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The study was conducted to examine the effects of different methionine (Met) sources on the growth performance of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus). Six diets with isonitrogen and isoenergy were formulated as positive control (PC) diet (0.57% Met), negative control (NC) diet (0.42% Met) without or with the addition of crystalline DL‐Met (CM), Met hydroxy analogue (MHA), Met hydroxy analogue calcium salt (MHA‐Ca) and microcapsulated DL‐Met (MM) to obtain the same Met level as PC diet. After 8 weeks feeding trial, channel catfish (76.0 ± 0.3 g) fed MHA‐Ca and MM diets, but not CM and MHA diets, had higher weight gain, lipid productive value, protein productive value and lower feed conversion ratio than those in NC group (< 0.05) and showed no differences in these indicators with PC group (> 0.05). Levels of serum total protein and total free amino acid (TFAA) of all groups peaked at the 4th h, and CM group had lower TFAA level than that in MM group at the 6th h after feeding (< 0.05). In NC group, the activities of liver aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase peaked at the 4 h after feeding, and the peaking time in CM group was advanced to the 2nd hour, while in MHA, MHA‐Ca and MM groups, the peaking times were delayed to the 6th hour after feeding. The above results indicated that the supplementation of MHA‐Ca, MM rather than CM, MHA in diets deficient in methionine could improve the growth of channel catfish.  相似文献   

Juvenile channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus were fed casein–gelatin‐based semi‐purified test diets with graded amounts of arginine (ARG, 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 4% of dry diet) for a 6‐week period, to evaluate the effects of dietary ARG supplementation on performance indicators, levels of plasma ARG, ornithine, citrulline, glutamine and glutamate, as well as selected innate immune parameters. Incremental dietary ARG resulted in significant improvements in weight gain, feed efficiency and protein efficiency ratios, protein retention, protein deposition and arginine deposition. Fish fed the 4% ARG diet had significantly higher values for all performance indicators, although these values were not different from those of fish fed the 2% ARG diet with the exception of protein retention, protein deposition and arginine deposition. Conversely, fish fed the 0.5% ARG diet had significantly lower values for all analysed plasma amino acids. Similarly, both phagocyte superoxide anion production and neutrophil respiratory burst were significantly decreased in fish fed the 0.5% ARG diet. These results demonstrate that the indispensability of dietary ARG is not only related to optimized protein utilization for growth but also its supplementation to fish diets may significantly impact several aspects of the immune system, including phagocyte function and thus improve overall fish health.  相似文献   

Abstract Channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), were immunized with Ichthyophthirius multifiliis (Ich) theronts and trophonts, and the immune response and host protection against both homologous and heterologous serotypes of Ich were evaluated. Immunizations were done with two immobilization serotypes (ARS4 and ARS6) of live theronts by bath immersion (trial I) and with sonicated trophonts by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection (trial II). Cutaneous and serum antibody titres against Ich following immunization were measured and survival of catfish was determined after theront challenge. Theronts were immobilized by the antiserum from fish immunized with homologous theronts or trophonts, but not by the serum of fish immunized with the heterologous serotype. Serum from fish immunized by immersion with live theronts showed higher enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay titres against both homologous and heterologous serotypes than fish immunized by i.p. injection of trophonts. Channel catfish immunized by immersion with live theronts or by i.p. injection with sonicated trophonts developed an immune response against Ich and provided cross-protection against challenge from both serotypes (ARS4 and ARS6) of the parasite. Sonicated trophont antigens in aqueous solution by i.p. injection could stimulate an immune response in fish, but the immunity was of short duration.  相似文献   

Catfish farms located in the south-eastern USA using brackish (3–5 g NaCl L−1) well water experience sporadic fish kills sometimes with high mortality. An investigation of three catastrophic losses occurring in this region identified no involvement of infectious diseases or traditional water quality problems, including oxygen, ammonia or nitrite. The high mortality and time course of the problem was indicative of exposure to a toxin. Attempts by other workers to explain the cause of this unique syndrome (high chloride associated toxicosis of catfish, HCTC), suggested that the losses might be because of microcystin-producing blooms of Microcystis aeruginosa , but our investigations failed to support this conclusion . We found that (1) the liver histology of catfish experimentally exposed to pure microcystin-LR is very different from that of catfish sampled during outbreaks of HCTC; (2) measurements of microcystin-LR concentrations in the three cases were far lower than the concentration required to kill catfish by experimental immersion; (3) the HCTC toxin appears to have a short half-life, whereas microcystin-LR does not; (4) experimental gavage of catfish with massive amounts of microcystin-LR does not cause the acute mortality typical of HCTC; (5) outbreaks of HCTC appear to be associated with heavy blooms of Anacystis marina , a halophytic cyanobacteria, not with blooms of M. aeruginosa .  相似文献   

Fish which survive a sublethal ichthyophthiriasis acquire protective immunity against Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet (Ich). This study evaluated the protective effect of cutaneous antibody secreted by channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), immune to Ich on cohabited non-immune catfish. Non-immune and immune fish controls were separately maintained and infected with theronts. The Ich infection was assessed by scoring 0, < 50, 50-100, and > 100 trophonts fish(-1) at 5 days post-infection. The results of infection showed that cohabited fish at the ratio of 15 non-immune to two immune fish had < 50 trophonts fish(-1). Eighty per cent of the cohabited fish at the ratio of 10 non-immune to two immune fish showed 0 or < 50 trophonts fish(-1). The 76% of control non-immune fish had more than 100 trophonts fish(-1). The control immune fish had 0 trophonts fish(-1). Anti-Ich antibody was detected using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in water samples taken from tanks containing immune fish after the water samples were concentrated 40-fold. The study suggests that immune fish cohabited with non-immune fish may protect non-immune fish against Ich infection.  相似文献   

  1. The Yaqui catfish, Ictalurus pricei, is the only native ictalurid species described from north-west México and south-west USA. It is an endangered species owing to the decline and loss of most of its historical populations, mainly because of competition and hybridization with the non-native channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. The Arroyo Cajón Bonito is one of the few remnant populations of Yaqui catfish in the Yaqui River basin, and it is threatened by the presence of channel catfish that escaped from private culture facilities.
  2. Phylogenetic analysis of two mitochondrial and two nuclear genes was used to detect evidence of hybridization with channel catfish in a collection of 20 catfish from Arroyo Cajón Bonito. Fourteen putatively pure Yaqui catfishes, five hybrids and one channel catfish were detected.
  3. This study further highlights hybridization between channel and Yaqui catfish as the main threat to the remaining Yaqui catfish populations. We recommend urgent evaluation of the remnant populations of native catfish elsewhere and their current conservation status.

A study was conducted with channel catfish, Ictalurus puntatus to determine apparent digestibility/availability coefficients of protein, amino acids, lipid and energy for alternative plant‐protein feedstuffs: corn gluten feed, corn germ meal, distillers dried grains with solubles, and canola meal, compared with those for soybean meal. A 32%‐protein, chemically defined diet containing 8% fish meal was used as the reference diet. Test diets consisted of 70:30 ratio of reference diet to test ingredient with chromic oxide (0.75% of the diet) as an inert indicator. Apparent digestibility/availability coefficients of protein, essential amino acids and energy in alternative protein feedstuffs tested were generally lower than those in soybean meal by channel catfish. Apparent digestibility coefficients of protein ranged from 75 to 87% and those of energy ranged from 52 to 59% for alternative feedstuffs. Lysine in alternative feedstuffs was 67–79%, methionine was 69–85% and cystine was 73–82% available to channel catfish. There were no significant differences in lipid ADCs among test feedstuffs (91.9–96.8%). Results from the present study can be useful in formulating cost‐effective catfish feeds using these alternative feedstuffs.  相似文献   

Broodstock evaluations are often measured by variables such as spawning success, fecundity, fertilization and hatching rates, usually expressed as percentage values. Outcomes are generally analysed as continuous random variables, assuming that they follow a normal distribution. Ordinary linear regression models (e.g. analysis of variance) as well as χ2 analysis are typically applied. However, these models may not be the most appropriate as a number of test criteria may not be met. For example, spawning success outcomes are inherently discrete and non‐negative data and hence their distribution is not likely to be normal. As these models may not be the most appropriate, a case study using logit analysis as an alternative method for the evaluation of this type of data is presented by considering the response as binary data (spawned versus did not spawn). An exact version of logit analysis was performed due to the sparseness of the data. The results demonstrate that appropriate statistical models provide better insight into the cause–effect relationships that exist between control variables and the dependent variable (likelihood of spawning in this case). As would be expected, each strain of fish responded somewhat differently to the test variables. Changing the protein level of the diet from 32% to 42% or increasing the feeding frequency from three to six times per week either did not influence spawning or negatively affected spawning respectively. Additionally, older fish performed better than younger fish and the early spawning period was better than the later spawning period, regardless of strain. These responses, however, were only detected using logit analysis, which is a more sensitive test and would thus be recommended for this type of data.  相似文献   

Catfish hatcheries use copper sulphate pentahydrate (CuSO4·5H2O) as an economical control for saprolegniasis on eggs. This study determines hatch rate of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque 1818), eggs in hatching troughs containing 23.8 °C flow‐through well water when treated with 100 mg L?1 CuSO4·5H2O (10 times the proposed therapeutic dose). Eggs were treated daily until the embryos reached the eyed stage. Fry survival in the control and 100 mg L?1 CuSO4·5H2O treatments was significantly different (15% and 71% respectively). This study demonstrates that there is a considerable margin of safety in using CuSO4·5H2O as a catfish egg treatment to control saprolegniasis.  相似文献   

A trial was performed to evaluate the efficacy of diquat (6,7-dihydrodipyrido[1,2-a:2',1'-c]pyrazinediium dibromide) against an acute experimental infection of Flavobacterium columnare in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus . Diquat is an Environmental Protection Agency-approved herbicide and has the potential to be legally and practically used against columnaris. Channel catfish were challenged, by cutaneous abrasion, and waterborne exposure to F. columnare and treated once at 22-h post-challenge with 2.5, 5.0, 10.0 and 15 mg L−1 of diquat active ingredient for 6 h. At the conclusion of the trial, 21-day post-challenge, diquat at 5.0, 10.0 and 15 mg L−1 significantly ( P  < 0.05) reduced the mortality of infected fish from 95% in the challenged non-treated fish to 68%, 59% and 49%, respectively. In vitro , the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 23 isolates of F. columnare was assayed. The majority of the isolates had an MIC value of 5 μg mL−1 (15 of the 23 isolates). Infected fish exhibited acute clinical signs similar to a natural infection. The skin had severe ulcerative necrotizing dermatitis and the muscles had severe necrotizing myositis. The gills had severe multifocal necrotizing branchitis. The results demonstrate that diquat would reduce mortalities caused by an acute columnaris infection.  相似文献   

Channel catfish were fed practical corn‐soybean meal diets for 10 weeks that contained various weighed amounts of ground, dried field corn contaminated with 20 mg deoxynivalenol (DON) kg−1. Weighed amounts of DON corn were blended with weighed amounts of ground, clean corn that contained no DON (0 mg kg−1) to yield five diets that had 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 mg DON kg−1 of diet. Results show that catfish fed diets that contained DON for 7 weeks did not experience lower weight gains or poorer feed conversion ratios that were significantly (P > 0.05) different from control‐fed fish. Mortality of catfish during the 21‐day post‐challenge period indicate that catfish fed diets containing DON‐contaminated corn that provided at least 5.0 mg DON kg−1 of diet had significantly (P < 0.05) lower mortality than catfish fed the control diet or the diet that provided 2.5 mg DON kg−1 of diet. The presence of DON‐contaminated corn in the experimental diets did not significantly (P > 0.05) alter fish body weight gains and appeared to provide a protective effect for channel catfish challenged with the pathogenic bacterium Edwardsiella ictaluri.  相似文献   

Edwardsiella ictaluri is a primary bacterial pathogen of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus, and the causative agent of enteric septicaemia of catfish . Edwardsiella ictaluri is known to gain entry to the host by infection of the nares, gastrointestinal tract, and gills, and to disseminate to organs via an as yet uncharacterized acute bacteraemia. In this study, fluorescent microscopy showed E. ictaluri on the gill within 5 min of immersion challenge and E. ictaluri could also be isolated from the circulation within 5 min. When removed to clean water, catfish cleared circulating bacteria within 15 min and the blood remained free of E. ictaluri until its reappearance at the 12 h post-infection sampling. However, Aeromonas hydrophila , the aetiological agent of motile aeromonad septicaemia, appeared within the circulation 7 h post-challenge with E. ictaluri and was detected in all fish at 12 h post-infection. Only 20% of fish carried A. hydrophila in the trunk kidney that could be detected by plate culture on Rimler–Shotts agar; however, 100% of challenged and stress-control fish were A. hydrophila complex positive at 24 h post-challenge. These results suggest that although the catfish is capable of clearing its circulation of E. ictaluri , superinfection with latent A. hydrophila may enhance clinical signs of edwardsiellosis. This is the first report of a bacterial superinfection appearing in fish.  相似文献   

Columnaris disease was induced in channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque), by bath exposure to four highly virulent isolates of Flavobacterium columnare. In untreated controls, mortality began 20 h after exposure and reached 100% by 48 h. Mortality in channel catfish given antibiotic treatments with oxytetracycline or a combination of sulphadimethoxine and ormetoprim in feed prior to bacterial challenge was zero with all four strains of F. columnare. Diquat (Zeneca Agricultural Products, Wilmington, DE, USA) was the most effective bath treatment; mortality with all four strains was zero. With potassium permanganate, chloramine-T, hydrogen peroxide and copper sulphate, bath treatment efficacy varied significantly among strains (P = 0.0346) and among treatments (P = 0.0033). Bath treatments with chloramine-T and potassium permanganate significantly reduced (P < 0.05) mortality from 100 to 75 and 69%, respectively, but copper sulphate and hydrogen peroxide treatments were not effective. Based on our results, oral antibiotics prevented columnaris disease but, of the bath treatments, only Diquat produced a dramatic reduction in the mortality of acutely infected fish. Diquat is labelled for aquatic use as an herbicide in the USA but in large ponds it is prohibitively expensive.  相似文献   

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