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In Scandinavia, moose (Alces alces L.) sometimes cause severe browsing damage to economically-important pine. Moose-vehicle accidents have spurred construction of fences along roads, and these may interfere with moose migration between summer and winter ranges, or the road alone may be a barrier. If this happens and moose build up along roads, landowners may suffer economically. Therefore, this study investigated whether roads, fences or other factors influence the use of young pine stands by moose. Eighty stands along roads in northern Sweden were evaluated in which individually-browsed branches were counted on 9972 pines. Moose browsing was not significantly related to birch (Betula pendula Roth, B. pubescens Ehrh.) density, nor did it differ between pines (Pinus contorta Douglas or P. sylvestris L.). However, increased pine density, site productivity and proximity to a highway were associated with increased browsing. Further large-scale studies are needed to understand moose habitat selection and the effects of roads.  相似文献   

Controversy surrounds postfire logging, often because of negative effects on snag-dependent wildlife species. Few studies, however, have examined effects on early-seral species that may benefit from postfire logging, nor effects on trophic relationships. We studied the effects of postfire logging on trophic dynamics between wolves (Canis lupus), three ungulate species and ungulate forage biomass during the first 3 years in a large burn in the Canadian Rockies, Alberta, Canada. We examined plant biomass and ungulate responses to two treatments (post- and prefire logging) compared to a burned but unlogged area (control). We evaluated resource selection for the three treatments by elk (Cervus elaphus) using radiotelemetry and for deer (Odocoileus spp.), moose (Alces alces), and, secondarily, elk using pellet counts. Elk resource selection was modeled as a function of the trade-off between wolf predation risk and herbaceous forage biomass to test for trophic impacts of postfire treatments. Postfire logging had transient effects on total herbaceous biomass; while forb biomass was reduced, increases in graminoid biomass more than compensated by the third year. Prefire logging areas were dominated by a few species, but had generally higher forage biomass by the third year. Ungulates avoided postfire and prefire logged areas despite greater herbaceous biomass. Only when we considered elk resource selection as a function of both forage and wolf predation risk was the extent to which trophic interactions affected by postfire logging revealed. Wolves selected proximity to roads and the higher forage biomass associated with postfire logging in open logged areas. This translated to the highest predation risk for elk in postfire logged areas. Thus, ungulates avoided postfire logged areas because of human alteration of top-down predation risk despite enhancements to bottom-up forage biomass. Managers should consider trophic consequences of postfire logging on the interactions among species when gauging logging effects on terrestrial ecosystems. Making use of existing roads, minimizing the construction of new roads, and managing road removal following postfire logging will help mitigate the negative effects of postfire logging on terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

2013~2015年冬季,综合运用动物生态调查、种群生态学和行为生态学等技术,在内蒙古根河林业局共布设71条长约2~4 km样线、调查313个10 m×10 m样方、1 489个2 m×2 m样方、共收集117份粪便,373个驼鹿出现点数据。利用驼鹿出现数据作为分布点数据,选取地形、植被类型等22种因子作为生境变量,利用MAXENT生态位模型分析了深冬时期根河地区驼鹿冬季生境适宜性分布特征和主要生境因子对驼鹿分布的影响。结果表明:模型预测结果准确性较高,平均AUC(area under the curve,受试工作者曲线下面值)值为0.92,Jackknife检验结果显示:驼鹿生境选择的主要影响因子为距道路距离、距火烧迹地距离、距农田距离、海拔、柳、距沼泽距离、距人为活动点距离、距灌丛距离。驼鹿的适宜生境在根河地区呈现连续性分布,主要分布在东部和东北部,从植被类型上看,适宜生境大部分分布于针叶林,且适宜生境的面积为1 155.8 km^2,约占根河研究区总面积的25.6%。  相似文献   

There is increasing pressure to manage forests for multiple objectives, including ecosystem services and biodiversity, alongside timber production. However, few forests are currently co-managed for timber and wildlife, despite potential economic and conservation benefits. We present empirical data from a commercial Norway spruce (Picea abies) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) production system in southern Norway in which moose (Alces alces) are an important secondary product. Combining long-term hunting and forestry records, we identified temporal variation in clear-felling over the past five decades, peaking in the 1970s. Herbicide treatment of regenerating stands and a fivefold increase in moose harvest has lead to a reduction in availability of successional forest per moose of >90 % since the 1960s. Field estimates showed that spraying with the herbicide glyphosate reduced forage availability by 60 and 96 % in summer and winter, respectively, 4 years after treatment. It also reduced moose use and habitat selection of young spruce stands compared with unsprayed stands. Together these lines of evidence suggest that forest management led to an increase in moose carrying capacity during the 1970s and a subsequent decline thereafter. This is likely to have contributed to observed reductions in moose population productivity in southern Norway and is counter to sustainable resource management. We therefore call for better integration and long-term planning between forestry and wildlife management to minimise forest damage and the development of large fluctuations in ungulate populations.  相似文献   

White-naped crane (Grus vipio) is a globally threatened spe- cies. It is very important to analyze its nest site selection in circum- stances where there are multiple disturbances, and also helpful to accu- mulate valuable information about this threatened species and supply scientific suggestions for conservation and management. We studied nest site selection and the effects of environmental variables on nesting habits of white-naped crane at Zhalong National Nature Reserve, Qiqihar City, Heilongiiang, China, during March-May of 2002-2008. White-naped crane responded and adapted to changes in the quality of the spatial environments of landscape and microhabitat under multiple environ- mental disturbances. Nest site selection included two scales and two choices, namely the choice of nest site habitat type within the macro-habitat scale and nest site micro-habitat selection within the mi- cro-habitat scale. Nest sites were recorded only in reed marshes. The choice of nest site micro-habitat included three basic elements and six factors, namely incubation element (nest parameters factor, incubation temperature factor and incubation humidity factor), safety element (pro- tection factor and concealment factor), and food element (water factor). Water, remnant reed clusters, and fire were major resource management challenges during the breeding period for the white-naped crane in this Reserve.  相似文献   

Natural disturbance emulation has emerged as a key management approach to maintaining biodiversity in logged boreal forests. Forest managers’ success in emulating understory forest ecosystem functions, e.g., for the provision of habitat even for large mammals, has not been tested due, in many cases, to incomplete records of silviculture. We examined regenerating areas of previously conifer-dominated forests in northwestern Ontario, Canada, 10 and 30 years after logging and 10 and 30 years after fire to test if understory development and moose (Alces alces) forage abundance differed between the two disturbance types and artificial or natural regeneration approaches. In addition, we counted moose pellet groups as a measure of moose use of the region. Specific treatments included: (1) naturally regenerating, fire-origin forests, (2) post-harvest, regenerating forests with natural establishment of trees, and (3) post-harvest, regenerating forests with mechanical or chemical site preparation and planting and/or herbicide spraying. We hypothesized that the understory in post-harvest stands would support higher forage availability for moose compared to similarly-aged, fire-origin stands. Abundance of hardwoods, shrubs, and herbaceous plants was greater in naturally-regenerated post-harvest stands than in fire-origin and artificially regenerated post-harvest stands at both 10 and 30 years post-disturbance. However, post-harvest, naturally regenerating stands were not significantly associated with higher moose use, rather evidence of moose use increased as a function of the amount of naturally regenerating logged forest in the surrounding landscape. This study suggests that, relative to fire, the intensity of post-harvest silviculture influences habitat suitability for moose. The effect likely cascades to other ungulates, such as woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), and vegetation management needs to be considered at scales greater than the stand level in order to achieve habitat management for large mammals.  相似文献   

Timber harvesting and oil and gas extraction create ecological change beyond just the footprint of the resource extraction. These activities also create a permanent network of roads that can have lasting effects on forest ecology. Grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) suffer higher mortality when in close proximity to roads, yet bears in the foothills of west-central Alberta, continue to use these high-risk areas. We examined the hypothesis that bears were not necessarily attracted to logging roads but that these roads were placed in habitats that bears preferred. Using a resource selection function, we examined patterns in road placement and identified areas that had characteristics similar to roaded habitats (henceforth road-like habitats). We then quantified grizzly bear response to roads and road-like habitats. Of the 30 bears sampled, we found that 17 selected areas closer to roads than random and 11 selected road-like habitats. Road-like habitats were selected by subadults and some adult females but were not a good predictor of adult male habitat selection. Seasonally, grizzly bears selected habitats closer to roads in spring and early summer but selected road-like habitats more in late summer and fall, indicating that bears may be attracted to disturbed habitats in spring and undisturbed habitats in fall. We conclude that roaded habitats were selected by some grizzly bears but road placement in low-elevation valleys alone does not account for the strong selection preference. Although road placement likely plays a role, other factors such as clearcut association with roads may compound the attractiveness of roaded habitats to grizzly bears. The tradeoff between mortality risk and high-quality forage near roads must be addressed to prevent these areas from acting as attractive sinks.  相似文献   

The suitability of plantation monocultures for the conservation of forest animals is an issue under continous debate. The adaptability of forest dwellers and the forest management regime seem to play key roles. In this study, I investigated the habitat selection of a generalist bird, the great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major), within a pine (Pine spp.) monoculture, as well as the importance of the native habitat features within the pine matrix for the species’ conservation. I compared 52 plots with woodpecker presence against 121 plots where the species was absent, as well as 68 nest-trees against 90 random ones. Regression analyses were used to investigate the habitat attributes involved in the habitat selection. Although the great spotted woodpecker is considered a generalist forest dweller, it shows a marked habitat selection. Based on presence/absence records, the woodpecker prefers well-forested patches with high levels of tree diversity and with good coverage of a secondary species such as the strawberry tree (Arbutus unedo). To excavate their nests, woodpeckers select large trees in patches where other trees are also larger, rejecting patches with a high number of small trees. The most striking conclusion from this work is the preference shown for native trees, especially Portuguese oaks (Quercus faginea), as nest-trees. This is noteworthy because native trees are smaller and they are surrounded by smaller trees than pines. These findings support that woodpecker conservation benefits from an increase of habitat heterogeneity, particularly by the retention of native woodland patches within the plantation matrix.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution and the abundance of Moose(Alces alces)popula-tion were studied in Northeastern China between 1985 and 1987,309 trails on the snow crossingthe 2,446km sampling lines were counted.The Moose range had been shrunked to northwest for100-200 km since 1976,and at present they covered an area about 190,000 km~2.The densitiesvaried from 0.0187 Mooses/km~2 to 0.1226 Mooses/km~2 and the average was 0.0519Mooses/km~2.The Moose population size was 9,955±397 Mooses(α=0.2,P=84.5%),about7000 of them was distributed in Daxinganling Mountains and the others were in XiaoxinganlingMountains.The present population had decreased to 53.4%in 1976,and the annual decreaserate was 6.27%.At present,Moose population is likely rare in China and should be strictly pro-tected.  相似文献   

Species accumulation curves were used to study relationships between herpetofaunal richness and habitat characteristics on four watersheds in Arkansas that differed markedly with respect to management intensity. Selected habitat characteristics were estimated for stands containing the sample points and within buffers with radii of 250, 500 m, and 1 km surrounding the sample points. Richness of all three herpetofaunal groups (amphibians, reptiles, and all herpetofauna) was greater in hardwood forests than in pine or mixed pine–hardwood. For all three groups, the youngest forest age class had the most species. For amphibians and total herpetofauna, richness declined as stand ages increased. Reptiles had the highest richness at sample points with the lowest class of stand basal area (BA), whereas amphibians were richest at points having the highest BA. In contrast to expectations, there was no effect of distance from water on richness of any taxa; however, we may have had incomplete data on the spatial distribution of small ponds outside the sample plots because they were not recorded in the GIS data. Results for distance to roads were ambiguous, but with more separation of compared curves as more plots were sampled, a positive influence of road proximity was suggested. There was a positive effect of buffer age diversity at the 250 m scale for all three herpetofaunal groups, but less so at scales >250 m except for amphibians, which also showed a positive effect at the 1 km scale. The two most intensively managed watersheds had higher species richness than the two less intensively managed watersheds for reptiles, amphibians, and both groups combined. In this study landscape, where urban and agricultural influences were minimal, we did not observe negative impacts of forest management and associated activities, and local habitat heterogeneity created by silviculture often had a positive effect on herpetofaunal species richness.  相似文献   

We examined if clearcuts were selected as habitats by grizzly bears (Ursus arctos L.) in west-central Alberta during three seasons: hypophagia, early hyperphagia, and late hyperphagia. Our objectives were to describe seasonal habitat selection of clearcuts using resource selection functions at two scales. At the first scale, we assessed patch or third-order selection by comparing use (radiotelemetry) with study area-wide random locations and a dummy variable identifying whether locations occurred within or outside of clear-cut boundaries. At the second scale, we assessed within-patch or fourth-order selection by comparing locations (use and random) found within clearcuts and environmental covariates of terrain, silviculture, and landscape metrics. Finally, we examined diurnal versus crepuscular/nocturnal use of clearcuts by comparing the two with an expected 50:50 ratio.At the third-order scale, grizzly bears used clearcuts with respect to their availability for hypophagia and late hyperphagia, while selecting clearcuts more than expected during early hyperphagia. Fourth-order habitat selection revealed that landscape metrics, silviculture, and terrain were important predictors of grizzly bear use during hypophagia and late hyperphagia, while terrain appeared to be the most important predictor during early hyperphagia. Overall, grizzly bears avoided clear-cut interiors and preferred clearcuts with higher perimeter-to-edge ratios. Clearcuts were significantly more likely to be used during crepuscular/nocturnal periods. Intermediate-aged (∼30 years old) clearcuts were selected during hypophagia, whereas recent and old clearcuts were selected during late hyperphagia. Bears tended to avoid clearcuts with Donaren mound preparation, while selecting clearcuts with Bracke or shark-fin barrel dragging. These results suggest that landscape metrics, site preparation history, terrain, and season were important factors determining the use of clearcuts by grizzly bears. Future forest planning should strive to maximize habitat quality by: (1) increasing perimeter-to-edge ratio for clear-cut shapes; (2) using low impact and/or positively associated site preparation treatments like Bracke and shark-fin barrel dragging; and (3) limiting human access to areas predicted as high-quality habitat.  相似文献   

Changes to ecosystems caused by introduced herbivores can be predictable, stepwise transitions or unpredictable and even irreversible state changes. This study's objectives were to explore effects on forest succession and soil development 5 years after moose (Alces alces L.) were fenced out of areas within and adjacent to a national park in Newfoundland, Canada. Study plots spanned a range of understorey broadleaf plant associations with regenerating balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.), an important winter forage plant for moose and a dominant canopy tree throughout Newfoundland. After 5 years, height–diameter ratios were significantly larger for larger basal diameters of understorey balsam fir in unfenced, but not in fenced subplots, suggesting that growth of the conifer is compromised within the exclosure. In contrast, for most broadleaf trees and shrubs, moose removal by fencing results in greater heights and basal diameters than in control subplots. The competitive advantage of broadleaf trees and shrubs over balsam fir in the short-term may be a result of past sustained heavy moose browsing benefiting plants that are better at investing resources into below-ground growth or benefiting plants that have broader leaf canopies. It is not clear how long the broadleaf transition state we document will continue. Restorative actions intended to mimic usual patterns of forest regeneration in this region of Newfoundland might best consider moose removal with site preparation and/or planting to historic densities.  相似文献   


The effect of different cleaning treatments on moose (Alces alces L.) damage to Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris L.) was examined using a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) with a binomial response (logit-link function). The treatments were the following: no cleaning, point-cleaning of broadleaves (mainly birch, Betula pendula Roth and B. pubescens Ehrh.) within a radius of 1 m from the pine, point-cleaning delayed 2 years, topping of competing broadleaves (main stem cut at a height of 1.3 m) and total cleaning of broadleaves. A randomized complete block design with three replicates was established in three planted pine stands (mean height of pines 1.5 m). Measurements taken four growing seasons later (mean height of pines 3.5 m) showed that all cleaning treatments reduced moose damage, although the difference was not significant (p=0.078) in the case of topping. The proportion of damaged pines was predicted as a function of the characteristics of pines and broadleaves in two untreated, planted pine stands with a height of 3 m. Within these untreated stands the number of damaged pines increased in plots with a higher number of broadleaves and taller broadleaves. In conclusion, the results show that on relatively fertile growing sites of pine cleaning treatments reduced moose damage on pine. It is recommended that cleaning is performed before broadleaved trees occur as overgrowth above pines.  相似文献   

Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus; hereafter grouse) populations in the central and southern Appalachians (CSA) are declining due to widespread maturation of forest cover. Effective management of this species requires a sex- and age-specific understanding of habitat preferences at multiple temporal and spatial scales. We used multivariate logistic regression models to compare habitat within 1440 grouse home ranges and 1400 equally sized buffered random points across 7 CSA study areas. On most sites, grouse home ranges were positively associated with roads and young forest (<20 years old). Sex and age status affected habitat preference. In general, males used younger forest than females, likely because of differences in habitat use during reproductive periods. Juveniles had fewer vegetation types preferred by adult grouse and more of the avoided vegetation types within their home ranges, indicative of competitive exclusion. Adult females had the greatest specificity and selectivity of habitat conditions within their home ranges. Habitat selection varied among seasons and years on most sites. Winter habitat use reflected behavior that maximized energy conservation, with open vegetation types avoided in the winter on the northernmost study areas, and topography important on all areas. Summer habitat selection reflected vegetation types associated with reproductive activities. Scale influenced habitat preference as well. Although roads and forest age predominantly influenced grouse home range location within the landscape, mesic forest types were most important in determining core area use within the home range. This was likely a result of increased food availability and favorable microclimate. Habitat management efforts should attempt to maintain ∼3–4% of the landscape in young forest cover (<20 years old), evenly distributed across management areas. Roads into these areas should be seeded as appropriate to enhance brood habitat and provide travel corridors connecting suitable forest stands.  相似文献   

In an earlier study (Franc et al., 2007), local species richness of saproxylic oak beetles (including red-listed beetles) in forests was predicted mainly by the landscape (area of woodland key habitat within 1 km of plots). Such results are important for conservation work, but need to be backed up well, for reliable advice. We tested a two-stage method that improved our earlier models and our advice for conservation planning. We studied temperate mixed forest, rich in oaks Quercus robur/Quercus petraea, in a large landscape in Sweden. Franc et al. (2007) analysed 21 forests. Here we selected the significant explanatory variables (predictors) and other biologically relevant predictors, used the earlier 21 forests and sampled 11 new forests such that we expanded the range on the axes of the predictors. We collected in total 320 species of saproxylic oak beetles (23,137 individuals) of which 65 and 38 were red-listed (IUCN criteria, Swedish list 2000 and 2005, respectively). We partly confirmed our original results, but the results also changed in important ways: local species richness is now predicted by a combination of local, landscape and regional factors. Moreover, a local variable (dead wood) was the main predictor of saproxylic oak beetles (all species included), while for red-listed saproxylic oak beetles the landscape (woodland key habitat within 1 km of plots) was the main predictor, of local species richness. Thus, species richness of red-listed saproxylic oak beetles seems to depend mainly on landscapes factors, while total species richness of saproxylic oak beetles seems to depend more on local stand factors. We conclude that a two-stage research design can be useful in landscape and conservation studies, especially for species-rich taxa that require large samples per site.  相似文献   

Individuals’ home ranges are constrained by resource distribution and density, population size, and energetic requirements. Consequently, home ranges and habitat selection may vary between individuals of different sex and reproductive conditions. Whilst home ranges of bats are well-studied in native habitats, they are often not well understood in modified landscapes, particularly exotic plantation forests. Although Chalinolobus tuberculatus (Vespertilionidae, Chiroptera) are present in plantation forests throughout New Zealand their home ranges have only been studied in native forest and forest-agricultural mosaic and no studies of habitat selection that included males had occurred in any habitat type. Therefore, we investigated C. tuberculatus home range and habitat selection within exotic plantation forest. Home range sizes did not differ between bats of different reproductive states. Bats selected home ranges with higher proportions of relatively old forest than was available. Males selected edges with open unplanted areas within their home ranges, which females avoided. We suggest males use these edges, highly profitable foraging areas with early evening peaks in invertebrate abundance, to maintain relatively low energetic demands. Females require longer periods of invertebrate activity to fulfil their needs so select older stands for foraging, where invertebrate activity is higher. These results highlight additional understanding gained when data are not pooled across sexes. Mitigation for harvest operations could include ensuring that areas suitable for foraging and roosting are located within a radius equal to the home range of this bat species.  相似文献   

【目的】城市化的快速发展对乡村聚落景观格局和空间分布有深远的影响,但目前对于海岛熔岩台地型的乡村聚落景观研究较少。【方法】应用ENVI遥感影像处理软件和ArcGIS空间分析工具,定量分析海口市羊山地区2008年与2018年乡村聚落规模和格局变化,并选取相关景观格局指数,探究湿地、林地等环境因素对乡村聚落分布的影响。【结果】1)随着时间的演进,羊山地区乡村聚落的形态、数量、规模、分布均发生了改变。2008—2018年乡村聚落斑块数量激增,斑块总面积和斑块密度增加,斑块间的邻近距离和平均斑块面积相对减少。2)对比斑块形状指数发现,整体区域内聚落斑块形状整体趋于规整,其中邻近湿地的聚落斑块更趋于带状、边界更为曲折。3)从空间分布看,2008年和2018年乡村聚落均呈现聚集的格局,且2018年聚集度略高于2008年。4)随着乡村聚落离湿地、林地的距离增加,斑块数量和面积均产生锐减。此外,耕地斑块与道路斑块对羊山地区乡村聚落斑块分布也产生了一定的影响。【结论】目前羊山地区乡村聚落发展现状分为两类:一类为区位优势明显,得到优先发展,但由于缺少科学规划,村落传统风貌和生态环境被破坏;另一类地区较偏远,发展缓慢,许多古村落、古建筑得不到良好的保护而且遗弃。需要政府把握乡村聚落变化发展规律,因地制宜进行新农村规划建设和人居环境治理,引导乡村聚落朝集约化、内涵式方向发展。本研究揭示了海口羊山地区乡村聚落动态变化规律和影响因素,可为城乡协调发展区的聚落景观布局优化、城乡土地空间规划提供一定的参考依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

Diversionary winter feeding of browsing ungulates is an increasingly common management practice although evidence for its efficacy to reduce excessive browsing remains ambiguous. Moreover, comparative estimates on changes in browsing pressure (proportion of available shoots browsed) following long-term winter feeding are currently lacking. We quantified spatiotemporal changes in browsing pressure of moose (Alces alces L.) on commercial and non-commercial tree species around 30 feeding stations after 15–20 years of winter feeding. The results were compared with browsing pressure indices recorded at the same feeding stations 10 years previously. We expected leader stem and lateral twig browsing to have increased over time at a fine spatial scale (≤200 m from feeding station) and to have increased in spatial extent away from feeding stations. Furthermore, we tested whether moose browsing patterns conformed to central-place foraging theory. Despite 2–3-fold higher faecal pellet group numbers in the vicinity of feeding stations, leader stem browsing increased only on the commercially valuable Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst), a species normally avoided by moose. Lateral twig browsing largely decreased within 200 m of feeding stations while at a broader scale (≤1 km from feeding stations), leader stem browsing was high on most tree species (ca. 60% of available stems browsed) as expected, Peak browsing on lateral twigs of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) occurred further from feeding stations after 15–20 years of winter feeding than 10 years earlier. Browsing pressure on active feeding stations (n = 18) was comparable to that on inactive feeding stations (n = 12), suggesting the occurrence of rebrowsing. The ability of central-place foraging theory to explain fine-scale browsing patterns around feeding stations decreased as diversionary feeding continued over time. Long-term diversionary winter feeding of moose in unproductive boreal forests has serious implications for the intensity of fine-scale browsing pressure, which may lead to resource depletion close to feeding stations followed by high browsing pressure at distances further away from feeding stations. Our study emphasizes the importance of considering the longevity of a winter feeding programme at its inception.  相似文献   

Forest planners must evaluate how spatiotemporal changes in habitat amount and configuration across the landscape as a result of timber management will affect species’ persistence. However, there are few long-term programs available for evaluation. We investigated the response of male Kirtland's Warbler (Dendroica kirtlandii) to 26 years of changing patch and landscape structure during a large, 26-year forestry-habitat restoration program within the warbler's primary breeding range. We found that the average density of male Kirtland's Warblers was related to a different combination of patch and landscape attributes depending on the species’ regional population level and habitat amounts on the landscape (early succession jack pine (Pinus banksiana) forests; 15–42% habitat cover). Specifically, patch age and habitat regeneration type were important at low male population and total habitat amounts, while patch age and distance to an occupied patch were important at relatively high population and habitat amounts. Patch age and size were more important at increasing population levels and an intermediate amount of habitat. The importance of patch age to average male density during all periods reflects the temporal buildup and decline of male numbers as habitat suitability within the patch changed with succession. Habitat selection (i.e., preference for wildfire-regenerated habitat) and availability may explain the importance of habitat type and patch size during lower population and habitat levels. The relationship between male density and distance when there was the most habitat on the landscape and the male population was large and still increasing may be explained by the widening spatial dispersion of the increasing male population at the regional scale. Because creating or preserving habitat is not a random process, management efforts would benefit from more investigations of managed population responses to changes in spatial structure that occur through habitat gain rather than habitat loss to further our empirical understanding of general principles of the fragmentation process and habitat cover threshold effects within dynamic landscapes.  相似文献   

Global climate change could have profound effects on the Earth’s biota, including large redistributions of tree species and forest types. We used DISTRIB, a deterministic regression tree analysis model, to examine environmental drivers related to current forest-species distributions and then model potential suitable habitat under five climate change scenarios associated with a doubling of atmospheric CO2. Potential shifts in suitable habitat for 76 common tree species in the eastern US were evaluated based on more than 100,000 plots and 33 environmental variables related to climate, soils, land use, and elevation. Regression tree analysis was used to devise prediction rules from current species–environment relationships. These rules were used to replicate the current distribution and predict the potential suitable habitat for more than 2100 counties east of the 100th meridian. The calculation of an importance value-weighted area score, averaged across the five climate scenarios, allowed comparison among species for their overall potential to be affected by climate change. When this score was averaged across all five climate scenarios, 34 tree species were projected to expand by at least 10%, while 31 species could decrease by at least 10%. Several species (Populus tremuloides, P. grandidentata, Acer saccharum, Betula papyrifera, Thuja occidentalis) could have their suitable habitat extirpated from US. Depending on the scenario, the optimum latitude of suitable habitat moved north more than 20 km for 38–47 species, including 8–27 species more than 200 km or into Canada. Although the five scenarios were in general agreement with respect to the overall tendencies in potential future suitable habitat, significant variations occurred in the amount of potential movement in many of the species. The five scenarios were ranked for their severity on potential tree habitat changes. Actual species redistributions, within the suitable habitat modeled here, will be controlled by migration rates through fragmented landscapes, as well as human manipulations.  相似文献   

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