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陶敏  刘少军  张卓慧  陈婕  刘文彬  刘筠 《水产学报》2014,38(9):1201-1210
为研究性腺型芳香化酶P450aromA(cyp19a1a基因编码)在不同倍性鲫鲤卵巢发育过程中的作用,实验采用同源克隆和cDNA末端快速扩增技术(RACE),获得了二倍体红鲫、三倍体湘云鲫和四倍体鲫鲤的cyp19a1a基因cDNA全长。结果显示,3种鱼cyp19a1a基因均编码517个氨基酸残基,而且编码的蛋白都包含P450aromA特有的跨膜螺旋区、I-螺旋区、Ozol’s肽区、芳香化酶特异保守区以及血红素结合区。采用RT-PCR分析cyp19a1a基因mRNA在3种不同倍性鱼类组织中的表达情况,结果显示,cyp19a1a基因主要在实验鱼的卵巢中表达,其次在精巢、脑、脾脏有少量表达。采用实时荧光定量PCR对cyp19a1a基因mRNA在不同倍性鱼卵巢中的表达进行分析,结果发现,cyp19a1a基因在不同倍性鱼的非繁殖期卵巢的表达都高于繁殖期卵巢,并且在繁殖期和非繁殖期,cyp19a1a基因在三倍体湘云鲫的表达量高于二倍体红鲫和四倍体鲫鲤。采用免疫组织化学方法对CYP19A蛋白在不同倍性鲫鲤卵巢中的定位进行分析,结果发现,CYP19A蛋白主要定位在滤泡细胞、Ⅳ时相卵母细胞的放射膜上以及Ⅱ时相卵母细胞的卵浆中。研究表明,性腺型芳香化酶在不同倍性鲫鲤卵巢发育过程中的表达存在一定的差异性,三倍体鱼cyp19a1a基因mRNA水平表达异常,推测与其不育有关联性。  相似文献   

Abstract – We used a combination of methods to study the reproductive ecology of the imperiled smalleye shiner Notropis buccula Cross in the Brazos River, Texas between April 2003 and March 2005. Patterns in oocyte development, gonadosomatic index and oocyte size distribution indicate that reproduction occurs over a 6‐month period between April and September and that the population spawns asynchronously with individual fish spawning small batches of ova throughout the reproductive season except during periods of elevated streamflow when spawning becomes more intense and is synchronised within the population. This combination of asynchronous spawning and episodic synchronous spawning in the same species challenges the current paradigm of an exclusive association between spawning and periods of elevated streamflow for pelagic, broadcast‐spawning cyprinids in North American Great Plains Rivers. The combination of asynchronous and synchronous spawning that we observed for the smalleye shiner is likely widespread among pelagic, broadcast‐spawning cyprinids and limitations of the methods commonly used to assess reproductive ecology likely contributed to an incomplete understanding of the relationship between spawning and streamflow. An accurate understanding of this relationship is necessary to design and implement appropriate conservation and management strategies for the smalleye shiner and other imperiled broadcast‐spawning cyprinid fishes.  相似文献   

Heavy metacercarial infections of cyprinid fishes in Uji River   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  

基于鱼类营养级统计软件TrophLab,对分布于雅鲁藏布江中游的6种高原土著鱼类异齿裂腹鱼(Schizathorax oconnori)、拉萨裂腹鱼(Schizothorax waltoni)、双须叶须鱼(Ptychobarbus dipogon)、拉萨裸裂尻鱼(Schizopygopsis younghusbandi)、尖裸鲤(Oxygymnocypris stewartii)和黑斑原鮡(Glyptosternum maculatum)进行了营养级估算。结果显示:6种研究对象的营养级范围为2.28~4.30,其中尖裸鲤营养级水平最高,异齿裂腹鱼营养级水平最低。  相似文献   

Abstract –  Differences in the life history strategies employed by otherwise ecologically similar species of a fish assemblage may be an important factor in the coexistence of these species and is an essential consideration in the conservation and management of these assemblages. We collected scales to determine age and growth of four species of the catostomid assemblage (northern hogsucker Hypentelium nigricans , spotted sucker Minytrema melanops , notchlip redhorse Moxostoma collapsum and robust redhorse Moxostoma robustum ) of the Savannah River, Georgia–South Carolina in spring 2004 and 2005. Robust redhorse was the largest species; reaching sexual maturity at an older age and growing faster as a juvenile than the other species. Spotted sucker did not achieve the same size as robust redhorse, but reached sexual maturity at younger ages. Notchlip redhorse was intermediate between the abovementioned two species in age at maturity and size. Northern hogsucker was the smallest species of the assemblage and reached the sexual maturity at the age of three. Both robust redhorse and spotted sucker were sexually dimorphic in size-at-age. The range of life history strategies employed by Savannah River catostomids encompasses the range of life history strategies exhibited within the family as a whole.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The reproductive activities of two dominant fish species, roach Rutilus rutilus and rudd Scardinius erythrophthalmus were investigated from August 2000 to July 2002 in an oligotrophic lake, Lake Sapanca, in the northwest of Turkey. A total of 907 roach and 593 rudd individuals were examined. Macroscopic appearance of ovary, gonadosomatic index and oocyte diameter frequency distribution suggested that the spawning season of roach and rudd were from early April (13 °C) to late May (18 °C) and from early May (17.5 °C) to late June (23.5 °C), respectively. The spawning cycles of both species showed the same tendency in two successive years. The estimated mean total lengths at first maturity ( L T50) were 12.26 and 14.98 cm for male and female roach, respectively, and 7.12 and 8.10 cm for male and female rudd, respectively. The sizes at 50% maturity corresponded to 3 years for roach and 1 year for rudd, for both sexes. The ratio of males to females was 1.3:1 and 1.2:1 for roach and rudd, respectively. The average condition factor K was 1.21 for rudd and 1.14 for roach, and it was not affected by sex or reproductive effort. Absolute fecundity varied from 7829 to 95,387 eggs between ages 3 and 9 for roach and from 1807 to 35,629 eggs between ages 1 and 7 for rudd. Comparisons of these results with earlier studies from more northern regions revealed that spawning of both species in this area started earlier, but spawning temperature and the duration of spawning was approximately the same.  相似文献   

Abstract –  For effective management of a freshwater species, it is necessary to have an understanding of the spatial scale of population differentiation. In many cases, common ecological methods such as mark-recapture are inappropriate for large freshwater systems. In this study, a molecular genetics approach was employed to determine the population structure of a small, but regionally very important, cyprinid species ( Henicorhynchus lobatus ) in the lower Mekong River Basin (MRB). A fragment of the mtDNA ATP ase 6 and 8 genes was sequenced for 136 individuals sampled from the main Mekong River channel, from two major tributaries of the Mekong River and from a site in an adjacent river drainage (Chao Phraya). An exact test and samova analysis revealed considerable differentiation among sites from the Mun River (a tributary of the Mekong River in Thailand) and all other samples from the MRB. Furthermore, the most upstream site in Lao PDR (BP) was significantly differentiated from sites further downstream. It is argued here that the former pattern is a result of historical drainage rearrangement and the latter a function of current ecological differences expressed as discrete migration pathways. The results of the study clearly show the existence of discrete population units for H. lobatus within the MRB that may require separate management strategies.  相似文献   

为探究嘉陵江渠化对主要经济鱼类产卵场的影响,2019年3-4月,采用历史资料搜集、访问调查和实地勘察的方法,并结合DNA条形码技术鉴定野外采集的样品。结果显示,原有60个主要经济鱼类产卵场中,41个已经消失,14个存在但已经发生改变,只有5个基本未改变;从产卵场数量、类型和规模来看,均呈减少趋势,仍存在的主要为鲤(Cyprinus carpio)、鲫(Carassius auratus)产卵场。共鉴定鱼卵1 362粒、鱼苗539尾,隶属2目2科12种。鱼卵仅3种,其中,鲤1039粒,占比76.28%;鲫312粒,占比22.91%;红鳍原鲌(Cultrichthys erythropterus)11粒,占比0.81%。鱼苗11种,包括鲤、鲫、马口鱼(Opsariichthys bidens)、麦穗鱼(Pseudorasbora parva)、峨眉鱊(Acheilognathus omeiensis)、大鳍鱊(Acheilognathus macropterus)、兴凯鱊(Acheilognathus chankaensis)、?(Hemiculter leucisculus)、短须颌须鮈(Gnathopogon imberbis)、子陵吻虾虎鱼(Rhinogobius giurinus)、粘皮鲻虾虎鱼(Mugilogobius myxodermus);其中,兴凯鱊最多,有372尾,占比69.02%;其次为鲫59尾,占比10.95%;鲤57尾,占比10.58%;其他占比仅9.46%。研究表明,产卵场的改变主要集中在水文情势、河床底质和水生植物等方面,梯级水电站开发和采砂作业等导致河道变宽、水位上升、流速降低、卵石漫滩等生境消失、水生植物生物量减少,是原有产卵场消失或改变的主要原因。  相似文献   

Haematopoietic necrosis virus [cyprinid herpesvirus 2 (CyHV-2)] was isolated during disease outbreaks in goldfish, Carassius auratus, at an ornamental fish retail site in southern England in 2004. Signs of disease included lethargy and inappetence and were first seen after water temperatures increased from 14-15 to 19-21 degrees C. External gross pathology included pale patches on the gills and skin and internally the spleen was enlarged, often with distinctive white nodules. The most prominent histopathological changes observed were necrotic lesions in the spleen and kidney and focal patches of necrosis in the gill lamellae. Necrotic cells often contained nuclei with marginated chromatin and pale intranuclear inclusions. Ultrastructural examination of the spleen tissue revealed typical herpesvirus-like particles measuring 100 nm in diameter. The virus was isolated from extracts of gill tissue in KF-1 cells at 20 degrees C and oligonucleotide primer sets were designed based on conserved gene sequences and used to amplify viral DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR assays were then used to detect the virus in DNA extracted from tissues sampled during earlier disease investigations at the retail site owner's holding facility in 2002 and 2003 and stored at -70 degrees C since then. Polymerase gene-specific PCR amplification products obtained from tissue samples and from the virus isolated in cell culture shared 100% nucleotide sequence identity with the published sequence for CyHV-2.  相似文献   

检测了闽南 -台湾浅滩渔场六种主要中上层鱼类 (蓝圆、金色小沙丁鱼、鲐鱼、颌圆、竹鱼、羽鳃鲐 )鱼肌的生化组成 ,蛋白质含量为 16 .94%~ 18.77% ,脂肪含量为 2 0 .12 %~ 2 5 .15 %。随鱼体体长的增加 ,脂肪含量增长。鱼肌脂肪含量与繁殖活动存在密切相关的季节变动。鱼肌中均含 17种氨基酸 ,必需氨基酸占总氨基酸的 45 .2 5 %~ 49.39% ,极性氨基酸占 42 .82 %~ 45 .16 % ,非极性氨基酸占 39.2 4%~ 41.5 9% ,鲜味氨基酸占 42 .5 6 %~ 46 .0 2 %。  相似文献   

为揭示苏通江段刀鲚早期资源的时空分布情况,本实验于2018—2020年每年5~8月对该江段累计进行84 d的早期资源调查。调查期间共采集到刀鲚受精卵646枚,其中2019年采集到328枚,占总数的50.77%;其中在4月没有采集到刀鲚受精卵,5和6月采集到刀鲚受精卵的平均丰度均显著高于其他采集月份,各年采集到刀鲚受精卵峰值分别出现在5月15日(4.96枚/100 m3),6月16日(26.48枚/100 m3),5月24日(26.11枚/100 m3)。Pearson相关性分析显示,各采样断面空间分布存在显著性差异,平均丰度分布江左岸(1.42枚/100 m3)>江右岸(0.87枚/100 m3)>江心(0.69枚/100 m3);苏通江段下游S1(崇明岛绿华镇水域)和S2(海门市新通海沙水域)、中游S5(南通港闸区水域)和上游S8(如皋长青沙典园水域)采集到刀鲚受精卵的平均丰度和频次均显著高于其他采集断面;环境因子分析显示,刀鲚受精卵丰度与温...  相似文献   

Entrainment of 0+ riverine fish (mostly pelagic cyprinids) by a power station intake, and down-river drift over a nearby weir, followed the same pattern, occurring throughout the year and being greatest during the night in the first weeks of life (i.e. in summer), reaching a peak shortly after dusk. Entrainment and drift of benthic species, and of fish older than 0+, were negligible. Mortality following entrainment was 100%. Impingement of fish on the intake screens was negligible, probably because individuals larger than the screen mesh were able to escape the intake current. The species composition and length-frequencies of the drifting fish, but not their overall abundance, showed some variation with distance from the river margin. It is argued that the fish vulnerable to entrainment are those 0+ individuals which are dispersing in the river by drifting.  相似文献   

长江湖口水域四大家鱼幼鱼的耳石与生长研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用微耳石日轮鉴定了2009年7-8月采自长江湖口水域的23尾青鱼幼鱼、111尾草鱼幼鱼、73尾鲢幼鱼和70尾鳙幼鱼的日龄,其平均日龄分别为52.4±5.6d、57.1±10.6d、49.8±4.7d和57.5±7.1d。回归分析表明,四大家鱼幼鱼微耳石短半径与日龄及鱼体大小均呈显著线性关系,日龄与体长、体重也均呈显著线性关系。依据日龄推算,青鱼、草鱼、鲢和鳙幼鱼的体长平均生长率分别为0.1651 cm/d、0.1426cm/d、0.0928 cm/d、0.0997 cm/d,体重平均生长率分别为0.9412 g/d、1.0211g/d、0.4978 g/d、0.7292 g/d。  相似文献   

珠江口鱼类组成分析   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
李永振 《水产学报》2000,24(4):312-317
根据1998年珠江口水域尖尾罟网和掺缯网周年月度渔业资源调查资料,采用因子分析、回归分析和聚类分析方法分析了珠江口鱼类的种类组成、生物学特征及季节变化规律。结果表明,珠江口水域的鱼类主要是沿岸或河口性的小型鱼类,棘头梅童鱼、皮氏叫姑鱼、银鲳、孔Jia虎鱼、红狼牙Jia虎鱼、触角沟Jia虎鱼、矛尾Jia虎鱼、拟预选尾Jia虎鱼、眶棘双边鱼、双线舌鳎、半滑舌鳎、凤鲚、勒氏短须石首鱼、丽叶Shen、前鳞骨鲻、龙头鱼、带鱼、短带鱼、小带鱼、鳓鱼、黄鲫、日本Ti、康氏小公鱼、黄吻棱Ti、棕腹刺Tun、黄鳍东方Tun、火枪乌贼、杜氏枪乌贼等,是珠江口鱼类组成的主体。鱼类组成的季节变化明显,但底栖种类和中上层种类存在着时间上的差异。  相似文献   

Jiménez‐Segura LF, Palacio J, Leite R. River flooding and reproduction of migratory fish species in the Magdalena River basin, Colombia.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 178–186. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – In most tropical rivers subject to a single‐yearly flooding, migratory fish usually spawn in the onset of the flooding and larvae drift to their nursery habitats. To define when the migratory fish species reproduce, its relationship with the water level and when nursery areas in floodplain lakes are supplied with ichthyoplankton in the Magdalena River, a two‐yearly peak flooding river, we sampled the ichthyoplankton weekly throughout 2 years. The fish species Pseudoplatystoma magdaleniatum, Prochilodus magdalenae, Leporinus muyscorum, Sorubim cuspicaudus and Curimata mivartii spawn twice a year in the main channel and its larvae input into the floodplain lakes are not always associated with flooding. Spawning in the main channel and larvae inputs into the floodplain lakes suggest that the habitat used by the migratory fishes may be consistent with some hypotheses on habitats used by these fishes.  相似文献   

Feeding and habitat use behaviour of juvenile O+ fishes, principally Rutilus rutilus (L.) and Leuciscus cephalus (L.) was analysed at 4-h intervals for a period of 24 h on 29 June, 27 July, and 13 September 1994 at a regulated site on the River Great Ouse, UK. Twenty-five random point samples were taken by electrofishing during each sampling period from a 250 m reach of the river. Catch per unit effort decreased at night for both R. rutilus and L. cephalus. The number of prey items in the gut and the number of taxa found also decreased at night except for R. rutilus on one occassion. Habitat use remained near constant, with only slight increases in depth and distance from the bank at night. Use of Nuphar lutea by roach increased at night. Chub tended to avoid Nuphar lutea and were positively associated with emergent macrophyte and algal cover both during the day and night.  相似文献   

We estimated the stock size of Japanese sardine ( Sardinops melanostictus ) in the Sea of Japan and East China Sea since 1953 using cohort analysis based on the changes of growth patterns. Growth of Japanese sardine, estimated by using annual rings on archived scales since 1961, showed that body lengths were extremely stunted in the 1980–1987 year-classes. The body length at age 3 from February to April in the 1980–1987 year-classes, a period when the stock size exceeded 4 million tons, was 180.0 ± 2.6 mm (mean ± SD), and in the other year-classes was 195.1 ± 7.6 mm. The body length at age 3 and wet weight of zooplankton in August in the offshore area of the Sea of Japan had a significantly positive correlation. We assumed three scenarios for maturation ratios, and estimated Ricker's spawner–recruitment relationships. We analyzed the correlations between logarithmic recruitment residuals (LNRR) and environmental factors in winter, represented by the North Pacific index (NPI), Aleutian low pressure index (ALPI), Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO), monsoon index (MOI), Arctic oscillation (AO) and Southern oscillation index (SOI). Significant correlations were observed between MOI and LNRR and between AO and LNRR. A combination of strong MOI and weak AO would increase the biomass of phytoplankton and zooplankton and subsequently increase the recruitment of Japanese sardine.  相似文献   

Rheophilic cyprinids have been detrimentally affected by impoundments, which alter flow regimes, the physical environment and block migration routes. Initial evidence for a southern African cyprinid, smallmouth yellowfish Labeobarbus aeneus, suggested that dependence on riverine spawning areas limits their success within the turbid impoundments of the Orange River system. However, well‐established impoundment populations have since been documented. A comprehensive assessment of L. aeneus biology and population dynamics was undertaken to understand the drivers of successful colonisation in Lake Gariep, South Africa's largest impoundment. Labeobarbus aeneus exhibited slow growth, delayed maturity and longevity, most likely resulting in slow population growth rates. Highest adult and juvenile abundances were observed >100 km from the inflowing Orange River during the peak and post‐spawning seasons, respectively, suggesting that the species displays high ecological plasticity and may not be dependent on inflowing rivers for spawning. Meta‐analyses of life history parameters indicated consistency among riverine and lacustrine populations. Although experiencing an initial lag phase, L. aeneus has successfully adapted to the lacustrine environment.  相似文献   

Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3), which causes a lethal disease in common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., and koi, C. carpio koi , first occurred in Lake Biwa, Japan in 2004. To elucidate distribution of CyHV-3 in a wild common carp population, we conducted a PCR survey of CyHV-3 among such fish in Lake Biwa in 2006. Only 6% (1/18) of the common carp smaller than 300 mm were positive with PCR, whereas 31% (18/58) of fish larger than 300 mm were positive. To evaluate their past exposure to CyHV-3 infection based on the presence of antibodies, we also measured the levels of serum anti-CyHV-3 antibodies in the carp, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. None (0/26) of the fish smaller than 300 mm was positive for the antibodies, whereas 54% (33/61) of fish larger than 300 mm were positive. Of the antibody-positive individuals, 44% (14/32) were also positive by PCR strongly suggesting that wild common carp that survived infection become CyHV-3 carriers. Five individuals were positive by PCR but negative for antibodies indicating that their infection with CyHV-3 had occurred recently. These results suggest that transmission of CyHV-3 from carriers to naïve common carp is still occurring in Lake Biwa.  相似文献   

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