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Spirochetes were identified histologically in canker (proliferative pododermatitis) in 3 horses. The data suggest that spirochetes may contribute to the pathology of equine chronic foot diseases similar to the manner in which they contribute to the pathology of bovine papillomatous digital dermatitis and contagious ovine digital dermatitis.  相似文献   

The medical records of 30 horses (18 Warmbloods, 7 draught horses, 3 other breeds and 2 of unknown origin) with chronic proliferative pododermatitis (canker) were reviewed and long‐term outcome was obtained by telephone questionnaire. In 28/30 cases, the owner was the first to discover the problem. The disease was initially recognised as canker in only 5/28 cases, whereas in 10/28 cases a treatment for thrush had been continued for several months before referral. There was a similar prevalence in the fore (41) and hind (44) hooves; 13/30 horses had 4 hooves affected. Treatment consisted of surgical debridement and hoof care. Duration of hospitalisation was significantly decreased in horses receiving oral prednisolone for 3 weeks compared to those without this additional systemic treatment (mean ± s.d. 24 ± 5 days, n = 7 vs. 40 ± 19 days, n = 19, respectively). Long‐term follow‐up ranged from 3 months to 6 years (36 ± 22 months) and was available for 24 horses. No recurrence was reported in 10 horses. In 14 horses problems recurred within the first year, and 6 had been subjected to euthanasia for this reason specifically, whereas the others were managed by regular trimming. There was no significant association between recurrence and the number of affected hooves or the use of any systemic treatment. Horses with delayed referral because of preceding treatments had significantly more chance to develop recurrence, highlighting the need for prompt diagnosis and subsequent treatment.  相似文献   

Six mixed breed horses of varying ages accidentally consumed strychnine-laced barley. Onset and severity of clinical signs were associated with age and sex of the horse. Of the 6 horses, 5 exhibited clinical signs and 2 died. Under field conditions xylazine proved to be beneficial in treating strychnine poisoning. Two horses were treated with a combination of pentobarbital, diazepam, and xylazine to maintain complete anesthesia. Activated charcoal and mineral oil were used effectively to decrease the amount of strychnine available in the alimentary tract of the horses.  相似文献   

Oesophageal rupture in horses has only been previously described in detail in isolated case reports. The objectives of this study were to describe the clinical findings, specific treatment and outcome of oesophageal rupture in horses. Medical records of horses diagnosed with oesophageal rupture between 1994–2008 were reviewed. Clinical findings, treatment and outcome were recorded. Seven horses with cervical oesophageal perforations were included in the study. Two horses were subjected to euthanasia without treatment and 5 were treated surgically. Treatment involved a fasciotomy of the cervical musculature and oesophageal tube placement. Three of 5 horses survived long‐term (>one year). Our study showed that surgical treatment of cervical oesophageal rupture involving fasciotomy and oesophagostomy tube placement can be successful with 3/5 of treated horses surviving more than one year.  相似文献   

A suspension based on the antibiotic, natamycin, was applied by sponging to 83 horses of various breeds and ages with signs of clinical ringworm. A number of different causative agents were involved of which Trichophyton equinum was the most common. Treatment successfully eliminated the disease within 4 weeks. After treatment the recovered animals did not show any evidence of re-infection for up to 6 months. The mycological clearance rate was 97 per cent and apart from the efficacy against ringworm, the preparation had the advantage of being non-irritant and odourless. It was also useful for treating the surroundings of the animals.  相似文献   

The results of the treatment with moxidectin or ivermectin of 20 horses with clinical cyathostominosis were studied during a 3-week observation period. Both treatments were effective in completely eliminating larvae from the faeces within 1 or 2 weeks, but no significant improvement in body weight or clinical parameters could be demonstrated over the observation period. The poor short time results of the treatment support the need for an adequate prevention of cyathostominosis in horses.  相似文献   

Three horses were presented for treatment of chronic infections of the digital flexor tendon sheath. Clinical signs included severe lameness, and heat, pain and swelling of the digital flexor tendon sheath. The horses were treated with surgical lavage of the tendon sheath, systemic and local antibiotics, and analgesics. In each case, resolution of the lameness occurred over weeks to months. Only one horse returned to athletic activity, while the other two became comfortable at pasture. Response to treatment in cases of chronic tenosynovitis may not be as rapid or complete as that reported for acute tendon sheath infections.  相似文献   

Thirteen thoroughbred foals with an adult infection and a presumed immature infection with Fasciola hepatica were treated with 12 mg triclabendazole/kg bodyweight. The absence of eggs from samples of faeces examined at intervals up to 110 days after treatment showed that all the animals were cured. In a second trial the same dose of triclabendazole cured 11 of 12 foals whereas nitroxynil at 7 mg/kg cured only six of 12 foals. No side effects were observed after treatment.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing the study: Equine hoof canker is a chronic proliferative pododermatitis of as yet unknown aetiology. Like equine sarcoid disease, canker is a therapy‐resistant disorder characterised by hyperkeratosis, acanthosis and a marked tendency to recur. Hypothesis: There is an association of sarcoid‐inducing bovine papillomaviruses of types 1 and 2 (BPV‐1, BPV‐2) with hoof canker disease. Methods: Using PCR‐based techniques, we assessed canker tissue, intact skin and/or peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of 25 canker‐affected horses for the presence of sarcoid‐associated BPV‐1 and ‐2. Results: Conventional PCR revealed BPV‐1/‐2 DNA in 24/24 canker, 12/13 skin and 10/11 PBMC DNA isolates. Using inverse PCR, full‐length BPV episomes were detected in 1/5 canker specimens. Sequencing of viral early and late genes amplified from canker, intact skin and PBMC DNA of 2 cases revealed an overall identity of 98% to BPV‐1. Viral DNA loads amounted to ≤16 copies per cell in canker tissue and intact skin, and to ≤0.35 copies per PBMC, as determined by quantitative PCR. Using RT‐PCR, the viral major oncogene E5 was shown to be transcribed in 2/4 canker tissue specimens and 5/7 PBMC isolates. Immunocapture PCR from 7 canker and 6 skin extract supernatants revealed capsomere‐associated viral DNA in one canker and one skin sample. Hoof tissue, skin and PBMCs collected from 13 individuals with no signs of canker or BPV‐related malignancies scored negative throughout the experiments. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the observed presence of BPV‐1/‐2 in canker‐affected horses is not coincidental but indicative of an active contribution to hoof canker disease. Potential relevance: The use of antivirals and/or immune modulators may help improving canker therapy.  相似文献   

A technique for implanting carbon fibre into sprained flexor tendons in horses is described. Insertion of the fibres through paravertebral needles which passed through the affected region of the tendon was considered to be preferable to direct implantation into the surgically opened tendon. The results of the eight cases treated to date are dealt with briefly, together with a discussion as to how this form of treatment could be further evaluated.  相似文献   

Treatment of respiratory infections in horses with ceftiofur sodium.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ceftiofur sodium was evaluated as a therapy for respiratory infections in horses. This cephalosporin antimicrobial was administered intramuscularly every 24 h and at a dose of 2.2 mg/kg (1.0 mg/lb) of body weight. The efficacy of ceftiofur sodium was compared with that of a positive control drug, ampicillin sodium (recommended dose of 6.6 mg/kg [3 mg/lb], given every 12 h). Both treatments were continued for 48 h after clinical symptoms were no longer evident (maximum of 10 days). Fifty-five (55) horses with naturally acquired respiratory infections were included in the study; 28 were treated with ceftiofur and 27 with ampicillin. Clinical improvement was recorded for 92.9% of the patients treated with ceftiofur and 92.6% of the animals receiving ampicillin. Both therapies reduced body temperatures to an afebrile level after 2 days of treatment. Complete recovery/cure was noted for 78.6% of the ceftiofur patients and 59.3% of the horses treated with ampicillin. Supporting variables (depression/malaise, respiration/dyspnoea, nasal discharge) were assessed and these also substantiated the effectiveness of the treatments. Both antibiotics were well tolerated. Neither pain nor swelling were noted at the ceftiofur injection site(s). None of the animals developed diarrhoea. Data from this study indicated that ceftiofur sodium is an effective and safe treatment for respiratory infections in horses.  相似文献   

Pulmonary coccidioidomycosis in horses can often lead to severe systemic disease and its treatment has previously been expensive and has carried a poor prognosis. This paper describes the successful treatment of two horses with pulmonary coccidioidomycosis with a fluconazole product produced by a compounding pharmacy.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven horses were treated for epiglottic entrapment by using an oral, hand-assisted bistoury knife technique, under general anaesthesia; 26 of them returned successfully to racing, but one developed a permanently displaced soft palate. After the surgery 13 of the horses had an increased handicap rating and 13 had a decreased rating.  相似文献   

Three horses were presented for treatment of chronic infections of the digital flexor tendon sheath. Clinical signs included severe lameness, and heat, pain and swelling of the digital flexor tendon sheath. The horses were treated with surgical lavage of the tendon sheath, systemic and local antibiotics, and analgesics. In each case, resolution of the lameness occurred over weeks to months. Only one horse returned to athletic activity, while the other two became comfortable at pasture. Response to treatment in cases of chronic tenosynovitis may not be as rapid or complete as that reported for acute tendon sheath infections.  相似文献   

Intravenous administration of quinidine gluconate converted atrial fibrillation (AF) to sinus rhythm in 9 of 12 horses. Twelve horses that were diagnosed by ECG to have AF were administered up to 11 mg of quinidine gluconate/kg of body weight in 1.0- to 1.5-mg/kg bolus injections every 10 to 15 minutes. The total dose of quinidine administered IV ranged from 1.8 to 5.8 g. Increased ventricular rate, apprehension, and mild depression were observed during treatment. Other signs of toxicosis were not observed. One horse was successfully treated with IV administered quinidine gluconate on 3 occasions. Intravenous administration of quinidine is a safe and effective alternative for treatment of AF in some horses.  相似文献   

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