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Summary. The purpose of this paper is firstly to describe the background of an investigation started in 1961 to develop new herbicides for the control of weeds in agricultural kale, Brassica oleracea vars. acephala D.C. and fruticosa Metz, and secondly to present the results of four experiments concerned with the effects of weeds on the yield of kale. The results of the herbicide investigation are to be presented in subsequent papers.
Kale as grown in the United Kingdom is a valuable fodder crop and relatively easy to grow, but beset by weeds against which existing mechanical and chemical methods of control have not usually been successful. The effect of weed competition on the yield of four farmers'crops was investigated in 1961 and 1962. When grown entirely free of weeds, the crops provided yields in the range of 20.9–34.5 tons of green material per acre. Where no attempt was made to control the weeds, the yields were reduced by 9.4, 14.5 and 18.9 tons/ac, respectively, in three experiments. In no case did kale, hoed only between the rows, produce as high a yield as the weed-free crop. Although variable in effect, uncontrolled weed growth early in the life of the crop always lowered the yield of kale.
Le développement de l'usage des herbicides selectifs pour le chou fourrager dans le Royaume-Uni. La plante cultivée, les mauvaises herbes et le problème  相似文献   

Summary. Trials in 1959, 1960 and 1961 failed to show significant differences in yield between potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) of three varieties receiving from seven to nine separate tractnr cultivations and similar potatoes in which the weeds were well controlled by pre-emergence applications of a mixture of dinoseb(6.0 lb/ac)*and dalapon (2.5-5.0 lb/ac), With less effective herbicide treatments. including simazinc and 2,4-DES, there were significant reductions in yield.
Preliminary taint tests in 1959 on cooked tubers suggested that slight tainting might have been caused by one of the treatments, but tests on potato crisps made from the 1959 and 1960 crops were completely inconclusive. Tubers from all the treatments in the 1959 and 1960 trials sprouted normally in the spring after harvest.
Le désherbage des pommes de terre par des herbicides de pré-émergence  相似文献   


Summary. It is practicable to use herbicides as an alternative to ploughing grass swards for the preparation of a seedbed for the sowing of cereals and kale. The yields of spring barley and kale following a glaass/clover sward killed with 10 lb/ac amitrole-T were similar to those obtained following ploughing. Yields of tip to 40 cwt/ac of winter wheat were obtained following grass swards killed with amitrole-T compared with up to 45 cwt/ac after ploughing.
The ideal herbicide must kill all plants in a sward and have no residual toxicity to the subsequent crop. At 10 lb/ac, amitrole-T killed most plants in the sword, but it was considered necessary to delay sowing for at least 3 weeks after spraying to minimize the danger of residual toxicity. Ploughing gave the lowest incidence of grasses persisting from the sward. Paraquat did not control clover and Agropyron repens , while broad-leaved weeds were more common on the ploughed than on the sprayed land.
There were differences in the amount of nitrogen mineralized in ploughed and In undisturbed soil, but these were insufficient to affect crop yields materially. When a lower yield followed herbicidal destruction of the sward, this was not accompanied by a reduced percentage nitrogen content.
L'emploi des déherbants pour la rénovation des prairies  相似文献   

Summary. Granular formulations of several new herbicides were tested for control of weeds in direct-seeded tropical rice. S -(4-chlorobenzyl)- N N -diethylthiolcarbamate (benthiocarb) and N -(butoxymethyl)-2-chloro-2',6'-diethylacetanilide (CP 53619) showed a high degree of selectivity between rice and weed seedlings. Applied 6 days after seeding, when grass weeds were at the 1-2-leaf stage, both herbicides gave excellent control of Echinochloa crus-galli and other weeds, and caused little or no damage to rice cv. IR22.  相似文献   

论民勤绿洲的发展战略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了民勤绿洲生态恶化的客观原因和主观原因。笔者认为把民勤作为“商品粮基地”的指导方针是导致民勤绿洲沙化的主要原因。调整种植结构是逆转民勤绿洲生态恶化的唯一出路。  相似文献   

Summary. Two techniques for the comparative evaluation for the control of couchgrass ( Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv.) were tested in 1960, and it was concluded that the more practicable was the one in which known lengths (96 in.) of couchgrass rhizome fragments were planted in a plot of 10 × 2 ft. The rhizomes were allowed to grow and herbicides were applied when the shoots were 6–9 in. high. Two to 3 months later the rhizomes were carefully dug up, weighed, measured and dried. Dry weight of rhizomes was used as a measure of the quantity of couchgrass present. Four trials of spring applications, and two of autumn applications are reported.
Of the commercially available herbicides, amitrole-T, TCA and dalapon were effective in that order, and presented no insuperable problems of persistence in the soil. Fenac and atrazine showed little promise. Spring applications of herbicides were considerably more effective than autumn treatments.
Essai d'herbicides pour la lutte contre Agropyron repens  相似文献   

Summary. The 'Vibrajet' nozzle is designed to produce relatively large droplets with 'low drift' characteristics. This system was evaluated for the overall application of paraquat, diquat and morfamquat in a number of agricultural situations in comparison with a fan jet. The biological efficiency achieved with the 'Vibrajet' nozzle was of the same order as that of the fan jet at the rates of application of the herbicides currently recommended in the United Kingdom. Five variables which affect the field performance of a spray system were investigated: volume of spray applied, concentration of wetter in the spray, rate of chemical applied, spray pressure and size of orifice. Changes in these factors made little improvement to the biological efficiency of the 'Vibrajet' nozzle.
Comparaisnn de la buse 'Vibrajet' et d'une bitse pinccau pom Vapplication generalisee des herbicides bipyridiliques  相似文献   

Summary. Applications of several herbicides -were made to roots and to the bases of shoots of peas, cucumber, mustard and barley grown in soil, sand or water culture.
Localized applications (variation horizontal) of atratone and MCPA to roots of peas and barley in soil produced effects similar to those observed in water euluire, described in Pan I. Airatone killed the plants whether available to the whole or to only a portion of the root system whereas MCPA affected only the roots with which it was in direct contact, and growth continued when a portion of the root system was in herbicide-free environment.
In water culture, MCPA was more effective when applied to the lower (younger) roots with the upper (older) roots kept dry than when twice the concentration was applied evenly to the whole root system in water. When all the roots were kept wet the effect of application to the upper roots was greater than the effect of application to the lower roots. The response of plants to atratone was not appreciably altered whether applications were made to the upper or lower parts of the root system in water culture. Variations in water level had little effect.
Even when the herbicide solution was confined to the stem or hypocotyl, atratone and DNOC were little, if any, less effective than when applied to roots. MCPA, both as ester and sodium salt, was significantly less effective.
Partial replacement of solution in the root zone by sand and air did not reduce the activity of atratone at a given concentration. Similar replacement in the zone of the stem or hypocotyl greatly reduced the effectiveness of all herbicides. When sand of low water content was used, atratone and MCPA-sodium became quite ineffective via the stem, but DNOC and MCPA-ethyl ester remained active.
Études sur les réactions de certaines plantes á des herbicides appliqués aux racines II. Observations nouvelles sur l'effet de l'application localisée.  相似文献   

Summary. Peas, barley and linseed were grown in water-cuture. Roots were divided into two portions and contained in separate vessels. The effect of herbicides applied to one-third of the roots was compared with their effect when applied to the whole root system.
Propham, chlorpropham, atratone and 2,3,6-TBA killed the plant whether application was to one-third or all of the roots. Roots in direct contact with propham, chlorpropham and 2,3,6-TBA were deformed or killed, while roots in uncontaminated solution remained healthy. The effect of atratone and high concentrations of chlorpropham on a portion of the roots was transmitted to roots not in the toxic solution.
Certain concentrations of MCPA and DNOC applied to the whole root system killed the plant while three times the concentration to one-third of the roots caused local damage but had little effect on the plant as a whole. Sufficient herbicide may be taken up by one- third of the roots from high concentrations to kill the whole plant.
TGA gave variable results with respect to the health of the aerial portion of the plant but had no obvious direct effect on root growth.
Propham, chlorpropham, atratone and 2,3,6-TBA reduced transpiration rates whether applied to part or whole root systems. MCPA and DNOC prevented water uptake by roots with which they Were in direct contact.
Etudes sur les réactions de certaines plantes à des herbicides appliqués aux racines I. Effet d'une application localisée  相似文献   

本文对青海高原农田野燕麦的发生特点,如出苗、生长发育、繁殖和传播、种籽抗逆性等进行了初步试验。为认识野燕麦的危害性和制定防除措施提供了依据。在化学除草方面,试验了十几种除草剂和不同的应用条件,初步认为“深埋药”、“狠抓水”、“防耗损”、“促生长”是保证药效的重要环节。对旱地除草剂的应用有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

本文从哲学角度对柴达木盆地的开发进行了综合论述,从中指出了盆地开发的有利条件与不利因素,以及如何协调和对待开发中出现的若干关系,并针对盆地的开发与建设,作者提出了自己的设想。  相似文献   

二硝基苯胺除草剂对大豆生育影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
作者于1981~1983年所作的系统田间与盆栽试验证明,二硝基苯胺类除草剂中的氟乐灵、二甲戊乐灵对大豆苗期生育有明显抑制作用,表现为:(1)出苗延迟,幼芽下胚轴肿胀、脆弱、矮化,子叶革质状,单位面积用药量对幼芽矮化的影响比混土深浅大;(2)侧根显著受抑制,这种抑制作用局限于药土层,混土深度对大豆侧根的抑制比用药量高低的影响更显著;(3)根瘤菌形成受抑制,根瘤数减少,叶面积减小。随着大豆生长,上述抑制作用逐步消失,对大豆产量无显著影响。在供试3种除草剂中,丁乐灵对大豆生育无影响。从安全、经济、高效考虑,氟乐灵与二甲戊乐灵的适宜用量为1.0公斤,丁乐灵为1.5公斤/公顷,将药剂施于大豆种子之上的土层为宜,亦即施药后耙地不宜过深,将药剂混拌于0~6厘米土层为佳。  相似文献   

Summary. Phytotoxic effects of eight herbicides on young coconuts were assessed by recording visual symptoms of injury and growth following treatment. The growth-regulators 2,4-D, 2,4,5-T and MCPB were lethal at the normal doses used for annual weed control. Dalapon at 5–9 lb/ac applied in 100 gal/ac of water caused yellowing and necrosis of the foliage, reduced growth, and sometimes killed the whole plant, while doses down to 2.2 lb/ac caused some fusion of the pinnae. Monuron at 3.2 and 6.4 lb/ac resulted in serious frond damage and reduced growth, and some frond injury occurred at 1–6 lb/ac. Diquat at 0.25–1.0 lb/ac and paraquat at 1.0–l.5 lb/ac caused extensive necrosis of existing fronds but there was no appreciable reduction in new growth. Amitrole produced considerable chlorosis both at 3.1 and G.3 lb/ac, but only the higher dose caused a reduction in growth.
Essai d'herbicides sur jeunes cocotiers  相似文献   

Summary. Difficulties of access met with in Britain when applying dalapon to emergent water weeds in drainage channels led to work starting in 1964 on the development of a method of accurate aerial application of aqueous solutions of herbicide. The narrow, sinuous nature of the targets and the proximity of susceptible crops made it necessary to minimize spray drift and maintain a constant height and a slow speed. Nozzles designed to give large droplets were tested for droplet size and distribution. Selected nozzles were then tested from a helicopter in the field and the effect of their spray characteristics on the biological performance of dalapon was assessed. No daman occurred as a result of spray drift and satisfactory control of Phragmites communis, Typha angustifolia and T. latifolia was achieved with a lower dose of dalapon in a lower volume of spray than previously considered necessary for ground applications.
Une nouvelle technique pour l'application précise d'herbicides par voie aérienne sur les canaux de drainage, avec des risques négligeables d'entrainement  相似文献   

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