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Forty-day-old specific-pathogen-free chickens were exposed by aerosol to lentogenic Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and observed for 24 days for pathological changes in the tracheal mucociliary system. Specific fluorescence of NDV antigen was observed through day 5 postexposure (PE) in the cytoplasm of the tracheal epithelium and desquamated epithelium in the lumen. On day 1 PE, scanning electron microscopy revealed hypertrophy of goblet cells and small patches of the deciliated epithelium scattered mainly around the openings of mucous glands. The deciliated area of tracheal surface increased through day 4 PE. Light microscopy showed small vacuoles containing lymphocytes and heterophils in the epithelial layer. Immature epithelium proliferated in some areas. On days 5 and 6 PE, ciliated areas of the trachea tended to increase as a result of regeneration of the epithelium, still leaving many nonciliated patches of various sizes. On and after day 8 PE, there remained plaques with nonciliated flat epithelium, but most areas were covered with well-ciliated epithelium. Non-ciliated plaques were observed until day 24 PE, but they gradually decreased in size. These plaques were covered by a single layer of flat epithelium and were formed upon lymph follicles in subepithelial tissue.  相似文献   

Lower titres of avian infectious bronchitis (AIB) virus were found following the infection of tracheal organ cultures prepared from chickens that had been given AIB virus intranasally six weeks previously than were found following the infection of organ cultures prepared from untreated or from passively-immune chickens. No infectious virus was found in the tracheal organ cultures at the time they were prepared.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural changes in the tracheal epithelium of chickens infected intranasally with velogenic viscerotropic Newcastle disease virus were examined by scanning electron microscopy. Hypertrophy of the mucus-secreting, or goblet, cells was the first sign of change, followed by disoriented and deformed cilia, hemorrhage, and hyperplasia of goblet cells accompanied by an increase in mucus. By day 7 postinfection, there was a marked decrease in the number of ciliated cells. Submucosal glands and some collagen fibers were exposed to the surface, an indication of loss of the epithelial cells. Macrophages and cell debris were abundant, and hyperplasia of the basal cells was evident in the later stages of infection, probably in an attempt to regenerate the lost epithelium. However, all chickens died 10 days postinfection, before any further work could be done.  相似文献   

We investigated the interaction between Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and Escherichia coli in cell cultures, embryonated eggs, and 8-wk-old chickens. We measured the interactions on the basis of bacterial adherence and NDV hemagglutination titer in chickens, chicken embryos, and chicken embryo cell culture. Depending on the inoculation order of E. coli, a significant alteration of the growth of NDV was observed in both chickens and chicken embryos. When certain strains of E. coli were given before NDV exposure, the virus titers were lowered. In chickens, the mean virus titer was significantly (P < 0.05) lowered in the crop, the proventriculus, the gizzard, and the jejunum. However, there were no significant differences (P < 0.05) between the two groups for NDV titers in the duodenum, ileum, and cecum. In chicken embryos, when E. coli serotypes O78 and O119:B14 were inoculated before NDV exposure, the mean NDV titers were significantly (P < 0.5) lowered. However, there were no significant differences (P < 0.05) in NDV titer between the two groups when E. coli serotypes O78:K80:NM and O1ab:K NM were inoculated 24 hr before NDV exposure. When NDV was given prior to E. coli exposure, NDV titer was higher in both chickens and chicken embryos. In chickens, when NDV was given 48 hr before E. coli inoculation, NDV was detected in the proventriculus, gizzard, jejunum, ileum, and cecum, whereas no virus was detected in the control groups (NDV only). In the crop, NDV was detected at a significantly (P < 0.05) higher titer in the E. coli-inoculated group when compared with the control group that received NDV alone. In chicken embryos, virus titer was significantly (P < 0.05) higher when NDV was given 24 hr before E. coli inoculation for all three NDV strains used (Ulster and V4 strains). Adherence of E. coli to chicken embryo kidney (CEK) cells was significantly higher (P < 0.05) when the CEK cells were infected first with NDV and then by E. coli. The mean bacterial count per microscopic field in NDV-uninfected monolayers was eight compared with 112 for the NDV-infected monolayers. In approximately 10% of the fields in NDV-infected monolayers, the bacteria were too numerous to count.  相似文献   

Conventional Newcastle disease vaccines are not suitable for application to village chickens in tropical countries of Asia. Trials with food-based vaccines are being initiated and the following experiments were performed to evaluate oral vaccination with Newcastle disease virus. Experimental chickens were vaccinated orally with the avirulent V4 strain of Newcastle disease virus and haemagglutination-inhibition antibody responses were measured. V4 virus was introduced into the crop by tube and total faecal output was collected daily and assayed for Newcastle disease virus. Virus was recovered on Days 5 and 6 after vaccination from most chickens that had received 10(7.4) and 10(6.4) 50% egg-infectious doses (EID50) of virus. There was no recovery of virus from birds receiving a lower dose of vaccine. Groups of chickens kept in cages with wire floors were given various doses of vaccine into the crop. Higher antibody titres were achieved with higher doses of virus. This dose responsiveness was not observed when various doses of vaccine were presented on food pellets and the groups of chickens were kept on concrete floors. Similar antibody responses were then seen with nominal doses of 10(5.2) and 10(8.2) EID50 per bird, possibly as a result of excretion and re-ingestion of the vaccine virus. Spread of the vaccine virus was demonstrated when control chickens and chickens receiving 10(7.7) EID50 of V4 virus on food pellets were housed together on a concrete floor. Similar antibody titres were achieved in both vaccinated and in-contact chickens.  相似文献   

将NDV-La Sota疫苗株、NDV山东地方强毒株CY和DY以及NDV F48E8标准强毒株分别制成油乳剂灭活疫苗,免疫6周龄SPF鸡,然后分别用分离强毒株和F48E8强毒株进行攻击。结果发现,两个分离毒株之间、分离毒株与标准毒株之间、IV系疫苗株与分离毒株之间都可以得到完全交叉保护。  相似文献   

Newcastle disease virus (NDV), named MET95, was isolated from a non-vaccinated broiler flock in Japan in 1995. The MET95 strain was determined to be a lentogenic NDV. The strain has the properties of eluting rapidly at 4 C and has low thermostability in hemagglutinating activity with chicken erythrocytes. In these studies, no difference could be found between the MET95 strain and the Hitcher B1 vaccine strain. However, the chickens inoculated with the MET95 strain, as well as chickens that they were in contact with, had a much higher hemagglutination-inhibition antibody response than those inoculated with the B1 strain. Accordingly, the MET95 strain is thought to be a promising candidate as a live ND vaccine strain. In Japan, this is the first report on the isolation of lentogenic NDV from chickens since the paper on the Ishii strain isolated in 1966.  相似文献   

The potency of inactivated Newcastle disease virus (NDV) vaccines in the United States is currently determined using vaccination and challenge of experimental animals against a velogenic strain of NDV. Because velogenic strains of NDV are now classified as select agents in the United States, all vaccine potency testing must be performed in live animals under biosafety level 3 agriculture conditions. If the minimum amount of inactivated viral antigen required for clinical protection can be determined using other methods, vaccines meeting these criteria might be considered of adequate potency. The linearity of correlation between the hemagglutination (HA) assay measurement and the 50% embryo infectious dose titer ofNDV Hitchner B1 vaccine virus was determined. Correlation between hemagglutinin units (HAU) per vaccine dose, clinical protection, and antibody response was then determined using a vaccinate-and-challenge model similar to Chapter 9 of the U.S. code of federal regulations approved method for vaccine potency testing. The dose providing 50% protection of an in-house water-in-oil emulsion vaccine formulated with inactivated NDV B1 was determined to be between 400 and 600 HAU from two separate trials. A positive correlation (R2 = 0.97) was observed between antibody response and HAU per vaccine dose. Serum antibody responses from vaccinated birds indicate HA inhibition titers >2(5) log2 would provide 100% protection from morbidity and mortality and require a minimum protective dose of 1000 HAU per bird. These are the first studies to examine establishing both a minimum protective HAU content for inactivated ND vaccines and a minimum serologic response necessary to ensure potency.  相似文献   

A group of 1-day-old commercial leghorn chickens was prophylactically treated with lymphokines obtained from lymphocyte cultures of chickens previously infected with Salmonella enteritidis (S. enteritidis-immune lymphokines [SE-ILK]) with the objective to investigate the effect of SE-ILK on development of Newcastle disease (ND) infection caused by Chimalguacan strain, a Mexican velogenic ND virus (vNDV). Clinical signs, histologic lesions, and hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) serum titers were compared with four other groups, namely, chickens without SE-ILK treatment with virus challenge; with SE-ILK without virus challenge; with nonimmune lymphokine (NILK) treatment and virus challenge; with lymphokine treatment and no virus challenge. SE-ILK was administered intraperitoneally in a dose of 0.5 ml/chicken and was followed 30 min later with the challenge of vNDV in a dose of 10(7.6) 50% embryo lethal dose/ml per bird. Birds were observed during 21 days of postchallenge. Detection of histologic changes and virus isolation procedures were carried out on the third, seventh, 14th, and 21st postinoculation days. HI tests were performed first before treatment and later on the days of histologic sample collection except on the third postinoculation day. Results showed that SE-ILK administration conferred resistance to the chickens because: 1) it significantly diminished the severity of ND infection by inhibiting appearance of clinical signs (P < 0.001), lesions (P < 0.005), and histopathologic changes (P < 0.005); 2) it decreased vNDV isolation rate from the organs (P < 0.001), and 3) it potentialized and even accelerated (P < 0.005) primary immune response by antibodies in the presence of vNDV.  相似文献   

J Shirai  H Hihara  M Maeda 《Avian diseases》1988,32(3):544-547
The virus distribution and histopathologic changes in organs of 1-week-old chickens inoculated with three representative isolates of Newcastle disease virus isolated from racing pigeons in Japan were examined. All three isolates were recovered from various organs, including brain, for several days, but not from the blood. Results were highly correlated with their high intracerebral pathogenicity indices (ICPI), in spite of their long mean death time of minimum lethal dose (MDT/MLD).  相似文献   

The interaction between Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and Escherichia coli endotoxin was studied in cell cultures, embryonated chicken eggs, and 8-wk-old chickens. These interactions were evaluated according to the induction of specific or nonspecific resistance in the host system and the virus titer produced in both chicken embryos and chickens. The endotoxin of E. coli induced a decrease in the size of the bursa of Fabricius in live chickens. Escherichia coli endotoxin given intravenously induced plasma antiviral activity in chickens that was interpreted to be interferon, as detected in a vesicular stomatitis virus plaque reduction assay. Endotoxin failed to produced toxic effects in the chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEFs) or to result in any antiviral effect because no change was noted in the number of NDV plaques formed in CEF cultures. When endotoxin was given 3 days before NDV exposure in chickens, the virus titers were significantly (P < 0.05) decreased from a peak of 10(2) to 10(0.18), 10(2.5) to 10(0.18), and 10(2.5) to 0 in the spleens, lungs, and kidneys, respectively, at 72 hr post-NDV inoculation. When endotoxin was given 24 hr after NDV inoculation, the NDV titer significantly (P < 0.05) increased from 10(2.0) to 10(3.5), 10(2.5) to 10(6.5), 10(2.5) to 10(4.5), 0 to 10(2.5) in the spleen, lungs, kidneys, and liver, respectively, at 72 hr after NDV inoculation. In chicken sera, hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titer to NDV was significantly (P < 0.05) enhanced from 1164 to 3127 when endotoxin was given prior to virus inoculation. However, there was a decrease in HI to NDV from 1164 to 727 without a significant difference in chicken sera when NDV was given prior to endotoxin inoculation.  相似文献   

Low pathogenicity avian influenza virus (LPAIV) and lentogenic Newcastle disease virus (lNDV) are commonly reported causes of respiratory disease in poultry worldwide with similar clinical and pathobiological presentation. Co-infections do occur but are not easily detected, and the impact of co-infections on pathobiology is unknown. In this study chickens and turkeys were infected with a lNDV vaccine strain (LaSota) and a H7N2 LPAIV (A/turkey/VA/SEP-67/2002) simultaneously or sequentially three days apart. No clinical signs were observed in chickens co-infected with the lNDV and LPAIV or in chickens infected with the viruses individually. However, the pattern of virus shed was different with co-infected chickens, which excreted lower titers of lNDV and LPAIV at 2 and 3 days post inoculation (dpi) and higher titers at subsequent time points. All turkeys inoculated with the LPAIV, whether or not they were exposed to lNDV, presented mild clinical signs. Co-infection effects were more pronounced in turkeys than in chickens with reduction in the number of birds shedding virus and in virus titers, especially when LPAIV was followed by lNDV. In conclusion, co-infection of chickens or turkeys with lNDV and LPAIV affected the replication dynamics of these viruses but did not affect clinical signs. The effect on virus replication was different depending on the species and on the time of infection. These results suggest that infection with a heterologous virus may result in temporary competition for cell receptors or competent cells for replication, most likely interferon-mediated, which decreases with time.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the disease-inducing ability of four chimeric Newcastle disease viruses (NDV) by clinicopathological assessment. The infectious clones were previously generated by insertion of hemagglutinin–neuraminidase (HN) and/or fusion (F) genes from virulent strains (Turkey North Dakota and California 02) into a mesogenic strain (Anhinga) backbone. Groups of 4-week-old chickens were inoculated via eye drop instillation, clinical signs were monitored daily, and necropsies with collection of tissues were performed at 2, 5, 10, and 14 days post infection. Tissue sections were evaluated for histopathology and immunohistochemistry for NDV nucleoprotein. All viruses replicated successfully in the natural host, although viral recovery, seroconversion, and extent of immunohistochemical staining were greatest from birds infected with those viruses containing both F and HN genes from the same virulent virus. There was minimal to no increase in clinicopathologic disease due to infection with the chimeras compared to the recombinant backbone. However, all birds developed histological evidence of encephalitis. The results suggest that the inherent virulence of Turkey North Dakota and California 2002 strains is due to more than the simple presence of their F and HN genes.  相似文献   

The progression of tracheal lesions induced by vaccination of day-old specific pathogen-free chicks with the La Sota strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was examined by relating surface changes as observed by scanning electron microscopy with subcellular changes seen by transmission electron microscopy. NDV infection resulted in hypertrophy of goblet cells, their rupture, and the formation of excess mucus. Activation of goblet cells peaked within 4 days postvaccination. Afterward, the activation levels gradually decreased. At the level of the ciliated cells, a marked increase in the proportion of nonciliated to ciliated cells and later an almost complete deciliation of the tracheal surface were observed because a simple squamous to cuboidal epithelium replaced the original pseudostratified epithelium. Fifteen days postvaccination, all epithelial damage was restored. Because the observed vaccination-induced lesions are detrimental to epithelial integrity and function as a barrier against invading microorganisms, they might explain at the ultrastructural level the secondary complications of vaccination with the La Sota strain against NDV.  相似文献   

Humorally deficient, in ovo-bursectomized (Bx) and sham-Bx chickens were vaccinated twice, 1 month apart, with Newcastle disease virus (NDV) Roakin strain and challenged with a velogenic viscerotropic NDV strain via the oronasal route. Hemagglutination-inhibition and seroneutralization tests showed that Bx chickens had reduced antibody-mediated immunity to virus infection. In contrast, they had significantly higher cell-mediated immunity (CMI) before challenge, as estimated simultaneously by determination of blastogenic capacity of peripheral blood lymphocytes induced by phytohemagglutinin and by specific antigen stimulation. After virus challenge, there was transitory inhibition of CMI based on marked reductions in levels of stimulation indices, and this impairment in CMI was supported by persistence of virus in Bx chickens for longer periods. Bx chickens resisted challenge, even though antibody titers were well below those considered predictive of resistance to challenge, suggesting that CMI provides a degree of resistance to velogenic NDV.  相似文献   

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