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非饱和土双应力变量广义土水特征曲线理论模型构建   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
土水特征曲线(soil-water characteristic curve,SWCC)方程是非饱和土力学中最重要的土性表征手段之一。该文评价当前经典的SWCC方程,指出其未具有包容复杂因素的能力,具有灵活性的优点但却同时具有对试验数据量依赖性高的缺点,不能处理多孔隙尺度集群土体固-液-气共同运动及作用的水力-力学耦合效应问题。建立双应力变量广义SWCC概念图示并定义相对体积含水比,基于Fredlund双应力变量理论及van Genuchten土-水表征方程,构建考虑土体变形及多孔隙分布形态的双应力状态变量的广义SWCC方程。相较于2个参数的Brooks等的方程、3个参数的van Genuchten方程以及4个参数的Fredlund等的方程,广义SWCC方程仅3个参数,其中2个参数在双对数坐标系的"相对体积含水比-吸力"平面中进行最小二乘法线性拟合得到,仅1个参数需非线性最小二乘法拟合得到。该模型可利用不同应力状态下的至少3个土水试验数据点,绘制出1条具有适宜精度的单峰SWCC;方程考虑了多峰孔隙概率密度函数分布及土体变形因素,实现了从应力历史推广到应力状态的广义情况,为定量描述不同孔隙结构土体双应力状态下的持水特性、渗透特性和强度特性提供了一条途径。  相似文献   

利用基于轴平移技术的Geo-Expert高级型应力相关土-水特征曲线压力板仪研究不同覆土压力(0、40、100、200 k Pa)对南阳膨胀土土水特征曲线(soil-water characteristic curve,SWCC)的影响;并对提出的考虑土体变形及多孔隙分布形态的双应力变量广义SWCC表征方程进行如下试验验证:1)不同覆土压力下微多孔隙分布形态的南阳膨胀土侧限固结试验及脱湿试验SWCC验证;2)零净法向应力状态双孔隙尺度硅藻土双峰SWCC试验验证;3)不同净围压状态下单孔隙尺度韩国残积土SWCC试验验证;4)多应力路径下法国Bapaume黄土,不同初始干密度下日本Edosaki砂土在脱湿-吸湿过程SWCC试验验证;并比较分析新方程与van Genuchten方程及Fredlund等方程的差异性。结果表明:1)覆土压力会显著改变膨胀土结构及孔隙通道,进而改变SWCC边界效应区、过渡区形态;也改变了双重孔隙尺度土壤的进气值;第1个波峰SWCC进气值均在1 k Pa左右;相比于零覆土压力试样,40、100、200 k Pa覆土压力试样第2个波峰SWCC进气值分别高4.74、17.58、67.23 k Pa;2)未考虑净法向应力影响的单应力状态多峰SWCC、考虑侧限双应力状态多峰SWCC、各向同性净法向应力单峰SWCC、不同脱湿-吸湿路径SWCC及不同初始干密度的SWCC试验拟合曲线均表明,双应力广义SWCC具有包容复杂影响因素的能力;3)新方程能够利用至少3个土-水数据即可拟合出具有较高的精度的整条SWCC。研究为定量描述土壤的持水、渗透及强度特性提供参考。  相似文献   

基于微观球体颗粒模型的土水特征曲线研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
YANG Song  LU Ting-Hao 《土壤圈》2012,22(1):103-111
When variations occur in the water content or dry bulk density of soil,the contact angle hysteresis will affect the soil-water characteristic curve(SWCC).The occurrence of the contact angle hysteresis can be divided into slipping and pinning.It is difficult to determine the effect of pinning existence on SWCC by tests.In this study,the effect of contact angle hysteresis on SWCC was analyzed either in the case of no variations in soil dry bulk density with changes in soil water content or no variations in soil water content with changes in soil dry bulk density.In both cases,soil particles were simplified to the spherical particle model.Based on the geometrically mechanic relationship between the particles and connecting liquid bridges,a physical model for predicting the SWCC was derived from the spherical particle model.Adjusting parameters made the model applicable to various soils,that is,the cohesive soil was considered as micron-sized spherical particles.Through the simulations on SWCC test data of sand,silt,clay,and swelling soil,it was confirmed that the physical model possessed good reliability and practicability.Finally,the analysis of rationality of contact angle was performed based on the basic assumptions of the model.  相似文献   

地面灌溉水深测量仪的研制及性能测试   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对地面灌溉条件下水流扩散过程实时监测是地面灌溉系统田间评价的主要内容,观测数据为相应的数值模拟和系统性能评价奠定了基础。该文介绍了一种研制的梯度式地面灌溉水深测量仪,可在田间任意地点实现地表水深(位)变化过程和水流推进与消退时间的自动监测。室内外测试结果表明:仪器对地表水深(位)动态变化过程的反应灵敏,水深测量精度为±5 mm,但当仪器应用于首次灌溉的田块时,松软地面造成的仪器沉降对水深测量精度可能的影响范围为8±3 mm,在后续使用时就可以忽略仪器沉降的影响。仪器对地面水流推进时间的测定精度相对较高,相对误差小于11%,但测得的水流消退时间与人工观测结果最大相对误差为29%,表明使用仪器进行水流消退时间观测时有一定的条件限制。研制的仪器可基本满足地面灌溉试验中对地表水深(位)进行动态监测的需求。  相似文献   

日光温室卷帘机荷载实时测量系统设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
依据日光温室卷帘机的工作环境和特点,基于虚拟仪器技术,在LabVIEW2010平台上设计开发了一套卷帘机荷载实时测量系统,据此进行了常用类型卷帘机的工作荷载在线实测,分别测量了卷绳式卷帘机和卷轴式卷帘机的实时工作荷载变化情况,测量总体数据误差不超过±6 N·m。结果表明,侧置卷轴上推式卷帘机最大工作负荷出现在温室顶部,后置卷绳上拉式卷帘机最大工作负荷具有位置不确定性;卷绳式卷帘机的工作负荷远小于卷轴式卷帘机;目前生产中实际使用的卷绳式卷帘机的最大输出荷载过大。该研究成果为卷帘机的设计、选用提供依据。  相似文献   

A combined penetrometer is an appropriate tool to measure the soil cone resistance and the water‐content profile. As a relatively new technique, a combined capacitance‐penetrometer for the simultaneous measurement of cone index and soil water content was developed at the Department of Agricultural Engineering of Bonn University in 2002. The objective of this study was the evaluation of the effectiveness and applicability of the innovated penetrometer with a focus on three aspects: (1) A capacitance sensor with two electrode configurations was calibrated for silt loam, sandy loam, and sand. The calibration results show that both electrode configurations have sufficient water‐content sensitivity, but soil‐specific calibrations seem necessary. (2) Under laboratory conditions, the dynamic resolution and response of the capacitance‐penetrometer were validated, and its radius of influence was determined. (3) The field measurement results demonstrate that this measurement technique can be used to improve the interpretation quality of soil cone index data.  相似文献   

微型蒸发器测量精度的影响因素试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为优化微型蒸发器(MLS)的使用方式及提高测量精度,在15 d不更换筒内土体的情况下,采用田间试验的方法对影响其测量精度的多种因素进行了研究。结果表明:各处理精度均较高,最高达97.40%;内筒打孔与否对测量精度无显著影响;套筒打孔的处理比不打孔的处理精度更高,且孔洞适宜均匀分布,但数目不可过多,直径为3 mm时不宜超过36个;套筒封底会降低测量精度,内筒封底材料越薄、透气性能越好精度越高;内筒与套筒的间隔较小时精度更高。对露水进行的考察显示,夜间的露水会明显降低测量精度,当其凝结量大于土壤蒸发量时,无法利用MLS精确测出土壤蒸发量。测量精度随时间变化而相应改变,MLS刚装入土体后的前3 d土壤水分较大,精度比其后各日都低。在有适量水分补充的情况下,15 d不更换MLS筒内土体可行。  相似文献   

On-line measurement of soil compaction is needed for site specific tillage management. The soil bulk density (ρ) indicating soil compaction was measured on-line by means of a developed compaction sensor system that comprised several sensors for on-line measurement of the draught (D) of a soil cutting tool (subsoiler), the soil cutting depth (d) and the soil moisture content (w). The subsoiler D was measured with a single shear beam load cell, whereas d was measured with a wheel gauge that consisted of a swinging arm metal wheel and a linear variable differential transducer (LVDT). The soil w was measured with a near infrared fibre-type spectrophotometer sensor. These on-line three measured parameters were used to calculate ρ, by utilising a hybrid numerical–statistical mathematical model developed in a previous study. Punctual kriging was performed using the variogram estimation and spatial prediction with error (VESPER) 1.6 software to develop the field maps of ρ, soil w, subsoiler d and D, based on 10 m × 10 m grid. To verify the on-line measured ρ map, this map was compared with the map measured by the conventional core sampling method.

The spherical semivariogram models, providing the best fit for all properties was used for kriging of different maps. Maps developed showed that no clear correlation could be detected between different parameters measured and subsoiler D. However, the D value was smaller at shallow penetration d, whereas large D coincided with large ρ values at few positions in the field. Maps of ρ measured with the core sampling and on-line methods were similar, with correlation coefficient (r) and the standard error values of 0.75 and 0.054 Mg m−3, respectively. On-line measured ρ exhibited larger errors at very dry zones. The normal distribution of the ρ error between the two different measurement methods showed that about 72% of the errors were less than 0.05 Mg m−3 in absolute values. However, the overall mean error of on-line measured ρ was of a small value of 2.3%, which ensures the method accuracy for on-line measurement of ρ. Measurement under very dry conditions should be minimised, because it can lead to a relatively large error, and hence, compacted zones at dry zones cannot be detected correctly.  相似文献   

基于虚拟仪器的淡水鱼鲜度电子鼻测量系统   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
新鲜度是鱼类或鱼类制品质量的一个重要指标,可以通过测量鱼体气味来评价其新鲜度。该文分析了鱼体死亡后产生的特征挥发性气体,确定了TGS822乙醇类及有机溶剂型传感器、TGS825硫化氢型传感器、TGS826氨气及胺类型传感器以及TGS832 卤烃型气体传感器等4类传感器作为淡水鱼电子鼻的传感器阵列,并采用虚拟仪器平台开发了电子鼻测量系统,用该测量系统对不同新鲜度的鲢鱼鱼肉进行了气味检测。试验结果表明,电子鼻传感器阵列的响应随样品新鲜度的变化而变化,采用PCA(主成分分析)对试验数据进行聚类分析,可以将鱼体新鲜、次新鲜和腐败(包括半腐败)的样本正确区分,证实了自行研制电子鼻测量系统的可行性和适用性。  相似文献   

农作物冠层的结构参数,如叶面积指数与平均叶倾角,是影响太阳辐射在农田内进行重新分配的重要参数。在农业工程中,以玉米与小麦为例,这些参数的测量以传统的手持仪器为主,需要消耗较大的人力和时间,难以被应用于大区域尺度、长时间序列结构参数获取。该文设计并实现了一种基于无线传感器网络技术的农作物结构参数自动测量系统。系统由冠层上、下部光强测量节点、数据汇聚节点以及数据无线传输的路由节点组成,通过测量不同太阳高度角下冠层透过率来求解冠层的结构参数。数值模拟结果与野外实测结果表明,该文所用的结构参数反演算法稳定,测量系统可以较好的探测一天之中不同太阳高度角下的植被冠层太阳辐射透过率,基于方向透过率计算得到的叶面积指数与LAI2000仪器测量结果有较好的相关性,平均叶倾角和理论分布模式计算结果基本一致。该系统可以应用于对大区域尺度上的农作物长时间序列连续观测,提高农作物结构参数测量的自动化程度。  相似文献   

农机具姿态倾角测量系统设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农机具姿态倾角测量技术是实现农机装备精准作业的关键技术之一。为进一步提高农机装备作业质量,以ADIS16445微惯性MEMS传感器和STM32F446核心处理器搭建硬件平台,以欧拉角法解算姿态,建立卡尔曼滤波模型融合加速度计与陀螺仪信息,实现农机具姿态倾角的精准测量。融合算法模型考虑陀螺仪零偏特性,并根据MEMS微传感器运动特性,自适应模型误差协方差矩阵Q与R,适应不同工况下农机具姿态倾角测量。采用SGT320E三轴多功能转台与BD982双天线定位测姿模块对系统进行测试与验证。三轴多功能转台试验结果表明,ADIS16445内置陀螺仪与加速度计性能合格,满足系统设计硬件要求;卡尔曼滤波融合模型精准有效,倾角静态测量误差精度为0.15°,动态测量精度典型值为0.3°,最大测量误差为0.5°。田间作业试验结果表明,自适应模型能保证农机具姿态倾角测量系统在不同工况下的测量精度,更稳定可靠,测量平均误差为0.55°。该文研究的农机具姿态倾角测量系统可满足农机装备精准作业要求。  相似文献   

基于超声波传感器和DGPS的果树冠径检测   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
为实现果园果树的仿形精确喷雾,适时获取果树冠径信息,采用超声波传感器,GPS接受机和电子罗盘等在拖拉机上建立了一套果树冠径检测试验系统。并在室外对5个圆柱规则外形树冠进行了检测试验。试验分别采用4种树冠直径检测计算方法,并选择0.31 m/s和0.65 m/s两种不同拖拉机行驶速度进行检测。采用误差分析的方法检验果树冠径检测系统的实际检测效果。误差分析表明拖拉机分别以0.31 m/s和0.65 m/s速度行驶时,应用超声波探测果树树冠两个轮廓边缘计算5个树冠直径的平均相对误差分别为5.54%和5.80%。用电子罗盘和DGPS数据进行加权平均融合修正拖拉机行驶轨迹,由超声波检测到的果树两个轮廓边缘的位置信息计算果树直径,在两种检测速度下的平均相对误差为14.38%。研究结果为果树仿行喷雾控制和果园果树生长信息采集提供了技术方法。  相似文献   

面向精准农业的农田土壤成分实时测定研究进展   总被引:1,自引:6,他引:1  
为了开发土壤成分田间实时测定仪,在分析土壤养分实时测定需求的基础上,归纳了土壤主要成分测试项目及常规化学分析法、基于光电分色和电化学传感器测定法、土壤电导率间接测定法,重点对近红外光谱分析法测定土壤成分的基本原理、实验室研究、仪器原型开发和田间试验结果等进行论述。所阐述的方法、仪器原型和提出尚需解决的几个科学问题,对研究、开发土壤成分实时测定仪具有一定的指导作用和参考价值。  相似文献   

The number of sensor types available for measuring soil water content has increased but investigations to compare their performance in saline soils needs clarification. In this study the performance of commercially available, low-cost soil moisture sensors [time domain reflectometry (TDR), PR1 and WET], all measuring changes in the dielectric constant of the soil water, was evaluated under laboratory conditions in a saline sandy soil. The three sensors were also tested in the same sandy soil growing drip irrigated sorghum ( Sorghum bicolor L. cv. Moench) in a greenhouse. Plants were irrigated daily with either saline water (ECw: 9.4 dS/m) or fresh water (0.11 dS/m). The volume of irrigation was equivalent to 100% of the pan evaporation. The results showed that measurement accuracy was strongly dependent on the salinity of the soil. The PR1 sensor overestimated volumetric water content ( θ ) when the salinity level exceeded 4 dS/m [root mean square of the standard error (RMSE) = 0.009 cm3/cm3]. The WET sensor significantly overestimated θ irrespective of the salinity level (RMSE = 0.014 cm3/cm3). The TDR sensor estimated θ with more accuracy (RMSE = 0.007   cm3/cm3) and thus can be considered as more reliable than the other two sensors. The calibrations were strongly affected by the salinity level of the water, so we recommend that calibration equations are modified to take account of salinity.  相似文献   

大田条件下水稻锌营养强化方法探究及效果评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘琦  王张民  潘斐  袁林喜  尹雪斌 《土壤》2019,51(1):32-38
通过田间试验,在水稻(华粳7号)分蘖期及扬花期进行施锌处理,研究在高施锌水平下水稻各器官锌含量的变化。结果表明,水稻各器官锌含量随施锌量的增加而增加,其中茎的增幅最大,叶次之。茎、叶、穗锌含量最高可分别达到666.7、461.6、185.5mg/kg。分蘖期施锌最多可使水稻糙米锌含量提高28.7%,而扬花期施锌最多可提高142.6%。由重复试验得出,扬花期施锌可稳定提高糙米锌含量,在水稻锌营养强化能力及稳定性上,扬花期施锌优于分蘖期。通过食用经强化后的大米,居民每日锌膳食摄入量可达到中国营养学会推荐的12.5mg。本研究结果对通过土施锌肥实现水稻籽粒锌水平的提升及解决我国居民普遍存在的锌营养摄入不足的现状具有理论和实际的指导意义。  相似文献   

Partitioning the soil surface CO2 flux (RS) flux is an important step in understanding ecosystem-level carbon cycling, given that RS is poorly constrained and its source components may have different sensitivities to climate change. Trenched plots are an inexpensive but labor-intensive method of separating the RS flux into its root (autotrophic) and soil (heterotrophic) components. This study tested if various methods of plant suppression in trenched plots affected RS fluxes, quantified the RS response to soil temperature and moisture changes, and estimated the heterotrophic contribution to RS. It was performed in a boreal black spruce (Picea mariana) plantation, using a randomized complete block design, during the 2007 and 2008 growing seasons. Trenched plots had significantly lower RS than control plots, with differences appearing ∼100 days after trenching; spatial variability doubled immediately after trenching but then declined throughout the experiment. Most trenching treatments had significantly lower (by ∼0.5 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1) RS than the controls, and there was no significant difference in RS among the various trenching treatments. Soil temperature at 2 cm explained more RS variability than did 10-cm temperature or soil moisture. Temperature sensitivity (Q10) declined in the control plots from ∼2.6 (at 5 °C) to ∼1.6 (at 15 °C); trenched plots values were higher, from 3.1 at 5 °C to 1.9 at 15 °C. We estimated RS for the study period to be 241 ± 40 g C m−2, with live roots contributing 64% of RS after accounting for fine root decay, and 293 g C m−2 for the entire year. These findings suggest that laborious hand weeding of trenched plot vegetation may be replaced by other methods, facilitating future studies of this large and poorly-understood carbon flux.  相似文献   

利用虚拟仪器技术设计了温室覆盖材料的热工性能测试台的测试系统TMS(Thermal Measurement System),阐述了系统的测试原理和方法,给出了硬件组成、软件设计和传感器的选用,以及数据处理优化算法的实现。该系统可完成测试台的温度、风速、加热功率参数的采集及覆盖材料传热系数的计算,应用该系统既提高了测试精度又节省劳动力,提高了测试效率。  相似文献   

土壤阻力连续测试设备研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为解决目前点采样方法获取的土壤压实信息少和信息获取速度慢的不足,该文研制了可快速连续测量土壤阻力(水平方向)以反映土壤压实程度的测试系统。系统包括机械部分、传感器和信息采集3部分。测试系统由拖拉机牵引,工作时连续测试速度1 m/s,土壤阻力信息采样频率为300 Hz,采样数据处理后与GPS定位数据对应存储。实验室试验表明,系统平均测试精度达93.4%。田间试验显示,测试系统性能可靠稳定,具有连续快速获取土壤压实程度信息并反映土壤压实程度空间分布的能力。定义的土壤阻力指数TRI 可以反映土壤的压实程度。  相似文献   

体积置换法直接测量土壤质量含水率及土壤容重   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
土壤含水率直接测量是相关研究和应用的基础,在土壤力学、作物栽培、农田灌溉、生态环境等研究和实践中十分重要。该文提出了一种与传统烘干称质量法相当的体积置换法直接测量土壤质量含水率及土壤容重。该方法在假设一定土壤颗粒密度的前提下,用一定体积的标准取样环刀取得土样后,通过向待测量土体补充水分使土壤达到饱和,用一定体积的水置换土壤中的充气空隙,直到土样达到饱和状态;再通过测量得到的初始/原始土样质量、饱和后土壤的质量以及已知土壤颗粒密度和水密度,计算得到被置换的充气空隙的体积,进而由此计算得到土壤质量含水率和土壤容重。采用3种不同土壤,即陕西杨凌黏黄土、北京粉壤土和江西黏红土,分别预配制成7种不同初始土壤体积含水率,含水率约为:风干土(含水率2%~3%)、5%、10%、15%、25%、30%和饱和含水率,以及3种不同土壤容重:1.25、1.35和1.45g/cm3进行室内试验。用类似的土样,采用传统方法烘干土样8、12、24、48h后,测量确定土壤的质量含水率,通过延长烘干时间测得数据表明,传统方法烘干8h所测得的质量含水率仍有1%~3.2%的含水率误差。最终试验结果表明体积置换方法测得的土壤含水率比传统烘干土样8h所测得的结果大2%~3%,比烘干土样48h所测得的结果大1%左右。体积置换方法测量操作过程简单,耗时较少,节约能源,测量结果具有较高精度。  相似文献   

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