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以新冬22(少穗型)和邯郸5316(多穗型)为供试材料,采用裂区田间试验设计,主区为3个播期:9月23日(B1)、10月4日(B2)和10月15日(B3);副区为4个播种密度:315万株·hm-2(M1)、510万株·hm-2(M2)、705万株·hm-2(M3)、900万株·hm-2(M4),研究不同播期和密度对滴灌冬小麦群体动态和抗倒特性的影响。结果表明:(1)滴灌冬小麦生育期随播期推迟而缩短,B3处理的新冬22和邯郸5316的生育期较B2处理缩短11 d,较B1处理缩短22 d;密度对生育进程影响较小。(2)群体大小和叶面积指数(LAI)随密度增加而增加,随播期推迟而减小;晚播群体在生育后期总茎数有追赶正常播期处理的趋势;同一密度下B2处理和同一播期下M2或M3处理的群体大小和叶面积动态随生育进程变化最小,表现出较好的叶片调节功能。(3)随播种密度增加,滴灌冬小麦基部节间和重心高度增加,基部直径、机械强度和抗倒指数下降;随播期延迟,茎秆基部节间变短,重心高度下降,直径增大,机械强度和抗倒指数增加;密度对茎秆性状的影响大于播期;在实际生产中,充分发挥密度和播期的互作效应,适当增加晚播处理的密度,能优化个体生长,保证高产。(4)B2处理的平均产量较B1、B3处理分别提高8.09%~17.52%和16.01%~21.07%,新冬22和邯郸5316分别在B2M3和B2M2处理中产量最高,分别达8 541.04 kg·hm-2和9 218.08 kg·hm-2。(5)从群个体生长的角度上看,新冬22对密度反应更敏感,邯郸5316对播期反应更敏感;说明生产中少穗型品种应注重合理密度前提下调节播期,而多穗型品种应注重适当播期前提下调节密度,以充分发挥品种的增产潜力。  相似文献   

研究了种植密度对晚播小麦氮素同化积累分配及氮素利用效率的影响。以重穗型冬小麦品种兰考矮早八为材料,在晚播期(10-24—10-26)设低(150万株/hm2)、中(225万株/hm2)、高(300万株/hm2)3个种植密度进行了2年大田试验。传统播期(10-10—10-12)为对照。结果表明,晚播小麦旗叶的硝酸还原酶活性和可溶性蛋白含量显著提高,单茎氮素积累量、营养器官转移氮素对籽粒氮素积累的贡献率以及植株的氮素收获指数和氮素吸收效率均提高,而氮素利用效率和籽粒产量降低。对照播期的低、中密度处理的氮代谢酶活性、氮素积累量和氮素利用效率及籽粒产量较高,而晚播处理则以中、高密度处理较高。不同播期的中密度处理的蛋白质含量和籽粒产量高于其他2个密度处理。因此,晚播条件下兰考矮早八兼顾高产和高效利用氮素的适宜播种密度为225~300万株/hm2。  相似文献   

播期对冬播春麦品种生育进程及产量品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明冬前播期对新疆北疆春小麦生育进程、产量和品质的影响,于2017—2019年在田间设置3个冬前播期(10月中旬、10月下旬和11月上旬)和春播期(3月底,CK),分析‘新春6号’、‘新春20号’、‘新春27号’和‘新春43号’4个春小麦品种在不同播期的生育进程、茎数动态、产量构成和籽粒品质等指标。结果表明,冬播处理平均出苗率(59.13%)较春播处理平均出苗率(80.70%)降低21.57个百分点,年际间差异大,同一春麦品种不同冬播期处理之间出苗率差异显著;冬播较春播处理早出苗9~15d、早成熟8~11d、延长生育期6~18d;降低总茎数峰值,总茎数峰值提前出现;冬播处理2年平均产量(7 065.99kg/hm~2)较春播增产17.10%,穗粒数和千粒重分别增加30.68%和5.59%,冬播期处理间产量平均值差异不显著。冬播处理使供试春小麦的籽粒蛋白质含量、沉降值和湿面筋含量均有所降低,但处理间籽粒品质指标差异不显著;同一冬播期的不同小麦品种的沉降值和湿面筋含量差异显著,以‘新春43号’和‘新春6号’较高。冬播处理较春播小麦增产,主要是穗粒数增加的结果;冬播使春小麦的籽粒蛋白质含量、沉降值和湿面筋含量降低,同一小麦品种的不同冬播处理间籽粒品质指标差异显著。在本试验条件下,综合产量和品质结果,10月下旬—11月上旬是新疆北疆春麦品种适宜的冬播期。  相似文献   

郭晗  陆洲  徐飞飞  罗明  张序 《浙江农业学报》2022,34(9):2020-2031
在小麦叶面积指数(leaf area index, LAI)的估算过程中,光谱变量与机器学习算法(MLs)相结合的方法具有较好的性能,但由于输入参数过多会导致数据冗余,使得计算效率降低。为了提高LAI估算的精度和MLs的计算效率,本研究提出了全局敏感性分析(global sensitivity analysis, GSA)与MLs相结合的方法(简称GSA-MLs)。首先,基于PROSAIL模拟数据集,利用GSA量化植被生长参数对Sentinel-2光谱变量的影响;此外利用4种变量筛选策略对所有光谱变量进行排序,并选择最优变量作为MLs的输入参数。然后,通过偏最小二乘回归(partial least square regression, PLSR)、支持向量机(support vector machine, SVM)和随机森林(random forest, RF)3种MLs对小麦叶面积指数(LAI)进行估算。结果表明:红边植被指数主要受叶绿素含量的影响,而短波红外相关的植被指数主要受等效水厚度的影响,所有光谱变量均会受到参数之间的交互作用。SLAI-SInteraction筛选得到的30...  相似文献   

目的分析晚播对弱筋小麦氮素积累与利用的影响。方法以弱筋小麦品种扬麦13和宁麦13为材料,在不同氮素水平下(N210:210 kg/hm2、N270:270 kg/hm2)设置适播与晚播处理,分析弱筋小麦氮素积累与利用情况。结果弱筋小麦开花期植株氮素积累量主要来源于土壤氮(70.48%~85.51%);成熟期籽粒氮素积累量主要来源于土壤氮(74.35%~86.86%);成熟期营养器官氮素积累主要来源于肥料氮(52.88%~82.12%)。与适期播种相比,晚播显著增加了小麦成熟期单株氮素积累量、开花期来源于土壤氮的积累量、成熟期营养器官和籽粒来源于土壤氮及肥料氮的积累量。弱筋小麦花前营养器官积累氮素向籽粒的转运率为55.52%~79.78%,氮素积累转移的贡献率为38.91%~77.99%。适期播种处理下,花前营养器官氮素积累转运量、转运率与贡献率分别为23.47 mg/株、75.23%和71.46%,而晚播显著降低花前营养器官氮素积累转运量、转运率与贡献率(分别为19.87 mg/株、59.74%和50.31%)。各处理小麦氮肥生产效率为25.25~44.27 kg/kg,氮素利用效率为15.75%~41.43%,氮素收获指数为0.730~0.844。同一因素下不同水平比较表明:晚播显著降低籽粒产量、氮肥生产效率、氮素利用效率及氮素收获指数,但播期对籽粒蛋白质含量无显著影响。在相同品种和氮水平处理下,晚播较适期播种籽粒产量降低。结论弱筋小麦晚播不利于籽粒产量的提高和氮素利用效率的提高,因此为获得较高产量水平与氮素利用效率,应尽量保证弱筋小麦适宜播种期。  相似文献   

Soil moisture is the most critical limiting factor impacting yields of dryland winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) and it is strongly affected by tillage practice and sowing methods. This study was to assess the link between sowing method and tillage practice during summer fallow and their subsequent effect on soil moisture and grain yield. Furthermore, we sought to identify a more appropriate farming management practice for winter wheat production in Loess Plateau region of China. The experiment was conducted from 2011 to 2013, using a two-factor split plot design, including subsoiling(SS) or no tillage(NT) during summer fallow for main plots, and conventional drill sowing(DS) or plastic film drill sowing(FM) for subplots. Results showed that the maximum soil water storage(SWS) was under SS×FM treatment with values of 649.1 mm(2011–2012) and 499.4 mm(2012–2013). The SWS during the 2011–2012 growing season were 149.7 mm higher than that in the 2012–2013 growing season. And adoption of SS×FM significantly increased precipitation use efficiency(PUE) and water use efficiency(WUE) compared to other treatments for both seasons. Moreover, adoption of SS×FM significantly increased yield by 13.1, 14.4, 47.3% and 25.9, 39.1, 35.7% than other three treatments during the two growing seasons, respectively. In summary, combining subsoiling during summer fallow with plastic film drill sowing(SS×FM) increased SWS at sowing and effectively improved WUE, thus representing a feasible technology to improve grain yield of dryland winter wheat in the Loess Plateau of China.  相似文献   

北京山区油松林光辐射特征及冠层结构参数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了揭示不同径阶油松Pinus tabulaeformis林群落内光辐射状况,以北京市妙峰山实验林场内人工油松林为研究对象,运用WinSCANOPY For Canopy Analysis冠层分析仪采集数据,并结合实地调查,实测了5种不同径阶的油松林群落内光辐射特征及冠层结构参数。结果表明:立地条件相同的情况下,油松林内光辐射随胸径增加呈下降趋势,为14.64~22.43 MJ·m^-2·d^-1,平均约占冠上总辐射的64.59%。林分开阔度为24.91%~43.77%,并且不同径阶群落之间有明显差别。叶面积指数为2.23~4.50,平均约为3.67。冠层消光系数小于0.20,较小的消光系数对林内灌木层和草本层生长更新具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Improved lodging resistance is important for achieving high yield in irrigated environments. This study was conducted to determine genotypic variation in lodging resistance and related morphological traits among winter wheat cultivars planted at two densities, and to identify key traits associated with lodging resistance. Lodging performance of 28 genotypes, including 24 released cultivars and four advanced lines, was evaluated at 250 plants per square meter and 500 plants per square meter in Shandong province during the 2008–2009 and 2009–2010 crop seasons. At the higher density, the average grain yield was 2.6% higher, even though lodging score rose by as much as 136%. The higher planting density increased lodging through increased leaf area index (LAI), plant height, center of gravity and length of basal internodes, and reduced grain weight per spike and diameter of the lower two stem internodes. LAI, center of gravity and diameter of first internodes, as the important indicators for lodging resistance, were significantly correlated with lodging score, with R= 0.62, 0.59 and −0.52 (P<0.01), respectively. Plant pushing resistance was significantly associated with diameter and length of the first internodes (R = 0.71–0.77, P<0.01), indicating it could be used to assess the strength of the lower stem. Higher planting density could be used to select genotypes with lodging resistance in irrigated environments. Cultivars carrying high plant density tolerance and high yield potential, such as Jimai 22 and Liangxing 66, were recommended as leading cultivars for production as well as elite crossing parents for further increasing yield potential in the Yellow and Huai Valleys Winter Wheat Zone in China.  相似文献   

研究三种优良牧草白三叶、草地早熟禾、多年生黑麦草在不同播种方法情况下的生物学性状及经济性状,结果表明:混播牧草比单播牧草在杂草防除、叶面积指数提高及生物学产量的增加有显著的优势,试验结果可为当地的饲料生产及草地改良提供可行的依据。  相似文献   

对宁南旱区春小麦覆膜穴播条件下土壤水分与产量的关系及技术决策进行了分析。结果表明 :覆膜与露地条件下 ,春小麦产量与底墒之间均呈线性关系 ;在试验年份生育期降雨 1 43.0 mm情况下覆膜增收的临界土壤墒情为 2 82 mm,春小麦生育期不同降雨年型 (丰 :R>1 30 mm,平 :70 mm相似文献   

以冬小麦为研究对象,利用开顶式气室试验,开展以环境CO2浓度为对照(CK)和比CK处理的CO2浓度高200μmol·mol-1(T)处理的试验,测定冬小麦主要生育期冠层光谱反射率、叶面积指数(LAI)和SPAD值,分析LAI、SPAD值与原始光谱反射率、光谱特征参数的相关性,并探究最优回归反演模型.结果表明,高CO2浓...  相似文献   

Water is a key limiting factor in agriculture. Water resource shortages have become a serious threat to global food security. The development of water-saving irrigation techniques based on crop requirements is an important strategy to resolve water scarcity in arid and semi-arid regions. In this study, field experiments with winter wheat were performed at Wuqiao Experiment Station, China Agricultural University in two growing seasons in 2013–2015 to help develop such techniques. Three irrigation treatments were tested: no-irrigation(i.e., no water applied after sowing), limited-irrigation(i.e., 60 mm of water applied at jointing), and sufficient-irrigation(i.e., a total of 180 mm of water applied with 60 mm at turning green, jointing and anthesis stages, respectively). Leaf area index(LAI), light transmittance(LT), leaf angle(LA), transpiration rate(Tr), specific leaf weight, water use efficiency(WUE), and grain yield of winter wheat were measured. The highest WUE of wheat in the irrigated treatments was found under limited-irrigation and grain yield was only reduced by a small amount in this treatment compared to the sufficient irrigation treatment. The LAI and LA of wheat plants was lower under limited irrigation than sufficient irrigation, but canopy LT was greater. Moreover, the specific leaf weight of winter wheat was significantly lower under sufficient than limited irrigation conditions, while the leaf Tr was significantly higher. Correlation analysis showed that the increased LAI was associated with an increase in the leaf Tr, but the specific leaf weight had the opposite relationship with transpiration. Optimum WUE occurred over a reasonable range in leaf Tr. In conclusion, reduced irrigation can optimize wheat canopies and regulate water consumption, with only small reductions in final yield, ultimately leading to higher wheat WUE and water saving in arid and semi-arid regions.  相似文献   

为探究超晚播条件下不同品种冬小麦的物质积累和水分利用特征,采用3个不同穗型冬小麦品种(小穗型衡水4399;大穗型潍麦8号;中间型济麦22)在黑龙港地区进行了连续3年的大田试验。结果表明,超晚播配合增加播种量,春浇1水可以获得产量为6.43~8.24t/hm~2。在3个品种中,济麦22产量和水分利用效率最高。品种间产量的差异主要是粒重差异引起的。济麦22较高的千粒重和产量与其较高的开花期穗生物量分配、花后物质积累和收获指数密切相关。济麦22花前水分的穗干物质生产效率、花后水分的干物质生产效率和籽粒干物质生产效率均显著高于潍麦8号和衡水4399,从而获得了最高的水分利用效率。综合分析表明,穗型中等、花后物质积累和水分生产力高的品种更适合于超晚播节水栽培。  相似文献   

Excessive use of nitrogen(N) fertilizers in agricultural systems increases the cost of production and risk of environmental pollution. Therefore, determination of optimum N requirements for plant growth is necessary. Previous studies mostly established critical N dilution curves based on aboveground dry matter(DM) or leaf dry matter(LDM) and stem dry matter(SDM), to diagnose the N nutrition status of the whole plant. As these methods are time consuming, we investigated the more rapidly determined leaf area index(LAI) method to establish the critical nitrogen(N_c) dilution curve, and the curve was used to diagnose plant N status for winter wheat in Guanzhong Plain in Northwest China. Field experiments were conducted using four N fertilization levels(0, 105, 210 and 315 kg ha-1) applied to six wheat cultivars in the 2013–2014 and 2014–2015 growing seasons. LAI, DM, plant N concentration(PNC) and grain yield were determined. Data points from four cultivars were used for establishing the N_c curve and data points from the remaining two cultivars were used for validating the curve. The N_c dilution curve was validated for N-limiting and non-N-limiting growth conditions and there was good agreement between estimated and observed values. The N nutrition index(NNI) ranged from 0.41 to 1.25 and the accumulated plant N deficit(N_(and)) ranged from 60.38 to –17.92 kg ha~(-1) during the growing season. The relative grain yield was significantly affected by NNI and was adequately described with a parabolic function. The N_c curve based on LAI can be adopted as an alternative and more rapid approach to diagnose plant N status to support N fertilization decisions during the vegetative growth of winter wheat in Guanzhong Plain in Northwest China.  相似文献   

通过田间试验研究砂姜黑土地区秸秆还田条件下播种水和氮肥底追比对小麦旗叶叶绿素荧光参数和产量构成因素的影响。结果表明,秸秆还田条件下灌播种水和氮肥后移显著降低灌浆前后期旗叶Fo(P<0.01);增加灌浆中期旗叶Fm(P<0.01),延缓小麦灌浆后期旗叶Fm的降低速度。灌播种水显著延缓Fv/FoFv/Fm的下降。秸秆还田可以显著缓解灌浆前期Y(Ⅱ)的下降(P<0.01),灌播种水显著延缓灌浆中期旗叶Y(Ⅱ)的下降速率(P<0.01)。秸秆还田和灌播种水条件下氮肥的后移有利于提高灌浆期旗叶Y(Ⅱ)。秸秆还田条件下灌播种水降低开花期和灌浆前期旗叶Y(NPQ),增加灌浆中后期旗叶Y(NPQ);显著降低灌浆中期旗叶Y(NO) (P<0.05)。氮肥后移有利于降低灌浆期旗叶Y(NO),从而在灌浆期内合理利用光能,降低光损伤。秸秆还田条件下水氮耦合有利于增加小麦单位面积有效穗数与产量。尤其灌播种水显著增加单位面积有效穗数与提高小麦产量(P<0.05);秸秆还田显著增加主茎(P<0.05)和第一大分蘖(P<0.01)的单穗结实粒数。  相似文献   

以北京大兴实验站冬小麦为研究对象,依据涡度相关系统和光合测定仪实测数据,分析了冬小麦在叶片和农田尺度上的水分利用率变化特征,并探讨了净光合速率与CO2通量之间的关系.研究发现:冬小麦田间CO2通量与净光合速率在抽穗期最大,拔节期、开花期和灌浆期相差不大;作物水分利用效率的日变化规律在农田尺度和叶片尺度基本相似,即早8:...  相似文献   

Under the limited cultivated land area and the pursuit of sustainable agricultural development,it is essential for the safety of grain production to study agricultural management approaches on narrowing the winter wheat yield gap and improving nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in China.In this study,DSSAT-CERES-Wheat Model is used to simulate winter wheat yield under different agricultural treatments,and we analyze yield gaps and NUE with different management scenarios at regional scales and evaluate the suitable approaches for reducing yield gap and increasing NUE.The results show that,the potential of narrowing yield gap ranges 300–900 kg ha~(–1) with soil nutrients increase,400–1 200 kg ha~(–1) with sowing date adjustment and 0–400 kg ha~(–1) with planting density increase as well as 700–2 200 kg ha~(–1) with adding nitrogen fertilizer.Contribution rates of management measures of soil nutrients,sowing date adjusting,planting density,and nitrogen fertilizers are 5–15%,5–15%,0–4%,and 10–20%,respectively.Difference in nitrogen partial productivity ranges 3–10 kg kg~(–1) for soil nutrients,1–10 kg kg~(–1) for sowing date adjusting,1–5 kg kg~(–1) for planting density increase,and–12–0 kg kg~(–1) for adding nitrogen fertilizers,respectively.It indicates that four treatments can narrow yield gap and improve the NUE in varying degrees,but increasing nitrogen fertilizer leads to the decrease of NUE.  相似文献   

为探究双波段光谱仪CGMD-302在监测小麦长势上的可靠性与精准性,同时使用高光谱仪UniSpec SC与双波段光谱仪CGMD-302测试各生育时期小麦冠层信息,并定量分析了植被指数NDVI、RVI、DVI与叶面积指数和叶片干重之间的线性关系。结果表明,基于相同波段反射率计算出的高光谱仪植被指数和双波段光谱仪植被指数均能较好监测小麦群体长势。在CGMD-302监测的叶面积指数模型中,拟合方程的决定系数(R~2)均高于0.89,用以检验模型的均方根误差(RMSE)和相对误差(RE)分别小于0.792和0.225;叶片干重模型中,决定系数(R2)均高于0.85,用以检验模型的均方根误差(RMSE)和相对误差(RE)分别小于440kg/hm~2和0.239。通过分析发现,施氮270kg/hm~2既能保证产量又能兼顾品质,可作为适宜施氮量。适宜施氮量下,拔节期和孕穗期小麦适宜叶面积指数分别为:3.65±0.09和5.95±0.32;适宜叶干重分别为:(1 554±168)和(2 231±130)kg/hm~2。结合CGMD-302监测模型可推算出拔节期和孕穗期适宜冠层群体的植被指数区间并应用于冠层群体诊断。  相似文献   

Sowing date and seeding rate are critical for productivity of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L.).A three-year field experiment was conducted with three sowing dates(20 September(SD1),1 October(SD2),and 10 October(SD3)) and three seeding rates(SR67.5,SR90,and SR112.5) to determine suitable sowing date and seeding rate for high wheat yield.A large seasonal variation in accumulated temperature from sowing to winter dormancy was observed among three growing seasons.Suitable sowing dates for strong seedlings before winter varied with the seasons,that was SD2 in 2012–2013,SD3 in 2013–2014,and SD2 as well as SD1 in 2014–2015.Seasonal variation in precipitation during summer fallow also had substantial effects on soil water storage,and consequently influenced grain yield through soil water consumption from winter dormancy to maturity stages.Lower consumption of soil water from winter dormancy to booting stages could make more water available for productive growth from anthesis to maturity stages,leading to higher grain yield.SD2 combined with SR90 had the lowest soil water consumption from winter dormancy to booting stages in 2012–2013 and 2014–2015; while in 2013–2014,it was close to that with SR67.5 or SR112.5.For productive growth from anthesis to maturity stages,SD2 with SR90 had the highest soil water consumption in all three seasons.The highest water consumption in the productive growth period resulted in the best grain yield in both low and high rainfall years.Ear number largely contributed to the seasonal variation in grain yield,while grain number per ear and 1 000-grain weight also contributed to grain yield,especially when soil water storage was high.Our results indicate that sowing date and seeding rate affect grain yield through seedling development before winter and also affect soil water consumption in different growth periods.By selecting the suitable sowing date(1 October) in combination with the proper seeding rate of 90 kg ha–1,the best yield was achieved.Based on these results,we recommend that the current sowing date be delayed from 22 or 23 September to 1 October.  相似文献   

秸秆覆盖对旱地土壤水分及冬小麦水分利用效率的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
【目的】研究秸秆覆盖方式与覆盖量对冬小麦田土壤水分及冬小麦产量和水分利用效率的影响。【方法】在陕西渭北旱塬,通过连续2年(2007-2009)的不同秸秆覆盖方式(全程覆盖、生育期覆盖、不覆盖(CK)与不同覆盖量(9000,6000,3000kg/hm2)的大田试验,研究秸秆覆盖对土壤水分及冬小麦产量和水分利用效率的影响。【结果】2年的定位试验结果表明,同一覆盖方式不同覆盖量处理的土壤含水量与覆盖量呈正相关;同一覆盖量不同覆盖方式下土壤含水量表现为全程覆盖优于生育期覆盖和CK;全程覆盖方式9000,6000和3000kg/hm2覆盖量处理0~200cm土层平均含水量较生育期覆盖分别提高了11.5%,10.0%和8.0%,较CK分别提高了19.2%,12.9%和8.8%;全程覆盖方式和生育期覆盖方式下,小麦的水分利用效率均以覆盖量为3000kg/hm2处理最大,其中全程覆盖方式的水分利用效率较CK增加了31.5%(P0.05),生育期覆盖方式下2年平均的水分利用效率较CK增加了12.8%(P0.05);不同覆盖量在全程覆盖方式下冬小麦产量较CK增加41.1%~65.7%(P0.05),在生育期覆盖方式下冬小麦产量较CK增加了27.1%~30.2%(P0.05)。【结论】同一秸秆覆盖方式不同覆盖量均可增加冬小麦产量,而同一覆盖量下以全程覆盖方式的增产效果较优;覆盖量为3000kg/hm2时,2种覆盖方式的冬小麦水分利用效率均最大。  相似文献   

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