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Wheat gluten was cross‐linked using water‐soluble 1‐ethyl‐3‐(3‐dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide HCl (EDC). To enhance cross‐linking, N‐hydroxysuccinimide (NHS) was added to the reaction mixture. The cross‐linking efficiency was evaluated by the decrease in the amount of amino groups, the solubility of the protein in aqueous solutions with different pH levels, and by the change in the molecular weight distribution of the cross‐linked compounds. Cross‐linking was dependent on the reaction time, the molar ratio of added reactants, and the pH level of the reaction mixture. If the reaction was carried out at pH 3, no decrease in the amount of amino groups or solubility was observed. At pH 5–7, the amount of amino groups decreased from 15 to 10 mmol/100 g of protein. This was accompanied by a large decrease in the water solubility of the protein (<10%, w/v). Finally, reaction at pH 11 decreased the amount of amino groups from 15 to 8 mmol/100 g of protein. However, hardly any decrease in the water solubility was observed. Based on these results and SDS‐PAGE experiments, two cross‐link mechanisms are suggested: one resulting in inter‐ and the other resulting in intramolecular cross‐links.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between the protein content and quality of wheat flours and characteristics of noodle dough and instant noodles using 14 hard and soft wheat flours with various protein contents and three commercial flours for making noodles. Protein content of wheat flours exhibited negative relationships with the optimum water absorption of noodle dough and lightness (L*) of the instant noodle dough sheet. Protein quality, as determined by SDS sedimentation volume and proportion of alcohol‐ and salt‐soluble protein of flour, also influenced optimum water absorption and yellow‐blueness (b*) of the noodle dough sheet. Wheat flours with high protein content (>13.6%) produced instant noodles with lower fat absorption, higher L*, lower b*, and firmer and more elastic texture than wheat flours with low protein content (<12.2%). L* and free lipid content of instant noodles were >76.8 and <20.8% in hard wheat flours of high SDS sedimentation volume (>36 mL) and low proportion of salt‐soluble protein (<12.5%), and <75.7 and >21.5% in soft wheat flours with low SDS sedimentation volume (<35 mL) and a high proportion of salt‐soluble protein (>15.0%). L* of instant noodles positively correlated with SDS sedimentation volume and negatively correlated with proportion of alcohol‐ and salt‐soluble protein of flour. These protein quality parameters also exhibited a significant relationship with b* of instant noodles. SDS sedimentation volume and proportion of salt‐soluble protein of flours also exhibited a significant relationship with free lipid content of instant noodles (P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). Protein quality parameters of wheat flour, as well as protein content, showed significant relationship with texture properties of cooked instant noodles.  相似文献   

Nowadays in Argentina, cookies, crackers, and cakes are made of flour obtained from bread wheat with additives or enzymes that decrease the gluten strength but increase production costs. The present research work aims to study the relationship between flour physicochemical composition (particle size average [PSA], protein, damaged starch [DS], water soluble pentosans [WSP], total pentosans [TP], and gluten), alkaline water retention capacities behavior, solvent retention capacities profile (SRC) and cookie‐making performance in a set of 51 adapted soft wheat lines with diverse origin to identify better flour parameters for predicting cookie quality. Cookie factor (CF) values were 5.06–7.56. High and significant negative correlations between sucrose SRC (–0.68), water SRC (–0.65), carbonate SRC (–0.59), and CF were found, followed by lactic SRC that presented a low negative but significant correlation (r = –0.35). The flour components DS (r = –0.67), WSP (r = –0.49), and TP (r = –0.4) were negatively associated to CF. PSA showed a negative correlation with CF (r = –0.43). Protein and gluten were the flour components that affected cookie hardness, but no significant correlation were found with pentosan or DS content. A prediction equation for CF was developed. Sucrose SRC, PSA, and DS could be used to predict 68% of the variation in cookie diameter. The cluster analysis was conducted to assess differences in flour quality parameters among genotypes based on CF. Clusters 1 and 4 were typified by lower CF (5.70 and 5.23, respectively), higher DS, pentosan content, and SRC values. Cluster 2 with a relative good CF (6.47) and Cluster 3 with the best cookie quality, high CF (7.32) and low firmness, and the lowest DS, TP, WSP content, and sucrose SRC values.  相似文献   

High‐amylose wheat flour was used to substitute for normal wheat flour in breadmaking and formation of resistant starch (RS) in bread during storage was determined. Substitution with high‐amylose wheat flour (HAF) decreased peak and final viscosities, breakdown, and setback. Doughs with HAF substitutions were weaker and less elastic, and absorbed more water than those of the normal wheat flour. After baking, RS contents in breads with 10, 30, and 50% HAF substitutions were 1.6, 2.6, and 3.0% (db), respectively, higher than that of the control (0.9%, db). The levels of RS increased gradually during storage for one, three, and five days. With substitutions of 30 and 50% HAF, the total levels of dietary fiber (DF) and RS in bread after five days of storage were 15.5 and 16.8% (db), respectively, as compared to 13.0% (db) in bread from the normal wheat flour. The loaf volumes and appearances of bread crumbs made from HAF substitutions of 10 and 30% were not significantly different from those of the control, whereas the substitution with 50% HAF decreased loaf volume and resulted in inferior appearance of breadcrumbs. The firmness of breadcrumbs increased along with increase in the level of HAF substitutions after baking. During storage, the firmness of breadcrumb with 10% HAF substitutions was higher than that of the control, whereas breads with 30 and 50% HAF substitutions had similar firmness to the control. As a result, HAF might be used to substitute for up to 50% normal wheat flour to make bread with acceptable bread quality and significantly high amount of RS.  相似文献   

A simple method based on turbidimetry has been developed for the quantitative determination of total gliadins, glutenin subunits, and high and low molecular weight (HMW and LMW) subunits of glutenin. The standard procedure includes the subsequent extraction of wheat flour (100 mg) with a salt solution, with 50% 2‐propanol (gliadins), and with 50% propanol under reducing conditions and increased temperature (glutenin subunits). Aliquots of the gliadin and the glutenin extracts are mixed with 2‐propanol to a final concentration of 83%, and the turbidity of the precipitates is measured photometrically at 450 nm and 20°C after 40 min. Another aliquot of the glutenin extract is mixed with acetone to a final concentration of 40% acetone, and precipitated HMW subunits are determined turbidimetrically after 30 min. The sample is then filtered, and an aliquot of the filtrate is mixed with 2‐propanol to a final concentration of 77% to determine the precipitated LMW subunits. Control analyses with reversed‐phase HPLC on C8 silica gel indicate that the precipitation of the different protein types is quantitative and specific, and studies of 16 different wheat flours demonstrate the strong correlation between quantification by HPLC and turbidimetry. The turbidimetric measurements are reproducible, linear over a wide absorbance range (0.2–1.7), and sufficiently sensitive to analyze 40 μg of protein or 20 mg of flour. The absolute amounts of protein types in flour can be determined by means of calibration curves with protein standards (gliadins, HMW, and LMW subunits). Altogether, the developed method is simple, accurate, sensitive, and specific for the different protein types. The total procedure takes ≈6 hr for the analysis of six flour samples in parallel or ≈4 hr for three samples in overlapping extraction steps. The chemicals used are inexpensive, scarcely toxic, and easy to dispose.  相似文献   

The present investigation aims at understanding the role of chemically modified starch on the firmness of fresh or stale bread. Bread was prepared from wheat flour or substituted wheat flour that contained 18% chemically modified tapioca starch and 2% vital gluten. Hydroxypropylated tapioca starch (HTS), acetylated tapioca starch (ATS), phosphorylated cross‐linked tapioca starch (PTS), and native tapioca starch (NTS) were tested. Bread prepared from the substituted flour with PTS showed a firmer texture on the day of baking compared with bread prepared from NTS, HTS, and ATS. PTS retained its granular structure in the gluten network after baking and seemed to play the role of filler particles in the gluten matrix, thereby increasing firmness of fresh bread crumb. Bread prepared from the substituted flour with HTS or ATS firmed at a lower rate and showed a lower endothermic melting enthalpy of amylopectin after three days of storage compared with NTS or PTS. These findings suggest that the staling of bread containing chemically modified tapioca starch involves recrystallization of amylopectin.  相似文献   

Whole‐grain wheat flour is used in baking to increase fiber content and to provide vitamins from the bran layers of the kernel. We surveyed whole‐grain soft flour samples from North America to determine the nutritional profile using recently revised fiber quantification protocols, Codex 2009.1. Standard compositional and vitamin analyses were also included in the survey. Three separate studies were included in the survey: sampling of commercial whole‐grain soft wheat flour, a controlled study of two cultivars across three years and two locations, and a regional study of soft white and soft red grain from commercial grain production. The Codex method for fiber measurement estimated total fiber concentration in the commercial sampling at 15.1 g/100 g, dry weight basis (dwb). In the controlled research trial, the largest source of variation in total fiber concentration was attributed to year effects, followed by genotype effects. For the two locations used in this study, location effects on fiber concentration were significant but an order of magnitude less important than the year and genotype effects. The third study of regional variation within North America found limited variation for total fiber, with the resistant oligosaccharide fraction having the greatest variation in concentration. When all three studies were combined into a meta‐analysis, the average total fiber concentration was 14.8 g/100 g dwb. In the meta‐analysis, concentrations of folate, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and pyridoxine were lower than in previous summary reports. Vitamin E and pantothenic acid were the exceptions, with concentrations that were nearly identical to previous standard reports. Several other recent studies also point to current cultivars and production systems as producing lower concentrations of the essential vitamins than previously reported. The results suggest that vitamin concentrations in diets of populations using grain‐based diets from modern cereal‐production systems may require review to determine if previous assumptions of vitamin consumption are accurate.  相似文献   

Physicochemical properties and protein composition of 39 selected wheat flour samples were evaluated and correlated with the textural properties of Chinese hard‐bite white salted noodles. Flour samples were analyzed for their protein and wet gluten contents, sedimentation volume, starch pasting properties, and dough mixing properties by farinograph and extensigraph. Molecular weight distribution of wheat flour proteins was determined with size‐exclusion (SE) HPLC, SDS‐PAGE, and acid‐PAGE. Textural properties of Chinese hard‐bite white salted noodles were determined through texture profile analysis (TPA). Hardness, springiness, gumminess, and chewiness of cooked noodles were found to be related to the dough mixing properties. Both protein content and protein composition were found to be related to TPA parameters of noodles. The amount of total flour protein was positively correlated to hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of noodles. The absolute amounts of different peak proteins obtained from SE‐HPLC data showed positive correlations with the hardness, gumminess, chewiness, and springiness of noodles. The proportions of these peak proteins were, however, not significantly related to texture parameters. The proportions of low‐molecular‐weight glutenins/gliadins and albumins/globulins, as observed from SDS‐PAGE, were correlated positively and negatively, respectively, to the hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of cooked noodles. Among the alcohol‐soluble proteins (from acid‐PAGE data), β‐gliadins showed strong correlations with the texture properties of cooked noodles. For the selected flour samples, the total protein content of flour had a stronger relationship with the noodle texture properties than did the relative proportion of different protein subgroups. Prediction equations were developed for TPA parameters of cooked noodles with SE‐HPLC and rapid visco analysis data of the 30 flour samples, and it was found that about 75% of the variability in noodle hardness, gumminess, and chewiness values could be explained by protein composition and flour pasting properties combined together. About 50% of the variations in cohesiveness and springiness were accounted for by these prediction equations.  相似文献   

The total protein of gluten obtained by the cold‐ethanol displacement of starch from developed wheat flour dough matches that made by water displacement, but functional properties revealed by mixing are altered. This report characterizes mixing properties in a 10‐g mixograph for cold‐ethanol‐processed wheat gluten concentrates (CE‐gluten) and those for the water‐process concentrates (W‐gluten). Gluten concentrates were produced at a laboratory scale using batter‐like technology: development with water as a batter, dispersion with the displacement fluid, and screening. The displacing fluid was water for W‐gluten and cold ethanol (≥70% vol, ‐12°C) for CE‐gluten. Both gluten types were freeze‐dried at ‐10°C and then milled. Mixograms were obtained for 1) straight gluten concentrates hydrated to absorptions of 123–234%, or 2) gluten blended with a low protein (9.2% protein) soft wheat flour to obtain up to 16.2% total protein. The mixograms for gluten or gluten‐fortified flour were qualitatively and quantitatively distinguishable. We found differences in the mixogram parameters that would lead to the conclusion of greater stability and strength for CE‐gluten than for W‐Gluten. Differences between the mixograms for these gluten types could be markedly exaggerated by increasing the amount of water to the 167–234% range. Mixograms for evaluation of gluten have not been previously reported in this hydration range. Mixograms for fortification suggest that less CE‐gluten than W‐gluten would be required for the same effect.  相似文献   

Protein‐protein interactions between wheat flour and solvent‐extracted (SE) or nonsolvent extracted (NSE) texturized soy flours were compared. Doughs were prepared to contain varying ratios of texturized soy flour in combination with wheat flour. Sucrose esters (2.5%) were included in several formulations. Doughs were fractionated into soluble and insoluble fractions at pH 4.7 and pH 6.1. Fractions were dried, powdered, and analyzed using SDS‐PAGE and spectrophotometric techniques. Electrophoretic evaluation indicated interactions between wheat gluten proteins and texturized soy proteins in the absence of sucrose esters. Electrophoretic gels of the wheat‐soy flour mixtures maintained a characteristic soy protein band after acidification to the soy protein isoelectric point. Inclusion of sucrose esters increased the interaction. Texturization conferred effects similar to that of sucrose ester on both forms of lipid‐extracted soy. Sulfhydryl analyses using 7‐chloro‐4‐nitrobenzo‐2‐oxa‐4, 3‐diazole (NBD‐Cl) revealed no change in the relative amount of sulfhydryl groups present in doughs prepared from either the texturized soy flours or the doughs containing equal amounts of wheat starch. These data indicate that interactions between soy protein from texturized soy flours and wheat proteins are not covalent.  相似文献   

Resistant starch (RS) ingredients are an attractive option to increase dietary fiber in baked products. This study determined the effect of two forms of cross‐linked and pregelatinized cross‐linked RS, Fibersym‐RW (Fsym) or FiberRite‐RW (FRite), respectively, from wheat on dough and tortilla quality and acceptability. Refined wheat tortillas with 0% (control) to 15% RS (flour basis) were made using a standard baking process. Tortillas with 100% whole white wheat were also made. Physical and rheological properties of dough and tortillas, and sensory profile of tortillas were evaluated. Dough with whole wheat and 15% FRite were significantly harder and less extensible than the control dough; this was related to high water absorption of these doughs. Tortillas with whole wheat and 10–15% FRite were less puffed and denser than the control; however these levels of FRite significantly increased tortilla weight (by up to 6.2%). Dough and tortillas with Fsym were comparable to the control. Dietary fiber (g/100 g, db) increased from 2.8 ± 0.3 in control to 14.3 ± 0.5 and 13.6 ± 0.5 in 15% Fsym and 15% FRite tortillas, respectively. Tortillas with whole wheat were less acceptable than the control in appearance, flavor, and texture, while tortillas with 15% Fsym had higher overall acceptability than the control. Incorporation of 15% cross‐linked wheat RS to increase tortilla dietary fiber is feasible without negatively affecting dough handling and tortilla quality.  相似文献   

Variations in physical and compositional bran characteristics among different sources and classes of wheat and their association with bread‐baking quality of whole grain wheat flour (WWF) were investigated with bran obtained from Quadrumat milling of 12 U.S. wheat varieties and Bühler milling of six Korean wheat varieties. Bran was characterized for composition including protein, fat, ash, dietary fiber, phenolics, and phytate. U.S. soft and club wheat brans were lower in insoluble dietary fiber (IDF) and phytate content (40.7–44.7% and 10.3–17.1 mg of phytate/g of bran, respectively) compared with U.S. hard wheat bran (46.0–51.3% and 16.5–22.2 mg of phytate/g of bran, respectively). Bran of various wheat varieties was blended with a hard red spring wheat flour at a ratio of 1:4 to prepare WWFs for determination of dough properties and bread‐baking quality. WWFs with U.S. hard wheat bran generally exhibited higher dough water absorption and longer dough mixing time, and they produced smaller loaf volume of bread than WWFs of U.S. soft and club wheat bran. WWFs of two U.S. hard wheat varieties (ID3735 and Scarlet) produced much smaller loaves of bread (<573 mL) than those of other U.S. hard wheat varieties (>625 mL). IDF content, phytate content, and water retention capacity of bran exhibited significant relationships with loaf volume of WWF bread, whereas no relationship was observed between protein content of bran and loaf volume of bread. It appears that U.S. soft and club wheat bran, probably owing to relatively low IDF and phytate contents, has smaller negative effects on mixing properties of WWF dough and loaf volume of bread than U.S. hard wheat bran.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to isolate high‐molecular‐weight (HMW) gliadins from wheat flour and to characterize the protein components that contribute to HMW gliadins. Wheat flour Akteur was extracted with a modified Osborne procedure, and the fraction soluble in 60% ethanol (total gliadins) was separated by gel‐permeation HPLC, yielding three fractions, GP1–GP3. GP1 (21.5%) consisted of oligomeric HMW gliadins, GP2 (15.2%) of ω5‐gliadins, and GP3 (63.3%) of ω1,2‐, α‐, and γ‐gliadins. Two‐dimensional SDS‐PAGE of HMW gliadins showed that interchain disulfide bonds were present in HMW gliadins. The molecular mass distribution of HMW gliadins determined by gel‐permeation HPLC was in a range from 66,000 to 680,000 with an average degree of polymerization of 13. Reduced HMW gliadins were further separated by preparative reversed‐phase HPLC into four subfractions (RP1, RP2, RP3, and RP4), which were characterized by SDS‐PAGE and semiquantitative N‐terminal sequencing. HMW gliadins of the wheat flour Akteur contained all types of gluten proteins: 48% low‐molecular‐weight glutenin subunits, 18% γ‐gliadins, 13% α‐gliadins, 9% ω1,2‐gliadins, 8% HMW glutenin subunits, and 4% ω5‐gliadins. We postulate that the existence of HMW gliadins can be explained by the presence of terminators, which interrupt the polymerization of glutenin subunits during biosynthesis and lead to polymers of limited size (oligomers) that are still soluble in aqueous ethanol.  相似文献   

A combined extraction-HPLC procedure was developed on a microscale to determine the amounts of the different gluten protein types (ω5-, ω1,2-, α- and γ-gliadins; high molecular weight [HMW] and low molecular weight [LMW] glutenin subunits) in wheat flour. After preextraction of albumins and globulins from flour (100 mg) with a salt solution (2 × 1.0 mL), extraction of gliadins was achieved with 60% aqueous ethanol (3 × 0.5 mL). Subsequently, the glutenin subunits were extracted under nitrogen and at 60°C with 50% aqueous 1-propanol containing Tris-HCl (0.05 mol/L, pH 7.5), urea (2 mol/L) and dithioerythritol (1%). The separation and quantitative determination of gliadins and glutenin subunits was then performed by reversed-phase HPLC on C8 silica gel at 50°C using a gradient of increasing acetonitrile concentration in the presence of 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min, and the detection wavelength was 210 nm. Temperature and flow rate were modified for the quantitation of single underivatized HMW subunits. To determine the absolute amounts of protein types, different protein standards (gliadin, LMW and HMW subunits, bovine serum albumin) with known protein contents were compared to HPLC absorbance areas. The calibration curves were almost identical and linear over a broad range (20–220 μg). This extraction-HPLC procedure allows an accurate, reproducible, sensitive, and relatively fast quantitative determination of all gluten protein types in wheat flour, and can be applied to quality evaluation of cereals as raw materials or in processed products.  相似文献   

A simple, highly efficient and reproducible two‐step extraction procedure using dilute acetic acid without (AN) and then with sonication (AS) has been developed for the fractionation of wheat flour protein. Approximately 97% of total protein was extracted from a Canadian hard red spring wheat flour; an additional 1.2% protein could be recovered by further extraction with 1% DDT and 50% 1‐propanol (AR). Size‐exclusion HPLC (SE‐HPLC) and flow field‐flow fractionation (flow FFF) showed that the AN extract, which accounted for most of the total extractable protein (AN + AS + AR), consisted primarily of monomeric protein. The AS extract was composed primarily of polymeric proteins. Flow FFF showed that AN polymeric protein, including that eluting at the SE‐HPLC void volume, showed smaller Stokes diameters than AS polymeric protein. Flow FFF profiles of AS SE‐HPLC subfractions showed that the void volume subfraction contained monomeric and small polymeric protein in addition to large polymeric protein, indicating formation of larger complexes through interaction between some or all of the components. AN and AS extracts, as well as SE‐HPLC and flow FFF fractions thereof, showed a fairly wide range of values among 12 Canadian hard red and white spring wheat cultivars. The proportion of total protein in the AS extract and in the larger sized polymeric protein fractions from SE‐HPLC and flow FFF were highly positively correlated to farinograph mixing time.  相似文献   

Extrudate expansion of cereal‐based products is largely dependent on the molecular interactions and structural transformations that proteins undergo during extrusion processing. Such changes strongly influence the characteristic rheological properties of the melt. It is possible to modify rheological properties of wheat flour during extrusion processing, in particular shear viscosity, with cysteine. The objective of this work was to further develop an understanding of the molecular interactions and structural transformations of wheat flour from dynamic oscillatory rheological measurements. Temperature and frequency sweeps were conducted in the linear viscoelastic range of the material. Changes in the storage modulus (G′), the loss modulus (G″) and the loss tangent (tan δ) of 25% moisture wheat flour disks as a function of cysteine concentration (0–0.75%) were monitored. Molecular weight between cross‐links (Mc) and the number of cross‐links (Nc) per glutenin molecule were determined from frequency sweep data. Increasing cysteine concentration broke cross‐links by decreasing G′ maximum and increasing tan δ values. Molecular weight between cross‐links increased and the number of cross‐links decreased. G′ values from temperature sweeps showed a similar trend. This information leads to a better understanding of the viscoelastic behavior of wheat flour doughs during extrusion cooking and elucidation of protein‐protein reaction mechanisms and other interactions in extruded cereal‐based snack foods.  相似文献   

Native starch from waxy mutant wheat Tanikei A6599‐4 is known to exhibit more stable hot paste viscosity than a typical waxy wheat (Tanikei H1881) and waxy corn. The objective of this study was to investigate the starch paste properties of Tanikei A6599‐4 after cross‐linking and compare with Tanikei H1881 and waxy corn. As an example of cross‐linking, the reaction (at 30, 60, 120, and 360 min) with sodium trimetaphosphate was used. In Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) measurement, the unique characteristic was maintained in Tanikei A6599‐4 starch cross‐linked at low reaction time (<120 min) levels. Cross‐linking at a high reaction time (360 min) level suppressed the swelling of both Tanikei A6599‐4 and Tanikei H1881 starches but not waxy corn starch. Although unmodified Tanikei A6599‐4 starch showed the lowest paste clarity among unmodified waxy starches, this defect became unremarkable when starch was cross‐linked for ≥120 min. In gel‐dispersed dynamic viscoelasticity measurement, the order of G′ and G″ values was always Tanikei A6599‐4 > Tanikei H1881 > waxy corn. This indicates that cross‐linked Tanikei A6599‐4 and Tanikei H1881 starches have different starch properties and that swollen Tanikei A6599‐4 starch granules are more rigid than swollen Tanikei H1881 starch granules.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to identify and define mixing characteristics of gluten‐fortified flours attributable to differences in the method for producing the gluten. In these studies, a wheat gluten concentrate (W‐gluten) was produced using a conventional process model. This model applied physical water displacement of starch (dispersion and screening steps), freeze‐drying, and milling. W‐gluten was the reference or “vital” gluten in this report. An experimental W‐concentrate was produced using a new process model. The new model applied coldethanol (CE) displacement of starch (dispersion and screening steps), freeze‐drying, and milling. Freeze‐drying was used to eliminate thermal denaturation and thereby focus on functional changes due only to the separation method. The dry gluten concentrates were blended with a weak, low‐protein (9.2%), soft wheat flour and developed with water in a microfarinograph. We found that both water and cold‐ethanol processed gluten successfully increased the stability (St) and improved mixing tolerance index (MTI) to create in the blended flour the appearance of a breadbaking flour. Notably, in the tested range of 9–15% protein, the St for CE‐gluten was always higher then the St for W‐gluten. Furthermore, the marginal increase in St (slope of the linear St vs. protein concentration) for the CE‐gluten was ≈57% greater than that for the W‐gluten. The slope of the MTI vs. protein data was lower for the CE‐gluten by 24%. Flour fortified with CE‐gluten exhibited higher water absorption (up to 1.8% units at 13.5% P) than flour fortified with W‐gluten.  相似文献   

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