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A. H. Eenink 《Euphytica》1982,31(3):773-786
Summary In witloof-chicory research was carried out on the occurrence of gametic competition after mixed or double pollinations with self-and foreign pollen. In part of the experiments flower heads were emasculated before pollination. Gametic competition was deduced from the percentages of hybrid seeds in the various experiments with flower colour functioning as a marker.Among self pollen parent (SPP) clones large differences occurred for frequency of germinated pollen grains after self pollination. These differences were positively correlated with the degree of self-compatibility (SC) of the clones. No significant differences for pollen germination rate were found.Among SPP clones large differences occurred for general hybrid producing ability (GHPA). There was a significant negative correlation between GHPA and SC of the clones. Among foreign pollen parent (FPP) clones, used for pollination of SPP clones, large differences occurred for general hybrid inducing ability (GHIA). Results from removing the stigma and a part of the style at varying intervals after mixed pollination and results from double pollination with a delayed second, FPP, pollination suggest differences in pollen tube growth rate in the apical part of the style and in the basal part and/or in the ovary. Besides general HPA and general HIA also specific HPA (SHPA) and specific HIA (SHIA) occur.  相似文献   

Summary Fusions of chicory leaf protoplasts were realized in order to obtain a higher number of tetraploid plants compared to the traditional doubling techniques with colchicine. Thanks to the fusion technique, using a mixture of PEG, DMSO and a solution of CaCl2 (pH 10.5), 25% tetraploid (2n=36) plants were obtained. Among the 167 regenerated plants, only one aneuploid of a near tetraploid level (2n=33) was identified.  相似文献   

Eenink  A. H. 《Euphytica》1981,30(1):77-85
Summary In witloof-chicory fertilization is frequently prevented by the action of an incompatibility mechanism. In two experiments the incompatibility system was investigated. In the IVT phytotron at a constant temperature of 17 C reciprocal crosses were made between unrelated plants followed by diallel crosses between the F1 plants and backcrosses with the parents.Analyses of the results of the above crosses strongly suggest that in witloof-chicory a one locus sporophytic incompatibility system occurs with different dominance and codominance relationships between S-alleles in pollen and style.  相似文献   

Summary Polymorphism of ten enzymes, acid phosphatase (APH), isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH), leucine aminopeptidase (LAP), phosphorylase (PP), superoxide dismutase (SOD), malic enzyme (ME), glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase 1 and 2 (GOT-1, GOT-2) and phosphoglucomutase 1 and 2 (PGM-1 and PGM-2), was investigated in three gene pools of cultivated chicory, including six cultivated wild chccory, eight industrial chicory and eight Brussels chicory varieties. LAP, APH, PP and PGM-2 showed high phenotypic polymorphism whilst GOT-1 and ME had poor polymorphism. For three enzyme coding loci Lap, Pgm-1 and Got-2, allele frequencies were determined. Isozyme composition in the three chicory gene pools was significantly different, showing, respectively, high, intermediate and poor average amount of phenotypic polymorphism in cultivated wild chicory, industrial chicory and Brussels chicory. Isozyme variation within and between varieties of the three gene pools is discussed in relation to breeding practices.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen germination and tube growth were studied following compatible, incompatible and pseudo-compatible pollinations in chicory. Pollen germination begins 3 minutes after compatible pollinations. The earliest pollen tubes reach the ovary 17 minutes later. Many of the later germinating pollen tubes are arrested and burst at the stigma papillae. In the transmitting tissue inhibitional effects due to negative interactions between pollen tubes are frequently observed. Complete self-incompatibility results in total inhibition of germination. In case of pseudo-self-compatibility, some pollen germinate but germination and stigma penetration are delayed and often result in pollen bursting. There is no self-incompatibility reaction in the transmitting tract but if the pollen tubes reaching this tissue are relatively numerous, negative interactions between them occur as after compatible pollinations. An hypothesis is presented which attributes the negative interactions between pollen tubes to the diffusion of a substance from the growing pollen tubes. This substance would also provoke pollen bursting on the stigma.  相似文献   

A. H. Eenink 《Euphytica》1981,30(1):71-76
Summary For the production of inbred lines and F1 hybrids in witloof-chicory information is wanted on characteristics such as the incompatibility system. These characteristics can only be studied properly if the influence of temperature and physiological status of the plant on pollen germination and seed production is known. Investigations were carried out with 9 self-incompatible (SI) and 6 self-compatible (SC) clones in glasshouses of the IVT phytotron at constant temperatures of 10, 14, 17, 20, 23 and 26°C. In general, in vivo pollen germination percentages were rather low after self pollination with an optimum for germination around 17–20°C. No seeds were formed at the lowest temperature (10°C) while seed production for SC clones was usually (rather) good at higher temperatures. At 26°C seed production in some clones decreased. Both pollen germination and seed production decreased at the end of the flowering period. There was a rather positive relationship at e.g. 17 and 20°C between pollen germination after selfing and seed production. When no pollen germination was observed, no seed formation occurred. When pollen grains did germinate, seed development would not necessarily occur in all cases. So this relationship only enables negative mass selection for SC.  相似文献   

T. Visser  E. H. Oost 《Euphytica》1982,31(2):305-312
Summary The self-incompatible pear cultivar Doyenne du Comice was selfed with the aid of the mentor pollen technique (self pollen mixed 1:1 with compatible pollen) and the pioneer pollen method (compatible pollen applied 14 h in advance of the self pollen). Observations on tube growth in the style showed that inviable methylated pollen was ineffective either as mentor or pioncer pollen, having no effect on the performance of the self pollen which stopped growing at about one quarter of the style from the stigma. Calculations made on the basis of the obtained data indicated that the viable untreated or irradiated pioneer and mentor pollen, the former somewhat better than the latter, aided the self pollen tubes to reach the base of the style.  相似文献   

Summary Pollinating apple cultivars twice with compatible pollen at an interval of one or two days produced about twice as many seeds per pollinated flower as a single pollination. With the aid of scab- or mildew resistant marker pollen, it could be shown that the second pollen formed on average twice as many seeds as the first. The first pollen appears to pave the way-partly at its own cost-for the second and was therefore called pioneer pollen.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of genotype, growing conditions for donor plants and type and concentration of carbohydrate in the culture medium was investigated for anther culture of head cabbage (white cabbage, savoy cabbage, pointed-headed cabbage). Strong genotypic effects on embryo formation from the cultured anthers were shown as well as superior embryo formation from anthers of field grown donor plants compared to plants grown in the greenhouse. When comparing 7, 10 and 13% sucrose in the medium, embryo response increased with increasing sucrose concentration. With maltose, which was generally inferior to sucrose as carbohydrate source for anther culture, the embryo response did not increase with maltose concentration above 10 per cent.  相似文献   

Summary Four methods were investigated for their capacity to overcome incompatibility and incongruity in Lilium longiflorum and the Lilium hybrid Enchantment. Temperature treatments of pollen at 40° to 60°C for one hour had no effect on germination capacity. None of the temperature treatments influenced incompatibility or incongruity. Application of cut-style pollination had a positive effect on self-pollination of Enchantment, but did not overcome self-incompatibility in L. longiflorum. With the aid of genetically inactivated (by irradiation) compatible mentor or pioneer pollen self-incompatibility of L. longiflorum could be largely overcome. Both methods also gave promising results in realizing interspecific crosses.  相似文献   

E. C. Thörn 《Euphytica》1992,59(2-3):109-118
Summary Seed and embryo development was studied in crosses between H. bulbosum and the barley genotypes VK 16032, Vada and Vogelsanger Gold and subsequently the F1 and F2 progenies from VK 16032 x Vada and VK 16032 x Vogelsanger Gold. Both seed and embryo development are strongly influenced by the barley genotype. Favourable environmental conditions can promote seed and embryo development in genotypes with existing good characters. Dominant inheritance for good seed development and incomplete dominance for large embryos is evident. Linkage between small embryo size and winter habit exists in Vogelsanger Gold.  相似文献   

Summary The variation among the component lines of the KSML 3 (a multiline based on cultivar Kalyansona, spring bread wheat) was studied for agronomic characteristics. For days to earing and plant height the variation was small. This helped in imparting uniformity to the multiline. The lines had an improved tillering ability and had larger seeds. This partially explained the increased yield potential of the multiline as compared with Kalyansona.All the lines were susceptible only to one or two races of the yellow and brown rust. In no case any race was virulent against all the lines. In the field all the lines were resistant to both rusts.  相似文献   

Summary The progeny of 104 regenerated maize plants were screened for tolerance to the safe broad-spectrum herbicide glyphosate during seed germination and early growth. Seven somaclones showed varying degrees of resistance to the application of the herbicide at 1.2 mM (0.1 kg a.i. in 400 1 ha-1 of water). Plants capable of a normal growth following treatment with 2.4 mM (0.2 kg ha-1) glyphosate at the three leaf stage were selfed, and their progeny analyzed. A family able to tolerate the exposure to glyphosate at 2.4 mM was isolated and shown to maintain a photosynthetic rate comparable with control after the application of the herbicide.The selfed progeny of the tolerant somaclone was characterized as to the properties of two targets of glyphosate, the shikimate pathway enzymes 5-enol-pyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase and 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate (DAHP) synthase. In vitro tests ruled out the possibility that the tolerance was due to altered forms of these enzymes. Families showed significant variability with regard to EPSP and DAHP synthase levels, measured at different stages during seedling growth; however, not even these traits were correlated with in vivo response to glyphosate. The possible role of other physiological processes in determining the increased tolerance to the herbicide is discussed.Abbreviations DAHP 3-deoxy-D-arabino-heptulosonate-7-phosphate - EPSP 5-enol-pyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate - CER carbon-exchange rate - ID50 concentration causing 50% inhibition  相似文献   

Summary Starting with two heterogeneous F2 populations, each based on 20 cross combinations, different selection procedures were applied for four consecutive selection cycles. Three of the selection procedures involved seed yield per plant (SYP): (i) direct selection for SYP (DSY); (ii) indexselection for SYP (ISY) with plant length, the ratio of the vegetative top to plant length, end of grain filling and duration of the generative stage as auxiliary characters and finally; (iii) independent culling levels selection (ICL) for the index described above and crude protein content. For ICL-selection the attention is focussed on SYP in this paper.For all three selection procedures, predicted and realized responses were calculated and expressed as percentage of a corresponding non-selected population. The intensities of selection differed over selection methods and generations, mostly due to practical constraints.As far as predicted responses are concerned, ISY-selection seemed to be slightly superior to DSY-selection and DSY-selection to ICL-selection. This order may partly be due to differences in selection intensity. However, none of the predictions was very accurate, but the predictions of ICL-selection seemed to be the most accurate. This has been ascribed also to the relative mild selection intensity applied in ICL-selection. It is concluded that a decision in favour of a complicated selection procedure like index selection based on predicted responses only cannot be defended. As far as realized responses are concerned, DSY-selection seems to be slightly superior to the other two selection procedures, as it is the only procedure that resulted in a more or less stable positive response to selection.The auxiliary characters, especially plant length, showed a marked correlated response to all three selection procedures. In case of direct selection for SYP this seemed paradoxical with the inefficiency of index selection, but, it may reflect the differences in the genuine genotypic correlations and the estimated genotypic correlations.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen from the inbred maize line HMv 1645 was used to study the effect of pollen treatments (drying and deep-freezing) on the phenotypic performance of the next generation. Fresh and artificially dried pollen samples with different water contents (56%, 18%, 13% and 10%) were used for sib pollinations immediately after collection or drying. Samples containing low amounts of water were then stored in liquid nitrogen for 7 days. Fertilization ability of the samples with 13% water was the highest after storage. Plant characteristics of the next generation originated from the seeds set by differently treated (fresh, dried to 13% water and deep-frozen) pollen were examined and statistically analysed. Pollen treatments due to the pollen storage procedure did not cause detectable changes in quantitative characters of the next generation.  相似文献   

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