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Newborn lambs (n = 45) at the Agricultural Research Institute of Northern Ireland were fed either 50 grams of commercial lamb milk replacer or 50 grams of commercial colostrum replacer (bovine origin) in 200 ml of water four times during the first 24 hours of life or were given ad libitum access to the ewe. Total plasma protein at 24 hours of age was highest in lambs allowed to suckle the ewe (76.9 g/L). However, by 14 days of age, there were no differences in plasma protein levels among the three treatments. Bovine IgG was measured in lambs fed colostrum replacer and ovine IgG was measured in other lambs. Mean plasma IgG concentrations at 24 hours of age were 0.7 (milk replacer), 18.0 (colostrum replacer), and 26.6 (dam's milk) g/L. Bovine IgG administered orally to newborn lambs was adequately absorbed, and circulating IgG concentrations were sufficiently maintained throughout this study.  相似文献   

The importance of blood and colostrum/milk serum gamma-glutamyl transferase (gamma-GT) enzyme activity was evaluated to assess passive transfer status in healthy lambs. Thirty Akkaraman sheep (3-6 years old) were used which had normal pregnancy period and the same conditions, and the age of the lambs ranged between 0 and 15 days. Blood and colostrum/milk samples were collected from sheep and lambs after birth, before suckling (0) and after on 1st, 3rd, 7th and 15th days. Serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration was determined by the use of Single Radial Immunodiffusion method. Serum gamma-GT activity was measured, using a commercially available kit in blood and colostrum/milk samples. Correlations were carried out between immunoglobulin and gamma-GT levels. Regression models (simple and multiple) were calculated with significant data. Linear correlation was determined between colostrum/milk gamma-GT activity and IgG concentrations and between serum gamma-GT activity and IgG concentrations in lambs on the 0 day. (r: 0.607, P: 0.001), 1st (r: 0.768, P: 0.001) and the 3rd (r: 0.603, P: 0.001) days and on the 1st (r: 0.637, P: 0.001) and 3rd (r: 0.478, P: 0.012) days in the experiment, respectively. Multivariate regression models were developed to estimate sample IgG concentration. Serum and colostrum/milk IgG concentration could be predicted using the formula: lamb serum IgG = 825 + 0.688 (lamb gamma-GT) + 52 (days); colostrum/milk IgG = 832 + 0.505 (colostrum/milk gamma-GT) - 167 (days). The regression models were moderately accurate in predicting serum IgG concentration (R2 = 0.51) and colostrum/milk IgG concentration (R2 = 0.55). Test sensitivity and positive predictive values for serum gamma-GT enzyme activity were found to be 96 and 100% and for colostrum/milk gamma-GT enzyme activity were found to be 100 and 68% to prediction IgG concentration. Serum and colostrum/milk gamma-GT activity can be used to assess passive transfer status of lambs. Along with this, regression models used to calculate serum and colostrum/milk gamma-GT activities found to be useful to estimate sample IgG concentration. The use of serum and colostrum/milk gamma-GT enzyme activity was found useful especially after birth on the 0, 1st and 3rd days.  相似文献   

Intrauterine transmission of ovine progressive pneumonia virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ovine fetuses, newborn lambs, and ovine colostrum were examined for ovine progressive pneumonia virus. The lambs and colostrum were also examined for specific antibody. Virus was isolated from 1 fetus, from 2 newborn lambs, and from most samples of colostrum. The fetus was about 100 days old and was carried by a seronegative ewe in contact with seropositive sheep. Both newborn lambs were carried by seropositive ewes. One lamb was dead at birth; the other lamb was normal and had not nursed. Antibody specific for the virus was present in the colostrum of 12 of 14 seropositive ewes and in the serum of 8 of 11 lambs that had nursed seropositive ewes, but not in the serum of lambs that had not nursed.  相似文献   

The sera of 188 lambs from seven breed groups were analyzed for the concentrations of IgG1, IgG2, IgM and IgA by radial immunodiffusion using monospecific antibodies. From each lamb, 14 blood samples were drawn before and 5 samples after weaning. The following results were obtained: 1. Immunoglobulins could not be detected in sera drawn before the first intake of colostrum. 2. In normally suckling lambs, the peak concentrations of maternal immunoglobulins are attained at 0-18 hrs after birth. They can be assessed in a single blood sample drawn between 18 and 24 hrs. 3. The half-life times of maternal immunoglobulin in lamb sera are 11 days for IgG1, 7 days for IgG2, 6 days for IgM and 18 hours for IgA. 4. The absolute peak heights relate to the amounts of colostrum ingested before 12-18 hrs after birth. 5. The decline of maternal immunoglobulins in lamb sera over-laps with the onset of lamb immunoglobulin synthesis. Renewed rises of concentrations are observed for IgG2 after week 2, for IgM after week 3 and for IgG1 after week 7. The concentrations of IgA remain at the low levels characteristic for the serum of grown sheep. 6. The role of immunoglobulin synthesis in suckling lambs is only briefly and to a small extent reduced after weaning.  相似文献   

The transfer of immunoglobulin G (IgG) and immunoglobulin M (IgM) from ewe to lamb was quantitated to determine the occurrence of failure in passive transfer. Concentrations of IgG and IgM in ewe serum did not correlate with those in the colostrum. Colostrum from all ewes contained abundant amounts of immunoglobulins when compared with serum values, with IgG being selectively concentrated over IgM. Absorption through the intestinal tract of the lamb appeared to be a nonselective process, lacking predilection for IgG and IgM. All lambs tested 24 hours after birth absorbed colostral immunoglobulins to some extent; however, 13 (14%) of 91 clinically normal lambs demonstrated some failure of passive transfer. In contrast, failure of passive transfer was found in 27 (46%) of 59 lambs dying of natural causes between 24 hours and 5 weeks of age. Evidence presented emphasizes the importance of absorption of adequate amounts of immunoglobulins to enable the newborn lamb to survive the first few weeks of life.  相似文献   

Presuckle colostral samples and lamb serum samples taken 36 h postpartum were assayed for immunoglobulin G1 (IgG1) concentration (mg/ml) using single radial immunodiffusion. Breeds sampled included Polypay (P), Rambouillet (R), Targhee (T), Columbia (C), Finnish Landrace (F) and Finn crosses (Fx). Sources of variation examined in IgG1 concentration in colostrum (dam trait) included dam's sire breed, dam's sire, age of ewe and number of lambs born. All sources of variation were statistically significant. Least-squares means of IgG1 levels for sire breed were 80, 64, 67, 64, 72 and 69 mg/ml for P, R, T, C, F and Fx breed groups, respectively. A fetal stimulus may exist to increase the mass of IgG1 in colostrum available for multiple births (61, 69 and 77 mg/ml for single, twin and triplet, respectively). Ewe age was a significant source of variation because of a high mean concentration of IgG1 in the yearling's colostrum (100 mg/ml), whereas only slight differences occurred between the other age groups (65 to 67 mg/ml), except for the 7-yr older group (53 mg/ml). Sources of variation examined in IgG1 concentration of lamb serum at 36 h postpartum (lamb trait) included lamb's sire breed, lamb's sire, age of dam, birth type and sex, with dam's colostral IgG1 concentration and day born as covariates. Sire within breed, birth type and the two covariates were significant. Least squares means for sire breed were 36, 32, 33, 32, 31 and 32 mg/ml of serum for P, R, T, C, F and Fx groups, respectively. Lamb serum IgG1 decreased as birth type increased. The heritability of IgG1, estimated by paternal half-sib analyses, was .19 +/- .12 for colostrum and .18 +/- .06 for lamb serum.  相似文献   

A 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments with 78 mature ewes was used to evaluate the effects of supplementing the pregnant ewe's diet with high levels of minerals and vitamin E on immunoglobulin G (IgG) absorption by the lamb and whether any altered efficacy of IgG absorption was due to the colostrum or to the lamb. The ewes were estrus-synchronized in October and housed in wk 10 of gestation. In the final 7 wk of gestation, a grass silage-based diet, offered ad libitum, was supplemented with 500 g of a 19% CP concentrate, and from 1 wk later until lambing, half the ewes was offered 48 g of a mineral/vitamin supplement containing 6.5 g of Ca, 4.9 g of P, 5.9 g of Mg, 4.0 g of Na, 790 mg of Zn, 3.5 mg of Se, 40 mg of I, 200 mg of Mn, 20 mg of Co, and 40 IU of vitamin E. At birth, the lambs were allocated to one of four treatments in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, with lamb origin and colostrum origin as the two factors. The lambs born to ewes not offered the mineral supplement were fed colostrum obtained from their own dams or from ewes in the mineral-supplemented treatment, whereas lambs born to ewes given supplemental minerals were fed colostrum obtained either from their dams or from ewes in the control treatment. The ewes were milked at 1, 10, and 18 h postpartum and the lambs were fed using a stomach tube. A 5-mL blood sample was taken from each lamb at 24 h postpartum for IgG analysis. The level of fecal adhesion to the upper tail/rump area of the lamb was subjectively scored at 72 h postpartum. There was no difference in gestation length, lamb birth weight, colostrum yield, or IgG production (P = 0.16 to 0.82). When ewes were fed supplemental minerals, the serum IgG content of the progeny was lower than in their control counterparts (6.8 vs. 16.1 g/L; P < 0.001), regardless of whether the lamb received colostrum from ewes with or without access to supplementary minerals. The difference in serum IgG concentrations at 24 h postpartum was a direct reflection of a compromised efficiency in IgG absorption. The progeny of ewes with access to minerals had higher (P < 0.05) levels of fecal adhesion, which was not related to the origin of the colostrum, indicating altered digestive function in these lambs. We conclude, using the sheep as a model, that high mineral intakes in late pregnancy not only lower serum IgG concentrations in the lamb, but also that high mineral intakes result in the neonate being preprogrammed at birth so that it is born with a compromised ability to absorb colostral IgG.  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of maternal Se supply and plane of nutrition on lamb morbidity, mortality, and passive transfer of IgG, pregnant ewe lambs were used in 2 experiments with 2 × 3 factorial treatment arrangements. Supplementation of Se began at breeding and was either adequate Se (ASe, 9.5 μg/kg of BW) or high Se (HSe, 81.8 μg/kg of BW) in Exp. 1 or ASe (11.5 μg/kg of BW) or HSe (77.0 μg/kg of BW) in Exp. 2. On d 50 or 40 of gestation for Exp. 1 or 2, respectively, ewes were assigned randomly to 1 of 3 nutritional planes: 60% (RES), 100% (control, CON), or 140% (HI) of NRC requirements. This resulted in the following treatments: ASe-RES, ASe-CON, ASe-HI, HSe-RES, HSe-CON, and HSe-HI. Upon parturition, lambs were separated from their dams and serum samples obtained. Lambs were fed artificial colostrum for the first 20 h and then placed on milk replacer and grain pellets until completion of the study (Exp. 1, 57 d; Exp. 2, 21 d). Twenty-four hours after parturition, lamb serum samples were collected for IgG analysis. All lambs were reared similarly and morbidity and mortality assessed. Main effects were considered significant when P ≤ 0.05. In Exp. 1, there was a Se × plane of nutrition interaction (P ≤ 0.01) for lamb morbidity from birth to weaning and for 24-h IgG concentration. Lambs from ASe-RES and HSe-HI ewes were treated more frequently (P < 0.01) for respiratory and gastrointestinal disease, and lambs from HSe-HI ewes had the smallest (P < 0.01) 24-h serum IgG concentration. In Exp. 1, lambs from HI ewes also had the greatest (P < 0.01) mortality rates from birth to weaning compared with lambs from CON and RES ewes. In Exp. 2, there was an effect (P < 0.01) of maternal plane of nutrition with lambs from RES ewes having increased 24-h IgG compared with lambs from CON and HI ewes. There was no effect of maternal Se supplementation on lamb 24-h IgG in Exp. 2; however, there was a Se × plane of nutrition interaction (P < 0.01) for morbidity. From birth to 21 d of age, lambs from ASe-CON ewes had fewer (P < 0.01) treatment days compared with lambs from any of the other treatment groups. There also tended (P = 0.08) to be an effect of maternal Se supplementation on lamb mortality with increased mortality observed in lambs from HSe ewes. Results from the studies show a restricted maternal plane of nutrition can increase lamb serum IgG concentration. Selenium results were not consistent between the 2 experiments and may be due to differences in maternal Se.  相似文献   

The J558L cell line, previously transfected with the ovine Cepsilon gene, was induced to secrete a chimeric IgE protein composed of the ovine heavy chain and a mouse light chain with MW of approximately 80 and 26 kDa, respectively. After purification, the chimeric protein was used to immunise BALB-c mice and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were generated. The mAb 2F1, which had greatest anti-IgE activity in preliminary screens, was chosen for further characterisation and an examination of systemic and local IgE responses to the intestinal nematode, Trichostrongylus colubriformis. The chimeric IgE protein was not recognised in enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) by mAbs raised against ovine IgG1, IgG2, IgA or IgM. However, 2F1 was highly specific to the chimeric IgE protein, and did not cross-react with ovine IgG1, IgG2 or IgA. Western blot analysis also showed that 2F1 and secretory IgA (sIgA) did not cross-react, and that 2F1 and the anti-IgA mAb identified different MW bands from colostrum (approximately 200 and 400 kDa, respectively). 2F1 bound to mucosal mast cells (MMC) isolated from the intestines of lambs infected with T. colubriformis, but cultured bone marrow-derived mast cells (BMMC) required prior incubation with the chimeric IgE protein for this binding to occur. Distinctive staining of plasma cells and putative mast cells were observed using 2F1 on immunohistological sections of mesenteric lymph node and jejunum.ELISA incorporating 2F1 was able to detect >0.4 ng chimeric protein. Total IgE in ovine colostrum and intestinal homogenates was quantified using a capture ELISA, with known amounts of chimeric protein used to produce a standard curve. Colostrum from outbred Merino ewes had 0.55-11.05 ng ml(-1) total IgE, and their lambs, at necropsy after infection with a total of 18,000 T. colubriformis infective larvae over a 9-week period, had 45-620 ng g(-1) total IgE in intestinal tissue. Compared to genetically susceptible lambs, antigen-specific levels of IgE were significantly higher in genetically resistant lambs after infection with 4500 T. colubriformis infective larvae (TcL3) per week for 9 weeks (161.4 versus 44.8 geometric mean titres; P=0.043). In western blots, distinctive bands (19-21 and 27 kDa) from T. colubriformis larval antigen were differentially recognised by IgE, as identified by 2F1, in intestinal homogenates from genetically resistant animals.These results have demonstrated the value of 2F1 for quantification of IgE responses in samples derived from ovine fluids and tissues using ELISA, western blots and immunohistology. In this respect, it recognises native ovine IgE and does not require pre-treatment of the sample with denaturing agents or ammonium sulphate.  相似文献   

To examine effects of nutritional plane and Se supplementation on colostrum quality and mammary development, individually fed, pregnant Rambouillet ewe lambs were allotted randomly to 1 of 6 treatments in a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement. Main effects included dietary Se level, which began at breeding (d = 0) [adequate Se (9.5 mug/kg of BW) vs. high Se (81.8 mug/kg of BW)], and plane of nutrition, which began at d 50 of gestation [60% (RES), 100% (CON), and 140% (HIGH) of requirements]. Upon parturition, lambs were immediately separated from dams and weighed. Three hours after lambing, colostrum yield was determined, and samples were obtained for components and immunoglobulin G (IgG) analysis. Ewes were slaughtered within 24 h of parturition, and mammary tissues were collected for determination of alveolar secretory epithelial cell proliferation index and luminal area. Gestation length was reduced (P < 0.01) in HIGH ewes compared with RES and CON ewes. Although birth weights were reduced (P < 0.01) in RES and HIGH compared with CON ewes, there was little effect of diet on placental size. Mammary gland weight was reduced (P /= 0.15) on mammary gland weight, colostrum quantity, or IgG concentration in pregnant ewe lambs. Improper nutrition from mid to late pregnancy in ewe lambs altered colostrum quality and quantity and reduced offspring birth weight, which may have negative implications for lamb health and survival during the early postnatal period.  相似文献   

The importance of blood and colostrum/milk serum γ‐glutamyl transferase (γ‐GT) enzyme activity was evaluated to assess passive transfer status in healthy lambs. Thirty Akkaraman sheep (3–6 years old) were used which had normal pregnancy period and the same conditions, and the age of the lambs ranged between 0 and 15 days. Blood and colostrum/milk samples were collected from sheep and lambs after birth, before suckling (0) and after on 1st, 3rd, 7th and 15th days. Serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) concentration was determined by the use of Single Radial Immunodiffusion method. Serum γ‐GT activity was measured, using a commercially available kit in blood and colostrum/milk samples. Correlations were carried out between immunoglobulin and γ‐GT levels. Regression models (simple and multiple) were calculated with significant data. Linear correlation was determined between colostrum/milk γ‐GT activity and IgG concentrations and between serum γ‐GT activity and IgG concentrations in lambs on the 0 day. (r: 0.607, P: 0.001), 1st (r: 0.768, P: 0.001) and the 3rd (r: 0.603, P: 0.001) days and on the 1st (r: 0.637, P: 0.001) and 3rd (r: 0.478, P: 0.012) days in the experiment, respectively. Multivariate regression models were developed to estimate sample IgG concentration. Serum and colostrum/milk IgG concentration could be predicted using the formula: lamb serum IgG = 825 + 0.688 (lamb γ‐GT) + 52 (days); colostrum/milk IgG = 832 + 0.505 (colostrum/milk γ‐GT) ? 167 (days). The regression models were moderately accurate in predicting serum IgG concentration (R2 = 0.51) and colostrum/milk IgG concentration (R2 = 0.55). Test sensitivity and positive predictive values for serum γ‐GT enzyme activity were found to be 96 and 100% and for colostrum/milk γ‐GT enzyme activity were found to be 100 and 68% to prediction IgG concentration. Serum and colostrum/milk γ‐GT activity can be used to assess passive transfer status of lambs. Along with this, regression models used to calculate serum and colostrum/milk γ‐GT activities found to be useful to estimate sample IgG concentration. The use of serum and colostrum/milk γ‐GT enzyme activity was found useful especially after birth on the 0, 1st and 3rd days.  相似文献   

Neonatal lamb mortality is a major factor affecting profitability in the sheep industry, and lamb thermogenesis is a key element in neonatal lamb survival. Increased lamb vigor has been reported when ewes were supplemented during late gestation with algae-derived docosahexaenoic acid (DHA); however, the effects of DHA on lamb thermogenesis and immunocompetence have not been investigated. Eighty twin-bearing Targhee ewes (ages 2 to 5 yr; 68.5 ± 3 kg) were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 supplement treatments to determine the effects of feeding DHA to ewes during late gestation and early lactation on lamb thermogenesis, serum metabolites and hormones, and lamb growth. Supplement treatments were 12 g·ewe(-1)·d(-1) of algae-derived DHA (DHA Gold Advanced Bionutrition Corp., Columbia, MD; algae-derived DHA); and no algae-derived DHA (control). Supplements were individually fed daily during the last 30 d (±7 d) of gestation and pen fed (6 pens/treatment with 6 or 7 ewes/pen) during the first 38 d (±7 d) of lactation. One hour after lambing and before nursing, twin-born lambs were weighed, blood sampled via jugular puncture, and placed in a dry cold chamber for 30 min (0°C), and rectal temperatures were recorded every minute for 30 min. Lambs were removed from the cold chamber, blood sampled, warmed for 15 min, and returned to their dam. Ewes were blood sampled, and colostrum samples were collected 1 h postpartum. Ewe and lamb sera were assayed for glucose, NEFA, cortisol, and leptin. Lamb rectal temperature, glucose, NEFA, cortisol, leptin, and birth weights did not differ between treatments. The BW at 38 d was greater (P = 0.03) for lambs born to control ewes than for lambs born to algae-derived DHA-supplemented ewes; however, the colostrum of algae-derived DHA-supplemented ewes had a greater specific gravity (P = 0.05) than for control ewes. Overall, despite a potentially positive effect on ewe colostral IgG concentrations, supplementation of algae-derived DHA during late gestation and early lactation had a negative effect on lamb BW and did not affect indices of lamb thermogenesis.  相似文献   

A total of 147 ewes, 4 rams and 188 lambs of their progeny of the Djallonké breed of sheep were used to study the factors affecting reproductive and growth traits and the causes of lamb mortality. Data on ewes were collected during a 12-month period, while those on the lambs born to 123 of the ewes were collected until they were 12 months of age. The average fertility and abortion rates were 0.84 and 0.09. The fertility rate increased and the abortion rate decreased with increasing age of the ewes (p<0.05). The number of lambs born per ewe joined, litter weight at birth per ewe joined and litter weight at weaning per ewe joined were 1.28, 3.5 kg and 17 kg, respectively. The average numbers of lambs born per ewe, lambs born alive per ewe, lambs born dead per ewe and lambs per ewe that died between birth and weaning were 1.53, 1.43, 0.03 and 0.3, respectively. The age of the ewes significantly (p<0.05) affected all these traits except the number of dead lambs and the index of fertility (94%). The age of the ewes significantly (p<0.05) affected the birth weight and the weight at 6 and 12 months of age, whereas the lambing season significantly (p<0.05) affected all the growth traits studied. The type of birth was the most important source of variation in body weights of lambs. Sex had no significant (p>0.05) effect on the growth traits studied. The complex `starvation–bad management–light body weight at birth' caused 48% of the lamb mortality between birth and weaning, while diarrhoea, pneumonia and internal and external parasites caused approximately 52% of the lamb mortality over the same period. The seasonal raw mortality rate of the lambs before weaning was highest in the humid season.  相似文献   

Absorption of somatostatin (SRIF) specific antibodies from colostrum of ewes actively immunized against SRIF may improve growth rate of the neonatal lamb by neutralizing the inhibitory effects of SRIF on pituitary and thyroid function. Growth and endocrine parameters in the offspring of SRIF immunized (SI) and control (C) crossbred ewes were examined. Lamb weight was recorded at birth and twice each week to 24 days of age. Blood samples were collected prior to first suckle and twice each week. At 21 to 24 days of age, in separate experiments, lambs were infused with glucose (0.29 g/kg), arginine (0.25 g/kg) or thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH; 0.33 microgram/kg). A strong correlation (R = 0.88; P less than .01) was observed between anti-SRIF titre in the ewe at parturition and in the lamb at 3 days of age. No effect on lamb birth weight (SI 4.28 +/- 0.27 kg; C 4.35 +/- 0.23 kg) was observed. At 24 days of age cumulative gain in SI lambs (5.4 +/- 0.32 kg) was greater (P less than .05) than in C lambs (4.5 +/- 0.32 kg). The growth hormone secretory responses to glucose or arginine were not affected by treatment. Plasma IGF-I, plasma thyroxine (T4) and the plasma thyrotropin and T4 responses to TRH were not different between treatments. Plasma triiodothyronine (T3) was higher (P less than .05) in SI (2.46 +/- .10 ng/ml) than in C (2.01 +/- .05 ng/ml) lambs, however, the plasma T3 response to TRH was lower in SI lambs. Plasma glucose (mg/dl) was higher (P less than .05) in SI (118.4 +/- 1.7) than in C (106.0 +/- 4.0) lambs. Plasma insulin was not affected by treatment. Increased plasma T3 and glucose concentrations during SRIF immunoneutralization in the neonate lamb may be important factors contributing to the growth response observed.  相似文献   

Fifty-two Targhee twin-bearing ewes were used in a factorial arrangement of treatments to investigate the role of supplemental vitamin E (vit E); 0 (NE) vs 400 IU of vit E x ewe x (-1)d(-1) (E) and parainfluenza type 3 (PI3) vaccination; none (NP) vs PI3 vaccination (P) in immune function. Parainfluenza type 3 vaccination was used to evoke an immune response. Ewes receiving PI3 were vaccinated at 49 and 21 d before the expected lambing date. Ewes receiving vit E were orally dosed daily, 32 to 0 d before lambing. Blood was collected from ewes at the time of the initial PI3 vaccination and 4 h postpartum. Blood was collected from lambs (n = 104) at 3 d postpartum. Ewe and lamb sera were analyzed for anti-PI3 antibody titers, immunoglobulin G (IgG) titers, and vit E concentrations. Colostrum was collected 4 h postpartum and analyzed for IgG. The model for ewe and lamb analysis included the main effects of vit E and PI3, sex (lambs model only), and their interactions. No interactions were detected (P > 0.20) for any ewe or lamb variables. Serum anti-PI3 titers were greater (P < 0.01) in P ewes and their lambs than NP ewes and their lambs. Serum vit E concentrations were greater (P < 0.01) in E ewes and their lambs than NE ewes and their lambs. Colostral IgG titers and serum anti-PI3 titers did not differ (P > 0.20) between E and NE ewes. Serum IgG titers in E ewes and their lambs did not differ (P > 0.15) from IgG titers in NE ewes and their lambs. Lamb anti-PI3 titers did not differ (P = 0.76) between lambs reared by E and NE ewes. These results indicate that, although supplemental vit E to the ewe increased lamb serum vit E concentration, it had no effect on measures used in this study to assess humoral immunity in the ewe or passive immunity to the lamb.  相似文献   

A 3-yr study was conducted to comprehensively evaluate columbia, suffolk, usmarc-composite (composite), and texel breeds as terminal sires in an extensive rangeland production system. The objective was to estimate breed-of-ram effects on ewe fertility, prolificacy, and dystocia, and sire breed effects on lamb survival and growth until weaning at approximately 132 d of age. Data were from 22 columbia, 22 composite, 21 suffolk, and 17 texel rams with 957 exposures to 574 adult rambouillet ewes (3- to 7-yr-old at lambing), 908 lambings, and 1,834 lambs. Ram breed did not affect ewe fertility (mean = 94.9%; p = 0.73), total number born per ewe lambing (mean = 2.02 lambs; p = 0.20), number born alive per ewe lambing (mean = 1.90 lambs; p = 0.24), or number weaned per ewe lambing (mean = 1.45 lambs, p = 0.94). Dystocia rates were different (p = 0.01) for ewes mated to columbia (12.2%), composite (13.5%), suffolk (25.7%), and texel rams (31.9%) during 1 yr of the study, but differences among ram breeds were not repeatable (p ≥ 0.38) during the other 2 yr. Suffolk-sired lambs were heavier (p ≥ 0.02) at birth (5.5 kg) and weaning (40.3 kg) than lambs sired by the other breeds, which did not differ (p ≥ 0.34) for birth weight (mean = 5.3 kg). Texel-sired lambs (37.4 kg) were lighter (p ≥ 0.02) at weaning than columbia- (38.8 kg) and composite-sired (38.4 kg) lambs, which did not differ (p = 0.40) for weaning weight. Sire breed effect approached significance (p = 0.06) for lamb survival to weaning; estimated survival probabilities were 0.87 (columbia), 0.89 (composite), 0.93 (suffolk), and 0.86 (texel) for lambs reared by their birth dam. Interaction between sire breeds and birth weight affected (p < 0.001) lamb survival and revealed that lightweight columbia- and suffolk-sired lambs had a greater risk of death than lightweight lambs sired by composite and texel rams, but risk of death did not increase substantially for heavyweight lambs from any of the breeds. When mated to adult rambouillet ewes in an extensive rangeland production system, the use of suffolk rams is warranted to improve preweaning growth of market lambs and is not predicted to affect ewe fertility, ewe prolificacy, dystocia, or lamb survival compared with the other sire breeds we tested.  相似文献   

The apparent efficiency of absorption and the decrease of specific colostral IgG after its passage into the blood stream were determined in newborn lambs fed with a single dose of colostrum containing anti-peroxidase IgG at 30 minutes, 12 hours and 24 hours after birth. When colostrum was given at 30 minutes after birth, a value of 16.9+/-4.0 per cent of anti-peroxidase IgG ingested appeared in lamb circulation. This percentage was reduced to 9.8+/-0.8 per cent when the feeding was done at 12 hours after birth and no specific IgG was detected in lambs fed at 24 hours after birth. The concentration of anti-peroxidase IgG in lambs' serum declined quickly within 96 hours of age to about 48 per cent of the initial value, and afterwards the level decreased slowly reaching a value of 10 per cent at 32 days of age. This behaviour probably reflects the protein distribution and use of absorbed antiperoxidase IgG.  相似文献   

Twin-bearing Targhee ewes (Exp. 1, 1 yr, n = 42) and 1,182 single- and twin-bearing whiteface range ewes (Exp. 2, n = 8 experimental units over 2 yr) were used in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement of treatments to determine the effect of supplemental energy source and level of vitamin E supplement on lamb serum metabolites and thermogenesis (Exp. 1) and on lamb growth (Exp. 2). During late gestation, ewes were individually fed (Exp. 1) or group-fed (Exp. 2) a daily supplement. Supplements were 226 g/ewe of daily safflower seed (DM basis; SS) with either 350 IU/ewe daily (VE) or no added supplemental (VC) vitamin E; or 340 g/ewe daily of a barley-based grain supplement (DM basis; GC) and either VE or VC. One hour postpartum in Exp. 1, twin-born lambs were placed in a 0 degrees C dry cold chamber for 30 min. Lamb rectal temperature was recorded every 60 s and blood samples were taken immediately before and after cold exposure. In Exp. 2, lambs were weighed at birth, at turnout from confinement to spring range (32 d of age +/- 7; turnout), and at weaning (120 d of age +/- 7). Ewes were weighed at turnout and weaning. In Exp. 1, a level of vitamin E x energy source interaction was detected (P < 0.10) for body temperature and change in NEFA and glucose concentrations. Lambs from SSVC ewes had the lowest (P = 0.01) body temperature and had decreased (P = 0.08) NEFA concentration. The SS lambs tended to have decreased (P < 0.11) concentrations of blood urea N (BUN) and thyroxine at 0 min than did lambs born to GC ewes. After 30 min of cold exposure, SS lambs had increased and GC lambs had decreased BUN, triiodothyronine, and triiodothyronine:thyroxine concentrations (P < 0.10). In Exp. 2, kilograms of lamb per ewe at turnout and weaning and lamb survival at weaning were greater (P < 0.07) for GC than SS lambs. Based on the decreased body temperature in SSVC lambs at birth, the greater change in BUN during the cold exposure for SS than GC lambs, and the decreased survival rate for SS than GC lambs, SSVC-supplemented ewes appeared to give birth to lambs with an apparently decreased energetic capacity. This may compromise the ability of the newborn lamb to adapt to extreme environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Colostrum production by ewes and the amounts ingested by lambs   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Studies involving 49 ewes which were well nourished during the last eight weeks of pregnancy indicated that ewe weight loss during pregnancy and lamb birth weights followed the recognised pattern and were within acceptable "normal" limits. Colostrum production ranged from 1238 to 4593 g per ewe during the 48 h following the first suckling and there was evidence that production levels were related to demand by the lambs. Colostrum consumption by individual lambs was related to litter size. The smaller the litter size the greater was the amount ingested during the first 48 h of life. No clear relationship was established between the amount of colostrum consumed and the level of immunoglobulin in a lamb's circulation. Possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of ewe maternal behaviour score on lamb and litter survival   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The study was carried out on a commercial New Zealand sheep farm with high ewe reproductive rates and lamb survival produced through intensive selection in its Coopworth flock for maternal ability.Heritability and repeatability estimates were derived for ewe maternal behaviour score (MBS) and litter survival (LIS). Heritability estimates were derived for lamb survival as a trait of the lamb (LAS) for all lambs, for twin (LAS2) and for triplet (LAS3) lambs.MBS and LIS were measured on 1954 dams, for a maximum of four parities: 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2000. MBS was measured at tagging on a 5-point scale (1=poor, 5=excellent) when the dam's lambs were between 12 and 36 h old. The mean MBS in this study was 3.3 and increased with litter size. LIS was measured from birth to weaning. Mean litter survival was 83%. LIS increased significantly as MBS increased (P<0.01). LIS decreased as the size of the litter increased (P<0.01). Age of dam was a nonsignificant effect on LIS (P>0.05).LAS was measured from birth to weaning on 4171 Coopworth lambs. Mean LAS was higher for lambs born as twins compared to lambs born as singles and lowest for lambs born as triplets (P<0.01). LAS was lower for lambs born to dams aged 2 years. This effect was significant for all lambs, regardless of litter size at birth and for the triplet lamb data set (P<0.01). The effects of age of dam and sex of lamb on twin lamb survival were not significant (P>0.05). Ewe lamb survival rate was higher when compared to ram lambs in the full data set, however the relationship was reversed for the triplet lamb data set where ram lamb survival was greatest (P<0.01). LAS decreased as the MBS of its dam increased (P<0.01). The relationship was significant for lambs in the full data set and the twin data set (P<0.05).MBS and LIS were under minimal genetic control. The heritability and repeatability for MBS were both 0.09. The heritability and repeatability for dam LIS were 0.0 and 0.11. Heritability for LAS over all lambs attributed to direct effects was 0.14, while the heritability attributed to maternal effects was 0.11. The heritability for twin (LAS2) and triplet (LAS3) lamb survival differed. Heritability attributed to direct and maternal effects were 0.0 and 0.21, respectively, for twin lambs and 0.08 and 0.16, respectively, for triplets.The genetic correlation between maternal and direct effect for LAS was −0.74. It is possible that the genes that regulate physiological and biochemical processes for survival are incompatible with the genes that enhance ewe-lamb bonding. For example, the genes that regulate the physiological factors to reduce gregariousness at parturition may in fact be the same genes that encourage isolation in the neonate from its littermates and dam.There is minimal genetic variation in this flock for lamb survival and maternal traits. Low genetic variation suggests that selection will be ineffective, and that farmers must consider environment and management techniques for improving lamb survival.  相似文献   

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