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Cull dairy cows contribute almost 10% of national beef production in the United States. However, different factors throughout the life of dairy cows affect their weight and overall body condition as well as carcass traits, and consequently affect their market price. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: (1) to assess relationships between price ratio and carcass merit of cull dairy cows sold through several sites of an auction market and (2) to investigate the effect of animal life history events and live weight on sale barn price (BP) and price ratio (as a measure of relative price), as an indicator of carcass merit. Data from 4 dairy operations included 3,602 cull dairy cow records during the period of 2015 to 2019. Life history events data were collected from each dairy operation through Dairy Comp software; live weight and price were obtained periodically from the auction market, and the carcass data were provided by a local packing plant. Cow price in dollars per unit of live weight ($/cwt) and price ratio were the 2 outcome variables used in the analyses. Price ratio was created aiming to remove seasonality effects from BP (BP divided by the national average price for its respective month and year of sale). The association between price ratio and carcass merit traits was investigated using canonical correlation analysis, and the effect of life history events on both BP and price ratio was inferred using a multiple linear regression technique. More than 70% of the cows were culled in the first 3 lactations, with an average live weight of 701.5 kg, carcass weight of 325 kg, and dressing percentage of 46.3%. On average, cull cows were sold at $57.0/cwt during the period considered. The canonical correlation between price ratio and carcass merit traits was 0.76, indicating that price ratio reflected carcass merit of cull cows. Later lactations led to lower BP compared with cows culled during the first 2 lactations. Injury, and leg and feet problems negatively affected BP. Productive variables demonstrated that the greater milk production might lead to lower cow prices. A large variation between farms was also noted. In conclusion, price ratio was a good indicator of carcass merit of cull cows, and life history events significantly affected sale BP and carcass merit of cull cows sold through auction markets.  相似文献   

Mature beef cows (n = 88) were slaughtered to determine the influence of body condition score (BCS) on carcass and live animal value. Cows were weighed and assigned a BCS (9-point scale), 24 h before slaughter. Hide and by-products weights were recorded during harvest. After a 48-h chill period, the right side of each carcass was fabricated into boneless subprimal cuts, minor cuts, lean trim, fat, and bone. Weights were recorded at all stages of fabrication. Carcass values (U.S.$/100 kg of hot carcass weight) were calculated for U.S. Utility and U.S. Cutter grades, as well as for the Utility/Cutter mix for each BCS. Gross value included the carcass value and the value of the hide and byproducts, whereas net value was calculated after harvest and fabrication costs and by-product value were considered. Live value (U.S.$/100 kg of live weight) was computed by dividing the net value by the animal's live weight 24 h before harvest. The value of the hide and by-products for BCS-2 cows was greater (P<.05) than for cows assigned a BCS of 3 through 8. Even though U.S. Utility carcasses from BCS-8 cows produced the least (P<.05) valuable subprimal cuts from the chuck, loin, and round, the gross and net values of BCS-8 cows were greater (P<.05) than those of BCS-3, 4, 5, and 6. Within the grade of U.S. Cutter, carcasses from BCS-6 cows had the highest (P<.05), and BCS-2 cows had the lowest (P<.05), gross and net values. Across the U.S. Utility/Cutter mix, cows designated with a BCS of 7 and 8 had greater (P<.05) gross and net values than cows assigned a BCS of 6, or lower. Live value increased linearly (P = .0002) from a low of $76.10/100 kg for BCS-2 cows to a high of $90.84/100 kg for BCS-7 cows. Carcasses from BCS-6 cows were relatively lean (8.4 mm of fat opposite of the longissimus muscle), and approximately 73% of the carcasses achieved a quality grade of U.S. Utility. Moreover, carcasses from BCS-6 cows had the highest total carcass values and live values comparable (P>.05) to BCS-7 cows. Information from this study can be used by the non-fed beef industry to establish a value-based marketing system. Data from this study would indicate that marketing cull beef cows at a BCS of 6 could optimize economic returns to both cow-calf producers and non-fed beef packers.  相似文献   

Cows are the main economic production units of Ireland's cattle industry. Therefore, demographic information, including overall numbers and survival rates, are relevant to the Irish agricultural industry. However, few data are available on the demographics of cows within a national population, either in Ireland or elsewhere, despite the recent development of comprehensive national cattle databases in many EU Member States. This study has sought: to determine the rate of cow culling from the national herd; to determine the rate of culling by type (dairy, beef), age, method of exit, date of exit and interval between last calving and exit; to calculate the national cow on-farm mortality rate; and to compare the Irish rates with published data from other countries. This work was conducted using data recorded in the national Cattle Movement Monitoring System (CMMS). Culling refers to the exit of cows from the national herd, as a result of death but regardless of reason, and cow-culling rate was calculated as the number of cow exits (as defined above) each year divided by the number of calf births in the same year. Culling rate was determined by type (dairy or beef), date of birth, method of exit (slaughter or on-farm death), month of exit and interval between last calving and exit. The average cow-culling rate during 2003 to 2006 was 19.6% (21.3% for dairy, 18% for beef). While comparisons must be treated with caution, it concluded that the overall rates of culling in Ireland fell within published internationally accepted norms. The on-farm mortality rate of 3.2-4.1% was similar to that reported in comparable studies.  相似文献   


Consumers perceive pasture-based systems of milk production as natural and therefore better for cow welfare than confinement systems. However both systems are heterogeneous and continually evolving, varying from total confinement to total pasture with many hybrid intermediaries. To compare the welfare of dairy cows in these various systems, we use the three spheres framework, comprising biological functioning, natural behaviour and affective states. Considering biological functioning, pasture-based cows are less at risk of subclinical and clinical mastitis, claw lesions, lameness, metritis, early embryonic mortality, culling and mortality, but at more risk of internal parasitism, malnutrition and delayed onset of oestrous activity postpartum than confined cows. Regarding natural behaviours, pasture-based cows exhibit less agonistic behaviour, better lying behaviour, more normal oestrous behaviours and better synchronicity of behaviours than confined cows. They also have the opportunity to graze, which is one of the main features of the behavioural repertoire of dairy cows, but, they may also experience long periods away from pasture in larger herds, and severe climatic stresses which will become increasingly important as the climate changes. Our current ability to assess the affective state of dairy cows is poor. For example, hunger is an important subjective state that cannot be measured directly. The growing focus on ensuring that animals have lives worth living, means that dairy cows should garner some positive emotions from their lives, and it seems clear that pasture access is essential for this. Clearly measurement of affective state is an important challenge for future dairy cow welfare research. At the extremes of management systems, there can be major differences in animal welfare but in hybrid systems, dairy cows experience elements of both confinement and pasture which may ameliorate the negative effects of each on cow welfare. Ultimately, the optimal system gives cows an element of choice between both environments. Moreover management of the system, whether it is confinement or pastured-based, may be as important as the system of management in ensuring good dairy cow welfare and addressing societal concerns.

Abbreviations: BCS: Body condition score; TMR: Total mixed ration  相似文献   

随着近年来规模化肉牛养殖的兴起,内蒙古作为我国和世界重要的高品质牛肉输出基地,其肉牛产量持续增加,但由于运输环节福利理念的欠缺以及操作不规范,肉牛在运输后出现了瘀伤、血斑、DFD肉、胴体重量减轻、运输应激等问题,导致部分牛肉色泽不佳、风味劣化、肉品等级降低,严重影响着牛肉的营养和安全性、肉牛产业以及农牧民的经济效益。因此,肉牛运输过程中的动物福利日益成为生产者和消费者关注的热点。综述了内蒙古肉牛运输中的动物福利问题及国内外研究现状,并提出了改善肉牛运输中动物福利的措施,以期为改善肉牛运输福利提高牛肉品质提供借鉴。  相似文献   

To investigate the influencing factors of locomotion score (LS) and its impacts on production performance and blood routine index in Holstein,body condition score (BCS),LS and DHI (dairy herd improvement) of 1 486 lactating cows from two dairy farms,and the blood routine indexes of 101 lactating cows from one farm in Beijing were measured.The fixed model was used to analyze the impacts of herd,parity and lactation stage on LS,and the impacts of LS and BCS on daily milk yield,somatic cell score,milk composition and blood routine indexes in dairy cows.The results showed that both parity and lactation stage had significant impacts on LS.The LS increased with the increase of parit,the LS increased by 0.71 from first lactation to fifth and above lactation.The LS of cow in lactation stage Ⅲ(100-199 d) and Ⅵ (after 350 d) were significantly higher than cow in stage Ⅱ (45-99 d)(P<0.05),and both were higher than 2.The LS had no significant impacts on daily milk yield,milk composition and somatic cell score (P>0.05).However,the milk yield of the cow with LS≥4 was the lowest,and a decrease of 2.29 kg was found compared with the cow with LS=1.Among the various blood routine indexes,LS had significant impacts on red blood cell count,hemoglobin content,mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and lymphocyte count (P<0.05),and had no significant impacts on white blood cell count (P>0.05).With the increase of LS,the red blood cell count,hemoglobin content,mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and lymphocyte count of cows decreased with different extents.There were some problems on the body immunity and hematopoiesis of cows with poor LS.In dairy farm,regular evaluation of LS could be used to find the management problems of feet and legs,which had a great significance to reduce the loss of production performance and early culling caused by hoof disease.  相似文献   

为探究荷斯坦牛步态评分(locomotion score,LS)影响因素及其对生产性能和血常规指标的影响,本研究收集测定了北京地区2个规模化牧场1 486头泌乳牛的体况评分(body condition score,BCS)、LS和DHI(dairy herd improvement)数据,并测定了101头泌乳牛的血常规指标。采用固定模型分析了牧场、胎次和泌乳阶段对LS的影响,以及LS和BCS等因素对日产奶量、体细胞评分、乳成分和血常规指标的影响。结果表明,试验牛的胎次和泌乳阶段均对LS有极显著影响,LS随胎次的升高而增加,从1胎至5胎及以上,LS升高了0.71分;泌乳阶段Ⅲ(100~199 d)、Ⅵ(350 d以后)的LS均显著高于阶段Ⅱ(45~99 d)(P<0.05),且均高于2分。LS对日产奶量、乳成分和体细胞评分均无显著影响(P>0.05),但LS≥4分的奶牛日产奶量最低,较LS=1分的奶牛日产奶量降低了2.29 kg。各项血常规指标中,LS对奶牛红细胞数、血红蛋白含量、红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度、淋巴细胞数均有显著影响(P<0.05),而对白细胞数无显著影响(P>0.05)。随LS升高,奶牛红细胞数、淋巴细胞数、血红蛋白含量和红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度均表现出不同程度的降低。LS较差的奶牛,其机体的免疫力和造血功能会受到不同程度的影响。在规模化牧场中,定期评估牛群的LS能及时发现牛群肢蹄管理的问题,对减少因肢蹄问题引起的生产性能损失和过早淘汰等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

奶牛酮病的研究概况   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
奶牛酮病是由于体内代谢紊乱所引起的一种代谢性疾病,主要表现为产奶量、乳汁质量下降,繁殖性能降低,以及内分泌紊乱等,导致奶牛淘汰率增加,给奶牛场造成严重的经济损失。近年来,奶牛酮病的发生率有呈上升的趋势,与目前奶牛产奶量高、日粮结构改变有很大的关系。通过营养调控在一定程度上可以降低酮病的发生率。  相似文献   

Voluntary culling on low milk yield and the economic returns for herds with a stable number of milk cows was investigated for spring calving dairy herds in the Republic of Ireland. The analysis was conducted at annual involuntary removal rates: 15, 20 and 25% and replacement costs as percent of beef value 94, 126, 157%. Varying cow replacement rate above involuntary removal rate by voluntary culling increased milk sold per cow in year 16 to a maximum of +5 to +10% after practicing a fixed strategy for 16 years. Greatest absolute and relative gains in yield occur from voluntary culling at the lowest involuntary replacement rate. Voluntary culling up to 3 to 8 percentage units above involuntary cow replacement rate maximizes economic returns per cow in herd when the market price for replacement heifers exceeds 150% of their beef value. Maximum voluntary culling may be practiced for prices near or below beef value.  相似文献   

[目的]为了掌握张掖肉牛母牛生产瘫痪的发生与治疗方法。[方法]对一例产前瘫痪母牛和一例产后瘫痪母牛进行药物治疗。[结果]两例生产瘫痪母牛经过准确诊断和及时合理治疗得到康复。[结论]生产瘫痪是发生于高产奶牛的代谢性疾病,但近年来张掖肉牛母牛偶有发生,对张掖肉牛母牛生产瘫痪的治疗,只要诊断正确,治疗及时,合理用药,定能取得满意的治疗效果。  相似文献   

本研究以400头中国荷斯坦奶公犊为试验动物,研究不同胴体等级间产肉性能及肉质差异。对不同胴体等级间产肉性能研究结果发现,除分割肉产率外,其它指标随着等级增加而增大;不同胴体等级间奶公犊的胴体重、分割肉重、优质部位肉重等指标存在显著差异(P<0.05);对不同胴体等级间肉质研究结果发现,不同体形等级间奶公犊肉质差异不显著(P>0.05);随脂肪等级的增加,犊牛肉的蛋白质含量、脂肪含量、感官品质升高,含水量、蒸煮损失、剪切力、色度值L*降低。不同脂肪等级的犊牛肉,除脂肪含量、多汁性存在显著差异外(P<0.05),其它肉质指标均无差异(P>0.05)。试验结果表明,胴体等级能够在一定程度上反映荷斯坦奶公犊的产肉性能,但是对犊牛肉肉质的预测性较低。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to benchmark carcasses and muscles from commercially identified fed (animals that were perceived to have been fed an increased plane of nutrition before slaughter) and nonfed cull beef and dairy cows and A-maturity, USDA Select steers, so that the muscles could be identified from cull cow carcasses that may be used to fill a void of intermediately priced beef steaks. Carcass characteristics were measured at 24 h postmortem for 75 carcasses from 5 populations consisting of cull beef cows commercially identified as fed (B-F, n = 15); cull beef cows commercially identified as nonfed (B-NF, n = 15); cull dairy cows commercially identified as fed (D-F, n = 15); cull dairy cows commercially identified as nonfed (D-NF, n = 15); and A-maturity, USDA Select grade steers (SEL, n = 15). Nine muscles were excised from each carcass [m. infraspinatus, m. triceps brachii (lateral and long heads), m. teres major, m. longissimus dorsi (also termed LM), m. psoas major, m. gluteus medius, m. rectus femoris, and m. tensor fasciae latae] and subjected to Warner-Bratzler shear force testing and objective sensory panel evaluation after 14 d of postmortem aging. Carcass characteristics differed (P < 0.05) among the 5 commercially identified slaughter groups for the traits of lean maturity, bone maturity, muscle score, HCW, fat color, subjective lean color, marbling, ribeye area, 12th-rib fat thickness, and preliminary yield grade. Carcasses from commercially identified, fed cull cows exhibited more (P < 0.01) weight in carcass lean than did commercially identified, nonfed cull cows. There was a group x muscle interaction (P = 0.02) for Warner-Bratzler shear force. Warner-Bratzler shear force and sensory overall tenderness values demonstrates that muscles from the SEL group were the most tender (P < 0.01), whereas muscles from the B-NF group were the least tender (P < 0.01). Sensory, beef flavor intensity was similar (P > 0.20) among cull cow carcass groups and more intense (P < 0.01) than the SEL carcass group. Muscles from the SEL group exhibited less (P < 0.01) detectable off-flavor than the cull cow carcass groups, whereas the B-NF group exhibited the most (P < 0.01) detectable off-flavor. Although carcass and muscle quality from commercially identified, fed, cull beef and dairy cows was not similar to A-maturity, USDA Select beef, they did show improvements when compared with nonfed, cull, beef and dairy cow carcasses and muscles.  相似文献   

赵静雯  吴慧光 《中国畜牧兽医》2015,42(11):3105-3110
随着人们生活水平的不断提高,中国奶牛养殖数量和规模的不断扩大,奶牛正常的生理活动产生的大量气体(CO2和CH4)对土壤、空气和水造成了日益严重的污染。大气中CO2和CH4等微量气体浓度的增加所导致的温室效应已越来越受到各国的重视。奶牛胃肠道发酵所产生的CH4是牧场温室气体排放的主要来源之一,控制奶牛CH4排放能有效减缓温室气体的排放。因此,在畜牧业生产中,有必要有效降低反刍动物产生的CH4。奶牛生产中CH4的排放涉及饲料营养、瘤胃发酵调控、遗传选择和牧场管理等方面,现针对如何降低奶牛生产中CH4产生的研究情况做简要综述。  相似文献   

Data from 763 cows culled during the period September 1973–May 1982 on two experimental farms have been analysed.The carcass value of each individual cow was adjusted for seasonal fluctuations in price per kilogram carcass weight. The grade was assessed through in vivo scoring by experts of a cooperative slaughterhouse.A model was used for the analysis of the carcass variables considering the effects of farm, age at culling, stage of lactation, breed, season, year and reason for culling. This model explained 40, 52, 44 and 31% of the total variance in carcass value, live weight, grade and dressing percentage, respectively. The correlation of carcass value with live weight, dressing percentage and grade was 0.88, 0.69 and -0.42, respectively.  相似文献   

红敏  赵瑞霞  高民  李宝栋 《饲料工业》2012,33(11):48-51
试验通过对规模化养殖场、奶农合作组织两种不同养殖模式下乳牛粪便中氮、磷含量进行抽样测定,旨在研究不同养殖模式对乳牛氮和磷污染物排放量的影响。结果表明:规模化奶牛场和奶农合作组织粪尿中总氮的排泄量占摄入量的比例从低到高的排序均为产奶牛、干奶牛、育成牛;规模化奶牛场奶牛不同生理阶段磷排泄量占摄入量的比例从低到高的排序为育成牛、产奶牛、干奶牛;奶农合作组织奶牛不同生理阶段磷排泄量占摄入量的比例从低到高的排序为产奶牛、育成牛、干奶牛。  相似文献   


In Finland, during the past 10 years, the number of dairy cows has declined considerably leading to decreased domestic beef production which is partly compensated by increased suckler beef production. However, production of meat originating from dairy herds has been shown to be economically more profitable and to produce less greenhouse gas emissions per unit of product than beef production from suckler cow systems. Therefore, when safeguarding beef self-sufficiency, the intensification of beef production from dairy herds is a more promising option to consider. In this study, the possibility of different options for increasing dairy beef production was assessed by using a deterministic simulation. Increasing the use of crossbreeding in dairy herds, especially when combined with the use of Y-sorted semen, appeared to be the most efficient strategy for increasing dairy beef production. The decrease in the replacement rate increased beef production through the potential for enhancing crossbreeding.  相似文献   

皮埃蒙特牛于1986年作为具有双肌肉特征的牛品种引入中国后与当地牛杂交,其后代表现出父本的双肌肉显性特征,在胴体分割上,如肩胛部、背通脊部、臀尻部,及分割肉最佳部位,如T-骨排、前腰脊、后腰脊、上脑、胛后肉等都特别发达,呈现出一个不用借其他相邻肌块,仅由本肌块完整切块就可以加工成足够成为独立切块的特征,如米龙肉可做软菲力、后腿眼肉可开发精细牛排等,而提供高价部位肉和切块肉。在中国东方式和西方式牛肉餐饮业都处于发展中,皮埃蒙特牛胴兼有分割为日式和欧美式两种牛胴肉的优点,并生产高档和高价位切块。目前制订适用于东方和西方餐饮业牛胴分割的国家标准很有必要,而且已经具备条件。  相似文献   

During the last few years, many Danish dairy farmers have expressed increasing concerns regarding a group of cows, which we have chosen to term ‘loser cows’. Until now, a loser cow has not been described scientifically. We defined a loser cow on the basis of a clinical examination of the cow. A total of 15,151 clinical examinations were made on 6,451 individual cows from 39 randomly selected, large Danish dairy herds with loose-housing systems using a clinical protocol. Scores for the clinical signs lameness, body condition, hock lesions, other cutaneous lesions, vaginal discharge, condition of hair coat and general condition were converted into a loser cow score. Cows with a loser cow score of 8 or more were classified as loser cows. The overall prevalence of loser cows was 2.15%, 4.50% and 2.98% during the first, second and third round of herd visits, respectively.

The associations between the loser cow state and milk production, mortality, morbidity, culling and workload for the farmer were evaluated using data from herd visits and from the Danish Cattle Database and a number of different statistical techniques. It was concluded that the loser cow state has significant negative consequences for both the farmer and the cow. On average, loser cows yielded 0.61 to 2.24 kg energy corrected milk less per day than non-loser cows depending on parity. Hazard ratio for death or euthanasia was 5.69 for loser cows compared to non-loser cows. Incidence rate ratio for disease treatments was 0.69 for non-loser cows compared to loser cows. Loser cows were often culled in an ‘unfavourable’ way and generally caused extra workload for the farmer.

A simplified version of the loser cow score was evaluated and is recommended for future research and use in practice.  相似文献   

乳腺炎是影响奶牛生产性能及健康最常见、最严重的疾病之一,可以导致奶牛淘汰、养殖场(户)经济损失。该病常用抗生素治疗,但易产生耐药性,畜产品存在抗生素残留,不利于奶牛养殖业绿色健康发展。益生菌具有增强奶牛免疫力、降低发病率和改善生产性能的优势,可替代抗生素,有良好的应用价值。本文对奶牛乳腺炎危害、益生菌有益作用和替代抗生素治疗的潜质进行综述,推动奶牛养殖业绿色、健康发展。  相似文献   

The 1999 National Market Cow and Bull Beef Quality Audit comprised face-to-face interviews with industry representatives (n = 49); in-plant evaluations of cattle in holding pens (n = 3,969), carcasses on harvest floors (n = 5,679), and in carcass coolers (n = 4,378); and a strategy workshop. Face-to-face interviews suggested that the beef industry was most frequently concerned about the presence of antibiotic residues in carcasses, presence of lead shot in carcasses, and price discovery for carcasses following excessive trimming of bruises and testing due to arthritic joints, pathogens, or antibiotic residues. Although live animal evaluations determined that 73.4% of beef cows, 60.8% of dairy cows, 63.7% of beef bulls, and 70.9% of dairy bulls did not exhibit evidence of lameness, losses due to lameness were greater (P < 0.05) than in the 1994 National Non-Fed Beef Quality Audit. In-plant audits revealed that 88.9, 10.3, and 88.2% of cow carcasses and 18.9, 21.2, and 52.9% of bull carcasses had inadequate muscling, arthritic joints, and at least 1 bruise, respectively, all of which resulted in greater (P < 0.05) losses than the same defects in 1994. Audits revealed that 88.9% of cow carcasses and 18.9% of bull carcasses were lightly muscled, resulting in greater (P < 0.05) losses for cow carcasses, and similar (P > 0.05) losses for bull carcasses, than the same defect in the 1994 audit. Also, 14.5 and 30.8% of cow carcasses and 6.9 and 5.9% of bull carcasses had excess external fat and yellow-colored external fat, respectively, which was an improvement (P < 0.05) over 1994 results. In aggregate, 24.1, 19.2, 7.2, 6.7, 9.5, and 1.1% of livers, tripe, hearts, heads, tongues, and whole cattle or carcasses, respectively, were condemned and 60.6, 2.4, and 46.5% of cattle had hide damage from latent defects, insect damage, and brands, respectively. Condemnation rates were generally lower (P < 0.05), but tongue condemnations and frequency of branded hides were higher (P < 0.05) than in 1994. Producers should promote value in cows and bulls by managing to minimize quality defects, monitoring health and condition, and marketing in a timely manner. Using these techniques, producers might have recaptured $13.82, $27.50, and $27.50, respectively, for each cow or bull harvested in 1999.  相似文献   

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