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Growth behaviour and yield performance of Bt cotton hybrids under sub-optimal rainfall situation is of practical significance, because more than 60% of the cotton area is under rainfed condition in India. A field trial conducted in a sandy clay loam soil during the seasons 2006–2007, 2007–2008, and 2008–2009 to study the growth behaviour and yield performance under scanty rainfall situation revealed that growth in both Bt and non-Bt cotton hybrids significantly differed under these parameters. The crop experienced moisture stress at the early stages of growth and again during boll development phase in 2006–2007 and 2008–2009. However, Bt hybrids (1691 kg ha?1) produced higher seed cotton yield than non-Bt hybrids (1092 kg ha?1), while the controlled variety (LRA 5166) performed the average of these two (1399 kg ha?1). Similar trend was evident in respect of bolls per plant (at 90 DAP) and the final harvested bolls in both Bt and non-Bt cotton. Because of Bt gene, the early formed bolls were protected from the boll worms which led to less damage and higher yield with Bt hybrids. Amongst the hybrids, RCHB 708 Bt (1917 kg ha?1) performed better over the others.  相似文献   

于2008~2009年在长江流域下游棉区,选用纤维比强度差异明显的德夏棉1号(平均比强度26.2 cN/tex)、科棉1号(平均比强度35 cN/tex)和美棉33B(平均比强度32 cN/tex)为试验材料,设置不同施氮量以形成不同的棉铃对位叶氮浓度,研究了棉铃对位叶氮浓度对纤维发育过程中关键酶(蔗糖酶、蔗糖合成酶、磷酸蔗糖合成酶、-1, 3-葡聚糖酶)活性及纤维比强度形成的影响。结果表明,棉铃对位叶氮浓度随施氮量的增加而上升,随花后天数的变化符合幂函数方程YN=t-[YN:棉铃对位叶氮浓度(%);t:花后天数(d);、为参数]。在花后同一时期,纤维发育关键酶活性和纤维比强度均随棉铃对位叶氮浓度的上升呈先升后降的趋势,可用抛物线方程Y=ax2+bx+c拟合[Y:酶活性或纤维比强度(cN/tex);x:叶片氮浓度(%);a、b、c为参数]。表明在纤维发育过程中,棉铃对位叶氮浓度显著影响纤维中相关酶活性和纤维比强度的形成,各指标所对应的最佳棉铃对位叶氮浓度差异较小;因此,通过调节对位叶氮浓度可调控相关酶活性达到最优以及棉花高强纤维的形成。在本试验条件下,中部棉纤维发育所需的最佳对位叶氮浓度动态变化方程分别为:NDexiamian1=7.2841t-0.2771(R2=0.9860**);NKemian1=7.1807t-0.2989(R2=0.9879**);NNuCOTN33B=7.1467t-0.2819(R2=0.9755**)。  相似文献   

不同类型抗虫棉品种的产量表现和氮素营养效率研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以7个转Bt(Bacillus thuringiensis)基因抗虫棉(Gossypium hirsutumL)品种(美国品种33B,国产常规棉鲁棉研21、22、28、29,国产杂交棉鲁棉研15和25)为材料,分别在临清和东营种植,比较研究了它们的产量表现和营养效率。结果表明,国产常规抗虫棉品种平均比美国品种33B增产12.5%(临清)和28.3%(东营),抗虫杂交棉则比常规棉增产9.7%。早发型棉花品种(鲁棉研21和29)每生产100 kg皮棉所吸收的氮素量比后发型品种(鲁棉研22和28)少13.9%,营养效率系数高20.4%;杂交种(鲁棉研15和25)每生产100 kg皮棉所吸收的氮素量比常规种少13.8%,营养效率系数高16.8%。早发型棉花品种的氮素营养效率高于后发型,杂交种的氮素营养效率高于常规种。选用棉花杂交种或早熟、高产、经济系数高的常规种,创造正常的棉花熟相是提高氮素营养效率的重要途径。  相似文献   


In order to study the mechanism of thermotolerance of cotton cultivars with different heat tolerance, the response of yield component and photosynthesis to short-term heat stress (HT; average temperature 34°C) was studied. Pot experiments were carried out in 2015 and 2016 by using cotton cultivar PHY370WR (heat tolerant cultivar) and Sumian15 (heat susceptible cultivar). Results showed that heat (34°C) treatment resulted in a significant (p < 0.05) reduction in cotton yield. Path analysis showed that the direct path coefficient (0.89) of boll weight was higher, compared with the boll number (0.46). With high-temperature stress, it was the difference of boll weight reduction contributed the majority to the difference of yield reduction between cultivars, not the difference of boll number reduction. Different decrease in photosynthesis between cultivars leads to the different decline in boll weight. Different thermotolerance between the two cultivars were as follows: the heat tolerant cultivar could maintain higher photosynthesis rate under HT, and it could recover more quickly and highly in photosynthesis than the heat susceptible cultivar. More importantly, the leaf functional period of heat tolerant cultivar was less shortened by HT than that of heat susceptible cultivar.  相似文献   

绿盲蝽在转Bt基因抗虫棉的发生动态及其为害研究   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:24       下载免费PDF全文
试验研究转Bt基因抗虫棉对非目标害虫绿盲蝽田间种群的影响结果表明,绿盲蝽在转单价抗虫棉(GK-12)与其亲本上的种群数量整个发生期无显著差异,但二代绿盲蝽对“GK-12”的危害程度大于对其亲本的危害,而对双价抗虫棉(SGK321)与其亲本的种群发生数量及其受害程度均无显著差异,“GK-12”比“SGK321”被害指数高1.27倍。绿盲蝽在单价抗虫棉“GK-12”上的发生为害有加重趋势,而在双价抗虫棉“SGK321”上的发生程度却受到一定抑制。  相似文献   


Cotton is an important cash crop grown on 2.5% of the world’s arable land in over 100 countries, and has a 31% share of the world’s fibre market. In Australia, cotton is also a leading crop and contributes around AUD $3 billion to the total agricultural production. Weeds are a major biotic constraint resulting in yield losses of up to 90% and revenue losses of around AUD $100 billion globally and $4 billion to Australian agriculture. Genetically-modified (GM) crops have refashioned the weed management with more dependency on glyphosate. Such overreliance has led to the evolution of 43 glyphosate-resistant (GR) weed populations globally, with 16 species reported from Australia. Such GR weeds along with volunteer glyphosate-tolerant (GT) plants are now decreasing the value of the GM crops and forcing growers to spend more time and effort, and investment in their management. Weed management strategies need to be diversified and integrated with non-chemical methods and alternative herbicides not only to achieve efficient control, but to reduce the rate of evolution of GR weeds. In future, research is needed to improve integrated weed management through development and use of competitive and multiple herbicide-tolerant (HT) crops, organic herbicides, bio-herbicides, RNAi technology and robotics.  相似文献   

棉花花铃期涝渍相随对棉花产量的试验研究   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
在南方易涝易渍地域,棉花花铃期适逢雨季,常受涝渍综合胁迫,对生长发育和产量均有较大影响。笔者利用测坑试验对该问题进行了研究,建立了涝渍灾害型农田4种排水控制指标模式,初步提出了棉花花铃期的涝渍综合排水控制指标,探讨了体现涝渍兼治的排水控制指标。  相似文献   

Over application of fertilizer N to cotton is not only a potential threat to environment but also leads to increased costs of cultivation. The study aimed to establish the indicator leaf and its critical greenness for in-season management of fertilizer nitrogen (N) in Bt cotton using chlorophyll (SPAD) meter and leaf color chart (LCC). The response of three varieties and N treatments viz. 0, 30, 60, 90,120, 150 and 180?kg N ha?1 applied in two splits {(50% at thinning and 50% at first flowering) and three splits (50% at thinning, 25% at first flowering and 25% at boll formation)} was studied through split plot design. SPAD values and LCC scores of first, second, third and fourth fully opened leaves from the top of the main stem was recorded at first flowering and boll formation. The physiological efficiency and harvest index was highest for 90?Kg N ha?1 applied in two splits. Beyond 120?kg N ha?1, the N use efficiency parameters were higher for the N treatments applied in three split compared to the respective two split N treatments. The fourth leaf from the top in terms of SPAD values and LCC scores correlated best with N concentration compared to other leaves at all growth stages. The calculated critical SPAD values for the fourth leaf were 45 and 41 at first flowering and boll formation, respectively. Critical score of fourth leaf was 4.1 and 4, respectively at first flowering and boll formation, respectively. It is suggested that color of the fourth leaf from the top of Bt cotton can well indicate N supply from the soil and can help in need based N management.  相似文献   

【目的】华北平原棉区中等肥力棉田经济最佳施氮量为300 kg/hm2左右,这一结果仅从产量效应得出,未充分考虑棉花对氮肥的回收利用和土壤中氮肥的残留。探讨低肥力土壤施氮量及施氮比例对棉花产量及氮肥利用率的影响,以及低、中、高肥力土壤条件下等量施氮效应,旨在为棉花减氮增效提供理论依据。【方法】田间试验选择了高 (S1)、中 (S2)、低 (S3) 三个肥力水平的地块,其全氮含量分别为0.83、0.74、0.60 g/kg。低肥力地块设置低氮 (N1 113 kg/hm2)、中氮 (N2 225 kg/hm2)、高氮 (N3 338 kg/hm2) 3个氮肥用量;中肥力和高肥力地块设低氮量处理,氮肥两次追施在苗期与初花期进行,氮肥比例为1∶2;此外,设置低肥力土壤低氮量,氮肥追施在苗期与初花期进行,氮肥分配比例为1∶1。在吐絮70%时采集棉株和土壤样品,用15N技术分析了棉株氮素吸收来源、籽棉产量、棉株氮肥回收率和土壤氮肥残留率。【结果】低氮处理,土壤肥力对棉花籽棉产量无显著影响,随土壤肥力提升,棉株吸收氮素来源于肥料的比例下降,相对增加了对土壤氮素的吸收。棉花植株15N回收率随施氮量增加显著下降,随土壤肥力提高呈下降趋势,低肥力土壤与中肥力土壤间棉花植株15N回收率差异不显著,但显著高于高肥力土壤。高肥力土壤15N残留率高于低肥力土壤和中肥力土壤。15N损失率随施氮量和土壤肥力提高显著增加。低土壤肥力低氮量条件下氮肥分配比例1∶2处理籽棉产量高于1∶1处理。低肥力土壤条件下,中氮处理籽棉15N积累量相对高于高氮和低氮处理,籽棉产量较优。【结论】在较低土壤肥力条件下,施氮225 kg/hm2籽棉产量和氮回收率均优于施氮338 kg/hm2,氮肥损失率较低,减氮增效是可行的。高肥力土壤条件下减少氮肥投入可减少肥料的浪费。  相似文献   

为了探明氮素对棉花形态指标与蕾铃脱落的影响,该研究通过设置施氮量试验,以累积温光效应为驱动变量,以花铃期棉株下部果枝对位叶平均氮浓度为氮营养指标,模拟氮营养水平对棉花主要形态指标与蕾铃脱落率的动态影响。结果表明,棉花下部果枝对位叶氮浓度随花后天数呈幂函数下降趋势,其平均氮浓度出现的花后天数占花铃期总天数的比值较稳定,可作为植株N营养状态指标;棉株的果枝数、果节数、成铃数随累积温光效应(cumulative thermal and solar radiative effectiveness,TSE)呈logistic曲线变化,棉蕾数和幼铃数随TSE呈二次曲线变化,且各拟合方程中的参数响应N处理而变化,与花铃期棉株下部果枝对位叶平均氮浓度呈二次函数关系。利用独立的试验资料检验,在不同施氮水平下,棉株果枝数、果节数、棉蕾数、幼铃数、成铃数和脱落率的RMSE分别平均为1.1个/株、2.7个/株、2.4个/株、1.6个/株、1.4个/株和3.5%,模拟值与观测值具有较好的吻合度;在不同种植密度条件下,模拟值与观测值也具有较好的吻合度。本研究可为棉田施肥管理提供参考。  相似文献   

A field study was conducted in 2013 and 2014 where cotton was exposed to three N regimes: (1) the control without N application (low N); (2) 260 kg N ha?1 (medium N); (3) 520 kg N ha?1 (high N). Boll size, lint mass per boll, seed mass per boll, fiber length and strength were significantly decreased under N deprivation in the two years. The increased carbohydrate levels of LSCB (leaf subtending the cotton boll) led to decreased carbohydrate levels of fibers in the low N relative to the other N treatments. The low N embryos exhibited lower starch concentrations at 17 and 31 DPA (days post anthesis), and TNC (total nonstructural carbohydrate) concentrations at 17, 31, 45 and 52 DPA compared to medium N embryos. Starch levels in LSCB had negative associations with those in fibers at 17, 31 and 45 DPA, but positive associations with those in embryos at 24 and 45 DPA. Fibers expressed negative associations with embryos in glucose level at 24 and 38 DPA, and in TNC levels at 17 and 45 DPA. The study suggests that carbon assimilate levels in fibers and embryos could explain the difference in boll yield components and fiber quality.  相似文献   


Glyphosate-resistant (GR) weeds are the biggest concern for all cotton stakeholders worldwide. Currently, 43 weeds species are resistant to glyphosate and the number is increasing at an alarming rate. Soil residual/pre-emergence (PRE) herbicides like Pendimethalin and S-metolachlor can be effectively used for the control of GR weeds; however, their use is very limited at farmer’s side due to the adoption of herbicide-tolerant technology with complete reliance on glyphosate. The present study was conducted to evaluate the performance of PRE and post-emergence (POST) herbicides in glyphosate-tolerant (GT) cotton. The herbicide treatments were pendimethalin and S-metolachlor as PRE-residual, and glyphosate was applied as POST at 20 days after sowing (DAS) either alone or in combination with other herbicides like S-metolachlor, pendimethalin, and haloxyfop. A second application of glyphosate was made at 35 DAS. Results revealed that pendimethalin and S-metolachlor treatments gave 100% suppression of all dominant weeds and increased lint yield by 310–350% as compared to weedy control. In contrast, glyphosate applied once and twice, gave weed biomass reduction of only 10–86%, and increased lint yield by 136–185% over weedy control. This research established that PRE application of pendimethalin and S-metolachlor can be included in the weed management program of GT cotton.  相似文献   


Leguminous crops, particularly winter annuals, have been utilized in conservation systems to partially meet nitrogen (N) requirements of succeeding summer cash crops. Previous research also highlights the benefits of utilizing summer annual legumes in rotation with non-leguminous crops. This study assessed the N contribution of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) residues to a subsequent cotton (Gossypium hirsitum L.) crop in a conservation system on a Dothan sandy loam (fine-loamy, kaolinitic, thermic Plinthic Kandiudults) at Headland, AL during the 2003–2005 growing seasons. Treatments were arranged in a split plot design, with main plots of peanut residue retained or removed from the soil surface, and subplots as N application rates (0, 34, 67, and 101 kg ha? 1) applied in fall and spring. Peanut residue did not influence seed cotton yields, leaf N concentrations, or plant N uptake for either growth stage or year of the experiment. There was a trend for peanut residue to increase whole plant biomass measured at the first square in two of three years. Seed cotton yields and plant parameters measured at the first square and mid-bloom responded favorably to spring N applications, but the recommended 101 kg N ha? 1 did not maximize yields. The results from this study indicate that peanut residue does not contribute significant amounts of N to a succeeding cotton crop, however, retaining residue on the soil surface provides other benefits to soils in the southeastern U.S.  相似文献   

为准确预知地膜覆盖与作物的匹配情况,该研究针对南疆棉田,在大田试验基础上应用根区水质模型(Root Zone Water Quality Model-version 2,RZWQM2),对2016-2017年籽棉产量及水分利用效率(Water Use Efficiency,WUE)等数据进行模型参数率定与验证,利用验证...  相似文献   

A greenhouse hydroponic experiment was conducted to study the effects of cadmium (Cd; 0, 0.1, 1.0, 10 μM in nutrient solution) on yield and yield components as well as Cd concentration and accumulation in three cotton genotypes (Simian 3, Zhongmian 16, Zhongmian 16–2). The results showed that Cd concentration in different organs increased with increasing Cd levels in the nutrient solution in the following order: root > petiole > xylem > fruiting branch, leaf > phloem in vegetative organs and seed coat, seed nut > boll shell > fiber in reproductive organs. There were significant genotypic differences in functional leaf and petiole Cd concentrations at 1 and 10 μM Cd treatments, with the cultivar Simian 3 showing higher Cd concentrations and greater reductions in lint yield than the other two genotypes.  相似文献   

无膜棉花产量及其根区温湿盐对灌溉量的响应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为揭示无膜棉花产量及其根区温湿盐对深层、夜间灌溉量的响应机制,在等行距密植(26株/m2)条件下,以早熟品种'新陆早74号'为试材,设置5个灌水量处理(W1,2649 m3/hm2;W2,2925 m3/hm2;W3,3201 m3/hm2;W4,3477 m3/hm2;W5,3753 m3/hm2),研究了棉花产量形...  相似文献   

水氮供应对棉花花铃期净光合速率及产量的调控效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为揭示水氮供应对黑河中游边缘绿洲沙地农田棉花光合特性和产量的调控效应,采用3种灌溉水平和5种氮素水平的田间试验,研究水氮供应对花铃期棉花净光合速率及产量的影响。结果表明,在施N 0~300 kg/hm2范围内,棉花花铃期日均净光合速率和蒸腾速率均随施氮量增加而增加,超过N 300 kg/hm2时略有下降。施N 150、225、300和375 kg/hm2较不施氮处理籽棉产量分别增加33.9%、45.8%、50.9%和49.2%;灌溉水生产力分别提高33.3%、45.8%、50%和50%。3个灌溉处理间籽棉产量差异不显著,灌溉水生产力依I1(10800 m3/hm2)、I2(9450 m3/hm2)、I3(8100 m3/hm2)顺序递增。棉花花铃期净光合速率与籽棉产量、秸秆生物量、单株铃数、铃重和籽指间均存在极显著正相关关系。在黑河中游边缘绿洲沙地农田,施N 300 kg/hm2能够促进棉花花铃期净光合速率,有利于籽棉产量和水生产力的提高;与当地采用的10800 m3/hm2灌溉量相比,降低灌溉量至8100 m3/hm2不降低籽棉产量,使灌溉水的生产力提高27.5%。  相似文献   

直播和移栽冬油菜生长和产量形成对氮磷钾肥的响应差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
【目的】直播和移栽是目前长江流域冬油菜的两种主要种植方式,其发展状况对我国油菜产业发展和油料供应安全具有重要意义。直播和移栽冬油菜的栽培过程和植株密度存在显著差异,因此两者的个体形态、 生长发育及产量形成有所差异,对养分的施用响应也可能不同。本研究利用大田试验研究施肥和种植方式对冬油菜生长发育和产量形成的影响,比较不同种植方式下冬油菜的生长特点及其差异。【方法】采用大田试验,研究氮磷钾肥配施(NPK)、 不施氮(-N)、 不施磷(-P)和不施钾(-K)处理下直播和移栽冬油菜各生育期的株高、 根颈粗和叶片数。越冬期低温和干旱逆境发生时测定顶四叶的生理生化指标,包括硝酸还原酶活性、 过氧化物酶活性、 过氧化氢酶活性、 可溶性蛋白含量、 可溶性糖含量、 游离脯氨酸含量和丙二醛含量。角果期调查菌核病的发病率。成熟期调查产量构成因素,包括密度、 分枝数、 单株角果数、 主序角果数、 角粒数和千粒重,最后进行实产统计。【结果】直播冬油菜前期株高相比移栽冬油菜增长较快,薹期后则明显降低,根颈粗和叶片数在各生育时期均显著较低。直播冬油菜越冬期叶片生理生化水平较移栽冬油菜偏低,丙二醛含量显著较高。直播冬油菜角果期菌核病的发病率平均为21.8%,远高于移栽冬油菜的8.5%。两种种植方式冬油菜成熟期表现出显著不同的产量构成,相比移栽冬油菜,直播冬油菜的植株密度显著较高,而个体分枝数、 角果数和角粒数则显著较少,而且主序角果的比例明显较高。最终,直播和移栽冬油菜在NPK处理的产量非常接近,分别为2019和2081 kg/hm2,但直播冬油菜在缺素条件下的产量较移栽冬油菜均显著偏低。相比NPK处理,任一养分缺乏均显著阻碍直播和移栽冬油菜的生长发育和产量形成,其中氮素影响最为显著和全面,其次是磷素,钾素影响相对较小。与移栽冬油菜不同,直播冬油菜成熟期的植株密度在缺素时出现下降,氮、 磷缺乏导致直播冬油菜密度分别降低53.6%和18.7%。养分缺乏条件下较差的个体生长和降低的植株密度是导致直播冬油菜产量降幅偏高的主要原因。【结论】当前栽培方式下,直播冬油菜起始阶段个体发育较差,导致生育期内生长表现和产量形成对养分缺乏更为敏感。相比移栽冬油菜,直播冬油菜应更重视氮磷钾养分的平衡施用,以促进个体健壮和群体稳定而获得高产。直播冬油菜的养分管理研究需进一步加强,尤其是应对逆境发生的施肥调控技术与措施。  相似文献   

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