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Agricultural system models are tools to represent and understand major processes and their interactions in agricultural systems. We used the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) with 26 years of data from a study near Nashua, IA to evaluate year to year crop yield, water, and N balances. The model was calibrated using data from one 0.4 ha plot and evaluated by comparing simulated values with data from 29 of the 36 plots at the same research site (six were excluded). The dataset contains measured tile flow that varied considerably from plot to plot so we calibrated total tile flow amount by adjusting a lateral hydraulic gradient term for subsurface lateral flow below tiles for each plot. Keeping all other soil and plant parameters constant, RZWQM correctly simulated year to year variations in tile flow (r2 = 0.74) and N loading in tile flow (r2 = 0.71). Yearly crop yield variation was simulated with less satisfaction (r2 = 0.52 for corn and r2 = 0.37 for soybean) although the average yields were reasonably simulated. Root mean square errors (RMSE) for simulated soil water storage, water table, and annual tile flow were 3.0, 22.1, and 5.6 cm, respectively. These values were close to the average RMSE for the measured data between replicates (3.0, 22.4, and 5.7 cm, respectively). RMSE values for simulated annual N loading and residual soil N were 16.8 and 47.0 kg N ha−1, respectively, which were much higher than the average RMSE for measurements among replicates (7.8 and 38.8 kg N ha−1, respectively). The high RMSE for N simulation might be caused by high simulation errors in plant N uptake. Simulated corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] yields had high RMSE (1386 and 674 kg ha−1) with coefficient of variations (CV) of 0.19 and 0.25, respectively. Further improvements were needed for better simulating plant N uptake and yield, but overall, results for annual tile flow and annual N loading in tile flow were acceptable.  相似文献   

An accurate and management sensitive simulation model for tile-drained Midwestern soils is needed to optimize the use of agricultural management practices (e.g., winter cover crops) to reduce nitrate leaching without adversely affecting corn yield. Our objectives were to enhance the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) for tile drainage, test the modified model for several management scenarios, and then predict nitrate leaching with and without winter wheat cover crop. Twelve years of data (1990-2001) from northeast Iowa were used for model testing. Management scenarios included continuous corn and corn-soybean rotations with single or split N applications. For 38 of 44 observations, yearly drain flow was simulated within 50 mm of observed for low drainage (< 100 mm) or within 30% of observed for high drain flow. Corn yield was simulated within 1500 kg/ha for 12 of 24 observations. For 30 of 45 observations yearly nitrate-N loss in tile drains was simulated within 10 kg N/ha for low nitrate-N loss (< 20 kg N/ha) or within 30% of observed for high nitrate-N loss. Several of the poor yield and nitrate-N loss predictions appear related to poor N-uptake simulations. The model accurately predicted greater corn yield under split application (140-190 kg N/ha) compared to single 110 kg N/ha application and higher drainage and nitrate-N loss under continuous corn compared to corn/soybean rotations. A winter wheat cover crop was predicted to reduce nitrate-N loss 38% (341 vs. 537 kg N/ha with and without cover) under 41-years of corn-soybean rotations and 150 kg N/ha applied to corn. These results suggest that the modified APSIM model is a promising tool to help estimate the relative effect of alternative management practices under fluctuating high water tables.  相似文献   

Accurate simulation of agricultural management effects on N loss in tile drainage is vitally important for understanding hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico. An experimental study was initiated in 1978 at Nashua, Iowa of the USA to study long-term effects of tillage, crop rotation, and N management practices on subsurface drainage flow and associated N losses. The Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) was applied to evaluate various management effects in several previous studies. In this study, the simulation results were further analyzed for management effects (tillage, crop rotation, and controlled drainage) on crop production and N loss in drain flow. RZWQM simulated the observed increase in N concentration in drain flow with increasing tillage intensity from NT (no-till) to RT (ridge till) to CP (chisel plow) and to MP (moldboard plow). It also adequately simulated tillage effects on yearly drain flow and yearly N loss in drain flow. However, the model failed to simulate lower corn and soybean yields under NT than under MP, CP, and RT. On the other hand, RZWQM adequately simulated lower yearly drain flow and lower flow-weighted N concentration in drain flow under CS (corn-soybean) and SC (soybean-corn) than under CC (continuous corn). The model adequately simulated higher corn yield under CS and SC than under CC. Applying the newly suggested N management practice for the Midwest of controlled drainage, the model simulated a 30% reduction in drain flow and a 29% decrease in N losses in drain flow under controlled drainage (CD) compared to free drainage (FD). With most of the simulations in reasonably close agreement with observations, we concluded that RZWQM is a promising tool for quantifying the relative effects of tillage, crop rotation, and controlled drainage on N loss in drainage flow. Further improvements on simulated management effects on crop yield and N mineralization are needed, however.  相似文献   

The effects of various measures introduced to increase nitrogen (N)‐use efficiency and reduce N losses to water in a 6‐yr crop rotation (winter wheat, spring barley, green manure, winter wheat, spring barley, spring oilseed rape) were examined with respect to N leaching, soil mineral N (SMN) accumulation and grain yield. An N‐use efficient system (NUE) with delayed tillage until late autumn and spring, direct drilling of winter wheat, earlier sowing of winter and spring crops and use of a catch crop in winter wheat was compared with a conventional system (CON) in a field experiment with six separately tile‐drained plots in south‐western Sweden during the period 1999–2011 (two crop rotation cycles). Total leaching of NO3‐N from the NUE system was significantly 46 and 33% lower than in the CON system during the first and second crop rotation cycle, respectively, with the most pronounced differences apparently related to management strategies for winter wheat. Differences in NO3‐N leaching largely reflected differences in SMN during autumn and winter. There was a tendency for lower yields in the NUE system, probably due to problems with couch grass. Overall, the measures for conserving N, when frequently used within a crop rotation, effectively reduced NO3 concentrations in drainage water and NO3‐N leaching losses, without severely affecting yield.  相似文献   

A long-term experiment was conducted with the objective of selecting the appropriate land management treatments and to identify the key indicators of soil quality for dryland semi-arid tropical Alfisols. The experiment was conducted using a strip split–split plot design on an Alfisol (Typic Haplustalf) in southern India under sorghum (Sorghum vulgare (L))-castor (Ricinus communis (L)) bean rotation. The strip constituted two tillage treatments: conventional tillage (CT) and minimum tillage (MT); main plots were three residues treatments: sorghum stover (SS), gliricidia loppings (GL), ‘no’ residue (NR) and sub plots were four nitrogen levels: 0 (N0), 30 (N30), 60 (N60), and 90 kg ha−1 (N90). Soil samples were collected after the sixth and seventh year of experimentation and were analyzed for physical, chemical and biological parameters. Sustainable yield index (SYI) based on long-term yield data and soil quality index (SQI) using principal component analysis (PCA) and linear scoring functions were calculated. Application of gliricidia loppings proved superior to sorghum stover and no residue treatments in maintaining higher SQI values. Further, increasing N levels also helped in maintaining higher SQI. Among the 24 treatments, the SQI ranged from 0.90 to 1.27. The highest SQI was obtained in CTGLN90 (1.27) followed by CTGLN60 (1.19) and MTSSN90 (1.18), while the lowest was under MTNRN30 (0.90) followed by MTNRN0 (0.94), indicating relatively less aggradative effects. The application of 90 kg N ha−1 under minimum tillage even without applying any residue (MTNRN90) proved quite effective in maintaining soil quality index as high as 1.10. The key indicators, which contributed considerably towards SQI, were available N, K, S, microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and hydraulic conductivity (HC). On average, the order of relative contribution of these indicators towards SQI was: available N (32%), MBC (31%), available K (17%), HC (16%), and S (4%). Among the various treatments, CTGLN90 not only had the highest SQI, but also the most promising from the viewpoint of sustainability, maintaining higher average yield levels under sorghum–castor rotation. From the view point of SYI, CT approach remained superior to MT. To maintain the yield as well as soil quality in Alfisols, primary tillage along with organic residue and nitrogen application are needed.  相似文献   

Seedbanks of five weed species were monitored in response to tillage and crop rotations in a semi-arid location in northern Jordan. Tillage practices of mouldboard- or chisel-plowing and cropping patterns of barley (Hordeum vulgare) planting or fallow were evaluated on permanently established subplots. Soil samples were collected from the upper 10 cm for three consecutive years, immediately after performing tillage and prior to planting. Soil seedbanks of the five dominant weed species (Anthemis palestina, Diplotaxis erucoides, Hordeum marinum, Rhagadiolus stellatus, and Trigonella caelesyriaca) were estimated by recovering viable seeds through greenhouse and laboratory procedures. At initiation, more viable seeds were present in soil subjected to mouldboard plowing than chisels plowing. In the following two sampling seasons, significant rotation by tillage interaction affected the seedbank of each species. Generally, mouldboard plowing increased weed seedbanks when combined with frequent fallowing. Conversely, chisel plowing combined with barley cropping generally reduced weed seedbank sizes. Results emphasized the importance of managing weeds during fallow to avoid the build up of H. marinum, a serious grass weed in semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

Management practices that simultaneously improve soil properties and yield are crucial to sustain high crop production and minimize detrimental impact on the environment. The objective of this study was to determine the influence of tillage and crop residue management on crop yield, N uptake and C removal in crop, soil organic C and N, inorganic N and aggregation, and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions on a Gray Luvisol (Boralf) soil near Star City, Saskatchewan, Canada. The 4-year (1998–2001) field experiment was conducted with two tillage systems: no tillage (NT), and conventional tillage (CT); two levels of straw: straw retained (S), and straw removed (NS); and four rates of fertilizer N: 0, 40, 80, and 120 kg N ha−1, except no N to pea phase of the rotation. The plots were seeded to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in 1998, pea (Pisum sativum L.) in 1999, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in 2000 and canola (Brassica napus L.) in 2001. Tillage and straw treatments generally had no effect on crop yield during the first three years. But in 2001, NT produced 55, 32, and 20% greater canola seed, straw and chaff than CT, respectively, whereas straw retention increased seed and straw yield by 33 and 19% compared to straw removal. Seed, straw and chaff yield of canola increased with N rate up to 40 kg N ha−1, and root mass (0–15 cm depth) with N rate to 80 kg N ha−1. Amount of N uptake and C removed in wheat and canola generally increased with N rate, but tillage and straw management had no consistent effect. After four crop seasons, total organic C (TOC) and N (TN), light fraction organic matter (LFOM), C (LFC), and N (LFN) were generally greater with S than NS treatments. Tillage did not affect TOC and TN in soil, but LFOM, LFC, and LFN were greater or tended to be greater under NT than CT. There was no effect of tillage, straw and N fertilization on NH4-N in soil, but CT and S tended to have higher NO3-N concentration in 0–15 cm soil than NT and NS, respectively. Concentration of NO3-N increased substantially with N rate ≥80 kg ha−1. The NT + S treatment had the lowest proportion (34%) of wind-erodible (<0.83 mm diameter) aggregates and greatest proportion (37%) of larger (>12.7 mm) dry aggregates, compared to highest (50%) and lowest (18%) proportion of corresponding aggregates in CT + NS, indicating less potential for soil erosion when tillage was omitted and crop residues were retained. Amount of N lost as N2O was higher from N-fertilized than from zero-N plots, and it was substantially higher from N-applied CT plots than from N-applied NT plots. Retaining crop residues along with no-tillage improved soil properties and may also be better for the environment.  相似文献   

In irrigated grain-growing soils on Canada's prairies, straw management can affect nitrogen (N) fertility and long-term soil organic matter reserves. We conducted a 2-year field experiment in southern Alberta, on a Dark Brown Chernozemic Lethbridge loam (Typic Boroll), to determine the effects of straw removal, tillage, and fertilizer timing on crop uptake of soil and fertilizer N. During the study (1991 and 1992), the crop was oat (Avena sativa L.) and wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), respectively, in an experiment that had been in a wheat-wheat-oat-wheat rotation since 1986. Five straw-tillage treatments were: straw-fall plow, straw-pring plow, no straw-fall plow, no straw-spring plow and no straw-direct seeding. Fertilizer N was applied in fall or spring. Ammonium nitrate (5 at.% 15N) was added at 100 kg N ha−1 in fall 1990 or spring 1991. For oat (1991), plant N derived from soil was higher under fall plow than under spring plow, higher with tillage than direct seeding, and unaffected by straw removal. The plant N derived from fertilizer was not affected by straw removal in fall plow treatments, but under spring plow, it was higher with straw removal. The plant N derived from fertilizer showed a significant straw-tillage × fertilizer timing interaction; with fall incorporated straw, plant N derived from fertilizer was 44.0 kg N ha−1 for spring-applied, and 30.6 kg N ha−1 for fall-applied N, but in other straw-tillage treatments there was no effect of fertilizer timing. Cumulative fertilizer N recovery (plant + soil) over the 2 years averaged 64.2%, and was unaffected by straw-tillage treatment. Fertilizer N recovery, however, was less with fall-applied N (61.3%) than spring applied N (66.8%). At mid-season, fall plow treatments had higher soil inorganic N and inorganic N derived from fertilizer than spring plow treatments, apparently because of less immobilization. The fall plow treatments also retained higher inorganic N after harvest. Straw removal and fertilizer timing did not influence soil inorganic N and soil inorganic N derived from fertilizer. N removal in straw (16 kg N ha−1 yr−1) could deplete soil N in the long-term. Long-term effects of tillage timing on soil N will depend on the relative amount of N lost by leaching with fall plowing and that lost by denitrification under spring plowing. With direct seeding, crop yield and uptake of soil N was less, and N losses by denitrification could be greater. Application of N in spring, rather than fall, should enhance crop N uptake, reducing N losses and enhancing long-term soil organic N.  相似文献   

The long-term effects of cropping systems and management practices on soil properties provide essential information for assessing sustainability and environmental impact. Field experiments were undertaken in southern Spain to evaluate the long-term effects of tillage, crop rotation and nitrogen (N) fertilization on the organic matter (OM) and mineral nitrogen (Nmin) contents of soil in a rain-fed Mediterranean agricultural system over a 6-year period. Tillage treatments included no tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT), crop rotations were of 2 yr with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)-sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) (WS), wheat-chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) (WP), wheat-faba bean (Vicia faba L.) (WB), wheat-fallow (WF), and in addition, continuous wheat (CW). Nitrogen fertilizer rates were 50, 100, and 150 kg N ha−1. A split-split plot design with four replications was used. Soil samples were collected from a depth of 90 cm at the beginning of the experiment and 6 yr later. Soil samples were also collected from a depth of 30 cm after 4 yr. These samples, like those obtained at the beginning of the experiment, were subjected to comprehensive physico-chemical analyses. The soil samples that were collected 6 yr later were analyzed for OM, NH4+---N and NO3---N at the 0–30, 30–60 and 60–90 cm soil depths. The tillage method did not influence the OM or Nmin contents of the soil, nor did legume rotations increase the OM content of soil relative to CW. A longer period may have been required for differences between treatments to be observed owing to the small amount of crop residue that is returned to soil under rain-fed conditions of semi-arid climates. The WF rotation did not raise the Nmin content of the soil relative to the other rotations. The consistent significant interaction between tillage and crop rotation testifies to the differential effect of the management system on the OM content and N status of the soil. The ammonium levels clearly exceeded those of NO3---N throughout the soil profile. The high Nmin content of the soils reveals the presence of abundant N resources that should be borne in mind in establishing N fertilization schemes for crops under highly variable climatic conditions including scant rainfall such as those of the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

为探讨中国北方褐土区典型种植模式——冬小麦-夏玉米体系水分优化、养分优化以及生物炭施用对作物产量、磷效率和磷素淋失的影响,2016—2019年于陕西杨凌土(黄土母质,自然褐土发育)区进行田间渗漏池试验,设计习惯水肥(CP1、CP2, CP1处理渗漏池深为120~150 cm, CP2处理渗漏池深为100 cm)、灌水优化(CP1-W)、养分优化(CP1-F)、水分养分优化(OPT)、习惯水肥+生物炭(CP2+B)以及水分养分优化+生物炭(OPT+B)7个处理,研究作物产量、磷肥偏生产力和磷素淋失的响应。结果表明,CP1-W、CP1-F和OPT处理3年平均冬小麦、夏玉米及作物总产量均与CP1处理无显著差异。CP1-F和OPT处理较CP1处理均显著增加磷肥偏生产力,平均增幅分别为69.3%和56.4%。与CP1处理相比, CP1-W和CP1-F均没有显著影响各形态磷的淋失量,而OPT处理的颗粒磷淋失量显著减少58.4%。施用生物炭对3年平均作物总产量无显著影响,而在CP2+B处理磷肥偏生产力显著提高43.6%;在OPT+B处理磷肥偏生产力无显著变化。CP2+B处理各形态磷素的淋失量均与CP2处理相似, OPT+B处理第1年可溶性有机磷、颗粒磷和总磷淋失量较OPT处理分别显著降低60.0%、57.1%和62.4%,但后两年OPT+B处理总磷淋失量却显著增加。综合3年的结果发现,在不同条件下施用生物炭对各形态磷素淋失均无显著影响。上述结果表明,褐土区在农户水肥的基础上合理降低水肥用量,可以提高磷肥利用率,降低磷素淋失量,保障作物产量;而施用冬小麦秸秆生物炭对作物产量、磷素淋失无显著影响,对磷肥偏生产力的影响结果不一致,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

An 8-yr (1998–2005) field experiment was conducted on a Gray Luvisol (Boralf) soil near Star City, Saskatchewan, Canada, to determine the effects of tillage (no-tillage – NT and conventional tillage – CT), straw management (straw retained – R and straw not retained – NR) and N fertilizer (0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N ha−1, except no N to pea (Pisum sativum L.) phase of the rotation) on seed and straw yield, mass of N and C in crop, organic C and N, inorganic N and aggregation in soil, and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions for a second 4-yr rotation cycle (2002–2005). The plots were seeded to barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) in 2002, pea in 2003, wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in 2004 and canola (Brassica napus L.) in 2005. Seed, straw and chaff yield, root mass, and mass of N and C in crop increased with increasing N rate for barley in 2002, wheat in 2004 and canola in 2005. No-till produced greater seed (by 51%), straw (23%) and chaff (13%) yield of barley than CT in 2002, but seed yield for wheat in 2004, and seed and straw yield for canola in 2005 were greater under CT than NT. Straw retention increased seed (by 62%), straw (by 43%) and chaff (by 12%) yield, and root mass (by 11%) compared to straw removal for barley in 2002, wheat in 2004, and seed and straw yield for pea in 2003. No-till resulted in greater mass of N in seed, and mass of C in seed, straw, chaff and root than CT for barley in 2002, but mass of N and C were greater under CT than NT for wheat in 2004 and for canola in 2005 in many cases. Straw retention had greater mass of N and C in seed, straw, chaff and root in most cases compared to straw removal for barley in 2002, pea in 2003 and wheat in 2004. Soil moisture content in spring was higher under NT than CT and with R than NR in the 0–15 cm depth, with the highest moisture content in the NT + R treatment in many cases. After eight crop seasons, tillage and straw management had no effect on total organic C (TOC) and N (TON) in the 0–15 cm soil, but light fraction organic C (LFOC) and N (LFON), respectively, were greater by 1.275 Mg C ha−1 and 0.031 Mg N ha−1 with R than NR, and also greater by 0.563 Mg C ha−1 and 0.044 Mg N ha−1 under NT than CT. There was no effect of tillage, straw and N fertilization on the NH4-N in soil in most cases, but R treatment had higher NO3-N concentration in the 0–15 cm soil than NR. The NO3-N concentration in the 0–15, 15–30 and 30–60 cm soil layers increased (though small) with increasing N rate. The R treatment had 6.7% lower proportion of fine (<0.83 mm diameter) and 8.6% greater proportion of large (>38.0 mm) dry aggregates, and 4.5 mm larger mean weight diameter (MWD) compared to NR treatment. This suggests a lower potential for soil erosion when crop residues are retained. There was no beneficial effect of elimination of tillage on soil aggregation. The amount of N lost as N2O was higher from N-fertilized (580 g N ha−1) than from zero-N (155 g N ha−1) plots, and also higher in CT (398 g N ha−1) than NT (340 g N ha−1) in some cases. In conclusion, retaining crop residues along with no-tillage improved some soil properties and may also be better for the environment and the sustainability of high crop production. Nitrogen fertilization improved crop production and some soil quality attributes, but also increased the potential for NO3-N leaching and N2O-N emissions, especially when applied in excess of crop requirements.  相似文献   

Thoroughly tested simulation models are needed to help quantify the long-term effects of agriculture. We evaluated the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) response to different N management strategies and then used the tested model with observed weather data from 1961-2003 to quantify long-term effects on corn (Zea mays L.) yield and flow weighted nitrate-N concentration in subsurface “tile” drainage water (Nconc). Fourteen years (1990-2003) of field data from 30, 0.4 ha plots in northeast Iowa were available for model testing. Annual crop yield, nitrate-N loss to subsurface “tile” drainage water (Nloss), Nconc, and subsurface “tile” drainage amount (drain) for various management scenarios were averaged over plots and years to create five chemical fertilizer and five swine manure treatments. Predicted corn yield and Nconc for the 10 treatments were significantly correlated with observed data (R2 > 0.83). The Root Mean Square Errors (RMSE) were 15% and 18% of its observed average Nconc for chemical fertilizer and manure treatments, respectively. Corresponding RMSEs for corn yields were 8% and 10% of its observed average corn yields for chemical fertilizer and manure treatments. The long-term simulations indicate that average corn yield plateaus and Nloss accelerates as quadratic functions of increasing spring UAN-N rates from 100 to 200 kg N/ha. Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) sowed after corn and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] harvest was predicted to reduce long-term Nloss by 5 to 6 kg N/ha, which appears consistent with published field studies and may be a treatment to ameliorate agricultural management with potential for elevated Nloss such as swine manure application to soybean. The results suggest that after calibration and thorough testing, RZWQM can be used to quantify the relative effects of corn production and Nconc under several alternative management practices.  相似文献   

Little is known about the long-term effects of tillage and crop residue management on soil quality and organic matter conservation in subarctic regions. Therefore, we quantified wet aggregate stability, bulk density, pH, total organic C and N, inorganic N, microbial biomass C and N, microbial biomass C:N ratio, microbial quotient, and potential C and N mineralization for a tillage/crop residue management study in central Alaska. Soil from no-till (NT), disked once each spring (DO), and disked twice (DT, spring and fall) treatments was sampled to 20 cm depth in spring and fall of the 16th and 17th years of the study. Crop residues were either retained or removed after harvest each year. Reducing tillage intensity had greater impact on most soil properties than removing crop residues with the most notable effects in the top 10 cm. Bulk density was the only indicator that showed significant differences for the 10–20 cm depth, with values of 0.74 Mg m−3 in the surface 10 cm in NT compared to 0.86 in DT and 1.22 Mg m−3 in NT compared to 1.31 in DT for the 10–20 cm depth. Wet aggregate stability ranged from 10% in DT to 20% in NT. Use of NT or DO conserved soil organic matter more than DT. Compared to measurements made in the 3rd and 4th years of the study, the DT treatment lost almost 20% of the soil organic matter. Retaining crop residues on the soil conserved about 650 g m−2 greater C than removing all residues each year. Soil microbial biomass C and mineralizable C were highest in NT, but the microbial C quotient, which averaged only 0.9%, was not affected by tillage or crop residue treatment. Microbial biomass C:N ratio was 11.3 in DT and 14.4 in the NT, indicating an increasing predominance of fungi with decreasing tillage intensity. Barley grain yield, which averaged 1980 kg ha−1 over the entire 17 years of the study, was highest in DO and not significantly different between NT and DT, but weeds were a serious problem in NT. Reduced tillage can improve important soil quality indicators and conserve organic matter, but long-term NT may not be feasible in the subarctic because of weed problems and build up of surface organic matter.  相似文献   

Increased use of conservation tillage is being considered as a way to sequester atmospheric C in the soil. However, little information exists on the effect of rotation and its interaction with tillage on soil organic carbon (SOC). A research trial with combinations of rotations and tillage treatments was sampled 20 years after its establishment to assess the effects on SOC sequestration in a typic Hapludalf in southern Ontario, Canada. The cropping treatments included continuous corn (zea mays L.), six rotations comprised of 2 years of corn following 2 years of another crop or crop sequence, and continuous alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Each rotation was split into either fall moldboard plow (MP) or fall chisel plow (CP) treatments. Continuous alfalfa was plowed and replanted every 4 years. Soil samples were taken incrementally to a depth of 40 cm and SOC and bulk density determined. The average SOC concentration (0–40 cm) was greatest in continuous alfalfa (18.0 g C kg−1). The treatments of soybean (Glycine max L.Merr.)+winterwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) or barley+barley (Trifolium pratense L.) (interseeded with red clover) followed by 2 years of corn had higher SOC concentrations (17.2–17.3 g C kg−1) than continuous corn and the treatments of 2 years of corn following 2 years of alfalfa or soybean (16.4–16.5 g C kg−1). The rotation of 2 years of barley followed by 2 years of corn had the lowest SOC concentrations (15.2 g C kg−1). On an equivalent mass basis, the rotations of soybean+winterwheat or barley+barley (underseeded with red clover) followed by 2 years of corn, had 2–9 Mg ha−1 more C than the other corn-based rotations. Including red clover in the winter wheat seemed to accelerate the rate of C mineralization compared to winter wheat without red clover; whereas interseeding red clover with barley increased SOC contents compared to excluding red clover in the barley rotation. More SOC was found in the top 10 cm and less in the 10–20 cm depth of the CP than in the MP soils. However, the CP did not increase the SOC content (0–20 cm) above that of MP indicating that this form of reduced tillage did not increase C sequestration in any of the rotations on this soil.  相似文献   

Soil and crop management practices may alter the quantity, quality, and placement of plant residues that influence soil C and N fractions. We examined the effects of two tillage practices [conventional till (CT) and no-till (NT)] and five crop rotations [continuous spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) (CW), spring wheat–fallow (W–F), spring wheat–lentil (Lens culinaris Medic.) (W–L), spring wheat–spring wheat–fallow (W–W–F), and spring wheat–pea (Pisum sativum L.)–fallow (W–P–F)] on transient land previously under 10 years of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) planting on the amount of plant biomass (stems + leaves) returned to the soil from 1998 to 2003 and soil C and N fractions within the surface 20 cm in March 2004. A continued CRP planting was also included as another treatment for comparing soil C and N fractions. The C and N fractions included soil organic C (SOC), soil total N (STN), microbial biomass C and N (MBC and MBN), potential C and N mineralization (PCM and PNM), and NH4-N and NO3-N contents. A field experiment was conducted in a mixture of Scobey clay loam (fine-loamy, mixed, Aridic Argiborolls) and Kevin clay loam (fine, montmorillonitic, Aridic Argiborolls) in Havre, MT, USA. Plant biomass yield varied by crop rotation and year and mean annualized biomass was 45–50% higher in CW and W–F than in W–L. The SOC and PCM were not influenced by treatments. The MBC at 0–5 cm was 26% higher in W–W–F than in W–F. The STN and NO3-N at 5–20 cm and PNM at 0–5 cm were 17–1206% higher in CT with W–L than in other treatments. Similarly, MBN at 0–5 cm was higher in CT with W–L than in other treatments, except in CT with W–F and W–P–F. Reduction in the length of fallow period increased MBC and MBN but the presence of legumes, such as lentil and pea, in the crop rotation increased soil N fractions. Six years of tillage and crop rotation had minor influence on soil C and N storage between croplands and CRP planting but large differences in active soil C and N fractions.  相似文献   

Management of N is the key for sustainable and profitable wheat production in a low N soil. We report results of irrigated crop rotation experiment, conducted in the North West Frontier Province (NWFP), Pakistan, during 1999–2002 to evaluate effects of residue retention, fertilizer N application and mung bean (Vigna radiata) on crop and N yields of wheat and soil organic fertility in a mung bean–wheat sequence. Treatments were (a) crop residue retained (+residue) or (b) removed (−residue), (c) 120 kg N ha−1 applied to wheat, (d) 160 kg N ha−1 to maize or (e) no nitrogen applied. The cropping system was rotation of wheat with maize or wheat with mung bean. The experiment was laid out in a spit plot design. Postharvest incorporation of crop residues significantly (p < 0.05) increased the grain and straw yields of wheat during both years. On average, crop residues incorporation increased the wheat grain yield by 1.31 times and straw yield by 1.39 times. The wheat crop also responded strongly to the previous legume (mung bean) in terms of enhanced grain yield by 2.09 times and straw yield by 2.16 times over the previous cereal (maize) treatment. Application of fertilizer N to previous maize exerted strong carry over effect on grain (1.32 times) and straw yield (1.38 times) of the following wheat. Application of N fertilizer to current wheat produced on average 1.59 times more grain and 1.77 times more straw yield over the 0 N kg ha−1 treatment. The N uptake in wheat grain and straw was increased 1.31 and 1.64 times by residues treatment, 2.08 and 2.49 times by mung bean and 1.71 and 1.86 times by fertilizer N applied to wheat, respectively. The soil mineral N was increased 1.23 times by residues, 1.34 times by mung bean and 2.49 times by the application of fertilizer N to wheat. Similarly, the soil organic C was increased 1.04-fold by residues, 1.08 times by mung bean and 1.00 times by the application of fertilizer N. We concluded that retention of residues, application of fertilizer N and involvement of legumes in crop rotation greatly improves the N economy of the cropping system and enhances crop productivity in low N soils.  相似文献   

The hardsetting surface of many Alfisols in Australia is a limiting factor in crop production. Better soil management systems are required to improve productivity. This study reports the effects of several untested management systems, involving the combined effects of tillage (deep ripping (Rp), deep mouldboard ploughing (Mb) and disc ploughing (Disc)), irrigation layout (permanent beds, border ditch) and crop rotation treatments (single cropping (SC), double cropping (DC) and pasture (P)) on soil structure and the production of irrigated soybeans (Glycine max, L.) on a hardsetting Alfisol. It was conducted under a system of controlled traffic near Trangie, New South Wales, Australia. The DC and P treatments increased total water entry and soil organic carbon. Soybean leaf water potential (LWP) improved, and soybean yield was increased by as much as 58%. The retention of cereal and P stubble apparently enhanced total water entry by slowing the rate of irrigation water advance and by reducing the potential for slaking. The increases in soil water were associated with a reduction in soil strength; a key limiting factor in crop growth on hardsetting Alfisols. Deep tillage or the use of permanent beds did not affect soybean yields under the conditions reported in this paper, although the combination of disc ploughing and furrow irrigation was successful.  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in assessing the effects of tillage systems and residue management on biochemical processes, especially enzyme activities, of soils. This study was carried out to investigate the effects of three tillage systems (no-till, chisel plow and moldboard plow) and four residue placements (bare, normal, mulch and double mulch) on the activity of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase (NAGase, EC involved in C and N cycling in soils. The activity values were significantly affected by tillage and residue management practices, being greatest in soils with no-till/double mulch and least with no-till/bare and moldboard/normal. Also, they were the highest under no-till/ double mulch-treated soils. Linear regression analyses showed that the activity of NAGase was significantly correlated with organic C in the surface soils (r=0.89***) and with organic C content at different depths (r=0.97***). The NAGase activity values were significantly correlated with the arylamidase activity values of the soils (r=0.63**), suggesting that tillage and residue management practices have similar impacts on the activities of these enzymes. The activity of this enzyme decreased markedly with increasing depth of the surface soil (0-15 cm) of the no-till/ double mulch-treated plots.  相似文献   

To promote conservation tillage in organic farming systems, weed control and ley removal within arable-ley rotations need to be optimized. A long-term field trial was thus established in Frick, Switzerland in 2002 on a clayey soil and with a mean precipitation of 1000 mm/year. The tillage experiment distinguished between conventional tillage with mouldboard ploughing (CT, 15 cm depth) and reduced tillage (RT), including a chisel plough (15 cm) and a stubble cleaner (5 cm). Results of a 2-year grass-clover ley (2006/2007) and silage maize (2008) are presented. Due to dry conditions, mean grass-clover yields were 25% higher in RT than in CT, indicating better water retention of RT soils. Clover cover and mineral contents of the fodder mixture were also higher in RT. The ley was successfully removed in autumn 2007 in RT plots, and a winter pea catch crop was sown before maize. In CT, ploughing took place in spring 2008. Maize yields were 34% higher in RT than in CT, despite a two- to three-fold higher but still tolerable weed infestation. Maize in RT plots benefited from an additional 61.5 kg of easily decomposable organic N/ha incorporated into the soil via the pea mulch. Measurement of arbuscular mycorrhizal colonization of maize roots indicated a similar mechanical disturbance of the topsoil through the reduced ley removal system compared with ploughing. It is suggested that RT is applicable in organic farming, even in arable-ley rotations, but long-term effects need further assessment.  相似文献   

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