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报道了采自辽宁(阜新)的跳小蜂二新种,即长尾丽突跳小蜂,新种 Leptomastidea longicauda Xu, sp. n.和五斑敌若跳小蜂,新种 Dinocarsiella quinqueguttata Xu, sp. n.,对新种进行了详细描述。这两个属均为林木上粉蚧的寄生蜂。也是敌若跳小蜂属Dinocarsiella Mercet在我国分布的首次记录。  相似文献   

Morphology and morphometry of six biotypes(B,Q,Cv,ZHJ-1,ZHJ-2 and ZHJ-3) of Bemisia tabaci(Gennadius) from China on cotton plants were studied by using microscopes.Nymphal body sizes and characters were measured and observed,especially on the 4th instar(pupal case),including the vasiform orifice,operculum,lingula,length and thickness of anterior and posterior wax margins,width of thoracic tracheal combs.Adult characters of both sexes were investigated including the body size,compound eyes,antennal segments,vasiform orifice,hind tarsi and genitals.The results indicated that differences of some morphological characters or morphometrics were significant among the six biotypes of B.tabaci in China:(1) Pupal sizes of the exotic biotypes(B and Q) were significantly larger than the indigenous biotypes with the following order as B>Q>ZHJ-1>Cv>ZHJ-3>ZHJ-2;(2) for both male and female adults,sizes of all characters investigated in the invading biotypes(B and Q),especially B,were much larger than those of the indigenous ones.  相似文献   

The genus Adelphocoris(Hemiptera: Miridae) is a group of key insect pests in cotton fields in China that includes three dominant species: A. suturalis(Jakovlev), A. lineolatus(Goeze) and A. fasciaticollis(Reuter). Previous field surveys have found that adults of these Adelphocoris species usually move onto specific host plants when the plants enter the flowering stage. To determine the potential trade-offs for this host-plant preference behavior, the performance of these three Adelphocoris spp. on flowering and non-flowering cotton and alfalfa were compared in the laboratory. The results showed that Adelphocoris spp. had significantly higher nymphal developmental and survival rates, along with increased adult longevity and fecundity on flowering cotton and alfalfa than on non-flowering plants of either species. In addition, compared with cotton plants, alfalfa generally promoted better performance of these three Adelphocoris species, especially for A. lineolatus. Simple correlation analysis indicated that female adult longevity was positively correlated to male adult longevity and female fecundity, and female fecundity was positively correlated to nymphal development and survival rates. This study demonstrated a positive correlation between adult preference and offspring/adult performance for all three Adelphocoris species, with no evidence of any trade-offs for this preference for flowering host plants. These findings support the hypothesis that hemimetabolous insects such as mirid bugs have positive adult preference-adult/nymphal performance relationships, which is likely due to the similar feeding habits and nutritional requirements of adults and nymphs.  相似文献   

In this study, the susceptibility of three populations of cotton aphid, Aph& gossypii Glover (Hemiptera:Aphididae) was assayed to imidacloprid (35SC) and thiametoxam (50WG). The involvement of metabolic enzymes in the resistance strain of cotton aphid to the neonicotinoids was determined by the biochemical biomarkers and the resistance mechanism was determined as CaE. In another study, three different bioassay experiments were designed for detecting the susceptibility of cotton aphid to imidacloprid and thiametoxam and the effect of these two insecticides on the enzymatic activity of cotton aphid was assessed in the adult aphids treated with three different bioassay methods using a modified version of the FAO dip test, residue bioassay procedure and starvation method. Our findings suggested that the type of bioassay methods is very important when aphids' populations assess for the resistance against the neonicotinod insecticides. It has shown the starvation method is the most reliable method compared with other methods.  相似文献   

该文记述了采自中国云南省的尖尾叶蝉属1新种,箭茎尖尾叶蝉Pedionis(Pedionis)sagittatasp.nov.,并提供了该种的整体图及雄性外生殖器的鉴别特征图.新种与李氏尖尾叶蝉P.(P.)lii Zhang et Viraktamath近似,区别特征为雄性尾节侧瓣腹缘具短刺毛;阳茎干突起基部较大,占据大半阳茎干;阳茎干强烈弯曲,相对较粗壮.  相似文献   

The development of agricultural industry dependson the development of seed sector to a large degree. As amain means of agricultural production, seed is producedand marketed by oneself for a long tine in China. Withthe development of science and technology and the growthof market economy, seed industry has grown into the mostimportant leading sector in developed countries'agricultural industry. As China is gearing its economy andeconomic system to the world after the country's entry intothe WTO, the research on the development strategy ofChina's seed enterprises is particularly necessary.  相似文献   

记述海南窄头叶蝉属BatracomorphusLewis4新种,即:角突窄头叶蝉B.cornutus sp.nov.、细齿窄头叶蝉B.gracilidensussp.nov.、直突窄头叶蝉B.strictussp.nov.和三叉窄头叶蝉B.trifurcatussp.nov.。正模标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所(IZCAS),副模标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所(GUGC)。  相似文献   

Genes resistant to Aleurotrachelus socialis were transferred to the F 1 from the interspecific hybrid wild species of Manihot flabellifolia to M.esculenta and two advanced generations of backcrosses(BC 1 and BC 2).We characterized the resistance of A.socialis transferred to BC 2 parents(CW67-160,CW67-130,CW67-44),MTAI-8(BC 1),resistant(CMB9B-73) and susceptible(CMB9B-104) genotypes from contrasting pools,and resistant(MEcu-72) and susceptible(CMC-40) genotypes.Whitefly demography and biology were evaluated.SSR molecular markers associated with a phenotypic response of plant resistance were detected in segregating populations(BC 2).Results showed that although female survival time was similar on all hosts,the lowest averages of longevity,fecundity and oviposition rate were observed in the resistant control MEcu- 72,only being significantly similar to the parent CW67-130.When the BC 1 and BC 2 populations were compared,it was found that A.socialis fecundity was eight times lower on CMB9B-73 progeny than on CW67-130,expressing the highest levels of resistance to the whitefly.Ten genotypes of CMB9A and CMB9B family had the best segregation.A total of 486 microsatellite primers were evaluated using bulked segregant analysis(BSA),11 showed polymorphism between the contrasting pools and only one showed significant differences between resistant and susceptible individuals.In conclusion,fecundity was the parameter that impacted most on the intrinsic rate of A.socialis population growth.  相似文献   

An entomopathogenic strain of Bacillus sp. was isolated from diseased red slug caterpillars of the leaf-feediug pest of tea, Eterusia magnifica, from the Darjeeling foothill region. Analysis of the bacterimn based on polyphasic approach such as growth phase, biochemical tests, whole body" protein, crystal protein profiles along with bioassay (i.e. LC50 and LT50 values) established it as a different strain but close to Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (Btk), the commercial microbial pesticides of lepidopterans. Among biochemical parameters differences were noted between the new strain and Btk in ONPG, lysine decarboxylase, omithin decarboxylase, urease, nitrate reduction, V-P and glucose utilization tests. PAGE analysis of the whole body protein for the new strain recorded a 34 kDa band which was absent in Btk (used as reference). Crystal protein profile of the newly isolated bacterial strain showed 53 and 49 kDa bands whereas in Btk only 52 kDa band was evident. Although the LC50 values of the new strain and Btk were close, their LT50 values were much different, the new strain showing a lower value than Btk. In light of the above differences and in absence of any report of entomopathogenic bacterial strain of E. magnifica, the isolated strain of Bacillus appeared to be new to science and hence was designated as RS01. The new strain opens up the possibility of its futttre use as microbial pesticide after standardizing its formulation and checking its safety aspects.  相似文献   

The fruit flies of the Bactrocera (Diptera: Tephritidae) are one of the major economically important insects in Asia. So far, there are at least seven species found in Chongqing, China. By using mitochondrial 16s rDNA sequences, the phylogenetic relationships among seven Bactrocera species, Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett), B. tau (Walker), B. diaphora (Hendel), B. caudata (Fabricius), B. scutellata (Hendel), B. dorsalis (Hendel), and B. minax (Enderlein) were investigated. Nucleotide diversity within species ranged from 0.3% to 10.9%. According to the result, B. cucurbitae (Coquillett), B. tau (Walker), B. diaphora (Hendel), and B. caudata (Fabricius) have no enough sites to be distinguished among the other species in the 347bp nucleotide sequences of the 16s rDNA gene. At the same time, excluding B. scutellata (Hendel) and B. minax (Enderlein), the other species recognition sites are not only too little but also discontinuous. Phylogenetic trees calculated from both maximum parsimony and neighbor-joining phylogenetic analysis methods showed that B. cucurbitae and B. tau were closely related, B. diaphora (Hendel) and B. caudata (Fabricius) also had a close relationship. B. minax (Enderlein) has a furthest relationship from the other 6 species. From the results, we can infer that the our data supports previous classification of Bactrocera based on morphological characters in other words, but the Bactrocera subgenera, Zeugodacus is polyphyletic.  相似文献   

The inhibition effect of chitooligosaccharides from housefly larvae on pathogens of crops seeds, fruits or vegetables was studied and the main factors influencing the antimicrobial activity of chitooligosaccharides were also investigated. It was found that chitooligosaccharides from housefly larvae had wide spectrum fungistasis. It can strongly inhibit the development of 31 kinds of plant pathogenic fungi such as corticium rolfsii Saccardo. The results indicated that the degree of deacelylation (DD) or the average molecular weight(MW) of chitooligosaccharides were related to the antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial activity increased with the rising of DD or the declining of MW. Pot culture results showed that chitooligosaccharide could enhance the rate of germination and emergence of the seeds of maize, wheat and cotton. Chitooligosaccharide had certain effect on corn southern leaf blight caused by Helminthosporium maydis.  相似文献   

The striped stem borer (SSB), Chilo suppressalis (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), is a major pest of rice in China. Variation in host-plant quality may affect the body size of herbivorous insects, which in turn, can determine their life-history parameters such as survival, fecundity and fitness. In this study, we tested the effects of high-quality aromatic rice varieties on the fitness of SSB in China. Results showed that 1st instar larvae had higher penetrating rates and survival rates on the high-quality aromatic rice varieties (EX-1 and WX-988) than that on the non-aromatic rice varieties (EZ-5 and LYP-9). In addition, shorter developmental periods, greater female pupal weights and higher of other life-history parameters (hatching rate, pupation rate, eclosion rate and increase index) were found on the high-quality aromatic rice varieties, although only female pupal weight showed a significant difference between the two varieties. The highest dead heart rate was found on the aromatic rice variety of EX-1. These results indicate that SSB sustains a lower fitness cost when consuming the high-quality aromatic rice varieties (EX-1 and WX-988) than on the non-aromatic rice varieties (EZ-5 and LYP-9) in Central China.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted to elucidate the regulation mechanism of different irrigation schedules on population photosynthetic of winter wheat. The experiment included five irrigation schedules,...  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the subfamily Nymphalinae (sensu Chou 1994) were analyzed based on 1 488 bp of mtDNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene sequence data obtained from 24 individuals, along with those of eight species obtained from GenBank. The base compositions of this COI fragment varied among the individuals as follows: T 39.9%, C 14.6%, A 32.2%, and G 13.4%, with a strong AT bias (72.1%), as usually found in insect mitochondrial genomes. The A +T contents of the third, second, and first codon positions of the COI fragments in this study was 92.4, 62.2, and 61.4%, respectively. The phylogenetic trees were reconstructed by neighbor-joining (NJ), maximum likelihood (ML), and Bayesian methods by using Byblia anvatara as outgroup. Phylogenetic analyses based on the COI gene sequence data created very similar topologies, which were producing trees with two main clades A and B, and five subclades. The data indicated that the tribes Nymphalini and Hypolimni (sensu Chou 1994) are not monophyletic groups, and the genus Junonia should be removed from Nymphalini to Hypolimni (=Junoniini). On the basis of the data, the Symbrenthia and Araschnia had a relative distant relationship with the rest of Nymphalini. The relationships of species in the Nymphalini were confirmed via the NJ, ML, and Bayesian methods, namely ((((Nymphalis + Kaniska) + Polygonia) +Aglais) + Vanessa) + (Symbrenthia +Araschnia). This investigation provides a little novel information for Chinese researches of butterflies.  相似文献   

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