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Wound healing describes the host mechanisms involved in the process of restoring the continuity of tissues after injury. Wound healing progresses through a continuum of overlapping stages characterized by macroscopic, microscopic, and biochemical events. An understanding of the relation between these events can enhance clinicians' skills in wound management.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hyperglycemia associated with critical illness in nondiabetic human patients is a common occurrence in the intensive care unit (ICU), with a reported incidence as high as 71%. HYPOTHESIS: Hyperglycemia in critically ill dogs increases the risk of morbidity and mortality. ANIMALS: Two hundred forty-five dogs hospitalized in the ICU over a 2-month period were evaluated. METHODS: Prospective observational study was conducted over a 2-month period. All dogs in the ICU had their highest daily blood glucose concentration recorded. All dogs with diabetes were excluded from the study. Hyperglycemia was defined as a blood glucose concentration >120 mg/dL. Dogs with hyperglycemia were monitored for persistence and resolution of hyperglycemia. RESULTS: During the study period, 245 dogs were evaluated, of which 38 (16%) were hyperglycemic. Twenty-six percent (10/ 38) developed hyperglycemia during hospitalization, whereas 74% (28/38) were hyperglycemic at presentation. Length of hospitalization (LOH) was shorter in dogs that presented with hyperglycemia compared with those that developed hyperglycemia during hospitalization (P = .001). Seventy-one percent (27/38) of dogs were discharged from the hospital, whereas the remaining 29% (11/38) died or were euthanatized. Nonsurvivors had significantly higher median glucose concentration (median, 176 mg/dL; range 122-310 mg/dL) than did survivors (median, 139 mg/dL; 121-191 mg/dL; P = .021). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: The incidence of hyperglycemia in this population of dogs was 16%. Dogs that developed hyperglycemia had longer LOH and nonsurvivors had more pronounced hyperglycemia than did survivors.  相似文献   

A review is given about pathogenetic and clinical aspects of the well-known as well as of recently detected members of the family Coronaviridae. Special attention is paid to coronavirus infections of domestic cattle and pets, whereas avian, murine, rat and human coronaviruses are summarized briefly.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Hemangiosarcoma (HSA) is a common solid tumor of the spleen, heart, and skin of dogs. Renal HSA represents an uncommon anatomic variant, with little reported about its biologic behavior and clinical outcome. HYPOTHESIS: That renal HSA is associated with longer survival than other visceral forms of HSA. ANIMALS: 14 dogs with renal HSA. METHODS: Medical records from 1999 to 2004 were searched for dogs with histopathologically confirmed renal HSA, and data relevant to clinical signs, treatments, and outcomes were abstracted. RESULTS: Clinical signs were nonspecific, and the median duration of clinical signs before diagnosis was 60 days. Two dogs presented in cardiovascular collapse secondary to hemoperitoneum. Common hematologic and biochemical abnormalities were anemia (9/14), hematuria (7/14), and proteinuria (7/14). One dog had pulmonary metastasis at diagnosis. All dogs had evidence of a renal mass visualized by abdominal radiography (14/14), ultrasound (9/14), or both. All dogs underwent nephrectomy, and 4/14 dogs also received adjunctive chemotherapy. Median survival time of all dogs was 278 days (range 0-1,005 days), and dogs with hemoperitoneum had significantly shorter survival times than dogs without hemoperitoneum (62 days versus 286 days, P < .001). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: These results indicate that hemoperitoneum and distant metastasis at diagnosis appear to occur less frequently in dogs with renal HSA compared with other visceral forms of HSA. Furthermore, dogs with renal HSA have protracted disease progression, with improved 1-year survival rates and longer median survival time compared to dogs with splenic, cardiac, and retroperitoneal HSA.  相似文献   

The canine prostate gland shares many morphological and functional similarities with the human prostate and dogs are the only other large mammals that commonly develop spontaneous prostate cancer. However, the incidence of prostate cancer is much lower in dogs and the precise cell of origin is not known. Dogs with prostate cancer usually present with advanced disease that does not respond to androgen deprivation therapy. Similar to humans, affected dogs often develop osteoblastic bone metastases in the pelvis and/or lumbar spine with associated pain and neurological deficits. Other clinical signs include weight loss, lethargy, and abnormal urination and/or defecation. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation have been used to treat dogs with prostate cancer, but success has been limited by the location and aggressive nature of the disease. It is evident that better methods of early detection and more effective therapies are needed for prostate cancer in dogs and advanced prostate carcinoma in men. Dogs with naturally-occurring prostate cancer are relevant models for the disease in humans and pre-clinical studies of new diagnostics and therapies in dogs may benefit both humans and dogs with prostate cancer.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-four calves with neonatal diarrhoea were investigated in order to assess the prevalence of hyperkalaemia and the associated clinical signs. Hyperkalaemia (potassium concentration >5.8 mmol/L) was recognized in 42 (34%) calves and was more closely associated with dehydration than with decreases in base excess or venous blood pH. In 75 calves with normal blood concentrations of D-lactate (i.e. ?3.96 mmol/L), K concentrations were moderately correlated with base excess values (r = ?0.48, P < 0.001). In contrast, no significant correlation was observed in 49 calves with elevated D-lactate. Only three hyperkalaemic calves had bradycardia and a weak positive correlation was found between heart rate and K concentrations (r = 0.22, P = 0.014). Ten of the 124 calves had cardiac arrhythmia and of these seven had hyperkalaemia indicating that cardiac arrhythmia had a low sensitivity (17%) but a high specificity (96%) as a predictor of hyperkalaemia.In a subset of 34 calves with base excess values ??5 mmol/L and D-lactate concentrations <5 mmol/L (of which 22 had hyperkalaemia), changes in posture/ability to stand could be mainly explained by elevations of K concentrations (P < 0.001) and to a lesser extent by increases in L-lactate concentrations (P = 0.024). Skeletal muscle weakness due to hyperkalaemia alongside hypovolaemia may produce a clinical picture that is similar to that in calves with marked D-lactic acidosis. However, since reductions in the strength of the palpebral reflex are closely correlated with D-lactate concentrations, a prompt palpebral reflex can assist the clinical prediction of hyperkalaemia in calves presenting with a distinct impairment in their ability to stand (specificity 99%, sensitivity 29%).  相似文献   

A total of 200 cats from a south-western region of Poland were tested for antibodies to T. gondii. 105 (52.5%) examined cats were seropositive for T. gondii. Positive results were found in 16 (50%) out of 30 homeless cats, 33 (55%) out of 60 cats kept in shelters, and 56 (51.85%) out of 108 pet cats visiting outpatients clinics. 70 of pet cats stayed indoor and never left house, the others (38 cats) lived at house, but frequently abided outdoor. The seroprevalence in the last group was higher than in cats kept indoor, in shelters or homeless cats, however the differences were not statistically significant. Among the cats kept exclusively indoor the statistically significant difference in seropositivity was noted between the cats fed raw meat (69.23%) and the ones eating only commercial feed or cooked meat (19.35%), chi2 = 17.24, P < 001. Males were more frequently infected than females, but the differences were not statistically significant. In cats over 5 years old the percentage of positive results was significantly higher than in the younger ones. The ranges of antibody titres measured by LAT (latex agglutination test) were in agreement with ranges estimated by IFAT (indirect fluorescent antibody test). The LAT titres over 1980 IU/ml and IF IgG titres over 1:4000 were found only in cats, in which clinical toxoplasmosis was confirmed.  相似文献   

The article provides hands-on advice and scientific background information regarding the management of the equine acute colic patient. It summarizes essential information on the patient's history, clinical examination, and legal aspects. The scope of the history is based on the clinical appearance of the patient. In horses with violent and barely controllable signs of pain, it is limited to colic-associated information such as onset, course and severity of colic signs, and the last time of defecation, as well as prior therapeutic intervention. In these patients, the clinical examination is focussed primarily on the assessment of cardiovascular parameters, rectal temperature, and the patient's behaviour. The nasogastric intubation is an essential part of the examination of a horse with colic to prevent a gastric rupture due to gastric distension. Transrectal palpation is equally important and should always be performed unless there are important reasons to object to this procedure. In most cases, a thorough patient history and clinical examination of an acute colic patient allows the examining veterinarian to make a tentative diagnosis and a prognostic evaluation. This helps with the decision to start a conservative or a surgical therapy. Due to the existing obligatory documentation requirement and the duty to inform patient owners, it is of utmost importance to promptly document one's findings, therapeutic measures, consultations, and information of the patient owner in written form. This supports further therapy and it can also be of relevance in a potentially resulting lawsuit.  相似文献   

During the past two decades anthelmintic resistance in equine parasites has been found in the group of small strongyle species (cyathostomins) and in the ascarid species Parascaris equorum. The ubiquitous nature and possible severe consequences of disease with these nematodes make them the prime targets of current worm control programmes. Traditional control strategies mainly rely on the strategic application of anthelmintics, currently represented by three major drug classes: benzimidazoles (BZ), the tetrahydropyrimidine pyrantel (PYR) and macrocyclic lactones (ML). Following decades of routine and frequent anthelmintic applications, many cyathostomin populations on horse farms in industrialised countries must be considered as resistant to BZ anthelmintics. However, to date no published cases of cyathostomin disease specifically associated with anthelmintic resistance were reported. Possibly this is due to the generally subclinical and unspecific symptoms associated with cyathostomin infections. Nevertheless, exclusive reliance on the ML drug class may increase the threat of clinical disease due to drug-resistant cyathostomins. More recently, P. equorum has been reported as having developed resistance against ivermectin and moxidectin, two representatives of the ML-class. These anthelmintics are currently the most frequently used drug class in horses. This nematode species is mainly found in foals and in younger horses due to the development of immunity following exposure to infection. Infection with P. equorum can result in clinically drastic consequences such as obstruction and/or penetration of the small intestine, the latter usually leading to death. In conclusion, on horse farms the efficacy of anthelmintic treatments should be examined routinely for each drug class. Several factors can influence the rate at which anthelmintic resistance develops; high frequency of treatment being one of the most important. Modern control strategies should therefore attempt to significantly reduce anthelmintic treatments. Several pasture and farm management practices found to be negatively associated with nematode and anthelmintic resistance prevalence will be discussed in the review presented here.  相似文献   

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