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<正>角膜溃疡是犬猫最常见的眼科疾病之一。当角膜上皮以及角膜基质发生缺损或脱落即为角膜溃疡。如果得不到及时正确的治疗或治疗期间护理不当,病情可能会迅速恶化,很可能造成角膜穿孔、失明,甚至化脓性全眼球炎,最终导致眼球摘除。造成眼角膜溃疡的原因主要有:外伤性、眼睑结构异常、睫毛生长异常、干眼病、暴露性角膜炎和角膜上皮发育不良等。患角膜溃疡犬猫往往会表现出眼部疼痛的症状,  相似文献   

本试验对大泡技术辅助深板层角膜移植术(DLK)治疗犬角膜高危损伤的术式进行初步探讨。随机选择6只健康本地犬构建角膜重度碱烧伤模型,进行大泡技术辅助下的深板层角膜移植术,并详细记录手术过程。分别于术后第3 d、7 d、14 d、21 d、28 d、35 d、42 d、49 d、56 d、63 d对术眼角膜移植片的透明度、角膜新生血管情况、角膜水肿情况、角膜浑浊度、角膜上皮缺损程度以及眼压、泪液量等进行观察、测量,并记录结果。结果表明,术后42 d,6只试验犬的RI指数5,角膜上皮缺损情况分值处于较低水平,角膜上皮爬行良好,植片保持透明,眼压值及泪液值稳定。采用大泡技术辅助下的深板层角膜移植术治疗犬高危角膜损伤,其临床效果理想,术后排斥反应率低,可作为犬角膜溃疡等严重角膜损伤疾病的理想治疗手段。  相似文献   

中成药治疗犬猫常见病胡元亮(南京农业大学动物医学院)近年来,由于犬、猫的饲养量增加,犬、猫门诊病例逐渐增多。笔者通过多年的临床实践认为,采用中西结合的方法治疗犬、猫疾病确实能提高治疗效果。尤其是一些常见的医人医兽的中成药使用方便,疗效显著,为此特推荐...  相似文献   

随着宠物犬猫的饲养增多 ,在兽医临床上 ,犬猫的疾病所占的比例亦逐渐上升。在犬猫病临床上 ,眼睑疾病是犬猫常发生的外科疾病 ,据统计资料证明 ,此病占犬猫外科疾病的 30 %以上。1 眼睑内翻症眼睑内翻是指眼睑缘向眼睑方向内卷 ,使睫毛刺激角膜的异常表现。此病有上眼睑缘或下眼睑缘内翻 ,可一侧或两侧眼发病 ,下眼睑最常发病。内翻后 ,睑缘的睫毛对角膜和结膜有很大的刺激性 ,可引起流泪与结膜炎 ,如不去除刺激则可以发生角膜炎和角膜溃疡。1.1 病因及症状此病可导致大部分或全部睫毛倒向眼球表面 ,刺激球结膜和角膜 ,致使结膜充血潮红…  相似文献   

中西结合治疗猫犬疾病30例还庶(上海市奉贤县兽医站,201400)现将本人使用中西结合方法治疗犬猫疾病30例的经验报告如下。感冒共收治患犬5例,波斯猫3例,经使用中西结合方法后均告痊愈。典型病例:本县江海乡南星村袁××饲养的1只雌性狐狸犬和1只雄性狮...  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的不断提高,对犬猫的身体健康关注也逐渐提高。骨关节疾病是犬猫经常发生的疾病种类,可对犬猫正常生长和性格造成较大的影响,这就需要加强对骨关节预防和治疗工作,做到早发现、早治疗,使犬猫可以健康成长。主要从犬猫患有骨关节疾病主要因素进行分析,并采用针对性诊断方式来进行确诊,探讨犬猫骨关节病的治疗方式及其营养管理,希望对给从事相关工作人员予以参考。  相似文献   

1 犬猫主人或非兽医不应给犬猫治疗疾病 不少犬猫主人自己购药治疗,由于他们不懂兽医,常招致犬猫病情严重后,才转到动物门诊治疗;不少犬猫由于乱用药或耽误了治疗时间,导致犬猫死亡.下面举例加以说明.  相似文献   

随着人们生活质量的不断提升,犬猫等宠物的饲养数量逐渐增加,疾病问题也呈上升趋势。糖尿病是犬猫疾病当中最为常见的一种,患病犬猫表现多饮、多尿、多食,甚至死亡,不利于犬猫的健康生长,应加强对犬猫糖尿病的诊断,并找出有效的治疗措施。  相似文献   

肝脏是犬猫机体最重要的器官之一,生理功能广泛,主疏泄、主藏血、主筋,开窍于目,血液、筋骨、脾胃、精神、双目等无一不与肝脏的生理功能密切相关。所以,犬猫的肝脏疾病非常常见,对犬猫机体的损伤和危害不可估量。因此,动物主人和宠物医生都应该重视犬猫的肝脏疾病,及早发现,及早治疗。1引起犬猫肝脏疾病的原因  相似文献   

菌药在犬、猫临床上使用最广泛和最重要的抗感染药物,对控制犬、猫疾病起着巨大的作用,但目前不合理使用尤其是滥用的现象较为严重,不仅造成药品的浪费,而且导致犬、猫的不良反应增多,产生细菌耐药性,对动物造成伤害,甚至导致医疗事故的发生等。作者针对犬、猫疾病特点,结合犬、猫临床疾病防治经验和体会,对用于犬、猫临床上的常见抗菌药物进行了概括与总结,为在犬、猫临床上正确使用抗菌药物提供一个参考。  相似文献   

Lamellar keratoplasty for the treatment of feline corneal sequestrum   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A lamellar keratoplasty was used to treat corneal sequestrum in four Persian cats (six eyes). Following a superficial keratectomy, lamellar corneal allografts (feline corneal tissue) or heterografts (canine corneal tissue) which had been preserved at –20 °C were placed in the recipient cornea. All grafts became optically transparent within 2 months following surgery and no recurrences of the sequestrum have been noted during the follow-up period (4–30 months). We conclude that feline corneal sequestrum may be successfully treated with feline or canine donor corneal tissue using this technique.  相似文献   

The veterinary literature regarding ciliary body epithelial tumours is reviewed with a comparative perspective to serve as a background for a discussion of the epidemiological, clinical, morphological, and biological behavioural features of eleven canine and two feline cases. Six of the canine cases were adenomas and five were adenocarcinomas; both feline cases were adenocarcinomas. It would appear that these lesions are relatively common intraocular tumours that may present with a variety of clinical signs and relatively consistent morphological characteristics. The potential for metastasis of malignant tumours exists but metastasis occurs infrequently in the advanced stages of the disease. Differential diagnosis and clinical management are discussed.  相似文献   

Canine and feline dermatomycosis is the common skin disease in small animal,which not only affects the appearance of the canine and feline, but also leads to itching or pain, and even increases the risk of dog and cat owners suffering from dermatomycosis. Dermatomycosis is harmful to health of animals and human beings. The dermatomycosis is difficult to identify, has long treatment cycle and high recurrence, and affected by regional or/and environmental factors, lead to its prevalent and brought great difficulties to the clinical diagnosis and treatment. Canine and feline dermatomycosis could be diagnosed according to illness history survey, clinical symptoms, isolation and identification of pathogens and histopathological examination. In order to curing canine and feline dermatomycosis effectively, systemic therapy combined with topical administration, scientific and rational use of antibiotics, and improvement of animal feeding management should be carried.  相似文献   

Glaucoma is a heterogeneous group of disorders usually associated with elevated intraocular pressure (IOP), leading to optic nerve damage, retinal ganglion cell death and irreversible vision loss. Therefore, medications that lower IOP are the mainstay of glaucoma therapy. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (CAIs) are some of the principal drugs used in the management of canine and feline glaucoma. This paper summarises current knowledge of the mechanism of action of these agents and their effect on IOP in dogs and cats. It also discusses potential harmful side effects of CAIs and presents current opinions about their role and place in the medical management of glaucoma in small animals.  相似文献   

犬猫皮肤癣菌病是小动物临床一种常见的皮肤病,该病不仅影响犬猫的外观,且可导致犬猫的瘙痒,严重时可引起疼痛,并显著增加畜主感染皮肤癣菌的几率,严重危害着动物及人类的健康。由于犬猫皮肤癣菌病本身的鉴别难度大、治疗周期长、复发率高及相关地域和环境因素的影响,导致近年来该病普遍流行并给临床诊疗工作带来极大困难。临床上可根据病史调查、临床检查、病原分离鉴定、皮肤病理组织活检等对该病进行诊断,并通过局部用药结合全身治疗,科学合理选用抗真菌药物,加强饲养管理等措施综合防制犬猫皮肤癣菌病。  相似文献   

Objective  Pathologic intraocular neovascularization is a key component of many canine ophthalmic diseases such as uveitis, retinal detachment, intraocular neoplasms, and corneal perforation. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the structure of pre-iridal fibrovascular membranes (PIFMs) associated with several different disease processes and to identify specific factors associated with their development in the canine eye.
Procedure  This study examined 36 enucleated canine eyes with the diagnosis of PIFM and one of the following: lens-induced uveitis, retinal detachment, iridociliary adenoma, corneal perforation, severe hyphema, or vitreal gliovascular membranes (canine ocular gliovascular syndrome, COGS). Three histologic stains and six immunohistochemical stains were performed in all 36 PIFM eyes and four histologically normal eyes, including: hematoxylin and eosin, alcian blue periodic acid schiff (PAS), Masson's trichrome, platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 (CD31), smooth muscle actin, vimentin, laminin, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2).
Results  Pre-iridal fibrovascular membrane extracellular matrix staining was consistent with collagen and mucins in all cases and positive for laminin in most cases. All PIFMs contained CD31-positive vessels and predominantly lymphoplasmacytic inflammation. Both PIFM vessels and spindle cells were positive for laminin, vimentin, smooth muscle actin, VEGF, and COX-2. Secondary intraocular pathology and immunohistochemical staining of other intraocular structures are also reported.
Conclusions  Pre-iridal fibrovascular membrane morphology and immunohistochemical characteristics were similar across six canine disease processes, suggesting analogous pathophysiologic mechanisms. COX-2 and VEGF were identified using immunohistochemistry and may play a role in PIFM development.  相似文献   

Lymphoma is the most commonly diagnosed neoplasm in cats. As feline leukemia virus antigenemia has decreased over the past 15 years, there has been a profound shift in the presence, signalment, and frequency of sites of feline lymphoma in North America. There is variation in anatomic classification systems, but most studies have divided lymphoma into four groups: alimentary, mediastinal, multicentric, or extranodal. Clinical signs and common differential diagnoses for each of the forms are described. Staging allows for evaluation of the extent of disease. As in the dog, lymphoma is a systemic disease in the cat, and chemotherapy is the treatment of choice for most forms. Exceptions are described. In contrast to canine lymphoma, feline lymphoma is generally more challenging and frustrating to treat than canine lymphoma. Response rates are lower, and remission duration is shorter. Fortunately, cats treated with chemotherapy tend to have less toxicity than dogs. Positive prognostic factors are feline leukemia virus-negative, clinically well at time of diagnosis, and response to therapy. Achieving a complete remission is prognostic for survival. Unfortunately, response cannot be predicted before treatment.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To examine and evaluate clinical indications and postoperative outcome in a series of small animal patients in which corneal disease was managed by the application of butyl 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In this retrospective study all small animal patients were identified that presented to the Royal Veterinary College, University of London over a 2-year period, in which corneal disease was managed by the application of butyl 2-cyanoacrylate. Indications for application, complicating factors prior to gluing, glue retention time, postoperative comfort, and extent of subsequent corneal reaction and scarring were noted for each case. Long-term follow-up data concerning visual and cosmetic outcome were obtained from owners and referring veterinarians. RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients (28 dogs and 9 cats), in which 39 eyes were treated, were identified. Indications for corneal gluing in this series included stromal ulceration (26/39 eyes); descemetocele (4/39 eyes); corneal laceration/foreign body (5/39 eyes); lamellar keratectomy (3/39 eyes) and superficial ulceration (1/39 eyes). At least one factor responsible for initiation, persistence or progression of the ulcer was identified in 66.7% of eyes prior to corneal gluing. These included keratomalacia; confirmed bacterial keratitis; corneal edema related to endothelial disease and keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Cyanoacrylate was generally well tolerated by patients with only 8/34 eyes demonstrating transient blepharospasm and increased lacrimation postoperatively. Retention time of cyanoacrylate varied widely from < 1 week to approximately 6 months, but was < 2 months in the majority (89%) of eyes. Exaggerated corneal vascularization was an infrequent postoperative complication, noted in only six canine eyes, and did not appear to be related to initial corneal disease, glue retention time or breed. CONCLUSIONS: Butyl 2-cyanoacrylate offers a convenient, economical and effective alternative to other treatment modalities, such as conjunctival grafts, in the management of corneal defects in canine and feline patients.  相似文献   

Practical relevance: Physiotherapy is highly valued within human medicine and relatively well established for canine patients. Despite a popular misconception that feline patients will not cooperate with such treatment, physiotherapy is now increasingly being performed with cats. With cat ownership increasing in many countries, and an emergence of specialist physiotherapy practitioners, there is demand for effective postoperative and post-injury rehabilitation for any cat with compromised physical function due to injury, surgery or disease. Clinical challenges: While physiotherapy and rehabilitation are potentially beneficial for cats, due to their independent nature feline patients certainly present a greater challenge in the pursuit of effective therapy than their canine counterparts. Audience: This two-part review article is directed at the primary care veterinary team. The benefits of physiotherapy and the various treatment modalities available to the qualified veterinary physiotherapist, as well as the non-specialist veterinarian and veterinary nurse or technician, are examined in this first part. Evidence base: The benefits of human physiotherapeutic intervention are well documented, and there is good evidence for the effectiveness of most treatment modalities. Animal studies are still in their infancy, although some preliminary studies in dogs have shown good results.  相似文献   

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