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Turbinate destruction is an important diagnostic criterion in canine and feline nasal computed tomography (CT). However decreased turbinate visibility may also be caused by technical CT settings and nasal fluid. The purpose of this experimental, crossover study was to determine whether fluid reduces conspicuity of canine and feline nasal turbinates in CT and if so, whether CT settings can maximize conspicuity. Three canine and three feline cadaver heads were used. Nasal slabs were CT‐scanned before and after submerging them in a water bath; using sequential, helical, and ultrahigh resolution modes; with images in low, medium, and high frequency image reconstruction kernels; and with application of additional posterior fossa optimization and high contrast enhancing filters. Visible turbinate length was measured by a single observer using manual tracing. Nasal density heterogeneity was measured using the standard deviation (SD) of mean nasal density from a region of interest in each nasal cavity. Linear mixed‐effect models using the R package ‘nlme’, multivariable models and standard post hoc Tukey pair‐wise comparisons were performed to investigate the effect of several variables (nasal content, scanning mode, image reconstruction kernel, application of post reconstruction filters) on measured visible total turbinate length and SD of mean nasal density. All canine and feline water‐filled nasal slabs showed significantly decreased visibility of nasal turbinates (P < 0.001). High frequency kernels provided the best turbinate visibility and highest SD of aerated nasal slabs, whereas medium frequency kernels were optimal for water‐filled nasal slabs. Scanning mode and filter application had no effect on turbinate visibility.  相似文献   

Positive contrast retrograde urethrography proved to be a useful and relatively simple technic for the evaluation of lower urinary tract disorders in the dog. The case histories of 12 dogs with such disorders were used to illustrate the role of positive contrast retrograde urethrography in the evaluation of urethral and urinary bladder integrity after caudal abdominal and pelvic trauma, and in the investigation of incontinence, stranguria, dysuria, and hematuria.  相似文献   

A 15-year retrospective analysis of histologically proven canine and feline mediastinal malignancies at the University of Minnesota was conducted to identify patients imaged by computed tomography (CT). The goal of the study was to characterize the CT appearance, to determine if there were any tumor type-specific appearances, and to clarify the role of CT in patients with mediastinal masses. Fourteen patients meeting these criteria were available for evaluation. The masses were characterized based on the presence or absence of contrast enhancement, internal architecture, size, extent of local invasion, the presence of pleural fluid, and the presence of regional vascular invasion. Within the limits of this study and the histopathologic information available, there appeared to be no clinically exploitable relationship between the CT appearance and the histologic characterization of the mass. However, CT does provide reasonably accurate local staging information.  相似文献   

Abdominal lymph node enlargement is frequently noted sonographically. Certain sonographic features can be used to suggest whether lymphadenopathy is more likely benign or malignant. Specific changes in size, shape, echogenicity, and Doppler flow patterns have an association with malignancy. In this retrospective case-control study, the association between abdominal lymph node heterogeneity and malignancy was evaluated. Twenty-three canine and 18 feline patients with ultrasonographically heterogeneous abdominal nodes were evaluated for presence of benign or malignant lymphadenopathy. Controls were animals with lymph node enlargement of uniform echogeneity. Twenty-one (91%) of heterogeneous canine lymph nodes were malignant, and there was a significant association between heterogeneity and malignancy in canine abdominal lymph nodes (P= 0.024). Seven (63%) heterogeneous feline lymph nodes were malignant, with no significant association between heterogeneity and malignancy (P = 0.537).  相似文献   

Three dogs and one cat with lymphoma affecting the urinary bladder are reported and the findings on abdominal radiographs and ultrasound are described. Mural lesions representing lymphoma affecting the urinary bladder were identified ultrasonographically in all animals. The most common complications associated with urinary bladder lymphoma were hydronephrosis and hydroureter. In two patients contrast radiography was necessary to detect leakage of urine in the peritoneal and retroperitoneal space. The radiographic and ultrasonographic signs were similar to those reported with other urinary bladder neoplasms; hence urinary bladder lymphoma could not be distinguished from the more common urinary bladder neoplasms, such as transitional cell carcinoma. It is important to include lymphoma in the differential diagnosis of urinary bladder wall thickening and mural mass in dogs and cats.  相似文献   

Two cases of canine urinary bladder carcinoma were treated with combined radiation and cisplatin. Total radiation dose was 4400 cGy for one dog and 4800 cCy for the other. Cobalt 60 radiation was fractioned using 400 cGy per fraction. Cisplatin was administered intraarterially at a dose of 50 mg/m2 divided equally six to seven hours before the first three radiation fractions. Cisplatin was administered before the last three radiation fractions at the same dose and time, but was infused intravenously. Objective evaluation using double contrast cystograms revealed reduction in tumor size in both dogs. The therapy was well-tolerated with minimal side effects.  相似文献   

T2*‐weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been reported to help improve detection of intracranial hemorrhage and is widely used in human neuroimaging. To assess the utility of this technique in small animals, interpretations based on this sequence were compared with those based on paired T2‐weighted and fluid‐attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences in 200 dogs and cats that underwent brain MRI for suspected intracranial disease. Two sets of images (T2 + FLAIR and T2*) were reviewed separately in random order unaccompanied by patient information and were interpreted as normal or abnormal based on whether intracranial abnormalities were seen. The number and location of intracranial lesions were recorded. Eighty‐five studies were considered normal and 88 were considered abnormal based on both sets of images, with good agreement (κ = 0.731) between the two. Susceptibility artifact was present in 33 cases (16.5%) on T2*‐weighted images. In 12 cases (6%) a total of 69 lesions were seen on T2*‐weighted images that were not seen on T2/FLAIR, all of which were associated with susceptibility artifact caused by presumed intracranial hemorrhage. Pseudolesions were seen on T2*‐weighted images in five cases, none of which were associated with susceptibility artifact. Abnormalities were seen on T2/FLAIR images that were not seen on T2*‐weighted images in 35 cases, confirming that T2* does not replace standard spin echo sequences. These results support inclusion of T2*‐weighted sequences in small animal brain MRI studies and indicate that that a large number of abnormalities (especially hemorrhagic lesions) can go undetected if it is not performed.  相似文献   

Thirteen dogs had partial surgical extirpation followed by whole bladder intraoperative radiotherapy for urinary bladder cancer. Eleven of the neoplasms were transitional cell carcinomas (five Stage T1, six stage T2); one was rhabdomyosarcoma (Stage T2), and one was leiomyosarcoma (Stage T2). Histopathologic evaluation showed that neoplasia extended to the margins of the excised tissue in at least 11 of the 13 dogs. Radiotherapy from a 137Cs teletherapy machine was applied to the surgically exteriorized bladder, with doses at the 90% isodose level varying from 2188 to 2888 cGy (10 of 13 dogs receiving 2670–2700 cGy). Sixty-one percent of the dogs were alive at 1 year, 30% at 18 months, and 15% at 2 years. From the time of initial clinical signs of bladder neoplasia, 69% of the irradiated dogs were alive at 1 year, 46% at 18 months, and 23% at 2 years (one dog is still living, at 70 months). Of the owner-reported or clinically determined posttherapy complications, there was increased frequency of urination in 46% of the dogs, urinary incontinence in 46%, cystitis in 38%, and stranguria in 15%. Either persistence or recurrence of neoplasia was found in six (46%) of the dogs and metastasis in four (30%), with two of these having both recurrence and metastasis. Qualitative assessment of the complications was not done, but owner-perceived severity of the complications, metastasis, or diagnosed persistence or recurrence of the neoplasm were the major reasons for ultimately killing most of the dogs.  相似文献   

Gultekin  Atalan  DVM  Frances J.  Barr  MA  VetMB  PhD  MRCVS  Peter E.  Holt  BVMS  PhD  CBiol  MIBiol  FRCVS 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1998,39(5):446-450
The purpose of this study was to determine if ultrasonographic measurement of multiple cross-sectional areas combined with linear dimensions of the bladder could be used as a method of estimating bladder volume in the dog, and, if so, to compare the accuracy of this estimation with that described previously using linear measurements alone. Fifty-two live dogs undergoing investigation for urological disease and 37 fresh canine cadavers were used for bladder volume determination. Maximal length, depth, width, and area were measured from the maximal longitudinal and transverse sonograms in each living animal. In cadavers, the cross-sectional area of the longitudinal section of the bladder was measured at one centimeter intervals, and the measurements were summed. Based on sequential partial regression analysis, the cross-sectional area of the longitudinal section of the bladder and length were the best predictors of actual bladder volume in living animals. However, based on the cadaver experiment, the best predictor of actual bladder volume was summed parasagittal area alone, and, in cadavers, this was a much better predictor of actual bladder volume than the combination of the cross-sectional area of the longitudinal section of the bladder and length. The formula derived in living dogs using the corss-sectional area of the longitudinal section of the bladder and length gave a less accurate estimation of bladder volume than a previously published formula where only linear measurements were used.  相似文献   

Because urinary bladder rupture can be life threatening, a simple, safe technique for evaluating patients is desirable. Current diagnostic protocols involve radiographic imaging, but ultrasound-based contrast techniques have not been methodically evaluated in veterinary patients with urologic trauma. Ultrasound contrast cystography (contrast cystosonography) involves infusion of microbubbled saline solution through a urinary catheter. It was performed in an in vitro model and in 2 dogs with naturally occurring urinary bladder rupture. A positive result consisted of visualizing microbubbles sonographically in fluid surrounding the bladder immediately after infusion of contrast into the urinary catheter. A positive result was obtained both in the in vitro model and in the 2 dogs, with radiographic and surgical confirmation of naturally occurring intraperitoneal urinary bladder rupture in the dogs. Based on the results of this study, ultrasound contrast cystography appears to be more sensitive than two-dimensional (2D) abdominal sonography for detecting naturally occurring urinary bladder rupture in dogs.  相似文献   

Contrast medium-urine layering is routinely identified on transverse computed tomography (CT) images in the urinary bladder following intravesicular or intravenous administration of iodinated contrast medium. The contrast opacified urine typically occupies the dependent portion of the urinary bladder whereas the nonopacified urine layers above it. In this retrospective study, three patients with inverted contrast medium layering following intravenous contrast medium administration are described. A review of this phenomenon in humans is presented and an explanation for similar imaging findings in the dog proposed.  相似文献   

The effect of commonly used sedatives on gastrointestinal motility and transit time in cats was evaluated using barium sulfate in gastrointestinal contrast studies. Control studies were performed in nonsedated animals, and the results were compared with those obtained from each of five sedation studies (ANOVA; p < 0.05). The ketamine/acepromazine transit time (18 minutes) was shortened significantly compared with the control group (42 minutes), and both ketamine/acepromazine and ketamine alone resulted in significant increase in the number of gastric contractions. The level of sedation was evaluated subjectively and compared with the transit times to determine a chemical restraint method for potential clinical use that would have the least effect on transit time and motility yet provide adequate sedation. When sedation is necessary and motility is not a primary concern, the ketamine/acepromazine combination if recommended. If a gastrointestinal motility problem is suspected, the ketamine/valium combination should be used.  相似文献   

The radiographic anatomy of the temporomandibular joint in the dog and cat is described in dorsoventral and oblique projections. The positioning for different oblique views in conventional radiography and technical details of computed tomography are reviewed. Typical radiographic features of craniomandibular osteopathy, dysplasia, luxation, subluxation, fractures, ankylosis, degenerative joint disease, infection, and neoplasia involving the temporomandibular joint are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of cardiac-cycle phase on the radiographic appearance of the feline heart was investigated. Results show that the size and shape changes in the cardiac silhouette due to the cardiac cycle were present in all three postural positions investigated. Cardiac size and shape changes were present more frequently and in more locations of the cardiac silhouette when patients were in ventral recumbency (DV) versus dorsal recumbency (VD). In most cases, the magnitude of differences was small and detection was facilitated by comparison viewing. It is suggested that these size and shape influences of the cardiac cycle on cardiac appearance should be kept in mind when interpreting feline radiographs for cardiac pathology.  相似文献   

Low‐field MRI (lfMRI) has become increasingly accepted as a method for diagnosing canine meniscal tears in clinical practice. However, observer effects on diagnostic accuracy have not been previously reported. In this study, 50 consecutive stifle joints with clinical and radiologic evidence of cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency were investigated by lfMRI and arthroscopy. Fifteen observers who had varying levels of experience and who were unaware of arthroscopic findings independently reviewed lfMRI studies and recorded whether lateral and medial meniscal tears were present. Diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV)) was determined for each observer and median values were calculated for all observers, using arthroscopy as the reference standard. Interrater agreement was determined based on intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) analysis. Observer level of experience was compared with diagnostic sensitivity and specificity using correlation analysis. Based on pooled data for all observers, median sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV for lfMRI diagnosis of lateral meniscal tears were 0.00, 0.94, 0.05, and 0.94, respectively. Median sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV for medial meniscal tears were 0.74, 0.89, 0.83, and 0.79, respectively. Interrater agreement for all menisci was fair (0.51). Menisci were less consistently scored as having no tears (ICC = 0.13) than those scored as having tears (ICC = 0.50). No significant correlations between observer experience and diagnostic sensitivity/specificity were identified. Findings indicated that the accuracy of lfMRI for diagnosing canine meniscal tears was poor to fair and observer‐dependent. Future studies are needed to develop standardized and widely accepted lfMRI criteria for diagnosing meniscal tears.  相似文献   

The radiographic appearance of nodular fat necrosis is described in ten cats and one dog. The most common radiographic sign was the presence of a focal mineralized circular to oval soft tissue mass in the abdominal fat as present in 9 cats. These masses had a distinct eggshell-like rim encapsulating the lesion. In one cat and one dog multiple masses were present, without radiographic signs of mineralization. Abdominal ultrasound was performed in three cats and one dog, findings included the presence of hyperechoic masses with associated acoustic shadowing, some with a hypoechoic centre. Almost all animals were old and obese. In three cats and one dog, changes were confirmed with biopsy or post mortem examination. Lesions having the appearance of those in this paper are most likely incidental findings and should not be confused with abdominal masses of neoplastic origin. Ultrasound can be helpful in identifying such lesions.  相似文献   

The purposes of this study were to: 1) compare prostatic dimensions measured on radiographic and ultrasonographic images and 2) compare a subjective radiographic assessment of prostate size with a previously-described objective method. Thirty-four male dogs undergoing investigation of prostatic disorders were used. Prostate length and depth were measured from ultrasonographic and radiographic images. A subjective assessment of prostate size ('small', 'normal', or 'enlarged') was made in 29 animals by one of the authors who was unaware of radiographic or ultrasonographic measurements. In addition, the distance from sacral promontory to the pubic brim was also measured. A prostate length or depth of >70% of this distance was defined as 'enlarged' and <70% as 'normal'. After the effects of magnification on radiographic measurements were eliminated, there were no significant differences between prostatic length measured by the two methods. However, a significant difference was obtained between prostatic depth measurements. The subjective assessment agreed with a previously described objective assessment of prostatic size in 21/29 dogs for prostate length but in only 12/29 for depth. Prostatic length varied from 46.6 to 116.4% (mean 75.7%) of the distance from the pubic brim to the sacral promontory. Prostatic depth varied from 33.0% to 94.6% (mean 59.7%) of the same distance. It is recommended that prostate length, rather than depth, be used when evaluating prostate size from lateral abdominal radiographs.  相似文献   

The magnetic resonance imaging appearance of the feline middle ear is described in three healthy cats and in five cats with middle ear disease. Owing to the good spatial resolution, multiplanar slice orientation as well as display high contrast resolution of soft tissue, in particular fluids, MR imaging was helpful prior to surgery. It is superior to radiography which failed to allow identification of the abnormality in two of our five cats. MR imaging for middle ear disease should include dorsal and transverse plane images using T1- and T2-weighted sequences. In the presence of a mass within the bulla or the external ear canal application of contrast medium is helpful.  相似文献   

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