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The resistance to insecticides of three Sudanese strains of A. gossypii (Glov.) collected from cotton fields in the Sudan Gezira Scheme over three seasons (1988, 1989, 1990) and that of two French strains was studied in the laboratory. When compared with a known susceptible strain, the aphids were found to be resistant-to the eight insecticides tested. Evolution of resistance in Sudanese strains during the three crop seasons was observed. Assay of aphid homogcnate for carboxytesterase activity towards the substrates α-naphthyl acetate and β-naphthyl acetate showed that there was no enhancement of this class of enzyme and thus it was not a cause of resistance in this species. A study of interaction between the acetylcholinesterase (AchE) and pirimicarb established the kinetics of the inhibition process. I50 values were found to be much higher for the Sudanese strains than for the susceptible strain. First-order inhibition kinetics revealed that resistance towards pirimicarb in Sudanese-strains was caused by a modified AchE which had a reduced affinity (higher Ka value) and poor carbamylation ability (lower K2 value) for pirimicarb. The resistance mechanisms for the other insecticides remain to be studied.  相似文献   


Early work on chemical weed control in the fallow towards the end of the Second World War is reviewed briefly. Attempts to use contact residual herbicides as pre-emergence applications in the early 1950s are also described.

Pre-sowing applications of residual herbicides were found more phytotoxic to cotton than pre-emergence applications. The closer the time of pre-sowing application to cotton sowing, the more effective was suppression of weeds competing with cotton.

Mechanical cultivations and particularly disc ploughing and rotovation to a depth of more than 15 cm were found more effective in the control of Cynodon dactylon than pre-sowing herbicide applications.

Fluometuron, noruron and prometryne were found very effective as pre-emergence herbicides. Optimum rates of application were found to be only 25-50% of rates recommended for the USA and other countries. Resistant weeds included Cyperus rotundus, Cynodon dactylon, and Rhyncosia memnonia.

A large-scale trial with fluometuron, covering 125 feddans at Wad el Nairn showed that yields obtained were equal to those with normal weeding. Costs of herbicide treatments were also comparable to costs of hand-weeding in a year of exceptionally low hand-weeding costs.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the weed flora in the Gezira Scheme, Sudan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agriculture plays a major role in the economic and social development of Sudan. The most important agricultural area in Sudan is the irrigated Gezira Agricultural Scheme (GAS), which takes water from the Sennar Dam on the Blue Nile. This study investigated weed communities in relation to geographical location and crop rotation in 2000 and 2001. Five agricultural units were sampled from the central sector of the GAS; within each unit we surveyed weed communities in different phases of the crop rotation: cotton, groundnuts, sorghum, and a fallow. The distribution of weed species showed some similarities in the 2 years sampled, with most species being found in all agricultural units but their relative proportions differed. Broad-leaved weeds were dominant, suggesting that herbicides selected for weed control in the Gezira scheme need to be effective against this group of species. Agricultural unit and crop type affected weed communities in both years. The weed flora was largest in cotton, intermediate in groundnuts and sorghum, and smallest in the fallow. Although most weeds were found in all agricultural units; however, their relative abundances differed greatly, either as a result of differences in management between the units, or some other spatial effect. As such, weed control programmes need to be tailored at the agricultural unit scale.  相似文献   

Unrestricted weed growth resulted in serious yield losses (60–75%) in rice (Oryza saliva L.). Hand-weeding once at 2 weeks after crop emergence was ineffective, but weeding at 2 and 2 weeks after crop emergence brought yield losses down to 20%. Pre-emergence application of bifenox and oxadiazon (12 l) and post-emergence application of molinate + propanil gave crop yields comparable to that of the clean weeded control (91–129%). Grain yields obtained with pre-emergence application of oxadiazon (25 EC) and post-emergence applications of propanil, bentazone + propanil, and bifenox alone or as a tank mix with propanil or bentazone were considerably less than those obtained from the clean weeded plots. Bifenox, oxadiazon (12 l) and propanil + molinate gave adequate and persistent weed control (72–97%), and did not damage rice. Oxadiazon (25 EC) gave good weed control but resulted in a serious stand reduction. Post-emergence application of propanil, propanil + bentazone bifenox alone or as a tank mix with propanil or bentazone had no adverse effect on crop stand, but gave poor control of grasses (0–40%).  相似文献   

Losses of crop yield due to weed competition in unweeded plots averaged nearly 60% of weed-free yields in cotton and 70% in groundnuts. Weed competition was not directly related to weed groundcover but was dependent on the seasonal growing conditions. The critical period of weed competition in both crops was the 6 weeks between 4 and 10 weeks after crop emergence. During this period cotton could tolerate up to 25% weed groundcover without appreciable loss in crop yield. Groundnuts could tolerate not more than 10% weed cover before yield loss occurred. A main factor in achieving standards of weed control within these limits was preventing the early growth of monocotyledonous weed species: pre-sowing application of trifluralin and benfiuralin provided this over a wide range of growing conditions.  相似文献   


Mobility results in movement of insects from their birth place (emigration) to another site (immigration). The scale, both in time and in space, on which such migration occurs may determine rates of increase or decrease in numbers in a fixed geographical area or plot. This is self evident in the case of mobile insects, such as locusts. Other documented examples include the spruce budworm in Canada and the Queensland fruit fly.

In the Sudan Gezira the distribution of the major insect pest of cotton, Heliothis armigera Hb., was found to conform to a common temporal pattern over probably some thousands of square kilometres, and other major pests, Empoasca libyca de Berg and Bemisia tabaci Gen., are considered to be similarly distributed, suggesting that their occurrence in damaging numbers may be dominated by transport and concentration by major windfields rather than by natality and mortality within a field or area. This posibility was investigated using a Pilatus Turbo-Porter aircraft fitted with Doppler Navigator equipment and an insect collecting net, and densities of flying insects monitored by a ground-based Marine-type Radar.

The results of this study will make it possible to determine the spatial extent of a threatening population and the time during which that population is present, so that control action may be taken on a commensurate scale. Such matching of scale of operations to insect mobility is of particular importance when repeated invasions occur during periods of rapid crop growth, because it enables non-persistent insecticides to be employed, thus providing potentially better utilisation of parasites and predators than can be achieved by maintaining the crop as an environment lethal to insects. These procedures, connoted ‘synoptic survey’ and ‘synchronous control’, require that the control is applied on a scale determined by pest mobility rather than by the boundaries of fields or other artificial constraints. Evidence is accumulating regarding the importance of insect mobility, in particular adaptive dispersal, in population dynamics and this may require re-assessment of farmer and government responsibilities in crop protection.  相似文献   

Unrestricted weed growth reduced the yield of transplanted onions (Allium cepa L.) by 26–48%. Hand-weeding once, 42 days after transplanting reduced the yield loss to 15%. Application of oxadiazon (1.1–1.3 kg ai ha?1), pendimethalin (1.2–1.8 kg ai ha?1), oxyfluorfen (0.14–0.43 kg ai ha?1) and chlorthal-dimethyl (8.3–13.1 kg ai ha?1) resulted in yields comparable to the hand-weeded control (82–126%). When sprayed at transplanting these herbicides gave excellent and persistent control of grasses (86–100%). However, they were less effective on broad-leaved weeds (38–94% control). Désherbage chimique de l'oignon repiqué (Allium cepa L.) dans la Gezireh soudanaise La croissance incontrôlée des mauvaises herbes réduit le rendement des oignons repiqués de 26–48%. Un désherbage manuel, 42 jours après le repiquage, ramène la baisse de rendement à 15%. L'application d'oxadiazon (1,1–1,3 kg ma ha?1), de pendiméthalin (1,2–1,8 ka ma ha1), d'oxyfluorfen (0,14–0,43 ka ma ha?1) et de chlortal-diméthyle (8,3–13,1 kg ma ha?1), a permis d'atteindre des rendements comparables aux témoins désherbés manuellement (82–126%). Lorsqu'ils ont été administrés au moment du repiquage, ces herbicides ont permis un contrôle efficace et persistant des monocotylédones (86–100%). Toutefois, ils se sont montrés moins efficaces à l'égard des dicotylédones (38–94% du témoin). Chemische Unkrautbekämpfung in verpflanzten Zwiebeln (Allium cepa L.) in der Region Gezira (Sudan) Ungehinderte Unkrautentwicklung in verpflanzten Zwiebeln (Allium cepa L.) verringerte die Ernte um 26–48%. Eine Handjätung, 42 Tage nach dem Auspflanzen, reduzierte den Ernteverlust auf 15%. Die Applikation von Oxadiazon (1,1–1,3 kg ai ha?1), Pendimethalin (1,2–1,8 kg ai ha?1), Oxyfluorfen (0,14–0,43 kg ai ha?1) und Chlorthal- dimethyl (8,3–13,1 kg ai ha?1) erbrachte Ernten, die mit denjenigen, der von Hand gejäteten Kontrollparzellen vergleichbar waren (82–126%). Diese Herbizide, zur Ausflanzzeit ausgebracht, ergaben eine ausgezeichnete und andauernde Kontrolle von Gräsern (86–100%), während die Wirkung gegen breitblättrige Unkräuter geringer ausfiel (38–94%).  相似文献   


This paper describes the treatment of plant material entering Australia through quarantine. The methods used for screening plants during post-entry quarantine are discussed and the plant-houses and equipment and techniques used for sterilising soil and controlling pests are described. A list of plants tested for the effects of fumigation with methyl bromide is given and recommendations for fungicide and pesticide are listed.  相似文献   

丙炔氟草胺除草活性及对棉花的安全性   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
丙炔氟草胺是一种以原卟啉原氧化酶为作用标靶的N-苯基肽酰亚胺类除草剂。为探究其在棉花田的应用前景,通过温室盆栽法对丙炔氟草胺的杀草谱、除草活性及其对棉花的安全性进行了测定。结果表明:丙炔氟草胺对棉田常见阔叶杂草有较好防效,处理剂量为有效成分15 g/hm2时,对马齿苋Portulaca oleracea、反枝苋Amaranthus retroflexus、藜Chenopodium album、小藜Chenopodium serotinum和鳢肠Eclipta prostrata的鲜重防效均高于90%,对野油菜Rorippa indica、苣荬菜Sonchus arvensis、小飞蓬Conyza canadensis、龙葵Solanum nigrum、马唐Digitaria sanguinalis和牛筋草Eleusine indica等的鲜重防效高于80%;丙炔氟草胺对棉田4种常见阔叶杂草马齿苋、反枝苋、龙葵和藜的除草活性均显著高于二甲戊灵;丙炔氟草胺在鲁棉研28号与马齿苋、反枝苋、龙葵和藜之间的选择性指数依次为79.1、38.1、32.1和112.6,均显著高于二甲戊灵的12.0、9.9、5.8和9.2;鲁棉研37号、鑫秋4号与杂草间的选择性指数,与鲁棉研28号的相近。试验结果表明,丙炔氟草胺可作为棉田苗前防除阔叶杂草的候选药剂之一。  相似文献   

噁草酮防除直播稻田杂草稻的施用技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
杨林  沈浩宇  强胜 《植物保护学报》2016,43(6):1033-1040
为确立噁草酮防除直播稻田杂草稻的施用技术,通过温室盆栽试验比较了噁草酮在不同土壤水分环境下对栽培稻的安全性及对杂草稻的防效,并在大田中比较了不同直播方式下其对杂草稻的防效及栽培稻产量的影响。结果表明,透气条件下,噁草酮对栽培稻的药害最低,但对杂草稻的防效也较差;饱和水分条件下对杂草稻防效较好,150 g(a.i.)/hm~2时其出苗率和鲜重的抑制率达89.61%和61.87%,超过450 g(a.i.)/hm~2时完全抑制出苗;但药后播种对栽培稻安全性较高,600 g(a.i.)/hm~2下对其出苗率和鲜重的抑制率仅分别为38.06%和39.96%,播后施药的药害较重,最低剂量150 g(a.i.)/hm~2时抑制率已分别达88.77%和45.52%;淹水条件下,虽对杂草稻有100%的防效,但也完全抑制栽培稻出苗。大田施用噁草酮300、450、600 g(a.i.)/hm~2,旱直播和水直播方式下杂草稻株防效分别为26.88%、43.54%、44.45%和84.88%、85.74%、90.92%;鲜重防效分别为11.58%、20.16%、27.33%和30.86%、53.68%、80.15%。旱直播和水直播方式下施用量分别超过450、300 g/hm~2时栽培稻产量显著增加。综合分析,推荐水直播整地后泥水状态施用300 g(a.i.)/hm~2噁草酮,水层落干后播种,保持土壤湿润且土表不出现水渍,栽培稻顺利出苗后及时上水且不淹没苗心为宜。  相似文献   

Diphenamid (N,N-dimethyl-2,2-diphenylacetamide) in an aqueous solution in plastic bottles was partially detoxified when exposed to sunlight for 1 week. Varying spray volumes from 300 to 1,800 I/ha did not have an appreciable effect on the phytotoxicity of diphenamid, sprayed on a coarse or fine soil surface. The marked dissipation of diphenamid which occurred from the soil surface was attributed to photodecomposition and volatilization. Diphenamid phytotoxicity was greater when the first irrigation after spraying was applied in four increments of 100 m3/ha or two increments of 200 m1/ha than when it was applied in a single 400 m1/h watering; the latter caused more leaching of the herbicide. The diphenamid fraction leached out of a 4-cm soil layer increased as the organic matter content in the soil decreased, from 25% in peat (22.3% o.m.) to >88% in sandy loam (0.9% o.m.). The herbicidal activity remaining after leaching was lower in sandy loam and in peat than in soil with medium organic matter content (11.6% and 6.2%). Diphenamid degradation rate in soil at 50% field capacity moisture level, increased when temperature was increased from 10° to 30°C. After 4 months of incubation at 10°C, 40-50% of the original herbicide was detoxified, while at 20° and 30°C the loss exceeded 90%. Within the range of day-temperatures of 10° to 40°C in soil and of 10° to 35°C in nutrient solution, diphenamid phytotoxicity to tomato seedlings increased with temperature.  相似文献   

为明确丙炔氟草胺与二甲戊灵复配的联合除草作用及其对棉花的安全性,采用室内生物测定方法,研究了复配制剂的联合除草类型,测定了其对不同品种棉花的安全性及其在棉花与杂草之间的选择性指数,并对复配制剂进行田间药效试验。温室试验结果显示:丙炔氟草胺与二甲戊灵按不同质量比复配后,对供试杂草马齿苋、反枝苋和马唐均呈现加成或增效作用。其中丙炔氟草胺与二甲戊灵按质量比1 : 10复配后的除草活性高于二甲戊灵单剂,其在供试棉花品种与供试杂草的选择性指数在25.81~39.39之间,与两种单剂相比,在一定程度上提高了对棉花的安全性。田间药效试验结果显示:丙炔氟草胺与二甲戊灵复配后综合了两种单剂的优势,对铁苋菜、反枝苋、马齿苋、藜和牛筋草均有很好的防除效果且对棉花安全。  相似文献   

三氟啶磺隆除草活性及对棉花的安全性评价   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
三氟啶磺隆是一种新型、高效、低毒的棉田除草剂,为明确其在我国棉田的应用前景,以嘧草硫醚为对照药剂,采用温室盆栽法对三氟啶磺隆的杀草谱、除草活性及对棉花的安全性进行了评价。结果表明:在有效成分11.25 g/hm2剂量下,三氟啶磺隆对香附子、狗尾草、鳢肠、小藜、画眉草、小飞蓬、千金子、鬼针草、苍耳、鹅肠菜和反枝苋的鲜重防效均在90%以上,且对棉田杂草香附子、苘麻、狗尾草、反枝苋和马齿苋的除草活性均高于嘧草硫醚,以ED50值计,其毒力分别是嘧草硫醚的171、13.6、12.6、10.5和3.82倍;三氟啶磺隆在华棉5号棉花与香附子、狗尾草、苘麻间的选择性指数分别为13.0、2.80和1.13,高于嘧草硫醚的2.29、1.78和0.86,但其在华棉5号与反枝苋和马齿苋间的选择性指数分别为2.80和1.74,低于嘧草硫醚的4.75和3.38;两种药剂在山农棉8号棉花与杂草间的选择性指数与华棉5号的相似。  相似文献   

生物源除草剂是一种环境友好型除草剂,是未来除草剂的发展方向之一。本文从生物源除草剂应用的角度出发,综述了历年来国内外生物源除草活性物质在除草领域的研究进展,对生物源除草活性物质及其衍生物的开发和应用现状进行了系统的归纳和总结。其中植物源除草活性物质包括松科、桃金娘科、芸香科、唇形科和菊科等植物的提取物、分泌物和化学改性衍生物;微生物源除草活性物质包括真菌、细菌、放线菌、病毒和它们的次生代谢产物。本文可为生物源除草剂的开发和应用提供一定参考。  相似文献   

施氮量对棉田主要害虫种群动态的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过不同施氮肥量对棉田主要害虫种群动态影响的研究结果表明,在低、中、高3种施氮肥水平处理条件下,随着氮肥量的增加,棉田棉铃虫落卵量增加,棉苗蚜、棉叶螨种群数量减少,发生为害减轻,但棉伏蚜种群数量增加。中等施氮肥条件下,第二、三代棉铃虫幼虫数量高于低和高施氮肥处理,对棉铃虫幼虫的生长发育和存活较为有利。  相似文献   

机动喷雾器棉田喷洒效果的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘定忠 《江西植保》2003,26(1):27-27
为了充分发挥机动喷雾器防治棉铃虫的优势,提高防治的效果,我们在2002年8月份,就改变机动喷雾器在棉田喷雾的行走方式做了调查,结果整理如下。 1 材料与方法 1.1 试验方法 改机头左右双向喷雾为单向喷雾,每次喷洒4行。药箱内所盛液体以红色墨水标识。在第3、4两行各选10株棉花,在倒1、倒3、倒5层果枝上的第2节位分别挂牌标记,每株3个,牌面大小为12cm2(3㎝×4㎝)。试验在彭泽县定山镇东光村进行,棉花株高1.25m~1.35m,厢宽1.2m,每厢单行移栽棉花。所用机动喷雾器为泰山牌。 1.2 调查方法 待药液干后,按不同部位分别统计各牌…  相似文献   

为了科学配制棉花脱叶催熟剂药液,通过室内和田间试验评价了 4 种脱叶催熟剂药液体系在不同放置时间内理化性质的变化及其对植保无人飞机(UAV)喷施作业效果的影响。结果表明:540 g/L噻苯 ? 敌草隆悬浮剂药液体系在配制后 0 h的悬浮率和持留量最优,分别为95.5%和 5.49 mg/cm2;68%噻苯 ? 敌草隆可湿性粉剂药液体系配制后0 h在棉花叶片上接触角最优(0°);81%噻苯 ? 敌草隆水分散粒剂药液体系和12%噻苯 ? 敌草隆可分散油悬浮剂药液体系中噻苯隆的稳定性均较好,配制后24 h分别降低了11.63%和14.47%。总体上,4种脱叶催熟剂药液体系的悬浮率、持留量和噻苯隆含量均随着放置时间的延长而降低,且在 0.5~1 h时内降幅最为显著。药液放置时间对UAV喷施后的雾滴体积中径 (VMD,Dv50)、雾滴覆盖率和均匀性均有不同程度的影响。4 种药液体系的田间脱叶率均随放置时间的延长而降低,在 0~1 h内下降最快,放置超过 1 h会对棉花脱叶率产生显著影响,其中 12 h后影响最大。该研究结果可为棉花脱叶催熟剂药液的科学配制和UAV喷施作业提供参考。  相似文献   

施锌对棉花不同生育期净同化率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用田间试验研究了锌素施用下棉花净同化率的动态变化规律。研究发现,随着锌素用量的增加,棉花产量先升高后降低,施ZnSO4.7H2O为20 kg/hm2产量达到最高;随着棉花生长发育进程,净同化率(NAR)呈现先升高后降低的趋势,蕾期~花期(LH)为最大;生长前期(苗期~盛花期),随着锌用量的增加,NAR呈明显上升趋势,而生长中后期(花期~吐絮期),随着锌素施用量的增加,净同化率明显降低,在生长后期尤其是铃期以后,NAR对锌素反应表现的比较异常,不论锌施用量多少,NAR均低于对照;在盛花期~铃期,锌素用量和NAR之间不论是直线型、指数型还是二次曲线型关系,都达到显著水平,但以一元二次曲线拟合更好。  相似文献   

Residual fate and behaviour of the herbicide oxadiazon in Kalyani soil, paddy straw and grain were studied under subtropical conditions, in West Bengal following application @ 1 kg and 2 kg ha−1. Dissipation of oxadiazon in soil followed first-order kinetics and DT50 values ranged from 44 to 45 days. Residues at harvest in paddy grains and straw were also studied. Degradation of oxadiazon after 60 days of incubation at 28(± 1) °C in alluvial soil at water holding capacity yielded 10 metabolites of which four were characterised by spectroscopy. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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