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Captive broodstocks of spring chinook salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha , were initiated from collections of naturally produced parr from the Lemhi River, a tributary of the Salmon River, ID, USA. These fish were subsequently demonstrated to be infested with the copepod parasite Salmincola californiensis . The initial prevalence of visible adult parasites for 4 years of observations made shortly after collection varied from 19.7 to 71.6%. Both the prevalence and intensity of the infestation increased in the freshwater culture of these fish. Manual removal was initiated as a means of control and practiced at monthly intervals. The number of Salmincola removed decreased in the ensuing 5 months, but the prevalence was not greatly affected. Ivermectin (22,23 dihydroavermectin), was diluted with saline and delivered by gavage at the rate of 0.20 mg kg−1 body weight when the groups were being handled for the manual removal of parasites. Either two or three ivermectin treatments were given to four broodstocks of chinook salmon depending on the severity of the infestation and on the extent of gill pathology. The combination of manual removal and ivermectin gavage eliminated live Salmincola and resolved all associated necrosis of the gill tissues. There was no trend to indicate that individual chinook salmon possessed a natural resistance to reinfestation.  相似文献   

Wild salmonids and farmed salmon can both be sources of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer, 1838) larvae . Farmed salmon smolts free of L. salmonis infections are stocked in sea cages and may subsequently contract L. salmonis infections, probably from wild fish. The contribution of gravid L. salmonis at Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., farms to populations of L. salmonis larvae in the water column has in the past been based on estimated parameters, such as louse fecundity. This present study augments these calculations by combining empirical data on densities of infective L. salmonis copepodids in the field with estimates of the number of gravid L. salmonis on farmed and wild salmonids in Loch Torridon. Data collected between 2002 and 2007 show a significant correlation between mean densities of L. salmonis copepodids recovered in the water column and the numbers of gravid L. salmonis at the local salmon farms. Generally, the farms with greatest numbers of salmon were observed to have stronger correlations with densities of copepodids in the water than the farms with fewer fish. The study suggests that louse management approaches, e.g. treatment trigger levels, need to take account of individual farm biomass, or numbers of fish. This study highlights the importance of control of L. salmonis on salmon farms for the co-existence of both wild salmonid populations and the aquaculture industry.  相似文献   

Climate change is predicted to cause increasingly frequent and intense storms. Northern Mongolia is already warming at a rate twice the global average, and thunderstorms, defined as intense, short, patchy rains associated with thunder, lightning and high precipitation rates, are becoming more frequent. Because Mongolia's fish populations are lightly exploited, Mongolia provides a model system in which to study the effects of storms on fish behaviour and fishing vulnerability. The impacts of thunderstorm-related hydrological changes on fishes’ vulnerability to two fishing gears were evaluated. Two thunderstorm-related factors, turbidity and river stage, reduced catch rates of the salmonids lenok Brachymystax lenok (Pallas) and Baikal grayling Thymallus baicalensis Dybowski. Fly-fishing gear was more effective than spinning gear in this fishery and retained higher catch rates in extreme conditions. These gear-specific effects suggest that turbidity and rising river stage affect fishing vulnerability by influencing feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

A variety of changes are occurring in the ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea, but information about the mechanisms of change has been relatively limited, due in part to the region’s remoteness and subarctic conditions. Any number of ecosystem components or indicators could be used to exemplify this dilemma, but here we point to the salmon shark (Lamna ditropis, Lamnidae) as an example of a species that can potentially mediate considerable ecosystem change due to its high trophic level, but for which some basic information is lacking despite attracting some interesting research and widespread rumours and anecdotal evidence of increased abundance. Increases in the abundance of sharks such as salmon sharks in this region during the 1990s, if true, may help explain other observed changes such as declines in ocean survival rates of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp., Salmonidae) in the region and declines in some wild salmon stocks. Mechanisms that could cause salmon shark increases in Alaskan coastal waters include: (i) increases in sea temperature since the 1970s allowing distributional shifts of this species and changes in the abundance or distribution of their prey; (ii) the 1992 banning of high seas drift gillnets; and (iii) indirect fisheries effects such as competitive release of salmon sharks in the North Pacific transition region and towards the more southern geographic extent of their annual migration as the result of fishery‐related reductions in blue sharks (Prionace glauca, Carcharhinidae) and other pelagic predators. The relative plausibility of these alternative explanations can be evaluated using combinations of existing ecosystem models and empirical research and monitoring programmes including local and indigenous observations.  相似文献   

Environmental change is occurring at unprecedented rates in many marine ecosystems. Yet, environmental effects on fish populations are commonly assumed to be constant across time. In this study, I tested whether relationships between ocean conditions and productivity of North American sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) stocks have changed over the past six decades. Specifically, I evaluated the evidence for non‐stationary relationships between three widely used ocean indices and productivity of 45 sockeye salmon stocks using hierarchical Bayesian models. The ocean indices investigated were the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), and sea surface temperature (SST). I found partial support for time‐varying salmon–ocean relationships. Non‐stationary relationships were strongest for the NPGO and weaker for the SST and PDO indices. Productivity–NPGO correlations tended to shift gradually over time with opposite trends for stocks in British Columbia (B.C.) and western Alaska; for B.C. stocks, the NPGO correlations shifted from significantly negative prior to 1980 to significantly positive after 1990, whereas for western Alaska stocks, the correlations shifted from positive to negative. Productivity–SST correlations showed declining trends for B.C. and Gulf of Alaska stocks, that is, correlations became more negative (B.C.) or less positive (Gulf of Alaska) over time. For the PDO, correlations weakened during the 1980s for western Alaska and B.C. stocks. Overall, these results provide evidence for time‐varying relationships between salmon productivity and environmental conditions over six decades, highlighting the need to recognize that historical responses of salmon populations to environmental change may not be indicative of future responses.  相似文献   

Interannual, decadal and interdecadal variations in summer plankton biomass during 1954–1994 in the whole subarctic Pacific and Bering Sea were compared among regions as well as with climatic and oceanographic conditions. The zooplankton biomass and chlorophyll concentration during the mid 1960s to early 1970s in the central and western subarctic Pacific were a few times higher than those in the preceding and following decades. The values in the eastern Bering Sea and eastern subarctic Pacific also increased in the mid 1960s, but remained at an elevated level until the end of the 1980s. These decades of higher and mid plankton biomass levels during the mid 1960s to early 1970s and mid 1970s to late 1980s correspond to the period of positive and negative values of the Northern Hemisphere zonal index (NHZI), respectively. In the decadal scale, one can see a significant positive correlation between the summer plankton biomass and the wind speed during winters in the eastern Bering Sea. The effect of grazing by biennially fluctuating Asian pink salmon on zooplankton biomass and its effect on chlorophyll concentration in the central subarctic Pacific is also significant.  相似文献   

Recruitment of salmonids is a result of density‐dependent factors, specifically egg production in the previous year, and density‐independent environmental processes driven by discharge and temperature. With the plethora of knowledge on major drivers of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta recruitment, there is a requirement to explore less known species, such as European grayling Thymallus thymallus, whose postemergence time coincides with period of increasing temperature and low discharge. This study assessed drivers of grayling recruitment in a southern English chalk stream, a system vulnerable to discharge and temperature alterations under future climate change predictions. The analyses explored age 0+ grayling survival in relation to conspecific and heterospecific densities and discharge‐ and temperature‐derived factors. The final mixed‐effects model revealed a positive relationship between age 0+ grayling survival and incubation temperature anomaly and age 0+ trout abundance. Similarly, postincubation temperature anomaly had a positive effect on 0+ grayling survival, but only up to a threshold temperature of 13.5°C, beyond which it had a negative effect. In contrast, increasing number of days with low discharge postincubation negatively influenced age 0+ grayling survival, with no evidence of an effect of elevated discharges following spawning. Our results emphasise the importance of maintaining natural discharge regimes in salmonid rivers by tackling multiple stressors operating at the catchment scale, including land and water use to mitigate for predicted climate driven changes. In addition, further research on recruitment drivers in less stable, rain‐fed systems, is required.  相似文献   

The abundance of salmon lice and the physiological effects of infection were examined in two stocks of sympatric sea trout and anadromous Arctic char in northern Norway. One stock feed in a coastal area with extensive salmon farming (exposed locality), while the other feed in a region with little farming activity (unexposed locality). The results showed that the lice infection was significantly higher at the exposed locality, at which the mean intensity of infection peaked in June and July at over 100 and 200 lice larvae per fish respectively. At the exposed locality we also observed a premature return to freshwater of the most heavily infected fish. Such behaviour has previously been interpreted as a response by the fish to reduce the stress caused by the infection and/or to enhance survival. Blood samples taken from sea trout at sea at the exposed locality showed a positive correlation between intensity of parasite infection and an increase in the plasma cortisol, chloride and blood glucose concentrations, while the correlations from sea trout in freshwater were more casual. Several indices pointed towards an excessive mortality of the heaviest infected fish, and 47% of the fish caught in freshwater and 32% of those captured at sea carried lice at intensities above the level that has been shown to induce mortality in laboratory experiments. Furthermore, almost half of all fish from the exposed locality had lice intensities that would probably cause osmoregulatory imbalance. High salmon lice infections may therefore have profound negative effects upon wild populations of sea trout. At the unexposed location, the infection intensities were low, and few fish carried more than 10 lice. These are probably within the normal range of natural infection and such intensities are not expected to affect the stock negatively.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon populations across the world have diverse ecological and evolutionary histories, from wild anadromous or landlocked, to domestication and genetic modification. The natural host behaviours confer protection from infestation by ectoparasitic salmon lice Lepeophtheirus salmonis, yet whether genetic origin results in different behaviours and thus susceptibility to infestation is unknown. In common garden experiments, we tested antiparasite behaviours, susceptibility and retention of salmon lice in wild anadromous, wild landlocked, domesticated and genetically modified domesticated strains. Within domesticated strains, we tested two infestation histories (previously infested and naïve) and a new phenotype (albino colouring). Farmed stocks initially acquired 24%–44% higher levels of parasite density than the wild and landlocked strains. Burst swimming and displacement behaviours were higher in the domesticated groups, and jumping was more prevalent in the domesticated strains. At 34 days post‐infestation, domesticated strains and the wild anadromous strain did not differ significantly from each other; however, landlocked salmon had increased infestation levels considerably. Domesticated strains lost ~20% (±9.9%–16.5%; 95% CI) of their initial parasite load, while parasite load increased by 5.5% (±30.1%) for wild salmon and 20.1% (±28.5%) in landlocked salmon. This study provides early evidence for diverged host–parasite interactions associated with domestication in this system.  相似文献   

We examined somatic energy patterns in two stocks (Chilko and Early Stuart) of adult Fraser River (British Columbia, Canada) sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka), collected at the end of their ocean residency, spanning years across different climate regimes. Both stocks had high levels of somatic energy in years with high open ocean productivity (1956, 1957, 2001 and 2002), and relatively low levels in years with poor open ocean productivity (1999 and 2000). For Early Stuart sockeye, energy levels in 1999 and 2000 were approximately 15% lower (~1.5 MJ kg?1) than that in the 1950s, an amount of energy equivalent to that necessary for migrating 600 km upriver. In recent years (2001 and 2002), energy levels have increased by about 9% for both stocks. Low energy levels at the onset of upriver migration, particularly in years of energetically demanding in‐river conditions, such as high flows or temperatures, are likely to contribute to prespawning and en route mortality in Fraser sockeye.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon are an ecologically and economically important migratory fish in the UK, whose stocks have been declining over the past 30 years. Future climate and water use changes have the potential to alter the reproductive behaviour and distribution of salmon within a river, by restricting times and ability to access suitable spawning areas. As the survival of emergent salmon juveniles is density dependent, understanding how climate‐driven changes in flow affect the location of salmon redds is important for future conservation efforts. This study examined how flow conditions affect the distribution of redds within a UK chalk stream, the river Frome in Dorset. Sixteen years of redd distribution and flow data between 1980 and 2015 were analysed using linear mixed‐effects modelling. Generally, highest redd densities occurred within middle reaches of the main river. Mean flow during the river Frome critical migration period (October–December) did not affect the density of redds directly but affected the relationship between redd density and distance from tidal limit: redd densities were spread more uniformly throughout the river under high flow conditions, whereas redds were more aggregated in the middle river reaches under low flow conditions. Together, these findings suggest that access to upstream spawning grounds was limited under low flow conditions, which could have negative repercussions on juvenile survival. This study has revealed the distribution of redds along the river Frome for the first time and provided a basis for further study into the effects of redd distribution on subsequent juvenile life stages.  相似文献   

Ecologically and economically valuable Pacific salmon and trout (Oncorhynchus spp.) are widespread and susceptible to the ectoparasite Salmincola californiensis (Dana). The range of this freshwater copepod has expanded, and in 2015, Scaliforniensis was observed in Blue Mesa Reservoir, Colorado, USA, an important kokanee salmon (Onerka, Walbaum) egg source for sustaining fisheries. Few Scaliforniensis were detected on kokanee salmon in 2016 (<10% prevalence; 2 adult Scaliforniensis maximum). By 2020, age-3 kokanee salmon had 100% Scaliforniensis prevalence and mean intensity exceeding 50 adult copepods. Year and kokanee salmon age/maturity (older/mature) were consistently identified as significant predictors of Scaliforniensis prevalence/intensity. There was evidence that Scaliforniensis spread rapidly, but their population growth was maximized at the initiation (the first 2–3 years) of the invasion. Gills and heads of kokanee salmon carried the highest Scaliforniensis loads. Scaliforniensis population growth appears to be slowing, but Scaliforniensis expansion occurred concomitant with myriad environmental/biological factors. These factors and inherent variance in Scaliforniensis count data may have obscured patterns that continued monitoring of parasite–host dynamics, when Scaliforniensis abundance is more stable, might reveal. The rapid proliferation of Scaliforniensis indicates that in 5 years a system can go from a light infestation to supporting hosts carrying hundreds of parasites, and concern remains about the sustainability of this kokanee salmon population.  相似文献   

A stock of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, held at an experimental facility, was found to be heavily infested with the lernmaeapodid copepod Salmincola californiensis. The efficacy and effects of treatment were compared with ivermectin or manual removal of parasites as a means of control of S. californiensis. One group of fish was orally intubated with 0.2 mg ivermectin active ingredient kg-1 fish. A second treatment was administered after a further 14 days. In a second group of fish, parasites were manually removed from the gills using forceps. These fish were sampled for up to 21 days post-first removal of parasites. In the ivermectin-treated fish adult parasites became inactive and changed colour within 18 h of the initial treatment. Copepods began to disappear by day 3 post-treatment and by day 31 almost all embedded female parasites had disappeared. Gills were clinically normal apart from cavitation deformity resulting from parasite attachment. Post-ivermectin treatment, there was an increase in the number of eosinophilic granular cells surrounding the bulla of attached S. californiensis, but from day 31 post-treatment these were replaced by macrophages and epithelioid cells to form a necrotic focus. In manually picked fish there was extensive haemorrhage in the interlamellar spaces as a result of parasite removal. At sites of parasite removal tissue necrosis was minimal and healing was rapid. At the end of the sampling period the structure of the gill was improved. The use of oral dosage with ivermectin is an effective treatment for S. californiensis and could be particularly beneficial for use with endangered salmon broodstocks infested with the parasite.  相似文献   

A century and a half of change in the climate of the NE Pacific   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spectral analysis of twenty-one climate records indicates that NE Pacific temperatures and winter wind stress have fluctuated at four dominant time scales in this century: 2–3 years (quasi-biennial oscillation), 5–7 years (El Nio-Southern Oscillation, ENSO), 20–25 years (bidecadal oscillation, BDO), and a poorly resolved, very-low-frequency (VLF) oscillation with a 50–75 year period. Forty-four per cent of the low-frequency variability in British Columbia air temperatures is associated with the strength of the Aleutian Low pressure system in winter. Only 42% of the 'strong' and 25% of the 'moderate' ENSO events in this century have produced large warm anomalies off BC. Interactions between the ENSO, bidecadal and very-low-frequency oscillations produce a pattern of alternating warm and cool climate states, with major warnings every 50 to 75 years. Since 1850 there have been seven warm periods, lasting an average of 11.4 years, and six cool periods lasting an average of 10.8 years. Sharp transitions from cool to warm climate states (as in 1977/78) occur when warming phases of the BDO and VLF oscillations coincide. Recent evidence suggests that the BDO may originate in either the tropical or the subtropical North Pacific. The NE Pacific has experienced a major warming since 1978. A long-range forecast suggests that the BDO and VLF oscillations peaked in 1989 and are currently in a cooling phase. Consequently, coastal temperatures should moderate for the rest of this century. A transition to the next cool climate state could occur about the year 2001. The forecast for moderating temperatures could begin the first phase of the recovery of the southern BC coastal chinook and coho salmon and herring stocks, which are currently at low abundance levels.  相似文献   

Abstract – In high northern latitudes, a wide range of geomorphic processes associated with fluvial, glacial and permafrost activity may interact with climate change to produce unexpected changes in lake thermal regimes with attendant effects on ecological processes. We coupled output from a hydrodynamics model of lake thermal structure to a bioenergetics model to assess how alternative scenarios of climate change, geomorphic evolution and habitat restoration in a shallow Alaskan lake may affect juvenile sockeye salmon bioenergetics and growth. In particular, we evaluated the metabolic costs of different thermal regimes and the potential for changes in consumption to offset those costs. Increased water temperatures associated with future climate increased metabolic costs which were partially offset if fish were able to maintain feeding rates, expressed as a constant proportion of maximum consumption. In this lake, water levels have declined substantially in the last 50 years. Simulated restored lake level had negligible effects on lake temperature and thus on sockeye salmon growth when compared to current conditions. Maintaining lake connectivity to inlet tributaries (cooling lake temperature) was crucial in reducing sockeye salmon metabolic costs particularly with further drops in lake level and climate warming. While considerable research is focused on predicting future thermal and geomorphic conditions in aquatic ecosystems, these processes are rarely considered together, especially for lakes. Understanding the biological responses to geomorphic–climate interactions will be required for developing scenarios for coping with ecosystem responses to global change and evaluating restoration alternatives, especially in high‐latitude systems that support economically and culturally important fisheries.  相似文献   

The fish assemblages of the Eastern Mediterranean are highly variable owing to the Lessepsian migration. So far, there has been limited discussion about the temporal variation of Lessepsian populations, which may be a key to better understanding the establishment, persistence and spreading dynamics of these species. The objective of this study was, therefore, to develop an understanding of inter‐annual variations of Lessepsian fish populations through investigating the effects of climate conditions. For this purpose, we evaluated the data obtained from the seasonal bottom trawl surveys conducted over the course of 12 years, from 2004 to 2015, at the infra‐littoral zone of Iskenderun Bay. Our results indicated that Lessepsians constituted 27%, 62% and 85% of total teleost fishes in the number of species (LS‐%), biomass (LW‐%) and abundance (LN‐%), respectively. The linear trends showed that the dominance of Lessepsian fishes increased with annual rates of 1.9 (p < .01, LS‐%), 2.77 (p < .01, LW‐%) and 1.43% (p < .05, LN‐%) per year during the study period. In contrast, seasonal trend decomposition based on GAMMs revealed that the true shape of trends was non‐linear. The majority of the new Lessepsians entered the study area after 2009 when warmer conditions prevailed. Those new invaders such as Nemipterus randalli, Pomadasys stridens and Apogon smithi successfully settled in a short time and remarkably altered the composition of fish assemblages after 2010. We found that variations of lessepsian fish assemblages were correlated with the increase of annual minima and average values of sea surface temperature.  相似文献   

Abstract This study examined juvenile salmonid use of a freshwater tidal creek system draining a wetland on the floodplain of the lower Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada. Chum, Oncorhynchus keta (Walbaum), chinook, O. tshawytscha (Walbaum), and sockeye, O. nerka (Walbaum), salmon fry were abundant in the tidal creeks in spring. The fry were found in non-natal habitat up to 1.5 km from the main channel of the river. The salmon fry ate dipteran adults, larvae and pupae, cyclopoid and harpacticoid copepods, and Collembola. Mysids Neomysis mercedis Holmes (Walbaum), and amphipods, Crangonyx richmondensis occidentalis (Hubricht and Harrison), were also consumed. The upper reaches of an undisturbed creek were the winter rearing habitat for presmolt coho salmon, O. kisutch (Walbaum), where this species ate dipteran pupae and larvae as well as a freshwater isopod, Asellus communis Say (Walbaum).  相似文献   

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