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This study was conducted to quantify nutrient losses by saltation and suspension transport. During two convective storms, mass fluxes of wind-blown particles were measured in a pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum) field in southwest Niger, on a sandy, siliceous, isohyperthermic Psammentic Paleustalf. The trapped material at three heights (0·05, 0·26 and 0·50 m) and a sample of vertically deposited dust were analyzed for total element contents of K, C, N and P. The nutrient content of the material at 0·05 m was similar to the nutrient content of the topsoil. At 0·50 m, the material was three times richer in nutrients than the topsoil, whereas the deposited dust, trapped at 2·00 m, was 17 times richer. For all four elements, a total element (TE) mass flux profile was fitted throughout the observations. From the TE profiles, the following nutrient losses from the experimental plot were estimated: 57·1 kg ha−1 K, 79·6 kg ha−1 C, 18·3 kg ha−1 N, and 6·1 kg ha−1 P. The TE profiles showed a maximum value in the saltation layer. The suspended TE mass fluxes above the saltation layer were an order of magnitude lower than the saltation fluxes, but extended to greater heights. Therefore, saltation and suspension are both able to transport significant quantities of nutrients. While saltation results in only a local redistribution of nutrients, suspension may transport dust over thousands of kilometers, resulting in a regional loss of nutrients.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of a study carried out in the Ségou region of Northern Mali to analyse the use of fodder shrubs. The farmer‐level fodder banks consisted of three perennial legumes (Gliricidia sepium, Pterocarpus erinaceus and Pterocarpus lucens). The main question addressed is whether this new type of fodder was more profitable for smallholder farmers compared to alternative fodder options. To test hypotheses for profitability, farmers were grouped in two different ways. The first grouping was based on the different village communities the farmers belonged to. The second grouping consisted of three user groups based on individual (non‐) use patterns of the fodder banks. ‘Passives’ were non‐users because of apparent disinterest. ‘Actives’ were the group of users whose fodder banks performed well and who harvested in time while ‘Unfortunates’ were non‐users unable to harvest fodder mostly through high mortality rates of the shrubs. Profitability was measured by increases in income or increases in the productivity of labour spent on feeding livestock. Profitability was shown to be dependent on the use pattern of the fodder shrubs. In the actual situation no user group had gained any concrete financial benefits. The several scenarios in which other use modalities were modelled, did show gains of using fodder shrubs, but only under conditions where alternative options were expensive. The perceived value of this technology was high. The use patterns indicated that this did not necessarily reflect farmers' long term interest in the technology itself. Rather, farmers were motivated by perceived opportunities to gain short term material and social benefits from the project promoting the shrubs. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Improving fallow quality in upland rice-fallow rotations in West Africa through the site-specific use of leguminous cover crops has been shown to sustain the productivity of such systems. We studied the effects of a range of residue management practices (removal, burning, mulching and incorporation) on fallow biomass and N accumulation, on weed biomass and yield response of upland rice and on changes in soil physical and chemical characteristics in 2-year field trials conducted in three agroecological zones of Côte d'Ivoire. Across fallow management treatments and agroecological zones, rice yields were on average 20–30% higher in legume than in natural fallow plots. Weed biomass was highest in the savanna zone and lowest in the bimodal forest and tended to be less following a legume fallow. Regardless of the type of fallow vegetation and agroecological zone, biomass removal resulted in the lowest rice yields that varied from 0.5?t ha–1 in the derived savanna zone to 1.5?t ha–1 in the Guinea savanna zone. Burning of the fallow vegetation significantly increased yield over residue removal in the derived savanna (0.27?t ha–1, P<0.05) and bimodal forest zones (0.27?t ha–1, P<0.01), but not in the Guinea savanna. In both savanna environments, residue incorporation was superior to the farmers' practice of residue removal and rice yield increases were related to amounts of fallow N returned to the soil (r2=0.803, P<0.01). In the forest zone, the farmers' practice of residue burning produced the highest yield (1.43?t ha-1 in the case of legumes) and resulted in the lowest weed biomass (0.02?t ha–1). Regardless of the site, improving the quality of the fallow or of its management had no significant effects on either soil physical or soil chemical characteristics after two fallow cycles. We conclude that incorporation of legume residues is a desirable practice for rice-based fallow rotation systems in savanna environments. No promising residue management alternatives to slash-and-burn were apparent for the forest zone. Determining the possible effects on soil productivity will require longer-term experiments.  相似文献   

Abstract. In the Sahel, promising technologies for agricultural intensification include millet stover mulching and ridging. A four year on-farm experiment was set-up in order to assess the effect of various combinations of these two technologies on soil chemical and physical quality in a millet ( Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) –- cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) relay intercropping system. Treatments included bare surface, ridging, a surface applied banded millet stover mulch (2 t ha–1) and a banded millet stover mulch (2 t ha–1) buried in ridges. The latter three treatments were implemented exclusively in the cowpea rows, with an annual rotation between the millet and cowpea rows. Both the bare and ridge plots experienced a rapid loss of organic carbon, acidification and the development of extensive surface crusts but no increase in bulk density or penetration resistance. In the year of application, mulching improved soil quality in the cowpea row with respect to pH, organic carbon and exchangeable K+ and Mg++ content, penetration resistance and bulk density, and it reduced the decline in exchangeable Ca++ and total N content. In the year following mulch application, a general decline in soil chemical quality was observed in the millet row, except for organic carbon content, and a positive residual effect was observed on penetration resistance and bulk density. As a rule, the effects of mulching in the year of application tended to be stronger in the ridged treatment with buried residue than in the banded surface mulch. In the year following application, this tendency was reversed. For the purpose of reducing soil degradation by nutrient mining and wind erosion, a banded surface mulch therefore appeared more effective than buried mulch.  相似文献   

我国北方半干旱地区土壤的沙漠化演变过程与机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
土地沙漠化是我国北方干旱半干旱地区土地退化最严重的类型之一。但迄今为止,人们对这一地区土地沙漠化过程中土壤沙化过程和机制的了解还不够透彻。2002-2003年,我们在科尔沁沙地选择具有明显沙漠化梯度的一个区域,调查和研究了土壤沙漠化演变过程和机制。结果表明,在科尔沁沙地,不同粒径土壤颗粒的理化特性具有较大差异,其中土壤粘粉粒和粗沙相比,具有较低的土壤容重和较高的土壤结持力、起沙风速、毛管持水力和养分含量。从土壤粘粉粒到粗沙,容重增加了10.32%,结持力、毛管持水量、有机碳、全氮分别下降了99.15%,51.23%,83.73%和80.24%。沙漠化过程中,土壤的理化性质随着土地沙漠化程度的增强而明显恶化。和非沙漠化土地相比,严重沙漠化土地的土壤粗沙含量、非毛管孔隙度和容重分别增加了35.04%,117.50%和21.7%,细沙含量、粘粉粒含量、总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、田间持水量、毛管持水量、土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、有效氮和有效磷分别下降了77.78%,70.00%,15.38%,27.49%,54.34%,37.54%,64.15%,70.77%,65.90%,66.32%和50.59%。相关分析结果表明,沙漠化过程中,土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、土壤含水量和土壤结持力的变化与土壤粘粉粒的减少呈明显正相关,与土壤粗沙含量的增加呈明显负相关。这说明,沙漠化过程中,由于风蚀而导致的富含养分和具有较高持水能力的土壤细颗粒的损失,是沙漠化过程中土壤退化的主要机制。  相似文献   

Land pressures and environmental degradation are driving forces behind shortened fallow periods in the tropics, often resulting in reduced crop yields and increased migration from rural areas. This paper describes contemporary fallow practices in the Western Highlands of Guatemala based on interdisciplinary data collected using participatory rural appraisal and qualitative research methods in combination with a quantitative evaluation of the impacts of fallow management decisions on soil fertility. Case studies of two communities in San Marcos department illustrate contemporary and traditional land use practices. Currently, over 70 per cent of families engage in a variety of fallow management practices, with combined cropping‐fallow cycles within a field averaging 3–6 years. Despite the reduction in length of fallow cycles, new fallow practices in the study area appear to improve some aspects of soil fertility while also providing fodder and fuelwood. Calcium and magnesium concentrations in fallow soil were twice that of cropped plots, indicating that weathering reactions and atmospheric deposition during fallow periods are able to restore base cation fertility that is taken up by potato crops during cropping cycles. Soil in cropped plots, however, showed 25 per cent higher soil organic matter and five times higher nitrate concentrations than soil in fallow plots, which resulted from additions of compost and inorganic fertilizer to cropped plots. Nevertheless, the 13C/12C isotopic ratio of soil organic carbon indicated that as soil organic matter content decreases in cropped plots, the remaining carbon is increasingly degraded. Potential improvements in fallow management practices proposed by farmers and researchers are also presented. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

海南橡胶园土壤持续利用措施的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This research was designed to help solve existing sustainable use problems such as soil nutrient loss and soil fertility decline in natural rubber plantations located in the hilly land of the south central mountainous area of Hainan Island,China. Two different land management practices, sustainable and traditional, were adopted in a four-year experiment.Contour terraced fields and deep ditches for green manure were built in a sustainable way with a balanced, need-based application of complex fertilizer. Results of the four-year experiment showed that these sustainable measures compared to traditional measures improved available P and available K; had a 47.8% less soil erosion (an average of 3663 t km^-2 year^-1) and a 15.9% lower runoff coefficient of 0.53; increased the dry rubber yield by 42.4%; and improved the economic benefit by 2.4 times. The sustainable land management scheme not only improved land utilisation efficiency, hut also helped maintain soil fertility while increasing production in rubber plantations. It thereby offered a reasonable and sustainable use for land resources in the tropical mountainous areas.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to compare the influence of four Guinea grass ecotypes (Panicum maximum) differing in their morphological, physiological, and agronomical traits on soil fertility in Soudanian region of West Africa. Plants were sown in a randomized complete block design with four replicates and cultivated during three successive years under a cut-and-carry regime without any fertiliser use. A natural fallow served as the control. Soil samples were collected before and after cultivation, and analyzed for pH, organic carbon, nitrogen, available P, and exchangeable cation contents. Aerial plant production was quantified and analyzed for N, P, and K content to estimate the uptake of these nutrients. Root biomass, depth, and distribution were also measured. Data were analyzed through ANOVA. After 3 years of cultivation, soil pH under plants did not vary but C and N concentrations declined from the initial levels. Owing to their deep rooting systems, two ecotypes can recycle nutrients apparently from deeper soil layers. While these ecotypes could be used for ley pastures in savannah regions of West Africa, maintenance fertiliser applications would be required to prevent nutrient depletion under a cut-and-carry regime. Further studies to test the efficacy of farmyard manure in providing these nutrients seem warranted.  相似文献   

The influence of farmer management on pearl millet landrace diversity was determined by evaluating variation in individual farmers' populations from two villages in north-eastern Nigeria. The variability within and between landrace samples was estimated using variation at 163 amplified fragment length polymorphism marker (AFLP) loci. The data indicated that individual farmers' husbandry practices result in the isolation of their own group of ideotypes each in their own unique genetic backgrounds, thereby rendering landrace names inappropriate as indicators of a generic genetic identity. The implications of these findings for sampling strategies for genebanks and regional genetic evaluations are discussed.  相似文献   

With the objective of improving rice productivity and generating additional knowledge on rice production in Africa, field experiments were conducted for two consecutive seasons of 2005 and 2006 in Southern Benin. Terre de barre soils at the WARDA experimental station and Niaouli, and the plinthic Ferralsols of Cana were investigated. A complete fertilizer (Fc) composed of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and Zn was used to assess NERICA.4 (upland rice) root development and grain yield (GY). Similar observations were made in treatments with a specific nutrient excluded from Fc (Fc–N, Fc–P, Fc–K, Fc–Ca, Fc–Mg and Fc–Zn). A grain yield of up to 1.4 t ha?1 (Fc–N) and higher root densities for Fc and Fc–Mg at 20–60 cm were attained. Maximum reductions in yield and rooting depth were observed for Fc–P (27%, 27%), Fc–K (30%, 14%) and Fc–Zn (32%, 2%). Drought occurrence, a high C/N ratio and soil acidity influence the effects of nutrients on rice. Removal of N from basal fertilizer was recommended to reduce the effect of mid-season drought. It is suggested that the critical level of K in the soils of West Africa be adjusted to 0.40 cmol kg?1 for upland rice.  相似文献   

提高半干旱山地水土保持效果的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
半干旱山地水土流失严重,通过生物措施增加山地植被是治理山地水土流失的根本措施。半干旱山地造林成活率低的根本原因是缺水,提出了采取挖水平沟、鱼鳞坑、施用ABT生根粉等措施蓄水保墒,提高造林成活率,增强半干旱山地的水土保持效果。  相似文献   

Physical and chemical soil degradation hinder the introduction of mixed cropping systems on former tea lands in the Central Highlands of Sri Lanka. For instance on two typical soil catenas soil properties such as texture, pH, acidity parameters, pedogenic oxides and available plant nutrients indicating fertility are presented. Obviously Al3+ occupies a larger part of the exchange complex and accounts for more soil acidity than H+. Al toxicity is hence a major restricting factor for plant growth in the area. The investigated data also permit an evaluation of soil erodibility and a soil fertility assessment according to the Fertility Capability Classification System (Sanchez et al., 1982). Agricultural measures to reduce soil acidity and cover the lime requirements of the soils are advised. Additional soil conservation measures should diminish soil erosion in order to improve the sustainability of the cropping systems.  相似文献   

Nutrient sources and management influence soil properties and crop productivity indicating that sustained crop production needs nutrient rate specific tuning after certain periods of time. We hypothesize that long-term use of organic and inorganic nutrient sources maintains soil fertility and improve crop production. Yield and nutrient use efficiencies have not been evaluated in Bangladesh from long-term fertilizer trials focusing on adaptation strategies for sustained food production. So, the objectives of the present investigation were to examine the effects of organic and inorganic amendments on yields and soil properties under a rice-fallow-rice system. The experiment was initiated in 1985 with 12 treatments under dry season irrigated rice culture at the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute, Gazipur. The effects of organic and inorganic nutrient sources were evaluated under missing element techniques. The contributions of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) fertilizers to yields were more in the dry season but the role of P was negligible in the wet season. The omissions of N, P and K nutrients are not suitable management option for rice cultivation during dry and wet seasons, although P can be omitted in the wet season provided its full dose is applied in the dry season. The combined use of organic and inorganic nutrient sources are the best option for improving rice productivity and sustaining soil fertility in a rice-fallow-rice system in Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Management of heavy metal-contaminated soil under drought and other harsh hydrological conditions is critical for protecting soil ecosystem services. In this study, we examined the effect of pig manure digestate-derived biochar as a soil amendment (15 t ha−1) with N fertilizer (180 kg ha−1) on soil and plant heavy metal levels and nutrient availability under various moisture regimes (optimal moisture ~15%, drought condition ≤5%, and flooded condition ≥35% wt.). It was observed that biochar applications significantly decreased heavy metals in the spring wheat plants, lowering Cr by 90%, Ni by 50%, Cd by 9% and Pb by 34% compared to non-biochar (control) treatments. However, the pig digestate-derived biochar increased heavy metals in soil under all moisture regimes, increasing soil Cr by 21%, Ni by 43%, Cu by 55%, Zn by 70%, and Pb by 12%. The availability of macroelements also increased with the biochar applications under the optimum moisture regimes in both soil and plants, increasing Mg2+ by 11%, P by 4%, K+ by 50%, and Ca2+ by 56% in the soil, and Mg2+ by 13%, P by 69%, K+ by 29, and Ca2+ by 39% in plants. Biochar addition also improved chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) levels in the crop for the entire season (12th to 62nd day) and the aboveground crop biomass and dry matter contents both increased. Consequently, the use of pig manure digestate-derived biochar with N fertilizer under normal moisture conditions was able to reduce heavy metal availability to plants and thus could be used in contaminated soils to maintain better crop growth and development.  相似文献   

贵州持续农业中的土壤肥力与水土保持问题   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
贵州农村经济基础较薄弱,迫于人口迅速增长的压力。滥垦滥伐、广种薄收,导致水土流失加剧,土壤肥力下降,石质荒漠面积不断扩大,生态环境恶化,严重地阻碍了农业生产持续稳定的发展。实践经验证明,采用先进的农业科学技术,增加物资投入,实行集约经营,农作物产量和农民收入能大幅度增长,为调整农作物种植结构、解决农林牧业争地矛盾、合理利用土地资源、改善农村生态环境创造了条件;而增施肥料、提高土壤肥力与推广生物梯化、加速坡改梯进程又是实现农田集约经营,促进我省水土保持与农业持续发展的前提与基础。  相似文献   

A multi-year (2004-2009) field survey of on-farm sowing practices in 10 villages located in south-west Niger close to Niamey, is analysed to investigate the relationships (i) between rainfall and the sowing date of pearl millet and the risk of sowing failure, (ii) between sowing and meteorological/agro-climatic onset dates, (iii) between sowing/onset dates, and simulated and observed yield/biomass at the end of the season. Even if some villages sow without any synchronous or anterior rainfall, most parcels (73% out of the 1551 available cases) are sown during and just after a 2-day wet spell receiving at least 10 mm. In fact, there is a strong correlation (r = 0.82-0.95 depending on onset definition) between the spatial averages of onset and of sowing dates. Most of the failed sowings (≈22% of total sowings) are related to dry spells lasting at least 7 days after an initial 2-day wet spell receiving less than 10 mm. Simulations with the “Système d’Analyse Régionale des Risques Agronomiques - version Habillée” crop model show that the ideal sowing date, retrospectively computed as the one maximizing simulated yield, is on average about 6 days later than the observed one. Despite the large inter-village variance and the relatively weak inter-annual signal in onset dates and seasonal amounts, there is a tendency for weaker yields and especially weaker amounts of biomass for late onset. But crop simulations show that sowing very early, as for example during or just after the first wet spell when at least 90% of rainfall stations receive simultaneously at least 1 mm in two consecutive days (i.e. meteorological onset), does not necessarily maximize simulated yield because of the high risk of long-lasting post-onset dry spells. The farmers’ strategy, that is sowing their field during or just after the first significant wet spell, is combined with the use of photoperiodic varieties to provide the best-suited response to the temporal and spatial variability of onset of the rainy season.  相似文献   

坡耕地不同水土保持措施下的养分平衡和土壤肥力变化   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
在贵州省罗甸县坡耕地上布置长期定位试验 ,研究几种水土保持措施对作物产量和土壤肥力变化的影响。9年的测试结果表明 ,在旱坡耕地上 ,水土流失是造成坡地地力下降、养分损失 ,的主要原因。未采用水土保持措施的坡地种植 ,因水土流失产生的全氮、全磷、有效钾损失 ,分别占总养分消耗量的 5 3.0 % ,6 7.6 %和 19.0 % ,相当于施入土壤的氮素化肥 ,施入的有机和无机磷素 ,有机质的损失与施入的有机肥中有机质含量相当 ,土壤全氮、有机质和有效钾含量趋于下降 ,全磷维持在较低的水平。采取水土保持措施后 ,这些土壤养分可维持平衡或在土壤中逐步积累 ,试验中的植物篱水保处理 ,9年玉米产量平均增产 8.6 % ,并趋于逐年上升。长期的试验证明 ,采用适宜的水土保持措施可提高地力 ,增加产量 ,实现坡耕地的可持续利用  相似文献   


Thorough knowledge of cultivated soils is necessary for their informed and sustainable management. This study was carried out to gain a better understanding of cropped soils in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The mineralogical and chemical composition and nutrient status of topsoils collected from homestead gardens and fields of smallholdings in 5 of the 36 magisterial districts where smallholder farming prevails in the Province were determined. These data were supplemented with results of soil analyses conducted by an Analytical Services Laboratory that obtains its samples from the 31 magisterial districts where large‐scale farms are dominant. The soils studied were similar mineralogically, and all had a clay fraction that was dominated by quartz, mica, and/or kaolinite, which is fairly typical for many tropical and subtropical soils. Elemental analysis showed that the soils were generally low to very low in their total content of nutrients, except for sulfur (S), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), copper (Cu), and boron (B), reflecting the marine and sedimentary nature of their parent materials. The available nutrient status of the cultivated soils was generally low to very low, especially those found in smallholder fields. This was attributed to low soil organic matter levels and low geological reserves of some nutrients notably phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and calcium (Ca), coupled with continuous cultivation of the lands without adequate nutrient replenishment. Depending on location, 75–100% of the fields tested low in pH, 62–100% were low in organic carbon, 83–100% were low in extractable K, 62–93% were low in extractable Ca, and 79–100% were deficient in available phosphorus. The nutrient status of soils receiving moderate to high amounts of nutrients was generally satisfactory, as revealed by the nutrient content of garden soils found on smallholdings and the fields on large‐scale farms. In all cases, soil pH was low to critically low. The findings are used to propose a soil fertility management strategy for the communal areas of the Province.  相似文献   

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