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佘远安 《中国水产》2010,(10):32-34
2010年全国渔业工作会议指出,要把加快现代渔业建设作为新时期渔业发展的主攻方向。当前,要加快现代渔业建设,转变渔业发展方式,关键在于认真梳理影响现代渔业加快发展的认识和观念,在此基础上,尽快理清发展思路,把渔业做强做优,扎实推进新时期渔业又好又快发展。笔者认为,当前渔业发展还存在六个不适宜的观念,要加快现代渔业建设,就必须在价值取向上扭转这六个认识误区,明确发展思路,加快实施"四化"战略。  相似文献   

日前,江西省渔业局顺利完成了"十二五"渔业发展规划编制工作。规划内容除一个总体规划外,还专门编制了《江西省"十二五"现代渔业发展规划》等13个专题规划。  相似文献   

2009年12月29日,全国渔业工作会议在北京召开,农业部副部长牛盾到会并作重要讲话。牛盾副部长总结了60年来我国渔业发展取得的突出成就和经验,强调要谋划好"十二五"渔业发展,加快推进新时期现代渔业建设。  相似文献   

当前,杭州市渔业正处在从传统渔业向现代渔业的过渡期,实现传统渔业向现代渔业的跨越,是现阶段渔业发展的重要目标。建设现代渔业是转变渔业增长方式、提升产业发展质量和水平的必然要求,是确保水产品安全供给和渔民持续增收的迫切需要,是构建和谐渔业和实现渔业可持续发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

现代渔业大背景下渔业产权制度探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代渔业作为现代农业体系的重要组成部分,是当前渔业发展的主要方向。当前,我国现行的渔业管理模式与现代渔业管理的要求还有一定差距,影响了我国渔业可持续发展的进程。究其原因,渔业产权制度的缺失是诸多问题的根源所在。在现代渔业理念的指导下,探索渔业管理新模式,建立排他性的、明晰的、可转让的渔业产权制度,消除自由准入状态下渔民的竞争性捕捞心理,是保障渔业可持续发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

立足优势抢抓机遇加快建设福建现代渔业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在总结当前全省渔业发展基础的前提下,分析了福建现代渔业建设面临的机遇和挑战,指出了福建现代渔业建设的目标和实现途径,提出了福建现代渔业建设的对策措施——大力发展新型高效渔业,增创渔业发展新优势;用现代科学技术改造传统渔业,提高渔业科技含量;培养以质取胜的发展理念,实施生产全过程质量管理;全方位扩大对外开放,促进渔业...  相似文献   

1月12日,广东省海洋与渔业局与梅州市人民政府发展山区现代渔业暨共建绿色生态水产创新示范园战略合作框架协议签约仪式在广州举行。广东省海洋与渔业局局长郑伟仪、梅州市委书记李嘉出席仪式并分别致辞,郑伟仪局长和梅州市委副书记、市长朱泽君分别代表双方签约。双方将遵循"协同创新、共同发展"的原则,加强六个方面合作,全面提升渔业经济综合素质、效益水平和核心竞争力,力争在梅州建成全省山区现代渔业发展示范区。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实《国务院关于促进海洋渔业持续健康发展的若干意见》(国发[2013]11号)和全国现代渔业建设工作电视电话会议重要精神,加快发展现代渔业,全面推进健康养殖。农业部渔业局委托《中国水产》杂志社开展"水产健康养殖理论与实践"征文活动,交流并推广各地工作经验,加强理论研究,提出政策措施,以期为渔业主管部门制定水产养殖产业促进和监管政策提供参考,促进我国水产养殖业持续快速发展。  相似文献   

现代渔业的内涵、特征及发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前我国已经进入由传统渔业向现代渔业发展的新阶段,如何把握渔业发展的科学规律来建设现代渔业已经成为渔业经济界研究的热点问题。文章在科学界定现代农业内涵的基础上,对现代渔业的特征和发展趋势进行了相关探讨,以期为相关研究和实践探索做一些概念性铺垫。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实《国务院关于促进海洋渔业持续健康发展的若干意见》(国发[2013]11号)和全国现代渔业建设工作电视电话会议重要精神,加快发展现代渔业,全面推进健康养殖。农业部渔业局委托《中国水产》杂志社开展"水产健康养殖理论与实践"征文活动,交流并推广各地工作经验,加强理论研究,提出政策措施,以期为渔业主管部门制定水产养殖产业促进和监管政策提供参考,促进我国水产养殖业持续快速发展。  相似文献   

李天 《河北渔业》2012,(1):56-59
现代渔业是石家庄市渔业未来的发展方向。文章在分析石家庄市渔业发展现状、特色品牌优势与问题的基础上,指出了石家庄市现代渔业的发展思路、建设内容与工作重点,这将成为推动石家庄市现代渔业发展的保障措施。  相似文献   

政府规制理论在我国近海渔业管理中应用的探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
自由准入状态导致了渔业资源产权的不确定性, 过度投资和过度利用使得渔业资源过度消耗。要实现渔业资源的可持续发展就必须对渔业进行适当的规制。政府规制是指政府直接干预微观经济主体活动的一种行为方式, 可分为经济性规制和社会性规制。渔业规制关注的不仅仅是管理的合法性问题, 更多的是管理的最佳性问题, 即用最佳管理方式实现渔业的可持续性发展。随着现代社会政府与公民的二元对立观念不断减弱, 管理者与被管理者由对立转向合作, 传统的以(捕捞)许可为中心的渔业管理方式已经不适应现代渔业管理的发展, 有必要引进政府规制理论提升和改造命令控制式的渔业规制方式。本研究基于政府规制理论提出了“合作性治理”模式, 改变了“政府—渔民”两方博弈为多主体共同管理, 通过创设合理的产权制度、有效的激励性规制和成本效益分析方法建立起合作、共享机制以实现渔业管理的目的。  相似文献   

渔业工程与装备是渔业生产现代化水平的重要标志之一,也是推进渔业生产方式转变的重要途径,是现代渔业科技不可或缺的重要组成。本文报道了福建省近年来所涉及的渔业工程与装备学科的发展现状,包括陆基养殖、港湾鱼类及鲍网箱养殖、深水区抗风浪网箱养殖、微孔增氧技术、湿颗粒饲料加工机械、大型网箱养殖安全监控技术、新型锚技术开发、闭式循环活鱼运输船、浮筏式消波堤、人工鱼礁、休闲渔业和风(能)光(太阳能)互补型海水淡化装置等。分析学科目前存在的问题并提出中期发展目标及“十二五”主攻方向。  相似文献   

水产科技档案是水产科研活动的结晶与记录,是我国渔业现代化的信息资源之一,具有重要的价值功能。本文分析了水产科技档案在现代渔业中的价值功能;针对我国当前渔业现代化建设,探讨提高我国渔业科技档案的价值开发途径;结合水产科研的特点,提出实行水产科技档案规范化管理、加强知识产权保护、加强信息化建设和提高水产档案管理人员的综合素质等建议,为水产科技档案的价值拓展和推动现代渔业科技进步提供参数资料。  相似文献   

Many over‐exploited marine ecosystems worldwide have lost their natural populations of large predatory finfish and have become dominated by crustaceans and other invertebrates. Controversially, some of these simplified ecosystems have gone on to support highly successful invertebrate fisheries capable of generating more economic value than the fisheries they replaced. Such systems have been compared with those created by modern agriculture on land, in that existing ecosystems have been converted into those that maximize the production of target species. Here, we draw on a number of concepts and case‐studies to argue that this is highly risky. In many cases, the loss of large finfish has triggered dramatic ecosystem shifts to states that are both ecologically and economically undesirable, and difficult and expensive to reverse. In addition, we find that those stocks left remaining are unusually prone to collapse from disease, invasion, eutrophication and climate change. We therefore conclude that the transition from multispecies fisheries to simplified invertebrate fisheries is causing a global decline in biodiversity and is threatening global food security, rather than promoting it.  相似文献   

Guidelines for the assessment and management of developing swordfish fisheries are derived through an examination of five swordfish fisheries. As they develop, swordfish fisheries may be inclined to local depletion around underwater features, such as seamounts and banks. Few nations have applied the precautionary approach in managing their developing swordfish fisheries. Without controls, swordfish fisheries expand geographically and fishing effort increases, often overshooting optimum levels. However, it is difficult to distinguish clear evidence of fishery collapse; modern longliners harvest widely distributed tuna and swordfish and they are able to relocate to distant areas or switch between target species in response to fluctuations in species abundance and price. Furthermore, the wide distribution of swordfish combined with year‐round spawning and high growth rates amongst juveniles probably contribute to the apparent resilience of swordfish stocks to intensive harvesting. Over half the world’s swordfish catch is taken as an incidental catch of longliners fishing for tuna. In several areas, such as the North Atlantic, catch quotas have sometimes caused tuna longline fishers to discard swordfish. Minimum size limits have also resulted in discarding of swordfish in tuna fisheries and in dedicated swordfish fisheries. In addition to weakening the effectiveness of those management measures, bycatch and discarding add to the complexities of managing swordfish fisheries and to uncertainties in assessing the stocks. Longliners that target swordfish often fish at high latitudes where interactions with marine wildlife, such as seabird, are generally more frequent than at low latitudes. Concern over incidental catches of marine wildlife and other species is becoming a driving force in the management of several swordfish fisheries. Fishery management organisations will need to implement management measures to protect non‐target species and gather reliable data and information on the situation by placing observers on boats fishing for swordfish.  相似文献   

The stock of the European eel is in decline throughout its distribution area—for decades, if not for centuries. Its population dynamics are not well understood. The extremely scattered occurrence, as well as the general lack of quantified information before 1950, prevents a straightforward analysis. This article discusses the history of eel fisheries across Europe, reviewing the literature published before 1940. A follow‐up study is advocated, to unearth primary information in archives across Europe. In the late 1800s, development programmes were initiated in central Europe, complementing the widespread subsistence fisheries with “modern” commercial exploitation of new areas, new markets and new products. In the early 1900s, increasing fisheries and trade were reported throughout northern Europe, and new developments started in the south. This lasted until about 1950—when the current multidecadal decline set in. The eel fisheries have never experienced a period of stable, sustainable exploitation. The decline in the stock is probably not a simple case of overfishing, but a continent‐wide serial depletion of local resources—eventually depleting the whole stock—in times of growing non‐fisheries impacts. Consequences for the European eel protection programme and for the derivation of restoration targets are discussed.  相似文献   

Managing coastal resources sometimes requires looking into the past, as this provides a baseline against which present conditions may be gauged. The present study evaluated the circumstances that led Brazilian coastal fishers to modify their use of encircling gillnets. Other stressors (i.e. water pollution and habitat degradation) acted synergistically on the fisheries dynamic between 1950 and 2016. Declining catches of several species were observed through fishers' historical perception and through fisheries landing records. Three notable trends in net handling were associated with distinct historical periods. Specifically, pressures from modern fishery practices and gear (e.g. monofilament nets), the adoption of spiral setting arrangements and the increasing use of trammel nets appear responsible for the decline of many stocks. Mullet, seabass, jack and pilchard stocks decreased over time and were associated the changes witnessed in the encircling net operations. These changes occurred in response to overexploitation of fish stocks, to exploit the dwindling fisheries resources. The study also discusses the reasons leading fishers to accept how encircling gillnets ought to be used, their interpretation of such changes and the implications these changes have for fisheries management.  相似文献   

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