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The purpose of this study was to produce an magnetic resonsnce (MR) image atlas of clinically relevant brain anatomy and to relate this neuroanatomy to clinical signs. The brain of a large mixed breed dog was imaged in transverse, sagittal, and dorsal planes using a 1.5 T MR unit and the following pulse sequences: Turbo (fast) spin echo (TSE) T2, T1, and T2- weighted spatial and chemical shift-encoded excitation sequence. Relevant neuroanatomic structures were identified using anatomic texts, sectioned cadaver heads, and previously published atlases. Major subdivisions of the brain were mapped and the neurologic signs of lesions in these divisions were described. TSE T2-weighted images were found to be the most useful for identifying clinically relevant neuroanatomy. Relating clinical signs to morphology as seen on MR will assist veterinarians to better understand clinically relevant neuroanatomy in MR images.  相似文献   

Feline carpal ligament injuries are often diagnosed indirectly using palpation and stress radiography to detect whether there is instability and widening of joint spaces. There are currently no reports describing normal feline carpal ligament anatomy and the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) appearance of the carpal ligaments. The objective of this prospective, anatomic study was to describe normal feline carpal ligament anatomy using gross plastinated specimens and MRI. We hypothesized that MRI could be used to identify the carpal ligaments as previously described in the dog, and to identify species specific variations in the cat. The study was conducted using feline cadaver antebrachii that were radiographed prior to study inclusion. Three limbs were selected for MRI to confirm repeatability of anatomy between cats. The proton density weighted pulse sequence was used and images were acquired in transverse, dorsal, and sagittal planes. Following MRI, the limbs were plastinated and a collagen stain was used to aid in identification of carpal ligament anatomy. These limbs were sliced in sagittal section, and a further six paired limbs were included in the study and sliced in transverse and dorsal planes. Anatomic structures were initially described using MRI and then subjectively compared with gross plastinated specimens. Readers considered the transverse MRI plane to be most useful for visualizing the majority of the carpal ligaments. Findings indicated that MRI anatomy of the carpal ligaments was comparable to plastinated anatomy; therefore MRI appears to be a beneficial imaging modality for exploration of feline carpal pathology.  相似文献   

Although magnetic resonance imaging has been used to examine the brain of domestic ruminants, detailed information relating the precise anatomical features in these species is lacking. In this study the brain structures of calves (Bos taurus domesticus), sheep (Ovis aries), goats (Capra hircus) and a mesaticephalic dog (Canis lupis familiaris) were examined using T2-weighed Turbo Spin Echo sequences; three-dimensional models based on high-resolution gradient echo scans were used to identify brain sulci and gyri in two-dimensional images. The ruminant brains examined were similar in structure and organisation to those of other mammals but particular features included the deep depression of the insula and the pronounced gyri of the cortices, the dominant position of the visual (optic nerve, optic chiasm and rostral colliculus) and olfactory (olfactory bulb, olfactory tracts and piriform lobe) systems, and the relatively large size of the diencephalon.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the ability of a 17.6 Tesla magnetic resonance (MR) microscope to determine external and internal structures and three-dimensional (3D) volume rendering of premature bovine brain tissue. Two bovine embryos (Carnegie-stages 16 and 21) were examined. 3D magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed with a high field MR-scanner at a field strength of 17.6 Tesla. Images with isotropic nominal resolutions up to 39.1 μm were acquired. The MR images corresponded very well with histological slices. 3D virtual models of the embryonic brain were easily produced in a relatively short time and the high field scanner provided highly detailed images of formalin fixed brain tissue. Manual segmentation and automatic volume rendering is a valuable tool for the fast generation of 3D brain models and, to some degree, can replace conventional techniques in comparative embryology.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non-invasive technique widely used to investigate degenerative joint disease (DJD). In this study, we obtained magnetic resonance images of feline hip joints, using a high magnetic field MRI unit (4.7 tesla) with proton density (PD)-weighted and T2-weighted fast spin-echo (FSE). PD-weighted FSE provided detailed anatomical images of feline hip joints with superb depiction of subchondral bones of the femoral head and acetabulum. Articular cartilage (AC) was also visualized with PD-weighted and T2-weighted FSE; however, mild AC lesions noted on gross examination were not detectable with these sequences.  相似文献   

The clinical, neuropathologic, and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging features in four cats with necrosis of the hippocampus and piriform lobe are described. All cats had acute generalized seizures and behavioral changes including aggression, salivation, polyphagia, and disorientation. Routine hematologic, serum chemistry, and cerebrospinal fluid analyses were normal. MR imaging abnormalities were restricted to the area of the hippocampus and piriform lobe. The lesions were T2-hyperintense, T1-hypointense, and were characterized by various degrees of contrast enhancement. Lesions were consistent with necrotizing encephalitis. Two cats were euthanized and underwent postmortem examination within a week after MR imaging due to the lack of response to antiepileptic drug therapy and progressive neuropathy. The remaining two cats lived for about four months and were then euthanized because of persistent behavioral and neurologic signs; only one of these cats underwent postmortem examination with histopathologic examination. Histopathological findings were typical of severe, diffuse, bilateral symmetric necrosis, and degeneration of neurons in the hippocampus and piriform lobe, but an etiologic agent was not apparent. This apparently unique feline syndrome, now reported in Switzerland and Italy, has no known cause at this time.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of brain lesions in 5 dogs and 2 cats characterized by extensive cystic changes of the cerebral hemispheres in terms of a porencephaly are presented. Age at diagnosis ranged from 12 weeks to 7 years. MRI findings were confined to the forebrain. Porencephalic lesions appeared as wedge-shaped parenchymal defects connecting the ventricular system and the subarachnoid space or as large cystic defects in the cerebral hemispheres. Although in two adult dogs the porencephalic lesions were asymptomatic, the other animals showed clinical symptoms depending on the affected cerebral area. Three animals had seizures. Interestingly, four animals showed neurological signs normally not localized to the forebrain (nystagmus, hypermetria, ataxia). Whether these clinical signs are related to impaired function of the cerebral cortex or to not recognizable lesions in the cerebello-vestibular system could not be further clarified. Although the defects develop intrauterine or postnatal, the clinical symptoms can occur later in life. The definition of porencephaly as well as its subclassification is not uniform in veterinary medicine. We suggest the term encephaloclastic porencephaly unregarding the underlying cause of the defect, which cannot be further specified by diagnostic imaging.  相似文献   

A cat with a history of seizures and clinical suspicion of forebrain disorder underwent a brain magnetic resonance imaging. A space-occupying lesion was identified in the left temporal lobe. The mass was surgically removed, and cytological, histological and immunohistochemical examinations documented the presence of Toxoplasma gondii. A definitive diagnosis of an intracranial T gondii granuloma was made. The cat was treated with clindamycin and phenobarbital and the seizures did not recur. After 10 months, a second magnetic resonance imaging showed severe brain atrophy, but T gondii granuloma recurrence was not noted. Twenty-one months after surgery, the cat's condition deteriorated, and another magnetic resonance imaging showed a presumptive recurrence of T gondii granuloma. In cats, T gondii granuloma must be considered as a differential diagnosis even when only a single intracranial mass is present. Cytology and magnetic resonance imaging can be useful in making a definitive diagnosis and to follow the evolution of the lesion.  相似文献   

Ultrasonographic (US), magnetic resonance (MR) and computed tomographic (CT) images of normal canine stifle joints were obtained and compared with plastinated cross-sectional slices of cadaver specimens from the same dogs. The bony and articular structures were identified and correlated with the three diagnostic imaging modalities. These results provide an atlas of normal cross-sectional US, MR and CT anatomy of the canine stifle, which can be used for the interpretation of stifle images from any of these imaging modalities.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop an anatomical model of the feline hip joint for low‐field magnetic resonance imaging (LF‐MRI) based on high‐field magnetic resonance imaging (HF‐MRI). The study was performed on six adult clinically healthy European shorthair cats, aged 1–3 years, with body weight of 2.8–4.4 kg. The animals were examined with the use of the Vet‐MRI Grande Esaote LF (0.25 T) scanner and high‐field Siemens Magnetom TRIO (3 T) MRI scanner. In the LF‐MRI, most satisfactory results in T1‐weighted images were obtained when TE was 26 ms in all three planes and when TR was 350–950 ms in the transverse plane, 950–1150 ms in the sagittal plane and 520–750 ms in the dorsal plane. In T2‐weighted images, TE was 90 ms in the transverse and dorsal plane and 120 ms in the sagittal plane. The results were presented as images acquired with LF‐MRI scanners in three planes. The slice thickness was 3 mm for each plane. In LF‐MRI, muscles in the hip joint region and round ligament were well visualized. Unlike in LF‐MRI, the cross section of the femoral nerve was identified in HF‐MRI scans. In examinations of the feline hip joint, the main limitations of LF‐MRI were a lack of reliable contrast between articular cartilage and synovial fluid as well as longer scan time. Despite the above, LF‐MRI images were characterized by good contrast between bones and the surrounding soft tissues.  相似文献   

Age-associated changes of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on the brain were evaluated in 19 beagle dogs aged from 8-month- to 16-year-old. A significant correlation of the volume of lateral ventricle space was observed in the dogs with age advanced, however, no correlation was found between hippocampus size and the aging. The hypo-intensity areas on T2-weighted MRI were detected in globus pallidus and substantia nigra with a significant correlation of both intensity ratios to lateral ventricle with age advanced. These areas were coincided with the accumulation of iron in the slice of the brain with Perls' staining. In addition, hyper-intensity area, suggesting perivascular demyelination with fluid-filled space, was also observed in white matter surrounding the lateral ventricle on T2-weighted MRI. These results suggested that age-associated changes of T2-weighted MRI were developed in the dog brain, especially in globus pallidus, substantia nigra, and white matter surrounding lateral ventricle, like as those reported in the human brain.  相似文献   

Sequential magnetic resonance imaging studies over a period of 18 months were performed in a two-year-old pug dog after suspected global brain ischaemia following an anaesthetic accident. The dog was presented with seizures and neurological deficits consistent with a left brainstem and multifocal/diffuse forebrain lesion after an asymptomatic interval of 72 hours following the ischaemic event. Magnetic resonance imaging scans were performed three hours, six weeks, seven and 18 months after the incident. In the acute stage, signal hyperintensity was evident in the occipital and parietal regions of the cerebral cortex and in both rostral caudate nuclei. Slight involvement of the white matter was also noticed. In the chronic phase, the signal hyperintensity in the affected areas of the cortex was diminished and smaller in size, whereas the white matter did not appear to be compromised anymore.  相似文献   

Although glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), a World Health Organization grade IV astrocytoma, is the most common primary brain tumor in humans, in dogs GBM is relatively rare, accounting for only about 5% of all astrocytomas. This study presents combined clinical, neuroimaging, and neuropathologic findings in five dogs with GBM. The five dogs, aged from 5 to 12 years, were presented with progressive neurologic deficits that subsequent clinical neurologic examination and neuroimaging studies by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), localized to space occupying lesions in the brain. MRI features of the tumors included consistent peritumoral edema (n = 5), sharp borders (n = 4), ring enhancement (n = 3), heterogenous T2-weighted signal intensity (n = 3), iso- to hypointense T1-weighted images (n = 5), necrosis (n = 5), and cyst formation (n = 2). Two tumors were diagnosed clinically using a computed tomography-guided stereotactic biopsy procedure. At necropsy all the tumors resulted in, on transverse sections, a prominent midline shift and had a variegated appearance due to intratumoral necrosis and hemorrhage. Histologically, they had serpentine necrosis with glial cell pseudopalisading and microvascular proliferation, features which distinguish human GBM from grade III astrocytomas. Immunoreactivity of tumor cells for glial fibrillary acidic protein was strongly positive in all cases, whereas 60% and 40% of the tumors also expressed epidermal growth factor receptor and vascular endothelial growth factor, respectively. These canine GBMs shared many diagnostic neuroimaging, gross, microcopic, and immunoreactivity features similar to those of human GBMs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe normal magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomographic anatomy of pastern and coffin joints in Egyptian buffalo using cadaveric distal limbs. This study was achieved using twelve fresh cadaveric distal limbs from adult healthy buffaloes of both sexes. These cadaveric limbs were scanned using a 1 Tesla MRI scanner and CT scanner, injected with red latex, frozen at −20°C for 1 week, and then sectioned into sagittal, dorsal and transverse slices. The obtained MR and CT images were selected to be matched with their corresponding anatomical cross-sections for identification and evaluation of the clinically correlated anatomical structures of the pastern and coffin joints. The difference in signal intensities on CT and MRI scans amongst the tissues allowed clear differentiation of major bone and soft tissue structures of the pastern and coffin joints. CT provided a high spatial resolution of bone and soft tissue structures, however, MRI allowed a better and higher resolution and definition between soft tissues. The current study provided a normal CT and MRI anatomic reference which could help veterinary clinicians for interpretation and diagnosis of the clinically affected pastern and coffin joints in buffalo.  相似文献   

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