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1发现与危害2006年10月6日,在进行林业有害生物观察研究中,笔者在济南市商河县城西外环路西侧的刺槐上,发现部分枝梢端部复叶的小叶片外形异常。仔细查看,刺槐小叶片边缘组织增生肿大,并沿侧缘向背面纵向皱卷,危害最重的复叶上的小叶片排成纵条状。掀开皱卷部分,可见内有1~4个淡黄色、两端略尖的无足幼虫隐藏其中危害。受害复叶多分布在1 a生枝较幼嫩的端部,最高叶片受害率40%以上。皱卷部分初期为淡绿色,后期变色干枯,并延伸至叶片其它部分,均变为枯黄色,阻碍和影响叶片进行光合作用,并造成刺槐提前落叶,导致树势衰弱,严重影响树木生长及经…  相似文献   

记述毛链金小蜂属(膜翅目:金小蜂科)1新种:叶瘿蚊毛链金小蜂,对新种的外部形态特征进行详细描述.该种寄生于刺槐叶瘿蚊(双翅目:瘿蚊科)幼虫-蛹.刺槐叶瘿蚊是我国新近发现的外来有害物种,对我国刺槐林造成重大危害.模式标本保存于中国林业科学研究院昆虫标本馆.  相似文献   

北京地区刺槐叶瘿蚊生物学特性及防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刺槐叶瘿蚊Obolodiplosis robiniae(Haldemann)原产北美洲东部,危害刺槐叶片。一般是3~8头幼虫群集危害,在刺槐叶片背面沿叶缘形成纵向卷曲的虫瘿,隐藏其中取食。危害严重时,刺槐树的受害率近100%,极大影响刺槐的健康生长。该虫在北京地区1 a发生5代,以幼虫和蛹在土中越冬。施用10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂1 000倍液,虫口减退率可达99.1%,4.5%高效氯氰菊酯乳油1 500倍液,虫口减退率为90.5%。在幼虫期发现1种寄生性天敌瘿蚊长腹细蜂Platygster sp.,寄生率93.4%。  相似文献   

秦皇岛市刺槐叶瘿蚊发生情况初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对秦皇岛市范围内槐树的踏查与局部详查,基本掌握了刺槐叶瘿蚊在该市的发生面积、危害树种与危害程度,并进行了初步防治试验。  相似文献   

关中东部枣叶瘿蚊的发生与防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
枣叶瘿蚊(DasineuradatifoliaJiang)属双翅目(Diptera)瘿蚊科(Cecidomyidae),俗称枣蛆、卷叶蛆、枣芽蛆。该虫广泛分布于华北、西北、华东等各个枣区。1 发生危害该虫在陕西关中东部每年发生5~6代,以幼虫危害尚未完全展开的幼叶嫩芽。受害嫩叶呈浅红色或紫红色肿皱的筒状,不能伸展,质硬而脆,最后变黑枯萎脱落,一卷叶内常有数头甚至10余头幼虫。此虫第1代发生时正值枣树发芽展叶期,危害严重时,则影响结果枝抽生、展叶和开花结果。一般幼树、矮树和苗龄较大树、高树受害严重…  相似文献   

刺槐叶瘿蚊发生期、危害程度和防治试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刺槐叶瘿蚊是我国新发现的一种外来入侵林业有害生物。2005年在辽宁省大连市甘井子区国家森林公园首次发现,2006年全省各地相继普遍发生,面积达427hm^2。一些地区6~7月份刺槐叶片受害率为70%-80%,新梢嫩叶受害率达100%。通过2007~2009年3a连续观测和林间防治试验,初步测定刺槐叶瘿蚊的发生世代、危害程度,并筛选出最佳的防治方法。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨基于微卫星标记分析刺槐叶瘿蚊遗传多样性指数与样本量的相关关系。[方法]设置了12个样本量梯度,选取11对微卫星引物分析了我国刺槐叶瘿蚊5个种群的遗传多样性指数。[结果]表明,样本量的大小与平均等位基因数(Na)呈显著正相关,与有效等位基因数(Ne)呈中度正相关,与观测杂合度(Ho)呈负相关,而与期望杂合度(He)、Nei’s遗传多样性指数(H)和多态信息含量(PIC)没有明显相关性。此外,当样本量小于25时,随着样本量的增加,有效等位基因数增幅明显,观测杂合度起伏变化较大,但当样本量大于30时,随着样本量的增加,上述两个指数增(降)幅度平缓。[结论]在利用微卫星DNA标记对我国刺槐叶瘿蚊种群的遗传多样性研究中,选取的最适样本量应为25~30,分析的最适遗传多样性指数应为期望杂合度、Nei’s遗传多样性指数和多态信息含量。该研究结果将为我们后续研究提供科学数据,并有助于分析其他入侵昆虫种群遗传结构的研究,同时可为其他双翅目昆虫的遗传多样性研究提供样本量参考。  相似文献   

杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides)别名炒杜仲、丝棉木,属杜仲科、杜仲属。落叶乔木,树皮灰色,折断有银白色细丝。树皮入药,补肝肾、强筋骨、治腰膝痛、高血压等症。木材可制家俱,  相似文献   

云杉顶芽瘿蚊预测预报技术的研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云杉顶芽瘿蚊Dasineura(Rabdophaga)sp.是危害云杉嫩芽生长点的重要害虫。从1990年开始,我们通过标准地定点、定期系统观察、林间虫情调查、室内系统词养,基本摸清了该虫在甘肃岷县等地的发生规律、各虫态历期、发育进度与物候的关系,并结...  相似文献   

Biweekly samples of 4 species of mealybugs infesting fruit and ornamentals in Salalh, Sultanate of Oman, revealed thatDicrodiplosis manihoti Harr. was found to associate with the long-tailed mealybug and citrus mealybug. The predator occurred almost all the year round and preyed on nymphs and adult females. Biological studies showed that the incubating period of the predator-egg averaged 2.8 days. The larval stage lasted 11.4 days and consumed an average of 5.6, adult females of the long-tailed mealybug. The pupal stage lasted 10.1 days. The total number of eggs deposited/female averaged 36 during her very short life span which averaged 2.3 days.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die KiefernnadelgallmückeThecodiplosis brachyntera (Schwägr.), die in Europa anPinus sylvestris L.,P. mugo Turra undP. nigra Arnold lebt, wurde im Arboretum Bolevec in Westböhmen auch an der nordamerikanischen KiefernartPinus resinosa Aiton und den ostasiatischen KiefernartenPinus tabuliformis Carriere undP. yunnanensis Franchet festgestellt.Experimentell gelang es durch die Kiefernnadelgallmücke vonPinus mugo subsp.mughus (Scop.) Domin, auch die obengenannten außereuropäischen Kiefernarten und als Kontrolle die europäischen ArtenPinus sylvestris L. undPinus mugo subsp.uncinata (Ant.) Domin zu infizieren. Experimentelle Infizierung war erfolglos an den Kiefernarten:Pinus cembra subsp.alpina (Rikli),P. strobus L.,P. rigida Miller,P. radiata D. Don.,P. echinata Miller,P. contorta Douglas undP. thunbergii Parlatore.Die Ursache der Nichtinfizierung der untersuchten Kiefernarten kann folgenden Ursprung haben: Unterschiede in dem Chemismus, besonders in der Qualität und Quantität der Terpene im Innern der Nadeln, oder: Unterschiede in der Gestalt der Nadeln, besonders die Nichtanwesenheit der Nadelscheide, die den Basalteil der Nadeln umhüllt und deshalb die Entwicklung der Eier und Larven nicht ermöglicht, oder aber: es waren morphologisch die Nadeln in der Zeit der Infizierung für die Eiablage nicht geeignet — entweder noch mit Schutzschuppen bedeckt, oder schon zu groß entwickelt.Die befallenen Nadeln der außereuropäischen Arten waren verkürzt, in dem Basalteile grö ßtenteils einige mm zusammengewachsen. Die Lavalkammer befand sich in der Mehrzahl der Fälle in der Nadelbasis.Nach den gewonnenen Ergebnissen erscheint es notwendig, eine taxonomische Revision der 5 von 11 nordamerikanischen Kiefernarten beschriebenen Gallmückenarten durchzuführen.
Summary The Needle shortening gall midgeThecodiplosis brachyntera (Schwägr.) occurring in Europe on the pinesPinus sylvestris L.,P. mugo Turra andP. nigra Arnold was found in an Arboretum in Bolevec in Western Bohemia on the North American speciesP. resinosa Aiton and on the East Asian speciesP. tabuliformis Carriere andP. yunnanensis Franchet.The following non-European species:Pinus resinosa Aiton,P. tabuliformis Carriere andP. yunnanensis Franchet and European species:P. sylvestris L. andP. mugo subsp.uncinata (Ant.) Domin were experimentally infested withThecodiplosis brachyntera (Schwägr.) fromPinus mugo subsp.mughus (Scop.) Domin. The experimental infestation was not successful in the case ofPinus cembra subsp.alpina (Rikli),P. strobus L.,P. rigida Miller,P. radiata D. Don.,P. echinata Miller,P. contorta Douglas andP. thunbergii Parlatore.The failure to infest some pine species might have three causes: the chemical compositions of the pine needles differed; the sheath shielding the basal part of brachyblast was missing; the needles of some pine species were not in the right state for oviposition and development of larvae at the time of infestation — they were either too mature or completely covered with scales.Infested needles of the non-European species were considerably shortened compared with non-infested ones. Their basal part usually coalesced for several mm and in most cases the larval chamber was situated right in the base of the needle.Results mentioned above showed the necessity of revision of the taxonomic position of 5 gall midge species developing in the bases of 11 North-American pine species.

通过对塞罕坝自然保护区森林害虫的调查,确定了虫害大规模爆发的时间,分析了害虫在林分中的主要空间分布规律以及害虫的种类,从而为当地的虫害管理提供了一定的技术基础。  相似文献   

百合为多年生球根花卉,株高50-100cm。地下鳞茎肥厚,球形.由多枚肉质鳞片重叠组成。茎绿色,叶披针形,螺旋着生于茎上。花顶生或数朵成一花序,蒴果长椭圆形,种子扁平,轻纸质,花期8—9月,10月份果熟。百合有许多种和品种,大多具有很高的观赏价值和经济价值。它不仅是世界著名的切花和盆花.还是有名的良药佳肴,具有清肺润燥,滋阴清热的功效。  相似文献   

A field study onKaltenbachiola strobi (Winnertz) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), was carried out between 1987 and 1993 in the highest mountain range in the Western Carpathians located within the Tatra National Park, in southern Poland. Rearing and analysis of 5 780 cones ofPicea abies (L.)Karst., collected from trees growing at different altitudes, yielded 30,478 individuals ofKaltenbachiola strobi, which infested 89.10% of the cones. In case of 29.81% of cones there were more than 20 larvae ofK. strobi per cone. It was shown thatK. strobi in the Tatra Mts. is more abundant in spruce stands of the upper mountain forest zone. Significant connections between the time of cone infestation byK. strobi and its parasitoids and characteristic phenophases in spruce foliage and cone development, and also the development of selected vegetation of the forest floor at different heights above sea level were determined. It was shown that the population dynamics ofK. strobi had tendency to alternate the increase and decrease in numbers every two years. It was also discovered that every two years spruce cones were inhabited by the population ofK. strobi with increased percentage of individuals having prolonged diapause. In total, the parasitoids reduced the population ofK. strobi by about 16–22.63%. Parasitism ofK. strobi in the lower mountain forest zone was higher than in the upper zone.Triplatygaster contorticornis Ratz. (Hymenoptera: Platygasteridae),Torymus azureus Boheman (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) andTetrastichus strobilanae Ratz. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) were most effiecient in reduction of the population ofK. strobi, and in the lower mountain forest zoneT. azureus was the dominant parasitoid species, while in the upper zoneT. contorticornis andT. strobilanae. It was shown that a considerable part of the populations ofT. azureus, T. contorticornis andT. strobilanae have their diapause prolonged and highly synchronized with the diapause of their host.  相似文献   

椰子大害虫-锈色棕榈象及其近缘种的鉴别(鞘翅目:象虫科)   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
锈色棕榈象Rhynchophorus ferrugineus(Oliver)隶属于鞘翅目Coleoptera 象虫科Curculionidae,近年在海南省严重危害椰子,文章介绍了该虫与同属近缘种美洲棕榈象Rhynchophorus palmarum(L.)等成虫,幼虫和蛹在形态特征上的区别。  相似文献   

Production of high quality stockfish in northern Norway takes place from February to May. The dominant blowfly species (Diptera: Calliphoridae) with adults present during stockfish production were Calliphora vicina and Protophormia terraenovae. Larval collections identified the damage-causing species to be C. vicina. Other saprophagous blowfly species were only found after the production period. Fish dried in sun-exposed locations experienced more damage than fish in shaded locations, and the risk of damage was higher in fish dried later in the production period. Yellow sticky traps and funnel traps baited with dimethyl trisulphide were tested for their potential in mass trapping. Sticky traps caught flies during early spring, while funnel traps increased in efficiency closer to summer. Attraction to dimethyl trisulphide was found to be significantly higher for C. vicina compared to P. terraenovae, and the catch of C. vicina consisted of 92% females. The catch of female flies during the critical drying period consisted of 5–30% of the estimated number of flies having caused damage. The target specificity with high female catches and the cost efficiency of these traps indicate that mass trapping can be used as an integrated part of a management program to reduce damage from blowflies in stockfish producing areas.  相似文献   

Abstract The parasitoid complex of Dasineura saliciperda (Dufour) (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae) on Salix fragilis L. was studied in 1997 and 2002 in two localities in Bulgaria. As a result, 5 species from 3 families of Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera) were reared from pest galls: Eurytoma afra Boheman, Eurytoma salicis Walker (Eurytomidae), Torymus microcerus (Walker) (Torymidae), Gastrancistrus sp. and Mesopolobus sp. (Pteromalidae). E. afra and T. microcerus are new species for the fauna of Bulgaria, and E. salicis – a new parasitoid of the host. Total parasitism of D. saliciperda in the studied years ranged between 44.1 and 53.5 %. E. afra was the most important, destroying 21.9-53.5 % of the pest.  相似文献   

The horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) spread over the last 10 years from central Europe to western Europe and was observed for the first time in 2000 in the east of France and near Paris. This study presents the results of surveys carried out in France in 2001 to investigate the distribution and infestation level of the leafminer. One year after its first discovery, the moth was present in a large part of the country and for the first time has been observed in Paris. The spread of the moth is due mainly to natural dispersal and to passive dispersal by human activities.  相似文献   

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