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A regional survey was conducted in commercial orchards of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) in order to develop diagnostic norms and for evaluation of yield limiting nutrients in low yielding orchards. The leaf nutrient status was interpreted using Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) and Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis (CND). The correlation structure among the nutrients was extracted by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The departure of DRIS indices from their CND counterparts was relatively small and a highly significant positive correlation was obtained between DRIS and CND indices. The three principal components explained 59.5% of the variation in the high yielding population and the designated PCS were (N+S+Zn+Fe‐Mn‐), (N+P+Ca+Zn‐), and (K‐S+). Pomegranate is mainly grown on marginal soils with low fertility and hence more than two or three nutrients were found to be limiting yields. However, nitrogen (N) and zinc (Zn) were the most common yield limiting nutrients. The DRIS and CND indices for low‐yielding orchards are reported and discussed.  相似文献   


The Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) appears to be a more sensitive tool in the early detection of mineral deficiency in soybeans (Glvcine max. L.) than the sufficiency range approach. A small data bank based on information collected in a survey over a two‐year period on early maturing soybeans grown in Quebec was used to calculate new modified DRIS norms. Remedial measures predicted by DRIS gave greater yield increases than those with the sufficiency range approach. Regional deviation in norms were identified and were more important with ? related ratios  相似文献   

Despite low yields and soil fertility problems, fertilizer use in the East African Highland banana (AAA-EA) production is absent. High fertilizer costs increase the need for site-specific fertilizer recommendations that address deficiencies. This study aimed to derive and compare norms for AAA-EA bananas, using Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis (CND), Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS), and a DRIS that includes a filling value (DRIS-Rd), and study nutrient interactions. Data on foliar nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium concentrations, and plant performance were obtained from 300 plots in Uganda. CND indices were closely related to DRIS and DRIS-Rd indices (R2 > 0.965). Four nutrient interactions were common in both low and high bunch weight subpopulations. Although the three approaches can be used to determine nutrient imbalances in AAA-EA bananas, we recommend CND for ease of use. Diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies should be based on methods that identify plant nutritional imbalances.  相似文献   


A standard layout for DRIS data banks together with a FORTRAN listing program is presented. Data for any crop for which yield and associated parameters are available are solicited from interested parties.  相似文献   

High yield of sugar beet require adequate mineral nutrition. To be diagnosed across interacting nutrients using appropriate interpretation models, the plant must be sampled at a critical physiological stage. This study aimed to develop and validate norms at the 7-leaf and well-developed rosette stages, for diagnostic purposes using the Diagnosis and Recommended Integrated System (DRIS) and Compositional Nutrient Diagnosis based on centered log ratios (CND-clr). Data on nutrient concentrations and plant performance were obtained from 409 plots in West-Central Poland. With respect to the growth stages, for physiological and practical reasons, the 7-leaf stage is preferable for diagnostic purposes. At this growth stage, the high-yield subpopulation characterized by higher concentration of potassium and sodium compared to other nutrients. CND-clr indices were closely related to DRIS indices (R2 > 0.93). The CND-clr indices, however, better explained the differences in the white sugar yield within the validated dataset than the DRIS indices.  相似文献   

Summary Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi improve plant growth in marginal soils. This study was conducted to determine the effects of three species of VAM fungi on plant nutrition in two cultivars of corn (Zea mays L.) and one of sunflower (Helianthus annus L.). Plants were grown in pot cultures under controlled (greenhouse) conditions in a soil high in K, Mg, and P, and low in Ca and N, and were supplied with amounts of VAM-fungal inocula in which equal numbers of infective propagules had previously been determined. Analysis of variance showed highly significant main effects and interactions due to both factors (plant and fungus) for N, P, Ca, and Mg. For K, only plant effects were significant (P<0.043). The uptake of nutrients was selectively enhanced or inhibited by one or the other VAM fungus relative to non-VAM control plants. In sunflower, N concentration was markedly enhanced (73%) by the mixed inoculum of the three fungi, even though individual effects were not significant. Evaluation of leaf nutrient analyses by the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) revealed the utility of this system to rank nutritional effects by VAM fungi in an order of relative nutrient deficiency. The DRIS therefore is seen as a useful tool in evaluating and selecting VAM fungi for the alleviation of specific nutrient disorders.Work was funded by the Program in Science and Technology Cooperation, Office of the Science Advisor, Agency for International Development, as Project No. 8.055, and was conducted in collaboration at the Colegio de Postgraduados and the Western Regional Research Center  相似文献   


The Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) is a unique method of interpreting plant analyses. DRIS includes a number of assumptions which distinguish it from “critical concentration”; approaches, the most important being that ratios of nutrient element concentrations are often better indicators of nutrient deficiency than are simple nutrient element concentrations. Though several workers have shown that DRIS often produces more accurate diagnoses of nutrient element deficiency than conventional approaches, the complexity of the DRIS methodology has discouraged its use. This paper offers three modifications of the DRIS methodology which can simplify its use and interpretation. These include simplified calculation of intermediate functions, modified parameter selection, and modified criteria for predicting response to additional fertilizer.  相似文献   

Field experiments evaluated the effects of integrated nutrient management on symbiotic parameters, growth, nutrient accumulation, productivity and profitability of lentil (Lens culinaris Medikus). Application of recommended dose of nutrients (RDN, 12.5 kg N ha?1 + 40 kg P2O5 ha?1) + 25 kg ZnSO4 ha?1 + seed inoculation with biofertilizers [Rhizobium + phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) + plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR)] + 1.0 g ammonium molybdate kg?1 seed recorded the highest number & dry weight of nodules, leghaemoglobin content, root & shoot dry weight, plant height, number of pods plant?1 and 100-seed weight. The next best treatment was RDN + seed inoculation with biofertilizers + 1.0 g ammonium molybdate kg?1 seed. On the basis of mean of three-year data, the treatment of RDN + 25 kg ZnSO4 ha?1 + seed inoculation with biofertilizers 1.0 g ammonium molybdate kg?1 seed proved the best in realizing the highest grain yield (34.0%), gross returns (34.0%) and net returns (54.8% higher over control). Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the grains and straw were significantly improved where RDN was applied in combination with seed inoculation, basal application of ZnSO4 and seed treatment with 1 g ammonium molybdate than their single applications.  相似文献   


A data bank comprising over 8000 observations of yield and tissue composition was assembled from a wide range of locations and conditions. DRIS norms were developed from parts of the data bank representing different sources and chronology in its development. The effects of population size and yield level used to discriminate between high and low yielding subpopulations on the DRIS norms are studied. The results indicate that the best banks are those which are large, random and have a substantial number of high yield observations.  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted on cotton to evaluate the different cotton-based intercropping system along with balanced nutrient management practices on enhancing cotton productivity. Cropping systems have been considered as main plots and nutrient management practices have been considered as subplots. The results showed that cotton + onion system recorded the highest cotton equivalent yield (CEY) of 2052 and 1895 kg ha?1 which was on par with cotton intercropped with dhaincha, which recorded 2010 and 1894 kg of CEY ha?1 in both the seasons. Combined application of 100% recommended NPK with bioinoculants (S5) registered highest CEY in both the seasons. Cotton intercropped with dhaincha (M2) recorded highest uptake of N, P, and K. Among the nutrient management practices, application of 100% recommended NPK with bioinoculants (S5) showed highest uptake of N, P, and K. A similar trend was noticed in the post-harvest soil fertility too and it is significantly higher under cotton + dhaincha and application of 100% recommended NPK with bioinoculants treatment compared to 100% recommend NPK alone. It could be concluded from these results that crop productivity can be improved and soil fertility status can be sustained with integrated plant nutrient management practices.  相似文献   

We analyzed data from a long-term rice–wheat cropping sequence to evaluate the effects of integrated nutrient management (INM) on yield trends and sustainability, nutrient balance and soil fertility of the system. After 30th cycle, grain yield of both the crops significantly declined under control and highest rice and wheat grain yields were obtained when 50% N supplied through green manure and farm yard manure, respectively. The magnitude of yield slope under INM was found considerably higher than 100% recommended fertilizer (RDF). Sustainable yield index (SYI) for both the crops were found lower in control but considerably higher with the 100% RDF and under INM. The soils under all the treatments suffered an apparent loss of K and N (except where organics replacing 50% N). Correlation study also reveals K is the sole factor for the yield sustainability as apparent K balance was negatively correlated with SYI and yield slope.  相似文献   

A nutrient solution culture experiment was conducted in the greenhouse to investigate the effects of selenium (Se) on biomass and the mineral nutrient efficiency of macroelements phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium (P, K, Ca and Mg) and microelements iron, manganese, copper and zinc (Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn) in wheat at the seedling stage using a set of recombinant inbred lines (RILs). Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was also performed for all 60 traits. The results showed that 0.1 μmol/L Se can significantly affect the phenotypic traits relation to biomass and nutrient efficiency and the corresponding QTLs. A total of 260 QTLs were located on 19 chromosomes, and 96.54% of these QTLs were only detected in one treatment. A total of 23 important QTL clusters and 31 cooperative uptake and utilization (CUU) loci that colocalized with QTLs for nutrient uptake and/or utilization of at least two elements were also identified. These CUU loci involved 190 out of the 248 QTLs (76.66%) for nutrient efficiency traits, indicating that CUU-QTLs were common for macroelements (P, K, Ca and Mg) and microelements (Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn). Additionally, these loci may be hot spots for genetic control of mineral nutrient efficiency traits.  相似文献   

Recovery and recycling of plant nutrients from municipal sewage effluent (SE) can reduce consumption of costly chemical fertilizers, besides reducing eutrophication of water bodies. Field experiment was conducted on Vertisol of central India for six years with the objective of quantifying recovery of major plant nutrients by aboveground biomass of wheat-soybean cropping system from untreated SE. Wheat crop was grown with irrigation (groundwater and sewage effluent) and fertilizer treatments; while soybean was grown without any treatments. Recoveries of nitrogen (N), phosphorus P) and potassium (K) by the aboveground biomass were considerably more from SE than from fertilizers and manures. Recovery of nutrients from SE was the highest by wheat grain for N and by soybean straw for P and K. Straw biomass of both the crops recovered about 31% N, 22% P and 69% K from SE, which can be recycled back into agricultural land of groundwater (GW) irrigated as well as rainfed area.  相似文献   


The present study was carried out at ICAR-IIHR, Bengaluru to assess biomass accumulation, nutrient distribution, nutrient/water/energy use, plant available soil nutrients and carbon storage in different categories of roses in open-grown and protected systems. In open-grown roses, biomass of leaves, stalk and flowers represented 31.9%, 41.1% and 26.95%, respectively. In protected condition, flower biomass accounted for 17.62% of the total compared to leaf (51.0%), and stalk biomass (31.4%). The carbon stocks in plant biomass and soil accounted for 22% and 78% of total in open-grown rose system. In protected condition, plant and soil carbon stocks accounted for 11% and 89% of the total carbon stocks. Soil carbon stocks increased from 2.214 to 3.958?kg m?2 during 4-year period in open field. In protected condition, soil carbon stock was increased from 3.315 to 5.104?kg m?2 registering an increase of 1.789?kg m?2. In rose production system, leaves registered highest levels of macronutrients while flowers acquired more micronutrients. The water use was 45% higher in protected cultivation (344?L yr?1 m?2) than in open condition (232?L yr?1 m?2). Based on nutrient use indicators and energy use of nutrient inputs, Arka Savi and Arka Swadesh were identified as efficient nutrient use and energy use (74.6% and 37.3%) genotypes in open and protected conditions, respectively. Plant available nutrient stocks in soil were optimum to above optimum in rose system. The results imply that precision nutrient application is most important to save inputs/energy, avoid environmental pollution and to develop sustainable land use system.  相似文献   

The role of mounds of the fungus-growing termite Macrotermes bellicosus (Smeathman) in nutrient recycling in a highly weathered and nutrient-depleted tropical red earth (Ultisol) of the Nigerian savanna was examined by measuring stored amounts of selected nutrients and estimating their rates of turnover via the mounds. A study plot (4?ha) with a representative termite population density (1.5?mounds?ha?1) and size (3.7?±?0.4?m in height, 2.4?±?0.2?m in basal diameter) of M. bellicosus mounds was selected. The mounds were found to contain soil mass of 9249?±?2371?kg?ha?1, composed of 7502?±?1934?kg?ha?1 of mound wall and 1747?±?440?kg?ha?1 of nest body. Significant nutrient enrichment, compared to the neighboring topmost soil (Ap1 horizon: 0–16?cm), was observed in the nest body for total nitrogen (N) and exchangeable calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K), and in the mound wall for exchangeable K only. In contrast, available (Bray-1) phosphorus (P) content was found to be lower in both the mound wall and the nest body than in the adjacent topmost soil horizon. Consequently, the mounds formed by M. bellicosus contained 1.71?±?0.62?kg?ha?1 of total N, 0.004?±?0.003?kg?ha?1 of available P, 3.23?±?0.81?kg?ha?1 of exchangeable Ca, 1.11?±?0.22?kg?ha?1 of exchangeable Mg and 0.79?±?0.21?kg?ha?1 of exchangeable K. However, with the exception of exchangeable K (1.2%), these nutrients amounted to less than 0.5% of those found in the topmost soil horizon. The soil nutrient turnover rate via M. bellicosus mounds was indeed limited, being estimated at 1.72?kg?ha?1 for organic carbon (C), 0.15?kg?ha?1 for total N, 0.0004?kg?ha?1 for available P, 0.15?kg?ha?1 for exchangeable Ca, 0.05?kg?ha?1 for exchangeable Mg, and 0.06?kg?ha?1 for exchangeable K per annum. These findings suggest that the mounds of M. bellicosus, while being enriched with some nutrients to create hot spots of soil nutrients in the vicinity of the mounds, are not a significant reservoir of soil nutrients and are therefore of minor importance for nutrient cycling at the ecosystem scale in the tropical savanna.  相似文献   

To explain why soils rich in variable charge materials often lack 1 M KCI-extractable Al ions, I proposed a mechanism, an “induced hydrolysis” of exchangeable Al ions in the presence of variable charge materials at high salt concentrations.

I extracted exchangeable Al from mixtures of a montmorillonite saturated with Al and a synthetic goethite using a 1 M KCI solution. The amount of the extractable Al (per unit weight of the montmorillonite) decreased with increasing proportion of the goethite in the mixtures. I interpreted this experimental result as supporting the proposed mechanism, i.e., H+ released in the hydrolysis of Al is adsorbed on the goethite in a concentrated KCI solution and this removal of H+ induces further hydrolysis, resulting in the polymerization or precipitation of Al as hydroxides.

I calculated the amount of monomeric, therefore extractable, Al as a function of the goethite content in the 1 M KCI-montmorillonite-goethite mixtures. The calculated amounts agreed well with the experimentally determined ones in the whole range of goethite content examined.  相似文献   

A nutrient solution experiment was done to evaluate effects of different concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) on leaf mineral concentrations and some enzymes activity of melon seedlings (Cucumismelo var. inodorus subvar. Khatouni). Different levels of these nutrients including 0, 53, 105, 158 and 210?mg L?1 N; 0, 8, 16, 23 and 31?mg L?1 P; 0, 59, 118, 176 and 235?mg L?1 K, all corresponding to 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% of their concentrations in Hoagland nutrient solution, were applied to plants. The results showed that the highest leaf nitrate reductase (NR) activity was observed at highest N and P levels, whereas the three highest K levels showed the highest NR activity. The highest leaf peroxidase activity was observed at 8?mg L?1 P, 59?mg L?1 K and 158?mg L?1 N. The leaf catalase activity was highest at zero concentration of P, 158?mg L?1 N and 176?mg L?1 K; however, catalase activity was decreased by increasing P levels. Leaf protein content showed an increasing trend with increasing N, P and K levels of nutrient solution, while there was no significant difference between 158 and 210?mg L?1 N. The highest leaf concentrations of N, P, K and Mg were observed at highest nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus levels of nutrient solution, whereas the highest leaf concentration of Ca were obtained at 53 or 105?mg L?1 N, 176?mg L?1 K and 23–31?mg L?1 P. The highest iron concentration of leaves was obtained from 23 to 31?mg L?1 P, 176?mg L?1 K and 210?mg L?1 N.  相似文献   


White yam (Dioscorea rotundata cv. Olonko) was grown consecutively for three growing seasons, i.e. from February to October of 1975, 1976 and 1977, and treated with six levels of nitrogen, viz: 0, 40, 60, 120, 160 and 200 kg N/ha in the field. Leaf samples were taken at four stages of growth as follows: vegetative, tuber formation, tuber development and tuber maturation, and analyzed for NO3‐N, P, K, Ca and Mg.

Increasing nitrogen fertilization consistently increased leaf‐NO3‐N, particularly at the vegetative stages of growth, while no consistent trend was established for leaf‐P. Leaf‐K was increased at low rate of nitrogen fertilization during tuber formation and maturation whereas leaf‐Ca increased only at tuber maturation in the presence of higher rates of nitrogen fertilization. There was a marked increase in leaf‐Mg at all stages of growth when N treatment was increased to 200 kg N/ha. A positive correlation (r = 0.84???) was obtained for leaf‐K at the vegetative growth stage with tuber yield, while leaf‐Mg was positively correlated with tuber yield at vegetative (r = 0.46?), tuber formation (r = 0.50?) and tuber development (r = 0.67??) stages. All other elements were negatively correlated with yield at all stages of growth. Tuber yield was highest at the 200 kg N/ha treatment.  相似文献   

The use of chlorophyll fluorescence measurements to noninvasively evaluate degrees of ripeness was investigated in berries at various stages of ripening from two white grapevine cultivars (Vitis vinifera L. Cv. Bacchus and Silvaner). Berries were characterized by diameter, weight, and density and by concentrations of fructose, glucose, sucrose, and total sugars, as well as fructose/glucose ratios, and also by chlorophyll fluorescence at F(0) and F(M) levels and the fluorescence ratio F(V)/F(M). Pearson product moment correlation analysis on data from both cultivars revealed clear negative associations between F(0) and concentrations of fructose, glucose, and total sugars, and fructose/glucose ratios (correlation coefficient < -0.89). Curvilinear trend-lines were established for plots of F(0) versus concentrations of fructose, glucose, and total sugars, but a linear relationship between F(0) and fructose/glucose ratios was found: the corresponding coefficients of determination were always >0.82. Therefore, chlorophyll fluorescence measurements are well-suited to determine noninvasively sugar accumulation in grape berries during ripening.  相似文献   

黄土丘陵区刺槐人工林土壤养分特征及演变   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35  
为了探明黄土丘陵沟壑区人工林土壤养分状况及其演变规律,应用时空互代的方法,以刺槐林为代表,对该区不同利用年限的人工林土壤养分特征及其时空变化等进行了系统研究。结果表明,黄土丘陵区人工林土壤肥力处于低水平;人工林表层土壤养分中有机质和速效磷的空间变异性较大;坡度、坡向、坡位等环境因子对土壤养分有一定的影响。随利用年限的增加,人工林土壤全氮,有机质、碱解氮、速效钾含量及土壤养分指数均增加,与利用年限有极显著的相关性,其变化趋势符合y=axb模型。全氮,有机质和碱解氮随利用年限的增加量不显著,而速效钾每经过10年就有显著增加,全磷和速效磷含量则保持相对衡定的水平。黄土丘陵区人工林地土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮、速效钾及养分指数年增长率分别约为0.20g.kg、0.01g.kg、0.69mg.kg、2.27mg.kg和0.04。该区人工林地土壤有机质、全氮、碱解氮及养分指数约需50年、速效钾约需30年可达到中上等养分水平。  相似文献   

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