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我国东北黑土区侵蚀沟道的普查方法与成果   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
东北黑土区侵蚀沟道普查是第一次全国水利普查中水土保持情况普查的重要组成部分,也是我国对该区侵蚀沟道开展的首次全面调查。本文全面介绍了本次普查的对象、范围、内容、技术方法、质量控制和成果,对进一步规范和完善侵蚀沟道调查方法、分级分类标准以及开展东北黑土区侵蚀沟道治理意义重大。东北黑土区侵蚀沟道普查以2.5m分辨率遥感影像和1:5万数字线划图为主要信息源,采取人机交互的方式辨识50km。小流域内长度在100m和5000m之间的侵蚀沟道,提取沟道面积、长度、纵比和起讫经纬度等指标。在沟道提取、数据填报和成果审核汇总等阶段,县级、省级和流域等各级普查机构通过野外核查、室内检查和数据比对等严格的质量控制方法,对侵蚀沟道的遥感解译与识别、沟道勾绘精度、图形数据接边进行审核,保证普查结果的全面性和准确性。经调查东北黑土区共有侵蚀沟道29万5663条。  相似文献   

土壤的崩解特性是南方红土区土壤侵蚀的重要指标,也是开展水土保持工作的重要依据.作者选择花岗岩发育的2个土壤剖面,分别采集淋溶层、淀积层、过渡层和母质层原状土壤样品.利用崩解仪进行崩解实验,测定剖面不同层次土壤崩解特性与初始含水率的关系.结果表明:在不同的初始含水率条件下,土壤崩解特性均表现为淋溶层和淀积层土壤崩解缓慢,过渡层和母质层崩解迅速;初始含水率的递变,对淋溶层和淀积层土壤达到崩解完全所需用时影响较大,对过渡层和母质层土壤影响较小;随着初始含水率的减小,淋溶层和淀积层的最大崩解量逐渐增加,风干状态时可趋于完全崩解;过渡层和母质层均可全部达到完全崩解,初始含水率对其影响较小.研究结果可为治理南方崩岗水土流失提供依据,也为探索崩岗的发生机制提供参考.  相似文献   

Ephemeral gully erosion is an important process in the black soil region, Northeast China and can be responsible for severe damage to agricultural lands. However, little research on gully formation in this area has been published. The study described in this paper attempted to quantify soil losses, the spatial distribution and morphology of the gullies, and the factors that control their development. Ephemeral gullies were measured in spring and summer of 2005 in two small catchments. The critical periods for ephemeral gully formation were late spring and summer in the study area. Mean soil losses due to ephemeral gully erosion were 0.40 and 0.43 kg m−2 year−1 for only croplands despite low slope gradients, and this loss is above the tolerable erosion rates of 0.20 kg m−2 year−1. The erosion rates were greater in spring because the topsoil thawed before deeper layers, reducing infiltration into the soil, and the bare vegetation cover provided no barriers to surface flow. In contrast, summer erosion occurred primarily in response to intense rain events. Development of the gullies was promoted by freeze-thaw cycles in spring and was affected by the type of agricultural operations and crops in summer. A linear regression model for the prediction of ephemeral gully length at the catchment level was established using field data, and although it did not successfully predict the length of individual gullies, it explained 55% of the variation in ephemeral gully length.  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature, extent and severity of soil erosion in upland Scotland, an area subject to land management pressures typical of temperate maritime uplands. Erosion features were classified and their area measured from aerial photographs. Some 12 per cent of the upland area sampled was subject to some form of erosion, which is very similar to the percentage for Europe as a whole. The most significant erosion category was peat erosion, with 6 per cent of the area being affected; a figure which increased to 20 per cent in one sub-region. Peat erosion varied in severity, with the most severe erosion being in areas of eastern Scotland with the greatest land management pressures. Gully erosion of slopes on mineral soils was found in almost 5 per cent of the area sampled, particularly in sub-regions with large amplitude of relief. Debris flow/cone features and screes were less extensive and largely found at higher altitudes. Footpath erosion was mapped in popular mountain areas, but overall the mean length of eroded footpaths was less than that of large gullies. There was little evidence of spatial linkages between erosion of mineral soils and land management at the scale of the survey. Separating the roles of upland management and extreme rainfall events in the inception of erosion remains a key issue in the study of accelerated erosion in temperate maritime upland areas. Some guidance for management is presented.  相似文献   

侵蚀沟形态分类是认识其发展现状和潜在危害的重要方法,探究耕地侵蚀沟形态分类特征和分布特征对把握耕地侵蚀沟防治重点,预防坡耕地水土流失具有重要意义。针对现有侵蚀沟形态分类体系指标获取难、分类结果不完整等问题,利用遥感解译数据,根据系统分类和信息科学理论,结合东北黑土区现实需求,构建了耕地侵蚀沟系统分类方法,并在典型黑土耕作区海伦市进行了验证。结果表明:1)海伦市耕地侵蚀沟具有小面积、大宽度、短长度的特点,Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类为数量最多的一级分类;Ⅱ类四等微型沟(Ⅱ4T)和Ⅱ类四等小型沟(Ⅱ4S)在二级和三级分类中数量居多,易通过高标准农田建设进行治理。2)地形要素下耕地侵蚀沟形态分布差异明显,需要特别关注在高程180~<240 m,坡长35~<55 m,坡度2°~6°,西南坡区域内的Ⅰ4T、Ⅱ4S、Ⅱ4T等发育程度较低的侵蚀沟向更高发育程度的Ⅳ4M、Ⅴ4M等类型转变,建议结合农田建设及时采取综合防治措施,以防止耕地侵蚀沟的潜在破坏。3)构建的“类+等+型”耕地侵蚀沟分类定级方法,兼顾指标的易获取性和方法的易操作性,能够精准、直观地揭示耕地侵蚀沟的形态特征及其危害情况,可为侵蚀沟和黑土耕地的协同综合治理提供方法借鉴。  相似文献   

针对全国水土保持区划中确定的22个具有水源涵养功能的基本功能区,利用第1次全国水利普查获取的水力侵蚀数据,分析这些区域的水力侵蚀现状.结果表明:1)水源涵养基本功能区水力侵蚀以轻中度侵蚀为主,超过80%,强烈、极强烈、剧烈面积分布较少,与全国基本状况相似;2)与第2次全国土壤侵蚀遥感调查成果相比,水源涵养基本功能区水力侵蚀整体上有所好转,水力侵蚀总面积减少3.75%,轻中度侵蚀面积大幅减少,减幅超过20%;3)水源涵养基本功能区局部地区水力侵蚀形势严峻,极强烈和剧烈侵蚀面积虽然不大,但是与第2次遥感调查成果相比,面积均有所增加,相对增幅较大,说明局部地区存在水力侵蚀恶化的现象.  相似文献   

北方土石山区水土流失现状与综合治理对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
北方土石山区现有轻度以上水土流失面积13.49万km^2,其中水蚀面积约占95%,水蚀区虽以轻度侵蚀为主,但水土流失仍然是该区主要的生态环境问题,不仅制约山区经济的发展,而且严重影响下游经济发达地区的水资源安全和生态安全,加强区域水土保持已成为区域发展的迫切要求。北方土石山区的水土保持,在新的时代背景下,应更加关注坡耕地改造、“坡林地”水土保持、“节水型”措施和生态“清洁型”小流域建设。依据自然地带性规律、区域经济发展和社会需求,北方土石山区可分为8个水土流失综合治理区,各区应当结合实际情况采取有针对性的综合治理对策。  相似文献   

采用小流域平行对比法,分析秦巴山区小流域的次降雨洪水过程,研究了水土保持综合治理对小流域洪水的作用过程。结果表明,水土保持综合治理能够有效地延迟峰现时间30~60 min,对于不同的降雨量、降雨强度,其削减洪峰流量的程度不同。其中削减洪峰流量14%~90%,使径流系数降低25%~71%。调节降雨径流的年内分配,使枯水期流量增大,汛期流量减小。  相似文献   

Reservoir sedimentation is the most serious threat for water harvesting schemes and hydroelectric power dams in Ethiopia. Designing watershed conservation strategies and management is crucial to reduce the rate of sedimentation. Because different landscape types have varying potentials for enhancing erosion processes, site‐ and process‐specific conservation measures are needed to target an appropriate intervention to the most needed locations. In this study, a GIS‐based distributed soil erosion/deposition model was used to simulate the potential of land‐use and cover (LUC) changes and conservation measures for reducing water induced soil erosion and potential sediment yield for two catchments in northern Ethiopia. LUC change and conservation measures targeted gully and stream buffers, protection of steep slopes and protection of areas with soil loss greater than a given threshold. The results show that land management measures targeted at hot‐spot areas of erosion and gully formation could reduce potential annual sediment yield from catchments by approximately 60% compared with the current losses. The study demonstrates the potential of a GIS‐based LUC‐redesign approach as a tool for optimizing land‐use and management strategies to reduce run‐off and erosion rates in the highlands of northern Ethiopia.  相似文献   

黄土高原水土保持治理已取得巨大成效,但常规的水文法和水保法均不能可靠地进行不同水土保持治理措施的减沙贡献分割。该研究首先分析了不同治理措施的减沙机制,认为在流域尺度上:1)由于坡面水下沟后继续冲刷,植被、梯田等坡面治理措施仅通过减少地表径流来减沙;2)淤地坝既通过减少地表径流来减沙,也通过降低地表径流含沙量来减沙;3)降雨对产沙的影响机制与坡面措施类似。基于此,该研究提出了一种新的针对黄土区的流域减沙贡献分割方案,给出了降雨、坡面措施以及淤地坝的减沙贡献计算公式。验证结果表明,这3个公式计算结果与实际观测结果均非常一致,其中淤地坝公式准确计算出了大理河、清涧河、延河流域的淤地坝拦沙量(R2>0.9)。水文法被认为是一种较可靠的降雨变化和人类活动贡献分割方法,该研究提出的方法与水文法的计算的结果几乎一致。水保法计算结果为坡面减蚀率,因而会高估减沙贡献,而该研究方法考虑了减沙效应的空间尺度变异,计算结果为流域减沙率。该研究提出的方法具有较好的理论基础,对黄河流域减沙的归因分析以及未来治黄策略的制定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以第5期长江上游水土保持重点防治综合治理工程凉山州治理区为研究对象,参照中国陆地生态系统单位面积生态系统服务价值当量表,结合研究区粮食平均产量和收购价格,分析了研究区生态系统服务价值的变化情况,并构建了小流域综合治理措施与生态服务价值模型。研究结果表明,1999-2003年治理区土地利用类型变化较大,其中未利用地和耕地分别减少36 038.67和5 498.50hm2,林地和草地分别增加35 614.30和5 889.53hm2。通过实施治理工程,治理区生态服务总价值从1999年的1.37×109元增加到2003年的1.85×109元;单项生态服务功能除食物生产功能的价值量减少3.31×105元外,其余均有不同程度增长;各土地利用类型只有林地和草地对生态服务价值增量起到正效应,其中林地对生态服务价值变化的贡献率为89.04%,是治理区生态服务价值变化的主要原因。小流域综合治理措施与生态服务价值的PCA-RBF模型表明,网络平均预测精度为94.8%,可准确反映小流域治理措施对生态服务价值变化的影响。  相似文献   

红壤区小流域治理度的概念与评价方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
苏春丽  梁音  李德成  孙昕 《土壤》2011,43(3):466-475
从水土保持、社会经济发展和生态服务功能等3个方面入手,厘定了"小流域治理度"的概念,结合小流域综合治理目的,在专家意见和参考文献的基础上建立了一套小流域治理度的评价指标体系与方法,并在江西省兴国县选择了塘背小流域进行计算验证。结果表明:评价小流域治理度的3大类19项指标能反映小流域综合治理情况,采用的层次分析法简单实用。塘背小流域经过多年治理恢复,其治理度由治理前的0.252提高到0.683,提高了0.431,增加了1.71倍。  相似文献   

阴山北麓干旱半干旱区地表土壤风蚀测试与分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
为定量评价阴山北麓干旱半干旱区不同地表土壤的抗风蚀效果,采用野外风洞原位测试方法进行试验研究。结果表明:风速一定时,退化草地、传统耕作农田的风蚀模数明显高于相应的无退化草地和保护性耕作农田;无退化草地和保护性耕作农田的风蚀模数曲线随风速变化平缓且不存在转变临界点。风速为18m/s时,无退化草地、保护性耕作农田的抗风蚀效率分别可达85.1%和90.8%,对8级大风具有较好的抗风蚀效果。  相似文献   

黄土高原矿区煤炭产量占全国70%以上,大规模开采活动导致区域内生态环境退化与土壤侵蚀加剧。然而,当前鲜有矿区土壤侵蚀时空特征及其与环境变化关系的定量研究,限制了煤矿区土地复垦与生态修复进展。为了探究矿区土壤侵蚀特征及其与环境变化的关系,为黄土高原煤矿区生态环境治理提供理论指导,该研究以彬长矿区为研究区,利用修订的通用土壤流失方程(revised universal soil loss equation,RUSLE)分别模拟了矿区全区2003—2019年及沉陷区2014—2019年土壤侵蚀速率,探究了矿区全区及沉陷区土壤侵蚀特征,定量研究了降雨、地形和植被对土壤侵蚀的影响。结果表明:1)2003—2019年间,彬长矿区土壤侵蚀速率整体呈显著上升趋势(P<0.05),年份间差异较大,2003年土壤侵蚀最为严重,侵蚀速率为85.56 t/(hm2·a),2009年侵蚀程度最低,侵蚀速率为15.54 t/(hm2·a)。微度、轻度侵蚀主要分布于城区、黄土塬和河流阶地等平坦地区,其空间分布在不同年份间基本保持一致,其余侵蚀类型主要分布于煤矿开采区...  相似文献   

山东土石山区坡耕地水土流失影响因子定量分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
对山东省临朐、蒙阴、泰安、文登4个水土保持试验站坡耕地径流小区进行径流量和侵蚀量观测,并分别在不同作物、不同坡度、不同坡长、不同降雨条件下,分析径流小区所产生的径流量和侵蚀量的变化规律。结果表明:在相同地形条件下,玉米、花生、小麦+花生、小麦+大豆径流小区内的降雨量、降雨强度与径流量、侵蚀量呈线性关系,径流量和侵蚀量变化幅度大小依次为玉米〉花生〉小麦+花生〉小麦+大豆;不同坡长、不同坡度花生径流小区的降雨量、降雨强度与径流量、侵蚀量呈线性关系,径流量和侵蚀量随坡长、坡度的增大而增加;在相同坡度、相同坡长条件下,径流量和侵蚀量随降雨量和降雨强度的增大而增大,其增加幅度分别在降雨量50.0-79.9mm、降雨强度〉50mm/h级别时达到最大。  相似文献   

This paper explores the evolution of the shifting cultivation of the Minangkabau , the biggest matrilineal society in Indonesia, and examines factors underlying the instability and vulnerability of farmers' livelihoods and the degradation of their resource base using an extended factor analysis technique, in order to understand how development strategies might be modified towards a more dynamic farming system. The study distinguished three main phases of the farming system's changes and found that these changes highly corresponded with the emerging market and institutional incentives. Furthermore, the factor analysis generated a six‐factor model suggesting strategic interventions to foster the improvement of farmers' livelihoods and environment in future. In addition, consistent with the results of these factors analysis, we argue that, provided land tenure is conducive, there are substantial possibilities for policies and interventions that focus first on agricultural diversification and then on organization building, to assist in dealing with farmers' vulnerability and environmental degradation in the uplands. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A lack of appreciation of Kenyan farmers' knowledge and their perceptions of soil erosion and soil conservation measures was the reason for low adoption of recommended technologies. This research was carried out to identify the criteria that farmers used to distinguish farm‐types and to use these types to evaluate different knowledge levels and perceptions of soil erosion and existing soil and water conservation (SWC) measures in the Central Highlands of Kenya. Community meetings and semi‐structured household surveys were carried out in a small catchment, with 120 households. Results partly support the idea of using farmer‐developed criteria to distinguish among land managers with reference to a farm‐type classification. Criteria distinguishing three classes of land managers (good, moderate and poor) were significant with regard to the following land husbandry practices: use of hybrid or recycled seed and use of organic and/or inorganic fertilizers. Farmers were aware of on‐going soil erosion and of several erosion control measures. Whereas a majority of farmers preferred grass‐strips as a SWC measures, they did not recognize agroforestry as a form of SWC measure. Farmers perceived that SWC measures could successfully increase crop yields and soil‐water retention, and increase land value. In general, farmers did not perceive that SWC measures successfully prevented erosion phenomena, given the evidence of on‐site erosion indicators. They attributed the continued erosion to high rainfall, steep slopes, lack of maintenance and poorly designed SWC measures. They did not consider poor soil‐cover, up‐down tillage and tall trees to be the causes of erosion. Farmers faced several constraints in adopting SWC measures: lack of labour, tools, capital and know‐how to construct the measures. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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