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Biological characteristics and culture methods were investigated for the spot prawn, Pandalus platyceros Brandt. Ovigerous adults were caught in the local fishery; six of these produced 2 628 to 4 669 larvae. The larval period ranged from 26 to 35 days (9.5–12.0°C). Maximum larval survival was about 70%, with mortalities being most frequent during ecdysis. The relation of wet weight (g) to carapace length (mm) for the first 26 months was calculated as log W = ?3.0843 + 2.9308 log L. Prawns showed good survival between 9.5 and 21.0°C. Mortality increased sharply when temperatures exceeded 21.0°C. Salinities below 22‰ resulted in a sharp increase in mortality.A diet of brine shrimp nauplii sufficed for newly hatched larvae. Growth was enhanced when larvae were fed a unicellular algal supplement (Phaeodactylum tricornutum), although mortality was somewhat higher. Larvae progressed rapidly to foraging on larger brine shrimp and diced foods. Six-month-old spot prawns raised on a squid diet averaged 3.4 g, and at 1 year the mean weight was 6.3 g. A feeding experiment, incorporating 12 diets, disclosed that highest growth rates and best food conversion ratios were achieved on a combined California seamussel and giant red sea urchin diet. However, the best growth rate achieved was considered marginal for mariculture.It was concluded that unless the growth rate could be accelerated by other food formulations or culture techniques, a monoculture system for mass cultivation would not be feasible. The spot prawn may have potential in a polyculture system.  相似文献   

The factors affecting production of estuary grouper, Epinephelus salmoides, in floating net cages are discussed. The concept of economic production in cage culture is outlined. Economic production of estuary grouper could be achieved by providing a suitable culture site with good water quality; ensuring proper farm management and regular maintenance of cages; preventing disease and ensuring efficient treatment; providing optimum stocking density, a balanced diet, optimal feeding frequency; manipulating fish behaviour by providing artificial hides; and manipulating physiological characteristics, e.g. by the use of growth promoters.The paper futher describes environmental parameters, such as dissolved oxygen content, water temperature, salinity, water current, bacteria count, pH, and bottom sediments, as important factors in site selection. Their effects on the growth and production of fish are discussed and their optimal levels determined. The problems involving management and maintenance of the farm are also outlined. The main problem in cage culture is fouling which demands considerable labour and money for cage maintenance. Other problems such as predators, poaching, and cannibalism are discussed at length. It is suggested that by manipulation of stocking density, production could be increased. The optimal stocking rate was found to be 60 fish/m3 which gives a high yield of marketable fish. Stocking could be further intensified by providing artificial hides using used car tyres. The net production could be increased by 230% if hiding space of 251 cm3 per fish was provided and the stocking density increased to 156 fish/m3. Although formulated feeds enhanced growth by 27.1% over that of groupers fed on trash fish, the production cost was much higher, rendering the use of formulated feeds alone uneconomical for commercial fish culture. Growth promoters such as 17α-methyltestosterone and nitrovin have been found to promote growth of young estuary grouper by 43.4 and 62.8%, respectively.Using various combinations of culture techniques, it was shown that net production could be increased from 23.76 kg/m3 using conventional culture methods to 136.75 kg/m3 with a combination of hiding space, heavy stocking, appropriate feeding frequency and formulated feeds incorporating growth promoters. The production time was also shortened considerably from 6 months to 2.7 months.Cost-benefit analysis of the eight culture techniques tested indicated that the production cost could be reduced from US$2.00/kg with conventional methods to as low as US$1.28/kg using a sophisticated method. However, based on current market proces, the conventional culture technique was still economically feasible, as the net income over total capital costs was 33.3%. Improvements of the conventional culture technique will increase the ratio of net income over total capital costs by 1–3 times.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Differences in the life history strategies employed by otherwise ecologically similar species of a fish assemblage may be an important factor in the coexistence of these species and is an essential consideration in the conservation and management of these assemblages. We collected scales to determine age and growth of four species of the catostomid assemblage (northern hogsucker Hypentelium nigricans , spotted sucker Minytrema melanops , notchlip redhorse Moxostoma collapsum and robust redhorse Moxostoma robustum ) of the Savannah River, Georgia–South Carolina in spring 2004 and 2005. Robust redhorse was the largest species; reaching sexual maturity at an older age and growing faster as a juvenile than the other species. Spotted sucker did not achieve the same size as robust redhorse, but reached sexual maturity at younger ages. Notchlip redhorse was intermediate between the abovementioned two species in age at maturity and size. Northern hogsucker was the smallest species of the assemblage and reached the sexual maturity at the age of three. Both robust redhorse and spotted sucker were sexually dimorphic in size-at-age. The range of life history strategies employed by Savannah River catostomids encompasses the range of life history strategies exhibited within the family as a whole.  相似文献   

Juvenile dolphin (Coryphaena hippurus) were captured in the vicinity of the Gulf Stream off Hatteras, N.C., and held in pens in estuarine waters. A tank was designed specifically for fish transportation. Captive fish tolerated salinities ranging from 16 to 26‰ and temperatures ranging from 15 to 29.4°C.Separate feeding trials resulted in food conversion ratios of 3.54 and 3.44 (wet weights). Another trial involving 21 dolphin resulted in an average gain of 0.39 kg per week. Dolphin fed readily on a variety of cut fresh fish but rejected dolphin flesh. They were also trained to accept pelletized food.Dolphin have great potential for use in mariculture because of their rapid growth, palatability, good market price, and tolerance to estuarine conditions. As the growing season for dolphin does not extend for more than 6 months at Hatteras, N.C., warmer climates with year-round growing seasons are recommended for dolphin culture.  相似文献   

A fungus of the genus Fusarium was associated with black spot cuticular lesions on Macrobrachium rosenbergii (De Man) and appeared opportunistic rather than invasive. Attempts to transmit the fungus to non-affected prawns were negative. Comparisons are made with other Fusarium sp. isolated from crustaceans.  相似文献   

Yield characteristics of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii are examined in both commercial and experimental ponds during the first pilot growth trial in Israel. Because of the temperate climate, production is restricted to 6 or 7 summer months. Given a minimal commercial size of 30 gm, conditions were found in which the majority of animals can be brought to this size in a single growth season. Total biomass is linearly related to density up to over 1,500 kg/ha. Density is found to be a major factor affecting the size of males and females whose growth characteristics contribute differently to yield. Males of harvestable size are restricted in their growth at higher density, resulting in lowered mean weight. Even in high densities reported in this study nearly all the potentially harvestable males achieve minimum market weight, while the rest of the male population cannot be brought to market size in even the most favorable conditions. The contribution of females to yield is precarious since female sizes are relatively uniform and their average weight may be above, close to or below market size. Conditions are described in which well over 80% of the females achieve market size, but at densities too low to secure profitable yield. The effects of late season selective harvest reveal no dramatic effect on yield. Nevertheless, selective harvest seems to enable continued growth in densely populated ponds. We conclude that combined stocking of larger animals, with early selective harvest, reducing density dependence during final growout, could prove useful in attaining commercial yields.  相似文献   

Several workers have suggested that maximal growth of an organism should occur in isosmotic media, since the animals would not be expending energy in doing osmotic work. Growth and osmoregulatory studies, however, show that this is not true in the giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. This paper attempts to explain the phenomenon.  相似文献   

Two pond experiments were conducted at the Waddell Mariculture Center to compare production characteristics of the native Penaeus setiferus and Pacific P. vannamei white shrimp in South Carolina. In 1985, 7–9 day old postlarval P. setiferus were stocked in one 0.1 and one 0.25 ha ponds, while P. vannamei of the same age were stocked in one 0.1 and one 0.25 ha ponds, while P. vannamei of the same age were stocked in one 0.1, one 0.25, and one 0.5 ha ponds. Both species were stocked at 12 shrimp/m2. The shrimp were fed a 25% protein commercial food and harvested by draining after 147 d. Sarvival in all ponds was > go%, but growth and production of the P. setiferus were considerably lower than values obtained for P. vannamei: 12.8 g and 1,555 kg/ha/crop for P. satiferus versus 19.7 g and 2,477 kg/ha/crop for P. vannamei. In 1989, duplicate 0.1 ha ponds were stocked with P. setiferus and P. vannamei at 60 shrimp/m2, and two additional 0.1 ha ponds were stocked with P. setiferus at 40/m2. The P. setiferus postlarvae were produced at the Waddell Center from captive-reared and wild South Carolina brood stock. Rearing procedures involved paddlewheel aeration (10 hp/ha), regular water exchange (averaging 16–21%/d in all ponds), and use of a 40% protein feed. Due to the availability of postlarvae, the various treatments were stocked at different times. Both P. setiferus treatments were reared for 145 d, while the P. vannamei were reared for 165 d. P. setiferus at the 40/m2 density attained mean size, survival, and standing crop biomass at harvest of 13.5 g, 97.5% and 5,259 kg/ha/crop, respectively. The 60/m2P. setiferus treatment was stocked 2 wk earlier and yielded 15.2 g mean weight, 87.5% survival, and 7,995 kg/ha/crop at harvest. The P. vannamei 60/m2 treatment, which was stocked 3 wk earlier than any of the P. setiferus, produced mean size, survival and standing crop biomass at harvest of 17.1 g, 69.5% and 7,187 kg/ha/crop. Both survival and production levels would have been higher had not one replicate experienced a partial mortality due to a feeding accident. The 1989 study yielded what is thought to be the highest production levels yet achieved with P. setiferus in pond culture. These results suggest that P. setiferus may be a viable alternative to P. vannamei for intensive cultivation in the continental U.S. when P. vannamei are unavailable. Further evaluation of this potential is needed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to understand the microbial flora associated with the hatchery system of giant fresh water prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii during an entire rearing cycle. Bacteriological and physico-chemical analysis was done for different samples of water, larvae, and Artemia. The total bacterial load in well water, seawater and inlet water varied from 101 to 105 cfu ml− 1 with higher counts seen in larval rearing tank (LRT) water. The Vibrio count ranged between 101 to 103 cfu ml− 1. Larval samples harboured a bacterial load of 106 to 107 cfu/10 larvae. The bacterial load in Artemia hatching water ranged from 4.90 × 104 to 5.63 × 106 cfu ml− 1 while Artemia had a load ranging from 1.08 × 107 to 2.09 × 109 cfu g− 1. Vibrio count in the LRT water ranged from 101-103 cfu ml− 1 while the count in larvae ranged from 102 to 104 cfu/10 larvae. The bacterial genera were predominantly Gram-negative and comprised of Aeromonas spp., Pseudomonas spp., Vibrio spp. and Bacillus spp. and non-spore formers (NSF) were the dominant Gram-positive bacteria. This study documents the bacterial flora associated with Macrobrachium hatchery system during a regular normal run. Knowledge of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of bacterial flora in the hatchery would help to understand disturbances, if any, brought about during disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

为探索培育优质健康虾苗的技术措施,福建省霞浦县水产技术推广站于2002年3月~7月在围江对虾基地利用一个640m3育苗水体,进行培育南美白对虾虾苗的试验,取得成功,现将育苗经验总结如下.  相似文献   

工厂化养殖是一种高密度、养殖条件可系统控制的养殖模式,因此产量高,且加强了养殖病害的人工防治效果,降低投资风险,提高经济效益.广西区北海市南美白对虾养殖面积有12万多亩,其中已有近万亩采用集约式工厂化养殖,为了提高养殖技术,使单位水体发挥最大的生产效力,促进北海市南美白对虾工厂化养殖的持续发展,广西区北海市科委组织有关单位系统开展了南美白对虾最适养成密度、饵料种类的合理配套和养成管理的试验研究,并且初步建立了南美白对虾高产高效养殖模式.  相似文献   

Juvenile M. rosenbergii of three sizes were stocked in a reservoir, using net pens of two sizes and varying the stocking density. Prawns of 3.94 cm length at stocking grew faster than 11.24-cm prawns, matured in 9 months and showed at least 22% survival, an economically justifiable level. Smaller prawns (2.45 cm long) suffered total mortality.  相似文献   

The effects of ambient nitrite concentrations on larval development of giant river prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii were evaluated. The trials were conducted in two phases: phase 1, larvae from stages I through VIII and phase 2, larvae from stage VIII until post-larvae. In both phases larvae were kept in water with nitrite (NO2-N) concentrations of 0, 2, 4, 8 and 16 mg/L. Oxygen consumption was analyzed for larvae in stage II at nitrite concentrations of 0, 4, and 8 mg/L. Survival, weight gain, larval stage index and metamorphosis rate decreased linearly with increasing ambient nitrite concentration. However, there was no significant difference between larvae subjected to 0 and 2 mg/L NO2-N. In phase 1, there was total mortality at 16 mg/L NO2-N, while in phase 2 larval development stopped at stage X in this treatment. The oxygen consumption in stage II increased significantly at NO2-N concentration from 0 to 4 mg/L, but there was no difference between 4 and 8 mg/L NO2-N. In conclusion, increasing ambient nitrite up to 16 mg/L NO2-N delays larval development, reduces larval growth rate and causes mortality, whereas no significant effect occurs for levels below 2 mg/L NO2-N. However, the establishment of a general safe level of nitrite to M. rosenbergii hatchery may be difficult due to the great variability in larvae individual sensitivity.  相似文献   

Giant freshwater prawns, Macrobrachium rosenbergii (17.9 ± 2.7 g), exposed to different concentrations of saponin at 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9 and 1.2 mg l− 1 for 168 h were examined for osmolality, electrolyte levels, oxyhemocyanin, protein levels, acid-base balance status, total hemocyte count (THC), phenoloxidase activity, and respiratory bursts. Hemolymph oxyhemocyanin, protein, and pO2 were inversely related to the saponin concentration. Hemolymph oxyhemocyanin, protein, pO2, pCO2, and pH of prawns exposed to 1.2 mg l− 1 saponin were significantly lower than those of prawns exposed to 0.3 mg l− 1 and control solutions. However, no significant difference was observed in osmolality or electrolyte levels of prawns exposed to different concentrations of saponin for 168 h. The THC of prawns following 168 h of exposure to 0.9 and 1.2 mg l− 1 saponin increased, but the phenoloxidase activity decreased suggesting that the decrease in phenoloxidase activity under saponin stress was not a consequence of the increase in THC. We concluded that saponin at as low as 0.9 mg l− 1 decreases the respiratory protein level and acid-base balance, and modulates the immune system of M. rosenbergii.  相似文献   

南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei)是当前世界上养殖产量最高的三大优良虾种之一(其它2种为斑节对虾、中国对虾),养殖效益显著.健康养殖即生态养殖,它要求在养殖过程中必须保持良好的水环境,避免与减少病原体的侵入和环境污染,提倡科学合理的养殖管理措施,走病害综合防治之路,也是防治病害发生、维持养殖生态平衡和水产养殖发展的基础.  相似文献   

全面分析和阐述了开展剌参虾池人工筑礁养殖的必要性、创新性、发展前景及综合效益情况,为有效挖掘虾地资源的生产潜力、实施虾池养殖“二次创业”战略开辟了新的养殖途径。  相似文献   

Abstract – We examined the reproductive characteristics of 38 female longnose dace ( Rhinichthys cataractae ) from one of the southernmost populations of this species during two sampling periods in 1999 (ES=March 1999, LS=June 1999). Our data indicated that ES fish had not spawned, whereas LS fish had begun spawning. The smallest mature female captured was 56 mm SL (age 1+). Mean potential fecundity differed significantly between ES (mean±1 SD=1832±572 oocytes) and LS (mean±1 SD=775±415 oocytes) specimens. Potential fecundity was positively correlated with both standard length and somatic mass for both ES and LS specimens. Oocyte diameter frequency histograms indicated that ES specimens possessed two modes of oocytes, whereas LS fish contained two or three modes. Female longnose dace appeared to spawn more than once during a reproductive season. Oocyte number varied substantially both among individuals within periods and between periods. The number of Mode II oocytes in ES fish was positively correlated with both length and somatic mass. Female longnose dace appeared potentially capable of spawning 6+ clutches per year. GSI values for longnose dace ranged from a high of 21.4% (LS specimen) to 2.4% (ES specimen). Regression analysis demonstrated that there was no evidence of differential reproductive effort between longnose dace of different size in this population.  相似文献   

The cultivation of Gracilaria is described, costs and returns of the operation are analyzed, and the market demand is evaluated. Gracilaria culture is a labor-intensive operation. However, annual productivity and profit are high. The increasing demand and rising price of raw Gracilaria, and agar derived from it, are likely to encourage Gracilaria cultivation not only in Taiwan but also in other developing countries with sites suitable for its cultivation.  相似文献   

近年来,随着南美白对虾的大面积推广,养殖面积及养殖产量不断提高,但是,养虾业迅猛发展的同时也不可避免地带来一连串的问题,值得引起大家的注意.  相似文献   

Discarded by-catch in prawn fisheries is likely to affect trophic balance including the population structure and function of both the exploited species and scavengers on discards. The Spencer Gulf prawn fishery consists of 39 trawlers operating about 60 days a year with a management system allowing large differences in spatial effort. Such a system provides opportunities to study spatial effects of fishing in relation to habitat and fishing effort. In this study, the occurrence and consumption of scavengers on the Spencer Gulf prawn fishing grounds were studied at five sites subjected to different historical fishing effort and further estimated through field and laboratory experiments. Baited video experiments showed that the most common scavengers on discarded by-catch were Degens leatherjacket (Thamnaconus degeni), blue crabs (Portunus pelagicus) and sealice (a group of several species of isopods and amphipods), notably Natatolana woodjonesi, with variable abundances between sites and day/night. Scavenger abundance and consumption was higher at night than during the day. Total abundance and consumption during the day showed a negative correlation to historical trawl hours, while during the night showed a positive correlation. In the laboratory, in contrast to groups, individual leatherjackets showed little interest in bait. Consumption rates for both leatherjackets and blue crabs showed a logarithmic trend depending on bait species. The results showed that during the day blue crabs and leatherjackets were the dominating scavengers while during the night it was Port Jackson sharks and in particular sealice. The effects of site, historical trawl hours and relative importance of the scavenging species are discussed.  相似文献   

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