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以苹果优系"06-ML/M26/八楞海棠"为试材,进行幼树圈枝与拉枝整形试验。结果表明:圈枝与拉枝适于苹果直立树形整形,中心干与其着生侧枝生长量适度,易形成良好的粗度比,成花结实效果好,圈枝效果最佳。枝条缓放中干加粗缓慢,单枝生长量大,整形困难,成花结实效果差。建议苹果幼树整形尽量不要对中干发生的枝条进行缓放,应在生长季对中心干着生的当年生侧枝进行适时圈枝或拉枝处理。拉枝以拉至水平或下垂为好,可以保证成形快、早果丰产。  相似文献   

发枝素促进短枝型苹果幼树发枝成形效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
临汾果树场于1992年春定植短枝型苹果品种34.8亩,成活率99.5%,生长健壮.但大多数树只发1—3个长枝,且树体一半发长枝另一半发短枝,呈偏斜树形.这对于幼树早果早丰极为不利.发枝多,叶片多,光合作用能力强,制造有机养分多,既可促进幼树快长树,又能满足早果丰产的需要.为此,我们试用了发枝素来促进幼树萌发长技,增加叶量,加速整形,取得了明显效果.  相似文献   

拉枝是果树整形的基础措施,只有把枝拉开,才能分清枝条主次,打开层间距,有利通风透光,提高果品质量。笔者依据多年实践,总结了拉枝六注意,供参考。  相似文献   

梨树成枝能力弱,不利于成形,是其早果丰产栽培的主要限制因素之一〔1〕。生产上往往采用刻伤的方法,以促进成枝,加速成形。由于梨树本身萌芽率高,刻伤后更加刺激伤口后部芽的萌发,分散养分,成枝效果并不理想。据资料介绍,中国农业大学研制的植物芽眼萌发剂—点枝...  相似文献   

针对传统的采用疏截枣头二次枝来培养主枝的方式,进行技术改良,通过短截(灵武长枣、同心圆枣、中宁圆枣)二次枝刺激剪口下枣股主芽萌发,抽生新枣头来培养骨干枝,取得了很好的效果。短截二次枝后抽枝率达77.1%~91.7%,新生枣头增加二次枝8.04~10.64个,增加枣股43.26~57.70个,同时所培养骨干枝基角大,树势中庸,不易劈裂,在枣树幼树整形修剪中具有重要的推广应用价值。  相似文献   

进入盛果期的富士树,修剪的主要任务是疏通光路,调控负载,保持中庸树势,防止枝组衰老,最大限度地延长树体结果寿命和提高优质果率。具体要针对各类枝及枝组不同状况,采取行之有效的方法,真正做到因枝修剪。  相似文献   

1 拉枝时间 拉枝宜在树体生长初期(3月中下旬至4月上旬)和生长后期(8月下旬至9月下旬)进行。以生长后期拉枝效果最好,此时枝条柔软,操作方便。生长初期拉枝背上易窜条,须及时抹芽、扭梢等,否则背上新梢旺长,难以成形、缓势、成花。2 拉枝角度 拉枝适宜的角度为,小冠疏层形6 0~70°,自由纺锤形70~80°,细长纺锤形70~90°,辅养枝90°左右,下部枝比上部枝角度应略大。3 拉枝方法 拉枝时用绳子绑在既能使枝基部开张到要求的角度,又能使拉绳处在拉力最小的部位。拉枝时注意不要把枝条拉成弓形,或角度过大、枝头下垂,否则在其弓背部易抽…  相似文献   

1 选择母树和枝条 选品种纯正 ,生势旺盛 ,丰产稳产 ,无病虫害的优良母树 ,在树冠中部、向阳的 2~ 3年生枝条上作圈枝 ,要求枝干直立 ,皮光滑 ,无损伤。2 泥料制作和圈枝育苗时间 圈枝前要进行泥料的堆沤准备 ,每 5 0kg泥料中 ,黄泥 85 %、牛屎 15 % ,另加 1%水浮莲以及磷酸二氢钾 10 0g ,尿素 15 0g ,拌匀堆沤 ,也可采用塘泥 ,晒干后打碎即可。圈枝育苗时间可在 4~ 9月间 ,但以 5~ 7月最好。3 圈枝包扎方法 在选定的枝条上 ,用刀在枝叶分杈处 35~ 4 0cm环割 ,圈去皮层 4~ 7cm ,圈口要齐整 ,不残留形成层。圈好后 4~ 5…  相似文献   

果树拉枝技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在果树整形修剪中,拉枝开角是非常重要的技术措施。通过开张角度,可以调整枝芽的方位。控制其顶端优势,缓和生长。既利于树体通风透光,提早形成花芽.又能使骨干枝上的枝组前后分布均匀.达到丰产、稳产的目的。  相似文献   

The effects of combinations of salinity (no salt, 2000 p.p.m. or 4000 p.p.m. of CaCl2 and NaCl, 1:1) and water table (30 cm, 60 cm or 90 cm from the soil surface), on the vegetative growth and tolerance of ‘Golden Japanese’ plum and ‘Mit Ghamre’ and ‘Balady’ peaches were studied. The plants were grown in lysimeters. The growth of the trunk, total shoot length, the increase in shoot length per cm and the fresh weight of top, root and total plant were reduced with increasing salinity of the irrigation water. The effect was accentuated when the plants were maintained at high water table level. The salinity treatments resulted in the death of 43%, 73% and 76% of the plants in the plum, and the ‘Mit Ghamre’ and ‘Balady’ peaches, respectively, indicating that the plum is more tolerant to salinity than the peach. The plants of the salinity treatments showed various symptoms of salt injury, such as leaf burn, defoliation, shoot die-back and finally death. In the peaches, salt injury started to occur in the first growing-season, whereas the salt injury appeared in the plum in the second growing-season. The symptoms were more pronounced in the 4000 p.p.m. treatment than in the 2000 p.p.m. treatment and were more pronounced at the high water table level. The salinity level was the predominant factor and the effect of the water table on the vegetative growth diminished with increase in the salinity level of the irrigation water.  相似文献   

根据西瓜、棉花两者生长发育特点进行套种试验,研究其高产高效栽培模式。试验示范结果表明,以西瓜行株距4.5m×0.65m,棉花行株距1.5m×0.45m的种植密度,西瓜与棉花之间互颉作用最小,西瓜和棉花的产量和产值在3个套种模式中位居第1,在5个处理中经济效益最高。  相似文献   

AIM:To establish a fast, accurate and economical technique for culturing mouse pulmonary arteriolar smooth muscle cells (PASMCs), and to explore the effects of hypoxia on the proliferation and apoptosis of the PASMCs. METHODS:In sterile condition, the pulmonary artery was isolated from the male BALB/c mice by digesting with collagenase I, and the cells were cultured in fetal bovine serum-coated flask. Centrifugal procedure was not used during the cell passage. The cell morphology was observed under an inverted phase-contrast microscope. α-Smooth muscle actin was identified by immunocytochemistry and immunofluorescence. The effects of hypoxia on the proliferation and apoptosis of the PASMCs were detected by CCK-8 assay and TUNEL assay. RESULTS:PASMCs were identified by the methods of immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence staining and observation of morphology. Unlike the rat PASMCs with typical subcultured peak-vally pattern, the mouse PASMCs showed a lot different without a peak-vally pattern. The cells could be subcultured after 5 d to 7 d and there was 3 to 5 generations depending on the activity of the cells. CCK-8 assay demonstrated that the A values of PASMCs exposed to hypoxia increased after 24 h (P<0.05) as compared with normoxia. TUNEL result showed that the apoptotic index of the PASMCs in hypoxia decreased after 24 h (P<0.05). CONCLUSION:This technique for obtaining cultured mouse PASMCs is simple, fast, accurate and economical. The digestion time is easy to control. Hypoxia promotes the proliferation and inhibits the apoptosis of PASMCs.  相似文献   

小檗碱和壳聚糖抗蔬菜病原真菌活性测定及复合膜制备   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了小檗碱和壳聚糖对几种常见蔬菜病原真菌的抑制活性,以及以小檗碱和壳聚糖为主料制备复合膜的方法,并测定了该膜的药物释放效果。试验表明:低浓度(0.234 mg/mL)小檗碱即可抑制辣椒炭疽病菌(Vermicularia capsici)等5种蔬菜病原真菌的生长。20 mg/mL浓度壳聚糖对番茄灰霉病菌(Botrytis cinerea)的抑制率高达65%,而对其余4种果蔬病原真菌也有一定的抑制作用。为了集成这2种天然化合物的优点,制备了小檗碱-壳聚糖复合膜,该膜具有缓释功能,在模拟外部环境(磷酸缓冲液,pH 6.8)条件下,20 d小檗碱累计释放率接近25%,提示其在果蔬贮藏抗菌中的应用价值。  相似文献   

近年来,我省西瓜发展速度较快,到2004年全省西瓜栽培面积已达3万hm^2.由于我省耕地面积有限,大幅度扩大西瓜单种面积,不仅造成我省西瓜与粮油菜争地的矛盾,而且土地也未能得到充分有效的利用.为了解决这一生产中存在的实际问题,我们从2002年开始,进行了西瓜与粮油菜套种的栽培试验.历经4年的试验、示范,取得了显著的经济效益和社会效益.现将试验结果报告如下.  相似文献   

钾肥在小白菜和萝卜上的施用效果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
常丽新 《中国蔬菜》2002,1(1):16-17
采用盆栽试验方法研究了施用钾肥对小白菜、萝卜生长发育、产量、品质及钾素含量的影响。结果表明 ,施用钾肥对小白菜和水萝卜的株高、叶片数无显著的影响 ,但可提高水萝卜块根的产量 ,提高幅度为 31.0 4 %~ 97.93%。施用钾肥可提高小白菜和萝卜的蛋白质和VC含量 ,降低硝酸盐含量 ,增加植株的钾素含量  相似文献   

依据联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)数据库、联合国商品贸易统计数据库(UN Comtrade)中的数据,围绕鳄梨种植面积、产量、迚出口市场、主产国生产情况、主要迚出口国贸易情况等斱面,对世界及中国鳄梨的生产与贸易迚行回顾、分析与展望,幵在此基础上,对中国鳄梨产业的发展提出建议。  相似文献   

Fresh onion seeds desiccated to 6.0% seed moisture content (SMC) were stored in various packaging materials under different storage conditions. Seeds packed in aluminum-laminated pouches beside those stored with silica gel at 25 °C maintained satisfactory germinability and vigour after 12 months. Desiccated seeds stored in moisture impervious containers produced more vigourous seedlings. Germination potential of onion seeds increased with reduced SMC besides storage in moisture impervious packets along with desiccants as physiological and biochemical attributes are regulated. Seed viability and vigour decreased with accelerated ageing due to increased lipid peroxidation, decreased activities of several free radical and peroxide scavenging enzymes. Electrical conductance of seed leachates also increased with ageing. Thus, adoption of appropriate storage temperature and moisture control techniques would significantly affect onion seed quality, which was due to minimum accumulation of free peroxide radicals and enhanced activity of free radical scavenging enzymes.  相似文献   

以金鸡心黄皮为试材,研究了遮阴及地膜覆盖处理对黄皮果实品质与果实表面温湿度变化的影响。结果表明:阴雨天气下,遮阴及遮阴+地膜覆盖处理的果实表面日平均湿度低;晴天天气下,地膜覆盖处理及对照果实表面的日平均温度高,昼夜温差大,阴雨及晴天天气下温度变化、湿度变化趋势基本一致;地膜覆盖提高了果实品质,遮阴及遮阴+地膜覆盖降低了果实好果率。  相似文献   

热处理对果蔬采后品质及病虫害的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
采后热处理是近年来快速发展的果蔬采后处理技术,广泛应用于改善果蔬贮藏期间的品质、增强抗逆性等 方面。从果蔬贮藏期间的生理生化、采后品质及防治病虫害等方面阐述了热处理的机理,讨论了热处理对果蔬衰老 方面的生理特征如色泽、风味、硬度(软化)、失重、呼吸、乙烯释放、酶活性等变化及与抗逆性有关的诱导蛋白质合成 及基因表达的影响,较全面阐述了热处理防治果蔬贮藏期间病虫害的机理如直接作用于病菌、害虫与提高果蔬的抗 病虫性等。  相似文献   

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