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Sodium N-methyldithiocarbamate (metam sodium) and 1,3 dichloropropene are widely used in potato production for the control of soil-borne pathogens, weeds, and plant parasitic nematodes that reduce crop yield and quality. Soil fumigation with metam sodium has been shown in microcosm studies to significantly reduce soil microbial populations and important soil processes such as C and N mineralization. However, few published data report the impact of metam sodium on microbial populations and activities in potato production systems under field conditions. Fall-planted white mustard (Brassica hirta) and sudangrass (Sorghum sudanense) cover crops may serve as an alternative to soil fumigation. The effect of metam sodium and cover crops was determined on soil microbial populations, soil-borne pathogens (Verticillium dahliae, Pythium spp., and Fusarium spp.), free-living and plant-parasitic nematodes, and C and N mineralization potentials under potato production on five soil types in the Columbia Basin of Eastern Washington. Microbial biomass C was 8–23% greater in cover crop treatments compared to those fumigated with metam sodium among the soil types tested. Replacing fumigation with cover crops did not significantly affect C or N mineralization potentials. Cumulative N mineralized over a 49-day laboratory incubation averaged 18 mg NO3-N kg−1 soil across all soil types and treatments. There was a general trend for N mineralized from fumigated treatments to be lower than cover-cropped treatments. Soil fungal populations and free-living nematode levels were significantly lowered in fumigated field trials compared to cover-cropped treatments. Fumigation among the five soil types significantly reduced Pythium spp. by 97%, Fusarium spp. by 84%, and V. dahliae by 56% compared to the mustard cover crop treatment. The percentage of bacteria and fungi surviving fumigation was greater for fine- than coarse-textured soils, suggesting physical protection of organisms within the soil matrix or a reduced penetration and distribution of the fumigants. This suggests the potential need for a higher rate of fumigant to be used in fine-textured soils to obtain comparable reductions in soil-borne pathogens.  相似文献   

The establishment of cover crops, in relay, to minimise soil erosion, improve soil physical condition and provide a main-season crop in rotation with potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) is a recommended agronomic practice in Atlantic Canada. This is usually achieved by seeding winter rye (Secale cereale L.) or winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) immediately after potato harvest for ground cover followed, the next spring, by inter-seeding an annual or biennial forage crop by drilling. Spring drill seeding can, however, be delayed or prevented by wet ground conditions, thus, making broadcast seeding a considered alternative. This study examined, therefore, the comparative merits of spring broadcast seeding and drill seeding of two adapted forages, Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), into a standing crop of fall-seeded winter rye or winter wheat. Crop performance was evaluated, using meter-square quadrats, as ground coverage and grain yield (of cereals). Soil compaction, evaluated as shear strength in the 0–15 cm layer (avoiding wheel tracks) of a fine sandy loam (Orthic Podzol), was greater after drill seeding than after broadcast seeding by a factor of 7.2% and was attributed to the greater ground-contact mass of the drill seeder. The forage crops provided 5.5% more ground coverage with drill seeding than with broadcast seeding. However, seeding method had no effect on the cereal host crops' ground coverage or grain yield. Ryegrass coverage was 123% of red clover coverage and winter rye coverage was 176% of winter wheat coverage. Forage coverage, in this study, suffered no setback because of the greater soil compaction associated with drill seeding. However, soils are subject to greater compaction under wetter conditions, thus, broadcast seeding is expected to be a better option, the wetter the spring.  相似文献   

Many of the soils in Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, are degraded by serious weed infestation, subsoil compaction, and low organic matter and nitrogen contents. Fallow periods with cover crops are frequently used to recuperate the fertility of degraded soils, but little information exists on the desired characteristics of cover crops for this purpose. The aim of this study was to describe those characteristics, believed to be most relevant to the rehabilitation of degraded soils in Santa Cruz, of 14 cover crops, which included three grasses, nine legumes, and two winter cover crops sown after summer soybean (Glycine max). The cover crop characteristics, evaluated over two years, were ease of establishment, competitiveness against weeds, tolerance to drought, dry matter production and nutrient contents of the above-and below-ground residues, nodulation, rooting density and root diameters. The three grasses Tobiata (Panicum maximum var. Tobiatd), Centenario (Panicum maximum var. Centenario) and Brizantha (Brachiaria brizantha) appeared to be the most promising for increasing soil organic matter contents, and the three grasses and groundnuts (Arachis hypogaea)/pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) for the recuperation of subsoil structure. Mucuna deeringiana and Lablab (Dolichos lablab) were the most promising for increasing soil N status. All of these cover crops competed successfully with weeds.  相似文献   

Cover crop use can help mitigate the deleterious effects of common cropping practices (e.g., tillage) and is, therefore, an important component of soil health maintenance. While known to be beneficial in the long-term, the short-term effects of cover crops, specifically mixed-species cover crops in organic systems are less clear. Cover crop effects on tomato productivity and disease severity were recorded over three field seasons (2010, 2011 and 2012) at sixteen field sites in three states, Maryland, New York and Ohio (MD, NY and OH), each with distinct soilborne disease pressure. Plots of five state-specific cover crop treatments were established the season prior to tomato production; the resulting plant residue was incorporated the following spring approximately four weeks before tomato planting. Total fruit yields along with early-season shoot height and fresh weight were used to compare treatment effects on productivity. Treatment disease severity ratings relied on natural inoculum. Interestingly, the effect of a single season of cover cropping on total yield was significant in no more than 25% of all site years. Similarly, cover crop effects on tomato disease levels were significant in 0–44% of the sixteen field sites. However, significant field-specific patterns were observed in every state across multiple years for some treatments. For example, in New York in 2010, tomato yields following all mixed cover crops were greater than the single rye cover crop in one field, but this pattern was reversed in the adjacent field. Thus, no general recommendation of a specific cover crop mixture can be made for near-term enhancement of tomato productivity or for reduction of disease. Therefore, growers should focus on location and operation-specific variables when choosing cover crops.  相似文献   

A high proportion of the soils in the central zone of Santa Cruz, eastern Bolivia, are chemically and physically degraded, with low organic matter and N contents, compacted subsoil layers and a propensity to crusting, hardsetting and wind erosion. The aim of the experiment discussed in this paper was to identify suitable cover crops to be used in combination with subsoiling for the rehabilitation of degraded soils and the improvement of crop yields in eastern Bolivia. Fertilizers were not used because of their high cost. An experiment with a split complete block design, with subsoiling and no-subsoiling as the main treatments, 14 cover crops and a continuously cultivated soybean/wheat control as the subtreatments, and four replications, was established on a degraded site comprising a mosaic of two compacted siliceous isohyperthermic soils (a coarse loamy Typic Ustropept and a fine loamy Typic Haplustalf). After a two-year fallow period, the cover crops were incorporated and test crops were sown for five seasons to evaluate the effects of the treatments on subsequent crop yields. Soil samples were taken to measure changes in chemical fertility. The only significant cover crop effect on soil nutrients was an increase in exchangeable K from 0.47 to 0.56 cmolc kg−1 by Lablab; subsoiling had no effect on chemical fertility. For all treatments there was an average 24 per cent increase in soil organic matter from 13.1 g kg−1 at 3 months after cover crop incorporation to 16.3 g kg−1 at 19 months after incorporation. No significant differences in total N were found during this period. Test crop yields were not influenced by subsoiling, but were significantly increased by some of the cover crops as compared to the soybean/wheat control during the first three seasons only. Evidence from foliar analysis suggests that the effects of the cover crops on soybean yields were not nutritional and so presumably were physical in nature, whereas the benefits on wheat yields were possibly related to increased N availability. Panicum maximum var. Centenario and P. maximum var. Tobiatá gave the highest total yield increases over the first three cropping seasons (101 and 85 per cent, respectively), but these yield increases would not compensate the farmer for the loss of four crop harvests whilst the land was in fallow. These results highlight the difficulties of rehabilitating soil fertility and increasing crop yields through the use of subsoiling and cover crop fallows on compacted, low organic matter soils in eastern Bolivia.  相似文献   

Cover crops are often planted in between vineyard rows to reduce soil erosion, increase soil fertility, and improve soil structure. Roots of both grapevines and cover crops form mutualistic symbioses with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, and may be interconnected by AM hyphae. To study nutrient transfer from cover crops to grapevines through AM fungal links, we grew grapevines and cover crops in specially designed containers in the greenhouse that restricted their root systems to separate compartments, but allowed AM fungi to colonize both root systems. Leaves of two cover crops, a grass (Bromus hordeaceus) and a legume (Medicago polymorpha), were labeled with 99 atom% 15N solution for 24 h. Grapevine leaves were analyzed for 15N content 2, 5, and 10 days after labeling. Our results showed evidence of AM fungi-mediated 15N transfer from cover crops to grapevines 5 and 10 days after labeling. N transfer was significantly greater from the grass to the grapevine than from the legume to the grapevine. Possible reasons for the differences between the two cover crops include lower 15N enrichment in legume roots, higher biomass of grass roots, and/or differences in AM fungal community composition. Further studies are needed to investigate N transfer from grapevines to cover crops and to determine net N transfer between the two crops throughout their growing seasons, in order to understand the significance of AM fungi-mediated interplant nutrient transfers in the field.  相似文献   

Conservation agriculture practices, such as reduced tillage, cover crops and fertilization, are often associated with greater microbial biomass and activity that are linked to improvements in soil quality. This study characterized the impact of long term (31 years) tillage (till and no-till), cover crops (Hairy vetch- Vicia villosa and winter wheat- Triticum aestivum, and a no cover control), and N-rates (0, 34, 67 and 101 kg N ha−1) on soil microbial community structure, activity and resultant soil quality calculated using the soil management assessment framework (SMAF) scoring index under continuous cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) production on a Lexington silt loam in West Tennessee.No-till treatments were characterized by a significantly greater (P < 0.05) abundance of Gram positive bacteria, actinomycetes and mycorrhizae fungi fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) biomarkers compared to till. Saprophytic fungal FAME biomarkers were significantly less abundant (P < 0.05) under no-till treatments resulting in a lower fungi to bacteria (F:B) ratio. Key enzymes associated with C, N & P cycling (β-glucosidase, β-glucosaminidase, and phosphodiesterase) had significantly higher rates under no-till relative to till, corresponding to significantly greater (P < 0.05) soil C and N, extractable nutrients (P, K and Ca) and yields. Mycorrhizae fungi biomarkers significantly decreased (P < 0.05) with increasing N-rate and was significantly less (P < 0.05) under the vetch cover crop compared to wheat and no cover. Treatments under vetch also had significantly higher β-glucosaminidase and basal microbial respiration rates compared to wheat and no cover.Consequently, the total organic carbon (TOC) and β-glucosidase SMAF quality scores were significantly greater under no-till compared to till and under the vetch compared to wheat and no cover treatments, resulting in a significantly greater overall soil quality index (SQI).Our results demonstrate that long-term no-till and use of cover crops under a low biomass monoculture crop production system like cotton results in significant shifts in the microbial community structure, activity, and conditions that favor C, N and P cycling compared to those under conventional tillage practices. These practices also led to increased yields and improved soil quality with no-till having 13% greater yields than till and treatments under vetch having 5% increase in soil quality compared to no cover and wheat.  相似文献   

The realization of the benefits of stubble catch crops (CC) cultivated after the harvest of the main crop requires the ability to produce substantial amounts of biomass before the onset of winter. The growth and biomass production of CC is primarily determined by the time period of sowing and weather conditions of the site. The construction of a new indicator of agroclimatic conditions for the cultivation of CC is described. This indicator includes the possible time period for CC sowing according to the harvest time of the preceding main crop, temperature, and water conditions for emergence and growth. The termination of growth due to low temperatures is considered. The assumptions used for the construction of the indicator, and the relationships to CC biomass were validated with data from field experiments. The resulting maps of regions in the Czech Republic with similar indicator values for three groups of CC differing in temperature demands are shown.  相似文献   

Abstract. The objective of the present study was to investigate the potential of undersown catch crops to counteract soil degradation after autumn ploughing. Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and white clover (Trifolium repens L.) were undersown in spring wheat on a loam soil in southern Norway, allowed to grow as cover crops after grain harvest and ploughed in to 20 cm depth as green manure in late October. Ryegrass prevented a collapse of the ridged plough furrow profile during winter, which occurred on grain monoculture and white-clover plots. Also, it tended to improve the water stability of aggregates, aggregate size distribution, bulk density, and pore volume in soil sampled in May. The preservation of the plough furrow profile was mainly attributed to enmeshment by an extensive system of fine roots and less to rhizosphere and microbial effects on aggregate stability. The results showed that ryegrass catch crops may give rapid structure improvements that are likely to contribute appreciably to easier seedbed preparation and less soil degradation in arable farming systems, even if the soil is ploughed in autumn.  相似文献   

Whereas non-leguminous cover crops such as cereal rye (Secale cereale) or annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorium) are capable of reducing nitrogen (N) leaching during wet seasons, leguminous cover crops such as hairy vetch (Vicia villosa) improve soil N fertility for succeeding crops. With mixtures of grasses and legumes as cover crop, the goal of reducing N leaching while increasing soil N availability for crop production could be attainable. This study examined net N mineralization of soil treated with hairy vetch residues mixed with either cereal rye or annual ryegrass and the effect of these mixtures on growth and N uptake by cereal rye. Both cereal rye and annual ryegrass contained low total N, but high water-soluble carbon and carbohydrate, compared with hairy vetch. Decreasing the proportion of hairy vetch in the mixed residues decreased net N mineralization, rye plant growth and N uptake, but increased the crossover time (the time when the amount of net N mineralized in the residue-amended soil equalled that of the non-amended control) required for net N mineralization to occur. When the hairy vetch content was decreased to 40% or lower, net N immobilization in the first week of incubation increased markedly. Residue N was significantly correlated with rye biomass (r=0.81, P<0.01) and N uptake (r=0.83, P<0.001), although the correlation was much higher between residue N and the potential initial N mineralization rate for rye biomass (r=0.93, P<0.001) and N uptake (r=0.99, P<0.001). Judging from the effects of the mixed residues on rye N Concentration and N uptake, the proportion of rye or annual ryegrass when mixed with residues of hairy vetch should not exceed 60% if the residues are to increase N availability. Further study is needed to examine the influence of various mixtures of hairy vetch and rye or annual ryegrass on N leaching in soil. Received: 10 March 1997  相似文献   

分形方法在土壤特性空间变异研究中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
方萍  吕成文  朱艾莉 《土壤》2011,43(5):710-713
土壤特性空间变异研究对土壤制图、精准施肥、农业可持续发展等方面具有重要意义。分形几何学是一种探索复杂性的事物的新科学方法和理论,在研究土壤特性空间变异中将有大有可为。本文主要综述了 2000 年以后分形理论在土壤物理特性、化学特性、水分特征及状态参数的空间变异研究中的应用进展,最后对分形理论在土壤特性空间变异研究中的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

The contributions of soil variables to the variations in the yields of cassava (Manihot esculenta), yam (Dioscorea rotundata), maize (Zea mays) and pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan) were evaluated over 2 years in this study. The data were from three replicates of two randomized complete block design experiments sited in a newly cleared forest and on previously cultivated land both in Nsukka, eastern Nigeria. The 28 soil physicochemical properties and six crop yield parameters measured were partitioned between location and year before applying a stepwise regression procedure to analyze them.

The study showed that soil variables accounted for >70% of the variation in cassava root yields and harvest index. Both soil physical and chemical properties contributed but the former (particularly macroporosity, microporosity, total porosity and bulk density) contributed most. Selected soil variables also accounted for >70% of the variation in yam tuber yield and shape index of tubers especially in 1998. In both crop years chemical properties appeared to dominate over the physical ones. Soil variables accounted for between 51 and 99% of the variation in maize grain and stover yields. The only exception was the figure of 44% obtained at the forest location in 1998. Soil pH, total exchangeable acidity and microporosity were particularly important contributors to the variations in both maize yield parameters. The contributions of soil variables to pigeon pea yield parameters were low (<50%) except in 1999 at the forest location where seven soil variables accounted for over 85% variation in seed yield.

It was obvious generally from the study that soil variables were important determinants of yield variations in the four crops. It was also shown that physical properties should always be included in this kind of analysis. Also the number of soil variables which were of significance generally increased when the level of soil properties was low, as was the case with the cultivated site versus forest site, and 1999 versus 1998 analysis. Thus increasing the number of soil variables used and partitioning them into more homogeneous units helped to improve the results obtained using the procedure.  相似文献   

This research concerns the influence of no tillage (NT) or conventional tillage (CT) and a ryegrass (Lolium multiforum Lam.) cover crop in a cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production system on soil and ryegrass microbial counts, enzyme activities, and fluometuron degradation. Fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, aryl acylamidase, and colony-forming units (CFUs) of total bacteria and fungi, gram-negative bacteria, and fluorescent pseudomonads were determined in soil and ryegrass samples used in the degradation study. Fluometuron (14C-labelled herbicide) degradation was evaluated in the laboratory using soil and ryegrass. The CT and NT plots with a ryegrass cover crop maintained greater microbial populations in the upper 2 cm compared to their respective no-cover soils, and CT soils with ryegrass maintained greater bacterial and fungal CFUs in the 2–10 cm depth compared to the other soils The highest enzymatic activity was found in the 0–2 cm depth of soils with ryegrass compared to their respective soils without ryegrass. Ryegrass residues under NT maintained several hundred-fold greater CFUs than the respective underlying surface soils. Fluometuron degradation in soil and ryegrass residues proceeded through sequential demethylation and incorporation of residues into nonextractable components. The most rapid degradation was observed in surface (0 to 2 cm) soil from CT and NT–ryegrass plots. However, degradation occurred more rapidly in CT compared to NT soils in the 2 to 10 cm depth. Ryegrass cover crop systems, under NT or incorporated under CT, stimulated microbiological soil properties and promoted herbicide degradation in surface soils.  相似文献   


Winter cover crop studies were conducted for 17 years with cotton grown on a Dubbs‐Dundee soil complex at the University of Arkansas Delta Branch Experiment Station. This experiment was established in 1972 to investigate the changes induced by winter cover crops of rye, vetch, and lupine. The rye and lupine were later changed to rye + vetch and rye + crimson clover, resp. Cotton yield responses to cover crops were found to be highly dependent on the growing season. Although the cover crops averaged a seedcotton yield increase, certain years had drastic yield reductions. This experiment was not designed with sufficient scope to address why yield responses occurred as they did. Soil physical properties of hydraulic conductivity, water retention, porosity, and proportion of large pores were found to be measurable changed by having winter cover crops. In general the change in soil physical properties resulting from the cover crops would result in faster infiltration and transmission of water, more stored water, less crusting, better ability of soil to ameliorate and degrade herbicides and improve soil tilth. The change in these properties may be too small to result in practically cost effective changes. However, it would seem reasonable to assume that if current trends continue the impact would eventually become large enough to become a major concern.  相似文献   

生物质炭对土壤物理性质影响的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
生物质炭在农业与环境中的应用已成为近期国内外研究热点,有关生物质炭特性以及生物质炭对土壤化学、生物学性质和作物产量的影响,已经有一些综述,但是生物质炭对土壤物理性质影响的相关综述很少。本文对近10年生物质炭对土壤物理性质影响相关的研究成果进行了整理分析。研究结果发现生物质炭可以降低土壤容重,提高土壤团聚体稳定性,增加田间持水量和土壤有效水含量,降低饱和导水率等。生物质炭影响土壤物理性质的主要原因是生物质炭具有较大的比表面积和孔隙度。此外,生物质炭与土壤矿质颗粒结合,并通过对土壤微生物活性和植物生长的影响间接影响土壤物理性质。生物质炭对土壤物理性质的影响与多种因素有关,如生物质炭原料、裂解温度、施用量和颗粒大小,土壤质地和处理时间等。关于生物质炭对土壤物理性质影响的长期研究很少,且缺乏田间试验。因此,将来的研究应更加倾向于长期田间条件下生物质炭对土壤物理性质的影响,并逐渐发现生物质炭的作用机理,为实际的农业生产和生态治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Two beet vinasse forms (fresh (BV) and composted with a cotton gin crushed compost (CV)) have been applied for 4 years on a Typic Xerofluvent under dryland conditions near to Sevilla city (Guadalquivir River Valley, Andalusia, Spain) and their effect on soil physical, chemical and biological properties and their repercussion on soil loss was studied. BV and CV were applied at rates of 5000, 7500, and 10,000 kg ha− 1 organic matter ha− 1, respectively. The application of CV to the soil resulted in improved some soil properties and soil loss decreased. However, when BV was applied soil physical properties deteriorated and soil loss increased. We think that the high amounts of monovalent cations, particularly Na+, and of fulvic acids in BV destabilized soil structure. These results show that the addition of soil organic matter not always prevents soil loss, and they suggest the preferential use of composted beet vinasse versus fresh vinasse under dryland conditions.  相似文献   

[目的]果园行间播种覆盖作物有利于改善土壤理化性状,改变氮循环过程中的氨氧化微生物群落结构.因此,我们分析不同覆盖作物下猕猴桃园土壤氨氧化微生物的群落结构和基因丰度,以探究其与土壤硝化作用的关系.[方法]选择湖北十堰的一个5年生猕猴桃果园进行了种植多年生覆盖作物试验,供试覆盖作物有白三叶草(Trifolium repe...  相似文献   

Soil cover and rainfall intensity (RI) are recognized to have severe impacts on soil erosion and an interaction exists between them. This study investigates the effect of rainfall intensity (RI) and soil surface cover on losses of sediment and the selective enrichment of soil organic carbon (SOC) in the sediment by surface runoff. A field rainfall simulator was used in the laboratory to produce 90 min rainfall events of three rainfall intensities (65, 85 and 105 mm h− 1) and four cover percentages (0%, 25%, 50% and 75%) on soil material at 9% slope. A strong negative exponential relation was observed between cover percentage and RI on sediment loss under 85 and 105 mm h− 1 of rain, while under RI of 65 mm h− 1, the highest sediment loss was observed under 25% cover. Overall, higher RI and lower cover produced higher sediment and consequently higher nutrient loss, but resulted in a lower SOC enrichment ratio (ERSOC) in the sediment. The amount of runoff sediment rather than the ERSOC in the sediment was the determinant factor for the amount of nutrients lost. The values of ERSOC were high and positively correlated with the ER values of particles smaller than 20 µm (p < 0.01). Although the sediment contained substantially more fine fractions (fine silt and clay, < 20 µm), the original soil and runoff sediment were still of the same texture class, i.e. silt clay loam.  相似文献   

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