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现代经济生活方式每年产生大量的废弃物,通过耦合收集、加工、运输、发电、供热等独立运行环节,形成整体关联的闭环供应链,实现废弃物到能源的循环利用和可持续发展。该文立足于循环供能与可持续发展两大维度,围绕废弃物回收、资源化处理、多能互补供应、多网络耦合的完整链条,系统分析废弃物到能源闭环供应链的废弃物管理、多能源供应、环境治理协同效应。基于联合国可持续发展目标框架,以全球能源、经济、环境和社会协调发展的重大需求为牵引,整合废弃物到能源闭环供应链的交叉兼容指标,构建涵盖复合维度的可持续性评价指标体系,并从内生风险与外源风险视角,识别刻画不可持续风险。  相似文献   

As a waste-derived soil amendment with a long history, biochar has received extensive attention for its capability to improve soil fertility/health; remove or immobilize contaminants in soil, water and air; and mitigate climate change. With the aim of producing engineered biochars with excellent performances, new trends in biochar pyrolytic production and modification strategies have emerged. This review critically summarizes novel pyrolysis methods (e.g., microwave-assisted pyrolysis, co-pyrolysis and wet pyrolysis) and modification approaches (e.g., mineral modification, photocatalytic modification, electrochemical modification) with a focus on (a) the mechanisms involved in environmental remediation processes including soil immobilization, contaminant adsorption and catalytic oxidation; (b) effects of feedstock and pyrolysis conditions on physicochemical properties; (c) sustainability considerations in novel modification and pyrolysis strategies; and (d) the feasibility of extrapolating the results from wastewater treatment to soil remediation. It is argued that in order to achieve the maximum net environmental benefits, ‘greener’ modification methods are warranted, and the risks associated with pyrolysis of contaminated feedstock in soil amendment and contaminant sorption can be minimized through various novel approaches (e.g., co-pyrolysis). Furthermore, novel pyrolysis methods can be combined with emerging modification strategies to synthesize more ‘effective’ biochars. Considering the similar aims of modification (e.g., increase surface area, introduce oxygen-containing functional groups, increase aromaticity), the applicability of several novel approaches could in future can be expanded from contaminant adsorption/degradation in aqueous media to soil remediation/fertility improvement.  相似文献   

阐述了绿色食品和农业可持续发展思想产生的背景与内涵、绿色食品与农业可持续发展的关系,指出农业的可持续发展思想是开发绿色食品的理论基础,绿色食品的开发和生产有利于农业可持续发展思想的实现,二是相辅相成,将共同推进整个人类社会的可持续发展。  相似文献   

该文概述了生物质在整个能源供应中的重大贡献,以及国际上对生物质能的利用情况。对现代生物质能转换技术做了系统的介绍,分析了主要的生物质能转换途径的技术特点。根据生物质的生产成本和发电成本分析了生物质能的经济效益,从水土保持、农业生产、生物多样性等方面综合论述了生物质能开发利用对环境的影响。最后总结了生物质能发展的障碍并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

基于循环经济的农村能源与生物质能开发战略研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
文章首先深入分析、总结了中国农村能源及生物质能的发展现状及存在的问题,接着就循环经济理论的提出与内涵进行了简要的论述,并据此就如何创新我国农村能源及生物质能的发展战略进行了初步的探讨,提出了若干对策建议。认为改革开放以来中国农村能源发展迅速,但以传统生物质能为主的农村能源开发利用迫切需要优化升级;解决中国农村能源问题,必须因地制宜大力发展现代生物质能等新能源与可再生能源,不断提高能源利用效率,进行一场新的农村能源利用与管理革命。  相似文献   

西北地区食物结构及其安全现状评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食物是国民经济基础之基础,食物安全问题是世界各国共同面临的重大问题。及时把握和正确判断一个国家或者地区的食物安全状况,对其经济和社会可持续发展具有非常重要的现实意义。在对2000—2014年西北地区7个省(区)的食物结构及生产量、人均食物占有量和主要食物的平均人日热量拥有量进行分析的基础上,对西北地区的食物安全现状进行了评估和判断。结果表明:2000—2014年西北地区7个省(区)粮食、蔬菜、水果、肉蛋奶、棉花、油料等食物产量整体上在波动中呈增长趋势,食物种类趋向多样化和丰富化;近5年西北地区粮食和水果人均占有量均超过全国人均水平,2000—2014年人均奶类、棉花和油料占有量大于全国人均占有量,但人均蔬菜、禽蛋和肉类占有量低于全国人均水平;除青海地区外,其他6个省(区)2014年人均每日热量拥有量都达到营养学要求;2000年以来,西北地区食物安全程度不断提高,但2014年,西北地区食物安全仍处于一个较低安全水平;当前西北地区仍面临着水资源缺乏、耕地面积和质量有限、农业技术设备落后等挑战,使该地区食物安全受到威胁,针对这些问题,文章提出了调整农业结构,保护生态环境,确保食物安全可持续发展等对策。  相似文献   

以辽宁省阜新市为例,探讨了资源枯竭型地区经济发展面临的主要问题,系统总结和分析了资源枯竭型地区农村能源建设的主要模式和做法,提出了资源枯竭型地区农村能源可持续发展对策。  相似文献   

对慈溪市耕地284个土壤样品测定结果表明,慈溪市91.9%的土壤符合农业部绿色食品土壤环境质量标准,按慈溪市农业产业发展要求,选择绿色食品生产基地,并提出了相应的土壤培肥措施。  相似文献   

生物质能研究现状及展望   总被引:45,自引:10,他引:45  
生物质能是当前能源和生态环境领域研究的热点。该文鉴于目前能源、生态环境状况以及生物质能的利用现状、所处的战略地位,对当前生物质能研究的四个热点:生物质能开发利用潜力、生物质能利用对生态环境影响、生物质能开发利用技术研究、生物质能开发利用可行性分析及其发展前景进行了阐述,同时就发展生物质能需要解决的问题作了简要的分析,进而对生物质能开发利用研究有个全面的科学的认识。在能源需求、生态环境保护和发展经济的拉动下,生物质能在未来将具有广阔的发展前景。  相似文献   

植物营养学研究近年来在植物养分高效分子机理、植物-微生物互作、根际互作与微生态调控、农田养分管理等研究领域取得了一系列原创性进展。然而,当前如何协调粮食安全、资源高效和环境可持续性仍面临巨大挑战。针对这一重大问题,本文提出"根际生命共同体(Rhizobiont)"学术思路,围绕"根际互作与养分高效"这一重大科学命题,构建"植物-根系-根际-菌丝际-土体及其微生物"根际生命共同体理论体系,突破植物-微生物、微生物-微生物关键界面互作机制,阐明根际生命共同体结构、功能及其在养分活化、吸收与利用中的作用机制,建立共同体多界面互作增效的生物学调控新途径,开辟植物-土壤-微生物交叉创新领域,根际生命共同体理论创新有助于破解粮食安全、资源高效、环境保护多目标协同的难题,支撑我国农业绿色发展。文章指出了根际生命共同体与养分高效研究的重点方向与内容,尤其是深入揭示和调控植物第二基因组——微生物组的作用正成为农业科学的研究前沿。  相似文献   

The present paper aims to estimate the areas equipped for irrigation and desirability of agricultural water management in the world. For this purpose, all necessary information was gathered from Food and Agriculture Organization and checked using World Bank Group. The selected 18 indices were analysed for all 26 regions in the area studied, and the extent of area equipped for irrigation to cultivated area was estimated by 2 different formulas and other 9 indices. In addition, an average index was calculated using various methods to assess region conditions for agricultural water management. The results show that Central Asia is the best region for agricultural water management and the value of relative error is less than 20%. The capability of irrigation and drainage systems was studied using other eight indices with more limited information. The results indicated that trial-and-error policies should be avoided and expert comments be applied to irrigation systems for any crop.  相似文献   

The environment and the natural resource base have been severely degraded in Alxa League, western Inner Mongolia, China, over the past half‐century. This study reports surveys that reveal farmers' perceptions of environmental degradation and their adoption of improved management practices in this poor and remote desert region. Surveys were made in villages that had been engaged in a large environmental rehabilitation and management project [Alxa League environmental rehabilitation and management project (ALERMP)] and those that had not. The survey results showed that farmers perceived environmental degradation in terms of increased frequency and severity of sandstorms, movement of sand dunes, deterioration of pasture quality and declines in groundwater depth and quality. Farmers had low adoption rates for improved management practices, ranging from zero to a maximum of 28·5 per cent for the most adopted practice. A Tobit model analysis showed that the education level of farmers, the availability of extension services and whether farmers had participated in ALERMP were highly significantly correlated with the farmers' perception of degradation. The farmers' adoption of improved management practices was found to be significantly correlated only with whether they had participated in ALERMP. This shows that specific extension activities of the type possible in large and well‐funded projects are required if farmers are to recognise degradation and adopt improved management practices. The promotion of farmer education and strengthening of extension services are recommended as the best policy strategies for improving environmental management in this region. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

农业生态系统是人类赖以生存的基本系统。为更好地评价区域农业生态系统的运行状况和变化特点,了解区域资源、环境和经济间的关系,选取唐山农业生态系统为研究对象,基于能值分析理论与方法,通过编制能值评价指标体系,对唐山市农业生态系统能值投入和产出状况、能值自给率、净能值产出率、人均能值用量、环境负载率和可持续发展状况进行定量评价。结果表明:唐山市农业生态系统整体运行较差,农业生态系统为消费型经济系统,可持续性有待提高;以农业用电、农机动力、柴油和化肥为代表的不可更新工业辅助能值投入逐年增加,使得农业生态系统能值产出率和可持续发展指数有一定下降趋势,且增大了对生态环境的压力。研究建议唐山市发展生态农业和现代农业,应着眼于拓展农业多功能性,逐渐改变传统农业生产方式,突出农业生态内涵,进而改变农业生态系统的能值投入和产出结构,促进其可持续发展。  相似文献   

The recent agricultural policies in the Sudan have focused on mechanized large-scale, rainfed agricultural ventures achieving increased grain production through expansion of the cultivated area only, not through increased per unit yield. The total harvested area increased steadily from about 4·5 million ha in 1961 to about 14 million ha in 1996, with great year-to-year variations of harvested areas, and therefore total yields, revealing a fragile balance between production and need. Per unit yields of all crops are steadily decreasing, currently reaching rates far below their genetic potential. The work reported here was intended to look into the causes of the fluctuations in yield and to propose some strategic approaches that may offer a path to sustainability of such crop production. Several factors may be contributing to these poor yields. This study shows that loss of soil fertility and rainfall variability are among such factors. Crops yields were negatively correlated at a one per cent level of significance with the cropping season indicating significant decline in soil fertility. Soil fertility management and fertilizers use could therefore be of great importance in formulating proactive strategies to enhance productivity in the rainfed agriculture in the Sudan. Rainfall in different production subregions had different levels of correlation with yields of all crops. Comparison of long-term rainfall in the four subregions of the study area showed that rainfall decline had been in the magnitude of 30–40 per cent. The western parts of the study area (Kordofan and Darfur) experienced extreme rainfall anomalies than the eastern and central parts (Gedaref and Damazin), and had suffered greater periods of desiccation than the eastern and central parts. The decadal rainfall means showed below average rainfall for the last three decades in all subregions; the western parts again showing greatest desiccation. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

能源消费模式不仅受技术效率的制约,也是生活方式与社会文化等因素影响的结果。为掌握牧民定居后家庭能源消费模式的演变规律及环境影响,该文在对甘南牧区20个乡镇259个牧民家庭用能资料分析的基础上,分析了游牧、半定居、定居3种生活方式下能源消费模式的差异,以及主要温室气体及污染物的排放情况。结果表明:牧民定居后,生活方式发生了重大变化,并对牧区家庭能源消费模式产生了深远的影响。在消费总量上,人均能耗水平显著下降,从1 738.85减少到734.19 kgce(千克标准煤)。在消费结构上,商品能源的消费比例逐渐提高,生物质能消费数量明显减少,且呈现出多元化的趋势,太阳能的使用量有所下降。因为消费了较多的商品能源,综合热效率从15.74%、16.81%提高到19.96%,节能效应逐渐凸显。环境影响发生变化,CO2、N2O、CH4、NOx、TSP(总悬浮颗粒物)等主要温室气体及污染物的排放量都在显著减少,而因煤炭等商品能源消费产生的SO2排放量有所增加。家庭能源消费模式变化后产生了新的环境问题,牧区能源建设需进行系统规划。研究结果可为推动牧区节能减排和实现牧区可持续发展提供依据。  相似文献   

Proxy conflicts involving local revolutionaries and external forces during the Cold War years caused major damage to the physical landscapes and soils of South East Asia. Using a series of small case studies, this paper assesses some of these impacts of war on the geodiversity of the Lao PDR, and upon some other environmental values and ecosystem services that are dependent upon physical landforms that host or facilitate them. Satellite imagery and ground‐based surveys indicate that even after nearly four decades, bomb craters remain discernible at densities that commonly exceed 200/km2 and in some cases exceed 800/km2. This landform damage also implies major loss of soil capital, full recovery from which is likely to take millennia. Very significant damage was also caused by military engineering projects. The results of this study confirm the severe, widespread and long‐term nature of the environmental damage that can be inflicted by war. They also demonstrate the potential utility of forensic geomorphology as a tool in the investigation of potential environmental war crimes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A sustainable food production system may be defined as an agri-food sector which over the long term can simultaneously maintain environmental quality, produce a sufficient food supply and provide adequate rewards to primary producers. This paper investigates the implications of two forms of environmental change for sustainable food production in Southwest Ontario, a major agricultural region in Canada. A modified version of the Universal Soil Loss Equation was employed to estimate long-term erosion, whereas an altered climate was derived from a general circulation model. Crop productivity models were used to estimate the impacts of modified environmental conditions on yields. Mathematical programming models were used to estimate economic viability and food production capacity given these changed conditions. Soil erosion combined with a climatic warming induced by a doubling of atmospheric concentrations of CO2 or its equivalent would contribute to severe declines in resource quality, and result in declines of 18 per cent to 35 per cent in average yields for major grains and oilseeds. On lands with a relatively high natural risk to erosion, the yield-reducing impacts of erosion and a climatic warming would reduce profits from cash grain farming by 26 per cent, and increase concern about the economic viability of these enterprises. Environmental change would reduce the region's food production potential to 86 per cent of current production levels, and possibly endanger the security of its food supplies. These findings suggest the need to explore strategies which would either prevent future environmental change or mitigate its adverse impacts.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which a policy aiming to improve both use of an extensive dryland natural resource, and the well‐being of rural peoples in Botswana, has impacted on the environment and upon indigenous land‐use activities. The impacts of the Tribal Grazing Land Policy (TGLP) have been spatially and temporally variable. Previous assertions about its contribution to desertification may have been overstated, although environmental changes have certainly resulted from policy impacts. Effects upon traditional indigenous population coping strategies for environmental variability are considered both in terms of subsistence activities and the ability to respond to drought events. It is concluded that the policy has not met its environmental, pastoral production or societal objectives, largely because it was founded on unestablished assumptions. Large‐scale environmental degradation and desertification, however, cannot yet be attributed to the TGLP, but it can be contended that the policy has reduced both environmental and societal resilience to natural environmental variability. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The accumulation of pollutants in soils, sediments and groundwaters due to natural causes or as a consequence of human activities is a serious problem in the Danube region. the sudden release of the (temporarily) immobilized pollutants as a consequence of various soil degradation processes (acidification, salinization or alkalinization, The destruction of the soil structure and clay minerals, a decrease in the organic matter content and the buffering capacity) is even more harmful. This chemical time bomb phenomena significantly influences the present and future land and water use in the whole Danube catchment area and therefore has great practical significance. the aim of this project, as the first phase of an integrated environmental master plan, is to identify the problems, to delineate problem areas, to analyse the natural system (present status, vulnerability, future risks) and to develop the scientific tools and infrastructure for long-term environmental risk assessment, which will be the scientific basis for the plan of action to prevent, eliminate or, at least, reduce the harmful side-effects and the unfavourable ecological and economic consequences of the chemical time bomb in the Danube catchment area.  相似文献   

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