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阿维虫净浇泼剂是以阿维菌素为原料制成的透皮吸收驱虫剂,具有广谱高效,使用量小、方便安全的特点,是目前公认的最佳驱杀畜禽体内外多种寄生虫的特效新药之一。对驱杀猪、牛的线虫、螨虫及虱、蜱等均有极强的驱杀作用。但用于犬疥螨病疗效如何报道极少,为了验证其效果,我们选择自然感染的疥螨病犬进行了本试验研究。1 材料与方法1.1 药物 阿维虫净浇泼剂由杭州华东医药(集团)公司研究所研制,宜兴市兽药厂生产;精制敌百虫片。1.2 试验动物与分组 选自某肉犬场自然感染疥螨病犬15只,随机分成3组,每组5只。第1组不进行处理为对照…  相似文献   

应用0.5%伊维菌素浇泼剂,按0.1~0.12mL/kg剂量治疗112头疥螨病患猪。结果表明,给药后14d治愈率达100%。  相似文献   

本实验选取2022年1~4月期间某猪场猪疥螨病患猪82头,分为研究组与对照组,研究组41头,采用伊维菌素浇泼剂治疗;对照组41头,采用虫克星治疗。结果研究组病猪治疗6d后虫体转阴率为60.98%,治疗12d后虫体转阴率为78.05%,治疗18d后虫体转阴率为95.12%,治疗24d后虫体转阴率为100.00%,均高于对照组(P<0.05)。可见伊维菌素浇泼剂对猪疥螨病疗效显著,是优质广谱驱虫药物,可推广应用。  相似文献   

为探讨不同浓度伊维菌素浇泼剂对猪疥螨病的临床效果,并总结其临床意义,选择患猪疥螨病的患猪有120头,按照随机数字表抽取法将其分为3组,每组用药浓度不一,观察对比3组患猪的临床治疗效果。结果表明,3组的治疗效果差异显著,具有统计学意义。采用高剂量的伊维菌素浇泼剂治疗患猪疥螨病症状的猪的治疗效果显著,治愈率高,效果佳,值得临床推广使用。  相似文献   

将患疥螨病的新西兰兔100只,随机分成A、B、C、D、E 5组,每组20只,A组按每千克体重皮下注射0.2 mg伊维菌素治疗,间隔10d重复1次;B组用伊维菌素浇泼剂溶液直接喷浇涂抹在患病部位,1日1次,连用3d;C组先用伊维菌素浇泼剂溶液直接喷浇涂抹2 d后再按每千克体重皮下注射0.2 mg伊维菌素治疗1次;D组用2%浓度敌百虫溶液对患部涂擦,每天2次,连用3 d;E组用2%浓度敌百虫溶液涂擦2 d后再按每千克体重皮下注射0.2 mg伊维菌素治疗1次。结果表明,5组治愈率分别为85%、90%、100%、75%、100%。A组增重14.3%,B组增重18.9%,C组增重20.3%,D组增重11.1%,E组增重20.0%。经方差分析,C组、E组分别与A组、B组、D组间差异极显著(P<0.01);C组与E组间差异不显著(P>0.05)。试验得出以伊维菌素+浇泼剂组和伊维菌素+敌百虫组效果显著。  相似文献   

胡仓云 《养猪》2012,(5):128-128
猪疥螨病在兽医临床上非常常见,也是一个顽固病,尤其在规模化养猪场更为难治。每年的秋冬季节猪疥螨病开始对种猪的繁殖生产、仔猪的生长发育造成危害,并在养猪场开始流行蔓延,时常因此病的发生淘汰优秀种猪。仔猪生长发育缓慢、肥育猪肉质下降,给养猪场造成很大的经济损失。在兽医临床上人们多选用螨净、敌百虫等外用杀虫剂以洗浴或喷雾的方法杀螨,但操作比较复杂,并且  相似文献   

研究分析多拉菌素浇泼剂治疗犬螨病的临床效果。方法:选择西北农林科技大学2014年12月至2015年12月接收的患犬螨病的病犬60例作为研究对象,将病犬分为四组,甲组、乙组、丙组和对照组,均为15例,甲组、乙组、丙组病犬分别使用0.8 mg/kg、0.5 mg/kg、0.3 mg/kg的多拉菌素浇泼剂进行治疗,对照组病犬应用多拉菌素注射液进行治疗,对四组治疗效果进行比较分析。结果:甲组治疗1周、2周的有效率与乙组、丙差异并不大,无统计学意义(P>0.05);甲组、乙组治疗1周、2周的有效率明显高于丙组,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:适量的多拉菌素浇泼剂可有效治疗犬螨病,给药方便,值得推广应用。  相似文献   

阿维菌素浇泼剂是一种新型的预防和治疗家畜体内外寄生虫的驱虫药 ,尤其能有效地对抗侵害猪的各种疥螨。为了验证其确实效果 ,笔者进行了本次试验 ,报告如下。1 治疗方法  ( 1 )阿维菌素浇泼剂为蓝色液体 ,塑料瓶装 ,每瓶 1 0 0 ml,由北京中农华威科技有限公司提供 ,批号 :990 2 1 4。用精制敌百虫为对照药物 ,江苏省江都市动物药厂生产 ,批号 :970 1 0 5。( 2 )试验动物与分组 ,选自某猪场自然感染疥螨的病猪 2 0头 ,平均体重 1 6.7kg,性别不拘 ,随机分为四组 ,平均每组 5头。第 1组用常量 ( 0 .5 mg/kg)阿维菌素治疗 ,第 2组用大剂量 ( …  相似文献   

阿维菌素驱除猪疥螨试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以猪为试验对象,分别用1%阿维菌素注射液和1%伊维菌素注射液按千克体重0.03mL颈部皮下注射治疗自然感染猪疥螨病,设一不用药组作为对照,观察阿维菌素的驱虫效果。用药后第7天,重复用药一次,用药后第14、21、28天虫体转阴率为100%,并且对妊娠母猪、哺乳母猪、哺乳仔猪均无不良影响。  相似文献   

A 10-year-old castrated male Shih Tzu presented with severe generalized pruritus. Skin scrapings revealed the presence of Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis. A Yorkshire terrier in the same household simultaneously developed pruritus due to scabies. Both dogs were treated with 300 μg/kg ivermectin, at first orally and then subcutaneously at 14 day intervals. However, live mites were still found on day 35, and the skin condition deteriorated in both dogs. These findings suggested that the S. scabiei in these dogs was clinically refractory to ivermectin. The pruritus in both dogs rapidly and completely disappeared following topical fipronil administration. This appears to be the first report of canine scabies refractory to ivermectin treatment.  相似文献   

Attempts to eliminate Sarcoptes scabiei var. suis were made in 2 piglet producing herds by intramuscular injections with doramectin (Dectomax, Pfizer inc., New York, USA). No hygienic measures of the environments were undertaken. In herd A, all animals were treated twice at a 14-day interval. Theoretically it should be possible to eliminate the mite with a single injection and therefore the animals in herd B were treated only once. The results were measured by attempts to demonstrate S. scabiei by skin scrapings, by recording skin lesions, by establishing rubbing indexes, and by measuring serum antibodies to S. scabiei. All adult animals greater than 8 months of age and 15 weaned piglets 8-16 weeks of age per herd were investigated prior to treatments and every fourth month for a total of 20 months following administration of the treatments. Live S. scabiei were demonstrated prior to treatments in both herds, but no further. Skin lesion scores, rubbing indexes and serum antibody levels remained low throughout the study. It is possible to eliminate S. scabiei from a herd with one single injection of doramectin. Precautions must be taken to ensure that all animals get a correct dose and that the drug is properly administered.  相似文献   

The efficacy of ivermectin against natural infection of the mange mite Sarcoptes scabiei var canis in foxes was evaluated. The investigations consisted of two field studies and one controlled study. In experiment 1, ivermectin was given as a single subcutaneous dose at 200 micrograms/kg in six foxes. In experiment 2, was one group, consisting of five animals, administered 200 micrograms ivermectin/kg s.c. twice with an interval of 35 days. Group two, consisting of four animals, was given one subcutaneous injection of 400 micrograms ivermectin/kg. In experiment 3, ten foxes were given 1 ml 0.2% Eqvalen s.c. (i.e. 340-440 micrograms ivermectin/kg). A control group of ten animals was not medicated. Before and after treatment a clinical evaluation and skin scraping for microscopic examination was carried out in all three experiments. The results indicated that ivermectin was a good alternative in the therapy of the Sarcoptes mange in foxes by moderate mite infection. A progressive clinical improvement of the mange lesions was evident in the treated foxes. Mites were not detected in skinscraping, except in one animal in experiment 3. It was concluded that ivermectin should be administered, in an initial dose of 400 micrograms/kg and a repeated dose of 200 micrograms/kg 2-3 weeks after the first treatment.  相似文献   

朝阳市近年养兔业得到了很大发展,兔寄生虫病对养兔业的危害已引起人们重视。在朝阳市兔体寄生虫调查中发现,兔蛲虫对兔的感染率很高,从外贸冷冻加工厂、康宁医院兔场、朝阳县一粮库兔场、龙城区西大营子集市、双塔区凌北集市购入的233只兔剖检所得,兔蛲虫感染率为81.1%(189/233),感染强度为50(2~1 220条),感染兔均有不同程度的肠炎变化,严重感染者毛焦、消瘦,生长缓慢,易继发其它疾病,严重影响养兔的经济效益,对养兔业发展造成威胁。为寻求一种较好的驱治兔蛲虫的药物,2005年9~10月作者利用康宁医院兔场和航发兔场饲养的兔及从市郊各集市购…  相似文献   

疥螨与疥螨病研究进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
疥螨病通常是指由疥螨科、疥螨属的疥螨(Sarcoptes scabiei)寄生于人和其他哺乳动物皮肤表皮内,引起称为疥疮(又称疥癣、癞病)的一种顽固、接触性、传染性皮肤病,其以剧痒、结痂、脱毛和皮肤增厚为特征。1698年意大利的两位学者首次对疥螨病进行了说明和描述;然而,直到200年后疥螨  相似文献   

阿维菌素是阿维链霉菌发酵的天然产物,其兽用药由我国首先研究开发,具有优异的W,虫活性、较高的安全性,加之价格低廉,是一种新型、广谱、高效、安全的抗体内外寄生虫药,近年来广泛应用于兽医临床.正确使用一般不会发生中毒,但在实际工作中因粗心大意或对于体重推算不准,阿维菌素用量过大引起中毒的事件时有发生.  相似文献   

猪高剂量铜应用研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
微量元素铜对动植物营养的必要性早由McHargue(1 92 5、1 92 7)报道 ,随后Hart等 (1 92 8)揭示了铜对动物具有防止贫血症的功能。自那时起 ,铜作为动物体内所必需的微量元素逐渐为人们所接受。按无脂组织计算 ,机体含铜量新生仔猪为3 2mg/kg ,成年猪为 2 6mg/kg。动物体内绝大多数铜分布在肌肉与骨骼中 ,主要以结合蛋白的形式存在。铜是酪氨酸酶、胺氧化酶、抗坏血酸氧化酶、细胞色素C氧化酶、半乳糖氧化酶、血浆铜蓝蛋白、尿酸酵素、二羟苯丙胺 - β -水解酶、铜锌超氧化物歧化酶、赖氨酸氧化酶等的重要组成成分 ,铜…  相似文献   

To determine a safe and efficacious dose of flecainide acetate for treating equine atrial fibrillation (Af), the safe dosage level was determined by injecting 1, 2, or 3 mg/kg i.v. of 1% flecainide acetate solution at a rate of 0.2 mg/kg/min to five clinically healthy horses. Clinical signs and the ECG were monitored (HR, PR, QRS, and QT intervals) and blood was taken to measure the plasma flecainide concentration pre- and post-administration. No abnormal signs were observed in the 1- or 2-mg/kg groups, while agitation was observed in three of five horses in the 3-mg/kg group. The QRS, and QT intervals for the 3-mg/kg group increased significantly. The peak plasma flecainide concentrations were 1.316 +/- 358 (SD) ng/ml, 1,904 +/- 314 ng/ml, and 2,251 +/- 387 ng/ml for the 1-, 2-, and 3-mg/kg groups, respectively. To evaluate the efficacy of flecainide, Af was induced by right atrial pacing in six clinically healthy horses, and 1% flecainide acetate solution was then administered until they converted to sinus rhythm. All horses with induced Af converted. For the conversion, a total dose of 1.40 +/- 0.63 mg/kg flecainide was required, the duration of administration was 7.00 +/- 3.15 min and plasma flecainide concentration at conversion was 1,303 +/- 566 ng/ml. In conclusion, flecainide acetate is a safe and effective antiarrhythmic agent for equine Af, and the clinically effective dosage is 1 to 2 mg/kg.  相似文献   

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