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The system of rice intensification (SRI) is reported to have advantages like lower seed requirement,less pest attack,shorter crop duration,higher water use efficiency and the ability to withstand higher degree of moisture stress than traditional method of rice cultivation.With this background,SRI was compared with traditional transplanting technique at Indian Agricultural Research Institute,New Delhi,India during two wet seasons (2009-2011).In the experiment laid out in a factorial randomized block design,two methods of rice cultivation [conventional transplanting (CT) and SRI] and two rice varieties (Pusa Basmati 1 and Pusa 44) were used under seven crop nutrition treatments,viz.T 1,120 kg/hm2 N,26.2 kg/hm2 P and 33 kg/hm2 K;T 2,20 t/hm2 farmyard manure (FYM);T 3,10 t/hm2 FYM+ 60 kg/hm2 N;T 4,5 t/hm2 FYM+ 90 kg/hm2 N;T 5,5 t/hm2 FYM+ 60 kg/hm2 N+ 1.5 kg/hm2 blue green algae (BGA);T 6,5 t/hm2 FYM+ 60 kg/hm2 N+ 1.0 t/hm2 Azolla,and T 7,N 0 P 0 K 0 (control,no NPK application) to study the effect on seed quality,yield and water use.In SRI,soil was kept at saturated moisture condition throughout vegetative phase and thin layer of water (2-3 cm) was maintained during the reproductive phase of rice,however,in CT,standing water was maintained in crop growing season.Results revealed that CT and SRI gave statistically at par grain yield but straw yield was significantly higher in CT as compared to SRI.Seed quality was superior in SRI as compared to CT.Integrated nutrient management (INM) resulted in higher plant height with longer leaves than chemical fertilizer alone in both the rice varieties.Grain yield attributes such as number of effective tillers per hill,panicle length and panicle weight of rice in both the varieties were significantly higher in INM as compared to chemical fertilizer alone.Grain yields of both the varieties were the highest in INM followed by the recommended doses of chemical fertilizer.The grain yield and its attributes of Pusa 44 were significantly higher than those of Pusa Basmati 1.The seed quality parameters like germination rate and vigor index as well as N uptake and soil organic carbon content were higher in INM than those in chemical fertilizer alone.CT rice used higher amount of water than SRI,with water saving of 37.6% to 34.5% in SRI.Significantly higher water productivity was recorded in SRI as compared to CT rice.  相似文献   

水稻直播是一种轻简高效栽培模式,具有良好的应用前景。在粤西直播稻区开展大田试验,探究不同施肥方式(习惯法和“三控”法)和播种量(2.0、3.5、5.0、6.5、8.0和10.0 kg/667 m2)对直播稻产量的影响。结果表明,与习惯法施肥相比,采用“三控”法施肥的水稻有效穗数和结实率分别降低20.1%和5.1%,但每穗颖花数增加31.6%,稻谷产量增加11.3%。随着播种量的增加,水稻有效穗数从304万/ hm2增加到464万/hm2,每穗颖花数从112.09个降低到81.90个;稻谷产量以播种量为3.5 kg/667 m2的处理最高,达6.66 t/hm2。综上所述,华南直播稻生产应选择每穗颖花数多、收获指数高且千粒重大的品种,播种量3.5 kg/667 m2,采用“三控”法施肥。  相似文献   

【目的】旨在阐明全生育期干湿交替灌溉对抗旱性不同水稻品种产量的影响。【方法】以抗旱性差异显著的4个水稻品种(籼稻扬稻6号和两优培九,粳稻旱优8号和镇稻88)为材料,以常规水层灌溉(CI)为对照,在盆栽条件下研究了轻干湿交替灌溉(WMD)和重干湿交替灌溉(WSD)对水稻产量、根系、叶片及籽粒部分生理特性的影响。【结果】与CI相比,WMD处理下抗旱性较强品种扬稻6号和旱优8号产量分别提高6.90%和7.45%,抗旱性较弱品种两优培九和镇稻88产量分别降低7.28%和8.10%。WSD处理下,4个水稻品种的产量均显著下降,抗旱性较弱的品种产量降幅远高于抗旱性较强的水稻品种。WMD处理下,扬稻6号和旱优8号复水后根系氧化力、根系与叶片细胞分裂素(玉米素+玉米素核苷)含量、叶片光合速率和籽粒中蔗糖-淀粉代谢途径关键酶的活性均较CI有不同程度提高,而两优培九和镇稻88上述指标则与CI持平或有不同程度降低。WSD处理下,4个品种上述指标均较CI不同程度降低。【结论】轻干湿交替灌溉条件下,根系活性强、叶片细胞分裂素含量和光合速率高、籽粒中蔗糖-淀粉代谢途径关键酶活性强是抗旱性较强水稻品种的基本生理特征。  相似文献   

结实期干湿交替灌溉对水稻根系、产量和土壤的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]干湿交替灌溉(WMD)对水稻根系生长和产量形成有重要影响,但其对土壤性状的影响,以及与根系生长的关系尚不明确.[方法]本研究以5个不同类型的水稻品种为材料,在结实期设置常规灌溉(CI)和干湿交替灌溉(WMD)两种灌溉方式处理,研究了其对水稻产量、根系形态生理及土壤性状的影响.[结果]1)与CI相比,结实期WMD...  相似文献   

Farmers in South East Asia are adopting rice crop establishment methods from transplanting to direct wet or dry seeding as it requires less labour and time and comparatively less energy than transplanting.In contrast to irrigated condition,in rainfed lowland,direct seeding is a common practice.Early flooding controls weeds but decreases seedling establishment in direct seeded rice.Anaerobic germination is an important trait to counteract damages caused by early flooding.Management options which can help in crop establishment and improve crop growth under flooding might remove the constraints related to direct seeding.The investigation was carried out with two near isogenic lines Swarna and SwarnaSub1.Swarna-Sub1 is tolerant to submergence whereas Swarna is susceptible.Seed priming was done with water and 2% Jamun(Syzygium cumini) leaf extract,and it improved seedling establishment under flooding.Acceleration of growth occurred due to seed pretreatment,which resulted longer seedling and greater accumulation of biomass.Seed priming greatly hastened the activities of total amylase and alcohol dehydrogenase in Swarna-Sub1 than in Swarna.Swarna-Sub1 outperformed Swarna when the plants were cultivated under flooding.Weed biomass decreased significantly under flooding compared to non-flooding conditions.Seed priming had positive effects on yield and yield attributing parameters both under non-flooding and early flooding conditions.  相似文献   

不同直播方式下种子处理方式对直播稻出苗和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了选择合理的种子处理方式,解决水稻机直播全苗问题,选择杂交稻川优6203、常规稻金农丝苗,在水直播、旱直播方式下,比较了干种子直播、浸泡48 h后直播、浸泡48h催芽至露白后直播、浸泡48 h催芽至半粒谷长后直播等方式对水稻出苗率、基本苗数、有效穗数、颖花数、结实率、千粒重以及产量的影响。结果表明,种子浸泡48 h催芽至露白时播种,有较高的出苗率,可以确保较高的基本苗数。不同种子处理方式对直播稻的有效穗数、千粒重的影响达极显著水平,对颖花数及结实率的影响不显著。在水直播方式下浸泡48 h,催芽露白或至半粒谷长时直播,不仅有利于增加群体数量,还有利于改善产量性状。无论采用水直播还是旱直播方式,宜将种子浸种48 h后催芽至露白时进行机直播,出苗率高,群体足,产量性状合理,可以获得较高产量。  相似文献   

直播稻区稻水象甲种群动态及分布   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对浙江省象山县山谷小平原直播稻区的稻水象甲种群动态和田间分布进行了系统调查。稻水象甲成虫在山坡地和直播稻田埂等越冬场所出蛰后取食杂草,并于5月初同期出现成虫高峰。这些成虫约7 d后直接迁入直播稻田,形成直播稻田稻水象甲的迁入高峰。稻水象甲在直播稻田的取食、产卵和分布表现出明显的喜水习性。在同一丘直播稻田内,离田边越近,越冬代成虫和一代卵、幼虫、茧蛹的数量越大;在同一畦内,畦边多于畦中。稻水象甲在直播稻田完成一个世代约需50 d,增殖倍数(一代成虫峰值/越冬代成虫峰值)为7.23,明显低于移栽稻田,主要原因是稻水象甲在直播稻上的产卵量较低。7月底一代成虫向山坡地和直播稻田埂等越夏越冬场所回迁。根据直播稻区稻水象甲种群动态和分布特点,提出了相应的虫情调查和测报防治建议。  相似文献   

In 1996,China launched a program to breed super rice or super hybrid rice by combining intersubspecific heterosis with ideal plant types.Today,approximately 80 super rice varieties have been released and some of them show high grain yields of 12-21 t/hm2 in field experiments.The main reasons for the high yields of super rice varieties,compared with those of conventional varieties,can be summarized as follows:more spikelets per panicle and larger sink size (number of spikelets per square meter);larger leaf area index,longer duration of green leaf,greater photosynthetic rate,higher lodging resistance,greater dry matter accumulation before the heading stage,greater remobilization of pre-stored carbohydrates from stems and leaves to grains during the grain-filling period;and larger root system and greater root activity.However,there are two main problems in super rice production:poor grain-filling of the later-flowering inferior spikelets (in contrast to earlier-flowering superior spikelets),and low and unstable seed-setting rate.Here,we review recent research advances in the crop physiology of super rice,focusing on biological features,formation of yield components,and population quality.Finally,we suggest further research on crop physiology of super rice.  相似文献   

2015年在四川省德阳市进行大田水稻直播试验,以早稻、早熟中稻、中熟中稻、迟熟中稻等4种类型水稻品种为材料,设置3个播期茬口(前茬作物分别为蔬菜、油菜和小麦),研究不同茬口和品种类型对直播稻产量形成的影响,为茬口及品种类型的科学搭配提供依据。结果表明,随着播期的推迟,水稻播种至齐穗、齐穗至成熟的生育期缩短;早稻、早熟中稻、中熟中稻的产量先增加后下降,迟熟中稻的产量显著降低。蔬菜茬口和油菜茬口以中熟中稻的产量最高,分别为8.47 t/hm~2和9.30 t/hm~2,小麦茬口则以早熟中稻的产量最高,为7.99 t/hm~2。随着播期的推迟,早熟中稻、中熟中稻的干物质积累量呈先增加后降低的趋势,而早稻、迟熟中稻的干物质积累量呈降低趋势。由此可见,成都平原蔬菜茬口和油菜茬口水稻直播以选用中熟中稻品种较为适宜,小麦茬口水稻直播则选用早熟中稻较好。  相似文献   

In recent years, conventional rice production technologies have been leading to deterioration of soil health and declining farm profitability due to high inputs of water and labor. Conservation agriculture(CA) based resource-conserving technologies i.e. zero-tillage(ZT), raised-bed planting and direct-seeded rice(DSR) have shown promise as alternatives to conventional production technologies to overcome these problems. Present study was undertaken during 2009–2012 to establish an understanding of how permanent raised bed cropping system could be practiced to save water at the field application level to improve water productivity and also have the capability to enhance productivity, profitability and soil physical quality. The results showed that among different crop establishment techniques, conventional-tilled puddle transplanted rice(CT-TPR) required 14%-25% more water than other techniques. Compared with the CT-TPR system, zero till direct-seeded rice(ZT-DSR) consumed 6%–10% less water with almost equal system productivity and demonstrated higher water productivity. Wide raised beds saved about 15%–24% water and grain yield decrease of about 8%. Direct-seeded rice after ZT or reduced tillage or on unpuddled soil provided more net income than CT-TPR. The CTTPR system had higher bulk density and penetration resistance due to compaction caused by the repeated wet tillage in rice. The steady-state infiltration rate and soil aggregation( 0.25 mm) were higher under permanent beds and ZT and lower in the CT-TPR system. Under CT-TPR, soil aggregation was static across seasons, whereas it improved under no-till and permanent beds. Similarly, mean weight diameter of aggregates was higher under ZT and permanent beds and increased over time. The study reveals that to sustain the rice productivity, CA-based planting techniques can be more viable options. However, the long-term effects of these alternative technologies need to be studied under varying agro-ecologies in western Uttar Pradesh, India.  相似文献   

不同播期对直播稻株型及穗部性状影响的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过研究淮稻5号、武育粳3号、武运粳21号等3个品种不同播期对直播水稻株型及穗部性状的影响,以期塑造直播水稻理想株型。结果表明,在海丰种植条件下,直播水稻最佳播期为6月上旬。随着播期推迟,株高下降,下部节间增长,上部节间变短;同一品种在播期推迟情况下,一次枝梗数、二次枝梗数及每穗粒数均呈减少趋势,不同品种减少幅度存在差异;在推迟播期情况下,武运粳21号、淮稻5号的株高与穗型受到的影响比武育粳3号小,产量的影响也相对较小。  相似文献   

以杂交晚粳稻甬优8号、常规粳稻武运粳19为材料,在机械化精量直播方式下,研究了不同播量对其产量及物质生产的影响。结果表明,每667 m2播种量甬优8号1.5~2.2 kg、武运粳19号2.2~3.0 kg处理的产量最高;其群体均能于有效分蘖临界叶龄期够苗,拔节期达高峰苗,且数量适宜,最终成穗率较高(75%左右);最大叶面积指数均出现在孕穗期,数值适宜;抽穗后干物质积累多,成熟期生物学产量高。  相似文献   

[目的]结实期田间穗部冠层小气候是水稻生长发育最直接的微环境因子,水分和氮肥运筹通过影响水稻群体构建进而影响水稻田间冠层小气候,研究水氮互作对直播稻结实期冠层小气候及稻米品质的影响,可以丰富和完善直播稻水氮管理技术.[方法]以杂交稻F优498为试材,通过淹灌(W1)、干湿交替(W2)、旱种(W3)3种灌水方式及底肥:蘖...  相似文献   

水直播对寒地粳稻产量和品质性状的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
直播稻面积在黑龙江省逐年增加,为了解水直播栽培技术对寒地粳稻产量和品质的影响,笔者对黑龙江省水直播面积最大的虎林市和抚远县进行了试验调查。结果表明,水直播对寒地粳稻穗部结构的影响因品种而异,对金禾1号的穗长、一次枝梗数和二次枝梗数影响较小,对龙粳31号的穗长、一次枝梗数和二次枝梗数影响较大;在水直播栽培条件下,金禾1号和龙粳31号的产量可达7.78 t/hm2和8.73 t/hm2,但仍极显著低于插秧栽培,这主要与水直播稻千粒重显著降低有关;金禾1号和龙粳31号的精米率、整精米率和蛋白质含量表现出水直播的低于插秧,而直链淀粉含量要高于插秧,但两种栽培方式间的差异均未达显著水平;金禾1号的垩白粒率和垩白度表现为水直播显著低于插秧,而龙粳31号的垩白粒率和垩白度在两种栽培方式间差异不显著;金禾1号和龙粳31号的食味评分两种栽培方式间的差异也未达显著水平。  相似文献   

以天津市4个水稻主栽品种为供试材料,采用机插秧和旱直播两种模式进行种植,比较了两种栽培模式水稻的产量、产量构成因子以及经济效益。结果表明,旱直播条件下的水稻株高显著低于机插秧,两种模式下水稻单位面积有效穗数、穂长、千粒重、每穗粒数、结实率和实际产量因品种而异。从经济效益来看,旱直播高于机插秧。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨多巴胺(Dopamine,DA)引发对盐胁迫下水稻种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响.[方法]以新疆自育水稻品种新稻17号为研究对象,分别用0(纯水)、0.1、0.5、1、1.5 mg/L的DA溶液(分别用S0、S0.1、S0.5、S1、S1.5表示)引发种子,采用浓度为100 mmol/L的NaCl溶液模拟盐胁迫,...  相似文献   

When being planted in wide areas in southern China (23°23' - 33°23' N, 98°35' - 120°19' E, sea level above 2.7 - 1285 m), Liangyoupeijiu (LYPJ), a two-line hybrid rice combination, showed a seed setting rate of 75.2 - 77.2%, which was lower by 4.3 - 7.5 percent point than that of an indica hybrid rice Shanyou 63 (CK), with similar values of grain yield and coefficients of variation to CK. Sowing during 5-25th of May in Nanjing (32°3' N, 118°48' E), China, LYPJ headed before 4th September, and gave a seed setting rate of 75 - 90%, and grain yield over 1 kg/m2. If the sowing date was delayed to 14 - 15th, June, its heading date would be as late as 17th - 21st September, and seed setting rate would be declined by 10 - 15% in comparison with that on a suitable sowing date. When flowering took place at an average daily temperature range of 13.7 - 28.5℃for five days, the spikelet fertility (SF) would be increased by 1.9- 10.7%, for each increment of 1℃. The suitable (SF≥90%) and safe (SF≥75%) temperatures for flowering stage were indicated to be 26.5℃and 22.9℃, respectively. To get a high and stable seed set in cultivating LYPJ, it was recommended that LYPJ would be planted in the areas south of 34癗, and the favorable average daily temperature during flowering stage should be at 26 - 28℃.  相似文献   

确定单位面积内的最适播量是采用母本撒播技术进行杂交稻春、夏季制种,获得高产群体的关键措施之一。经过对V20A、珍汕97A不同播量的试验表明:威优64、汕优64撒播制种中,单位面积母本植株成苗数与该面积的制种产量、有效穗数、总颖花数呈极显著的正相关。并提出了决定母本最宜播量的公式为g/m2=130÷发芽率÷成秧率×粒重。  相似文献   

杂交稻谷优3301母本直播制种技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以谷丰A和闽恢3301为试验材料,比较了不育系谷丰A在直播和育秧移栽两种制种方式下生育期、育性、产量及其构成因素方面的差异。结果表明,直播较移栽生育期缩短3 d左右,花期更加集中,午前花率、柱头外露率和异交结实率等均显著提升,最高苗数、有效穗数和结实率等农业性状也得到较大提升,制种产量表现突出,与育秧移栽制种方式相比增产达5.76%。谷丰A直播制种可节约成本,增加制种产量,提高制种效益,每hm2增收达6786元,增收10.17%。  相似文献   

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