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Biological functions of duck basic protein small 1 (dBPS(1)) and 2 (dBPS(2)) were investigated by in vitro experiments. Results of agarose gel retardation assay indicated that dBPS(1) and dBPS(2) associate with RNA. Addition of NaCl or urea induced partial dissociation of dBPS(1)/dBPS(2)-RNA complex, implying that electrostatic interaction, hydrophobic interaction, and hydrogen bonds are involved in the association of dBPS(1)/dBPS(2) to RNA. dBPS(1) and dBPS(2) inhibited pancreatic lipase activity with the fifty percent inhibitory concentration (IC(50)) of 250 and 100 μg/mL, respectively. Peptic hydrolysates of dBPS(1) and those of dBPS(2) showed a potent angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition with an IC(50) of 22.5 and 49.6 mg/L. The most potent ACE-inhibitory peptide was a nanopeptide (EKKGFCAGY) from dBPS(1) and an octapeptide (KYCPKVGY) from dBPS(2). These multiple biological functions of dBPS(1) and dBPS(2) may contribute to reducing the risk of lifestyle diseases.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to develop a diagnostic key for hake meat to solve the limitations of previous identification methodologies, mainly related to the high degradation of the DNA recovered from processed foods. We describe the development of two molecular tools based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the cytochrome b gene, respectively, to identify DNA from 12 hake species in commercial products. The first assay is an exclusion test consisting of the PCR amplification of a 122 bp fragment using nested primers interspecifically conserved in Merluccius spp. and in Gadus morhua. This 122 bp amplicon, being the shortest one so far designed for hake DNA, is a useful traceability tool for highly degraded samples because its sequence contains enough interspecific diagnostic variation to identify 10 hake species and cod and has been successfully amplified from most commercial products so far tested. The second identification key follows a positive outcome of the exclusion test and consists of the PCR amplification of a 464-465 bp fragment and its digestion with three restriction enzymes whose targets map at interspecifically nonconserved sites of the cytochrome b. The key presented here has passed through a rigorous methodological calibration including its testing for genus specificity, its validation on a large number of authenticated sample types from each species range, and its implementation with a maximum likelihood method for the assignment of unknown samples. Together, these two procedures constitute the most complete molecular key so far developed for Merluccius spp., which is optimal for routine identification of hakes in large commercial samples at a reasonable cost-time ratio.  相似文献   

A mixture of lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) and phosphatidylcholine (PC) has been isolated by column chromatography from a jojoba meal (Simmondsia chinensis) extract. The molecular species of both classes could be separated and isolated by C18 reversed phase HPLC. The two major compounds were identified by 1D and 2D (1)H and (13)C NMR, by MS, and by GC-MS as 1-oleoyl-3-lysophosphatidylcholine and 1,2-dioleoyl-3-phosphatidylcholine. Eight other molecular species of LPC and four other molecular species of PC could be assigned by comparison of the mass spectra of the isolated compounds with the spectra of the two major compounds. Complete characterization of the individual molecular species was achieved by GC and GC-MS analysis of the fatty acyl composition from the isolated compounds. The PC/LPC proportion in the phospholipid mixture from three different samples is 1.6 +/- 0.1. LPC is considered to be an important bioactive compound; the results of this study suggest further research for the evaluation of potential health benefits of jojoba meal phospholipids.  相似文献   

Legislation regarding the labeling of processed products is an important issue in the protection of consumer rights. This labeling is especially important in products that cannot be identified on the basis of their morphological characters, because these are removed from the animal in the transformation process. The goal of this study was the identification of mussel species using Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and Forensically Informative Nucleotide Sequencing (FINS) methodologies. The molecular marker selected was 18S rDNA (nuclear small-subunit rDNA gene), which allows identification at the genus level and at the species level in some cases. The genera included in this study were Mytilus, Perna, Aulacomya, Semimytilus, Brachidontes, Choromytilus, and Perumytilus. Different markers were used for genetic identification at the species level. To identify the species included in the genus Perna and Choromytilus, a fragment of ITS 1 (Internal Transcribed Spacer 1) was amplified by multiplex PCR and digested with restrictases. The species of Mytilus were identified by length polymorphism and RFLP of the polyphenolic adhesive protein gene. This methodology was validated with products manufactured in the authors' pilot plant and applied to commercial samples. Therefore, this sequential method can be completely or partially used to determine the mussel genus or species present in any food product.  相似文献   

Fifty accessions of 25 Lactuca species,L. serriola ×L. sativa and Mycelismuralis were analyzed for chromosome number and relative DNA amountvariation. In the majority of Lactuca species studiedchromosome counts, as earlier reported (n = 8, 9, 17), were verified; however,for L. dregeana andL. homblei (probablyL. schweinfurthii orL. longespicata) the chromosome number(n = 9) was determined for the first time. Relative nuclear DNA content,estimated by using flow cytometry (DAPI staining), showed that 2C DNA contentranged from 2.02 pg in L.capensis to 17.96 pg inL. canadensis. Statistical and clusteranalysis of data based on relative nuclear DNA contents correspond fairly wellwith recently accepted taxonomic classification of the genusLactuca. However, the position of certain species as wellas clarification of taxonomic determinations of someLactuca accessions needs further examination.  相似文献   

The presence of a pI 9.0 cationic peroxidase isozyme from milk stage pericarp of six susceptible and five resistant inbreds was correlated significantly with previously reported field data on percentage infection by Aspergillus flavus in the inbreds and their hybrids. The isozyme was constitutively expressed in some additional maize tissues and lines examined, and frequently induced by mechanical damage, heat shock, Fusarium proliferatum, and/or Bacillus subtilis in other lines tested. Native/IEF two-dimensional electrophoresis identified the isozyme as the previously genetically identified px5. A cDNA clone expressed in black Mexican sweet (BMS) maize cell cultures produced the pI 9.0 isozyme. In addition to potential use in marker-assisted breeding, enhanced expression of this cationic peroxidase through breeding or genetic engineering may lead to enhanced disease or insect resistance.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial 16S rRNA sequences from morphological validated grouper (Epinephelus aeneus, E. caninus, E. costae, and E. marginatus; Mycteroperca fusca and M. rubra), Nile perch (Lates niloticus), and wreck fish (Polyprion americanus) were used to develop an analytical system for group diagnosis based on two alternative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) approaches. The first includes conventional multiplex PCR in which electrophoretic migration of different sizes of bands allowed identification of the fish species. The second approach, involving real-time PCR, produced a single amplicon from each species that showed different Tm values allowing the fish groups to be directly identified. Real-time PCR allows the quick differential diagnosis of the three groups of species and high-throughput screening of multiple samples. Neither PCR system cross-reacted with DNA samples from 41 common marketed fish species, thus conforming to standards for species validation. The use of these two PCR-based methods makes it now possible to discriminate grouper from substitute fish species.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel spectrofluorometric method using the novel fluorescent probe 2-(2-pyridyl)benzothiazoline for the determination of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity. The fluorescent probe was synthesized in house and fully characterized by elemental analysis and by IR and (1)H NMR spectra. It could specially identify and trap superoxide anion radicals (O2(.-)), and then was oxidized by O2(.-) to form a strong fluorescence product. On the basis of this reaction, the spectrofluorometric method was proposed and successfully used to determine SOD activity. The proposed method has a better selectivity in the determination of reactive oxygen species, because the probe can be oxidized to afford a highly fluorescent product only by O2(.-) excluding hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radical. As a kind of simple, rapid, precise, and sensitive technique, it could avoid the errors caused by detection time and was applied to the measurement of SOD activity in scallion genus foods with satisfactory results.  相似文献   

A series of 2-substituted-8-(4,6-dimethoxypyrimidin-2-yloxy)-4-methylphthalazin-1-one derivatives, 7a-7w, were designed via an ortho-substituent cyclization strategy to discover a new herbicidal lead structure. These compounds were synthesized by a seven-step route using 3-hydroxy-acetophenone as a starting material. Determination of the Ki values against wild-type A. thaliana acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) (EC indicated that some of the compounds displayed good enzyme inhibition activity comparable to that of KIH-6127. The further preliminary bioassay data on weeds showed that the synthesized compounds exhibited typical injury symptoms of AHAS-inhibiting herbicides, and some of them showed broad-spectrum and high herbicidal activities in postemergence treatments against Echinochloa crusgalli, Digitaria sanguinalis, Setaria viridis, Brassica juncea, Amaranthus retroflexus, and Chenopodium album at an application rate of 150 g ai/ha. To our knowledge, this is the first report of methylphthalazin-1-one derivatives as AHAS inhibitors.  相似文献   

The species Chromolaena odorata (Asteraceae) is a notorious invasive shrub spreading throughout West and Central Africa and as such, there is a need to determine its environmental impact, particularly on soil biodiversity and functioning. Indeed, soil organisms such as earthworms are known to strongly influence soil properties and biogeochemical cycles. This study, conducted in Central Côte d’Ivoire, aims to investigate the temporal dynamics of earthworm communities in C. odorata fallows of different ages and to identify associated indicators and persistent species. Three distinct classes of fallows identified by local farmers, were considered: young (1–3 years, C1), medium-aged (4–8 years, C2) and old (>9 years, C3). Each of the classes included four plot replicates where earthworms were sampled using the Tropical Soil Biology and Fertility (TSBF) 25 cm × 25 cm × 30 cm soil monolith method. The study of earthworm communities was focused on density, biomass, diversity and complementarity. Indicator values (IndVals) were used to identify indicator species of the classes of fallows. The shrub exerted a mixed influence on earthworms depending on the functional group, with litter feeders and polyhumics declining over time as a result of a reduction of the litter availability on the soil surface. The species richness was significantly greater in C1 than in the other classes although the Shannon–Weaver's index did not vary significantly. However, a cluster analysis performed on densities highlighted marked differences between C2 and the two other classes in terms of community composition. Indicator species were found for C1 and C2. The geophagous Millsonia omodeoi has emerged as a persistent species as its density and biomass steadily increased so that it became the dominant species in old fallows. The roles of litters and soil parameters in influencing earthworm communities are discussed.  相似文献   

The identification of fish species in transformed food products is difficult because the existing methods are not adapted to heat-processed products containing more than one species. Using a common to all vertebrates region of the cytochrome b gene, we have developed a denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) fingerprinting method, which allowed us to identify most of the species in commercial crab sticks. Whole fish and fillets were used for the creation of a library of referent DHPLC profiles. Crab sticks generated complex DHPLC profiles in which the number of contained fish species can be estimated by the number of major fluorescence peaks. The identity of some of the species was predicted by comparison of the peaks with the referent profiles, and others were identified after collection of the peak fractions, reamplification, and sequencing. DHPLC appears to be a quick and efficient method to analyze the species composition of complex heat-processed fish products.  相似文献   

Only two mutations have been described in the literature, so far, regarding starch and root quality traits in cassava. This article reports on an induced mutation in this crop, first identified in 2006. Botanical seed from five different cassava families were irradiated with gamma rays. Seed was germinated, transplanted to the field (M1 plants), and self-pollinated to produce the M2 generation. Abnormal types regarding starch granule morphology were identified during the single plant evaluation of M2 genotypes. To confirm these characteristics, selected genotypes were cloned and a second evaluation, based on cloned plants obtained from vegetative multiplication, was completed in September 2007. Two M2 genotypes presented small starch granules, but only one could be fully characterized, presenting a granule size of 5.80 +/- 0.33 microm compared with three commercial clones with granule sizes ranging from 13.97 +/- 0.12 to 18.73 +/- 0.10 microm and higher-than-normal amylose content (up to 30.1% in cloned plants harvested in 2007, as compared with the typical values for "normal" cassava starch of around 19.8%). The gels produced by the starch of these plants did not show any viscosity when analyzed with the rapid viscoanalyzers (5% suspension), and the gels had low clarity. Low viscosity could be observed at higher concentrations (8 or 10% suspensions). Preliminary results suggest that the mutation may be due to a lesion in a gene encoding one of the isoforms of isoamylase (probably isa1 or isa2).  相似文献   

Lefkada is one of the islands of the Ionian Sea and disposes interesting biodiversity both in crop landraces and in wild relatives. It is also one of the most famous touristic attractions in the Eastern Mediterranean basin, thus traditional agriculture is under great pressure from tourism. Nevertheless, Lefkada’s mountainous relief has apparently preserved some diversity of landraces in upland villages. A collecting expedition was organized in September 2010 and a second (minor) in 2012 in order to assess the current status of landraces in a touristic island such as Lefkada. The results are discussed and compared with previous expeditions in the island. Landraces still cultivated, others that are considered lost, and information about their traditional uses are presented. Finally, the potential for the exploitation of landraces in Lefkada’s touristic environment is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution - Phenotypic variation of 75 accessions of wild Prunus arabica (Olivier) Meikle species was assessed. There were significant variations among the accessions...  相似文献   

Health benefits of the polysaccharide (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan, reported to induce immunobiological, hypocholesterolemic, and hypoglycemic effects in humans and animals, have made the isolation, characterization, and assay of a viable glucan product critical. A new analytical method, based on internal standard proton NMR analysis, for the assay of solvent-wet samples containing (1-->3)-beta-D-glucan is presented. The method enables glucan identification, provides a solvent-free assay, and improves upon the previous multistep extraction and lyophilization procedure by reducing the 1-2 day analysis time to 1-2 h. NMR offers a rapid method for quantifying the glucan in commercial samples, such as nutraceuticals, as well as industrial samples enabling better evaluation of the efficacy of these carbohydrates in health-related applications.  相似文献   

Two lots of human foodstuffs from conventional and organic brand foods were purchased from supermarkets and analyzed for three Fusarium toxins, deoxynivalenol, by GC-ECD, and fumonisins B(1) and B(2) (FB(1)-FB(2)), by LC-MS. The occurrence of deoxynivalenol contamination was higher than 80% in both organic and conventional foods; fumonisin B(1) was found in 20% of organic foods and in 31% of conventional ones and fumonisin B(2) in more than the 32% of the food samples from both the agricultural practices. The highest median concentration of deoxynivalenol occurred in conventional rice-based foodstuffs (207 microg/kg): that of fumonisin B(1) in conventional maize-based foods (345 microg/kg) and that of fumonisin B(2) in organic wheat-based foods (210 microg/kg).  相似文献   

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