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The effect of Zn deficiency on rate of photosynthesis of leaf discs, isolated mesophyll and bundle sheath cells and chloroplasts of maize (Zea mays. L) was studied. The yield of mesophyll and bundle sheath cells obtained by enzymic digestion of the leaf tissues from Zn deficient plants is lower than the identical tissues from normal plants which suggests that Zn deficiency brings about some structural changes in the leaf cell. Photosynthetic oxygen evolution measured in the leaf discs is low due to Zn deficiency. Photosystem‐II dependent Hill reaction and non cyclic photophosphorylation of chloroplasts were also affected by Zn deficiency. Rate of photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation by both bundle sheath and mesophyll cells obtained from Zn deficient leaf‐tissue waslower than the cells free from Zn deficiency. Addition of various metabolites like NADPH, ATP and PEP to Zn deficient mesophyll cells whowed marked enhancement in 14‐CO2 fixation. However, addition of NADPH, ATP and RuBP to Zn deficient bundle sheath cells showed no or very little enhancement in the rate of 14‐Cu2 fixation. Addition of exogenous Zn ions to isolated cells inhibited the CO2 fixation both in the non‐deficient and Zn deficient cell types. It is suggested that Zn deficie ‐ncy affects the primary electron transport and phospho‐rvlation ability for chloroplasts which in turn affects CO2 fixation in leaf cells.  相似文献   

The action site of Alternaria alternata Crofton-weed toxin (AAC-toxin), isolated first from Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler, was investigated in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii thylakoids. The results revealed that AAC-toxin inhibited photophosphorylation in a concentration-dependent pattern. Similarly, toxin inhibited uncoupled, basal electron flow and photosystem II (PSII) electron transport as well. However, toxin did not affect photosystem I (PSI) activity or the partial reaction of electron transport from H2O to silicomolybdic acid (SiMo). Therefore, the action site of toxin was located at QB level. In addition, the toxin may behave as an energy-transfer inhibitor at high concentrations by inhibiting phosphorylating electron transport and Mg2+ATPase activity. Chlorophyll a fluorescence induction and JIP test corroborated the inhibition at QB level. Through observations of the different sensitivity of toxin on D1 mutants of C. reinhardtii, evidence further confirmed that AAC-toxin inhibited electron transport by displacing the QB on the D1 protein, and the mode of action was similar to phenol-type PSII inhibitors.  相似文献   

Natural phenolic antioxidants have been tested in hake (Merluccious merluccious) microsomes as inhibitors of lipid oxidation promoted by fish muscle prooxidants: hemoglobin (Hb), enzymatic NADH-iron and nonenzymatic ascorbate-iron. The phenolics selected were as follows: (a) a grape phenolic extract (OW), (b) a fraction (IV) with isolated grape procyanidins with a medium-low degree of polymerization and galloylation percentage, (c) hydroxytyrosol obtained from olive oil byproducts, and (d) a synthetic phenolic antioxidant, propyl gallate. All compounds delayed lipid oxidation activated by Hb, enzymatic NADH-iron, and nonenzymatic ascorbate-iron, excluding hydroxytyrosol that was not an effective antioxidant on oxidation promoted by nonenzymatic iron. The relative antioxidant efficiency was independent of the prooxidant system, IV > propyl gallate > OW > hydroxytyrosol, and showed a positive correlation with their incorporation into microsomes (p < 0.05). The reducing capacity or ability for donating electrons and the chelating properties may also contribute to the antioxidant activity of phenolics, although these factors were less decisive than their affinity for incorporating into the microsomes. Conversely, the inhibition of Hb oxidation by phenolics and their polarity did not seem to play an important role on antioxidant mechanism. These results stressed the importance of incorporating the exogenous antioxidants into the membranes where are located key substances for fish lipid oxidation (highly unsaturated phospholipids, iron-reducing enzymes, and endogenous alpha-tocopherol).  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that neoandrographolide might scavenge free radicals by donating the allylic hydrogen of the unsaturated lactone ring. It was found that the stoichiometry of the reaction between neoandrographolide and superoxide radical generated from KO(2) in DMSO was 2 to 1. One major reaction product was isolated and determined to be a diacid formed by the opening of the lactone ring. It was concluded that the antiradical activity of neoandrographolide proceeded by hydrogen abstraction from carbon C-15. A reaction mechanism was proposed.  相似文献   

Natural surface soils in Southern Norway are strongly contaminated by metals from atmospheric deposition. Except from local pollution with Cu, Ni and to a limited extent Pb around the town of Kristiansand, this large-scale contamination can be ascribed to long-range atmospheric transport from other parts of Europe. Zinc, As, Cu, and Pb are all found in excessive concentrations in the surface layer of natural soils throughout the region, and in particular within a zone of about 20 to 40 km from the coast. In this zone the elements appear at the following concentrations or higher in the A0 layer (typical levels in other parts of Norway little affected by air pollution in parantheses): Zn, 120(30) mg kg?1; As, 4(0.5) mg kg?1; Cd, 2(0.2) mg kg?1; Pb, 160(15) mg kg?1. Possible harmful effects to soil biological processes of this contamination cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

In this study, we identified and quantitated a tetrachlorinated compound found at high concentrations in some samples of the meat of free-ranging wild boar (Sus scrofa) from Southern Germany. Mass spectrometric analysis indicated that the compound was a tetrachloromethoxyphenol isomer, and the subsequently synthesized tetrachloro-p-methoxyphenol was identical with the unknown compound in wild boar. Tetrachloro-p-methoxyphenol is a known secondary metabolite of basidiomycetous fungi, which in turn are regular feed items of the wild boar. It is extremely likely that the wild boar have accumulated tetrachloro-p-methoxyphenol by exploiting basidiomycetes. The highest concentration in the samples (n = 22) was ~1 mg/kg lipids tetrachloro-p-methoxyphenol. This concentration was higher than that of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) in any of the samples. Some samples did not contain tetrachloro-p-methoxyphenol, which indicates varied preferences in fungi by wild boars. Our data suggest that during their entire evolution, humans have been in contact with the natural product tetrachloro-p-methoxyphenol by consuming wild boars.  相似文献   

There is an increasing commercial demand for naturally sourced indigo that meets the purity standards set by the synthetic product. This study concerns the indigo made from leaves of woad (Isatis tinctoria L.), and in particular its interaction with particulate impurities arising from soil and plant materials. Also, a more reliable method using N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone has been developed for the spectrophotometric determination of indigo. In a novel application of fluorescence spectroscopy, indoxyl intermediates in indigo formation are shown to be stable for minutes. The main indigo precursor from woad can be adsorbed onto Amberlite XAD16 in conformity with a Langmuir isotherm, but indigo precursors break down on this and other resin beads to yield indigo and red compounds. Indigo made from indoxyl acetate aggregates into particles, the size distribution of which can be modified by the inclusion of a fine dispersion of calcium hydroxide. Bright field microscopy of indigo products made under defined conditions and scanning electron microscopy combined with energy-dispersive X-ray analysis reveal the relationship of indigo with particulate materials. A model illustrating the interaction of indigo with particulate contaminants is developed on the basis of the results obtained, and recommendations are made for improving the purity of natural indigo.  相似文献   

The efficiency of filter strips in protecting watercourses against herbicides in run‐off was evaluated in field experiments in western Germany. Surface run‐off caused by natural rainfall and related transport of metolachlor, terbuthylazine and pendimethalin were measured on plots of 40 m length without filter strips (F0), and after passing over three types of herbicide‐untreated field margin: 12 m conservation headland (CH12), 6 m (GF6) and 12 m grass strips (GF12). Run‐off was also measured after simulated rainfall on 7 m long plots without (F0) and with 3 m grass strips (GF3). All three herbicides were transported both in dissolved and in adsorbed forms; the partitioning depended on their water solubility with metolachlor and terbuthylazine mainly translocated in dissolved form (F0: highest mean concentrations for a natural run‐off event 721 and 220 μg L?1, respectively). Pendimethalin was predominantly transported in adsorbed form (maximum mean concentration 11.2 μg L?1). In the sediment, the highest mean herbicide contents in a single natural event (F0) accounted for 2294 μg kg?1 (metolachlor), 1317 μg kg?1 (terbuthylazine) and 5648 μg kg?1 (pendimethalin). The proportions of applied herbicide translocated were 0.3% (metolachlor), 0.2% (terbuthylazine) and 0.06% (pendimethalin; F0, natural rainfall). The extent of herbicide transport decreased with time but within this trend soil sealing, soil moisture and amount and intensity of rainfall increased losses. Compared with the F0 plots, the reduction of herbicide translocation after natural rainfall reached 80–83% (CH12), 80–88% (GF6) and >99% (GF12) over the 3‐year period. The 12 m grass strips allowed only one extreme run‐off event to pass through, thus providing a highly effective watercourse protection against herbicide pollution.  相似文献   

The increasing use of petroleum-derived fuels over the last few decades has subsequently augmented the risk of spills in the environment. Soil pollution with petroleum hydrocarbons (principally caused by leaks in pipelines and underground storage tanks) is one of the major sources of soil degradation. Once in soil, fuel hydrocarbons suffer from a wide variety of multiphase processes including transport (advection, diffusion, and dispersion) among and within phases (aqueous and non-aqueous liquid, gas, and soil solids), mass transfer among phases (volatilization, sorption, and solution), and other natural attenuation processes, such as biodegradation and plant uptake and metabolism. This review identifies and describes the major processes occurring in soil that have a significant influence on the environmental fate of petroleum hydrocarbons. The definition of the processes involved in pollutant migration and distribution in soil and the formulation of adequate equations using accurate parameters (e.g., diffusion coefficients, velocity of advective flows, and mass transfer coefficients) will allow prediction of the final fate of soil pollutants. In addition to transport and mass transfer processes, which are more widely studied, the incorporation of attenuation mechanisms driven by microorganisms and plants is essential to predict the final concentration of the pollutants in the whole multiphase scenario. This work underlines the importance of the determination of accurate parameters through the performance of laboratory and/or field-scale experiments to develop precise pollutant migration models.  相似文献   

Numerous food allergens of plant origin belong to the 2S albumin family, including peanut Ara h 2. In addition to Ara h 2, several other conglutins related to 2S albumins are present in peanut seeds. We evaluated the allergenicity of different peanut conglutins as compared with Ara h 2. Several conglutins were isolated from the kernel, i.e. Ara h 2, a new isoform of Ara h 6 and its derived product, which is likely to be naturally formed during seed processing. Enzyme allergosorbent tests performed on sera of peanut allergic patients showed that more than 94% of 47 analyzed patients had positive IgE responses to Ara h 6 isoform and to its degradation product. Skin prick tests with the new isoform of Ara h 6 led to a positive response in seven out of the eight tested patients. Both enzyme allergosorbent tests and skin prick tests showed that the reactivity of Ara h 6 was similar to, or even higher than, that of Ara h 2, suggesting that the present isoform of Ara h 6 is as allergenic as Ara h 2. In addition the IgE response to the plant processed (i.e., hydrolyzed) Ara h 6 new isoform is equivalent to the IgE response to the native isoform. The IgE immunoreactivity is mostly abrogated by chemical reduction and denaturation of Ara h 6 isoforms, which underlined the importance of tertiary structure in Ara h 6 immunoreactivity. These results, and particularly the high correlation between anti-Ara h 2 and anti-Ara h 6 IgE responses, emphasise the major role of 2S albumins in peanut allergenicity.  相似文献   

【目的】研究对硒 (Se) 不同敏感性蔬菜对天然富硒土 (Se ≥ 0.4 mg/kg) 中硒的吸收和转化差异,为富硒土壤生产富硒蔬菜提供理论与技术指导。【方法】以大蒜、芥菜和菠菜三种蔬菜为试验材料,在全硒含量为0.29、0.58、0.98、2.07 mg/kg的四种土壤上进行了盆栽试验 (依次标记为Se0.29、Se0.58、Se0.98、Se2.07),并测定四种土壤中不同形态硒的含量。芥菜和菠菜于生长40 d、53 d、68 d和82 d后取样,测定蔬菜可食部分硒含量;于生长97 d后收获,分为根部和地上部。大蒜于生长42 d、68 d、82 d、120 d后取样,测定地上部硒含量;于生长165 d后收获,分为根部、鳞茎和叶。测定供试蔬菜总硒含量、有机硒含量,计算不同硒含量土壤上蔬菜对硒的吸收和转化系数。【结果】三种蔬菜中芥菜的生长对土壤硒最为敏感,芥菜可食部位生物量鲜重以Se0.29处理最高,菠菜和大蒜均以Se0.58处理最高,与Se2.07处理均达显著差异。三种蔬菜地上部硒含量在整个生育期总体呈现增加的趋势,不同生育期均表现为大蒜 > 芥菜 > 菠菜。收获期三种蔬菜各部位的硒含量随着土壤硒含量 (0.29~2.07 mg/kg) 的增加而增加,表现为Se2.07 > Se0.98 > Se0.58 > Se0.29,Se2.07处理的菠菜地上部和地下部硒含量分别是其Se0.29处理的8.63倍和7.10倍,芥菜是12.25倍和23.29倍,Se2.07处理大蒜鳞茎和叶部硒含量是Se0.29处理的39.92倍和4.90倍;可食部位硒含量为大蒜 (7.25~289 μg/kg) > 芥菜 (1.22~14.9 μg/kg) > 菠菜 (0.73~6.30 μg/kg),均表现为地下部 > 地上部,Se2.07处理菠菜根部硒含量是茎叶的4.80倍,芥菜是12.06倍,大蒜是8.22倍。在富硒土壤Se0.98和Se2.07处理条件下,大蒜和芥菜能从土壤中富集硒,吸收系数是菠菜的3.06~8.47倍和1.58~5.8倍,均达到了富硒蔬菜标准 (≥ 0.01 mg/kg)。三种蔬菜可食部位有机硒含量占总硒比例为73.5%~84.7%,并随土壤硒含量的增加而增加,其中Se2.07与Se0.29处理差异显著;蔬菜硒含量不但与土壤总硒含量相关,而且与有效态硒含量呈显著正相关。【结论】蔬菜种类和土壤硒含量均影响蔬菜硒的吸收、转化和富集。三种蔬菜对土壤硒的敏感性以芥菜最强。蔬菜硒含量和可食用部位有机硒的转化率均随着土壤硒含量的增加而增加,与土壤总硒含量和有效态硒含量呈显著正相关。富硒能力为大蒜 > 芥菜 > 菠菜,在天然富硒土壤上生长的大蒜和芥菜硒含量易达到富硒蔬菜标准,而菠菜未显示出富硒能力。因此,虽然土壤硒含量高影响了大蒜和芥菜的生长,但大蒜和芥菜具有较强的将硒转移到可食部位的能力,可作为富硒蔬菜生产。  相似文献   

Calf thymus DNA was oxidized by Fenton's reagent with or without synthetic antioxidants (Trolox and DMPO) and natural antioxidants-quercetin, apigenin, 2'-O-glycosylisovitexin (2'-O-GIV), (+)-catechin, cyanidin, pelargonidin, keracyanin, and callistephin. Malonaldehyde (MA) formed in oxidized DNA was analyzed using gas chromatography. MA formed from oxidized DNA without antioxidants was 4.0 +/- 0.53 nmol/mg of DNA in buffer solution, 3.7 +/- 0.34 nmol/mg of DNA in NaOH solution, and 4.6 +/- 0.19 nmol/mg of DNA in HCl solution. MA formed from DNA with antioxidants (at the level of 0.1 micromol/mL) ranged from 1.90 +/- 0.18 (catechin) to 4.10 +/- 0.18 nmol/mg of DNA (cyanidin). Trolox and DMPO inhibited MA formation from DNA by 41.2% and 18.6%, respectively, at the level of 0.1 micromol/mL. Trolox (water-soluble vitamin E) exhibited dose-dependent inhibition. The decreasing order of inhibitory effect by flavonoids at the level of 0.1 micromol/mL was catechin (48.5%) > quercetin (47.1%) > 2'-O-GIV (40.5%) > apigenin (29.9%) and by the anthocyanins at the level of 0.1 micromol/mL was callistephin (45%) > keracyanin (33.2%) > pelargonidin (25.1%) > cyanidin (10.2%).  相似文献   

This paper reviews current knowledge and presents some new information on the metabolism of nitrogen in various species of higher plants.The role of the root system is considered. It is shown that the roots of many herbaceous and woody plants can manufacture organic compounds of nitrogen from the nitrate or other forms of inorganic nitrogen they absorb from the medium. The extent to which they do this varies greatly with the age and nutrition of the plant and with the environmental conditions under which it is growing. The relationship is examined between the synthetic activities of the root and its activity in upward transport of nitrogen to the shoot. The latter process takes place predominantly, if not exclusively, in the xylem, and in each species one or more nitrogen-rich compounds, e.g., amides, ureides and amino acids, carry the bulk of the nitrogen leaving the root. A second group of plants is described in which roots do not function to any extent in the reduction of nitrate.Consideration is given to the fate of recently absorbed nitrogen once it reaches the shoot system. An inorganic source such as nitrate, or molecules such as amides containing surplus amino groupings, are shown to serve as nitrogen sources for synthesis of amino acids required for protein synthesis. Some of these amino acids arise directly from the photosynthetic apparatus. Alternatively, surplus nitrogen arriving from the root may be stored in the shoot, from where it is drawn upon extensively if uptake by the root fails to keep pace with the shoot's demands for nitrogen.The transport system for nitrogen is examined for the whole plant. The classes of sources and sinks for nitrogen are described, and information presented on the types of nitrogenous solutes they receive from the xylem and phloem.  相似文献   

The unprecedented acetonide of the antioxidant hydroxytyrosol has been synthesized by a two-step high-yielding procedure and found to be both purifiable by chromatography and stable over a wide pH range. The protection stabilizes hydroxytyrosol against oxidation, thereby allowing long-term storage. The protection can quantitatively be removed, under nonaqueous conditions, to afford pure hydroxytyrosol suitable for use as an additive in food and cosmetic preparations. Extension of the same methodology to the natural and easily accessible glycoside oleuropein, followed by saponification of the resulting complex mixture of acetonides, allowed hydroxytyrosol acetonide to be recovered in high yield. This constitutes a new interesting methodology to obtain the antioxidant hydroxytyrosol.  相似文献   

The oxidation kinetics and mechanisms of diazinon, an organophosphorus pesticide, by aqueous chlorine were studied under different conditions. The oxidation is of first order with respect to both diazinon and chlorine. The oxidation rate is found to increase with decreasing pH. The second-order rate constants at pH 9. 5, 10.0, 10.5, and 11.0 are determined to be 1.6, 0.64, 0.43, and 0. 32 M(-)(1) s(-)(1), respectively. Based on the rate constants at different temperatures, the activation energy is calculated to be 30 kJ/mol at pH 10.0 with a chlorine-to-diazinon ratio of 11:1, 33 kJ/mol at pH 11.0 with a 11:1 ratio, and 36 kJ/mol at pH 11.0 with a 5:1 ratio, respectively. Diazoxon is identified as the oxidation product by GC-MS. Ion chromatography analysis shows an increase of sulfate concentration as the reaction proceeds, indicating that sulfur is being oxidized to sulfate. This study indicates that oxidation by aqueous chlorine can significantly affect the fate of diazinon in the environment.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of the environmental pollutant 3-methyl-4-nitrophenol (MNP), a newly characterized estrogenic chemical, and the primary breakdown product of the heavily used insecticide fenitrothion was investigated using a common soil fungus. In 96 h, daily culture sacrifice, extraction, and analysis showed that the filamentous fungus, Aspergillus niger VKM F-1119, removed more than 85% of the MNP present in solution (original concentration = 25 mg/L), mostly through biodegradation. Additionally, in 16-day time-course studies, A. niger was capable of biotransformation of MNP at concentrations as high as 70 mg/L. Gas chromatography mass spectroscopy (MS) analyses of culture fluid extracts indicated the formation of four metabolites: 2-methyl-1,4-benzenediol, 4-amino-3-methylphenol, and two singly hydroxylated derivatives of MNP. Culture scale up and metabolite analysis by liquid chromatography MS resulted in the confirmation of the original metabolites plus the detection of an azo derivative metabolite that has not been previously reported before during MNP biodegradation by any micro-organisms.  相似文献   

Soil microbial biomass and community structures are commonly used as indicators for soil quality and fertility. A investigation was performed to study the effects of long-term natural restoration, cropping, and bare fallow managements on the soil microbial biomass and bacterial community structures in depths of 0--10, 20--30, and 40--50 cm in a black soil (Mollisol). Microbial biomass was estimated from chloroform fumigation-extraction, and bacterial community structures were determined by analysis of 16S rDNA using polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE). Experimental results showed that microbial biomass significantly declined with soil depth in the managements of restoration and cropping, but not in the bare fallow. DGGE profiles indicated that the band number in top 0--10 cm soils was less than that in depth of 20--30 or 40--50 cm. These suggested that the microbial population was high but the bacterial community structure was simple in the topsoil. Cluster and principle component analysis based on DGGE banding patterns showed that the bacterial community structure was affected by soil depth more primarily than by managements, and the succession of bacterial community as increase of soil depth has a similar tendency in the three managements. Fourteen predominating DGGE bands were excised and sequenced, in which 6 bands were identified as the taxa of Verrucomicrobia, 2 bands as Actinobacteria, 2 bands as α-Proteobacteria, and the other 4 bands as δ-Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria, Nitrospira, and unclassified bacteria. In addition, the sequences of 11 DGGE bands were closely related to uncultured bacteria. Thus, the bacterial community structure in black soil was stable, and the predominating bacterial groups were uncultured.  相似文献   

Magnaporthe grisea is a fungal pathogen of rice that forms appressoria that penetrate the outer cuticle of the rice plant. Data from recent studies indicate that M. grisea isocitrate lyase (ICL), a key enzyme in the glyoxylate cycle, is highly expressed during appressorium-mediated plant infection. Bromophenols isolated from the red alga Odonthalia corymbifera exhibited potent ICL inhibitory activity and blocked appressoria formation by M. grisea in a concentration-dependent manner. In addition, these compounds protected the rice plants from infection by M. grisea. Rice plants infected with wild-type M. grisea Guy 11 exhibited significantly lower disease severity with bromophenol treatment than without, and the treatment effect was comparable to the behavior of the Deltaicl knockout mutant I-10. The protective effect of bromophenols and their strong inhibition of appressorium formation on rice plants suggest that ICL inhibitors may be promising candidates for crop protection, particularly to protect rice plants against M. grisea.  相似文献   

为了解决生鲜农产品供应链信息传递不连续、不完整、不真实等问题,防止农产品给人民生活健康带来威胁,该研究开发了基于近场通信技术的数据采集终端。该文分析了生鲜农产品供应链数据采集设备及工作环境的特点,开发一种基于近场通信技术(near field communication)、北斗系统(bei dou system)及全球移动通信系统(global system for mobile communications)集成技术的生鲜农产品供应链数据采集终端。该终端包含4个模块:NFC模块、系统CPU模块、北斗模块和GSM模块及电路系统。终端在写入数据时,同时将北斗加密数据通过NFC芯片PN532写入NFC标签,并通过GSM模块以短信的方式传递给后台数据库,利用RS232将数据信息传入节点企业平台,实现生鲜农产品数据信息的三重备份。该采集终端借助物联网及无线传感网的技术优势,实现生鲜农产品供应链各环节数据的自动智能采集并进行加密,满足企业在生产过程中不断变化环境下的数据采集及存储需求,该终端在极端环境下读取速度虽然降低了10%~25%,但存储率依然为100%,满足生鲜农产品供应链数据采集的需要,能够实现节点企业间信息连续度,为实现生鲜农产品可追溯提供参考。  相似文献   

The hypothesis of increasing the branch density of starch to reduce its digestion rate through partial shortening of amylopectin exterior chains and the length of amylose was investigated. Starch products prepared using beta-amylase, beta-amylase and transglucosidase, maltogenic alpha-amylase, and maltogenic alpha-amylase and transglucosidase showed significant reduction of rapidly digested starch by 14.5%, 29.0%, 19.8%, and 31.0% with a concomitant increase of slowly digested starch by 9.0%, 19.7%, 5.7%, and 11.0%, respectively. The resistant starch content increased from 5.1% to 13.5% in treated starches. The total contents of the prebiotics isomaltose, isomaltotriose, and panose (Isomaltooligosaccharides) were 2.3% and 5.5%, respectively, for beta-amylase/transglucosidase- and maltogenic alpha-amylase/transglucosidase-treated starches. The molecular weight distribution of enzyme-treated starches and their debranched chain length distributions, analyzed using high-performance size-exclusion chromatography with multiangle laser light scattering and refractive index detection (HPSEC-MALLS-RI) and HPSEC-RI, showed distinctly different patterns among starches with different enzyme treatments. A larger proportion of low molecular weight fractions appeared in starches treated additionally with transglucosidase. All enzyme-treated starches showed a mixture of B- and V-type X-ray diffraction patterns, and 1H NMR spectra showed a significant increase of alpha-1,6 linkages. Both the increase of the starch branch density and the crystalline structure in the treated starches likely contribute to their slow digestion property.  相似文献   

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