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为了研究三角形迷宫流道滴灌灌水器的水力特性,将其结构作为研究单元,以流道转角、流道宽度和齿高3个结构参数为因素,采用均匀设计方法设计出10个结构参数组合方案.对于每个参数方案,通过AutoCAD对灌水器流道进行三维造型设计,采用计算流体动力学软件Fluent 6.2对流道内部流体的流动状态进行数值模拟,并且模拟分析灌水器内部流道的水力性能和流场特性,得到流道内部流场可视化图像,同时计算不同压力对应的流量值,通过回归分析建立压力与流量之间的量化关系和回归曲线图,并获得其流态指数.在此基础上,根据10个组合方案数据,通过多元回归计算,建立流态指数与结构参数之间的数学关系.以流态指数最小为目标,采用遗传算法,获得结构参数优化设计方案,得到一种流道内速度均匀分布、压力变化均匀递减、流量大小控制在滴灌允许范围之内、水力性能优良的三角形迷宫流道灌水器,可为三角形迷宫流道灌水器的参数化结构设计、制造中的精度控制以及最终的研发提供理论依据.  相似文献   

单翼迷宫灌水器进口流场数值模拟与结构优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对单翼迷宫式滴灌灌水器工程应用中,大多数堵塞都发生在灌水器进口及其邻近区域的问题,对单翼迷宫式滴灌灌水器进口结构特性和水力性能进行分析,并对内部流场的计算流体进行动力学(CFD)数值模拟研究,发现目前广泛使用的单翼迷宫式滴灌灌水器的进口在实现灌水器多进口安全保障、过滤、抗堵塞等功能方面的设计存在不足之处.应用CAD-CFD技术改进单翼迷宫式滴灌灌水器进口的结构,优化其水力性能.改进后的灌水器5个进口流量基本相同,流速分布也较为均匀.不存在超低流速区,能有效减少灌水器进口的沉积和堵塞,提高灌水器的抗堵塞能力,实现了多进口的安全保障功能.  相似文献   

Control of emitter clogging in drip irrigation with reclaimed wastewater   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
Summary Experiments were carried out to evaluate the performance of various types of drip irrigation emitters, widely used in Israel, using waste water from a storage reservoir. Fine particulate matter agglomerated by microbial by-products and in-line developed biomass were the principal clogging agents. Clogging fluctuated, increased as water quality deteriorated and decreased when it improved. There were definable differences between emitters of various types as to their clogging susceptibility which were not directly correlated with differences in emitter flow-rate, although, for any particular type, the emitter with smaller discharge was always more sensitive to clogging. The clogging process generally started with emitters located at the far end of the lateral and partial emitter clogging was more common than complete plugging. Overflow was also found in most emitter types and was more common in regulated emitters. Reliable long term operation of most emitter types was achieved with filtration at 80 mesh (180 m opening) combined with daily chlorination and bimonthly lateral flushing. Regular lateral discharge monitoring was found to be a convenient way to detect the initiation of the clogging process. Chlorination was most efficient when applied before the emitters became massively clogged.  相似文献   

Drip irrigation is the most effective and reliable method for reclaimed wastewater irrigation. Emitter clogging is the major problem for extending the drip irrigation technology. The existence of suspended particulates in irrigation water is the main reason for the emitter clogging. However, the reclaimed wastewater quality is extremely complex, and there is a series of physical, chemical, and biological reactions between suspended particulates and other materials contained such as microorganisms, which make the characteristics of suspended particulates in reclaimed wastewater complicated. In this paper, two types of widely used wastewaters treated with fluidized-bed reactor (FBR) and biological aerated filter (BAF) processes respectively were selected. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) technology and fractal theory were used to quantitatively describe the characteristics of the surface topography of suspended particulates. The results showed that the suspended particulates in two reclaimed wastewater were flocculent and porous. The pore system mainly consisted of solid suspended particulates, and most areas between the particulates were filled with microbes and extracellular polymers (EPS). The complex structure of biofilms was formed. That the biofilms grew and detached in irrigation system and deposited continuously at the inlet and outlet of labyrinth path was the major reason for the emitter clogging. The surface topography of suspended particulates in both reclaimed wastewaters showed fractal and multifractal characteristics, and the fractal dimension could not characterize the local and microsingularity of particulates but multifractal dimension could. The uniformity of the distribution of sediment pores increased with the size. Comparatively, the uniformity of suspended particulates in reclaimed wastewater treated by FBR was lower. With operation of reclaimed wastewater irrigation system, the average discharge of emitters decreased continuously with obvious fluctuations. The clogging degree of emitters was low during the first 256 h, and the clogging degree of the two types of reclaimed water was similar. But then, the degree of clogging increased greatly, and the FBR treatment on the emitters discharge were more obvious than BAF. It was closely related to the growth, detachments and sediment of biofilms in the irrigation system. Hence, using the reclaimed wastewater treated by BAF for drip irrigation is more suitable.  相似文献   

The average emitter operating pressure is an important parameter in drip irrigation because it influences pressure, discharge and cost of the system. In this study, a calculation method for the minimum value of the average emitter operating pressure is proposed. A lateral design procedure is also presented where the average emitter operating pressure is regarded as the design variable. Then, in order to simplify the design procedure, the equations for estimating the average emitter operating pressures are given for both flat slope and downslope cases. When the lateral is set on upslope, the average emitter operating pressure can be decided based on minimizing the lateral annual cost, it also shows that the traditional average emitter operating pressure (7–10 m) is much higher than the optimal average emitter operating pressure for flat slope and downslopes. However, for the upslope case, it is sometimes less than the optimal value.  相似文献   

Improved irrigation water use efficiency is an important component of sustainable agricultural production. Efficient water delivery systems such as subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) can contribute immensely towards improving crop water use efficiency and conserving water. However, critical management considerations such as choice of SDI tube, emitter spacing and installation depth are necessary to attain improved irrigation efficiencies and production benefits. In this study, we evaluated the effects of subsurface drip tape emitter spacing (15, 20 and 30 cm) on yield and quality of sweet onions grown at two locations in South Texas—Weslaco and Los Ebanos. Season-long cumulative crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was 513 mm in Weslaco and 407 mm at Los Ebanos. Total crop water input (rain + irrigation) at Weslaco was roughly equal to ETc (92% ETc) whereas at Los Ebanos, water inputs exceeded ETc by about 35%. Onion yields ranged from 58.5 to 70.3 t ha−1 but were not affected by drip tube emitter spacing. Onion pungency (pyruvic acid development) and soluble solids concentration were also not significantly influenced by treatments. Crop water use efficiency was slightly higher at Weslaco (13.7 kg/m3) than at Los Ebanos (11.7 kg/m3) partly because of differences in total water inputs resulting from differences in irrigation management. The absence of any significant effects of drip tape emitter spacing on onion yield may be due to the fact that irrigation was managed to provide roughly similar irrigation amounts and optimum soil moisture conditions in all treatments.  相似文献   

为确定黄土高原苹果涌泉根灌时的适宜应用参数(流量和套管长度),选用PP棉滤芯作为配套套管进行室内土箱试验,探究灌水器流量和套管长度对其入渗特性的影响.试验结果表明:大灌水器流量有利于土壤水分在垂直方向上的运移;流量越大,灌水结束时和土壤水分再分布后,湿润体的体积、湿润体内高含水区域范围以及含水率的最大值也随之增大.套管内积水可增大入渗面和入渗水势梯度,从而使土壤水分的运移速率明显增大.灌水器流量和套管长度的交互作用会直接影响土壤水分在水平和垂直方向上的运移,当灌水器流量为12 L/h、套管长度为40 cm时所形成湿润体的体积最大,湿润体内水分分布更均匀,最有利于土壤水分在水平和垂直方向上运移.  相似文献   

试验采用番茄品种为“中研998”,于2017年3-7月在中国农业大学通州实验站春秋大棚中进行.试验共6个处理,3个灌水梯度(以田持的85%,75%,65%计)与2个痕量带埋深梯度(15,30 cm).研究结果表明:埋深与灌水下限对番茄植株株高茎粗的影响规律性不强;深埋处理更有利于植株茎干物质积累,浅埋更有利于叶干物质积累,说明浅埋处理植株蒸腾量更大;埋深与灌水下限对根干重的影响规律性不强;深埋更有利于提高果实产量、氮素表观利用率与肥料偏生产力,浅埋更有利于提高水分利用效率;灌水下限越低,果实产量、水分利用效率、氮素表观利用率与肥料偏生产力越高.因此根据本试验研究的各项指标综合得出埋深为30 cm、灌水下限为65%田持时最适宜此种试验条件下温室番茄的生长.  相似文献   

The interpretation of soil water dynamics under drip irrigation systems is relevant for crop production as well as on water use and management. In this study a three-dimensional representation of the flow of water under drip irrigation is presented. The work includes analysis of the water balance at point scale as well as area-average, exploring uncertainties in water balance estimations depending on the number of locations sampled. The water flow was monitored by detailed profile water content measurements before irrigation, after irrigation and 24 h later with a dense array of soil moisture access tubes radially distributed around selected drippers. The objective was to develop a methodology that could be used on selected occasions to obtain ‘snap shots’ of the detailed three-dimensional patterns of soil moisture. Such patterns are likely to be very complex, as spatial variability will be induced for a number of reasons, such as strong horizontal gradients in soil moisture, variations between individual sources in the amount of water applied and spatial variability is soil hydraulic properties. Results are compared with a widely used numerical model, Hydrus-2D. The observed dynamic of the water content distribution is in good agreement with model simulations, although some discrepancies concerning the horizontal distribution of the irrigation bulb are noted due to soil heterogeneity.  相似文献   

针对引黄灌区一种新型重力式沉沙池开展研究,这种沉沙池通过在沉沙池中布置斜管缩短泥沙沉降距离,进而提高沉沙池沉沙效率.基于数值模拟技术,利用Star-ccm+软件中的Realizable k-ε模型模拟了河套灌区斜管式重力沉沙池的水流运动过程.数值模拟计算结果与实测数据吻合良好,表明数值模拟计算的结果可以较好地反映斜管式重力沉沙池流场特性.模拟结果表明沉沙池斜管区域流态比较稳定,有利于泥沙稳定沉降;沉沙池首部与斜管区前部底端与后部顶端存在的旋涡区不利于泥沙的稳定沉降;池尾溢流堰的吸水作用影响了斜管区域的流态稳定,降低了泥沙沉降效率.研究表明,该型沉沙池下一步需要对调流板孔洞布置形式、斜管布置高度、溢流堰位置进行优化.  相似文献   

膜下滴灌对水稻根系形态及生理性状的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探明水稻在膜下滴灌灌溉方式下根系生长发生的变化,设置小区试验与传统淹灌进行对比,以粳稻品种“T-04”和“T-43”为材料,研究了膜下滴灌灌溉方式对水稻根系形态、根系氧化力和硝酸还原酶的影响.结果表明:土表下20 cm深度,膜下滴灌水稻的根系长度、表面积、体积和平均直径都高于传统淹灌,并且差异具有统计学意义.土表下40 cm,膜下滴灌对水稻根系形态影响不具有统计学意义;水稻根系氧化力都是呈先增大,后减小的趋势,水稻根系氧化力最大期因品种而异.分蘖期膜下滴灌对水稻根系氧化力的影响因品种而异,但在拔节孕穗期、齐穗期和乳熟期,膜下滴灌水稻根系氧化力高于传统淹灌,并且差异具有统计学意义,膜下滴灌水稻后期根系具有较强的抗衰老能力;膜下滴灌水稻根系硝酸还原酶活性高于传统淹灌,但在分蘖期和乳熟期的差异不具有统计学意义,在拔节孕穗期和齐穗期差异具有统计学意义.  相似文献   

为了研究新型小管稳流器的水力性能及其结构参数对水力性能的影响,取稳流器流道的7个结构参数作为因素,采用正交试验设计方法,制定了16组方案,在50~250 kPa等6个不同工作压力下进行水力性能测试.结果表明16组试验方案下流道的流态指数为0.475~0.498,其水力性能良好.利用极差分析法,分析得知流道第2组分水板与过水板间距对流态指数的影响最大,第1组分水板与过水板间距对流态指数影响最小.应用多元线性回归分析,建立7个结构参数与流态指数之间的回归模型,方差分析表明其相关性良好;t检验显示,第1组分水板与边壁间距、第1组过水板中部过水孔径和第2组分水板与过水板间距对流态指数影响显著;同时验证试验表明,该回归模型计算值与试验值误差小于5%,能准确可靠地预测流态指数.  相似文献   

为探明滴灌条件下温室番茄植株茎流速率变化规律及其影响因素,本文采用Dynamax公司开发的包裹式茎流计观测日光温室番茄植株的茎流变化,研究茎流速率的变化规律及茎流速率监测结果的标准化处理技术,探索植株茎流与气象因子的相互关系,分析水分胁迫对番茄植株茎流速率的影响。研究表明,采用单位叶面积上的茎流速率表征茎流变化规律可在一定程度上降低因探头安装位置不同对监测结果的影响;在充分供水条件下,影响番茄植株茎流速率的主要因子是太阳辐射和饱和水气压差,番茄植株的日茎流速率与太阳辐射呈线性关系,与饱和差呈对数关系(R2>0.90,P<0.01);土壤水分状况会明显影响番茄植株茎流状况,茎流速率随水分胁迫加剧而骤减。研究结果证明番茄植株茎流速率经标准化处理后可以真实的反映植株蒸腾规律。  相似文献   

针对高降压、高速流的直流式迷宫压力调节阀阀芯内部流道空化损伤失效现象,基于临界空化压力预测方法进行流体力学计算,结合Mixture多相流中的Schnerr-Sauer空化模型和Realizable k-ε湍流模型,数值模拟了偶数级数2N(N=1,2,3,4)流道在不同出口压力(0.1~0.8 MPa)下的临界空化进口压力,并分析了八级流道的压力、速度、相分率等参数的变化规律.研究结果表明:除进口级数外,流体经过垂直于进口流动方向的级数后才会产生旋涡,旋涡的产生会导致能量耗散和降压;在出口近壁面处,旋涡形成的低压区低于流体的饱和蒸气压,发生了局部空化;相同流道级数递增出口压力下的临界空化压差呈现线性函数增长趋势;相同出口压力递增流道级数下的临界空化压差呈现指数函数增长趋势.因此,可根据涡流能量耗散降压原理及临界空化线性、指数趋势线方程在改进优化迷宫流道结构设计促进涡流产生的同时选择合适的工况压力和流道级数来避免空化.  相似文献   

The possibility that drip irrigation technology could increase yields, reduce the incidence of crop diseases, and improve fruit quality has been identified as a critical research issue for the New Mexico chile pepper industry. Numerous hypotheses have been expressed regarding the low incidence of drip irrigation usage among New Mexico farmers. A survey of farmers was conducted in 1999 to assess commercial chile pepper producers’ attitudes toward and knowledge of drip irrigation technology. The survey data were used in logistic regression models that predict current high-tech irrigation system usage, drip irrigation usage, and plans for future drip irrigation adoption by chile pepper producers. The results of this research provide information useful to extension personnel, other researchers, and chile industry members. Results also raise questions about the impact of widespread drip irrigation adoption on multi-user irrigation systems, such as those found in New Mexico.  相似文献   

为了研究双向流稳流器流道结构的水力特性,以其内部双向流形成装置和结构参数为研究对象,取流道结构参数八字形分水件张角α,V字形挡水件张角β、八字形分水件中部过水孔宽度d为因素安排试验方案,利用激光精雕技术制作稳流器样机进行水力试验,测得0.05~0.21 MPa等9个不同压力对应的流量值,应用多元回归拟合其流态指数在0.476~0.501,其水力性能良好;同时采用水力学计算方法,计算当稳流器工作水头分别在5~15 m时,流道总局部损失系数为18.3~19.8,大约是1组传统流道形式局部损失系数的4~10倍,从水力学计算的角度表明双向流流道消能效果的优越性;采用Minitab软件的Gauss-Newton算法进行多元回归,迭代次数设为200次,建立流态指数与结构参数之间的回归方程,通过显著性检验和相关系数检验结论一致,均显示回归效果具有统计学意义,且各因子的系数均有意义,为其流道参数化设计、结构优化以及在农业工程中的研发与应用提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

为优化春小麦滴灌灌溉制度,提高水分利用效率,对宁夏引黄灌区滴灌条件下灌水对春小麦千粒质量、干物质转移和灌浆特征的影响展开研究。在总灌水量一致的条件下,分别设置增大三叶期、分蘖期和拔节期灌水量(W1)、增大分蘖期、拔节期和抽穗期灌水量(W2)、增大拔节期、抽穗期和灌浆期灌水量(W3)、各生育期灌水量平均分配(W4)和对照(CK)5个水量分配处理,研究春小麦千粒质量、各营养器官干物质转移量及籽粒灌浆特性。W3籽粒千粒质量最大,花后37 d其千粒质量为53.96 g,较CK大2.64%。W2的干物质转移总量、同化物转移总量和干物质转移对籽粒的贡献率均为最大,分别为0.67 g/株、2.992 g/株和22.165%。不同水量分配下小麦籽粒灌浆速率满足Logistic模型,经过水量优化分配,W2最大灌浆速率出现时间提前0.366 d,虽然最大灌浆速率有所降低,但是通过增加快增期时间(增加0.15 d)和活跃灌浆期时间(增加2.35 d),可以显著提高籽粒干物质积累量,收获时穗粒质量较CK提高32.1%,该处理籽粒产量也达到最大,较CK提高6.88%。因此可以通过优化灌水量分配,增加小麦千粒质量,提高各器官对籽粒的干物质转移量及灌浆速率,进而达到高产高效的目的。  相似文献   

为了研究土壤盐碱胁迫对加工番茄生理及水肥利用效率的影响,运用灰色关联理论,研究各生理指标间及其与产量间的联系,寻找种植加工番茄适宜的土壤盐分含量范围.采用桶栽试验,人工配制4种不同处理的盐分含量土壤:非盐碱土壤(CK)、轻度盐碱土壤(S1)、中度盐碱土壤(S2),重度盐碱土壤(S3),盐分质量比分别为1.5,4.0,7.0,10.0 g/kg.结果表明,与处理CK相比,处理S1对加工番茄各生理指标及水肥利用效率基本无抑制现象,一定程度上提高了加工番茄的光电子传递效率和光合能力,水分利用效率与CK持平,氮肥偏生产力提高了3.85%,增产1.28%;处理S2和S3较CK抑制情况显著,光合荧光参数均有不同程度下降,胞间CO2浓度和非光化学淬灭量子产量在生育中后期大幅上升,且处理S3抑制现象最为显著,水肥利用效率较CK显著降低了52.27%和50.00%,加工番茄减产率达到51.91%;处理S2和S3较CK和S1的生育进程加快,生理指标提前达到全生育期最大值;加工番茄的产量与净光合速率Pn,蒸腾速率Tr和非光化学猝灭系数NPQ有着很高的关联度,结合以上3个参数的生理变化规律,可以得出适宜加工番茄种植的土壤盐分质量比的范围为1.5~4.0 g/kg.  相似文献   

改进的滴灌双向流道结构参数对水力性能影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了在现有滴灌管(带)生产设备加工成型,改进了滴灌双向流道结构.针对这一新型流道,探索分析流道结构参数对其水力性能的影响.以流道4个关键结构参数为因素,基于正交试验设计方法,设计16组方案并制作流道样件,进行水力性能试验.采用极差分析和方差分析研究各结构参数对水力性能的影响效应.利用多元线性回归,建立流态指数和流量系数与4个结构参数的回归模型.结果表明,流道过水宽度,对流态指数的影响最显著,分水件与边壁距离的影响最小;分水件与边壁距离对流量系数的影响最大.回归模型效果显著,且准确度较高,可用于流道流态指数、流量系数的预测,研究结果可为新型双向流道的参数化设计及其结构优化,提供一定的理论指导.  相似文献   

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