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农村闲置废弃宅基地复垦耕种方式研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蔡健  兰伟 《中国农学通报》2007,23(1):160-160
笔者以玉米、大豆为材料,采用裸地、薄膜覆盖、秸杆覆盖和玉米间作大豆等不同的耕种方式,探讨了农村闲置废弃宅基地复垦种植模式。结果表明:(1)在不同耕种方式中,玉米株高、叶面积指数、穗粒数、穗位、穗长等主要农艺性状和玉米产量之间存在显著相关关系,相关系数分别为0.882、0.913、0.895、0.731和0.642。盖膜种植能显著地促进玉米生长发育,增加植株高度,增大叶面积指数,并使穗粒数、穗长和穗粒增加,穗位提高,间作大豆在一定程度上改变了玉米生长发育规律。(2)秸杆覆盖和玉米间作大豆耕种方式,不仅可以提高地温,保水蓄肥,而且还能增加土壤腐殖质含量,改善土壤理化性质,培肥土壤,因此是农村闲置废弃宅基地复垦种植的主要模式。(3)复垦农村闲置废弃宅基地,探索作物新的栽培种植模式,对于合理利用土地资源,促进社会主义新农村建设具有重要的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   

Temple of local land god is a kind of traditional sacrificial architecture in China's village,and is cultural landscape generated under special farming system of China,which reflects the spiritual world of the working people and bears the history of the village. Its protection and continuity must take inheriting the cultural spirit as the most important prerequisite,and place spirit established by Norberg Schultz provides important theoretic basis for it. In this paper,based on place spirit,place spirit of temple of local land god is interpreted,and important role of place spirit in its protection and continuity and the ways to create place spirit of temple of local land god are explored.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine how social media is used as a promotional tool for economic development at the municipal level through place marketing and branding, to identify and explore what specific tools are being used, and to discuss the strengths and limitations of use. Primary data was collected through in‐depth interviews with 16 municipal economic development practitioners in the Province of Ontario, Canada. Additional data collected from municipal social media accounts was used to further reinforce the qualitative data and allow for triangulation and greater breadth of analysis. The findings suggest that social media is being used as a tool to promote local services and political information rather than communicate a brand position. Additionally, limited interaction with the audience reduces not only the effectiveness of place marketing efforts but also enhancement of place brands. While some findings are place specific (as study design limited research participants to municipalities in Ontario), these findings can be shared with other locales in advanced economies to provide them with information to make improvements in the way communication technology is utilised. This research paper provides a better understanding of how social media is being used by municipalities and how it fits into place marketing and place branding.  相似文献   

萜烯是一系列以异戊二烯为单元的烯烃类化合物,在葡萄果实中主要以单萜为主,它们具有愉悦的花、果香气味。因为萜烯类物质的阈值很低,所以尽管它们在葡萄果实中的含量不高,依然对葡萄果实与葡萄酒的香气品质有着重要贡献,提高果实单萜含量则成为了葡萄香气育种的主要目标。本研究主要综述了葡萄果实单萜合成途径关键基因-单萜合成酶基因和糖基转移酶基因的研究进展,分析了基因型和气候因素对单萜生物合成的影响,结果发现:不同品种的葡萄果实中,单萜合成路径的关键酶VvGT7以及VvDXS都在关键活性位点存在氨基酸种类的差异,且已经证实这种差异会导致萜烯含量的不同;光照、水分以及温度等环境因素的差异都是导致葡萄果实中萜烯含量不同的原因。最后对单萜在转录水平上的调控研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines whether economic valuation methods are capable of meaningfully measuring the value of the wilderness in monetary terms. Although non-monetary valuation methods are often important in policy making arenas, this paper focuses on monetary methods. Three questions are examined to determine if these economic valuation methods can contribute to the development of wilderness policy. First, are the valuation methods which have been developed by economists capable of expressing in dollar terms the value of all the services which the wilderness supplies? Second, if these valuation methods are not capable of eliciting all the relevant values, are they still useful for public policy purposes? Third, can the valuation methods be modified or can new methods be developed which can measure some of the values which have not been captured by the previously employed methods? The paper reviews existing valuation methods according to these criteria and finds that the ability to value the wilderness is limited by the shortcomings of currently employed techniques. Refinements to existing methods and potential new methods are suggested to further the valuation process.  相似文献   

通过分析长春市区建设用地与耕地的时空变化特征及建设用地扩张对耕地的影响,为黑土区土地合理利用与耕地保护提供参考。本文采用2005年和2019年的Landsat TM/OLI遥感影像,基于面向对象-决策树的分类方法提取研究区土地利用信息,对长春市区建设用地和耕地的时空变化及建设用地对耕地数量、质量和结构的影响进行了研究。结果表明:2005年以来,长春市区建设用地扩张21163.30 hm2,而耕地面积则减少19011.81 hm2。新增加的建设用地占用耕地18170.84 hm2,为建设用地增加面积的85.33%,建设用地的扩张导致耕地破碎化程度增大;建设用地侵占的耕地多为优质耕地,Ⅰ~Ⅲ级的面积比例达72.17%。研究结果对协调黑土区快速城市化过程中耕地资源的保护具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Abstract: In the process of migration, some traditions persist while others do not. The Yulan Festival, also known as the Ghost Festival, continues to be observed by different subethnic Chinese migrant groups in Hong Kong for a variety of reasons. Although the festival organisation accentuates subethnic distinctions, paradoxically it also enables different groups to integrate into the larger community. The activities articulate various meanings of ‘place’– as ‘ancestral place’ on the mainland where
the rituals are believed to originate, as the specific locality/neighbourhood in Hong Kong where the festival is held, and Hong Kong as a whole. This article, based on interviews with Chiu Chow and Hoklo participants, shows how they think of the different meanings of ‘place’, which in turn reflects the way they make sense of the process of migration.

土壤干旱对棉花生理特性与产量的影响   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
土壤干旱条件下,棉花不同品种、不同生育时期对水分胁迫的反应不同。抗旱种质材料8202比非耐旱品种黑山棉表现为叶水势高、水分饱和亏缺少、气孔阻力大、蒸腾强度小、细胞膜透性、呼吸强度及光合速率变化幅度小、脯氨酸积累多的生理特性。中等耐旱品种塔什干生理指标变化幅度介于8202与黑山棉之间。抗旱系数为8202>塔什干>黑山棉,不同生育时期各项指标对水分胁迫的敏感程度为花期>铃期>蕾期。  相似文献   

Student racial and ethnic diversity in higher education is an important and timely topic, as institutions, policy makers, and economists increasingly recognize the value that accrues at many levels of having a skilled and diverse student body and workforce. Students benefit from learning in a diverse environment; firms may benefit from a diverse workforce; and more demographically diverse regions may experience higher rates of economic growth. However, the forces governing institution‐level student diversity are poorly understood, as little prior research on the topic exists. This paper uses school enrollment data to parse out the contribution of institutional characteristics, geographical setting, and local demographic characteristics to student body diversity at each level of study. Results indicate that geographical location and local demographic composition play a role in student body diversity, as do the type and orientation of the institution. Institutional characteristics explain a lot of the variation in student body diversity and actual location of schools matters less than the demographic composition of young people around that location. Two broad conclusions emerge with regard to schools seeking to increase their student diversity. First, some may find their efforts hampered by circumstances outside their control (e.g., location). Second, the influence of public/private status and even school size suggests further research on the ways in which these factors influence student diversity so that eventual policy action can be more effective.  相似文献   

设施果蔬栽培的小气候及其调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
果蔬栽培设施内的光照、温度、水分和气体等环境因子,是各种果蔬作物赖以生存的基本条件。设施内小气候具有其自身特点。研究分析发现,设施内的光照强度较弱,光照分布不均匀,由南向北光照强度逐渐减弱;气温地温均高于外界;相对湿度一般比露地高;另外,设施内CO2浓度低。针对设施内独特的小气候提出了相应的调控措施。  相似文献   

This paper describes how the transformation of coastal New Zealand is directly connected to the dislocation and marginalisation of many Māori coastal communities. It focuses on how this transformation is played out in text and talk and how certain types of boundaries function as important determinants in the construction and social order of coastal New Zealand. The high value and demand placed on specific, accessible ‘cadastral’ parcels of private coastal property dictates that much of New Zealand's coast is mapped according to constructs of wealth and desirability. In other parts of the country where development pressures on the coast are less prevalent, coastal communities are less evidently connected to markers of affluence and/or ‘whiteness’. In these less disciplined spaces, uncertainty and liminality is more influential in the making of coastal places. Through an analysis of interviews with coastal planners and residents of coastal communities it is revealed that particular hegemonies, through the discourses they produce, attempt to assert a particular socio‐spatial epistemology on counter‐hegemonic groups in an effort to develop and manage the coast. Communities that revealed an alternative social ordering are described as messy and difficult to manage, while other coastal communities are marketed as exclusive, where model residents inhabit model places.  相似文献   

城镇化下留守农民社会资本培育的困境及化解   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在城镇化持续推进下,人力资本与社会资本丰富的农民大量流向城市,致使留守农民社会资本急剧下降,在农村形成了一个巨大的社会资本缺口,加剧了留守农民贫困化,严重制约着农村全面发展。为此,培育留守农民社会资本,提高其运用社会资本能力以脱贫,是妥善解决三农问题与新农村建设的根本思路之一。但是,城乡发展对资源的争夺、留守农民自身资源的不足以及民间组织与农村精英的自利,使得培育与开发留守农民社会资本陷入诸多困境。为有效培育留守农民社会资本,宏观上,应进行城乡发展统筹规划,且重点向农村统筹;微观上,通过各类学校教育、基础设施建设、民间组织组建等各种途径,加强有利于社会资本培育的基础平台建设。  相似文献   

城乡建设用地 “增减挂钩” 制度评价与研究展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
城乡建设用地“增减挂钩”制度是一项具有创新性的制度设计与安排,其发源于耕地“占补平衡”,宗旨和核心是为了保护耕地.但纵观这几年的试点,人们发现“增减挂钩”制度出现了诸多问题,对“增减挂钩”制度如何进行评价,是暂停、继续还是改进?基于此背景,深入分析了“增减挂钩”制度演进过程,评价了该制度产生的理论和现实基础,并对当前学术界对“增减挂钩”制度态度和观点进行了分类评述;在此基础上,重点研究了该制度问题根源及症结所在,提出了今后研究的重点和难点问题.研究发现:社会各界对“增减挂钩”制度初衷、制度框架、改进方向等问题在认识和行动上没有统一,尤其是制度制定者和执行者之间存在巨大的目标差异,只有从认识论、方法论等层面理清这些问题,才能够使得这一具有创新性的制度设计发挥应有的制度效应.  相似文献   

“城乡建设用地增减挂钩”是国家推出缓解城镇用地压力、促进城乡统筹发展的一项重要管理措施。目前随着各地积极开展城乡建设用地增减挂钩试点工作,随之带来的土地权属问题也日益突出。基于城乡建设用地增减挂钩项目实施中所涉及的土地权属调整内容,遵循权属调整的原则,提出在实施过程中建新地块和拆旧地块内的土地权属调整方案,并总结了权属调整的相关程序,最后列出还应特别注意的问题和建议,以期能够促进城乡建设用地增减挂钩的有序、协调、高效实施。  相似文献   

新农村建设中农民工法律意识的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张彦华 《中国农学通报》2010,26(13):448-451
摘要:农民工问题多年来一直是社会高度关注的焦点问题。解决好农民工问题对于构建和谐社会、建设社会主义新农村至关重要。为我国基础建设和经济发展做出了巨大贡献的农民工的合法权益屡遭侵犯,维权也存在诸多困境。农民工法律意识薄弱以及法律素质普遍较低,不懂得运用法律武器维护自身的合法权益是其主要原因之一。因此,对目前我国农民工法律意识的现状和原因进行分析,剖析农民工维权艰难的主观要素,探索出培育农民工法律意识的有效方法和途经,为农民工提供法律维权困境的内在动力,保障其合法权益的有效实现。  相似文献   

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