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The atrionatriuretic peptide (ANP) is released from atrial cells in response to increased extracellular fluid volume and reduces sodium absorption by the kidney, thus reducing the blood volume. In this report, ANP suppressed the calcium and sodium currents in rat and guinea pig ventricular myocytes. The suppression of sodium current was caused by enhanced permeability of the sodium channel to calcium without significant changes in the kinetics or the tetrodotoxin sensitivity of the channel. Thus, ANP may regulate the sodium channel by altering its cationic selectivity site to calcium, thereby repressing the sodium current. The suppression of sodium and calcium channels and the resultant depressed excitability of the atrial cells may help to regulate ANP secretion.  相似文献   

Synthetic amphiphilic peptide models for protein ion channels   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
Ion channel proteins are important for the conduction of ions across biological membranes. Recent analyses of their sequences have suggested that they are composed of bundles of alpha-helices that associate to form ion-conducting channels. To gain insight into the mechanisms by which alpha-helices can aggregate and conduct ions, three model peptides containing only leucine and serine residues were synthesized and characterized. A 21-residue peptide, H2N-(Leu-Ser-Ser-Leu-Leu-Ser-Leu)3-CONH2, which was designed to be a membrane-spanning amphiphilic alpha-helix, formed well-defined ion channels with ion permeability and lifetime characteristics resembling the acetylcholine receptor. In contrast, a 14-residue version of this peptide, which was too short to span the phospolipid bilayer as an alpha-helix, failed to form discrete, stable channels. A third peptide, H2N-(Leu-Ser-Leu-Leu-Leu-Ser-Leu)3-CONH2, in which one serine per heptad repeat was replaced by leucine, produced proton-selective channels. Computer graphics and energy minimization were used to create molecular models that were consistent with the observed properties of the channels.  相似文献   

Striated skeletal muscles from the planktonic arrowworm Sagitta elegans (phylum Chaetognatha) were voltage-clamped. The muscles displayed classical voltage-dependent sodium channels that (i) showed peak transient currents when the membrane was depolarized 90 millivolts from rest, (ii) opened rapidly with peak currents flowing within 0.4 milliseconds at 4 degrees C, (iii) showed voltage-dependent inactivation with 50 percent inactivation at +25 millivolts from rest, and (iv) were blocked by 500 nanomolar tetrodotoxin.  相似文献   

Calcium and sodium channels in spontaneously contracting vascular muscle cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Electrophysiological recordings of inward currents from whole cells showed that vascular muscle cells have one type of sodium channel and two types of calcium channels. One of the calcium channels, the transient calcium channel, was activated by small depolarizations but then rapidly inactivated. It was equally permeable to calcium and barium and was blocked by cadmium, but not by tetrodotoxin. The other type, the sustained calcium channel, was activated by larger depolarizations, but inactivated very little; it was more permeable to barium than calcium. The sustained calcium channel was more sensitive to block by cadmium than the transient channel, but also was not blocked by tetrodotoxin. The sodium channel inactivated 15 times more rapidly than the transient calcium channel and at more negative voltages. This sodium channel, which is unusual because it is only blocked by a very high (60 microM) tetrodotoxin concentration but not by cadmium, is the first to be characterized in vascular muscle, and together with the two calcium channels, provides a basis for different patterns of excitation in vascular muscles.  相似文献   

The signaling pathways by which beta-adrenergic agonists modulate voltage-dependent cardiac sodium currents are unknown, although it is likely that adenosine 3'5'-monophosphate (cAMP) is involved. Single-channel and whole-cell sodium currents were measured in cardiac myocytes and the signal transducing G protein Gs was found to couple beta-adrenergic receptors to sodium channels by both cytoplasmic (indirect) and membrane-delimited (direct) pathways. Hence, Gs can act on at least three effectors in the heart: sodium channels, calcium channels, and adenylyl cyclase. The effect on sodium currents was inhibitory and was enhanced by membrane depolarization. During myocardial ischemia the sodium currents of depolarized cells may be further inhibited by the accompanying increase in catecholamine levels.  相似文献   

Calcium channels mediate the generation of action potentials, pacemaking, excitation-contraction coupling, and secretion and signal integration in muscle, secretory, and neuronal cells. The physiological regulation of the L-type calcium channel is thought to be mediated primarily by guanine nucleotide-binding proteins (G proteins). A low molecular weight endogenous peptide has been isolated and purified from rat brain. This peptide regulates up and down the cardiac and neuronal calcium channels, respectively. In cardiac myocytes, the peptide-induced enhancement of the L-type calcium current had a slow onset (half-time approximately 75 seconds), occurred via a G protein-independent mechanism, and could not be inhibited by alpha 1-adrenergic, beta-adrenergic, or angiotensin II blockers. In neuronal cells, on the other hand, the negative effect had a rapid onset (half-time less than 500 milliseconds) and was observed on both T-type and L-type calcium channels.  相似文献   

辛硫磷和溴氰菊酯混配对神经细胞钠通道的抑制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用膜片钳技术,以MN-9D神经细胞为材料,研究了溴氰菊酯及辛硫磷混剂的增效机理,试验表明,10^-5mol/L辛硫磷对Na^2 通道电流抑制作用很小,并随作用时间延长而逐步恢复,加药1min,Na^ 电流抑制率为6.99%,10min为3.65%,10^-6mol/L溴氰菊酯1min抑制率为20.28%,10min为21.43%,10^-6mol/L溴氰菊酯与10^-5mol/L辛硫磷混剂1min抑制率为34.15%,10min为36.69%,因此,混剂可增强对Na^ 通道电流的抑制作用,通过Na^ 电流数据尾电流衰减时间常数统计分析表明,溴氰菊酯的修饰作用主要发生在关闭和静止状态的Na^ 通道,减缓通道的打开,延长通道关闭或失活状态。  相似文献   

Noise analysis of rabbit bladder revealed two components: Lorentzian noise, arising from interaction of amiloride with the Na+ channel, and flicker noise (l/f, where f is frequency), as in other biological membranes. Hydrostatic pressure, which causes exchange between intracellular vesicular membrane and apical membrane, increases the number but not the single-channel current of the amiloride-sensitive channels. Flicker noise arises from degraded channels that have lost amiloride sensitivity and Na+ to K+ selectivity. The degraded channels were selectively removed by washing the mucosal surface. These results imply channel turnover by intracellular synthesis, transfer from vesicular to apical membrane, degradation, and elimination.  相似文献   

Gating currents of the sodium channels: three ways to block them   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Preceding the opening of the sodium channels of axon membrane there is a small outward current, gating current, that is probably associated with the molecular rearrangements that open the channels. Gating current is reversibly blocked by three procedures that block the sodium current: (i) internal perfusion with zinc ions, (ii) inactivation of sodium conductance by brief depolarization, and (iii) prolonged depolarization.  相似文献   

Populations of the garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis have evolved geographically variable resistance to tetrodotoxin (TTX) in a coevolutionary arms race with their toxic prey, newts of the genus Taricha. Here, we identify a physiological mechanism, the expression of TTX-resistant sodium channels in skeletal muscle, responsible for adaptive diversification in whole-animal resistance. Both individual and population differences in the ability of skeletal muscle fibers to function in the presence of TTX correlate closely with whole-animal measures of TTX resistance. Demonstration of individual variation in an essential physiological function responsible for the adaptive differences among populations is a step toward linking the selective consequences of coevolutionary interactions to geographic and phylogenetic patterns of diversity.  相似文献   

Y Saimi  K Y Ling 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1990,249(4975):1441-1444
Calmodulin is a calcium-binding protein that participates in the transduction of calcium signals. The electric phenotypes of calmodulin mutants of Paramecium have suggested that the protein may regulate some calcium-dependent ion channels. Calcium-dependent sodium single channels in excised patches of the plasma membrane from Paramecium were identified, and their activity was shown to decrease after brief exposure to submicromolar concentrations of calcium. Channel activity was restored to these inactivated patches by adding calmodulin that was isolated from Paramecium to the cytoplasmic surface. This restoration of channel activity did not require adenosine triphosphate and therefore, probably resulted from direct binding of calmodulin, either to the sodium channel itself or to a channel regulator that was associated with the patch membrane.  相似文献   

Antibodies directed against a conserved intracellular segment of the sodium channel alpha subunit slow the inactivation of sodium channels in rat muscle cells. Of four site-directed antibodies tested, only antibodies against the short intracellular segment between homologous transmembrane domains III and IV slowed inactivation, and their effects were blocked by the corresponding peptide antigen. No effects on the voltage dependence of sodium channel activation or of steady-state inactivation were observed, but the rate of onset of the antibody effect and the extent of slowing of inactivation were voltage-dependent. Antibody binding was more rapid at negative potentials, at which sodium channels are not inactivated; antibody-induced slowing of inactivation was greater during depolarizations to more positive membrane potentials. The peptide segment recognized by this antibody appears to participate directly in rapid sodium channel inactivation during large depolarizations and to undergo a conformational change that reduces its accessibility to antibodies as the channel inactivates.  相似文献   

The inhibition by charybdotoxin of A-type potassium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes was studied for several splicing variants of the Drosophila Shaker gene and for several site-directed mutants of this channel. Charybdotoxin blocking affinity is lowered by a factor of 3.5 upon replacing glutamate-422 with glutamine, and by a factor of about 12 upon substituting lysine in this position. Replacement of glutamate-422 by aspartate had no effect on toxin affinity. Thus, the glutamate residue at position 422 of this potassium channel is near or in the externally facing mouth of the potassium conduction pathway, and the positively charged toxin is electrostatically focused toward its blocking site by the negative potential set up by glutamate-422.  相似文献   

Transfection of Chinese hamster ovary cells with complementary DNA encoding the RIIA sodium channel alpha subunit from rat brain led to expression of functional sodium channels with the rapid, voltage-dependent activation and inactivation characteristic of sodium channels in brain neurons. The sodium currents mediated by these transfected channels were inhibited by tetrodotoxin, persistently activated by veratridine, and prolonged by Leiurus alpha-scorpion toxin, indicating that neurotoxin receptor sites 1 through 3 were present in functional form. The RIIA sodium channel alpha subunit cDNA alone is sufficient for stable expression of functional sodium channels with the expected kinetic and pharmacological properties in mammalian somatic cells.  相似文献   

Excitability is generated in developing skeletal muscle by the incorporation of sodium-selective ion channels into the surface membrane. Whole-cell and patch voltage-clamp recording from myotubes and their embryologic precursors, myoblasts, indicated that voltage-activated sodium current in myoblasts was more resistant to block by tetrodotoxin (TTX) than that in myotubes. Single-channel recording from both cell types showed two classes of sodium channels. One class had a lower single-channel conductance, activated at more hyperpolarized voltages, and was more resistant to TTX than the other. The proportion of TTX-resistant to TTX-sensitive sodium channels was higher in myoblasts than in myotubes. Thus, the difference in TTX sensitivity between myoblasts and myotubes can be explained by a difference in the proportion of the two classes of sodium channels. In addition, the lower conductance of TTX-resistant channels provides insight into the relationship between the TTX binding site and the external mouth of the sodium channel.  相似文献   

以壳聚糖盐酸盐(CSC)和羧甲基纤维素钠(CMC)为壁材,采用离子凝胶法制备苦瓜小分子多肽复合物,并对其制备工艺和特性进行研究。结果显示,复合物的最佳制备工艺为CSC浓度5.35 mg·mL-1,CMC浓度1.60 mg·mL-1,包埋时间33.10 min,此时包埋率可达到69.98%。红外光谱和X-射线衍射分析结果表明,芯材和壁材产生了离子交联作用,苦瓜小分子多肽被成功包埋在CSC/CMC复合壁材中。扫描电镜显示复合物表面疏松多孔,呈不规则形状。所制得的复合物在胃肠液中具有较好缓释特性,在室温下贮藏30 d后仍具有较强的DPPH自由基清除能力。  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis experiments have suggested a model for the inactivation mechanism of Shaker potassium channels from Drosophila melanogaster. In this model, the first 20 amino acids form a cytoplasmic domain that interacts with the open channel to cause inactivation. The model was tested by the internal application of a synthetic peptide, with the sequence of the first 20 residues of the ShB alternatively spliced variant, to noninactivating mutant channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. The peptide restored inactivation in a concentration-dependent manner. Like normal inactivation, peptide-induced inactivation was not noticeably voltage-dependent. Trypsin-treated peptide and peptides with sequences derived from the first 20 residues of noninactivating mutants did not restore inactivation. These results support the proposal that inactivation occurs by a cytoplasmic domain that occludes the ion-conducting pore of the channel.  相似文献   

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