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A 104-week-old male CD (SD) rat exhibited enlargement of the left testis. Microscopically, this mass was demarcated from the testis by fibrous connective tissue and characterized by cystic dilatation with single-layered columnar cells and papillary proliferation connected to the solid growth area without clear boundaries. In the solid growth area, cells were dissected into irregular alveolar nests by scant fibrous tissue with small blood vessels. The nuclei of proliferating cells were variable in size and round- to oval-shaped, and their cytoplasm was pale or eosinophilic and sometimes contained vacuoles or eosinophilic granules. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were positive for vimentin and cytokeratin (CK) 7. Since CK7 was exclusively positive in the rete testis epithelium of the naïve rat, it was valuable to diagnose this tumor as rete testis-originated. Based on these results and the lack of apparent pleomorphism, mitotic figures, and metastasis, the present case was diagnosed as rete testis adenoma.  相似文献   

Zymbal’s gland neoplasms are induced in rats through the administration of various carcinogens, but spontaneous neoplasia is rare. This report describes a spontaneous Zymbal’s gland carcinoma with lung metastasis found in an aged male Fischer 344 rat. Macroscopically, the dome-like tumor nodule, approximately 30 mm in diameter with ulceration, was located near the ear canal of the rat. No healthy tissue or structure of Zymbal’s gland was identified on the corresponding side, while the normal salivary glands and a lacrimal gland were observed. Histologically, a large part of the tumor mass was occupied by poorly differentiated neoplastic cells, the shapes of which were oval to polygonal or fusiform. Additionally, clusters of sebaceous-like foamy cells and squamous metaplasia with prominent keratinization were observed. Tumor cells were found to metastasize to the lung; these cells displayed histological similarities, including a sebaceous gland-like pattern, to those in the primary site. The tumor cells were immunohistochemically positive for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 or vimentin but negative for CD68, S100, α-smooth muscle actin, von Willebrand factor, and desmin. Our results indicate that the tumor was a poorly differentiated Zymbal’s gland carcinoma with lung metastasis.  相似文献   

Mesotheliomas are uncommon neoplasms that arise from mesothelial cells in either the abdominal or thoracic cavities and are rarely diagnosed in cats. A 10-y-old spayed female domestic shorthair cat was presented to the Louisiana State University oncology service for evaluation of a large amount of abdominal effusion. Abdominal ultrasound identified a large mesenteric mass with numerous ill-defined nodules. An abdominocentesis was performed with cytologic and immunocytochemical findings consistent with a neoplastic effusion, with large clusters of epithelioid cells that exhibited strong cytoplasmic expression of pancytokeratin, vimentin, and Wilms tumor 1 antigens. Further testing was declined, and meloxicam was prescribed until the cat died 23 d after initial presentation. Upon postmortem examination, the omentum was contracted into a firm mass adhered to multiple organs and accompanied by numerous small white nodules throughout the abdominal cavity. On histopathology and immunohistochemistry, neoplastic cells were found throughout the abdominal cavity; 60–95% exhibited moderate-to-strong cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for cytokeratin, vimentin, and Wilms tumor 1 protein. The final diagnosis was an epithelioid mesothelioma. Our case illustrates the utility of cytology, immunocytochemistry, and its relation to histology and immunohistochemistry. We also reviewed the reported cases of feline mesothelioma.  相似文献   

Primary renal lymphosarcoma in dogs has rarely been reported. Controversy exists whether it is a primary neoplasm of the kidney or a metastatic neoplasm. The case described is the first reported case of treatment with chemotherapy for a dog with renal lymphosarcoma.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A 2-year-old Standardbred gelding presented with a history of fever over 1 week, anorexia and skin lesions on all four legs. The lesions were associated with severe pruritus and oedema, and there was no response to therapy.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: The horse was in poor body condition, was lethargic and severely pruritic. Skin lesions consisted of diffuse alopecia and crusting of the distal extremities. Initially it was slightly febrile, but subsequently its temperature increased up to 40°C. Ten days after admission it developed profuse watery diarrhoea and the skin lesions progressed. Skin biopsies revealed superficial and deep perivascular dermatitis with lymphoplasmacytic and eosinophilic predominance. Based on the poor prognosis the horse was subject to euthanasia.

PATHOLOGICAL FINDINGS: The most notable lesions included ulcerative gastritis, typhlitis and colitis with prominent oedema of the intestines, marked subcutaneous oedema and severe thickening of the large bile ducts. Histopathology showed marked eosinophilic and lymphoplasmacytic infiltration of various tissues including the skin, gastrointestinal tract, mesenteric lymph nodes, large bile ducts, pancreatic duct and kidney. Immunohistochemistry revealed a clear predominance of CD3-positive cells in the lymphocytic infiltrations.

DIAGNOSIS: Based on the clinical findings and histopathology a diagnosis of multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease (MEED) was made.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Multisystemic eosinophilic epitheliotropic disease is rare in horses, and usually chronic. In the current case the horse showed an apparently acute onset with high fever and rapid clinical deterioration. A diagnosis of MEED should be considered in horses presenting with weight loss and skin lesions with or without fever. A final diagnosis is based on histological results of biopsy specimens from affected organs.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old Paso Fino mare was evaluated for a chronic nasal and ocular discharge. A calcification was identified eroding through the nasal mucosa of the middle meatus. Differential considerations for this mass included dacryolith, nasal calculus, or calcified tooth root abscess. Anatomical location and case history and progression supported a dacryolith. Following removal, the calculus was submitted for mineralogic analysis. The calculus was primarily carbonate hydroxylapatite (Ca10(PO4)3(CO3)3(OH)2) with a minor NaCl halite constituent. Dacryoliths, or nasolacrimal calculi, are an uncommon occurrence in animals, and sparsely reported in humans. The etiopathogenesis of dacryolith formation is unknown. The objective of this article was to report the first case report of an equine nasolacrimal system dacryolith and its mineralogic composition.  相似文献   



The most common haemostatic abnormality in dogs with cancer is hypercoagulability. A transient hypercoagulability has been documented in people with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) that resolves within weeks following hepatic tumour resection.


The objective was to compare the haemostatic status of dogs with liver tumours and healthy control dogs, by comparing coagulation and thromboelastography (TEG) measurements at three time points.


Liver tumour and healthy control dogs receiving surgery for liver lobectomy and ovariohysterectomy, respectively, were prospectively enrolled. All dogs had blood collected at three time points: pre-operative, 24 h post-operative and ~2 weeks post-operative. Haematological and haemostatic values were compared across time points in each group using repeated measures ANOVA tests.


Ten and eight dogs were enrolled for the liver and control groups, respectively. Platelet count was significantly higher in the liver group than the control group at all time points, but within the normal range (pre-operative: 438.7 vs. 300.9 × 109/L, p = .0078; 24 h post-operative: 416.2 vs. 283.9 × 109/L, p = .0123; 10–14 days post-operative: 524.6 vs. 317.3 × 109/L, p = .0072). The measure of the overall coagulant state (G-value) was significantly increased for the liver group compared to the control group at all time points (pre-operative: 15.6 vs. 8.6 d/sc, p = .0003; 24 h post-operative: 18.3 vs. 11.2 d/sc, p = .039; 10–14 days post-operative: 15.1 vs. 9.6 d/sc, p = .015).


The liver group was hypercoagulable based on elevated G-values at all time points compared to the control group. This hypercoagulability was attributed to the effect of hepatic tumours alone, and not secondary to surgery and anaesthesia.  相似文献   

Chagas disease is a parasitic infection that can result in a progressive dilated cardiomyopathy. Here, we present the epidemiologic details of a suspected locally acquired transmission case originating from the southern United States. This is the first published report of Chagas disease in a young, healthy United States veteran with repeat triatomine exposures in Arizona. Military personnel and Arizona residents should be aware of their Chagas disease transmission risks.  相似文献   

Systemic mastocytosis, characterized by infiltration of multiple organs by neoplastic mast cells, is a well-described entity in human medicine with specific criteria for diagnosis, but is ill defined in veterinary literature. Hemostatic disorders are reported in humans affected by systemic mastocytosis but have not been well described in veterinary literature. A 5-y-old, spayed female Greyhound dog had a 1-mo history of progressive ventral cutaneous edema, hemorrhage, and pain. Cytology of an antemortem aspirate from the subcutis of the ventral abdomen was suggestive of mast cell neoplasia, but no discrete mass was present. The dog was euthanized and submitted for autopsy; marked subcutaneous edema and hemorrhage were confirmed. The ventral abdominal panniculus and dermis superficial to the panniculus carnosus were infiltrated by a dense sheet of neoplastic mast cells. The neoplastic cells contained toluidine blue–positive granules and formed aggregates within the bone marrow and several visceral organs, including the liver, spleen, heart, and kidney. Diffuse edema and hemorrhage is an unusual presentation of mast cell tumors in dogs. Antemortem tests, including complete blood count, coagulation profile, and viscoelastic coagulation testing, were suggestive of a primary hemostatic defect. We discuss here the diagnostic criteria used in humans, how these can be applied to veterinary patients, and the limitations of the current diagnostic framework.  相似文献   

History and presentation A 12 year old, 4.2 kg, domestic long hair, castrated male cat was presented with regurgitation, inability to retract the claws, general weakness, cervical ventroflexion and weight loss. A thymic mass was evident on radiographs. Acetylcholine receptor antibody titer was positive for acquired myasthenia gravis (MG). Thymectomy via midline sternotomy was scheduled. Anesthetic management Oxymorphone and atropine were administered subcutaneously as premedication, and anesthesia was induced with etomidate and diazepam given intravenously to effect. The cat’s trachea was intubated and anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen, and continuous infusions of remifentanil and ketamine. Epidural analgesia with preservative‐free morphine was administered prior to surgery. Postoperative analgesia was provided by oxymorphone subcutaneously, interpleural bupivacaine, and fentanyl infusion. Postoperative complications included airway obstruction, hypoxemia and hypercapnia. Follow‐up The cat was discharged 3 days after surgery. Discharge medications included pyridostigmine and prednisone. Nine days after surgery, the cat had a significant increase in its activity level, and medications were discontinued. Histopathologically, the mass was consistent with a thymoma. Approximately 6 weeks later the cat became weak again and pyridostigmine and prednisone administration was resumed. Conclusion The perioperative management of patients with MG for transsternal thymectomy is a complex task. The increased potential for respiratory compromise requires the anesthesiologist to be familiar with the underlying disease state, and the interaction of anesthetic and non‐anesthetic drugs with MG. Careful monitoring of ventilation and oxygenation is indicated postoperatively.  相似文献   

A 21-year-old, suspected female captive ferruginous hawk (Buteo regalis) was followed for 3 years due to an iridial mass of the left eye (OS) that progressively increased in size. Enucleation of OS was eventually recommended due to the iridial mass taking up approximately 75% of the anterior chamber, and the bird seemed less active. A complete physical examination, complete blood cell count, biochemistry, and survey radiographs were performed pre-surgery with no findings indicating metastasis. A subconjunctival enucleation was performed and the globe was submitted for histopathology through the Comparative Ocular Pathology Lab of Wisconsin. The histopathologic evaluation determined the mass to be consistent with an iris melanocytoma, which has not been previously reported in this species. The patient recovered well from surgery and has remained comfortable and active for 117 days post-surgery. This case report aimed to review the current available information on avian ocular neoplasms as well as describe the clinical presentation, medical management and surgical procedure, and long-term follow-up for this patient to enhance clinical understanding of the behavior of iris melanocytic tumors in avian species.  相似文献   

Background: Tumor cell burden in dogs with lymphoma cannot be assessed accurately by diagnostic evaluation during clinical complete remission (CR). Recent advances in polymerase chain reaction (PCR)‐based methods enabled us to quantify minimal residual disease (MRD) in canine lymphoma. Hypothesis/Objectives: To quantify MRD in dogs with lymphoma treated with multidrug chemotherapy and to correlate it with remission duration after chemotherapy. Animals: Seventeen dogs with lymphoma that achieved CR by multidrug chemotherapy. Methods: Rearranged immunoglobulin heavy chain or T‐cell receptor γ chain gene fragments from lymphoma cells were PCR amplified and sequenced to prepare clone‐specific primers and probes for real‐time PCR to quantify MRD. MRD in the peripheral blood was monitored during and at the end of a 25‐week multidrug chemotherapy protocol. Correlation between MRD at the end of chemotherapy and remission duration after chemotherapy was analyzed. Results: MRD gradually decreased after initiation of multidrug chemotherapy, reached a nadir as low as <0.019–1.0 cells/μL at weeks 4–17, and remained low or slightly increased until week 25. MRD at the end of chemotherapy was negatively correlated with remission duration from the end of chemotherapy to relapse. Conclusion and Clinical Importance: MRD could be an objective marker to indicate tumor cell burden in dogs with lymphoma even in clinical CR. MRD at the end of chemotherapy could be a prognostic factor to predict remission duration after chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Mild nonregenerative anemia was detected in a 9-year-old neutered male domestic shorthair cat during a routine examination. Bone marrow core biopsy revealed erythroid hyperplasia; however, a specific cause was not identified. Over the next 8 months the anemia progressed, eventually becoming mildly regenerative, and moderate thrombocytopenia developed. On ultrasonographic examination, marked splenomegaly, mild hepatomegaly, and abdominal lymphadenopathy were found. Cytologic evaluation of splenic aspirates revealed increased numbers of mildly to moderately pleomorphic histiocytes that frequently had phagocytosed RBCs, leukocytes, and occasionally platelets. Histopathologic examination of the spleen and liver revealed effacement of splenic architecture by a histiocytic sarcoma (HS), and neoplastic histiocytes in hepatic sinusoids. A second bone marrow aspirate revealed neoplastic infiltration by similar cells. The histiocytes in all tissues were mildly to moderately pleomorphic and markedly erythrophagocytic. The immunophenotype of histiocytes in the spleen was CD1c(-)/CD11b(+)/CD18(+)/MHC-II(+), supporting a macrophage cell lineage. The clinical, pathologic, and immunophenotypic findings in this cat were similar to those in hemophagocytic HSs in dogs. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a HS of purported macrophage phenotype in a cat.  相似文献   

A SRLV-free sheep flock incurred infection which led to an SRLV infection rate of over 50% of the ewes (34/64) within a 30 months period, indicating that environmental conditions were favourable to transmission. An intensive regimen of sampling at short intervals and testing for SRLV antibodies and proviral DNA combined with strict management was implemented for the entire flock, lambs and yearlings included. This resulted in eradication of the infection within two testing and culling rounds with a 3 months interval. The additional value of the proviral DNA detection by PCR in identifying infected animals was clear in that nine infected animals were found that would have been missed if tested by serology alone. PCR also saved two lambs from being culled; they were sero-positive probably due to maternal antibodies, but not infected.  相似文献   



Pseudomonas aeruginosa may cause venereal disease and infertility in horses. A Pseudomonas aeruginosa - carrier stallion, often unresponsive to artificial vagina collection, was used to naturally breed mares. Semen collected from the same stallion was also used to perform artificial inseminations. Pregnancy rates, embryo quality and incidence of uterine infection were compared between inseminated or naturally-bred mares.


P. aeruginosa was isolated from swabbing of the penis, prepuce and distal urethra of the stallion. Before being bred or inseminated, clitoral/vestibular samples were collected from all mares, and cultured for isolation of P. aeruginosa. At the first observed estrus, endometrial swabs were also collected. All mares subjected to natural mating (NS) were re-evaluated for P.aeruginosa by culture of clitoral and endometrial swabs. Artificial inseminations (AI) were performed either with fresh-extended semen (11 AI/7 mares) or frozen semen (10 AI/7 mares). The stallion was also used to breed 3 mares (4 services). For embryo collection, 2 mares were inseminated with fresh-extended semen (1 AI/mare), and 2 additional mares were inseminated with frozen semen (2 AI/mare). Two mares were naturally-bred with a total of 9 services, for embryo collection. All mares were examined after AI or natural service (NS), for uterine pathologies. Embryo recoveries were attempted passing a catheter with inflatable cuff connected to a sterile flexible 2-way flushing catheter, through the cervix. Flushed media was recovered into an Em-Con filter, and embryos searched using a stereoscope. Embryos were graded from 1 (excellent) to 4 (degenerated/dead).


Pregnancy rates obtained after NS was 50% per cycle. However, more than half of the NS resulted in uterine disease, while uterine pathology was seen only in 22% of the time following AI. Half of the mares bred by NS got positive to P. aeruginosa. Percentage of embryo recovery rates was identical after AI or NS (66.7%). The 4 embryos recovered after AI were classified as Grade 1, while after NS only 2 out of the 6 recovered embryos were Grade 1.


a) there was no evidence of reduced fertilization after AI or NS, b) a numerically higher incidence of uterine disease was noticed after NS, c) venereal transmission of P. aeruginosa after NS was confirmed, d) a lower percentage of G1 embryos may be obtained after NS. Overall, the data supports the indication for P. aeruginosa-carrier stallions to be bred by AI rather than by NS, and raises the possibility that P. aeruginosa may affect embryo quality.  相似文献   

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