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经多年研制及应用试验,开发出一种无重金属离了的JH渔网有机防污剂,用于养殖扇贝笼的防污,安全无地海区无污染,对养殖扇贝无不育影响,延长了网具的使用寿命,提高了扇贝产量。专家鉴定认为,本研究填补了无重离子防污剂的国内空白。 相似文献
八十年代以来,随着改革开放进程的加快和经济发展速度的增长,我国的渔网织机进口业已形成热潮,并愈烧愈热。作者根据我国近几年来进口织网机热的实际情况,提出降温的观点,发展自己的见解。袁红楼高级工程师为事业负责,大胆地提出自己不同的看法,仅供大家参考。 相似文献
聚乙烯、聚丙烯、聚酰胺渔网丝线的老化性能试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
<正> 一、前言我国渔网材料自60年代初期逐步试用合成纤维材料以来,经过20多年的推广应用,基本上代替了原来的棉麻材料,从目前国内外使用的渔网材料来看,品种分有聚酰胺(PA)、聚酯(PES)、聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)、聚氯乙烯(PVC)、聚乙烯醇(PVA)、聚偏二氯乙烯(PVD)七类,从纤维形式来分:有单丝、复丝、裂膜纤维等,其品种和规格都比较齐全,纤维的强度指标与国外同 相似文献
网箱网衣防污涂料的对比试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过定量测试、活生物养殖实验和海上挂样观察方法,对新研制的两种涂料与国内已应用的两种涂料、1种美国Flexgard水性涂料进行了涂料附着率、急性毒性和海上挂样网片防污效果对比试验。结果表明,新研制的两种涂料的使用量与美国Flexgard涂料水平相当;除新研制的1种涂料外,其余4种涂料均具有一定的急性毒性,尤以国内已应用的两种涂料毒性最大。防污效果,以新研制的N—15涂料和美国Flexgard涂料为好,挂样近7个月,生物附着仅为1~3级。在高温期间,未经防污处理的网片在1个月内生物附着增重率达到115.4%~157.7%。 相似文献
国内外网具防污涂料研究现状 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
国内外网具防污涂料研究现状杨东辉张平(烟台市化学化工学会,264000)(烟台市科学技术情报所,264000)网具防污是将有机和无机防污剂分散于有机高聚物基料中,制成防污涂料,涂于网线表面,在海水作用下,防污剂以一定速度由涂层中渗出,在网线上形成一个... 相似文献
无公害海洋防污技术的研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
海洋中有2000多种污损生物,多数生活在海岸和海湾等近海海域。污损生物的幼虫和孢子能够漂浮游动,发展到一定阶段后就附着定居下来,污损海上设施,例如船体、浮标、桥墩、码头、网箱及网具等。海洋防污技术是用于防止海洋生物对海上设施的附着污损,起步于舰船防污涂料的研究,并以毒料释放型防污为主要技术途径,通过涂料中可释放的铜、锡、汞、铅等防污剂,在材料周围形成对海洋植物孢子 相似文献
为了解日本海和东海带鱼 (Trichiurus japonicus) 渔业资源状况,利用一种基于丰度指数的评估模型 (Abundance maximum sustainable yields, AMSY) 对2个海域的带鱼资源进行了评估。结果显示,2个海域的带鱼渔业在20世纪90年代至21世纪00年代的大部分时间里相对资源量水平 (B/BMSY) 低于1,而相对捕捞死亡水平 (F/FMSY) 高于1,处于过度捕捞状态。AMSY模型里相对最大可持续产量 (MSYq) 和MSY水平下的捕捞死亡系数 (FMSY) 等参数评估结果对不同内禀增长率 (r) 先验分布范围比较敏感,而B/BMSY和F/FMSY等生物学参考点评估结果对特定年份的相对资源量水平 (Bt/k) 先验分布范围的下限设置比较敏感。AMSY模型仅需要单位捕捞努力量渔获量 (Catch per unit effort, CPUE) 数据、评估对象的r和特定年份的Bt/k水平先验信息,可以评估基于MSY的生物学参考点 (B/BMSY和F/FMSY),适合无统计产量数据的海域内渔业资源评估。 相似文献
根据2000~2001年单拖作业渔获物调查资料,着重对渔获物种类组成、个体大小进行分析。结果表明:闽南、台湾浅滩渔场单拖网作业渔获物品种繁多、个体小,优势种数量多、比重小,占周年总渔获量1%以上的品种有19种,鱼类、甲壳类、头足类渔获个体平均体重仅为11.4g/ind,周年中,5~6月个体最小,建议将该渔场单拖作业伏季休渔时间调整为5月1日至7月15日。 相似文献
2011年1-3月,在巴塔哥尼亚大陆架公海进行了拖网探捕。本次调查海域位于巴塔哥尼亚大陆架海域渔场边缘,毗邻福克兰-马尔维纳斯大陆架海域渔场,渔获组成兼有这两个渔场的特征。结果表明,该渔场(45°01′-46°53′S,60°07′-60°47′W)底质平坦,水深在110-180 m之间,调查期间天气良好,适宜底拖网作业;在水深20-80 m水层存在温、盐跃层。底拖网渔获中主要有11种经济种类,按渔获量排序以阿根廷滑柔鱼(Illex argentinus)、拉氏南美南极鱼(Patagonotothen ramsayi)、阿根廷无须鳕(Merluccius hubbsi)、阿根廷鳀(Engraulis anchoita)与鳐类列前五位,占总产量的92.26%。探捕期间,相对资源量指数1月平均为(462.8±95.7)kg/h,2月平均为(713.8±194.1)kg/h,3月平均为(778.1±75.0)kg/h,呈逐月递增趋势。经济种类的数量分布有较大差异,多数经济种类的资源密集分布区位于渔场北部,渔场南部高产种类较为单一。阿根廷滑柔鱼优势胴长有逐月增大的趋势;阿根廷无须鳕优势体长变化不明显;拉氏南美南极鱼的优势体长皆小于其初次性成熟体长,其中1月采集的样本仅为110-130 mm,分析认为,本调查捕获的多为索饵洄游的幼鱼。 相似文献
Catch performance of coastal squid jigging boats using LED panels in combination with metal halide lamps 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Squid attracting light systems consisting of low power light emitting diode panels (LEDs) and conventional metal halide lamps (MHs) were tested to describe the influence of combinations of LEDs and MHs on squid catch. Fishing trials using LEDs (9 kW) and different numbers of MHs were carried out in August and September 2009 targeting two squid species: (1) Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus in northern waters of the Sea of Japan (off Hokkaido) by 4 coastal squid jigging boats (19 gross tonnage) and (2) swordtip squid Photololigo edulis in western waters (off Iki) by 5 boats of the same class. Catches of both species tended to increase with the number of MHs. Generalized Linear Model analysis revealed that in addition to the number of MHs, the catch amount was influenced by fishing power (ability) of boat and by the monthly variation of squid abundance (only for P. edulis off Iki). The expected catch (number of boxes) was not proportional to the number of MHs. The largest catch was expected for P. edulis off Iki by using LEDs with 24 MHs. The optimal combination of LEDs and MHs for T. pacificus off Hokkaido was less clear because the combination with 36 MHs had the largest positive effect on the catch; this was the maximum number MHs used. 相似文献
大眼金枪鱼(Thunnus obesus)是最具经济价值的热带金枪鱼类,其资源状况一直是区域性金枪鱼渔业管理组织关注的重点。由于多种渔业作业、捕捞船队构成复杂,印度洋大眼金枪鱼的历史渔获量统计存在一定的偏差(Bias),但国际上近些年开展资源评估时都忽略了这一偏差。本研究根据1979~2015年的年渔获量、年龄结构渔获量及相对丰度指数数据,运用年龄结构资源评估模型(ASAP)对印度洋大眼金枪鱼资源进行评估,重点考查渔获量的不确定性(观测误差和统计偏差)对资源评估结果的影响。结果显示,印度洋大眼金枪鱼当前资源总体没有过度捕捞,但2015年初显示轻微的过度捕捞,通过对比基础模型与8个灵敏度分析模型的评估结果发现,渔获量观测误差(CV)的预设对资源开发状态的判断有一定的影响。当渔获量统计偏差调整量为15%时(即历史渔获量被低估了),评估结果与基础模型基本一致;统计偏差调整量为20%时,评估结果有过度捕捞的趋势。本研究结果表明,资源评估模型中渔获量观测误差的设定和历史渔获量统计偏差均会对评估结果产生影响,后者更为明显,因此,二者均不能忽略。 相似文献
A general linear model (GLM) was used to standardize catch per unit effort (CPUE) data for Alaska walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) from the Bering Sea fleet for the years 1995–1999. Data were stratified temporally by year and season and spatially by area using either Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) or National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) reporting areas. Four factors were used: vessel identification (ID) number, vessel speed, percentage of pollock by weight in the haul (a measure of targeting), and whether most of the haul took place before or after sunset. At least 29 combinations of main effects, quadratic covariates, and interactions were tested for each year/area/season stratum. GLM models explained from 31 to 48% of the total sums of squares. Vessel identification number was included in all models and explained the most variability. Of the remaining factors, the square of the percentage of pollock in the haul was included in most models, following an F-test to determine parsimony. Analysis of the vessel identification number coefficients indicated that larger vessels tended to have higher CPUEs; and that this relationship differed between dedicated catcher vessels and offshore catcher processors. Coefficient estimates and response surfaces generally indicated increased CPUEs with the percentage of pollock in the haul and showed mixed results with vessel speed. The vessel identification number incorporated most vessel characteristics, leaving vessel speed primarily as a fitting variable with less biological meaning. The year/area/season stratification procedure was found to be necessary due to the unbalanced design, which otherwise would have factor levels with no data in a large combined model. In addition, the stratification procedure reduced the variability in CPUE substantially. 相似文献
对建国以来山东淡水渔业所取得的科技成果进行了详细统计,并进行了分析,提出今后发展淡水渔业技术的建议。 相似文献
Daniel Haydon 《Fish and Fisheries》2008,9(3):328-329
Nineteenth century narratives reveal historic catch rates for Australian snapper (Pagrus auratus) 下载免费PDF全文
Snapper (Pagrus auratus) is widely distributed throughout subtropical and temperate southern oceans and forms a significant recreational and commercial fishery in Queensland, Australia. Using data from government reports, media sources, popular publications and a government fisheries survey carried out in 1910, we compiled information on individual snapper fishing trips that took place prior to the commencement of fisherywide organized data collection, from 1871 to 1939. In addition to extracting all available quantitative data, we translated qualitative information into bounded estimates and used multiple imputation to handle missing values, forming 287 records for which catch rate (snapper fisher?1 h?1) could be derived. Uncertainty was handled through a parametric maximum likelihood framework (a transformed trivariate Gaussian), which facilitated statistical comparisons between data sources. No statistically significant differences in catch rates were found among media sources and the government fisheries survey. Catch rates remained stable throughout the time series, averaging 3.75 snapper fisher?1 h?1 (95% confidence interval, 3.42–4.09) as the fishery expanded into new grounds. In comparison, a contemporary (1993–2002) south‐east Queensland charter fishery produced an average catch rate of 0.4 snapper fisher?1 h?1 (95% confidence interval, 0.31–0.58). These data illustrate the productivity of a fishery during its earliest years of development and represent the earliest catch rate data globally for this species. By adopting a formalized approach to address issues common to many historical records – missing data, a lack of quantitative information and reporting bias – our analysis demonstrates the potential for historical narratives to contribute to contemporary fisheries management. 相似文献