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Six recent cases of animal hoarding in Manitoba were compared to the relevant literature. Cases were similar to previous reports in age and demographics of hoarders. Five cases involved small mammals and 1 case involved horses. Understanding this phenomenon would be enhanced by consistent investigative format and reporting and closer working relationships with public health.  相似文献   

目前,动物疫病己成为畜产品国际贸易的最重要技术壁垒,对畜产品国际贸易的影响越来越大。由于我国动物卫生监管防疫体系薄弱.与国际不接轨.相关标准不统一,很多国家怀疑我国畜禽产品的卫生状况,以动物疫病疫情为由设置技术壁垒.这在根大程度上阻碍了我国畜禽产品的出口,妨碍了我国畜牧业的健康快速发展和“三农”问题的解决。  相似文献   

Our aim was to assess the importance of dunging gutters filled with water in finishing barns for the prevalence of pigs shedding Salmonella enterica. Some finishing barns in Brazil are provided with a dunging-gutter system which consists of a continuous water flow at the back of solid-floored adjacent pens. Because there is transfer of faecal material between adjacent pens by water in this system and the faecal-oral route of transmission is so important for enteric pathogens, we tested the hypothesis that the presence of this kind of dunging-gutter system in finishing barns affects the prevalence of slaughter-age pigs shedding salmonella organisms in their faeces. The cross-sectional study was conducted on six farms each having barns with and barns without a dunging-gutter system. Breeding, management, nutritional and seasonal factors were similar in both barns on each farm. The two systems did not differ in prevalence of pigs shedding salmonella organisms. Five S. enterica serotypes were isolated: S. Agona, S. Javiana, S. Rissen, S. Sandiego and S. Senftenberg.  相似文献   

3月15日.双汇“瘦肉精”事件被中央电视台曝光后.有关“瘦肉精”事件的跟踪报道就开始接连不断.畜产品质量安全问题成为当前社会各界和人民群众最为关注的焦点.给我国的生猪产业造成了极大的影响。为了更好的应对此次事件对生猪产业的影响.促进生猪产业走上健康快速发展的道路。笔者走访了部分生猪养殖企业和屠宰加工企业.根据当前生猪养殖业实际.对事件发生后的生猪产业受到的影响进行了客观分析.并提出了对策建议.供同行参考。  相似文献   

羊属草食家畜.在草地上牧食是它们的本能,但我国北方许多地方生态环境严重退化.不宜继续用作放牧地,羊只必须从由放牧饲养转为舍饲。显然.舍例成为这些地区养羊业的种必然选择,也是一种无奈选择。由于舍饲羊只的采食方式由主动选择变成被动接受,食物来源也不再是人们常说的“百样草”.而是由人根据自己的条件提供的几种很有限的饲料,  相似文献   

防治我国猪主要传染病的畜牧策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
防治规模化养猪场的主要传染病要有新的思路。①正确认识人类和微生物的关系,人要学会和各种微生物和谐共处。在地球的环境下,微生物是不可能被消灭的,病毒也不可能被消灭。一种病毒有可能被控制,另一种新类型的病毒有可能发生。人类不但要节制自身数量的增加,而且要节制自己非理性的生活行为。②防治病毒性疾病要从猪场选址开始。合理布局养殖生产基地,把养殖场办到山区、半山区,或远离人居的地方。两个养猪场之间的距离要在1~3km。特别是要改变用塑料大棚、密不通风的限位饲养模式,提倡放牧、回归自然的饲养模式。拉大人与畜禽的距离。这样可以减少人、畜间病毒的交叉感染,减少病原体新类型(毒株)的出现。③办猪场要"中等规模,多点分散",自繁自养,全进全出。新建猪场如要购猪也从一个猪场购进,减少不同猪场的活猪、不同类型的病毒交叉感染。④改善猪舍小气候环境。方法有小单元饲养;舍内保持干燥,少用水冲;采用北走道、屋顶无动力通风,保持舍内良好的通风;仔猪采用超早期隔离断奶,等。⑤根据病毒的规律来防治病毒。减少带毒活猪的流动,改革猪肉的流通方式,人类应采用更理性的生产方式,不为病原体的变异创造条件。  相似文献   

为客观评价磷酸替米考星可溶性粉对靶动物猪临床应用的安全性,本试验选取50头40日龄健康断奶姜曲海品系仔猪,分别以1倍、3倍、5倍及10倍剂量10%磷酸替米考星可溶性粉连续饮水给药21 d,喂服受试药物前后受试猪的血常规、血生化、血凝、尿常规、料重比等指标及病理组织学结果表明,受试仔猪没有表现出明显不良症状,除10倍剂量受试猪的血生化指标中血清钙、肌酸激酶与空白对照组相比有明显差异(P<0.01)外,其他各用药组受试猪的各检测指标与空白对照组没有显著差异或其测定值均位于正常值范围,未出现与用药明显相关的不良状况.结果说明10%磷酸替米考星可溶性粉毒性较小,受试猪体的耐受性高,至少以10倍推荐剂量连续饮水给药21 d对靶动物猪是安全的.本试验对姜曲海品系仔猪进行了血常规、血生化、血凝、尿常规、饲料报酬等方面数据的补充,为其相关指标的进一步研究提供了一定的参考依据.  相似文献   

The factors of feed efficiency, growth rate, carcass trim at slaughter, amount of antibiotic treatment, and death rate were compared among groups of pigs fed ("finished") in an open-front feedlot in Kansas. The factor having the greatest influence on performance was the month of entry of the pigs into the feedlot. Carcass trim at slaughter was greater in groups wherein each pig was given more than 4 ml of antibiotic than in groups wherein less than 4 ml of antibiotic was given to each pig. Death rates of pigs that remained in the feedlot longer than 150 days were nearly twice those of pigs that had been sent to slaughter before 150 days.  相似文献   

In thirty-three dairy cows--first calves, the influence of hypokinesis on biochemical parameters was studied over three lactation periods. The cows of the experimental group (n = 15) were reared in steel cages enabling only minimum movement, whereas the control group (n = 18) was housed loosely. It was found out that the permanent movement restriction led to a statistically significant decrease in hemoglobin and hematocrit concentrations, as well as in aspartate aminotransferase activity. In comparison with the control group, a significant decrease was also observed in substances of the lipid group--cholesterol, triglycerides and total lipids. Similarly, thyroxin and total proteinemia were lower.  相似文献   

There is a tremendous amount of medical literature available to the clinician. The challenge is to identify information that is useful and relevant for the patient population of interest. This article provides an overview of important considerations when critically appraising a report, such as selection of the study population, features of the study design used, potential sources of bias, and evaluation of the statistical evidence.  相似文献   

Records of a California abattoir were reviewed for the 46-month period August 1977 through May 1981, and data were collected for 23 ranches which only marketed hogs born and raised in California. Passed for cooking (PFC) rates (per 100 000 animals slaughtered) due to lymph node lesions listed as TB (mycobacteriosis) by inspectors were roasters (32–50 kg) 0, market hogs (82–105 kg) 243, and sows (> 145 kg) 125. Effective exposure to disease-causing factors seemed to have taken place at 2–3 months of age or earlier. Time series analysis of hog PFC rates for the 23 California ranches combined demonstrated statistically significant, regular cycles of 6 and 24 months duration with seasonal peaks of PFC rates in June and December. Based on an estimated incubation period of 4–6 months, animals were at greatest risk of effective exposure to factors associated with lymph node lesions during the periods December–February and June–August.  相似文献   

The movements of animals were analysed under the conceptual framework of graph theory in mathematics. The swine production related premises of Denmark were considered to constitute the nodes of a network and the links were the animal movements. In this framework, each farm will have a network of other premises to which it will be linked. A premise was a farm (breeding, rearing or slaughter pig), an abattoir or a trade market. The overall network was divided in premise specific subnets that linked the other premises from and to which animals were moved. This approach allowed us to visualise and analyse the three levels of organization related to animal movements that existed in the Danish swine production registers: the movement of animals between two premises, the premise specific networks, and the industry network. The analyses of animal movements were done using these three levels of organisation. The movements of swine were studied for the period September 30, 2002 to May 22, 2003. For daily movements of swine between two slaughter pig premises, the median number of pigs moved was 130 pigs with a maximum of 3306. For movements between a slaughter pig premise and an abattoir, the median number of pigs was 24. The largest percentage of movements was from farm to abattoir (82.5%); the median number of pigs per movement was 24 and the maximum number was 2018. For the whole period the median and maximum Euclidean distances observed in farm-to-farm movements were 22 km and 289 km respectively, while in the farm-to-abattoir movements, they were 36.2 km and 285 km. The network related to one specific premise showed that the median number of premises was mainly away from slaughter pig farms (3) or breeder farms (26) and mainly to an abattoir (1535). The assumption that animal movements can be randomly generated on the basis of farm density of the surrounding area of any farm is not correct since the patterns of animal movements have the topology of a scale-free network with a large degree of heterogeneity. This supported the opinion that the disease spread software assuming homogeneity in farm-to-farm relationship should only be used for large-scale interpretation and for epidemic preparedness. The network approach, based on graph theory, can be used efficiently to express more precisely, on a local scale (premise), the heterogeneity of animal movements. This approach, by providing network knowledge to the local veterinarian in charge of controlling disease spread, should also be evaluated as a potential tool to manage epidemics during the crisis. Geographic information systems could also be linked in the approach to produce knowledge about local transmission of disease.  相似文献   

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