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用低温诱导培养的方法对夜蛾斯氏线虫A54的适低温特性进行了选育。结果表明,A54品系依序经过25、20、15、10℃4个温度梯度,每个温度连续培养3个侵染循环后,在10℃下的侵染力有显著提高,对大蜡螟幼虫的致死速度加快,侵染周期缩短。与在25℃下培养相比,侵入率提高了10.19%,LT50和侵染周期分别缩短了74.8h和5d。但返回在25℃下培养2个侵染循环后,其适低温特性均有不同程度的丢失,侵入率比在10℃培养下降低了2.83%,LT50和侵染周期延长了35h和14.8d。  相似文献   

用低温诱导培养的方法对夜蛾斯氏线虫A54的适低温特性进行了选育。结果表明,A54品系依序经过25、20、15、10℃4个温度梯度,每个温度连续培养3个侵染循环后,在10℃下的侵染力有显著提高,对大蜡螟幼虫的致死速度加快,侵染周期缩短。与在25℃下培养相比,侵入率提高了1019%,LT50和侵染周期分别缩短了748h和5d。但返回在25℃下培养2个侵染循环后,其适低温特性均有不同程度的丢失,侵入率比在10℃培养下降低了283%,LT50和侵染周期延长了35h和148d。  相似文献   

夜蛾斯氏线虫对菜青虫几种保护酶活力的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为探索昆虫病原线虫对菜青虫保护酶活力的影响,分别用10、50、100头夜蛾斯氏线虫(Steinernema feltiae)侵染4龄菜青虫(Pieris rapae),对侵染后菜青虫体内超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活力变化进行了研究。结果表明,接入线虫后,菜青虫的SOD活力显著上升。16 h时各处理的SOD活力均达到最大值,10、50、100头线虫处理的菜青虫SOD活力分别为44.266 7、49.866 7、68.033 3 U/g,均显著高于对照的35.033 3 U/g(p<0.01或p<0.05),3种线虫剂量处理之间也存在显著差异(p<0.01或p<0.05)。POD的活性在接虫后8 h各处理均显著高于对照(p<0.05),酶活性随侵染线虫数量的增加而增大,到24 h以后酶的活性开始显著下降,线虫剂量越大下降越快。CAT活力在处理后均显著上升,16~32 h各处理均维持在较高的水平,32 h以后开始显著下降。这反映出菜青虫在昆虫病原线虫侵染初期防御能力增强,16~32 h以后防御能力显著下降。  相似文献   

夜蛾斯氏线虫对亚洲玉米螟防治的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用液体发酵培养的夜蛾斯氏线虫(Steinernema feltiae)治亚洲玉米螟,当时间在36~54 h,线虫悬浮液浓度在60-80 Us/ml时,杀虫效果最好,可达到93.30%.在其他时闻和浓度下,死亡率虽然会有所增加,但综合效益会下降.  相似文献   

在室内测定了夜蛾斯氏线虫对松枝中松墨天牛的致死中量和致死中时。将TDM模型引入试验结果的分析中,72h后松墨天牛老龄幼虫的LD50为1.2767条/头,LB50为1.6716d;蛹的LD50为1.4417条/头,LB0为1.2627d。结果表明:随着时问的延长,LD50逐渐减少;随着线虫剂量的增加,LT50逐渐缩短。通过线虫寻向移动速度试验得出:夜蛾斯氏线虫与松墨天牛幼虫相距4—10cm情况下的效果较好。通过不同防治方法试验得出:施入夜蛾斯氏线虫防治松墨天牛,12d后,浸泡法的效果最好,海绵法次之,注射法较差。  相似文献   

小卷蛾斯氏线虫对沙棘木蠹蛾幼虫的室内侵染能力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沙棘木蠹蛾(Holcocerus hippophaecolus Hua,Chou,Fang et Chen)是沙棘重要蛀干性害虫之一,近年来在“三北”一些地区爆发成灾,造成大面积沙棘人工林死亡。沙棘不仅是生态建设极重要的树种,同时沙棘叶和果具很高的经济利用价值,用于开发药品和饮品,因此使用安全、有效的生物防治将成为控制沙棘木蠹蛾的重要防治措施之一。在利用线虫防治蛀干性害虫方面,  相似文献   

刘秀玲  王进贤 《昆虫天敌》1989,11(3):101-103
昆虫病原线虫在防治甘蔗突背黑色金龟子幼虫上具有潜在的利用价值。王进贤等(1986)就不同昆虫病原线虫种类对蔗龟幼虫的致死效果以及土壤类型对线虫的感染力影响等进行了研究分析。几年来,连续的田间防治试验结果也显示了线虫防治蔗龟幼虫的潜力。不同的线虫种或品系对突背黑色蔗龟幼虫的致死效果具有明显的差异,室内外试验证明格氏线虫感染力最高。由于同种线虫的不同品系对害虫的感染力存在差异,而格氏线虫有若干不同品系,除了从国外引进的品系外,近年又在我国采集和分离到该种  相似文献   

为了筛选合适的介质以提高昆虫病原线虫抵抗紫外胁迫的能力,本文研究了储存于木质素磺酸钙、预胶化淀粉、蛭石、黑炭和无菌蒸馏水(CK)中的海滨斯氏线虫Steinernema litorale在距18 W紫外灯30 cm处照射30、60、90 min和120 min的存活率、对大蜡螟Galleria mellonella末龄幼...  相似文献   

芜菁夜蛾线虫对小木蠹蛾侵染能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1988年室内试验结果证明:芜菁夜蛾线虫的5个品系Agriotos、All、Mexican、NC 116、Florida对蛀干害虫小木蠹蛾幼虫有很高的侵染力;但不侵染蛹。用Agriotos品系作试验,剂量和温度影响小木蠹蛾的死亡率和致死速度。当剂量大于25条线虫/木蠹蛾幼虫时,死亡率可达92%以上,同一剂量对一年、二年生幼虫的死亡率差异不显著。在15-30℃的范围内,线虫均能侵染和杀死寄主,但30℃不能在寄主尸体内繁殖。25℃为线虫浸染的最适宜温度,寄主死亡率最高,死亡速度也最快。一头5龄和7龄木蠹蛾幼虫能繁殖侵染期线虫16万和48万头。在10℃低温中,线虫不能侵染寄主,但并不死亡,当移入适宜的温度后,能迅速恢复活动。在35℃高温中,线虫则很快死亡。  相似文献   

为明确田间甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua幼虫产生绿色型和黑化型的色型分化原因,在田间系统调查黑化型幼虫所占比例及其与虫口密度的关系,在室内测定不同饲养密度对甜菜夜蛾幼虫色型分化的影响和色型分化敏感龄期,以及视觉、嗅觉和触觉对幼虫色型分化的影响。结果表明,田间甜菜夜蛾1~3龄幼虫均为绿色型,4~5龄幼虫同时存在绿色型和黑化型;在甘蓝上,4龄幼虫中黑化型个体所占比例为21.14%,5龄幼虫中黑色型个体所占比例为28.53%,在辣椒上,4龄幼虫中黑化型个体所占比例为20.54%,5龄幼虫中黑色型个体所占比例为33.88%。随着百株虫量的增加,甘蓝和辣椒上黑化型幼虫所占比例呈现升高趋势。室内研究发现,随着甜菜夜蛾幼虫饲养密度的增加,黑化型幼虫占比显著升高,当饲养密度达到5头/盒时趋于稳定,体色等级指数为3.47; 3龄是甜菜夜蛾幼虫色型分化的敏感龄期;视觉和嗅觉刺激对甜菜夜蛾幼虫黑化无显著影响,而触觉刺激显著促进幼虫黑化,甘蓝叶片碎片和白色聚酯纤维的摩擦处理导致幼虫体色等级指数分别显著升高68.59%和71.79%,表明触觉刺激信号对甜菜夜蛾的密度依赖性黑化有显著促进作用。  相似文献   

斯氏线虫对进境原木上长林小蠹的防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了斯氏线虫对进境原木上长林小蠹的生物防治试验.结果表明,斯氏线虫对长林小蠹的侵染力较强.通过毒力测定,斯氏线虫对长林小蠹3龄幼虫的LD50、LD99分别为21、432(条/头),而对蛹的LD50、LD99分别为12、230(条/头).在寄生强度测定中,斯氏线虫与长林小蠹3龄幼虫仅接触0.5h,每虫就可被侵入1.6条线虫,12h寄生的死亡率达到90%,24h寄生的死亡率为100%.斯氏线虫对长林小蠹表现出较高的致病性和寄生性.斯氏线虫在室内以浸泡法和淋施法防治长林小蠹的效果较好.  相似文献   

We evaluated the potential for using infective juveniles of the entomopathogenic nematode Steinernema feltiae to control the sweetpotato whitefly Bemisia tabaci B biotype on cucumber, hibiscus, and collard, under greenhouse conditions. The effects of four adjuvants (PVA, glycerol, Triton X-100, and horticultural spraying oil) on the efficiency of Steinernema feltiae in B. tabaci control were also assessed because they might increase nematode survival by reducing desiccation. The mortality of B. tabaci nymphs increased by 18, 18, and 20% on collard, hibiscus, and cucumber plants when S. feltiae concentration increased from 5000 to 15,000 infective juveniles/mL. When treated with S. feltiae (10000 infective juveniles/mL), second instar nymphs suffered greater mortality than the other instars of B. tabaci, regardless of host plant species. Mortality of B. tabaci nymphs was higher on hibiscus than on collard and cucumber plants. The use of adjuvants greatly increased infection of B. tabaci by S. feltiae. The combination of S. feltiae (10,000 infective juveniles/mL) and 1% horticultural spraying oil increased the mortality of second instar B. tabaci nymphs to 86% on collard and 90% on hibiscus, while the combination of S. feltiae and 0.1% Triton X-100 caused 83% mortality on collard and 89% on hibiscus. The potential for incorporating S. feltiae and the adjuvants in B. tabaci management is discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The present study compared entomopathogenic nematode delivery at the base of savoy cabbage and cauliflower, at the lower side of savoy cabbage and cauliflower leaves and in leek stems and the ground deposition using a five‐nozzle spray boom equipped with an ISO 08 flat fan, an air induction flat fan and Twinjet spray nozzles. Additionally, an air support system and a row application system were evaluated. RESULTS: Approximately 40% of the applied nematodes did not reach the foot of the cabbage plants. The use of an air support system or a row application system improved nematode deposition at the savoy cabbage base. Relative nematode deposition on the lower side of savoy cabbage leaves was 27.20%, while only 2.64% of the applied nematodes reached the lower side of cauliflower leaves. After spraying leek with a standard boom, a low relative nematode deposition (26.64%) was measured in the leek stem. Nozzle type affected the distribution of nematodes in droplet spots. CONCLUSION: Nozzle type has a minor effect on the number of entomopathogenic nematodes delivered on difficult‐to‐reach targets. The use of modified spray application techniques directing the spray to the target site are necessary to increase the chances of contact of entomopathogenic nematodes with their target. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

本文研究了小卷蛾线虫、拟双角斯氏线虫、古巴斯氏线虫用大蜡螟幼虫繁殖时其脱离寄主虫体时间和离体后短期贮存对线虫侵入率及运动能力的影响。结果表明:线虫离体时间对其侵入率有一定影响,第1天离体的线虫其侵入率均大于第7天离体的线虫,这在古巴斯氏线虫中异常显著。在30天贮存期内,3种线虫随着贮存期的延长,其侵入率逐渐提高,小卷蛾线虫和拟双角斯氏线虫一般贮存7天,古巴斯氏线虫贮存15天,其侵入率即达到高峰,以后基本趋于稳定;经短期贮存后,除古巴斯氏线虫的运动能力无显著提高外,其它两种线虫贮存10天后其运动能力均高于刚离体的线虫。  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are agents that can be used for the biological control of pests associated with pesticides in a tank mix. Compatibility studies need to be conducted to analyse which products are compatible with EPNs. The survival of infective juveniles (IJs) of four species of EPNs (Steinernema, Heterorhabditis) was determined after exposure to eight chemical herbicides. The effect of direct IJs exposure to herbicides for 1, 4 and 24 h was tested in a Petri dish at 15, 20 and 25 °C. The study showed that Steinernema kraussei was the most tolerant among the tested EPN species, while S. carpocapsae was the most sensitive to all tested herbicides. The lowest mortality of IJs was at 15 °C (19%). Our investigation showed, overall, the herbicides negatively affected EPN survival. The results confirmed that the compatibility is a species-specific characteristic, influenced by the temperature and time of exposure. Application of two different control ingredients (insecticide and herbicide) at the same time would reduce cost and time consumption in pest/weed control.  相似文献   

The effect of rapid and gradual exposure of entomopathogenic nematodes to osmotic stresses on the induction of a dormant state was determined with the nematodeSteinernema feltiae IS-6 infective juveniles (IJs). Rapid exposure of nematodes to glycerol at concentrations of 24% and 28% (w/w) caused the nematodes to enter a dormant state which was characterized by shrinking and impeded motility of all nematodes within 8 h. However, pre-exposure to gradually increasing glycerol concentrations of 5%, 10% and 18% at 4-h intervals resulted in dormancy after 4 h exposure to 24% glycerol. The total time of exposure to glycerol solution was 16 h in gradual osmotic stress. For nematodes exposed to 24% glycerol solution either rapidly or gradually, recovery occurred after 40 min in distilled water. Infectivity of osmotically stressedS. feltiae IJs was evaluated by two criteria, insect mortality and invasion rate. The assays indicated that infectivity of nematodes desiccated by rapid and gradual osmotic stresses was similar to that of fresh nematodes. Rapid exposure ofS. carpocapsae ‘All’,S. riobravis ‘Texas’,S. glaseri ‘NI’ andHeterorhabditis bacteriophora HP88 IJs to the 24% glycerol solution resulted in dormancy within 8 h. These treatments caused mortality of 48.4% and 11.7% amongS. glaseri Nl andH. bacteriophora HP88 IJs, respectively. Similar effects were observed when these nematode species were exposed to increasing osmotic stress of 5%, 10% and 18% at 6-h intervals. Under these same conditions, mortality ofH. bacteriophora HP88 andS. glaseri Nl IJs was 27.5% and 61.8%, respectively. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 29, 2004.  相似文献   

不同根区温度对冬小麦生长发育及养分吸收的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
以Hoagland营养液为介质,采用自制的恒温培养系统研究了不同根区温度对冬小麦生长发育以及N、P、K养分吸收的影响。结果表明:小麦冬前至返青期低温处理明显抑制根系发育,根长、根体积、根系生物量、叶面积、地上部生物量、养分累积量均比常温处理显著降低,其中越冬前低温处理对地上部的影响大于对根系的影响,而返青期低温处理对根系的影响大于地上部;越冬前和越冬期高温促进了根系生长,但地上部生物量和养分累积量呈降低趋势,返青期高温抑制了根长和根体积的增加,但有促进地上部生长的作用。  相似文献   

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