infiltration capacity. Solutions to reduce tillage erosion intensity depend on the degree that tillage intensity can be reduced. This might happen by an improved weed management or by changing landuse to perrenial cropping. Other strategies are concentrating nutrients on the truncated hillslope sections and retaining soil on the field by vegetative buffers.  相似文献   

In Canada, there is growing acceptance that tillage erosion is a serious form of soil degradation and a threat to the sustainability of agriculture across the country. To date, the potential risk for tillage erosion within potato production systems has not been investigated. The objective of this study was to generate tillage translocation values for primary and secondary tillage implements common to seedbed preparation within conventionally and conservation tilled potato production systems in Atlantic Canada. Tillage translocation was measured for each implement by labelling a plot of soil with a tracer. The tracer redistribution along the path of tillage was used to generate a summation curve to calculate mean soil movement in the direction of tillage. The results show that each primary and secondary tillage operation moved vast quantities of soil and is potentially erosive. Maximum displacement distances were considerably larger in this project than those reported in previous studies looking at tillage erosion by primary and/or secondary tillage implements. All four tillage implements tested moved soil at least 3 m, with the greatest translocated distances (5.6 m) observed for the chisel plough (CP) and vibrashank (VS). The mass of translocated soil (TM) was greatest for the CP, followed by the mouldboard plough (MP), VS and offset disc (OD). In addition, compared to travelling downslope, the upslope speed of tillage was reduced by 38%, 21%, 32% and 12% for the MP, CP, OD and VS, respectively, while the depth of tillage was reduced by 6%, 5%, 35% and 2%, respectively. It is apparent that conservation tillage implements (the CP is generally promoted to reduce water erosion in Atlantic Canada) and secondary tillage implements (OD and VS) can move as much soil as conventional tillage implements such as the mouldboard plough, and must be considered when developing plans to reduce soil erosion within potato fields in Atlantic Canada.  相似文献   

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