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Genetically modified (GM) crops may affect earthworms either directly through the plant, its root exudates and litter, or indirectly through the agricultural management changes that are associated with GM plant production. In order to investigate such possible effects, we established two field studies of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) maize and a glufosinate ammonium tolerant maize and included a reduced tillage (RT) treatment and a conventional tillage (CT) treatment as examples of a likely concomitant change in the agricultural practise. At a French study site at Varois, (Bourgogne), a field grown with the Bt-toxin producing transgenic maize line MON810 was studied for 1 year. At a Danish study site, Foulum (Jutland), 1 year of Bt maize was followed by 2 years of herbicide tolerant (HT) maize. At the French study site, the most prominent effects observed were due to the tillage method where RT significantly reduced the earthworm populations to levels about half of CT. At the Danish study site effects of CT complied with known reduction of anecic earthworms due to this technique and likewise effects of RT were observed for endogeic earthworms. Earthworm populations were diminished with the HT crop, probably due to exposure to the herbicide Basta® during the two consecutive autumn seasons. This study confirms the importance of including the tillage techniques and pesticide usage when evaluating the environmental effects of new agricultural technologies.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of soil organisms under agricultural field conditions are influenced by many factors, such as pedology and climate, but also farming practices such as crop type, tillage and the use of pesticides. To assess the real effects of farming practices on soil organisms it is necessary to rank the influence of all of these parameters. Bt maize (Zea mays L.), as a crop recently introduced into farming practices, is a genetically modified maize with the Cry1Ab gene which produces a protein toxic to specific lepidopteran insect pests. To assess the effects of Bt maize on non-target soil organisms, we conducted research at a field site in Foulum (Denmark) with a loamy sand soil containing 6.4% organic matter. The study focused on populations of springtails (Collembola) and earthworms (Oligochaeta) from samples taken at the beginning and at the end of the maize crop-growing season during 2 consecutive years. Farming practices, soil parameters, the biological structure of soil communities, and the type and age of the crop at the time of sampling, were used as attributes to predict the total abundance of springtails and biomass of earthworms in general and the abundance or biomass for specific functional groups (epigeic, endogeic and anecic groups for earthworms, and eu-, eu to hemi-, hemi-, hemi to epi- and epiedaphic groups for Collembola). Predictive models were built with data mining tools, such as regression trees that predict the value of a dependent variable from a set of independent variables. Regression trees were constructed with the data mining system M5′. The models were evaluated by qualitative and quantitative measures of performance and two models were selected for further interpretation: anecic worms and hemi-epiedaphic Collembola. The anecic worms (r2=0.83) showed preferences for less clay and more silt soil with medium pH but were not influenced directly by farming practices. The biomass of earthworms was greater in early autumn than in spring or late autumn. Biomass of hemi-epiedaphic Collembola (r2=0.59) increased at the end of the maize growing season, while higher organic matter content and pH tended to increase their biomass in spring. Greater abundance of Collembola was also noted in early autumn if the crop was non-Bt maize. The models assessed by this research did not find any effects of the Bt maize cropping system on functional groups of soil fauna.  相似文献   

Potential differences between Bt-maize (MEB307 expressing the insecticidal Cry1Ab protein) and a near-isogenic non-Bt variety (Monumental) in their influence on the garden snail (Helix aspersa), soil microarthropods (Collembola, Actinedida, Acaridida, Gamasida and Oribatida) and mycorrhizal fungi were studied. Growing snails were caged in microcosms allowing the development of Bt or non-Bt-maize (Zea mays L.) on a sandy loam soil. After 3 months exposure, survival and growth of snails were similar in both treatments. Cry1Ab protein was detected in the Bt-maize leaves (22–42.2 μg Bt protein g−1 dry wt), in the snail tissues (0.04–0.11 μg Bt-protein g−1 dry wt) and in their faeces (0.034–5 μg Bt-protein g−1 dry wt). Total soil microarthropod abundance and diversity were similar between control (non-Bt-maize) and the genetically modified (GM) Bt-maize microcosms. The mycorrhizal colonization of roots did not differ between Bt and non-Bt-maize (frequency of mycorrhizal roots was 88.7% and 83.3% respectively). The mycorrhizal infectivity of soils, expressed as MI50 (minimum soil dry weight required to colonize 50% of plants) was measured using red clover. MI50 was similar for soils where Bt or non-Bt-maize was cultivated for 4 months. The detection of Cry1Ab protein in the viscera and faeces of H. aspersa exposed to Bt-maize indicates that snails contribute to the transfer of the Bt-protein from plant to soil or snail predators. This may constitute an alternative route of exposure for Bt-protein in soil, but this was without a negative influence on mycorrhizal fungi or microarthropods. Results showed that Bt-maize was not toxic for the selected non-target species exposed for 3 or 4 months. The microcosms and analyses used in this study represent new methods for assessing effects of chronic exposure to GM plants of several diverse, yet ecologically and temporally associated species. As the soil organisms we studied can also be used in standardized ecotoxicological tests (XP X31-205-2 for mycorrhizal fungi, ISO 11267 for Collembola and ISO 15952 for snails), microcosm exposures represent a way to link laboratory and field methods for the ecotoxicological evaluation of GM plants.  相似文献   

Within the ECOGEN project, long-term field experiments with genetically modified maize, Zea mays L. were conducted to study agro-ecological effects on the soil fauna and agro-economic implications of the technology. Here, we describe the study-sites, experimental layout and results of agro-economic relevance. Experiments were conducted during 2002–2005 in Denmark (Foulum), northern France (Varois) and the Midi-Pyrenees region of southern France (Narbons). MON810 Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)-varieties expressing the Cry1Ab protein, and a T25 glufosinate-ammonium (Basta) tolerant variety expressing the pat-gene encoding phosphinotrinacetyl-transferase were compared with near-isogenic non-Bt varieties, and conventional maize varieties. At Foulum, the maize was harvested for silage. There were no significant differences in yield between Bt-maize and a near-isogenic non-Bt variety, while a small difference in N-concentration of dry matter was detected in 1 year in a range of a measured quality parameters. Similar yield and quality were found in ploughed and reduced tillage treatments in all varieties. At Varois, the maize was harvested at ripeness and no significant differences in grain yield between Bt-maize and near-isogenic non-Bt varieties were found. These results were expected, as only Narbons harbours significant corn-borer populations. At Narbons, the number of Sesamia and Ostrinia corn-borer larvae were significantly lower in the Bt-maize than in a near-isogenic non-Bt variety and for Sesamia even less than in conventional varieties sprayed with pesticides to control corn-borer infestation. Here, Bt-maize produced a higher grain yield and grain size than a near-isogenic non-Bt variety or allowed a significant reduction in pesticide use. Concentrations of Cry1Ab in the Bt-varieties were sufficient to effectively control corn-borer larvae. In soil, Cry1Ab was close to the limit of detection and the protein did not accumulate in the soil year on year.  相似文献   

The fate of the insecticidal Cry1Ab protein from crop residues (leaves and roots) of the transgenic maize variety MON810 was studied in the presence and absence of two earthworm species (Lumbricus terrestris, Aporrectodea caliginosa; separate incubations) in soil microcosms. The recombinant Cry1Ab protein was quantified using a highly sensitive ELISA. Control microcosms received corresponding non-transgenic plant material. All earthworms survived in the microcosms over a period of 5 weeks, irrespective of whether they received MON810 or non-transgenic plant material. Weight loss was observed for both earthworm species, independent of the plant material or transgenic modification. A strong decline of immunoreactive Cry1Ab in plant residues (mean initial concentration approx. 5000 ng g−1) of MON810 was observed in all treatments, but in microcosms with earthworms this decline was significantly higher with less than 10% of the initial Cry1Ab concentration remaining after 5 weeks. Cry1Ab concentrations in casts were only 0.1% of those found in remaining plant material of the respective microcosms. No immunoreactive Cry1Ab proteins were found in earthworm tissues (threshold of detection: 0.58 ng g−1 fresh weight). No further decline was found for Cry1Ab concentrations in casts of A. caliginosa during a subsequent period of 3 months of incubation in bulk soil (<0.1 ng g−1) after removal of the earthworms from the microcosms, while in casts of L. terrestris the concentration decreased from 0.4 to below 0.1 ng g−1. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that earthworms enhance the decline of immunoreactive Cry1Ab proteins from maize residues.  相似文献   

Soil microarthropod populations in maize plots mulched with the prunings of three woody agroforestry plant residues (Acioa barteri, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala) and two crop residues [maize (Zea mays) stover (leaves and stems) and rice (Oryza sativa) straw] were monitored throughout the 1991 growing season and compared with those in fallow, bare fallow and unmulched control plots with three rates of nitrogen application. The mean densities of detritivore and phytophage microarthropods in the experimental plots decreased in the following order: rice straw > Gliricidia prunings > Leucaena prunings > maize stover > Acioa prunings > control 2 (90 kg N ha-1 year-1) > fallow > control 3 (135 N) > control 1 (45N) > bare fallow. Mulching also affected the population dynamics of predatory microarthropods and omnivorous ants. The chemical composition of plant residues probably influenced the densities of detritivore and phytophage microarthropods, which in addition were also greatly influenced by microclimatic conditons imposed by vegetation cover. Extremely low densities of microarthropods were recorded in the bare fallow plots probably as a result of the combined effects of absence of plant residues and vegetation cover. The potential of mulching as a component of farming practice for increasing the density of microarthropods and for influencing their species composition and population dynamics in agroecosystems is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Intact cores of agricultural soil planted with Sorghum bicolor were treated with selective biocides or combinations of biocides to manipulate soil organisms. Half the replicates of each biocide treatment were also given N fertilizer. The plants were maintained in a greenhouse, where growth and nutrient content and soil-organism populations were monitored over 16 weeks.The plants responded strongly to fertilization, but showed weak and variable responses to the biocides, even though biocide treatments aimed at animal taxa effectively reduced their target groups. There were no strong interactions between faunal manipulations and fertilization, implying that there was little compensatory function of fauna in the absence of fertilizer. Conditions under which soil fauna are important in making mineral nutrients available to plants in the field need further investigation.  相似文献   

随着转基因的快速发展,大量转Bt棉秸秆的合理利用和处理是不可忽视的重要课题之一。为明确Bt棉秸秆还田利用的可行性和安全性,本研究以不同抗虫转Bt基因棉和常规棉花‘泗棉3号’为研究材料,在分别种植1、2年后将秸秆机械粉碎后原位还田,测试土壤中Bt蛋白残留量、土壤酶活性及养分含量的变化,分析Bt棉秸秆原位还田对土壤肥力特性的影响。研究结果表明,秸秆还田40 d后, Bt棉样地土壤中Bt残留蛋白检测值较低,均与非转基因棉样地无显著性差异。棉秸秆还田后,土壤脲酶、蔗糖酶、蛋白酶、多酚氧化酶、过氧化氢酶、碱性磷酸酶活性皆较秸秆还田前增加,但土壤纤维素酶活性较之前降低。棉秸秆还田使土壤中有机质、有效磷、碱解氮、速效钾和全氮等养分含量及pH明显增加,而Bt抗虫棉与常规棉秸秆还田后对土壤肥力的影响不存在显著差异。对土壤综合肥力指数评价结果表明,秸秆还田对土壤肥力提升与Bt棉抗虫水平无关,土壤肥力指数在两年间由Ⅲ级水平上升至Ⅱ级水平。综上, Bt棉花秸秆还田不会造成土壤综合肥力降低,相反能有效提升土壤肥力;同时还田利用措施可对转基因植株有效灭活,与转基因植物秸秆利用和无害化处理要求相契合。生产中用于Bt转基因棉花秸秆利用和处理在一定程度上是安全可行的。  相似文献   

以转入AtPAP15基因的两个磷养分高效转基因大豆株系AP15-1、AP15-3及其各自受体YC03-3、YC04-5为材料,在大田连续种植两季,通过在苗期、盛花期和成熟期采集根际土,对其进行pH和全磷、速效磷、有机磷、全氮、碱解氮、全钾、速效钾、及钼等八种微量元素含量的测定,并分析了盛花期AP15-1与其受体YC03-3根际土中酸性磷酸酶、过氧化氢酶、蔗糖酶和脲酶的活性变化,从而了解上述磷高效转基因大豆的种植是否会对根际土中主要养分和酶活性产生影响.研究结果显示:秋春两季根际土中除全钾和微量元素含量外,其他养分含量在个别时期,转基因大豆AP15-1或AP15-3与其受体之间,均存在显著性的差异,但这些显著性差异大部分出现在苗期,成熟期仅有机磷含量在AP15-1与其受体YC03-3、速效钾含量在AP15-3与其受体YC04-5之间呈显著差异,并且这些差异在两季中均未重复出现.根际土中四种土壤酶活性测定结果显示:同季转基因大豆与其受体之间差异不显著.总体结果表明,上述转AtPAP15基因磷高效大豆种植对根际土中磷、氮、钾等养分和四种土壤酶活性均未产生显著的影响.  相似文献   

Summary Surface additions of (15NH4)2SO4 were used to measure the immobilization and subsequent movement of exogenous N added to two litter types of contrasting quality (Cornus florida and Quercus prinus). Litterbaskets were used to measure the litter mass loss and N dynamics and to follow the movement of the 15N label through litter, F layer, and soil pools. Half of the litterbaskets of each species were treated with naphthalene to reduce microarthropod densities. The faster decomposing C. florida litter maintained a higher excess atom % 15N, and a greater relative concentration of the labeled input (g 15N g–1) than did Q. prinus litter. In both litter types the excess atom % 15N, relative concentration (g 15N g–1), and absolute amount of label recovered in the litter declined over time. This occurred during a period of net accumulation of total litter N, implying simultaneous release of the initial input and immobilization of N from other sources. The concentration of 15N in the soil increased over time, while the F layer apparently acted as an intermediary in the transfer of 15N from litter to soil. Naphthalene effectively reduced microarthropod numbers in all horizons of the litterbaskets and significantly reduced the decay rates of Q. prinus, but not C. florida litter. Naphthalene did not appear to affect total N dynamics in the litter. However, with all horizons taken together, the naphthalene-treated litterbaskets retained more total 15N than the control litterbaskets. Naphthalene also changed the vertical distribution of 15N within litterbaskets, so that the litter retained less of the 15N-labeled input and the F layer and soil horizons retained more of the labeled input than in control litterbaskets. Our major conclusions are: (1) the N pool of decomposing litter is dynamic, with simultaneous N release and immobilization activating N turnover even during the net accumulation phase; (2) litter quality is an important determinant of immobilization and retention of exogenous N inputs and, therefore, turnover of the litter N pool; and (3) microarthropod activity can significantly affect the incorporation and retention of exogenous N inputs in decomposing litter, although these changes are apparently not reflected in net N accumulation or release during the 1st year of decomposition. However, the naphthalene may have affected microbially mediated N dynamics and this possibility needs to be considered in interpreting the results.  相似文献   

The effects of tillage on plant availability nutrients are critical to develop nutrient management strategies to optimize yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate differences in the concentration of 19-nutrient and yield after 4-year of conventional [moldboard plough (MT)] and two reduced [rototiller (ST) and chisel (CT)] tillage systems in maize (Zea mays L.) after winter vetch (Vicia sativa L.) in double crop one year. Three tillage systems were compared from 2005 to 2008 in area located in the western region of Turkey under semi-arid Mediterranean clay-loam soils. Nutrients were determined in maize leaves, stems, roots and soils. Results show that the concentration of macronutrients were found to be higher in leaves and stems of maize than roots in three tillage systems of all years, while the opposite was true for micronutrients. Among the macro and micro-nutrients, there was no effect of tillage on nutrient concentration in all maize tissues for sulfur, magnesium, sodium and copper (S, Mg, Na and Cu). However, the nitrogen, potassium, calcium, boron, zinc, manganese, iron, aluminum, barium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, nickel, lead and selenium (N, K, Ca, B, Zn, Mn, Fe, Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni, Pb and Se) were affected by tillage. ST increased N in stems of 2006 compared with other systems. K in roots of 2006 was 52 and 30% greater in CT than in ST and MT, respectively, while ST and MT of 2007 resulted in 38 and 41% greater than CT. In two of four years, ST contributed to higher grain yield compared with other systems. In general, ST can effectively contribute to increase maize yield following winter vetch compared with MT under this region. Results suggested the need for different management systems associated with reduced tillage including rotation, particularly for basic nutrients. Further, results showed similarities and differences with other studies under tillage with maize following winter vetch.  相似文献   

The effects of maize expressing the Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1Ab protein (Bt maize) on decomposition processes under three different European climatic conditions were assessed in the field. Farming practices using Bt maize were compared with conventional farming practices using near-isogenic non-Bt maize lines under realistic agricultural practices. The litter-bag method was used to study litter decomposition and nitrogen mineralization dynamics of wheat straw. After 4 months incubation in the field, decomposition and mineralization were mainly influenced by climatic conditions with no negative effect of the Bt toxin on decomposition processes.  相似文献   

A 49-day incubation experiment was carried out with the addition of field-grown maize stem and leaf residues to soil at three different temperatures (5, 15, and 25 °C). The aim was to study the effects of two transgenic Bt-maize varieties in comparison to their two parental non-Bt varieties on the mineralization of the residues, on their incorporation into the microbial biomass and on changes in the microbial community structure. The stem and leaf residues of Novelis-Bt contained 3.9 μg g−1 dry weight of the Bt toxin Cry1Ab and those of Valmont-Bt only 0.8 μg g−1. The residues of the two parental non-Bt varieties Nobilis and Prelude contained higher concentrations of ergosterol (+220%) and glucosamine (+190%) and had a larger fungal C-to-bacterial C ratio (+240%) than the two Bt varieties. After adding the Bt residues, an initial peak in respiration of an extra 700 μg CO2-C g−1 soil or 4% of the added amount was observed in comparison to the two non-Bt varieties at all three temperatures. On average of the four varieties, 19-38% of the maize C added was mineralized during the 49-day incubation at the three different temperatures. The overall mean increase in total maize-derived CO2 evolution corresponded to a Q10 value of 1.4 for both temperature steps, i.e. from 5 to 15 °C and from 15 to 25 °C. The addition of maize residues led to a strong increase in all microbial properties analyzed. The highest contents were always measured at 5 °C and the lowest at 25 °C. The variety-specific contents of microbial biomass C, biomass N, ATP and adenylates increased in the order Novelis-Bt ? Prelude<Valmont-Bt ? Nobilis. The mineralization of Novelis-Bt residues with the highest Bt concentration and lowest N concentration and their incorporation into the microbial biomass was significantly reduced compared to the parental non-Bt variety Nobilis. These negative effects increased considerably from 5 to 25 °C. The transgenic Bt variety Valmont did not show further significant effects except for the initial peak in respiration at any temperature.  相似文献   

为研究转Bt基因棉花上烟粉虱种群较常规棉上升的原因是否受到Bt毒蛋白的影响,以及是否与体内保护酶和解毒酶活力变化有关,应用转Bt基因棉花‘新棉33B’及其常规棉受体‘33’为试验对象,采用ELISA法和酶活力测定法,分别研究了取食转Bt基因棉花后烟粉虱体内Bt毒蛋白含量以及体内过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)3种保护酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)、羧酸酯酶(CarE)和谷胱甘肽-S-转移酶(GSTs)3种解毒酶活力的变化情况。结果表明,在取食转Bt基因棉花‘新棉33B’4 h后,烟粉虱体内能检测到Cry1Ac蛋白,并且在12 h后维持在一个相对稳定的状态。取食‘新棉33B’后烟粉虱体内的SOD和GSTs活力受到显著抑制(P0.05),并且随着取食时间的延长,SOD活力逐渐下降,其中取食8 h、12 h、24 h和36 h后较取食‘33’的对照分别下降了37.8%、32.1%、32.0%和31.9%。CAT、POD和CarE活力显著提高(P0.05),并且随着取食时间的延长,酶活力逐渐上升,与对照相比,取食12 h、24 h和36 h后,CAT活力分别为取食‘33’的对照的1.54倍、1.55倍和1.42倍;POD活力分别为取食‘33’的对照的1.59倍、1.39倍和1.53倍;CarE活力分别为取食‘33’的对照的1.32倍、1.34倍和1.39倍;取食‘新棉33B’对AChE活力没有明显影响。结果提示,转Bt-Cry1Ac基因棉花对烟粉虱保护酶活力总体起到促进作用,对解毒酶活力总体影响不大。故烟粉虱体内保护酶活力的增加可能会有益于烟粉虱种群的增长,但是否起到决定性作用还有待进一步研究确定。  相似文献   

Transgenic insect-resistant cotton containing a synthetic version of the insecticidal toxin gene from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki has been planted in China in a large scale and may have adverse impacts on soil organisms. The leaves of the transgenic cotton and the non-transgenic parental cotton were collected and their impacts on the earthworm, Eisenia fetida, were tested in laboratory studies. No significant acute toxicity on E. fetida from oral exposure to the transgenic cotton line, GK19, was detected. The average weight, numbers of cocoons and new offsprings of E. fetida in the GK19 groups were all higher than in the Simian3 groups, but the differences were not significant.  相似文献   

Mika Rty 《Pedobiologia》2004,48(4):321-328
A laboratory experiment was carried out to test the hypothesis that the earthworms Lumbricus terrestris and Aporrectodea caliginosa are able to maintain their populations and reproduce in the acid forest soil of a deciduous forest where no lumbricids were found in the field. The experiment was conducted in 45-l containers in which layers of mineral subsoil, humus and organic topsoil collected from the site were established. Both species survived and at least L. terrestris reproduced during the 60 weeks’ incubation. Burrows and middens of L. terrestris were recorded and quantities of litter were consumed. The presence of lumbricids increased the organic matter content of humus, reduced the acidity of the topsoil and humus layers, and suppressed the population of the enchytraeid Cognettia sphagnetorum. A dense population of Enchytraeus albidus was found in L. terrestris middens. It is concluded that edaphic factors do not explain the absence of earthworms, but isolation from cultural landscapes and lack of opportunity to colonize the site from the surroundings is the decisive factor.  相似文献   

不同种植年限宁夏枸杞根际微生物多样性变化   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
为了解长期人工种植枸杞根际土壤微生物的种群结构变化特征,利用Illumina Mi Seq测序平台分别对种植5 a、10 a和15 a宁夏枸杞根际土壤微生物基因组总DNA中16S和18S r DNA基因的部分区域进行测序,经UPARSE pipeline和RDP classifier软件进行聚类分析和物种注释。结果表明,长期种植宁夏枸杞不会改变其根际土壤p H,但会导致根际土壤全磷、有效磷、全盐含量和电导率升高。测序结果表明,不同种植年限枸杞根际土壤细菌群落α多样性无显著变化,但真菌群落多样性在种植10 a枸杞中较种植5 a时显著降低(p0.05),表明根际细菌群落多样性受种植年限影响较小。从门的分类水平看,酸杆菌门、放线菌门、拟杆菌门、厚壁菌门、绿弯菌门、泉古菌门、蓝菌门、芽单胞菌门、变形菌门以及真菌子囊菌门、担子菌门、接合菌门的比例在不同种植年限的枸杞根际土壤中显著改变(p0.05)。属水平的分析也表明,共有27个细菌属和16个真菌属的比例发生改变(p0.05),这些结果表明枸杞根际土壤微生物群落组成受种植年限的影响更大。相关性分析结果表明,种植年限、土壤全磷及有效磷含量是影响枸杞根际微生物群落结构的主要因子。  相似文献   

In a study of a 15-year-old pasture in Martinique (French West Indies), abundance and organization of microarthropod communities were correlated with the spatial distribution of the earthworm Polypheretima elongata (Megascolecidae). In patches of high earthworm density (133 individuals m–2), microarthropod density was significantly higher (80000 individuals m–2) than in patches with few earthworms (31 worms m–2 and 49000 microarthropods m 2). The diversity of microarthropod communities followed a similar pattern, the Shannon index for Collembola communities being, respectively, 3.12 and 1.82 in and outside earthworm patches. These results suggest that mesofauna abundance and diversity might be at least partly determined by the activity of larger invertebrates, as a result of the dramatic effects that the latter group exerts upon soil structure, pore distribution and food resources. Received: 7 February 1997  相似文献   

运用发光酶基因标记及其发光强度检测,SDH酶活染色等技术,在根盒-土壤微宇宙及塑料盒栽系统中,研究了发光酶基因(luxAB)标记的荧光假单胞菌菌株Pf.X16L2与丛枝状菌根真菌摩西球孢囊霉Glomus mosseae两者在小麦根圈的相互关系。Gl.mosseae对Pf.X16L2的种群密度和生理活性都有着抑制作用。因而能降低小麦根圈对Pf.X16L2的富集作用,而Pf.X16L2在一定程度上能提高Gl.mosseae的菌根感染率,但会降低菌丝中琥珀酸氢酶(SDH)活性,两者可共同促进小麦中后期的生长。  相似文献   

五种杀虫剂对卵寄生性天敌广赤眼蜂室内安全性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在实验室条件下分别用药膜法、寄主卵块喷雾法和盆栽法测定了苏云金杆菌等5种杀虫剂菜田防治推荐浓度对广赤眼蜂5种虫态的毒性及雌蜂的残留毒性.不同农药对广赤眼蜂各虫态的毒性存在差异, 对其存活、羽化和寄生能力等有不同程度的影响, 其中对成蜂的毒性最强.苏云金杆菌和啶虫脒对广赤眼蜂5种虫态的杀伤力较低, 对羽化蜂的寿命和翅的发育影响较小或无影响, 同时施药后的残效期较短, 对成蜂的存活和寄生能力的影响较小.阿维菌素除卵和幼虫期处理对广赤眼蜂无影响或影响轻微外, 预蛹和蛹期处理, 羽化率降低, 羽化后雌蜂寿命缩短, 前翅发育不全比例升高, 其不良影响随蜂的发育呈增大趋势; 此外, 喷药后7 d其残留农药对雌蜂的存活和寄生能力仍有较大影响.高效氯氟氰菊酯卵期至蛹期处理广赤眼蜂能显著降低该蜂的羽化率, 成蜂期处理的死亡率在70%以上, 但该药残留毒性期较短, 喷药后5 d成蜂存活和寄生能力基本恢复正常.毒死蜱对各虫期的广赤眼蜂均有极强的杀伤力, 喷药后10 d仍有很高的残留毒性.总之, 苏云金杆菌和啶虫脒对广赤眼蜂无毒或毒性较低, 是生防区理想的配合药剂;阿维菌素和高效氯氟氰菊酯毒性中等, 使用时要尽量避开赤眼蜂成蜂活动期;毒死蜱毒性极强, 生防区应禁止使用.  相似文献   

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