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Plague, caused by Yersinia pestis, is a flea-borne disease that is endemic in areas throughout the world due to its successful maintenance in a sylvatic cycle, mainly in areas with temperate climates. Burrowing rodents are thought to play a key role in the enzootic maintenance as well as epizootic outbreaks of plague. In the United States, prairie dogs (Cynomys), rodents (Muridae), and ground squirrels (Spermophilus) are susceptible to infection and are parasitized by fleas that transmit plague. In particular, prairie dogs can experience outbreaks that rapidly spread, which can lead to extirpation of colonies. A number of ecological parameters, including climate, are associated with these epizootics. In this study, we asked whether soil parameters, primarily moisture and temperature, are associated with outbreaks of plague in black-tailed prairie dogs and Gunnison's prairie dogs in the Western United States, and at what depth these associations were apparent. We collected publicly available county-level information on the occurrence of population declines or colony extirpation, while historical soil data was collected from SCAN and USCRN stations in counties and states where prairie dogs have been located. The analysis suggests that soil moisture at lower depths correlates with colony die-offs, in addition to temperature near the surface, with key differences within the landscape ecology that impact the occurrence of plague. Overall, the model suggests that the burrow environment may play a significant role in the epizootic spread of disease amongst black-tailed and Gunnison's prairie dogs.  相似文献   

Black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) have high dietary overlap with livestock, which can cause forage-centric conflicts between agriculture and conservation. Research suggests prairie dogs can enhance forage quality, but trade-offs between quality and quantity throughout the growing season remain unclear, as well as the degree to which increased forage quality is caused by altered species composition versus altered plant physiology. To assess the effects of prairie dog herbivory on forage in a northern mixed-grass prairie, we collected samples on prairie dog colonies and at sites without prairie dogs during June, July, and August 2016 - 2017 for forage quality, and August 2015 - 2017 for herbaceous biomass. To isolate mechanisms affecting forage quality, we collected both composite samples of all herbaceous species and samples of western wheatgrass (Pascopyrum smithii [Rydb.] Á. Löve). Across years and plant sample types, crude protein, phosphorus, and fat were 12-44% greater and neutral detergent fiber was 6-10% lower on prairie dog colonies than at sites without prairie dogs. The effects of prairie dogs on forage quality persisted throughout the season for western wheatgrass samples (all treatment*time p-values ≥ 0.4). Across years, aboveground herbaceous biomass did not differ significantly between prairie dog colonies and sites without prairie dogs (on-colony: 933 ± 156 kg/ha, off-colony: 982 ± 117 kg/ha). The effects of prairie dogs on herbaceous biomass were significantly influenced by spring precipitation. In years with dry springs, herbaceous biomass was lower on colonies than sites without prairie dogs and this pattern was reversed in years with wet springs. Our results demonstrate season-long enhanced forage quality on prairie dog colonies, indicating that multiple mechanisms are shaping forage quality in this system, including altered species composition, phenological growth stage, and soil condition. Across years, enhanced forage quality may help to offset reductions in forage quantity for agricultural producers.  相似文献   

State-and-transition models for semiarid grasslands in the North American Great Plains suggest that the presence of herbivorous black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus) on a site 1) creates a vegetation state characterized by increased dominance of annual forbs and unpalatable bunchgrasses and increased bare soil exposure and 2) requires long-term (> 40 yr) prairie dog removal to transition back to a vegetation state dominated by palatable perennial grasses. Here, we examine 1) how the recent history of prairie dog occupancy on a site (1–10 yr) influences the magnitude of prairie dog effects on vegetation composition and 2) how occupancy history affects vegetation dynamics following extirpation of prairie dogs. We used a natural experiment in the shortgrass steppe of northeastern Colorado, USA, where prairie dogs were extirpated from multiple sites during an outbreak of epizootic plague. On sites occupied by prairie dogs for 1–4 yr prior to extirpation, plant cover and composition recovered to conditions similar to unoccupied sites within a single growing season. Larger reductions in perennial C4 grasses occurred on sites occupied for the prior 7–10 yr compared to sites with shorter occupancy histories (< 6 yr). On sites occupied for the prior 7–10 yr, C4 perennial grasses recovered after 5 yr following prairie dog extirpation; in addition, C3 perennial graminoids and forbs remained more abundant (compared to sites with no history of prairie dogs) throughout the 5-yr period. Our findings showcase that prior site occupancy (up to 10 yr) by prairie dogs did not induce irreversible shifts in vegetation state in this semiarid grassland. Rather, vegetation changes induced by prairie dogs represent primarily a phase shift in landscapes where prairie dog populations are regulated by epizootic plague.  相似文献   

The black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) is a squirrel-like rodent (Sciuridae) that is used as an animal model for human gallbladder disease, as well as research on several viral and bacterial diseases. Prairie dogs are also prone to develop hepatobiliary diseases that can impair liver function. As a result, monitoring blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration or azotemia via low-volume blood samples with immediate test results can be clinically beneficial. In this study, blood samples were collected from captive black-tailed prairie dogs. The BUN analysis was performed in duplicate using a veterinary biochemistry analyzer and commercial reagent test strips. The indication of azotemia by the reagent test strips, when compared to plasma BUN results of prairie dogs with and without confirmed azotemia, had a sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of 100%, 95%, 71%, and 100%, respectively. Based on the results of this study, the reagent test strips provided a moderately accurate method of estimating the BUN concentration and high accuracy reporting both normal and azotemic black-tailed prairie dogs. Continued investigation into alternative point-of-care testing for prairie dogs is warranted, but standard blood chemistry analyzers should still be considered the most accurate method of BUN testing and azotemia determination for this species.  相似文献   

Native colonial and large ungulate herbivores infrequently coexist on contemporary landscapes but frequently would have in the past, and understanding these interactions is important for conservation in working landscapes—those lands managed for biological and economic objectives. Although many factors contribute to grassland bird declines, consistent and long-term removal of native herbivores from western grasslands promotes homogenous landscapes that are now uniformly grazed by cattle (Bos taurus). This shift in grassland disturbance patterns limits habitat availability for specialized grassland species. We investigated vegetation and bird community dynamics in pastures grazed by domestic cattle and a native colonial herbivore, the black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus). The study occurred in the northern mixed-grass prairie of the United States on four experimental pastures stratified by the proportion of prairie dog occupancy to create an ecological gradient. Vegetation and bird surveys were conducted from 2012 to 2015 on and off prairie dog colonies. Vegetation and bird communities were not different along the experimental pasture gradient but did differ relative to location on versus off town. Prairie dogs induced changes in the plant community with midstatured grasses like side-oats grama (Bouteloua curtipendula) and green needlegrass (Nassella viridula) being associated with off-colony sites while on-colony sites were associated with disturbance-tolerant species such as fetid marigold (Dyssodia papposa). The bird community responded to changes in vegetation structure resulting from prairie dogs with grasshopper sparrows (Ammodramus savannarum) being more abundant off colonies in areas with greater vegetation structure, while bird species with more complex life histories, such as the upland sandpiper (Bartramia longicauda), were associated with both on ? and off ? prairie dog colonies. Our findings demonstrate the importance of maintaining spatial heterogeneity in working landscapes and show that native colonial herbivores can help achieve this in the presence of herbivory by domestic cattle.  相似文献   

Plague is a zoonotic disease (transmitted mainly by fleas and maintained in nature by rodents) that causes severe acute illness in humans. We present a human plague case who became infected by the bite of a wild Gunnison's prairie dog, and a good practical example of the One Health approach that resulted in a rapid public health response. The exposure occurred while the animal was being transported for relocation to a wildlife refuge after being trapped in a plague enzootic area. This is the first report of a human plague case resulting from the bite of a Gunnison's prairie dog. Additionally, we present an observation of a longer incubation period for plague in captive prairie dogs, leading to a recommendation for a longer quarantine period for prairie dogs during translocation efforts.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, involves vectors and reservoirs in its transmission cycle. The passive plague surveillance in Madagascar targets mainly rodent and fleas. However, carnivores are routinely surveyed as sentinels of local plague activity in some countries. The aim of this study is to assess the use of domestic dog (Canis familiaris) as sentinel animal for field surveillance of plague in a highly endemic area in Madagascar. Cross-sectional surveys of plague antibody prevalence in C. familiaris were conducted in endemic areas with contrasting histories of plague cases in humans, as well as a plague free area. Rodent capture was done in parallel to evaluate evidence for Y. pestis circulation in the primary reservoirs. In 2 sites, dogs were later re-sampled to examine evidence of seroconversion and antibody persistence. Biological samplings were performed between March 2008 and February 2009. Plague antibody detection was assessed using anti-F1 ELISA. Our study showed a significant difference in dog prevalence rates between plague-endemic and plague-free areas, with no seropositive dogs detected in the plague free area. No correlation was found between rodents and dog prevalence rates, with an absence of seropositive rodents in some area where plague circulation was indicated by seropositive dogs. This is consistent with high mortality rates in rodents following infection. Re-sampling dogs identified individuals seropositive on both occasions, indicating high rates of re-exposure and/or persistence of plague antibodies for at least 9 months. Seroconversion or seropositive juvenile dogs indicated recent local plague circulation. In Madagascar, dog surveillance for plague antibody could be useful to identify plague circulation in new areas or quiescent areas within endemic zones. Within active endemic areas, monitoring of dog populations for seroconversion (negative to positive) or seropositive juvenile dogs could be useful for identifying areas at greatest risk of human outbreaks.  相似文献   

The species of prairie dog most commonly found in the pet trade is the black-tailed prairie dog, Cynomus ludovicianus. These prairie dogs are active, playful, and strong rodents that can make wonderful, affectionate pets when they are properly socialized and given attention. However, with a life span of 8 to 12 years, prairie dogs require a lot of care and a long-term commitment. Prairie dogs live in colonies; thus, they are highly social animals. Potential owners should understand a prairie dog's need for attention before adopting one.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the distribution and abundance of black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) colonies are of interest to rangeland managers because of the significant influence prairie dogs can exert on both livestock and biodiversity. We examined the influence of 4 prescribed burns and one wildfire on the rate and direction of prairie dog colony expansion in shortgrass steppe of southeastern Colorado. Our study was conducted during 2 years with below-average precipitation, when prairie dog colonies were expanding throughout the study area. Under these dry conditions, the rate of black-tailed prairie dog colony expansion into burned grassland (X ¯ = 2.6 ha · 100-m perimeter-1 · y-1; range = 0.8–5.9 ha · 100-m perimeter-1 · y-1; N = 5 colonies) was marginally greater than the expansion rate into unburned grassland (X ¯ = 1.3 ha · 100-m perimeter-1 · y-1; range = 0.2–4.9 ha · 100-m perimeter-1 · y-1; N = 23 colonies; P = 0.066). For 3 colonies that were burned on only a portion of their perimeter, we documented consistently high rates of expansion into the adjacent burned grassland (38%–42% of available burned habitat colonized) but variable expansion rates into the adjacent unburned grassland (2%–39% of available unburned habitat colonized). While our results provide evidence that burning can increase colony expansion rate even under conditions of low vegetative structure, this effect was minor at the scale of the overall colony complex because some unburned colonies were also able to expand at high rates. This result highlights the need to evaluate effects of fire on colony expansion during above-average rainfall years, when expansion into unburned grassland may be considerably lower.  相似文献   

Recent studies using molecular genetic approaches have made important contributions to our understanding of the epidemiology of veterinary arboviral encephalitides. Viruses utilizing avian enzootic hosts, such as Western equine encephalitis virus (WEEV) and North American Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV), evolve as relatively few, highly conserved genotypes that extend over wide geographic regions; viruses utilizing mammalian hosts with more limited dispersal evolve within multiple genotypes, each geographically restricted. Similar findings have been reported for Australian alphaviruses. This difference may be related to vertebrate host relationships and the relative mobility of mammals and avians. Whereas EEEV and Venezualan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) utilize small mammalian hosts in the tropics, most WEEV genotypes probably utilize avian hosts in both North and South America. The ability of mobile, infected avian hosts to disperse alphaviruses may result in continual mixing of virus populations, and thus limit diversification. This high degree of genetic conservation is also exhibited by EEE and Highlands J viruses in North America, where passerine birds serve as amplifying hosts in enzootic transmission foci. Most equine arboviral pathogens, including EEEV, WEEV and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV), occur in a naturally virulent enzootic state and require only appropriate ecological conditions to cause epizootics and epidemics. However, VEE epizootics apparently require genetic changes to convert avirulent enzootic strains into distinct epizootic serotypes. All of these arboviruses have the potential to cause severe disease of veterinary and human health importance, and further molecular epidemiological studies will undoubtedly improve our ability to understand and control future emergence.  相似文献   

The locations of black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus [Ord]) colonies on a 550-km2 study site in northeastern Wyoming, United States, were estimated using 3 remote sensing methods: raw satellite imagery (Landsat 7 ETM+), enhanced satellite imagery (integration of imagery with thematic layers via a Geographic Information System), and aerial reconnaissance (observations taken from a small plane). A supervised classification of the raw satellite imagery yielded an overall accuracy of 64.4%, relative to ground-truthed locations of prairie dog colonies. The enhanced satellite imagery, resulting from a filtering of the data based on an index derived from the sum of weighted ecological factors associated with prairie dog colonies (slopes, land cover, soil, and “greenness” via the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) yielded an overall accuracy of 69.2%. The aerial reconnaissance method provided 65.1% accuracy. The highest rate of false positives resulted from the aerial reconnaissance method (39.9%). The highest rate of false negatives resulted from the raw satellite imagery (60.0%), a value that was markedly reduced via the enhancement with ecological data from thematic layers (45.8%). Given the accuracy, interpretability of results, repeatability, objectivity, cost, and safety, the enhanced satellite imagery method is the recommended approach to large-scale detection of black-tailed prairie dog colonies. If a greater accuracy is required, this method can be employed as a coarse filter to narrow the scale and scope of a more costly and laborious fine-scale analysis effectively.  相似文献   

A 7.5-year-old male black-tailed prairie dog was presented for diarrhea of 3 weeks’ duration. Clinical examination revealed a multinodular mass in the left cranial quadrant of the abdomen that was confirmed with ultrasound. An exploratory laparotomy was performed and the majority of the mass and adherent spleen were removed. Histological diagnosis was severe pancreatic nodular hyperplasia associated with secondary pancreatitis and passive splenic congestion. The prairie dog recovered without complications. Three weeks following the surgical procedure, follow-up ultrasound showed no evidence of abnormal tissue in the pancreaticoduodenal area. Two months postsurgery, a follow-up computed tomographic scan revealed no significant abnormalities. No recurrence was noted 13 months following the mass removal. This article describes the diagnosis of pancreatic nodular hyperplasia in a prairie dog and successful treatment of complications arising from the condition by partial pancreatectomy.  相似文献   

Prevalence of fleas on dogs and cats in an area of central London   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An account is given of the prevalence of fleas obtained at post-mortem examination from dogs and cats in the Camden Town area of central London during the period 1972–1976. From a total of 193 dogs, fleas were collected from 20 2%. The following species were represented: Ctenocephalides felis felis, Ctenocephalides canis and Orchopeas howardi. Of a total of 316 cats, 56% harboured fleas, all of which were found to be Ctenocephalides felis felis. The advantages of using cadavers rather than live cats and dogs for studies of this kind are noted and comparisons are made with the findings of other authors. The public health importance of the cat and dog flea in relation to human dermatitis is discussed.  相似文献   

Several Bartonella spp. associated with fleas can induce a variety of clinical syndromes in both dogs and humans. However, few studies have investigated the prevalence of Bartonella in the blood of dogs and their fleas. The objectives of this study were to determine the genera of fleas infesting shelter dogs in Florida, the prevalence of Bartonella spp. within the fleas, and the prevalence of Bartonella spp. within the blood of healthy dogs from which the fleas were collected. Fleas, serum, and EDTA-anti-coagulated whole blood were collected from 80 healthy dogs, and total DNA was extracted for PCR amplification of Bartonella spp. The genera of fleas infesting 43 of the dogs were determined phenotypically. PCR amplicons from blood and flea pools were sequenced to confirm the Bartonella species. Amplicons for which sequencing revealed homology to Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii (Bvb) underwent specific genotyping by targeting the 16S–23S intergenic spacer region.A total of 220 fleas were collected from 80 dogs and pooled by genus (43 dogs) and flea species. Bartonella spp. DNA was amplified from 14 of 80 dog blood samples (17.5%) and from 9 of 80 pooled fleas (11.3%). B. vinsonii subsp. berkhoffii DNA was amplified from nine dogs and five of the flea pools. Bartonella rochalimae (Br) DNA was amplified from six dogs and two flea pools. One of 14 dogs was co-infected with Bvb and Br. The dog was infested with Pulex spp. fleas containing Br DNA and a single Ctenocephalides felis flea. Of the Bvb bacteremic dogs, five and four were infected with genotypes II and I, respectively. Of the Bvb PCR positive flea pools, three were Bvb genotype II and two were Bvb genotype I.Amplification of Bvb DNA from Pulex spp. collected from domestic dogs, suggests that Pulex fleas may be a vector for dogs and a source for zoonotic transfer of this pathogen from dogs to people. The findings of this study provide evidence to support the hypothesis that flea-infested dogs may be a reservoir host for Bvb and Br and that ectoparasite control is an important component of shelter intake protocols.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old castrated male black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) was presented 48 hours after peracute onset of rear limb paraplegia secondary to a traumatic incident. The prairie dog was nonambulatory in the rear legs with absent deep pain; hematuria and pollakiuria were also observed. Diagnostic imaging revealed intervertebral disc herniation with compression of the spinal cord at the L1-L2 disc spaces. Hemilaminectomy at the L1-L2 disc space was performed. After 48 hours, the prairie dog regained anal tone, and a deep pain response was noted. Azotemia developed during the course of hospitalization likely secondary to neuromuscular damage causing an obstruction in the lower urinary tract but resolved with supportive care. The prairie dog recovered complete use of its hind legs and had normal excretory function at a 3-month recheck. Practitioners should consider intervertebral disc herniation secondary to trauma as a differential diagnosis for neurologic deficits affecting the rear limbs of prairie dogs. Surgical management of intervertebral disc herniation is a viable treatment option in appropriate cases.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old, female black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) was presented for complications related to an earlier rhinostomy procedure and placement of a breathing tube for treatment of a pseudo-odontoma. The complaint by the owner was that the prairie dog would constantly remove the breathing tube. The breathing tube was replaced with a human earlobe retractor positioned (partially) under the nasal bones. The patient tolerated the procedure and location of the human earlobe retractor. This is the first reported case using a human earlobe retractor to function as a permanent rhinostomy device in a prairie dog.  相似文献   

Plague is a re-emerging zoonotic disease and a major public health concern in several portions of the world, especially in Madagascar. We report on the presence of different subtypes of Yersinia pestis co-occurring in the same locality. After confirmation of a human plague case in Ambohitromby Commune (Ankazobe District) via isolation of Y. pestis, we undertook small mammal trapping to identify the circulation of Y. pestis amongst rodents in this locality; blood samples were collected from rodents for seroprevalence analysis. Of the 60 individuals of Rattus rattus captured, one yielded an isolate of Y. pestis, 13 others were positive for F1 antigen of Y. pestis using a rapid diagnostic test, and 4 were PCR positive targeting the caf1 and pla genes; 28/60 (46.7%) of the captured R. rattus were seropositive for Y. pestis. Whole-genome SNP analyses revealed that the two isolates obtained from the human case, and the R. rattus belonged to two different subtypes of Y. pestis (s05 and s13, respectively) that were circulating concurrently in Ambohitromby in 2016. Three Y. pestis subtypes (s03, s05 and s13) have now been isolated from Ambohitromby. Subtype s05 had been persisting there for >10 years but one or both of the other subtypes may have been introduced from the Central Highlands region as they were not observed in previous years (s13) or only observed once previously (s03). High seroprevalence against Y. pestis in R. rattus suggests that a portion of the local murine population may have acquired resistance to Y. pestis. Future research should focus on genomically characterizing Y. pestis strains circulating in Ankazobe District and other plague-endemic regions of Madagascar to better understand the overall phylogeography of Y. pestis.  相似文献   

Rickettsia spp. are zoonotic pathogens and mainly transmitted by various arthropod vectors, such as fleas, ticks, and lice. Previous epidemiological studies indicated that ectoparasites infested on dogs or cats may be infected by Rickettsia spp., and transmit them to human beings accidentally. In this study, the prevalence of Rickettsia infection was evaluated using fleas and ticks from stray dogs and cats in Taiwan. A total of 158 pools made by 451 cat fleas (Ctenocephalides felis) from 37 dogs and 4 cats were used for analysis. Besides, 386 Rhipicephalus ticks collected from the other 62 stray dogs were included in this study. Nymphal and adult ticks were individually analyzed but larvae were separated into 21 pools for molecular detection. Partial sequencing analysis of the gltA gene was applied for Rickettsia identification. The results showed that 44.3% (70/158) of the cat flea pools were harboring Rickettsia DNA. Although 6.9% (13/187) of adult ticks were infected with Rickettsia, neither larval pools nor nymphal ticks were found to contain Rickettsia DNA. According to the results of sequencing analyses, all Rickettsia PCR-positive cat flea pools were infected with R. felis, and all Rickettsia PCR-positive adult ticks were infected with R. rhipicephali. The results of this study demonstrated that C. felis but not Rhipicephlus sanguineus (the brown dog tick) and Rh. haemaphysaloides collected from stray animals in Taiwan could be infected the zoonotic pathogen R. felis. Moreover, R. rhipicephali was only identified in adult stage of Rhipicephalus sanguineus and Rh. haemaphysaloides.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of an adulticide on flea populations of dogs and to evaluate efficacy of combined use of the adulticide and an insect growth regulator (IGR) in dogs with experimentally induced flea infestations. ANIMALS: 40 adult Beagles. PROCEDURE: Each group of 5 dogs was housed in a separate room. Each dog was infested 3 times with 50 fleas, and fleas were counted beginning on day -21. Groups of dogs and treatments (initiated on day 0) were as follows: 1, adulticide once; 2, adulticide on days 0 and 7; 3, adulticide on days 0, 3, and 7; 4, sham treatment; 5, IGR monthly; 6, IGR monthly plus adulticide once weekly for 6 weeks; 7, IGR monthly plus adulticide twice weekly for 6 weeks; 8, sham treatment. Flea counts were compared between treated and control dogs. RESULTS: By 24 hours after initial treatment, all adult fleas but 1 were dead in treated dogs. In groups 1 and 3, populations increased to 15 to 20 fleas/dog 2 months after treatment, compared with 48 fleas/dog in group 4. After treatment, mean flea counts were significantly lower for groups 1, 2, and 3, relative to group 4. Efficacy of treatment for group 5, relative to group 8, was > 94% after day 84. Efficacy of treatment for groups 6 and 7 was 99% after day 28. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Treatment with adulticide alone or in combination with an IGR had better efficacy, compared with sham treatment or IGR alone. Administration of adulticide twice weekly was not more efficacious than treatment once weekly.  相似文献   

A variety of Bartonella species were detected in two species of ticks and three species of fleas collected from marsupial hosts; brush-tailed bettong or woylie (Bettongia penicillata) and western barred bandicoots (Perameles bougainville) and from a rodent host; Rattus fuscipes in Western Australia. Bartonella species were detected using nested-PCR of the gltA gene and the 16S–23S ribosomal internal transcribed spacer region (ITS), and species were characterized using DNA sequencing of the 16S rRNA, gltA, rpoB, ftsZ genes and the ITS region. Bartonella rattaustraliani and B. coopersplainsensis were detected in Ixodes spp. ticks and fleas (Stephanocircus pectinipes) respectively collected from rodents. Two novel Bartonella species were detected from marsupials; Candidatus Bartonella woyliei n. sp. was detected in both fleas (Pygiopsylla hilli) and ticks (Ixodes australiensis) collected from woylies and Candidatus Bartonella bandicootii n. sp. was detected in fleas (Pygiopsylla tunneyi) collected from western barred bandicoots. Concatenated phylogenetic analysis of all 5 loci clarified the marsupial cluster of Bartonella species in Australia and confirmed the species status of these two Bartonella species in ticks and fleas from woylies and western barred bandicoots, which are classified as threatened species and are vulnerable to extinction.  相似文献   

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