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刘东  刘锐金 《中国农学通报》2022,38(32):139-147
热带作物产业是中国农业的重要组成部分,对保障国家资源安全、乡村振兴、民族团结和服务外交等方面具有重要意义。运用SWOT-PEST方法,结合中国热带作物产业发展现状,从政治、经济、社会、技术4个方面对中国热带作物产业的内部优势、劣势以及面临的外部机遇、挑战进行分析,并构建了分析矩阵,研究表明中国热带作物产业拥有政府重视程度高、自然资源丰富、区位优、较好的产业发展基础和科技力量储备等内部优势,同时也存在扶持力度相对不足、经营水平发展较为滞后、资源环境约束和生产成本的压力较大和科技进步贡献率较低等自身劣势。建议综合运用中国热带作物产业发展的增长型、扭转型、多元化和防御型4种策略,以“一带一路”倡议、乡村振兴战略和持续对外开放政策为契机,利用好国内市场需求旺盛、多元化需求不断增长、新技术应用力度加大的发展机遇,在充分挖掘和发挥内部优势的基础上,通过呼吁政府进一步加强对热带作物产业的政策支持力度、完善热带作物产业经营体系建设、推动热带作物企业“走出去”、科技创新驱动产业延链升级等方式补齐自身短板,减少或避免国际热带农产品市场对国内的冲击、供给安全的不确定性以及科技创新供给不足的威胁,全面提高中国热带作物产业的国际竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper empirically discusses the mechanism of China Neutral Technology by Embodied Spillovers from North America, and the effect on China economic growth. The simulations show that the effects of technology spillovers on both the innovating and the receiving economies depend on SS and AC. The three sectors spillovers of North America can improve China's Hicks-neutral technological progress, but only the third industry can increase the output of same industry of China, and decrease the output of other two industries. Based on the simulations, some advices are given on China trade policy.  相似文献   

黑龙江省林业产业集群发展策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑龙江省是林业大省,林业产业是支柱产业,林业产业集群对于提升林业产业竞争力、发展区域经济、振兴龙江经济具有重要意义。笔者阐述了产业集群及林业产业集群的内涵,对黑龙江省林业产业集群程度进行测定,结果表明目前黑龙江省林业产业已初步形成集群态势。分析黑龙江省林业产业集群发展中存在的问题并提出了对策建议,当地政府应加强政策引导,建立产业集群服务平台,实施品牌战略、龙头企业带动,加大金融支持力度,加快人力资源培养及技术创新。  相似文献   

Modern cluster theory provides reasons for positive external effects that accrue from the interaction of spatially proximate firms operating in common and related fields of economic activity. In this paper, we examine the impact of R&D-intensive clusters as a key factor of regional competitiveness on productivity growth. In relying on a hybrid approach of cluster identification, we examine effects of cluster specialization and diversity for a panel of German NUTS-3 regions in 2003–2019. After controlling for regional characteristics and unobserved heterogeneity, a robust cluster strength effect (i.e., specialization) on productivity growth is found within the context of conditional convergence across German regions. With regard to the underlying mechanisms, we find that the presence of multiple R&D-intensive clusters in specific technological fields is most strongly linked to higher levels of regional productivity growth. We also find that advantages from cluster specialization are strongest in key industrial sector such as automobile production, machinery, chemical and pharmaceutical products. Overall, our estimates particularly highlight the working of Marshallian externalities in productivity dynamics, while Jacobs-type spillovers tend to be partially realized. These findings indicate that some but not all cluster-based regional development strategies are promising policy tools to foster regional growth processes.  相似文献   

山西杂粮产业化的现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
董良利 《中国农学通报》2008,24(10):575-578
山西是杂粮栽培历史悠久,素来以品种多、质量优、营养丰富而倍受国内外市场欢迎。经过多年的发展,杂粮已成为山西农业的一大优势产业,但也存在品种退化、产量低、深加工落后等诸多问题,因此,在发展山西产粮产业问题上,必须树立战略思想,加强政府协调,制定配套措施,强化科技力量,建立优质基地,发展龙头企业,才能提高市场竞争力,成为山西农业经济的一大支柱和农业增收的重要途径。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to point out some shortcomings of traditional approaches to the study of “knowledge spillovers” and to suggest an alternative based on how knowledge is actually created and exchanged by individuals. Which regional setting is the best incubator of technological change and economic growth? Is this promoted by regional diversity or specialization of economi activity? This study will include economic analyses of geographically localized “dynamic knowledge externalities, Jacob's externalities, or adding new work to old, industrial classification and technology combination, human creativity, and technology combination through human action and imaginative use of resources. Employees add to, or switch their product line; individuals move from one type of production to another; individuals observe a product/process in another setting and incorporate it; individuals possessing different skills and working for different firms collaborate; and urban diversity and resource collaboration are utilized. It is concluded that problems are solved through the combination of previously unrelated things and that promoting regional specialization at the expense of spontaneously evolved local diversity might be a counter‐productive policy.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Economic competitiveness now has less to do with new materials than with new ways of producing, utilizing, and combining diverse knowledges. It is branded as symptomatic of a “new” economy and is often juxtaposed against the “old” economy. As accelerating technological change has greatly increased the volume and quality of the information available to organizations, to firms, and to individual employees, it is asserted that the economy has become more “new” than “old.” But this is predicated on the assumption that there is a “new” economy and that it is somehow distinguishable from the “old.” This paper explores the basis for this dichotomy and whether it really adds anything to understanding contemporary economies and their ongoing development. It will be argued that it is more useful and constructive to examine the economy through a lens dominated by service industries that are now the key drivers of change (innovation, competition, employment) and development. The paper is concluded with a discussion of some items that could usefully be part of an agenda for further research by economic geographers on the evolving spatial and structural attributes of service work and organizations and their impact on cities or regions at different scales of analysis.  相似文献   

确保中国粮食安全的科技发展战略与政策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
科技进步在保障粮食安全过程中具有越来越重要的地位,而中国粮食科技发展的现状却不容乐观。未来粮食科技发展的战略目标是为确保21世纪中国人口高峰期到来之际的粮食安全提供科技储备,战略重点是力争在粮食科技的若干重大领域取得关键性突破。为此提出了实施国家粮食安全重大科技攻关计划,运用“绿箱”政策加大对农业科技的投入,建立新型粮食科技推广体系等政策建议。  相似文献   

中国渔业科研机构的国际竞争力比较与分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过构建渔业科技竞争力评价指标体系,运用层次分析法将中国具有代表性的渔业科研机构与14个重要渔业国家的16所渔业科研机构进行科技竞争力分析与比较。结果显示,中国渔业科研机构的资源投入竞争力位于世界渔业科研机构前列,主要体现在研究人员数量得分以及研究总经费得分较高;科研成果竞争力居中等偏下,主要体现在高水平学术论文量得分过低,篇均被引频次得分过低等方面;渔业机构科研综合竞争力位居中上水平。结果提示,语言问题是影响中国渔业科技竞争力的因素之一,但不是主要因素,而整体原始创新能力与水平的不足才是主要影响因素。  相似文献   

调整产业结构是实现中国农业可持续发展的必然选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国现阶段农业存在着产业结构不合理、生产利润低、政策支持力度差、产品与市场需求不相宜等现象,必须立足于大农业和农村经济的长远发展,从多层次、多角度考虑,对农、林、牧、渔各行业之间的比例关系进行调整,对产业结构、产品结构、生产要素结构和贸易结构进行调整,发展优势产业,有计划地控制粮食种植面积和适度规模经营,提高畜牧业在农业中的地位,重视技术与制度创新,发展特色农业经济,而不应当仅仅在种植业内进行简单的品种换位。  相似文献   

农业在国民经济全局中的地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“农业是国民经济的基础”为我国发展国民经济的长期战略方针.保证农业稳步发展是我们的基本国策.我国农业在国民经济中的份额一直保持了很大的比重,而且明显高于许多发展中国家;但随着经济发展,此份额不断下降,这是世界各国经济发展共同的趋势,也是当代农业现代化的主要标志之一.当前,我国正处于经济结构变革的重要阶段,农业份额开始有更大幅度的下降,但是并不因此削弱其基础作用.农业作为国民经济基础,它的效益多为社会效益,同时又易受自然条件的制约,因此需要国家和社会各部门更大的支持和保护.  相似文献   

Technological progress is the key competitive ability of a society.A society's technological progress depends on it's ability of research and development (R&D) and the absorption of R&D spillovers. Since China is a developing country, which is comparatively short of R&D expenditure and activity, it is absolutely necessarily to utilize R&D spillovers. This paper analyses the relation among destination-specific AC (Absorption Capacity) , source- and destination-specific SS (Structural Similarity) and embodied technology spillovers by one-sector and three-areas GTAP models. The conclusion is:Being 'neutral' in nature, the exogenous Hicks-Neutral Technical Progress shock uniformly reduces the input requirements associated with producing a given level of output of stuff.  相似文献   

在大众媒介信息传播过程中,媒体传播对农业政策执行和农业科技推广是否发挥了应有的作用,采用定性定量相结合的研究方法,从不同媒介或渠道传播农业政策和科技信息的效果及农民受众的接受心理效果层面(认知、情感、意愿等)分析了媒体传播农业政策和科技信息的效力。 研究结果表明,农民受体对农业政策类信息的关注程度、知晓度和理解度普遍较低;对农业政策的赞同度、支持度和信奉度较高;不同收入地区的不同类型农户对农业政策信息和科技信息的关注程度有较大差异;不同媒体或渠道传播农业政策和科技信息的效果有较大差异;农户更愿意通过印发的相关政策资料和组织培训的形式获得农业政策和科技信息;信息传播的及时和强化程度如何影响农业政策的执行和农业新技术的转化等。并针对其研究结果提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

Russia presents an interesting case of a country which has strived to implement innovation policies since the transition period but so far has achieved mixed results. This study aims to analyze the impact of knowledge production and knowledge spillovers on regional growth in Russia within a framework of endogenous growth models. Applying GMM and spatial error panel modeling techniques to Rosstat data for 80 Russian regions from 2005 to 2013, the authors test the hypothesis about the relevance of R&D and expenditure on technological innovations (H1) and the hypothesis about the relevance of knowledge spillovers (H2) on the growth rates of GRP per capita. Hypothesis 1 was confirmed while Hypothesis 2 was rejected, indicating the absorptive capacities of innovatively lagging regions were not high enough for effective adaptation of new technologies from technologically innovative regions. Inclusion of indicators related to additional channels of knowledge diffusion in regressions resulted in the relevance of FDI and imports of goods and services for regional growth. Results of the study could form the basis for developing innovation policies for the Russian regions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to empirically examine regional resilience by assessing economic growth patterns in two distinct groups of regions across the European Union in the aftermath of the 2008 economic and financial crisis. In an effort to consider the regions as interconnected economic areas and account for spillover effects, the model incorporates complex spatial effects that consider both spatial heterogeneity and spatial dependence. The analysis follows a step‐wise approach. First, spatial heterogeneity is assessed by employing Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, which identifies two distinct spatial regimes, a core and a periphery, based on their initial level of economic development. A Spatial Durbin Model is then employed to estimate the determinants of regional resilience and growth in both regimes, including potential spillover effects. Results indicate that while both spatial regimes experience processes of economic convergence, recent determinants of growth, as well as spillover dynamics, differ across the two. In the core regime, better institutions, higher shares of investment, and an economy specialized in higher value‐added sectors significantly spur domestic growth, with investment also inducing positive spillover effects to neighbouring regions. In the peripheral regime, low shares of lower‐secondary educational attainment and high shares of tertiary educational attainment have a significant positive effect on domestic growth, with higher shares of tertiary educational attainment also inducing positive spillover effects. Moreover, technological readiness is also identified as an important factor in the peripheral regime with positive spillover effects. Upon the bedrock of these findings, initial policy proposals are offered.  相似文献   

为研究甘肃省葡萄酒产业竞争力现状及其影响因素,对甘肃省河西走廊地区几家具有发展潜力的葡萄酒企业进行调研,对所收集的资料进行整理分析,通过“钻石模型”介绍了甘肃省葡萄酒产业竞争力现状,之后运用主成分分析法对其竞争力的影响因素进行分析,研究表明:甘肃省葡萄酒产业已初具规模,但市场竞争力不足,主要表现为专业人才较少、葡萄种植及葡萄酒酿造技术缺乏标准化管理、产业配套设施不齐全;技术、政策以及品牌是影响其竞争力的主要因素。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper presents a contemporary survey and synthesis of research on the regional dimensions of technology and competitiveness and explores ways in which technological change has influenced industrial restructuring in U.S. regions. Neoclassical models of regional growth are judged to be seriously wanting in their treatment of technological change. Industrial organization theories such as product/profit cycles, best-practice firms, and flexible specialization have proven to be more illuminating. However, the task remains to integrate technology as a core element in a geography of production and regional economic change that includes both global strategic decision-making of companies and the viability of plants in particular regional settings. Although the federal government as sponsor and procurer of technology has contributed significantly to regional industrial restructuring, the prospects for state and local governments to facilitate technological change appear to be very limited.  相似文献   

陕西省杨凌农业高新技术产业示范区,以农业科技创新为核心,大力推动农业科技产业化。食品产业在杨凌示范区集聚度高,人才和科技资源优势突出,产业特色明显,龙头企业带动效应彰显,预期发展成效显著。今后将研究制定示范区食品产业集聚发展规划,明确发展目标和发展重点。以龙头食品企业为主体,构建食品产业科技创新体系,以专业孵化器等服务机构为加速平台,加大食品产业政策扶持力度,加强食品安全和质量保障体系建设,形成食品产业集聚和快速发展的战略模式。  相似文献   

充分发挥茶园碳汇功能,促进茶叶低碳生产发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在全球气候变化已引起世界各国关注的今天,发展低碳经济,采用可持续的低碳农业技术措施发展低碳农业,是解决气候变化与经济发展矛盾的有效途径。本研究介绍了茶园碳汇功能:茶树生长对空气中CO2的固定和茶园土壤碳库对有机碳的富积和保存。总结中国茶叶生产实践和茶叶科学研究过程中形成的低碳茶叶生产技术:因地制宜合理规划、合理开垦防止烧山垦园、合理密植因缺补缺、平衡施肥促进茶树无机有机物质循环过程的进程、立体栽培增加茶园生物多样性、免耕或减耕减少土壤碳排放、增施有机肥提高土壤C/N率等;提出提高茶农对低碳的认识、建立茶叶低碳生产示范园区、加强对茶叶生产低碳技术的研究、大力发展有机茶、政府政策导向支持等促进茶叶低碳生产发展建议。采用低碳生产技术,挖掘茶园生态系统的碳汇能力,增加茶园系统碳储量,必将对减少温室气体排放做出重大贡献。  相似文献   

Mega‐city regions (MCRs) have emerged as the main spatial form of China's new urbanization strategy and become the basic spatial units participating in global and regional competition. However, MCRs are not equally capable of boosting regional economic development due to their different levels of development. Therefore, this paper adopts the concept of competitiveness as both a theoretical framework and an empirical model to evaluate the development status of China's MCRs. Based on a review of the existing literature, this paper proposes a multi‐tier evaluation system to calculate the competitiveness of 13 MCRs. The chosen indicators come from the six perspectives of economic development, human resources, infrastructural accessibility, integration into the global economy, capacity for scientific and technological innovation, and sustainable development. The results show that there are great disparities and regional inequalities in competitiveness across different MCRs. The Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, and Beijing–Tianjin–Tangshan MCRs are the first‐tier MCRs with the highest levels of development and have significant global influence as well. Chengdu–Chongqing, Shandong Peninsula, South‐central Liaoning, and Wuhan belong to the second‐tier of MCRs that show partial advantages and have significant regional influence. The remaining regions belong to the third‐ or fourth‐tier of MCRs that have relatively weak competitiveness. The competitiveness of MCRs largely depends on the concentration of core elements in core cities.  相似文献   

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