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In a fertilizer trial in a Valencia orange orchard, two soil types were distinguished: a poorly aerated loamy sand (A) and sandy clay loam (B). Mineral composition of leaves and fruit quality characteristics differed significantly in the two soil types, regardless of the fertilizer treatments. Fruits on the sandy clay loam were larger, had a thicker peel, and contained more total acids and vitamin C in the juice, and were less affected by a peel disorder (creasing). The leaves of such trees contained more K and Mg and less Ca and P.  相似文献   

At monthly intervals during the establishment year, 90 strawberry plants were excavated and separated into component parts, dried, weighed, and nutrient analyses were performed on the tissues. When growth resumed in spring, biomass and foliar nutrient levels were again measured until fruiting. Individual plant growth was linear during the establishment year, with leaves accounting for the highest percentage of accumulated biomass. In general, nutrient concentrations during the establishment year either remained relatively constant, or declined. The percent increase in biomass accumulation was always greater than the percent decline in nutrient concentration, indicating that strawberry plants have a continuing demand for nutrients during the establishment year. About 50% of the biomass was lost during the winter, mainly in foliage. However, within six weeks of resuming growth in spring, plant size was equivalent to that of the previous autumn. The root system was the only tissue to exhibit a reduction in biomass during fruiting. During this time, foliar nutrients displayed very different concentration patterns. Although this period of fluctuating nutrient levels is generally avoided for leaf sampling and analysis, it is likely that this is when nutrient limitations will have their most pronounced effects.  相似文献   

A study of the salinity effect on mineral content in rice genotypes differing in salt tolerance was conducted in a factorial Completely Randomized Design experiment. The results indicated that the genotypes developed differently by mutation conventional breeding. NS15 represented as salt-sensitive, Pokkali was included as an internationally salt-tolerant check and Iratom24 was moderately tolerant. The content of Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+ and Cl? followed an increasing pattern in roots and shoots of all the rice genotypes due to increasing salinity levels except Ca2+ and Mg2+ in the root. However, the concentration of K+ showed more or less an increasing pattern in root and a decreasing pattern in shoot. The concentration of Na+ and Ca2+ sharply increased with increasing the salinity levels in both the roots and shoots of NS15. The concentration of K+ sharply decreased in shoot and increased in the root of susceptible genotype NS15 with increasing salinity over 6 dS m?1 salinity levels, where the transformation of K+ from root to shoot was disrupted by Na+. The Cl? content sharply increased with increasing salinity in the root of NS15 as compared to shoot. The effect of different salinity levels on Na+/K+ ratio in the shoots of the selected rice genotypes sharply increased in susceptible genotype NS15 as compared to the other genotypes.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine uptake ratios between macronutrients and water for melon (Cucumis melo L. cv. Dikti) grown in a closed soilless cropping system. The obtained data can be used to establish standard nutrient solution compositions for melon crops grown in closed hydroponic systems under Mediterranean climatic conditions. Nutrient and water uptake by plants in the closed hydroponic system was compensated for by supplying replenishment nutrient solutions (RNS) differing either in the concentrations of K+, Ca2+, and Mg2+ or in their mutual ratio. The RNS, used as control treatment, had an electrical conductivity (EC) of 1.74 dS m?1 and contained 6.5 mM K+, 2.8 mM Ca2+, and 1.0 mM Mg2+ (K+ : Ca2+ : Mg2+ = 0.63 : 0.27 : 0.10). Control RNS was compared with two other RNS, both with a high Ca2+ level (4.2 mM). The K+ and Mg2+ levels in these two RNSs were: (1) not altered (corresponding to a ratio of K+ : Ca2+ : Mg2+ = 0.55 : 0.36 : 0.09; EC = 2.0 dS m?1) or (2) increased to maintain the same K+ : Ca2+ : Mg2+ ratio as in the control RNS (EC = 2.45 dS m?1). Nutrient to water uptake ratios, commonly termed uptake concentrations (UCs), were assessed by two alternative methods, i.e., (1) estimating the ratio between nutrient and water removal from the system or (2) estimating the ratio between the mass of the nutrient that was recovered from plant biomass and the water consumption. Over the two methods, mean UCs for N, P, K, Ca and Mg were 15.4, 1.31, 5.47, 3.78, and 1.02 mmol L?1, respectively, and tissue analysis resulted in a K : Ca : Mg molar ratio of = 0.55 : 0.34 : 0.11 in the whole plant. Moreover, the UCs tended to decrease as the crop aged although, in absolute values, the mass of nutrients absorbed increased following dry‐weight accumulation. Based on the obtained results, adapting the composition of the nutrient solution at least three times during the cropping period of melon is recommended. Further, the results revealed that the damage caused by the increase of the EC when attempting to maintain a target K+ : Ca2+ : Mg2+ ratio in the replenishment NS is higher than the benefits from the optimal cation ratio. Increasing K+ and Mg2+ concentration in addition to that of Ca2+ to maintain a standard K+ : Ca2+ : Mg2+ ratio raises the EC in the root zone (4.62 dS m?1), due to increased accumulation of nutrients, thereby reducing the mean fruit weight and concomitantly the total fruit yield (20% decrease). Leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll parameters and fruit taste quality were not influenced by the differences in macronutrient cation concentrations or ratios in the RNS, whereas phenolics and antioxidant capacity in melon fruit were enhanced by the increased root‐zone EC.  相似文献   


A greenhouse experiment was conducted with soils allegedly contaminated with airbourne dust containing Mg and Ca oxides and carbonates to study the growth and composition of corn, orchardgrass, and alfalfa plants. Soils were obtained from sites varying in distance from the alleged source of airbourne dust.

Soil pH values ranged from 6.2 to 8.7. Plant yields decreased only when the soil pH increased above 7.7. There was no apparent relationship between the observed yield decrease and the N, P, K, and B concentrations in the plants. Although the Mn and Zn concentrations generally decreased with increasing soil pH, the decrease was not great enough to account for the yield depressions. The obviously minor symptoms occurring on the plants growing on the most affected soils could not be associated with a deficiency or excess of any other element.

The Ca/Mg ratio in the alfalfa plants decreased as soil pH increased over the range from 6.2 to 8.7. However, the Ca/Mg ratios in the corn and orchardgrass plants decreased only when the soil pH values increased above 7.7. The apparent imbalance of Ca and Mg in the tissues may account for the yield depressions.  相似文献   


Incidence of grass tetany on small grain pastures has been related to forage Mg content and K/Ca + Mg ratio. The objective of this study was to relate P, K, Ca, Mg, and the K/Ca + Mg ratio in winter forage to specie and variety. In one year on unlimed soil with low pH, rye forage tended to be higher in P than oats, barley, or wheat. P content increased the next year on higher pH soil with less specie differences. K differed little with specie, and was higher in November than later harvests. Rye tended to be higher in Ca both years, especially in the early harvest. Percent Mg was lower for wheat the first year on the low pH soil than the other species, and percent Mg increased in all species at all harvests the next year on higher pH soil with wheat having similar Mg levels to the other species. The K/Ca + Mg ratio of wheat was higher than rye, oats, and barley on the low pH soil. Liming reduced this ratio to near 2.2 on all species. Grass tetany has been reported more likely to occur when K/Ca + Mg is over 2.2, and this study suggests rye, followed closely by oats and barley, would maintain lower ratios than wheat under conditions of low Mg availability.  相似文献   


Magnesium and Ca concentrations in smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis L) were not affected by late‐winter applications of N. Magnesium concentrations were constant until rapid growth in mid‐May then they declined until early June harvest. Highest seasonal concentrations were found in the fall regrowth. Calcium concentrations declined as plants matured in spring. Highest seasonal Ca concentrations were found in the fall regrowth. Nitrogen, P, and K concentrations and K/(Ca+Mg) ratios were increased by N applications during early spring but did not differ significantly by early June harvest. Nitrogen and P concentrations decreased as plants matured in spring and fall. K concentrations and K/(Ca+Mg) ratios changed inconsistently from sampling date to sampling date. Forage yields were approximately doubled by 67 kg N/ha and tripled by 202 kg N/ha. Significant yield differences were related to different N carriers.  相似文献   

沙田柚主产区土壤养分状况与果实品质关系初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2005年在广东省梅州市沙田柚主产区进行了采样调查,测定了梅州市松口镇大黄、小黄、蓬下、蓬上4个村沙田柚果园0~60 cm土层土壤养分含量,分析了相应果园沙田柚果实的主要品质.结果表明:供试土壤养分状况差异较大,小黄和大黄的氮磷钾有效态营养状况均处于适宜等级,而蓬上和蓬下的碱解氮处于缺乏等级.沙田柚果实品质也存在一定差异,小黄和大黄的沙田柚果实中还原糖和维生素含量较高,较蓬上和蓬下的沙田柚味甜多汁.相关分析表明,沙田柚果实中还原糖与土壤碱解氮呈显著正相关,维生素C与土壤碱解氮呈极显著正相关,而与速效钾呈极显著负相关,总酸与土壤全氮、全磷,有效磷、缓效钾呈极显著正相关.说明沙田柚果实品质受土壤氮磷钾营养状况的影响,特别是与土壤氮素含量密切相关.  相似文献   

赣南脐橙叶片营养状况对果实品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为了探讨赣南产区纽荷尔脐橙果园叶片营养状况与果实品质的相互关系,测定了9个县(市、区)58个脐橙园叶片的矿质营养元素、果实可溶性固形物(TSS)、可滴定性酸(TA)含量和单果重(SFW)。结果表明,大部分果园叶片氮含量高于适宜范围,而所有果园叶片磷、钾含量均处于适宜范围或以上;分别有87.9%、55.2%、5.2%的果园叶片镁、钙、硫含量低于适宜范围;所有果园叶片的钼含量均处于适宜范围,铁含量处于适宜范围或以上,少量果园的叶片硼、锰含量低于适宜范围,接近1/3果园的叶片铜含量低于适宜范围,96.6%果园的叶片锌含量低于适宜范围;随着果园果实品质的提高,TSS与TA显著增加,SFW显著下降。相关性分析表明,果实TSS与叶片钾含量呈显著负相关,与镁、锌含量呈极显著正相关;SFW与叶片12个营养元素均无显著相关;TA与叶片氮含量呈显著正相关,与锰含量呈极显著正相关。因而,生产上需要重视补充镁、锌肥,适量补充钙、铜肥,合理控制氮、磷和钾肥的施用量。  相似文献   


Six legume species and several varieties within the species were grown in a greenhouse pot experiment using the Bt horizon of a Lily (Typic Hapludult) soil. Lime treatments were 0 and 2.2 g Ca(OH)2/kg soil. Liming increased the soil pH from 4.6 to 6.2. The species and varieties responded differentially to lime. Both shoot and root growth of legumes showed a significant species and lime interaction effect. Based on tolerance index groups for shoot growth, alfalfa varieties were classified as very sensitive, red clovers and white clovers as sensitive and Essex soybean and Carroll birdsfoot trefoil as tolerant to the acid soil. The remaining legumes were grouped as moderately tolerant to the acid soil. Liming increased shoot concentrations of Ca in all the legumes and reduced concentration of Mg, K, and Zn. Species and varieties within species differed significantly in concentrations of all mineral elements studied except Mg. Further significant differences in elemental composition were observed due to both lime and lime species interactions. In the limed soil, the Ca concentration of the shoots increased as the tolerance index decreased.  相似文献   


The effects of Ca and K levels on barley (cv. Johnston) yield were studied in soil media containing high levels of Mg. The dry matter yield of barley decreased with increasing concentrations of Mg in soils, but the decrease was small. Dry matter yield was positively related to concentration of K in the soil. However, additions of fertilizer Ca or K did not increase dry matter yield, indicating that depressed yield associated with high Mg levels was not due to reduced availability of Ca or K. In commercial agriculture, applications of either Ca or K to such soils are unlikely to prove beneficial in increasing crop yields.

Concentrations of Mg in soil solutions of unfertilized soils were lower than levels which were previously shown to reduce crop yield. Additions of N fertilizer increased Mg concentrations to levels which could reduce barley yield  相似文献   


Three experiments were conducted to determine the critical meq NH4/meq K ratio in fresh tissue indicative of ammonium toxicity and the symptoms of the same under winter and summer conditions. Three and four levels each of ammonical N and K fertilization were employed in factorial designs. The chrysanthemum cultivars Bright Golden Anne and Yellow Mandalay were studied.

Results indicate there was a critical range of NH4/K ratios from .025 to .026 below which NH4 injury never occurred and above which injury always occurred. The occurrence of injury within the range was erratic. Confidence limits for the critical range, based on one standard deviation as determined in Experiment 3, extend from .022 to .029. This range was applicable from the second to ninth week of plant growth and for winter crops as well as the summer crop. Symptoms of toxicity include reduction in growth rate, the development of small necrotic spots beginning on middle to lower leaves and progressing up the plant, thickened‐leathery leaves, reduction in root growth, brown roots, and eventual death of the plant.  相似文献   

2002年测定了三峡库区4个纽荷尔脐橙园0~40cm土层的土壤营养状况,分析了相应果园2003年纽荷尔脐橙果实的主要品质。结果表明,供试果园土壤养分状况差别较大,兴山县供试果园土壤养分状况最好,巴东县的次之,奉节县供试果园稍差于巴东县,秭归县的供试果园土壤养分含量不如其它产地;奉节县纽荷尔脐橙果实的主要营养品质最好,但果面着色情况则以秭归县最佳。多元线性逐步回归分析结果表明,在一定范围内,可滴定酸含量与土壤有效磷含量呈显著的线性负相关;固酸比与土壤有机质和有效磷含量呈极显著的线性正相关;维生素C含量与土壤速效钾含量呈线性正相关;果皮红色值与有机质含量呈极显著正相关,但与土壤速效钾含虽旱极显著直线负相关;果皮黄色值与土壤碱解氮含量呈显著直线正相关。  相似文献   

荔枝叶片养分含量动态及不同比例钾、氮肥施用效应   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
【目的】探索荔枝叶片养分含量的周年变化规律及钾、氮肥不同施用比例对荔枝产量及其种植效益的影响,为荔枝生产中的施肥管理、营养调控与增产增效提供理论依据和实践指导。【方法】在大田栽培条件下,以1995年嫁接苗种植的国内主栽品种妃子笑为试材,设置钾、氮肥不同施用比例(K2O/N分别为0.6、0.8、1.0、1.2和1.4)5个处理,随机区组排列,于2009~2012年3个生长季在广东省惠州市荔枝主产区进行试验。在荔枝不同生育期定期采集荔枝叶片测定矿质元素含量,荔枝成熟时于田间按小区实收称重测产。【结果】荔枝叶片不同生育期的养分含量存在明显差异;在整个生育期,叶片养分含量的大小均表现为N﹥K﹥Ca﹥Mg﹥P﹥S﹥B﹥Zn﹥Mo;叶片K与Ca、Mg含量有极显著的负相关关系,K与Zn含量呈显著负相关,而Ca、Mg、Zn含量两两间呈显著正相关;叶片N与S、B含量呈显著负相关,而S与B呈极显著正相关;叶片P与Ca、Si含量呈显著负相关,而Ca与Si呈显著正相关。等氮基础上随着K2O/N比的提高,荔枝产量和种植效益均出现先升高后降低的规律;以K2O/N比例为1.0~1.2时荔枝产量最高、效益最好。【结论】在我国荔枝主产区以保持钾、氮肥养分施用比例(K2O∶N)为1.0~1.2为宜。  相似文献   


Increasing exchangeable potassium (ExK) content in soil to an appropriate level is important to mitigate the transfer of radioactive cesium to crops. We focused on a buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) field with a low ExK content, despite the application of K, in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan (Field A), following the Tokyo Electric Power Company Fukushima Dai-ichi (No. 1) Nuclear Power Plant accident in March 2011. We examined the relationship between K concentration and clay mineral composition in the soil of Field A and compared the findings with another field in Fukushima Prefecture (Field B) to clarify whether K applied to the soil was leached or remaining fixed. Pot experiments showed that K concentration in water seepage from pots following irrigation was significantly lower in pots from Field A than in those from Field B. Soil ExK content after soybean cultivation was lower in soils of Field A than those of Field B. These results indicate that K applied to Field A was fixed in the soil. Analysis of clay mineral composition confirmed the distinctive vermiculitic nature of Field A soils. This clay mineralogy would be associated with the higher K fixation ability of Field A than Field B soils. This study demonstrated that K fixation in vermiculite was a factor preventing the increase in ExK content from K application to Field A.  相似文献   

Microbial activity and nutrient release are known to be influenced by organic matter properties,but it is difficult to separate the effect of C/N ratio from that of C/P ratio because in most plant residues both ratios are either high or low.An incubation experimeut was conducted to investigate the effects of reducing the C/N and C/P ratios of slowly decomposable plant residues (young eucalyptus leaves,mature wheat straw,and sawdust) to those of rapidly decomposable residues (young kikuyu shoots) on soil respiration,microbial biomass,and N and P availability.The C/N and C/P ratios of the former were adjusted to 15 and 89,respectively,by adding N as (NH4)2SO4,P as KH2PO4 or both and residues were added at 10 g C kg-1 to a silt loam.Soil respiration was measured over 21 d;microbial biomass C (MBC) and available N and P were measured on days 0,7,and 21.Compared to the unamended soil,addition of kikuyu increased cumulative respiration 20-fold,MBC concentration 4 to 8-fold,and available P concentration up to 4-fold,whereas the increase in available N concentration was small and transient.Cumulative respiration and MBC concentration were low in the sawdust-amended soil and were not influenced by reducing the C/N and C/P ratios.Cumulative respiration with original wheat and eucalyptus was 30%-40% of that with kikuyu.Reducing the C/N ratio alone or both C/N and C/P ratios increased cumulative respiration and MBC concentration 2-fold compared to the original wheat and eucalyptus,whereas reducing the C/P ratio had little effect.Throughout the experiment,the available N concentration after addition of residues with reduced C/N ratio increased in the following order of eucalyptus < wheat < sawdust.By independently lowering the C/N and C/P ratios,microbial activity was more limited by C and N than P.However,lowering the C/N ratio of very slowly decomposable sawdust had no effect on soil respiration and MBC concentration,suggesting that other properties such as concentration of poorly decomposable C compounds limited decomposition.  相似文献   

高含砾土壤保水能力差,保水剂的应用为其节水措施提供了一条重要的途径,该文通过施用保水剂后其土壤水分、蒸腾和杏树果实产量品质的变化,分析杏树水分利用特征,为提高该种土壤水分利用效率,进而制定高效、合理的节水措施提供理论依据。该试验采用热扩散法边材液流探针(TDP)对昌平北流果园试验地15 a生杏树液流进行连续监测。结果表明:保水剂对土壤水分及杏树蒸腾影响明显,特别是在2个干旱阶段土壤水分与蒸腾都呈显著提高。在试验期间保水剂(每株200 g)处理平均土壤质量含水率相对于未施保水剂处理约提高了21.53%,平均日蒸腾量提高了20.62%。同时施用每株200 g保水剂处理相对于其他处理单果质量与果实维生素C含量明显提高,可见施用保水剂后对于提高水分利用效率、果实品质有明显的效果,是解决高含砾土壤中水分利用率低的有效途径。  相似文献   

对采集于干润砂质新成土不同土层土壤分别添加高C/N(黑麦草)和低C/N(苜蓿)有机物料后进行了室内培养试验。结果表明,各土层土壤添加有机物料后,均存在不同程度的矿质氮微生物净固定现象,且氮固定时间及程度与有机物料的C/N和土壤层次密切相关,添加高C/N黑麦草的深层低肥力土壤氮固定现象最明显。添加有机物料后,培养期间可溶性有机碳(DOC)累积量前期较高,中期先减后增,后期趋于稳定,不同土层土壤DOC的变化有所不同。0~20、20~40cm可溶性有机氮(DON)累积同时受矿质氮固定影响,低C/N苜蓿残体加入土壤后,在短暂氮素固定后,后期DON累积量明显提高;而加入高C/N黑麦草残体后,在较长时间内DON累积量无明显增加。添加有机物料导致培养前期土壤DOC/DON上升,随后降低。以上研究结果表明,如果从增加干润砂质新成土土壤有机质角度考虑,应该种植高C/N比的植物。因此,研究有利于进一步深入理解土壤溶液速效C、N养分的来源及其转化,对该地区土壤质量的调控具有一定参考价值。  相似文献   

内蒙古河套灌区灌排水离子组成及淋洗盐分用水量评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以河套灌区“盐分去向”为研究背景, 通过调查灌区土壤及各级灌排渠系水阳离子含量变化及室内模拟灌溉水淋洗土柱试验, 分析灌溉水经过土壤到排水阳离子组成的变化规律, 探讨用Na+浓度评价淋盐排灌水量比的可行性。结果表明, 与灌溉水相比, 各级排水干渠排水所含盐分中Na+所占比例明显增加, 平均约为87%; Ca2+所占比例减少, 平均约为7%。排水的全盐浓度(EC)和Na+浓度有显著相关关系, 说明Na+浓度对排水的全盐浓度有显著影响。灌溉水的2/3 Ca2+以非水溶性钙盐积聚在土壤, 排出量较少, 但灌区全年的Na+收支基本平衡。淋盐排灌水量比评价分析结果表明, 用Na+浓度评价淋盐排灌水量比要优于用全盐浓度(EC); 要维持灌区Na+收支平衡, 排灌水量比应保持在0.12~0.15, 针对现有灌区年引水量50 亿t, 年排水量要达到6~7 亿t。  相似文献   

Triticum monococcum L., Triticum dicoccum Schrank and Triticum spelt L. nowadays offer an alternative to Triticum aestivum L. We analyzed grain and straw yield, yielding parameters, chemical composition and bakery quality of these species and compared them with modern T. aestivum at three sites with different soil-climate conditions. The average grain yield varied from 0.41 t ha?1 (T. monococcum) to 5.17 t ha?1 (T. aestivum), straw yield varied from 1.50 t ha?1 (T. dicoccum) to 5.83 t ha?1 (T. aestivum). The yielding parameters and chemical composition of the grain were significantly influenced by soil-climate conditions and wheat species. The highest average crude protein content was recorded in T. spelta (20.55%), while the lowest in T. aestivum (11.20%). The Zeleny’s sedimentation test ranged from 9.0 ml (T. monococcum) to 34.5 ml (T. aestivum) and the value of the Gluten index varied from 7.45 (T. dicoccum) to 89.75 (T. aestivum). According to the results, ancient wheat species provides lower grain and straw yields, higher protein content and mineral concentrations. Concentration of proteins and grain’s baking quality strongly depends on wheat species and soil-climate conditions.  相似文献   

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