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The seasonal pattern of tick load on Bunaji cattle under traditional management in northern Nigeria was observed over 12 months to investigate the possibilities of strategic use of acaricide. Ticks were removed 2-3 times weekly by hand from 16 animals, counted and the species determined. Tick load was low in the dry season (2-5 ticks per animal per week), increased after the onset of the first scattered rains, reached a peak (40 ticks per animal per week) 1 month after the beginning of the heavy rains, and declined thereafter. The dominant tick species was Amblyomma variegatum; other species found were Boophilus spp., Rhipicephalus spp. and Hyalomma spp. The low level of tick load compared with data from literature and from crossbred (Friesian-Bunaji) cattle kept in the study area suggests high tick resistance in Bunaji cattle. A biologically feasible method of controlling ticks in indigenous cattle would be twice weekly spraying with acaricide during only 2 months of the year in the early wet season to break the pronounced peak in the tick load. However, hand spraying offers no advantage over hand removal of ticks in terms of saving labour. The main advantage of strategic spraying lies in more thorough removal of ticks and possibly prevention of dermatophilosis at a lower cost than year-round use of acaricide. Knowledge of the seasonal pattern of tick load is also valuable for planning the introduction of selected stock with higher genetic potential, but higher susceptibility to tick-borne diseases than exhibited by Bunaji cattle.  相似文献   

Summary An investigation was made of the seasonal incidence of coccidial infection in West African Dwarf (WAD) goats in 2 villages and an on-station situation in the subhumid zone of Nigeria. Faecal samples were obtained from about 70 goats in each village and 160 on-station at 4 times of the year, early and late dry and wet seasons.Six species ofEimeria were found to occur;E. arloingi, E. apsheronica, E. pallida, E. alijevi, E. jolchievi andE. ninakohlyakimovae which accounted for 18, 16, 22, 9, 24, and 11% of infections respectively. Overall rates of infection were very high, averaging approximately 87%, and peaked during the late wet season, when the proportion of heavy infections also increased significantly. At this time the proportion of infections classified as heavy was significantly higher in the village goats than the on-station goats, and was also significantly higher in kids than in adults. Clinical disease only occurred in kids. The potential benefits of controlling such infections in terms of productivity responses appear worthy of further investigation in these farming systems.
Prevalencia De Infecciones Por Coccidia En Cabras Dwarf De Africa Occidental En La Zona Semihumeda De Nigeria
Resumen Se realizó una investigación sobre la incidencia estacional de infecciones por coccidia en cabras Dwarf (CD) en 2 villas y en una estación experimental en la zona semihúmeda de Nigeria. Se obtuvieron muestras fecales de 70 cabras en cada villa y 160 en la estación experimental, 4 veces en el año, al principio y al final de la estación seca y lluviosa.Se encontraron seis especies deEimeria; E. arloingi, E. apsheronica, E. pallida, E. alijevi, E. jolchievi yE. ninakohlyakimovae las que fueron la causa de 18, 16, 22, 9, 24 y 11% de infecciones respectivamente. Las tasas de infección generales fueron altas, promediando 87% aproximadamente, alcanzando el máximo pico al final de la estación lluviosa, cuando la proporción de infecciones se incrementó significativamente. En este momento las infecciones clasificadas como graves se presentaron más en las cabras de villorrio que en aquellas de la estación experimental, siendo también más graves en los cabritos que en los adultos. La enfermedad clinica solo se vió en los cabritos. La posibilidad de controlar la infección en términos de productividad, parece plausible de investigaciones adicionales en aquellas sistemas de crianza.

Prevalence Des Coccidioses Chez La Chevre Naine D'afrique De L'ouest En Zone Subhumide Du Nigeria
Résumé La recherche de l'incidence saisonnière de la coccidiose a été effectuée chez des chèvres naines d'Afrique de l'Ouest dans deux villages et en station dans la zone subhumide du Nigéria. Des prélèvements de fèces provenant de quelque 70 chèvres dans chaque village et 160 en station ont été faits 4 fois par an, en début et fin de saisons sèche et humide. Six espèces d'Eimeria ont été trouvées:E. arloingi, E. apsheronica, E. pallida, E. alijevi, E. jolchievi etE. ninakohlyakimovae qui représentaient respectivement 18, 16, 22, 9, 24 et 11 p. 100 des infections. Le taux global de l'infection était très élevé, environ 87 p. 100 en moyenne, et atteignait son maximum en fin de saison humide, lorsque le taux de parasitisme massif augmentait significativement. A ce moment la proportion des infections considérées comme massives était significativement plus élevée chez les chèvres villageoises que chez celles en station et était aussi significativement plus élevée chez les chevreaux que chez les adultes. La maladie clinique apparaissait seulement chez les chevreaux.

Egg production and layer bird mortality data obtained from five different private farms in Zaria within the subhumid zone of Nigeria, over a 6‐year period (1994–1999) were subjected to least squares analysis to determine the effects of age, season and year. It was demonstrated that age had a highly significant influence (P < 0.01) on egg production in that birds falling within the age group 30–39 weeks produced the highest number of eggs (3255 ± 109), while birds over 100 weeks of age produced the lowest number of eggs (1206 ± 412). Similarly, seasonal variation in egg production was also significant (P < 0.05); the highest egg production (2926 ± 90) was obtained during the early dry season, and the lowest (2423 ± 95) during the late wet season. Mortality was generally low (0.0–0.9%) and not significantly different from 20 to 49 weeks of age (P > 0.05). However, from 50 to 100 weeks of age, highly significant differences (P < 0.01) in mortality were observed, with the 90–100 weeks age group recording the highest mortality of 15.7 ± 1.3%. Furthermore, yearly variations in egg production and mortality were highly significant (P < 0.01) with 1999 producing the most eggs (4410 ± 102) and recording the lowest mortality (1.4%). It was concluded that due to the significant seasonal, age and yearly variations, data on egg production and mortality need to be adjusted for these effects to enable unbiased comparison between and within farms. Furthermore, farmers can make adequate feeding preparations commensurate with each season for optimal egg production.  相似文献   

It is reported of botanical intoxications in 1379 ruminants (dairy cattle, beef cattle and ewes) in north-eastern Germany. The intoxications of these animals were caused by consumption of the following plants: meadow saffron (Colchicum autumnale L.), cowbane (Cicuta virosa L.), sweet clover (Melilotus alba MED.), sheep's sorrel (Rumex acetosella L.), bracken (Pteridium aquilinum KUHN) and St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum L.). In all the five described cases animals died as a result of plant intoxications. The authors come to the conclusion that periodical inspections of the meadows are necessary, checking the plants in cooperation with veterinary surgeons.  相似文献   

Summary One thousand and twenty-four cattle, 550 sheep and 1,748 goats slaughtered in a rural slaughter slab during 1973 to 1975 were examined for evidence of liverfluke infections. The prevalence rate ofFasciola gigantica andDicrocoelium hospes infections was respectively 65.4% and 56.0% in cattle, 40.8 and 13.1% in sheep and 17.6 and 5.2% in goats. Other trematodes detected wereSchistosoma bovis and paramphistomes. The seasonal incidence ofF. gigantica as well as ofD. hospes was highest during and directly after the rainy season. The lower prevalence rate ofF. gigantica, especially in the younger animals, during 1973–1974 was thought to be related to the 1973 drought. This was supported by the low prevalence rate in the long-range trade cattle which originated from drier areas. The results are discussed in relation to the climatic conditions during the survey period, as well as to the difference in epidemiology ofF. gigantica andD. hospes infections in northern Nigeria.
Incidencia De Infecciones Por Distoma Hepatioc (Fasciola Gigantica Y Dicrocoelium Hospes) En Rumiantes En El Norte De Nigeria
Resumen Con el propósito de estudiar la prevalencia e incidencia de infecciones por fasciola, se examination 1.024 bovinos, 550 ovinos y 1.748 caprinos, en un matadero—laboratorio en el norte de Nigeria. El estudio tuvo lugar en el año 1973 y se prolongó en el 74 y 75. La tasa de prevalencia de las infecciones porFasciola hepatica y Dicrocoelium hospes fue respectivamente 65.4% y 56.0% en bovinos, 40.8% y 13.1% en ovinos y 17.6% y 5.3% en caprinos. Otros tremàtodos encontrados fueronSchistosoma bovis y paranfistomus.La incidencia estacional deF. gigantica y deD. hospes fue alta durante y directamente despues de la estación lluviosa. La tasa de prevalencia más baja deF. gigantica especialmente en animales pequeños, durante 1973 y 74, parece estuvo relacionada con la seuía de 1973. La prevalencia baja encontrada en ganado comercial proveniente de regiones más secas, le dá fuerza a esta hipótesis.Los resultados se discuten en relación con las condiciones climáticas encontradas durante la encuesta y a las diferencias epidemiológicas deF. gigantic yD. hospes en el norte de Nigeria.

Incidence De La Distomatose (Fasciola Gigantica EtDicrocoelium Hospes) Chez Les Ruminants De Nigeria Du Nord
Résumé 1 024 bovins, 550 moutons et 1 748 chèvres abattus dans les abattoirs ruraux de 1973 à 1975 ont été examinés pour l'étude des affections hépatiques à trématodes. La répartition moyenne des infections àFasciola gigantica et àDicrocoelium hospes a respectivement été de 65,4 p. 100 et 56 p. 100 chez les bovins, de 40,8 p. 100 et de 13,1 p. 100 chez les moutons, et de 17,6 p. 100 et 5,2 p. 100 chez les chèvres. Les autres trématodes mis en évidence ont étéSchistosoma bovis ainsi que des paramphistomes. L'incidence saisonnière deFasciola gigantica tout comme celle deDicrocoelium hospes a été plus élevée durant et directement après la saison des pluies. Le niveau plus bas deFasciola gigantica spécialement chez les animaux les plus jeunes durant 1973–1974 paraît être en relation avec la sécheresse de 1973, de qui semble être confirmé par le taux peu élevé observé chez le bétail de commerce originaire des régions les plus sèches.Les résultats observés sont discutés en relation avec les conditions climatiques dominantes durant la période de l'enquête aussi bien qu'en fonction des différences épidémiologiques des infections àFasciola gigantica etDicrocoelium hospes en Nigeria du Nord.

Ninety-two species of plants used in traditional veterinary medical practice in Nigeria are presented. The vernacular names, animal species in which they are used, indications/uses and comments on the plants are given. The importance of integrating traditional veterinary medicine with modern orthodox veterinary medicine is discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of strongyle infections was conducted in sheep and goats reared in a traditional e extensive husbandry system in two ecological zones if Nigeria. One zone had a seasonal pattern of infection. The majority of animals had faecal worm parasite egg counts of below 500 eggs per gram. Kids, and lambs younger than 3 months did not carry strongyle worm burdens, and the highest infection rate was found in the 7–12 month age group. A high proportion of small ruminants shed strongyle eggs during the postparturient period.The helminth species found by the use of larval culture techniques on the faeces were: Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus colubriformis and Oesophagostonum columbianum. Adults of the same species were found in the few animals necropsied. The significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the chemical composition, intake and digestibility of crop residue based rations by Red Sokoto goats maintained on natural pastures and Digitaria smutsii hay during the dry season of the year. Twenty‐eight non‐lactating does were blocked for weight and assigned to 7 treatment groups comprising 4 does each in a completely randomized design. Ration A, the conventional concentrate ration, was used as the positive control, Rations B and C were the two crop residue based test rations, while Ration D, the unsupplemented treatment, was used as the negative control. Each of the supplementation rations was fed at 1% and 2% of the doe's body weight. Ration A had the highest crude protein percentage of 17.19% while Rations B and C had 9.54 and 10.38%, respectively. The naturally grazed pastures and Digitaria smutsii hay (Ration D) contained the least protein: 2.76 and 4.75%, respectively. Ration D also had the highest percentages of acid detergent fiber, neutral detergent fiber and lignin (49.14, 74.73 and 9.49% in hay and 50.29, 8.27 and 11.5% in grazed pastures, respectively). Ration A on the other hand, had the lowest percentages of acid detergent fiber (20.00%), neutral detergent fiber (40.01%) and lignin (4.64%). The results indicated that the supplemented group of does had significantly higher (P < 0.05) dry matter and crude protein intakes as well as nutrient digestibilities than the unsupplemented groups. A comparison of the unsupplemented animals with all the other treatment groups revealed that dry matter digestibility improved by a range of 4.1–27.9%, while crude protein digestibility improved by 17.1–42.2%, the highest value being in does on Ration A. It was concluded that goats were able to subsist and make appreciable gains in the long dry season on crop‐based diets that compared favorably with the conventional concentrate rations. Of the two tested crop residue based rations, Ration C is a better supplementation package than Ration B.  相似文献   

West African Dwarf (WAD) goats of the Nigerian subhumid zone generally show strong resistance and resilience to Haemonchus contortus in laboratory experiments, although a relatively small proportion are susceptible to infection. Little is known about these extremes of response phenotype in nature. Therefore, a survey was carried out of gastrointestinal nematode infections in WAD goats, with emphasis on abomasal worms, at three goat markets in Southern Nigeria during the rainy season. Faecal samples (n=1070) were collected weekly from goats between April and September, and 352 abomasa and small intestines from local abattoirs were examined. Total strongyle (prevalence=65.0%) and H. contortus (prevalence=64.3%) faecal egg counts (FEC) varied between the three markets, being highest throughout at Opi. FEC increased from April to peak in August. Based on raw FEC, 76.1% of goats had FEC of <100, and 4.7%>500. Adjustment of these figures for monthly and between-market differences, gave figures of 78.8 and 3.4%, respectively. H. contortus worm burdens (WB) showed a similar pattern with 67.9% of goats harbouring <200 worms and 8.2% >1000, and after adjustment 69.6 and 6.0%, respectively. Fecundity, based on eggs in the uterus, did not vary between markets or monthly, but fell with increasing WB. Trichostrongylus colubriformis was less frequent (prevalence=42.4%) but goats from Opi also carried higher WB, and worms were similarly highly aggregated in hosts. When the between-market and monthly differences for both species were controlled, a highly significant positive correlation between the species emerged. Therefore, although a small subset of goats, highly susceptible to H. contortus, exists in this breed, the majority show resistance under field conditions and the resistant phenotype is also resistant to T. colubriformis. Both species are highly aggregated in the susceptible subset of the population. While, we cannot yet exclude alternative explanations, our data are compatible with a strong genetic basis for this phenomenon.  相似文献   

A survey was carried out to determine the prevalence and seasonal abundance of the egg and adult stages of nematode parasites of sheep and goats in the semi-arid zone of north-eastern Nigeria between January and December 2002. Faecal samples collected from 102 sheep and 147 goats and examined by the modified McMaster technique using saturated solution of sodium chloride as the floating medium revealed that 44 (43.1%) and 82 (55.8%) of the samples, respectively, contained at least one nematode egg type. Three nematode egg types were recovered with strongyle egg type (22.5% in sheep and 35.4% in goats) being the most prevalent followed, respectively, by Trichuris (5.9% in sheep and 4.1% in goats) and Strongyloides (4.9% in sheep and 4.1% in goats) egg types. Mean faecal egg counts were generally moderate in both sheep (1052+/-922 strongyle, 1000+/-590 Strongyloides and 380+/-110 Trichuris eggs, respectively, per g of faeces) and goats (2092+/-3475 strongyle, 958+/-854 Strongyloides and 683+/-512 Trichuris eggs, respectively, per g of faeces) and showed the same trend irrespective of the age or sex of the animals. The prevalence and counts of strongyle nematode eggs showed a definite seasonal sequence that corresponded with the rainfall pattern in the study area during the period. In both sheep and goats, counts of strongyle egg type increased with the rains and reached peak levels at about the peak of the rainy season in September. The other egg types encountered during the study did not show much variation with the season of the year. Out of the 45 sheep and 75 goats examined at necropsy, 27 (60%) and 39 (52%), respectively, contained adult nematode species. Seven genera of adult nematodes including Strongyloides, Trichostrongylus, Haemonchus, Trichuris, Cooperia, Oesophagostomum and Bunostomum species were encountered during the study. Bunostomum species were recorded only in sheep. Adult worm burdens were generally low and showed seasonal variation that corresponded with the rainfall pattern in the study area during the period. Haemonchus and Trichostrongylus species attained peak counts together in both goats (June) and sheep (August). Strongyloides species were encountered throughout the year in both sheep and goats irrespective of the season. Other genera of nematodes encountered occurred in very low numbers and did not allow any meaningful comparison of seasonal sequence. The results suggest that Haemonchus, Trichostrongylus and Strongyloides species may be the major contributors to small ruminant helminthiasis in the study area.  相似文献   

A survey of Moniezia infection was conducted among two groups of sheep and goats, of dwarf breeds, in Nigeria: a. those being reared under a traditional, extensive husbandry system in groups of rural villages situated in two different ecological zones; and

b. those reared under an intensive system on experimental stations in two ecological zones of Nigeria.

Moniezia expansa was the predominant species encountered in the animals. The incidence of Moniezia infection was higher in sheep than in goats. The highest infection rates were found in kids and lambs younger than eight months old.

The clinical significance of the infection and some of the highlights of the results are discussed. It is concluded that Moniezia infection in small ruminants can pose a problem deserving of more attention and a suggestion is made for studies on the bionomics of the mite forming the intermediate host in Nigeria.  相似文献   

It was possible to distinguish separate serological responses when experimental goats were inoculated with either rinderpest virus or peste des petits ruminants virus. Examination of field samples established that peste des petits ruminants occur commonly in Nigerian sheep and goats although some villages have escaped recent infection. There was no evidence of infection with rinderpest in these animals.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of peste des petits ruminants in village goat flocks in Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is a major disease constraint of goat production in Nigeria. Investigation of three outbreaks in village goat populations in south-west Nigeria showed overall attack rates of 42.4%, 13.7% and 37.1% and case fatality rates of 86.9%, 41% and 63.9% respectively. Statistically significant differences were observed between attack rates in different age groups in each of the outbreaks. Based on the mortalities suffered the estimated average loss per goat in each of the three outbreaks was N9.15, N1.36 and N5.84 respectively. On the assumption that a goat population is subjected to an outbreak of the disease every five years these estimates would indicate that an annual sum ranging from N1.83 per goat at the highest level of loss and N0.27 per goat at the lowest level of loss could be profitably spent in the successful prevention of the disease.  相似文献   

Three Haemonchus species (Haemonchus contortus, Haemonchus placei and Haemonchus similis) live in sympatry in the savanna of North C?te d'Ivoire. Four domestic ruminant hosts (zebu-cattle, taurine-cattle, sheep and goats) share the same pastures throughout the year. Our post-mortem data imply that a Haemonchus spp. circulation exists among the different hosts species in the savanna of North C?te d'Ivoire. Under field conditions, mixed congeneric infections were the rule except in sheep where mono-specific H. contortus infections were the most frequent. The associations H.contortus+H.placei and H.placei+H.similis were dominant in goats and in cattle, respectively. In the populations examined, triple infections occurred in 11.5% of zebu-cattle and 29% of the taurine-cattle. Considering the intensities of infections, H. contortus was the main Haemonchus species of sheep and goats whereas H. similis was very rare in these host species. About 10% of the worms recovered in goats belong to the H. placei species. In cattle, H. contortus was very rare. H. placei was the dominant species in zebu-cattle (58.7% of the identified worms) and in taurine-cattle (73.9%) nevertheless, the proportion of H. similis was higher in zebu-cattle (38.6%) than in taurine-cattle (21.3%). Only few hybrids between H. placei and H. similis were found. The importance of such Haemonchus spp. circulation is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The study reported in the present paper discusses the clinical and histological picture of bovine demodecosis and the morphology of Demodex mites as seen in four cows suffering from generalized demodecosis. There were no clinical signs of other skin affections. Changes in both the number and the appearance of visible skin lesions were seen and related to the level of nutrition and the exposure to sunshine of the cattle. Histological sections of some skin nodules showed the presence of mite colonies in the hair follicles. Only adults were seen in the sebaceous glands. Microscopical study of the morphology of the mites revealed the presence of two types of demodicids in the skin lesions and three types from epilated eyelashes. Morphological criteria are presented to aid in identification of species and of life stages.  相似文献   

During the first 10 years of its existence, the Department of Parasitology and Entomology of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University in Zaria, Nigeria, confirmed or described for the first time the occurrence of 25 different tick-borne parasites of domestic animals in the northern part of the country. Most of these organisms occur as inapparent infections but may serve as complicating factors in any adverse host condition. The transmission of Babesia bigemina by Boophilus decoloratus, Cowdria ruminantium by Amblyomma variegatum, and Borrelia anserina and Aegyptianella pullorum by Argas persicus was confirmed under Nigerian conditions.  相似文献   

A survey of the abattoirs in 10 selected towne in Nigeria showed that about 41.9 per cent of whole carcasses condemned between 1975 and 1977 were due to tuberculosis and 22.2 per cent to beef cysticercosis. Seventy per cent of organ condemnations, mainly of livers, were due to fascioliasis. Other major causes of organ condemnations were hydatid cysts, tuberculosis and pneumonia of various causes. An estimated 500 tonnes of meat valued at about 1.25 million Naira (US $1.8 million) are condemned each year throughout Nigeria. The use of abattoirs as monitoring stations in national animal disease eradication programmes is highlighted.  相似文献   

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