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1. A cross-sectional observational study was carried out to investigate spatial, temporal and management aspects of foot-pad dermatitis in Swedish broilers. The efficacy of a control programme was evaluated. 2. Flock information on producer, breed, foodstuff manufacturer, region, abattoir, date of slaughter, age at slaughter, planned and actual stocking density was recorded. A total of 6988 flocks, representing approximately 110 million broilers, was examined. A total of 175 broiler producers from 15 geographical regions is represented. 3. The total foot-pad score per flock ranged from 0 to 200, with a mean of 34.7 and a standard deviation of 40.9. 4. Simple linear regression analysis showed that the mean total score on a weekly basis decreased (P 0.001) over time, mainly because of a decrease in the prevalence of severe foot-pad lesions. 5. There was an association (P 0.05) between slaughterhouse, foodstuff supplier and geographic region respectively and the mean total foot pad score of the flocks slaughtered.  相似文献   

1. The objective was to compare the effect of two litter types (wheat straw and wood shavings) and two different rearing conditions (Treated and Control) on welfare indicators, broiler performance, carcase injuries, particularly hock and foot pad dermatitis (FPD), litter characteristics and meat quality. 2. Treated conditions were characterised by a low stocking density (11 birds/m(2)), short photoperiod (16 h light: 8 h dark) and a large amount of litter (3 to 4.5 kg/m(2), respectively, for wheat straw or wood shavings). Control conditions were a high stocking density (14 birds/m(2)), long photoperiod (23 h light:1 h dark) and small amount of litter (2.3 to 3 kg/m(2), respectively, for wheat straw or wood shavings). In addition, the effects of two widely used litter materials, wheat straw and wood shavings, were investigated. 3. The combined effects of lower stocking density, greater amount of litter material and a photoperiod similar to the natural one, reduced the occurrence of FPD in Treated groups keeping the FPD score under the European threshold. 4. Improved rearing conditions led to faster growth rate associated with inferior feed efficiency, whereas litter type exerted negligible effects on broiler performance. 5. Litter moisture content, nitrogen and ammonia released by the litter were lower in Treated groups than Control groups. The use of wood shavings resulted in lower moisture and nitrogen concentrations in the litter.  相似文献   

Cellulitis has emerged as an economically important disease of broiler chickens. The impact of environmental risk factors on the incidence of cellulitis has not been evaluated in the United States. Escherichia coli (E. coli), the causative agent, is introduced through skin scratches during the grow out. Our previous work suggested that the litter was an important reservoir for cellulitis-associated E. coli. We hypothesized that factors contributing to a positive environment for E. coli growth would increase the opportunity for exposure of a broiler to an infectious dose of E. coli, capable of initiating a cellulitis lesion. This prospective study of 304 flocks on five farms from two integrated broiler companies was conducted to determine the effect of environmental factors on the prevalence of cellulitis in California broiler flocks. Environmental variables included temperature, wind velocity, and relative humidity (RH) at the litter surface. Litter variables measured included E. coli and total gram-negative bacteria load (colony forming units/g dry matter), water activity, and pH. Management variables such as clean out, the number of flocks reared on the same litter (litter run, LR), and downtime (DT) between flocks were also evaluated. Cellulitis ranged from 0.197% to 6.04%. Significant associations were identified using linear regression between farm, LR, DT, ambient temperature during the brooding period, gram-negative bacteria load in the litter during the brooding period, RH mid-grow out, and E. coli load late in the grow out. The significant variation in the rate of cellulitis between farms combined with the strong association of LR and DT with cellulitis demonstrated that management choices were highly influential in this disease syndrome. Based on these data and our previous findings, managers would be advised to increase DT between flocks and perform a total clean out of the house when a flock processes with a high incidence of cellulitis.  相似文献   

1.?Severe foot and hock dermatitis in broiler chickens can reduce growth rate and increase susceptibility to bacterial infection, affecting both profitability and welfare. However, little is known about the underlying physiological changes associated with foot and hock lesions.

2.?This study compared global hepatic gene expression in control birds and those with ammonia-induced foot and hock lesions using Agilent 44?K chicken oligonucleotide microarrays (8 birds per group).

3.?In total, 417 genes were differentially expressed of which 174 could be mapped onto the genome. Genes associated with energy metabolism, thyroid hormone activity and cellular control were affected, while there was also evidence of an up-regulation of genes linked to a pro-inflammatory response.

4.?It is conceivable that pain is the underlying cause for the observed changes in energy metabolism genes.

5.?Changes in hepatic gene expression provide new information on how a chicken's physiological mechanisms alter to cope with foot and hock lesions. The findings support other data indicating that birds with increased severity of lesions are likely to be in pain and that growth will be compromised. Reduction of the incidence of dermatitis by improved husbandry should therefore benefit both welfare and commercial performance.  相似文献   

1. Experiment 1, comparing wood shavings and ground straw bedding with peat, was performed on 7 broiler farms over two consecutive batches during the winter season. Experiment 2, assessing the effect of elevated (30 cm) platforms, was conducted in three farms replicated with 6 consecutive batches.

2. Footpad lesions were inspected at slaughter following the Welfare Quality® (WQ) assessment and official programme. Hock lesions, plumage cleanliness and litter condition were assessed using the WQ assessment. Litter height, pH, moisture and ammonia were determined.

3. Footpad condition on wood shavings appeared to be worse compared with peat using both methods of assessment and was accompanied by inferior hock skin health. WQ assessment resulted in poorer footpad and hock skin condition on ground straw compared with peat. Farms differed in footpad and hock skin condition. Footpad and hock lesions were not affected by platform treatment. Peat appeared more friable than ground straw. The initial pH of wood shavings was higher and moisture was lower than in peat, but at the end of production period there were no differences. Ground straw exhibited higher initial and lower end pH, and was drier in the beginning than peat. Litter condition and quality were not affected by platform treatment.

4. This study provides new knowledge about the applicability of peat as broiler bedding and shows no negative effects of elevated platforms on litter condition or the occurrence of contact dermatitis in commercial environments. The results suggest a complicated relationship between litter condition, moisture and contact dermatitis. Furthermore, it is concluded that the farmer’s ability to manage litter conditions is important, regardless of the chosen litter material. Peat bedding was beneficial for footpad and hock skin health compared with wood shavings and ground straw.  相似文献   

Footpad dermatitis (FPD) and walking ability are both parameters used on poultry welfare audits. One survey was conducted to determine the correlation between FPD severity, gait score (GS), BW, and litter condition on turkeys at market age. A total of 41 commercial tom flocks of 16 to 19 wk of age were evaluated. On each visit, 50 toms were selected, weighed, and evaluated for GS and FPD. Litter score (LS) was also recorded according to moisture content and caking. Data analyses consisted of pairwise correlations and 3 separate multiple linear regression models using FPD, GS, and BW as response variables. Fixed effects included LS, season, FPD, GS, and BW. Based on pairwise correlations, FPD was correlated with LS, BW, GS, and age. Gait score was correlated with LS, BW, and age. Body weight was correlated with LS. With multiple linear regression analysis it was observed that LS and BW were the parameters that were associated the most with FPD severity and GS. As litter condition worsened and BW increased, FPD and GS worsened. Moreover, a seasonal effect was observed on both FPD and GS. Colder seasons, winter and autumn, were associated with increased FPD severity and GS. A negative effect of FPD and GS was observed on BW. In conclusion, FPD and GS are correlated with BW at market age and litter condition is a major factor in FPD development and walking ability in turkeys.  相似文献   

1. A survey was carried out to assess some welfare indicators in broilers reared by the largest poultry companies in Italy, to determine whether they accord with European proposal COM (2005) 221 final. 2. Productive traits, carcase injuries and foot dermatitis were recorded from 279,640 broiler chickens reared in winter and in summer in 5 farms representative of the Italian production system. 3. The densities currently used in Italy are in accordance with the European proposal, which recommends that broilers are kept at a density lower than 30 to 32 kg live weight/m(2) and not exceeding 38 to 40 kg live weight/m(2). 4. Season markedly influenced broiler welfare status, with the worst score collected in winter cycles, when the recommended limit of 50 points for foot pad dermatitis was exceeded. 5. Stocking density is not a straightforward indicator for bird welfare; there was no relationship between stocking density and lesion incidence or mortality rate. 6. The control of environmental conditions, particularly litter quality, appears to be a key issue for broiler welfare.  相似文献   

Cellulitis results in substantial losses to the broiler industry due to condemnations at slaughter. This study was conducted to clarify the association between Escherichia coli isolated from cellulitis and other lesions caused by E. coli in individual birds. Fourteen flocks were sampled and 118 birds with cellulitis were examined. Escherichia coli was isolated from all but 2 of the cellulitis lesions, and serogroups O78, O1, and O2 predominated. Thirty-six birds had at least 1 other lesion in addition to the cellulitis lesion. Isolation of E. coli from cellulitis and other lesions occurred in 7 of the 14 flocks. Escherichia coli of the same serogroup were isolated from cellulitis and other lesions in some birds, suggesting that a single E. coli may sometimes be responsible for both types of lesions.  相似文献   

1. The aim of the experiment was to investigate the effect of gaseous stunning methods on the carcase and meat quality of broilers (dead weight 1.0 to 2.3 kg) in comparison with electrical stunning.

2. Two replicates of broilers (age 54 and 59 d respectively) were stunned in carbon dioxide, in argon or by electric current, and the carcases were plucked either by a mechanical plucker or by hand.

3. Carcase and meat quality were evaluated to determine the effect of these stunning treatments and plucking methods. The quality factors measured included pH at 20 min post‐mortem, ultimate pH, texture and colour of the pectoralis major muscle, and the incidence of carcase appearance defects, cooking loss, broken bones and bruises in the breast and leg muscles.

4. Stunning method had a significant effect on pH at 20 min, ultimate pH, texture and colour of breast meat. Plucking method had a significant effect on the cooking loss and texture.

5. Argon stunning resulted in fewer muscle haemorrhages, a more rapid early post‐mortem fall in pH and more tender breast meat than in the electrically stunned broilers; carbon dioxide stunned broilers had intermediate values for pH decline and meat tenderness but were not significantly different from argon stunning regarding muscle haemorrhages.

6. Appearance defects occurred to a similar extent in all the stunning methods and mechanical plucking resulted in 4 times as many defects compared with hand plucking; the incidence of broken bones was higher in mechanically plucked broilers than in hand plucked carcases.

7. Gaseous stunning of broilers produced relatively better quality carcases and meat than electrical stunning, and therefore may have commercial advantages.  相似文献   

The anticoccidial drugs narasin, lasalocid, monensin and salinomycin, with and without avoparcin, were fed to 1280 broiler chickens from 1 to 49 d old. At day 49 significant interactions were detected between avoparcin and the anticoccidial compounds for body weight and food consumption. This indicated that the increases in body weight and food consumption obtained with avoparcin were greater with some anticoccidial compounds (lasalocid and salinomycin for body weights and lasalocid for food consumption) than with others (monensin and narasin for body weights and monensin, narasin and salinomycin for food consumption). Overall there was evidence that avoparcin increased body weight (5.8%), food consumption (2.5%) and efficiency of food utilisation (2.9%). In addition avoparcin produced significant increases in plucked weight and the proportion of visceral fat together with and decreases in the proportions of edible giblets and waste offal.  相似文献   

1. Two environmentally‐controlled houses, one set at constant 21°C (low temperature, LT) and the other set at diurnally cycling 21°C to 30°C (high temperature, HT), and two dietary energy concentrations of 13 MJ ME/kg (low energy, LE) and 13.8 MJ ME/kg (high energy, HE) were used to study nitrogen and energy retention in the edible carcase of male and female broilers slaughtered at 34 and 54 days.

2. Carcase nitrogen was higher in males than in females, and in birds reared at LT than in those reared at HT.

3. Birds at LT and on HE diet, regardless of sex, retained more energy as fat in their carcases than those at HT and on LE diet respectively.

4. Maintenance energy requirement averaged 6.70, 7.67, 7.43 and 9.01 kJ per g metabolic body size (kJ/gW 0.66) for broilers at HT and LT up to 34 d and at HT and LT up to 54 d, respectively.

5. There was a similar increase with age in the energy requirement for growth but with requirements of broilers at LT consistently lower than for those at HT.  相似文献   

1. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of methionine and betaine supplementation on growth performance, carcase composition and lipid metabolism in growing broilers. 2. A total of 450 commercial broilers, 22 d of age, were randomly allocated to three groups, each of which included three replicates (50 birds per replicate). The groups received the same methionine-deficient diet supplemented with 0 or 1 g/kg methionine, or 0.5 g/kg betaine, respectively. 3. Methionine and betaine supplementation significantly improved weight gain and feed conversion. Supplemental methionine and betaine also significantly increased breast muscle yield and decreased abdominal fat content. Meanwhile, addition of methionine and betaine significantly increased the contents of creatine and free carnitine in liver, the activity of hormone-sensitive lipase in abdominal fat and the concentration of free fatty acid in serum, whereas uric acid concentration in serum was significantly decreased. 4. The results of this study suggest that betaine can spare methionine in its function as an essential amino acid and is as effective as methionine in improving performance and carcase quality of growing broilers if the diet is moderately deficient in methionine. The decrease in abdominal fat may be due to the increased carnitine synthesis in liver and hormone-sensitive lipase activity in abdominal fat.  相似文献   

1. Fermented plant product (FPP) is a natural fermented food which is produced from a mixture of fermented fruit and vegetables, and rice bran (1:9).

2. To investigate the effects of FPP on growth performance, some blood variables, carcase characteristics and intestinal histology were determined in 192 broilers. They were divided into 4 groups, with 4 replicates of 12 chicks each; the chicks were provided ad libitum access to a diet consisting of 0, 0·5, 2·0 and 4·0% dietary FPP.

3. The crude protein and metabolisable energy concentrations of these diets were adjusted to 230?g CP/kg and 13·40?MJ ME/kg for the 7 to 21?d old chicks, and 200?g CP/kg and 13·40?MJ ME/kg for the 22 to 49?d old chicks, respectively.

4. At 49?d of age, feed intake, body weight gain and feed efficiency tended to increase with increase in FPP concentrations. Feed intake increased in the 4·0% dietary FPP group, BW gain increased in the 2·0% and 4·0% dietary FPP groups and feed efficiency increased in all experimental groups.

5. There were no differences among diets in the blood variables and carcase characteristics, except for total visceral organ weight, increased in all experimental groups.

6. Most of the intestinal villus heights, villus areas, epithelial cell areas and cell mitosis tended to increase with increase in FPP concentrations; duodenal villus height and cell mitosis in the 2·0 and 4·0% dietary FPP groups, and jejunal cell mitosis in all experimental groups were significantly increased. Compared with flat cells on the villus apical surface in the 0% FPP group, all experimental groups had protuberant cells in all intestinal parts.

7. In conclusion, hypertrophy of the villi and epithelial cells was observed in the present study, indicating improved growth performance, especially in the 4·0% dietary FPP group. Furthermore, increased total visceral organ weights suggested that FPP has no harmful effects on broilers.  相似文献   

从山东省东营、日照、潍坊、聊城等地区自然发病和临床健康AA商品肉鸡群中分别采集脏器样品,用特异性核酸探针对样品进行马立克氏病病毒(Marek’s disease virus,MDV)、网状内皮组织增生症病毒(Reticuloendotheliosis virus,REV)、鸡传染性贫血病病毒(Chicken anemia virus,CAV)和禽呼肠孤病毒(Avian reoviruses,ARV)检测。结果显示,自然发病AA商品肉鸡群中MDV、REV、CAV和ARV的检出率均较高,分别为69.30%、57.46%、63.60%和67.11%;临床健康AA商品肉鸡群中MDV、REV、CAV的检出率分别为36.96%、43.48%和30.42%,且自然发病和健康鸡群中均存在不同病毒组合的多重感染,感染率分别为85.96%和43.46%。用x2检验进行分析发现,自然发病商品肉鸡群与临床健康商品肉鸡群中MDV、CAV、MDV+REV、REV+CAV的检出率和未检出的比例差异极显著(P〈0.01);REV、MDV+CAV检出率差异显著(P〈0.05)。对自然发病商品肉鸡的肝脏、脾脏、法氏囊中4种病毒检出率进行X2检验分析发现,MDV在脾脏中检出率显著高于肝脏和法氏囊;REV在法氏囊中检出率显著高于肝脏和脾脏,而CAV和ARV分别在脾脏和肝脏中检出率较高。结果表明,多种免疫抑制性病毒的共感染已普遍存在,是目前AA商品肉鸡易发病且生长缓慢的重要流行病学因素之一。  相似文献   

1. Research was conducted to evaluate the impact of a diet containing grasshoppers on the carcase, physicochemical and sensory characteristics in a free-range, grassland-based broiler production system.

2. A total of 80, 28-d-old male broilers were reared on grassland containing a large population of grasshoppers (treatment PB). Control birds were reared intensively on a maize-soybean diet (treatment CB). At 91?d of age, 24 birds from each treatment were slaughtered to evaluate carcase, meat and sensory characteristics.

3. Treatment PB produced birds with significantly lower live weights, breast, wing, thigh and drum weights, and higher dressing percentage and breast percentage of carcase, compared with CB. Treatment PB produced breast meat with significantly higher redness values, shear force and protein content, and lower pH values, cooking loss, moisture and fat content compared with CB. Sensory panel results for breast and thigh meats showed no treatment effect on colour and juiciness, but significantly higher scores for chewiness, flavour, aroma and overall appreciation, and lower scores for tenderness from treatment PB compared with CB.

4. Rearing chickens on rangeland may provide an alternative way to produce poultry meat which is considered superior by modern consumers.  相似文献   

Zinc is an essential trace element. The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of various levels of organic zinc (OZ) supplementation on growth performance and carcase quality of female broiler chickens. A total of 3200 1-d-old female broiler chicks were randomly allotted to 16 floor pens with 200 birds per pen. A maize-wheat-soyabean meal basal diet (Control) was formulated and 20 mg/kg OZ (20 OZ), 40 mg/kg OZ (40 OZ), and 80 mg/kg OZ (80 OZ) were added to the basal diet to form 4 dietary treatments with 4 replicates per treatment. The OZ source was zinc proteinate which contained 15% zinc. Results showed no significant difference between the treatments in growth performance. A significant increase in thigh skin epidermis and dermis thickness was shown in the OZ supplementation groups; however, no effect was found on the thickness of back skin epidermis and dermis. Collagen contents in breast and thigh meats were not influenced by OZ supplementation but a significant increase in collagen content was found in the back and thigh skin. This increase in collagen content was significantly greater in the back and thigh skin of OZ 80 than with OZ 20. Shear force value and zinc concentration in skins and meat were not significantly influenced by supplementation with OZ. It is concluded that dietary OZ does not improve growth performance of broilers; however, it could increase skin thickness by increasing collagen content in skin, thereby improving carcase quality.  相似文献   

A postal questionnaire was sent to the managers of 857 broiler farms in the UK to determine the prevalence and risk factors for wet litter. The response rate was 75 per cent. Wet litter was reported by 75 per cent (95 per cent confidence interval [CI] 71.3 to 78.3) of the respondents in at least one flock during the year 2001 and 56.1 per cent (95 per cent CI 52.0 to 60.0) of them reported that they had an outbreak of wet litter in their most recently reared flock. Wet litter occurred more often during the winter months and farms using side ventilation systems were at an increased risk (odds ratio 1.74; 95 per cent CI 1.09 to 2.76). A multivariable analysis was carried out using two different definitions of wet litter as outcome variables - all cases of wet litter, and cases of wet litter associated with disease. Consistent risk factors for both outcomes were coccidiosis, feed equipment failures and the availability of separate farm clothing for each house. Cases of wet litter associated with disease were reported by 33.7 per cent (95 per cent CI 28.8 to 39.1) of the managers in their last flock and were associated with the use of hand sanitisers and broiler houses with walls made of concrete.  相似文献   

1. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the residual effects of two windrow composting methods for reused litter on its quality (pH, moisture, ammonia), ammonia (NH3) volatilisation and the prevalence (scores 0–4) of foot pad dermatitis (FPD) and hock burn (HB) on d 1, 7, 14 and 21 of age in broilers. Litter was allowed to compost for 8 d within a 14-d interval between flocks.

2. The composting methods studied were with or without a PVC plastic sheet. The same procedures were applied for three consecutive flocks, with litter initially having been used for 12 flocks. Data were analysed with a mixed model of repeated measures of day, with main effects and interactions of day, composting method, litter age (block) and house nested within method.

3. At d 1, litter NH3 and NH3 volatilisation were higher in the covered litter method. Litter moisture increased to 45.3% as broilers aged. The incidence of FPD also increased with age. No signs of HB were found in any bird throughout the trials.

4. There was no effect of litter composting methods on the prevalence of FPD or body weight at any age.

5. Litter moisture should be controlled to avoid NH3 volatilisation reaching critical levels. Windrow composting of litter with a PVC plastic sheet may not be required when considering the broiler housing environment.  相似文献   

1. Carcase composition, whole body nutrient accretion rates and total tract nutrient retention of broilers in response to supplemental phytase or carbohydrase and protease from 0 to 21 d of age were investigated. 2. A total of 480 broilers were allocated to 4 slaughter groups (SG) of 30, 150, 150 and 150 broilers. Thirty broilers, in 6 replicates of 5 birds, comprised the initial SG killed at d 0; 150 broilers were allocated to each of the d 7, 14 and 21 final SG. Broilers in the final SG were allocated to 5 treatments in a randomised complete block design; each treatment had 6 replicate cages of 5 broilers per replicate cage. 3. The diets were maize-wheat-soyabean based and the treatments were: (1) positive control which met NRC (1994) energy and nutrients requirements for broiler, (2) negative control (NC) deficient in metabolisable energy (ME) and P, (3) NC plus phytase added at 1000 FTU/kg, (4) NC plus cocktail of xylanase, amylase and protease (XAP), and (5) NC plus phytase and XAP. 4. Except for ash and Ca, the treatments had no effect on carcase composition. Phytase or XAP individually or combined had variable effects on body nutrient accretion rates at various age periods of the broilers compared with the NC diet. Phytase alone or combined with XAP consistently improved body accretion rates of DM, protein, fat, ash, Ca, and P. 5. Addition of phytase alone or combined with XAP to the NC diet improved total tract N and P retention compared with the NC diet. Cocktail of XAP alone or combined with phytase improved Ca retention. Combination of phytase and XAP improved metabolisable energy (ME) and dry matter retention. 6. Overall, the results showed that the exogenous enzymes used had greater effects on the rates of nutrient accumulation in the carcase rather than on the proportion of nutrients deposited in the carcase.  相似文献   

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